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Changing the World Starts

Within YOU, from Your

A lot of people want change in their lives, or even to change the world.
We place the responsibility of how things are on governments, destiny, luck,
other people, society, our looks and our genes. Everything is interconnected,
so it is possible to take full responsibility for everything that happens to you
preferably without blaming yourself, but with love, acceptance and
forgiveness. This is still radical news for the majority of people, but the shift
is here so keep reading for more clarity.
The only way to change the outside world is by changing the inner
world, by changing the self. Not just because you change your perception, but
also on a fundamental level if you change the energy frequency of your
own consciousness, the external frequencies that are interconnected with that
and are constantly relating with all that is, also change.
Your inner world and your outer world are intertwined. They are both
united as part of our non-dual reality, and when we start focusing on
managing our life from within, dominating our frequency instead of our
circumstances, it is easier to see the beautiful way in which everything is
connected. Trying to dominate the external world is like trying to pull out
weeds of an enormous garden; as soon as you get rid of one, two new seem
pop up.
Change starts from within.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Gandhi was right. If you want the people of the world to be happy, be happy
yourself and take it from there.

The Happiness Illusion

The reason we pursue external things like health and wealth is because
we presume that they result in happiness. To some extent this is true,
however, happiness can be experienced directly and on this level it is
relatively independent of health and wealth. Health and wealth can serve as
permission slips for you to allow yourself to feel happy. If you choose to
allow happiness by starting internally, you will see a change externally.
Happiness is fragile for most of us. It can be interrupted by chance
remarks, missing a bus, computer trouble and what not. Dont form excessive
attachments to the outside world. Have a strong relationship with your inner
world, the infinite consciousness within you that is connected to all
phenomena. The external stimuli are not what governs you. The physical
body, the mechanical world and the senses are what we have learned is true
since birth. I am this body, you are that body, separate from me. The realm
of basic emotions, our basic fears, our basic impulses, jealousy, greed,
selfishness, desire; These are seen as necessities for our survival. But our
inner reality, the eternal consciousness that is there before and after the
appearance and disappearance of any of these stimulants that is what we
truly are and what we should associate with. All appearances are made out of
the same energy. Nothing in existence exists apart from this PresenceEnergy and the uniqueness of every appearance exists in union with the

oneness of it. The stronger our connection to this, the greater the chance of
inner revolution and therefore outer.
If we base our happiness on circumstances it will be fragile. A minor
event can ruin our entire day if we let it.1 Always practice letting go of
resistance and the need to control circumstances. Take command over your
inner garden instead your inner world where there are no limits except those
you create yourself. Tend to it with great care and your whole life will
change. Like magic you will start to see your circumstances align with how
you feel inside, paradoxically, at the moment when you let go of the need to
control the outer world.
If we place our happiness in the hands of external appearances, we are
bound to suffer. Such misplaced happiness is the definition of attachment. We
become aware of our attachments when we think of losing something we
desire because we associate our good feelings with the presence of certain
external stimuli, and our bad feelings with the lack of these.
The concept is simple enough.
In order to free yourself from an attachment to, say, a person, you must
show yourself that the happiness always have come from your own heart, and
that the person simply functioned as a permission slip allowing you to
channel that happiness into your being upon seeing the person.

From Judgment to Love and Wisdom

We all judge to some degree, almost all of the time. We make mental
images of peopleincluding ourselvesand project certain qualities onto them.
If we judge and have negative thoughts we feel a separation, an inner
aloneness that gives birth to a need to be complete. We seek out partners to
fill holes within instead of realizing that there are no holes. We react with
fear, anger and jealousy when the person does not match our mental image.
Our expectations of what the relationship would give us is threatened. We
have given away our own power over and responsibility for our own
happiness to something external to our deepest self, a mental construct
projected onto another being or a relationship. Of course reality can never
match the image and this leads to inner conflict and suffering. All of this goes
for relationships with others, but also with the image of Self.
The judgment relates closely to the sense of separation. When we are
born as humans into this world we learn to identify with the body we can
feel its pains and control it. Our main center of focus seems to reside in the
body. This leads us to a condition of separation. If everything, except for the
body, is seen as not you, then everything forms a threat to your existence.
Some of the highest states of spiritual understanding are wisdom and
love. In a condition of pure wisdom nothing is seen as you, and therefore
nothing poses a threat to your existence. In a condition of pure love
everything is seen as you, thus you dont feel a threat because you know that
everything is fundamentally you.
In other words, we can say that separation leads to contraction, wisdom
leads to nothingness and love leads to expansion.

The beauty is that we have the choice to integrate all of

these perspectives into our reality. We have the choice, as human beings, to
label what we encounter in every moment as either separate from ourselves or
more of ourselves. Separate from yourself, or more of your Self.

You Are Born Alone and You Die Alone

This is a statement I have heard used in many different contexts. At
first glance it sounds pretty depressing to most people. Loneliness sounds
On a deeper level its true that we are born alone and die alone; We
only meet others through our own perception, which is our interpretation of
the stimuli our brain receives. We meet a mirror image of ourselves.
Is it possible to put aside all images? I say yes. When freed from the
reflections of our own conditioned beliefs and judgments, we dip in the ocean
of oneness and see that at these depths, beyond images and mental constructs,
we are all one. Alone. All in One or just One.
People who have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs) report feeling an
immense connection to everything as well as unconditional love, acceptance
and total serenity. Their reports do not match our collective interpretation of
the word loneliness at all. These people report the dissolution of all
mentally constructed barriers and the return to Unity, being truly Alone.
So do not be afraid. Find comfort in yourself and your aloneness, your
all in one-ness, total completion and love. Fear is an illusion, and has been
said to be the opposite of love.

False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR)

We are tricked again and again by the fear of not being complete, the
fear of lack. Know intellectually that lack cannot exist in infinite creation.
Feel experientially that there is no lack by tapping into your source, the
consciousness and love that resides in all appearances. Everything is already
and always complete. Nothing is missing. Everything is in its right place to
the utmost perfection.
The belief in false evidence appearing real fear leads to suffering.
Fear leads to anger, hate, inner chaos, emotional upset and judgment. Also,
the need to conserve and protect the false self, the mentally constructed ego
that sees separation as real. It envies. It compares.
Comparison ultimately leads to self-condemnation which can
be projected on the world in the form of hate and war, blaming others and not
taking responsibility. Be honest with yourself. If you think you are running
from or hiding from something, do some honest investigation and selfinquiry. Spend time alone with who you are. Know that everything in this
moment is already accepted and take action if you want change. Dont hate
the system if you feel that your work is a meaningless ritual. Dont hate the
the government because of the inequalities in the world. Work on your inner
world, with love, and trust that the outer world will follow.
Perception is reality. If you choose to perceive the fear as real, it will be
your reality.

The solution?
Let go. Choose points of view that resonate with you, points of view
that feel good, but see and understand as many points of view as you are
capable of. Let go of any unhealthy attachments to money, drugs, sex and
alcohol so that these things do not become governors of your life.
You cannot help the world from a place of biased perception. Let go of
the bias your own opinion and tap into a higher state of loving service by
seeing all the points of view that are available in any given scenario. The
more points of view you can see, understand and accept, the more balanced
and refined your love and wisdom are and the more pure and true your
service to the world will be.
He who spends his time pursuing joy in the spirit of love will fill
himself with a light so bright that other people cannot help but notice. The
outer realm will follow the inner, manifesting more loving and joyful people
everywhere by ignition of their own inner lights.

Revolution Starts From Your Core Self

Before you try to change other peoples actions, take a look within
yourself, at your reaction to those actions. Focus on resolving all inner
conflict and revolutionizing the inner realm, not caring about the outer realm
for a moment, and you will be of service in the purest and most effective way.
Lead by example. If youre not happy, youre not helping. Who wants
to listen to someone who is angry and unhappy with the way things are? More
angry people. Ripples of anger spread. Wouldnt you rather listen to someone

who radiates with pure bliss and remains non-reactive to whatever challenges,
problems or ideas and illustrations of a broken society that is thrown at them?
Wouldnt you want to be more like that yourself instead of being like the
grumpy and unhappy person? Most people would, which is one of the many
reasons why being happy is the precursor to being of effective service to the
world ripples of loving joy and happiness spread.
A more fundamental reason , however, can be seen if we think in terms
of the energy, vibrating at a certain frequency, that everything consists of.
Even modern physics points to that there is an underlying field of intelligence
consciousness that is everywhere. String theory claims that tiny vibrating
strings are the building blocks of the universe. Everything is interconnected,
and everything is energy. The more we understand this, the more we see that
we should focus on feeling good from the inside out. This is not being
passive, something that can be hard to see at first if you believe that you
NEED to fight the government, sign every petition and keep yourself updated
on everything that is going on in the world, even if it tires you and lowers
your mood.
These things can be world-changing, but you still need to
monitor yourself. Are you happy? Are you a reflection of what you are
fighting? Do you bring with you the same hate that you feel you are
fighting? Is hate the way to conquer hate? Should you fight fire with
fire? Raising your frequency to one of pure joy and love is not passive at all,
but quite the opposite. If that is where you come from you will be clear on
how to be of service to everyone in the best possible way, without forgetting

This is not to say that you should use this as an excuse not to take
action and just do what you want, or perhaps basically do nothing. Being
passive can take on many forms, just like taking responsibility can. Act on
what excites you, knowing that you are capable and worthy of more than you
could ever dream of. True passiveness most often comes from fear or a lack
of confidence, a lack of feeling that you are enough or worthy. Work on your
inner self until you truly know and feel that you are worthy. In fact, you
already and always have been and will be worthy of more than you can
imagine, and so there really is no need for inner work either, if not only to
remove your own barriers against tapping into the feeling of this.
Action and service from high states of love and wisdom can take any
form, so you can still sign petitions and speak up for new ideas in politics if
that is what makes you tick. Doing such actions within the frequency of love
and service and fearless bliss will be extremely more powerful than
coming from a place of despair or distrust.
There are too many circumstances and events going on in your external
life to be able to keep track of. By instead focusing, first and foremost, on
taking control over your internal life and feeling great there, the external will
follow effortlessly. It will unfold in magical ways, inviting you to take action
on the right things and you will flow with ease, in alignment. You will flow
towards what you desire, but it also really wont matter to you, which will
only attract it even more efficiently. You have no attachment to the outcome.
You just do, in the now, coming from a place of love and joy, not placing
your happiness outside of your own responsibility.
Fearlessly following your joy and excitement is the most activist thing
you will ever do! Bring change by being happy!

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