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Great Gospel of John Book 17 Chapter 60 Jakob Lorber

(Translated from german Die Liebe Gottes GEJ Band 7 Kap. 141)

[1] Agrippa said: “O Lord, You endless wise Master from

eternity, how great must Your love be for us men, Your
created beings. The fact that You wanted to humble down
Yourself so deeply to come down from Your Heavens in
our human form, to us worms on this dirty world, to teach us
and to show us the ways that we should go if we want to reach
eternal life.”
[2] I said: “Dear friend, your question expresses the overflow of
your heart and is good, because also your heart is good, but in your
mind it has only now just begun to dawn a little, and the love
of God for you humans seems to be something indescribably
wonderful to you because you imagine God as a very great
and mighty emperor who shows himself only very rarely to the
common people and talks even less to a simple man.
[3] If you look at God from that point of view, you are very
mistaken, for God is the Creator of all things and beings, and
not an endless proud emperor who, sitting on a golden throne
considers his people to be disgusting and despising worms, and
threatening everyone with death who would dare to approach the
throne of the emperor without asking first and having been granted
[4] However, if it is sure that all beings are God’s work, then they
also are the work of His love – which is their existence – and
they are works of the highest wisdom of God that gives them their
corresponding form and also preserves them. So if without the
love and wisdom of God no other creature would ever exist,
then why does it seem so amazing to you when God loves you
people so dearly?
[5] You yourselves are only pure love out of God and in God, and
your existence is in itself by the will of God’s love only the
embodied love of God. Yet, when this is irrefutable, then how can
it be so amazing to you that God loves you so much that He
Himself came to you in the form of a human being and is teaching
you now the way to a free independent life that is equal to God and
as if it were coming forth from yourselves. Are you then not the
work of God? Yes, sure, that is what you are.
[6] But God is a complete Master from eternity in the greatest
things as well as in the smallest. He has never been a bungler or a
blunderer and so He does not have to be ashamed of His works.
Man is the most perfect of all the numerous and endless different
created beings, the pinnacle of divine love and wisdom, and
destined to become himself a God. Why should God be
ashamed of His most sublime work and consider them unworthy
to approach it?
[7] Look My dear friend, such ideas about God, coming entirely
from the outside world, you should let go. First of all they are
false, and secondly they do not help you to come continuously
closer to God, but such false ideas will only make you drift away
from God, and in time, only out of false respect, you also would
not even dare to love Him. Just like now there are so many people
and nations on Earth who, although they are visible works of
divine love and wisdom, have the completely wrong belief, as well
as the completely false opinion that God is so endlessly exalted
above His creatures that only a highest priest can approach Him on
specific times with specific prayers during the most splendid and
lustrous ceremonies. And after such an approach, the chief priest
thinks of himself to be so endlessly exalted and sacred that not
even a subordinate priest – let alone another unholy human – may
dare to come near to him, since they are of the opinion that nothing
unholy can approach the highest holiness of God, because the
greatest holiness of God would be profaned by it, what they have
considered to be a sin for the poor and blind people, which is so
great that it had to be punished with death by fire. O what a
voluntarily and more than stupid blindness of the people.
[8] Now look. I alone am the Lord from eternity. How am I now
among you all? Look, I call you children, friends and brothers, and
what you all are for Me, that is the destiny of all men, and no one
is less or more. Because every man is My perfect work, who as
such should recognize himself and know his value, and should not
completely underestimate himself and consider himself less than
no matter what kind of monster, because whoever despises a
clearly recognizable work from Me, despises necessarily also Me,
the Master. And what would that be good for?
[9] Friends, humility in the human heart is one of the most
necessary virtues by which one can come first to the inner life of
light. But that virtue exists actually only from true love for God
and to fellowman. It is the gentle patience of the heart, by which
man surely recognizes his excellence but who is never exalting
himself as a ruler over his weaker brothers, but surrounds them
with all the more love and tries to raise them to their own
recognized higher perfection through teaching, counseling and
action. Therein consists the real and only true humility, but it never
exists in despising oneself.
[10] I Myself am humble and gentle of heart, and My patience
goes beyond all limits, but you have never experienced that I have
despised Myself before men. Whoever does not recognize him to
be a work of God cannot truly respect his fellowman or even God,
but only for a totally wrong reason.
[11] It is quite as wrong for someone to overestimate himself and
soon become a persecutor and suppressor of his fellowmen and
thereby losing the love as the divine life element, as it is to
underestimate himself. The reason for this I have already shown
you and thus let us stay equal and be of good cheer, because if you
now, in respect of Me, because you have recognized Me, would
behave too respectful and fearful, then you would no more be able
to bear one more teaching from Me.
[12] Consider Me therefore as a perfect Man, who is completely
filled with God’s Spirit and therefore He is now your Master and
Teacher. Then you will be able to get along with Me in the best
way, and out of this you will profit the most. Did you all
understand this well?”
[13] Agrippa said: “Lord and Master, this we all have understood
very well because all this is the very simple and naked truth. But
what do we have to think now about all these prayers and psalms
that were so much in use with the Jews? Do You not, as the now
recognized only true God, want to be worshipped?”
[14] I said: “It is true that Moses said: ‘The Sabbath is a day of the
Lord, then you will not do any hard servile work, and with a pure
heart you shall pray to God your Lord.’ But I say to you now, that
from now on every day will surely be a day of the Lord on which
the true man should do good according to My teaching. Whoever
does good according to My teaching, celebrates the true feast of
the Sabbath and prays truthfully without ceasing to God, and I
shall be pleased with him.
[15] If anyone is aware that he has sinned, he should make up with
the one against whom he has sinned, and should sin no more after
that. Then his sins will also be forgiven. But by praying in a certain
manner, chastising oneself and fasting, no one’s sins will be
remitted as long as he does not give up his sins.
[16] However, as long as anyone continues to sin, he cannot be
accepted into My Kingdom of truth, because sin always belongs to
the domain of lie and deceit. Look, this is how it is. But now
comes the midday meal, this we will take and only after that we
will continue on the way of truth.”


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