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CPU Practicals

I/O Fuctions

2) Control


Write a program print Hello World on screen.

Write a program to find area of a Circle of radius r.
Write a program to evaluate area of square.
Write a program to convert fahrenhit temperature into celsius
Write a program to perform arithmetic operations.
Write a program to swap given two numbers.
Write a program to find greatest number in given two numbers using
conditional operator.
8) Write a program to find maximum and minimum of two numbers using
ternary & operator.
9) Write a program to multiply and divide the given number by 4 using
bitwise operators << and >>.
10) Write a program to exchange two variables
(a) Using third variable
(b) Without using third variable
11) Write a program to convert given lowercase letter to uppercase letter.
1) Write a program to find largest number using if...else statement
2) Write a program to check given num is odd or even.
3) Write a program to find largest number using nested if...else statement
4) Write a program to check the category of given character. Digit,
Uppercase, lowercase or other symbol. Using multiple ifelse.
5) Write a program to check given num is Armstrong or not.


(1)Write a program to create a simple calculator for addition, subtraction,

multiplication and division.
(2)Write a program to print number of days in a given month. The program
requires month number as an input and then display the days in that month.
(3)Write a program to check the entered character is vowel or not.

while loop

(1)Write a program to print sum of first n integer numbers using while loop.
(2)Write a program to reverse a given integer number. And also check for
(3)Write a program to check given number is Armstrong number or not.
(4)Write a program to print first N Fibonacci numbers
(5)Write a program to find the factorial of a given number.
(6)Write a program to find total of all even integers.


For loop

Nesting of loop

(1)Write a program to sum the individual digits of a given positive number

using dowhile loop.
(2)Write a program to print all integers between string and ending range
divisible by 11.
(3)Write a program to compute the sum of following series. 1 1/2 + 1/3 -
(4)Write a program to reverse a given integer number and also check for
(5) Write a program to find sum of all odd integers
(1) Write a program to check given number is prime number or not.
(2) Write a program to print a number and its square, cube for numbers 1 to 10.
(3) Write a program to find factorial of a given number using for loop.
(4) Write a program to calculate sum of following series.
(5) 1/x 2/x2 + 3/x3 - 4/x4 .
(1)Write a program to print following pattern.
7 8 9 10



1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1

(1) Write a program to perform linear search using array.

(2) Write a program for addition of two matrices using multidimensional
(3) Write a program to get n numbers and find out sum and average of
numbers using array
(4) Write a program to insert a number at a specified array index position.
(5) Write a program using an array to find largest and smallest number from
given n numbers.
(6) Write a program to find number of odd and even numbers from given n
(7) Write a program which declares array of 10 integers, enter the data and
sum all the elements which are even. Also find the maximum number
from the even numbers.
(8) Write a program to read 5*5 matrix and find maximum number with its
row and column index.
(9) Write a program to read n*n matrix. Display original matrix as well as its
transpose matrix.






(1) Write a program to find length of a given string.

(2) Write a program to count number of words in a string and also print each
word on separate line.
(3) Write a program to convert given string into upper case and lower case.
(4) Write a program that takes a string and reverses it.
(5) Write a program to extract a string
(6) Write a program that takes a string and display each character in one line
with its ASCII value.
(1) Write a program to Add Two Numbers Using Function .
(2) Write a program to find largest of three numbers using function. Ask the
user to continue or not.
(3) Write a program using function which receives number as argument and
return sum of digits of that number.
(4) Write a program to check leap year using function.
(5) Write a program to exchange the value of two variables using function.
(6)write a program to find factorial of a given number using recursion.
(7) Write a program to sum major diagonal elements of square matrix.
(1)Write a program to access the data using pointer variables.
(2)Write a program to print the element of array using pointers.
(3)Write a program to print array elements in reverse using pointer.
(4)Write a program to manipulate string using pointers.
(1) Write a programs to display student information by initializing structures.
(2) Write a program to calculate and print total salary of employees using
(3) Write a program to store information about books and display those books
which cost less than rs.300.
(4) Write a program using nested structure to accept and print details of an
(5) Write a program to input and print details of students using array of
pointers to structure.
(6) Write a program using function and structure to accept item information
such as name, quantity, unit, price and cost. Then print the details of each
(7) Write a program to print the elements of a structure using pointers
(1) Write a program to Find the Number of Lines in a Text File.
(2) Write a program to display text of a given file.
(3) Write a program to copy one fiel a.txt to other file b.txt.
(4) Write a program to write integer data into file and read it from file
(5) Write a program to create a file of five student record, rollno, name,branch
(6) Write a program to copy one file into other by using command line

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