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PERSONAS MAYORES DE 20 AOS. Convocatoria 2015

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Scientists invent anti-ageing chocolate.
Imagine a new chocolate that keeps you looking younger. It seems too good to be true, but a team of scientists believes
that they have invented anti-ageing chocolate. A laboratory working with the UK's Cambridge University has been working
on a method to keep away wrinkles and keep the skin looking younger. It has called its new product 'Esthechoc'. This is a
combination of the words 'esthetic' (meaning all things beautiful) and 'chocolate'. The new product is also called
Cambridge Beauty Chocolate. The makers will start selling it from next month. The laboratory has not said anything about
the price yet, but it is likely to be quite expensive. The lab hopes young, rich business executives will buy it.
The laboratory used a special chemical called an antioxidant in the chocolate. The antioxidant they used is one that gives
flamingos their pink colour. The scientists say that the antioxidant can bring parts of the skin of a 50 to 60-year-old person
back to the levels of a 20 to 30-year-old. They said people who ate the chocolate could see changes in their skin within just
three weeks. A spokesman for the laboratory said it took a decade of research and trials with more than 3,000 volunteers
to produce Esthechoc.
The chocolate bar will only be sold in boxes of 21 bars one a day for three weeks. Other scientists say more research is
needed for people to know whether or not Esthechoc actually works.
Adaptado de breakingnewsenglish

1. Lee el texto y di si las siguientes oraciones son verdaderas (V) o falsas (F) de acuerdo con la informacin dada
en el texto. Justifica tu respuesta de acuerdo al texto tanto si son verdaderas como falsas.
(10 puntos; 5 por apartado 2 por verdadero/falso, 3 por justificacin)

The chocolate bar can make people look up thirty years younger.
V: The scientists say that the antioxidant can bring parts of the skin of a 50 to 60-year-old person back to the
levels of a 20 to 30-year-old.

The product hasnt been tested yet.

F: A spokesman for the laboratory said it took a decade of research and trials with more than 3,000 volunteers
to produce Esthechoc.

2. Elige la respuesta correcta. (12 puntos; 4 por apartado)

A. The anti-ageing chocolate

seems to be effective.
doesn't seem to be true at all.
doesnt exist.

B. The laboratory ..
will sell the product at a high price.
wont commercialize the discovery.
has promised to test the product for free.
Segunda lengua extranjera II: Ingls 2. 1 de 2

C. The chocolate uses

the antioxidant a bird also has
a pink antioxidant
a chemical that is not an antioxidant
3. Contesta la siguiente pregunta con tus palabras usando la informacin del texto. (8 puntos)
Why is Esthechoc such an original product? Because it is chocolate so it can be eaten. It has also proved to get
wonderful results on skin.


4. Busca en el texto un sinnimo para la siguiente palabra. (5 puntos)
Blend, mix (noun): combination
5. Busca en el texto un antnimo para la siguiente palabra. (5 puntos)
Economical, cheap (adjective): expensive
6. Une cada palabra con su definicin. Tienes un ejemplo. (10 puntos; 2 por apartado)
ageing / method / wrinkle / research / invent / keep away
Ejemplo: growing old, becoming older: ageing
A. a careful patient study of a subject in order to discover or revise facts, theories, principles, etc.: research
B. technique, way: method
C. to refrain or prevent from coming: keep away
D. a small crease in the skin, as from aging: wrinkle
E. to produce for the first time, as a result of one's own ingenuity and effort: invent
7. Transforma las siguientes oraciones como se te sugiere. (20 puntos,4 por apartado)
A. If you eat (eat) Esthechoc, you will look (look) thirty years younger.
(Completa con los verbos entre parenthesis)
B. People should eat one bar for three weeks to get results. (Completa con un verbo modal adecuado)
C. The makers will start selling it from next month. (Escribe una pregunta para la parte subrayada)
When will the makers start selling it?
D. The laboratory used a special chemical called an antioxidant in the chocolate (Escribe una pregunta para la parte
What did the laboratory use in the chocolate?
E. They used an antioxidant. The antioxidant gives flamingos their pink colour. (Une estas dos oraciones con un
pronombre relativo. No uses THAT)
They used an antioxidant which gives flamingos their pink colour.


8. Escribe una composicin de entre 70 y 80 palabras sobre UNO de los siguientes temas.

Advantages and disadvantages of becoming older.

The importance of looking younger and beautiful nowadays.

Respuesta libre.

Segunda lengua extranjera II: Ingls 2. 2 de 2

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