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European Integration and IR Theory

The aspects of IR theory that are relevant to an analysis in European integration

EU constitutes part of the international / global system and in which it can be studied
through the senses of academic international relations

Realist assumptions: state is the dominant actor; military consideration; self help

Liberal views: states are not the only actors in world politics; interstate anarchy can
therefore be controlled by a network of relations; economic aspect can be crucial other
than military power

Aspek teori IR yang relevan dengan analisis dalam integrasi Eropa

Uni Eropa merupakan bagian dari sistem internasional / global dan di mana ia dapat dipelajari
melalui indera hubungan internasional akademik
asumsi Realis: Negara adalah aktor dominan; pertimbangan militer; swadaya
views Liberal: negara bukan satu-satunya aktor dalam politik dunia; anarki interstate sehingga
dapat dikendalikan oleh jaringan hubungan; Aspek ekonomi dapat lain penting dari kekuatan
Classical theories and debates between Neo-functionalism and Intergovernmentalism

Whereby political actors in several distinct national setting are persuaded to shift their
loyalties, expectations, and political activities towards a new and larger center, whose
institutions possess or demand jurisdiction over the pre-existing states.

Neo-functionalism underlines that states are not the only important actors

It is characterised by 3 forms spillover, elite socialization, and supranational interest


The concept of spillover a situation where cooperation in one field necessitates

cooperation in another e.g. coal and steel, trade and EMU.

Elite socialization refers to the emergence of elite groups i.e. the commission that are
loyal to supranational institutions.

Supranational interest groups: groups of people who more actively involve in

supranational activities: e.g. corporations and business groups.

Factors of driving force to integration: interest group activity, political party activity, the
role of government and supranational institutions

Integration from low politics toward high politics

"Dimana aktor politik di beberapa pengaturan nasional yang berbeda dibujuk untuk menggeser
kesetiaan, harapan, dan kegiatan politik mereka menuju pusat baru dan lebih besar, yang
lembaga memiliki atau permintaan yurisdiksi atas negara-negara yang sudah ada."
Neo-fungsionalisme menggarisbawahi bahwa negara bukanlah satu-satunya aktor penting
Hal ini ditandai dengan 3 bentuk spillover, sosialisasi elit, dan kelompok kepentingan
Konsep spillover "situasi di mana kerjasama dalam satu bidang memerlukan kerjasama dalam
lain" misalnya batubara dan baja, perdagangan dan EMU.
sosialisasi Elite mengacu pada munculnya kelompok-kelompok elit yaitu komisi yang setia
kepada lembaga supranasional.
kelompok kepentingan Supranational: kelompok orang yang lebih aktif terlibat dalam kegiatan
supranasional: misalnya perusahaan dan kelompok-kelompok bisnis.
Faktor pendorong integrasi: 'aktivitas kelompok kepentingan, kegiatan partai politik, peran
lembaga pemerintah dan supranasional'
Integrasi dari "low politics" terhadap "politik tinggi"
Critiques of Neo-functionalism

How far neo-functionalist theory help to explain the development of European


Criticism at an empirical level: the absence of political integration during the 1970s (no
longer fitted with the reality of the EC)

Criticism at a theoretical ground: community method: European integration as an elite

affair (Risse)=> Undemocratic, integration by stealth; importance of the international
dimension of integration: IPE, global dimension and relative power. ; Role of the nation
state at the integration process.

Seberapa jauh neo-fungsionalis teori membantu menjelaskan perkembangan integrasi Eropa?

Kritik pada tingkat empiris: tidak adanya integrasi politik selama tahun 1970-an (tidak lagi
dilengkapi dengan realitas EC)
Kritik di tanah teoritis: 'metode masyarakat: integrasi Eropa sebagai urusan elit (Risse) =>'
tidak demokratis ',' integrasi secara diam-diam '; pentingnya dimensi internasional dari integrasi:
IPE, dimensi global dan kekuatan relatif. ; Peran negara bangsa pada proses integrasi.

Intergovernmentalism puts emphasis on the significant role of state played in European

integration process, big states versus small states, realist in nature (state-centric).

Integration is driven by the interest and actions of nation states.

Nation-state to be obstinate (sophisticated), not obsolete

Pooling of sharing of sovereignty rather than any transfer of sovereignty.

Interstate bargaining invoked by domestic settings that cannot be ignored when interstates cooperation is taking place.

Moravcsiks liberal intergovernmentalism: Robert Putnams two level games; national

preferences and power of states, relative bargaining power among states as the
outcomes of integration, while recognizing economic interdependence.

LI incorporates both realist and neo-liberal elements.

For LI, integration is fundamentally achieved through inter-state bargaining; rational

economically self-interested governments influenced by domestic settings.

Intergovernmentalism menekankan pada peran penting negara dimainkan dalam proses

integrasi Eropa, negara-negara besar terhadap negara-negara kecil, realis di alam (state-centric).
Integrasi didorong oleh kepentingan dan tindakan negara bangsa.
Negara-bangsa menjadi 'keras kepala' (canggih), bukan 'usang'
Pooling berbagi kedaulatan daripada setiap penyerahan kedaulatan.
tawar Interstate dipanggil oleh pengaturan domestik yang tidak dapat diabaikan ketika antar
negara kerjasama berlangsung.
intergovernmentalism liberal Moravcsik ini: dua pertandingan tingkat Robert Putnam;
'preferensi' nasional dan 'kekuatan' dari negara, daya tawar relatif antara negara-negara sebagai
hasil dari integrasi, sementara mengakui saling ketergantungan ekonomi.
LI menggabungkan kedua realis dan elemen neo-liberal.
Untuk LI, integrasi secara fundamental dicapai melalui perundingan antar-negara; rasional
pemerintah ekonomis mementingkan diri sendiri dipengaruhi oleh pengaturan domestik.
Criticism of intergovernmentalism

Intergovernmentalism lacked to consider domestic politics within the states was

criticized to understate the constraints of states because of increasing

LI lacks to answer the empirical day-to-day EU works (micro policy) in which

member states has less decisive involvement and ignoring the commission power is
unrealistic; secondly, UE is now more of multi-level than a two-level polity; thirdly.
LI does not consider Much ECJ.

Intergovernmentalism kekurangan mempertimbangkan politik dalam negeri dalam negara

dikritik untuk mengecilkan kendala negara karena meningkatnya saling ketergantungan.
LI tidak memiliki untuk menjawab hari sehari-empiris Uni Eropa bekerja (kebijakan mikro) di
mana negara-negara anggota memiliki keterlibatan yang kurang tegas dan mengabaikan kekuatan
komisi tidak realistis; kedua, UE sekarang lebih multi-level dari sebuah pemerintahan dua
tingkat; ketiga. LI tidak mempertimbangkan Banyak ECJ.

Theories of European Integration II: New Theories of European Integration

New Institutionalism

As new institutionalism has been infused from political science

It is a conceptual approach to the study of politics which restate the importance

of institutional factors in political life

Institutions matter in shaping institutional norms and actor behavior => shape
politics (contribution from behaviorists)


Mutual dependence, complementary functions and overlapping competences

The dispersion of authoritative decision-making across multiple territorial levels

Social Constructivism to European Integration

It is a theoretical approach which claims that politics is affected as much by ideas

as by power. It argues that fundamental structures or political the are social rather
than material, and interests are socially constructed.

Focus on particular questions of identity and the ways in which European norms
are established and play out within the EU institutions and member states.

Focus in the construction of identities, the impact of rules and norms, the role/use
of language and political discourse. They are interested in the ways in which
institutions act as arena communication, deliberation, argumentation, persuasion
and socialization.

How European identity emerge?

Policy Networks

Integration theory originated from public policy studies. Peterson and bomberg
1999 cluster of actors to understand internationalized policy making
environments like EU.

Concept: complex decision-making situation is characterized by ongoing relations

between multiple stake holding actors on sector-by-sector basis. The actors
involved in policy networks have by definition, an interest in policy outcomes.

Policy network analysis is about the politics of influence and mutual dependency
in a situation where power is dispersed.

3 levels of action super-systemic, systemic, sub-systemic.

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