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Increased population growth in the country of Indonesia from year to year showed a very significant improvement. This leads to an

increasing population of food supply should offset the rise in the population, especially the food
needs of the animal protein commonly obtained from various types of snacks fleshy. The most rapid
livestock sector produces food products such as meat is poultry farming sector, in particular broiler
chickens that have rapid growth and much-loved in all societies.
However, the development of broiler production are still many obstacles experienced a decline in
production. One reason is the lack of a clean environment, so many bacteria that can attack the
chicken, in addition to the low power of chicken immunity against the bacteria causing the chicken
very susceptible to disease and eventually die. This is causing losses for farmers and also decrease
prodiuksi broiler chickens.
To overcome these farmers should be eager to maintain the cleanliness of their chicken coop.
However, many cases mention though often cleaned the cage still many diseased chickens and even
quickly spread to other chickens. This could be due to the low power immunities of chicken, so it is
necessary to improve the immune power of chicken that the chicken remain resistant to a negative
environment. One solution is to provide rations that contain a mixture of anti-bacteria present role
in noni leaf.
Leaf noni (Morinda citrifolia Linn) is a plant topika pretty much found in various places, can be used
as garden plants and plantation crops. Noni plant leaves contain calcium, protein, iron, carotene,
arginine, glutamic acid, tyrosine, ascorbic acid, Ursolic acid, thiamin, and anthraquinone. Noni leaf
also contains a broad spectrum of anthraquinone as iridoids, flavonol glycosides and triterpene. This
compound acts as an antibacterial such as Staphylococcus aureus that causes inflammation and
infection, which causes dysentery shigela, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus morgaii, Baciillis
subtilis, Salmonella, and Escherichia coli. (Aryadi, 2014).
Morinda citrifolia Linn famous about medicinal properties since ancient times and used by
traditional communities as cough medicine, saiawan, diuretics, inflammation of the kidneys and still
nephritis, inflammation of the bile, intestinal inflammation, etc. Not only used for the treatment of
humans, based on research conducted by Agustina 2008 the use of 5% noni leaf silage flour can
increase live weight gain, carcass weight, liver and gizzard in broiler chickens.
One attempt to improve the nutritional value and preservation of noni leaf, made with added rice
bran ensilase. Silage fodder is produced through the fermentation of forage with a water content
steeper. Ensilase is a process, seangkan place of manufacture so-called silo (Bolsen and Sapienza,
Therefore, the authors sought to utilize the content contained
in noni leaf is processed by fermentation into silage to be more easily digested by birds and is
expected to be a solution to the problem of development of broiler chickens that livestock
development broiler chickens can be increased and community needs can be fulfilled with the
maximum ,
1.2 Formulation of Problem
a. How does noni leaf silage ration for broilers immunity power?

b. What is noni leaf silage ration composition effective to enhance the immunity of broiler chickens?
1.3 Objectives
a. To determine the effect of noni leaf silage rations for broiler chickens immunity power?
b. To determine the noni leaf silage ration composition effective to enhance the immunity of broiler
1.4 Manfaaat
Results of this study are expected to provide information and contribute ideas to improve the value
of the benefits of plant noni especially in the noni leaf is processed through a chemical process as
one of the alternative feed source of protein and anti-bacterial in preparing poultry rations,
especially broiler growing demand by community, making it easier for farmers to get a poultry feed
rations economic value and help the health of broilers.


2.1 Broiler Chickens

Broilers or often called the broiler is the term given to the strains of chicken cultivation technologies
that have economic characteristics with the characteristic of rapid growth as a producer of meat
(Murtidjo, 1994
While Munurut Lestari (1992) in Nizam 2013 states that broiler chickens are 8 weeks old.
Pertumbuhn have a fast, good quality meat and tender (tender and tasty) as well as the final body
weight between 1.5-2 kg. The type that is developed today is the result of a male dominant race
crossing White Cornish (English origin) with female Plymounth Rock (American origin). Forerunner
(parent stock) broiler is a type of weight that was developed from two races to produce a child day
old chicks (DOC) with the ability to convert food into meat sparingly.
2.2 Types of Disease in Broiler Chickens
The results showed that the disease in broilers mainly occurs at the age of 11-20 days and the
incidence increases during the rainy season. The number of cases of chicken at the age of 11-20 days
due to maternal antibody titer in chickens began to decline thus become vulnerable to infected
Based on the results of a case study conducted by Wiedosari, 2015 in Sukabumi and Bogor, there are
several types of diseases that commonly infects broiler chickens, among others:

1. Colibacillosis, chicken colibacillosis infected show symptoms of weakness, ducking, and breath
sounds snoring. the causes of the above diseases are E. coli bacteria that have opportunistic nature,
which is normally present in the digestive tract of chicken in a controlled amount
2. Ascites, according to De Smith et al. (2005). Chickens affected clinically ascites stomach look
bigger. The cause of ascites is not known for certain, but it is thought the main mechanism causes
ascites is the increased intravascular hydrostatic pressure, so transudate out of the blood vessels
and accumulate in the abdomen and chest.
3. Gumboro and ND, is a viral disease found in broiler farms visited. Gumboro disease caused by a virus infectious bursal disease (IBD), which
belongs to the family Birnaviridae affected chicken Gumboro visible depression, increased body
temperature, and looks sleepy
4. Pulorum, is an acute or chronic infectious disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella pullorum.
The spread of diseases originate from hatching eggs from the parent with the disease and direct
contact with sick chickens. Signs of an attack on chicks were shivering and white diarrhea, ass dirty
with sticky hairs.
2.3 Noni Leaf

Noni Leaf image 1.Gambar

In Sjabana 2002 noni plant classification as follows:
Kingdom = Plantae
Division = Spermatophyta
Subdivision = Angiospermae
Class = Dicotyledone
Graders = Sympetalae
Nation = Rubiales
Tribe = Rubiaceae
Genus = Morinda
Species = Morinda citrifolia
The leaves are arranged opposite and short-stemmed. The leaves are thick, wide and shiny. Leaves
oblong shape narrowing toward the base (Rebekah and Goddess 2011). Noni leaf is a single leaf
yellowish green, crossed front, a tapered tip and flat brimmed with a length of 10-40cm and 1517cm wide. Morinda citrifolia flowers are white, fragrant and has a trumpet-shaped crown (Wake et
al., 2002 in Aryadi, 2014).

The main active substance in noni leaf include: terpenoids, antibacterial, ascorbic acid, beta
carotene, I-arginine, xeronine and proxeronine. Moreover, noni also contains anthraquinone and
scolopetin active as antimicrobial, especially bacteria and fungi are important in inflammation and
allergies (Sitepu and Josua 2012).
Plant leaves Noni contains calcium, protein, amino acids (alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, cysteine,
cystine, acid glutamate, histidine, leucine, isoleucine, methionine, fenialanin, proline, serine,
theronin, tryptophan, tyrosine, valine), vitamins , iron, carotene, arginine, glutamic acid, tyrosine,
ascorbic acid, Ursolic acid, thiamin, and anthraquinone. (Suryadi, 2009). Noni leaf also contains a
broad spectrum of anthraquinone as iridoids, flavonol glycosides and triterpene. This compound acts
as an antibacterial such as Staphylococcus aureus that causes inflammation and infection, which
causes dysentery shigela, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus morgaii, Baciillis subtilis, Salmonella,
and Escherichia coli.
2.4 Silage
Biological treatment in the forage or fiber source is generally done by memfermetasikan these
materials under anaerobic conditions at the time tertertu. The purpose of this biological treatment
generally is for preservation in addition it can also improve the quality of the nutrients or
digestibility of ingredients. To improve the quality of fermentation products is frequently added
ingredient triggers or fermentation inhibitors in the form of chemicals such as acid and alkali and
aditive microbiological substances. Chemicals that are often used are formic acid and NaOH while
general microbiological material is in the form of fungi (molds) and bacteria or emzim generated
from both the microbiological components. Fermentation technique as a biological method to the
processing of fibrous materials have long practiced and became popular as a way to improve the
nutritional value of feed material after the additives microbiological ditemukanya both types of
enzymes and fungi inoculant destroyer fiber and lactic acid batteries.


3.1 Place and Time Research

Research done at home Researchers at Jl. 29 village mosque Brubus Papar Subdistrict Kediri. While
the study was conducted during a period of 16 weeks.
3.2 Equipment and Materials
No. Name Function
1 Noni Leaves For silage-making and drinking water

2 Bran For silage-making and drinking water

3 Drops For silage-making and drinking water
4 For the ration of broiler chicken rations test
5 Water To test chickens beverage ingredients
6 Brown sugar To test chickens beverage ingredients
7 Husk To litter
8 Drum For fermentation of noni leaf spot
9 Mixer For mixing ration
10 Scales chicken To weigh chickens
11 Scales for weighing the feed ration
12 Buckets For containers ration
13 Containers food containers chicken rations To test
14 Containers beverages To test chickens beverage containers
15 individual cages to place test animals
16 Stoves For the manufacture of beverages
17 Glass peck For the manufacture of beverages

3.3 Types of Research

This research is descriptive qualitative study which will examine the effect of noni leaf silage-known
as an anti-bacterial to determine the durability of broiler
chickens that have been detected ill. In this study sample were detected sick chickens will be given
rations with silage mix noni leaf with some kind of treatment,
P0 = 100% ration
P1 = 100% + 15% silage ration noni leaf.
P2 = 100% + 20% silage ration noni leaf.
P3 = 100% + 25% silage ration noni leaf.

Besides giving drink to the sick chickens detected given noni leaf cooking water is added with brown
sugar. This research was conducted as many as 7 repetitions.
3.4 Research Subjects
Research subjects in this study were broilers aged between 11- 20 days were positively detected
illness, characterized have experienced symptoms - symptoms that are different from the
characteristics - traits of broiler chickens healthy.
3.5 Procedure Research
A. Phase 1 Silage Making Noni Leaf
1. prepare tools and materials.
2. Wash the noni leaf young clean.
3. Enter the noni leaf layer on the drum.
4. Sprinkle 3 tablespoons of bran and drops on leaves of Morinda citrifolia.
5. Cover with the next leaf.
6. Perform step no.4 until a full layer ..
7. Cover and make sure ridak there is between the incoming air.
8. Let stand for 2 weeks.
9. After 2 weeks dry for 3 days and puree.

B. Stage 2 Preparation of Beverage Animal Testing

1. Prepare tools and materials.
2. Boil water and noni leaf with pperbandingan 1 liter of water: 1 kg of noni leaf and 1/4 brown sugar
to a boil then cool.

C. Phase 3 Treatment Provision

Phase giving treatment begins by entering into the cage or cage for easy observation that has been
given a base of rice husk. Feeding according to treatment carried out 2 times a day, namely at 08:00
and 14:00 customary chicken farmer before. While the provision of drinks done ad libitum.
Indicator 3.6 Observed

duction was obtained from the end of the initial weight every 1 week.

after treatment.
rom test chickens every

of the ration every day.

3.7 Data Analysis Techniques
The data analysis technique performed a quantitative descriptive. Results of data collection in the
form of initial weight, final body weight and weight gain were analyzed using analysis of variance
(analyzes of variance / ANOVA) and if the data Yag produced significantly different then it will proceed with Test Distance multiple
Duncan (Steel and Torrie, 1993 in Dian Agustina, 2008). While the test parameters chicken
appearance, quality chicken movement will be identified by descriptive according to the
development of test animals each day.

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