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Blessings in Christs name,

I want to give praise and thanksgiving to
God for such a wonderful end to October
and an incredible beginning to November!
I was so pleased with our 50th Anniversary
Celebra$on. We had wonderful turnouts
at the celebra$on dinner on Saturday
night and worship on Sunday. I know I
might be in the minority but I get chills
when I hear the bagpipes in worship. I was
also excited to read an ar$cle in The Star
Banner that gave witness to the importance of Fort Kings leading-edge faith
and rich history. I am thankful to all of the
people who made the celebra$on of our
.y years of ministry an outstanding
success! It is my prayer that as we joyfully
remember what we have done over the
years, we can also look forward with
an$cipa$on to see how God will transform
us so we can transform our community
and world.

involvement in outreach and mission over the

years. Your nancial faithfulness will allow this
church to con$nue to impact peoples faith for
the Gospel.
May God con$nue to bless this church and its
people as we move into Advent.
With the Peace of Christ,

Faithful stewardship is one of the ways

Fort King will transform our community
and world. November 1st was the culmina$on of our stewardship campaign. As
always, I am overwhelmed by the generosity of many within our congrega$on.
Your generosity over the years has been
the driving force in allowing Fort King the
ability to oer excellent educa$on, and


Sunday School - 9:15 A.M.
Visitation Pastor (Ret.)
Music Director
Executive Assistant
Nursery Attendant

Andy Gans
Tom McNeil
Rick Roberts
Pat Brown
Tammy Keeslar

13 NE 36th Ave
Ocala, FL 34470
Office: (352) 694-4121 Fax: (352) 694-5226


Bulk Mail

Susan Jensen, John Stewart

Members of Fort King
Phyllis Altonn, Bobbie Burns,
Sue Chancey, Kay Dahlen, Joyce
Gauntt, Pat Merrill, Alice
Reffner and Jean Winkler.
John Stewart


September Actual versus Budget:
Es$mates of Giving: +$2,683.83
Member Gi.s:
- $1,506.17
Loose Oerings:
- $ 177.33
Opera$ng Income: +$1,000.33

Year to Date Actual versus Budget:

Es$mates of Giving: +$4,604.47
Member Gi.s:
Loose Oerings:
-$ 272.69
Opera$ng Income:

The Es$mates of Giving ($thes) are in excellent shape versus budget for the year. The Loose Oerings are close
enough and are not a real concern. Our major concern is the Member Gi.s; these are the members who do not
submit an Es$mate of Giving for the year. This income is currently $9,836.68 under budget for 2015. The 2015
budget for Members Gi.s was based on what was received in 2014. Unless Member Gi.s income improves
signicantly by the end of the year, the 2016 budget will be very dicult to predict. Since we are s$ll expec$ng our
Opera$ng Expenses to be very close to what was budgeted, this ensuing decit in Member Gi.s will possibly cause
us to miss our 2015 budgeted goal of nishing in the black.
If you were unable to turn in your Es$mate of Giving cards at the covered dish luncheon on Stewardship Sunday,
November 1st, you may mail them to the church oce or turn them in to the oce. We must start the budge$ng
process asap and your cards allow us to get the process going.
If you have misplaced your Es$mate of Giving card, please contact Pat in the oce for a replacement.
Thank you, everyone, for all you do for Fort King Presbyterian Church!
Steve Layendecker
Chair, Finance Ministry




Thank you for visi$ng me in the hospital and

for delivering the beau$ful prayer shawl. Plus a
big THANK YOU to all those who were so devoted to me and my recovery. I'm at home doing what I do. Thanks, Maria Madigan

Thank you to the members of Fort King Presbyterian Church for their
thoughts and prayers and to Andy for his many visits while I was in the
hospital recently. Thank you to the Prayer Team for the beau$ful prayer
shawl they sent me; it was comfor$ng in many ways. Your kindness will not
be forgoIen. Sincerely, John P. Brown (Pat Browns husband)

Do you need help with a minor repair or maintenance issue? Who do you call? TOOL
GUYS! Fort King is fortunate to have several men who are willing to assist you with
these minor repairs or maintenance issues. Currently, Alan Mease, Craig Lipscomb,
and Jim Johnson are The Tool Guys. If parts or supplies are needed for the minor repair or maintenance issue, the person reques$ng the service will be responsible for
the cost of these items. The Tool Guys cannot perform services requiring electrical
To request a Tool Guy, please contact the church oce. The services of the Tool Guys
are free, however a dona$on can be made to the church in apprecia$on of their services.
If you would like to become a Tool Guy you would be welcomed. Please call the
church oce and you will be added to the list.

Join Marion Countys faith communi$es as we all come together to give thanks for the
many blessings bestowed upon us this year. The Community Interfaith Thanksgiving
worship service will be held on: Wednesday, November 25th at 7:00 p.m at Mount
Moriah Missionary Bap0st Church, 55 SW 3rd Avenue, Ocala, FL.

Temple Shalom invites the Tri-County Community to join us for

KRISTALLNACHT - The Beginning of the Holocaust
Join Local Holocaust Survivors and the Second Genera$on in a moving commemora$on
and learn about the events that surrounded this cri$cal $me in recent history. Monday
November 9, 2015, 7:00 p.m. at the Temple Shalom Auditorium at 13562 County Road
101, Oxford, FL. Please call 352-748-1800 if you have ques$ons.

Religion and Society:
An Explora0on of the Relevance
of Religion in the United States in 2015
During the next two months we will look at the diversity of cultures and religions throughout the United
States, the place of "organized religion" in our society, shi.s in beliefs and prac$ces, religious pluralism, and
the blurring of lines between religion and poli$cs.
The Adult Discipleship Ministry is excited to welcome Barbara Fitos as our class leader for this study. Barbara is
a regular in our adult class and is an involved member of Blessed Trinity Church. She has a B.A. in American
Studies from Rutgers University and a Masters in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University. For 25 years she was
Regions Bank VP for Human Resources and more recently she is the Execu$ve Director for The Community Founda$on of Ocala Marion County. She served on the Marion County Board of County Commissioners from 2006 to 2010.

The Childrens Ministry extends a big THANK YOU to Harvey Bohner, Volunteer
Nursery Coordinator since November 2014 and to all the nursery volunteers
who keep our liIle ones safe and happy each Sunday. We appreciate all you do!
If you would like to assist Harvey and the other volunteers in the nursery at any
$me, please give Harvey a call at 622-1333.

An Exci0ng Year Ahead!

Join us in November for High Tide ac$vi$es. This $me
of fellowship starts with dinner at 5:00 p.m. followed
by playground adventures before our structured explora$on of scripture. On Nov. 8th we will focus on
the virtue of kindness through nature and Nov 22nd
God's goodness with a cooking project. Pick up $me
is 7:00 p.m. See you then.


NOVEMBER 8th following Worship

Director Ashley Gans invites everyone - children, youth, and adults - who is or might be interested in being in or
helping in this years Christmas Play to aIend a very important mee$ng on November 8th following worship.

Cra.y Ladies
The Cra.y Ladies are not mee$ng un$l further no$ce.

Presbyterian Women
All women of Fort King are Presbyterian Women and are invited to par$cipate in all ac$vi$es of Presbyterian Women.
You are cordially invited to aIend one of the Circle mee$ngs. Deborah Circle meets in the Session Room at
the church on the third Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. The next Deborah Circles mee$ng will be November 17, 2015. Esther Circle meets on the second Monday of each month in the evening at members
homes. Esther Circle will meet November 9, at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Joyce Ellen Horne. New members
to either circle are always welcome.

Mens Night
Men's Night Out will be on Monday, November 9th at 6:30 p.m. Your host will be Mark Appling.

Sassy Seniors
The next Sassy Seniors luncheon will be held on Wednesday, November 11th at 1:00 p.m. at The Braised
Onion, 754 NE 25th Avenue, Ocala. Please contact Kay Dahlen, 854-4822, if you have any ques$ons. We
look forward to seeing you there!

Tai Chi Classes

Tai Chi classes meet each Thursday at 3:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Please come and join Donna
Lavery and Mary Beth Neely and learn more about this ancient Chinese art that enhances movement,
health and well-being. Youll enjoy the fun as you learn the art of Tai Chi.

Interfaith Meals
Thank you to the Gans and Schlegel families for preparing the October Interfaith meal. The November meal
will be prepared and served by Rodney and Virginia Spring and The Strawder family. The December meal
will be prepared and served by Harvey and Kathy Bohner. A special thank you to everyone for their help.

On Sunday, October 4th, a special Peace & Global Witness oering was collected. The Fort King family
generously donated $536 to the great mission. Fort King will keep 25% of this money for local missions.
Thank you for your love and generosity.

This years Ocala Crop Hunger Walk has been postponed un$l next Spring.



We recently received the following leIer from one of the ministries we support with the Pastors Discre$onary
Funds that you generously provide each year.


Its 0me to start thinking about FKPCs Angel Tree! The Fort King Angel Tree will be located in
the Narthex and ready for our members to select their Angels on November 15th.
The gi.s will be distributed in two dierent direc$ons this year. The majority of the gi.s will go to The Centers to
assist children under Protec$ve Supervision in contract with the Department of Children and Family Services. To
help expand our mission this year, we will also provide gi.s to a small number of Angels who are the children of
prisoners under a program of Prison Fellowship. This group reaches out to the children of prisoners and their families with the love of Christ.
Please leave the gi.s unwrapped so they can be visible. However, they do welcome gi. bags
and big plas$c Christmas bags if you wish to provide. Both en$$es will come and pick up the
All gi?s for Angels should be brought to the church no later than November 29th. More
specic informa$on will be located on back of each Angel tag, which is available when you
sign up for an Angel. Thanks for your love to these deserving children.



Alterna$ve Christmas Fair!

Give the gi.s that give to others!
Sunday, Nov. 22nd 9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m.
Fort King Presbyterian Church
Fellowship Hall
Be dierent this year. The Alterna$ve Christmas Fair is designed to allow you to
experience Christmas in a dierent way. Give the way Christ did, he gave of himself to
help others. By purchasing a gi. at The Alterna$ve Christmas Fair, you double your
giving by helping out those in need. Give a dierent gi. this year; give a gi. that
spreads love around the world

T-Shirt Drive for the

Homeless Program at
the First United
Methodist Church

At its October 21, 2015 mee$ng, the Session approved/heard from:

Recorded the email voted approval of church membership for Danny Joe Berryhill, on October 9, 2015,
shortly before his passing to the church eternal.

Approved a?er examina0on of their faith statements the installa0on (and ordina0on, where required) of
the following elders-elect on November 1, 2015: Larry Bush, Sue Thomas, Anne MacKay, Kelly Bush and Ben
Parramore. They comprise the Class of 2018. Also conrmed the policy of asking outgoing elders to aIend
the November mee$ng for a smoother handover to the incoming class.

Heard the report of the Pastor and Elder Wolf on the October 6th Presbytery mee$ng at Montgomery Conference Center (MCC). Elders Catey Gans and David MacKay were elected as alternate Youth Advisory Delegate
(YAD) and alternate Commissioner, respec$vely, to the 222nd PCUSA General Assembly in Portland next June

Was pleased to hear from the Congrega$onal Care Ministry that Life Touch will be here to take photos for a
new church directory in March.

Voted to have the Session members sponsor the Annual Christmas Dinner.

Bob Schlegel,
Clerk of Session

As a Presbyterian my en$re life, I have experienced my faith evolu$on as I have aged. This growth, however, was
not necessarily at a constant pace. As a child/teenager, I was expected to be at church and Sunday school, and I
had all of the cer$cates and aIendance pins to substan$ate that I was. As with many adolescents, I par$cipated
but I was not fully engaged.
In my adult life I have not always been a church member but usually whenever I moved, I would gravitate toward a
Presbyterian Church. Within the last 35 years, my faith has grown and I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and I
am never without him. My trust in God is unwavering.
My involvement in church ac$vi$es is very precious to me and I enjoy doing good works, but I believe that what
saves us is Gods grace, not good works. I am beyond thankful that God gave us his Son, the ul$mate sacrice. I
trust in the one triune God and believe in and serve only him.
It is my belief that Gods covenant includes both men and women, as well as the ordina$on of both and inclusion of
every race and people, to live together in community. As I approach each new day, I want to be close in harmony
with God and serve Christ, knowing that his love is forever.



I have no rags to riches story but what I do have is a faith journey that is
abundantly lled with the love of Jesus Christ. With that being said there is
one event that acted as a turning point in my faith journey.
In 2010 I decided to accept a scholarship to play college tennis in Springeld, MO. This was the rst $me in my life I
was going to move away from my home, my friends, and my family. I was incredibly nervous and anxious to make
the move but, I knew I would not be going alone. God was always with me. I remember the drive up to college was
so exci$ng because I was geVng to see and experience things I have never experienced before. I thought wow, if I
am this blown away by just the drive up here, I can only imagine how amazing my new adventure is going to be. I got to campus I received a student handbook. In the handbook were all of the school maps, directories, and
RULES. As I began to read the rules I found myself asking Why do we all have to conform to what they (the college) thinks we should look like? My concern wasnt necessarily with the fact that shorts cant be too short or that
students couldnt wear spagheV strap tank tops. My concern was more with the fact that students were not allowed to have piercings on their face, or students could not have taIoos because, Students are a direct representa$ve of this University. I could not understand why Chris$ans had to look a certain way to be considered
Chris$ans. Gods love is limitless and knows no boundaries, right? At that point I vowed to never let someone
feel unwelcomed because of the way they looked.
I would always pray God please guide my heart and my ac$ons to always glorify you and your kingdom. There is
the joke I always say I pray to God for pa$ence everyday but then I pray for him to hurry up. LiIle did I know I
was not prepared for what God had in store for me.
The same day I prayed for God to guide my heart and ac$ons is the same day I got injured and I found out I was
going to have to have knee surgery for the 3rd $me. I was devastated and my emo$ons were on overdrive. It wasnt un$l that moment I found out how strong my faith truly was. I spent the rest of the en$re school year going to
every prac$ce, going to rehab, aIending every tennis match, and suppor$ng my team in every way I could. My
coach would ask me Kelly, why do you do so much? How are you keeping your head up? I replied Coach, this is
what I prayed for.
Understand me when I say I did not pray to tear my ACL and to have surgery again but, I did pray for God to guide
my heart and my ac$ons to always glorify him and his kingdom. It seemed too easy to sit in my dorm room and
feel bad for myself, I am sure that is exactly what the enemy would have wanted. Instead I chose to turn what
some might see as an ending into a milestone in my faith journey.
I know my faith journey is just geVng started and I cannot wait to see where God takes me next. What I do know
now is I am involved in a church that knows NO boundaries and can stand the test of $me. A religion which does
not judge people by their demographics but loves all just as Christ does. A religion that does not determine status
on how much money one gives but focuses on each persons unique gi.s and what those gi.s can oer the
I believe Jesus is my Lord and Savior. He died for all sins and through him all are forgiven. I believe the words of he
bible are not to be taken literally but to guide us. If the words of the Bible are to guide me then in everything I do it
will all be to the glory of God. I believe in the acceptance of ALL. I believe God did not intend for the words of the
bible to ever become stagnant and for that reason I believe in a church ever changing.

Here is what I wish was my faith history: I was raised in the Presbyterian
Church all my life and have steadily grown in my faith from the $me of
Conrma$on. Ive always had the evangelical gi. of sharing my faith and what God means to me in the most
appropriate and meaningful way, whether it was standing on the street corner shou$ng for all to hear or nding
the perfect moment to in$mately share with a hur$ng or searching fellow human.
I have been the pillar of faith my wife and kids looked to as an example of strength and for$tude. They found
comfort in my outward showing of Christs love, forgiveness and living a non-judgmental journey in life. Ive never embarrassed anyone with the things Ive said or thought out loud.
I heard the Lord when He told me of my calling and I wake up every day knowing I am doing His work. The vision
is clear and my faith is strong and I usually don't ques$on God or where Hes leading me.
Here is the reality: I was raised by wonderful and loving parents who didn't aIend church. As a kid, I went to
various churches with friends, not seeking anything other than hanging out with my friends. I joined the youth
group at First Presbyterian Church in Galesburg, IL, again because thats where my friends went on Sunday night.
I was married in Fort King Presbyterian Church and the congrega$on raised our three daughters, just like it was
supposed to do. Ive aIended weddings, bap$sms and funerals of my church family. My daughters know they
are loved in this church. They each have great memories, friends and history with our church family.
Some of our best friends came from the church, which is a testament to Gods love. And we have uncondi$onal
love for each other.
Ive stumbled and fallen in my faith several $mes. Ill probably fall again. Ive been angry, yelled and cursed at
God. Ive prayed everyday and then not at all. I have thanked Him for the many blessings Hes provided to me
and ques$oned Him about a couple of them.
I believe God is the creator of all and everything is possible through Him. My faith is a work in progress and Ill
con$nue the journey with grace and forgiveness. Im s$ll seeking my calling and Ill con$nue to grow in my walk
with the Lord.

Installa0on and Ordina0on

Of Elders
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Kelly Bush
Larry Bush
Anne MacKay
Ben Parramore
Sue Thomas




I was brought up in the First Presbyterian church in Ocala, Florida. My dad
was a Bap$st and mother was a Methodist so they compromised by joining the Presbyterian Church. My then
future husband led the youth group which made my search for the Chris$an life ultra-important. From my
early 20s I began a journey searching for easy answers to lifes important ques$ons and in my middle years
knew all the answers! Con$nuing on the journey I am back to searching for the more dicult answers/ques$ons.
I am nding peace and believability in the teachings and conclusions of the Historical Jesus movement. Leaders
like Crossan, Borg and our own Tom McNeil have brought clarity and scholarship into my life. I believe love is
the most important aspect and goal of our lives whatever path we take.
This quote from Pierre Telhaard de Chardin is one of my favorites and expresses a part of my Journey: Above
all, trust in the slow work of God. We are quite naturally impa$ent in everything to reach the end without delay.
We should like to skip the intermediate stages. We are impa$ent of being on the way to something unknown,
something new. And yet it is the law of all progress that it is made by passing through some stages of instability and that it may take a very long $me. And so I think it is with you; your ideas mature graduallylet them
grow, let them shape themselves, without undue haste. Dont try to force them on, as though you could be today what $me (that is to say, grace and circumstances ac$ng on your own good will) will make of you tomorrow.
Only God could say what this new spirit gradually forming within you will be. Give Our Lord the benet of believing that his hand is leading you, and accept the anxiety of feeling yourself in suspense and incomplete.

God is creator of all, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Jesus is the son
of God who brings a message of redemp$on and salva$on to all by his word
and witness. The Holy Spirit is God within us and among us, teaching and leading us each day of our faith journey.
My faith journey is a con$nuing journey, reformed and always reforming. It began as a child, born into an Irish
Catholic family, who aIended a catholic school from kindergarten through eighth grade. I married a beau$ful Presbyterian girl, who like her parents and siblings, are charter members of Fort King Presbyterian Church. a few
years, I began aIending with my wife and children and was graciously welcomed and accepted by its members. I
quickly made lifelong friends.
I love people and learn something from everyone I meet. I appreciate the Presbyterian form of government, from
boIom up, and their respect for people of all faiths. My faith journey con$nues to evolve every day in ways that
enhance my rela$onship with God.
Approximately sixty years ago, I began to ques$on the validity of church laws and beliefs. Through the ensuing
years, I learned the dierence. I met people of many dierent religions and Chris$an denomina$ons. I listened and
learned much about their faith, beliefs and church laws.
My faith in God should not depend on a collec$on of beliefs. Church laws are to control people. As followers of Jesus, we are given the free will to decide for ourselves the meaning of faith in God.
The future of my faith journey is unknown to me. God knows my future and I have faith in God.


I was in awe as I stood in the beau$ful Canterbury Cathedral in
Canterbury, England. The grandeur was absolutely stunning.
Immense columns, the Rose Compass and the stained glass
were breathtaking. One of the huge stained glass windows is
approximately 3 stories tall and it is known as The Poor Mans
Bible window. Stories from the Bible are depicted in the panels
of the window in brilliant stained glass. At one $me, there were
12 of these windows, but $me and age have reduced the
number to only two.
I roamed thru the 267 foot-long cathedral admiring other
magnicent architecture, art and, naturally, the notables who
are buried there including the Black Prince. I recalled the many
pilgrims that made the pilgrimage to Canterbury. For some the trip was long and arduous. But upon arrival, the joy
to see and worship was well worth their travels. I know I was thankful to be there.
In my mind at that $me, I heard celes$al voices singing a familiar hymn of invita$on. I imagined the thrill the travelers had when they heard the words Come, ye thankful people, come. Nothing is as pleasing as being welcomed to someones house, especially Gods house.
In 1827, 16 year old Henry Alford wrote in his Bible I do this day, as in the presence of God and my own soul, renew my covenant with God, and solemnly determine henceforth to become His, and to do His work as far as in me
lies. For the rest of his life, Alford showed he meant what he wrote. While at Cambridge, one of the deans said
of Alford, I really think he was morally the bravest man I ever knew. His perfect purity of mind and singleness of
purpose seemed to give him a condence and unobtrusive self-respect that never failed him. Years later, Alford
accepted a posi$on at Canterbury Cathedral. His Sunday a.ernoon services in which he taught through books of
the Bible drew large crowds. He had a gi. of explaining things in a way the simple people could understand.
Henry Alford penned the wonderful hymn we sing at Thanksgiving, Come, ye thankful people, come. I believe it
is a hymn that should be sung at any$me. Why?
The rst verse is an invita$on to give thanks to God, in His earthly temple which is Gods Church, and for His care
and provision for our needs. The second and third verses, based on Christs parable of the wheat and tares as
found in the Book of MaIhew, is a beau$ful picture of Gods taking care of His people and the promise of being in
His presence forever. The nal verse is my favorite and I want to raise the roof when singing. It has such a strong
message of what a glorious $me that is to come for His people as He gathers us in to His house:
Even so Lord, quickly come, To Thy nal Harvest-home;
Gather Thou Thy people in, Free from sorrow, free from sin,
There, forever puried, In Thy garner to abide.
Come with all Thine angels, come, Raise the glorious Harvest-home.
I am thankful every day for what God has done for me, arent you?
With a song in my heart,


WORSHIP (continued)
PoinseGas in the Sanctuary
during the
Christmas Season
One beau$ful expression of our joy at Christmas is to have the Sanctuary decorated with poinseVas. We invite you
to help with this. Please consider ordering a poinseVa in honor of someone or in memory of someone. The poinseVas will be displayed during the Christmas season in our Sanctuary. worship on December 27th, you can
then take the poinseVa home and enjoy it there. Each poinseVa is $10.00. The order form is below. You can
place your order in the oering plate on a Sunday, or drop it o in the Church Oce. All checks should be made
payable to Fort King Presbyterian Church with poinseVa wriIen on the nota$on line. Thank you!

Poinsettia Order
_______ (Number of poinsettias) @ $10.00/each
Total Order $_______________
Given by____________________________________________________________________
Please Print Your Name

In Honor Of: __________________________________________________

Please Print Their Name

In Memory Of: __________________________________________________
Please Print Their Name




Thank you to these people as they share in dona0ng owers
for the following worship services:
November 1, 2015

From Larry and Debbie Bush in celebra$on of our 29th wedding anniversary.

November 8, 2015

In loving memory of my mother, Rosa Cecilia DeLeon, on her birth date today, from Elena

November 15, 2015

Happy 80th Birthday, Bobbie Burns, from your Fort King family that loves you and honors

November 22, 2015

From Joy Hunt in memory of my beloved husband, Jim.

November 29, 2015 through December 27, 2015..poinseGas will be placed in the sanctuary.
January 3, 2016
January 10, 2016
January 17, 2016
January 24, 2016

From Harold and Roselle Pringle in celebra$on of their 21st wedding anniversary.

January 31, 2016

In memory of my dear friend, Peggy Wiechens, from Mary Ellen Vowinkel.

February 7, 2016

In celebra$on of our 60th wedding anniversary on February the 11th from Steve and Janet

February 14, 2016

February 21, 2016
February 28, 2016
March 6, 2016
March 13, 2016
March 20, 2016

From Jean Brown, Hal, Douglas, Bruce, and Lynn in loving memory of husband and father,
Halowell E. Brown.

March 27, 2016

OPEN (Easter)
Please Note: If you would like to commemorate a special event/occasion/memory etc.
for a specic date, please call me as soon as possible. It is never too early to select your
chosen date. Please dont hesitate to call me if there is a Sunday you would like to
commemorate by sharing with the church some type of owers or plant of your
choice. The owers or plant could be from your yard, a supermarket, a orist, or etc.


Thank you,
Nancy Hall

Italicized items are non-FKPC activities using FKPC facilities





7:30 Mens Bible

9:00-11:45 Library
9:15 Adult & Youth Ed 5:00 TOPS (FH)
10:00 Choir Practice
5:00 Missions
10:30 Worship
(choir room)
Elder Installation & 6:00 Property
6:00-8:00 Marions
11:30 Stewardship
United (SR)
6:30 Club Scouts

9:30 PrayerShawl

9:00-11:45 Library
9:15 Adult & Youth Ed
10:00 Choir Practice
10:30 Worship
11:30 Christmas Pagaent
5:00 PYC
5:00 High Tide (K-5th)








1:00 Worship

7:30-9:00 BNI (FH)





Congregational 1:00 Sassy Seniors 3:00 Tai Chi

7:00 Choir Practice
7:00 AA (FH)
Boy Scouts




9:00-11:45 Library
9:15 Adult & Youth Ed
10:00 Choir Practice
10:30 Worship
4:00 Small Group

7:30 Mens Bible

5:00 TOPS (FH)
6:00 Marions
United (SR)
6:30 Mens Night
6:30 Club Scouts
7:00 Esther Circle

10:00 Deborahs Circle

9:00-11:45 Library
9:15 Adult & Youth Ed
10:00 Choir Practice 5:00
10:30 Worship


10:00-2:00 PW An- 7:30-9:00 BNI (FH)

nual Mtg and
4:00 PW Set-up FH
1:00 Adult Disciple5:30 Connections
3:00 Tai-Chi
7:00 Childrens
6:30 Youth Bible
7:00 AA (FH)

Mens Bible
Mens Night 5:00
Out (0ffsite)
Club Scouts 6:00
Esthers Circle 7:00

2 Cents-A-Meal / Food 4
Kids / Equal Exchange 7:30 Mens Bible
9:00-11:45 Library
9:15 Adult & Youth Ed 6:30 Club Scouts
10:00 Choir Practice
10:30 Worship
5:00 PYC
5:00 High Tide (K-5th)



5:00 Congregational

7:30-9:00 BNI (FH)

1:00 Sassy Seniors

3:00 Tai Chi
7:00 Choir Practice

6:00 Session
7:00 AA (FH)

7:00 Boy Scouts

6:30 Youth Bible





Church Office Closed

Church Office


Boy Scouts

7:00 Interfaith
Service at
7:00 AA (FH)
Mount Moriah
Baptist Church

Mens Bible
Club Scouts



13 NE 36th Avenue
Ocala, Florida 34470

Boy Scout Fundraiser

Fort Kings Boy Scout Troop #196 is selling meat sticks as a fundraiser for their various scouting activities.
The meat sticks are made in Ocala at Country Meats, a FDA certified facility. The sticks sell for $1.00 each.
Please contact Bob Barton, 425-8500, if interested. See a sample on the church bulletin board.


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