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Chapter 3: Control Statements

Kushal Jangid


In every instance, when you use a control structure with a

conditional, you are asking if something is true or false.
When you get the desired answertrue or false
depending on how youve designed your codethe code
block associated with the control is executed.

The IF Statement
Program #1 :

if 1 == 1 then
print "True!"
- If the code execute true then the print statement
will execute.

The IF Statement
Program #2:

x = 256
if x == 256
puts "x equals 256"
Output => x equals 256.
No Need of then.

The IF Statement
Program #3:
x = 256
if x == 256 then puts "x equals 256" end
Another way of writing the same statement.

The IF Statement
Program #4:
x = 256
puts "x equals 256" if x == 256
Can change the order of things, placing if after puts.

The IF Statement
Program #5:
x = 256
if x == 256: puts "x equals 256" end
Can replace : with then .

&& operator means and.

Program #6:
ruby = "nifty"
programming = "fun"
if ruby == "nifty" && programming == "fun"
puts "Keep programming!"
Output => Keep programming!
If Both statements are true then puts will execute.

&& operator means and.

Program #7:

if ruby == "nifty" and programming == "fun"

puts "Stop programming and go outside for a break!"

Can use and in place of &&.

&& operator means and.

Program #7:

if ruby == "nifty" and programming == "fun"

puts "Stop programming and go outside for a break!"

Can use and in place of &&.

|| operator means or.

Program #8:

if ruby == "nifty" or programming == "fun"

puts "Keep programming!"

Can use or in place of ||.

Other Operators
Program #9:
delete_record if record != 0x8ff # not equal to
if amt > 1.00 then desc = "dollars" end # greater than
desc = "cents" if amt < 1.00 # less than
if height >= 6 then print "L or XL" end # greater than or
equal to
print "shrimpy" if weight <= 100 # less than or equal to

Using else and elsif

The elsif keyword provides you with one or more intermediate

options after the initial if , where you can test various

Using else and elsif

lang = :es
if lang == :en
print "dog"
elsif lang == :es
print "perro"
elsif lang == :fr
print "chien"
elsif lang == :de
print "Hund"
puts "No language set; default = 'dog'."

The Ternary Operator

label = length == 1 ? " argument" : " arguments"

This expression assigns a string value to label based on the

value of length. If the value of length is 1 , then the string
value argument (singular) will be assigned to label ; but if it is
not truethat is, if length has a value other than 1 then
the value of label will be the string arguments (plural).

The case Statement

lang = :fr
dog = case lang
when :en: "dog"
when :es: "perro"
when :fr: "chien"
when :de: "Hund"
else "dog"

The case Statement

scale = 8
case scale
when 0: puts "lowest"
when 1..3: puts "medium-low"
when 4..5: puts "medium"
when 6..7: puts "medium-high"
when 8..9: puts "high"
when 10: puts "highest"
puts "off scale"
# => high
1..3 means a range of numbers from 1 to 3.
1...3 means a range of numbers from 1 to 2.

The while Loop

breeds = [ "quarter", "arabian", "appalosa", "paint" ]
puts breeds.size # => 4
temp = []
while i < breeds.size do
temp << breeds[i].capitalize
i +=1
temp.sort! # => ["Appalosa", "Arabian", "Paint", "Quarter"]
breeds.replace( temp )
p breeds # => ["Appalosa", "Arabian", "Paint", "Quarter"]

The while Loop

breeds = [ "quarter", "arabian", "appalosa", "paint" ]
puts breeds.size # => 4
temp = []
while i < breeds.size Do is optional
temp << breeds[i].capitalize
i +=1
temp.sort! # => ["Appalosa", "Arabian", "Paint", "Quarter"]
breeds.replace( temp )
p breeds # => ["Appalosa", "Arabian", "Paint", "Quarter"]

Unless and Until

An unless statement is really like a negated if statement.

if lang == "de"
dog = "Hund"
dog = "dog"

unless lang == "de"

dog = "dog"
dog = "Hund"

Unless and Until

An until is really a negated form of while .
weight = 150
while weight < 200 do
puts "Weight: " + weight.to_s
weight += 5
weight = 150
until weight == 200 do
puts "Weight: " + weight.to_s
weight += 5

The loop Method

loop do
print "Type something: "
line = gets
break if line =~ /q|Q/
puts line
However, if line matches q or Q , you will break out of loop then and
there; otherwise, puts prints the contents of line to standard
output. When you hit end , control returns to the top of the loop

The for loop

for i in 1..5 do [ Do is optional ]

print i, " "
# => 1 2 3 4 5

The times Method

for i in 1..10 do [ Do is optional ]

print i, " "
# => 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10.times { |i | print i, " " } # => 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The upto Method

for i in 1..10 do [ Do is optional ]

print i, " "
# => 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1.upto(10) { |i| print i, " " } # => 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The downto Method

for i in 5..1 do [ Do is optional ]

print i, " "
# => 5 4 3 2 1

5.downto(1) { |i| print i, " " } # => 5 4 3 2 1

Thank You

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