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and Denial

Sheikh Bahauddin sohbat, February 1, 2015.

Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah, Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah,

Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah, Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah,
Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah, Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah,
Allahumma salli wa sallim 'ala, Nabina Muhammad aleyhi salam,
salatan tadumu wa tuh'da ilayh, mamarr al layali wa tul ad-dawam
Allahumma salli wa sallim 'ala, Nabina Muhammad aleyhi salam,
salatan tadumu wa tuh'da ilayh, mamarr al layali wa tul ad-dawam
Allahumma salli wa sallim 'ala, Nabina Muhammad aleyhi salam,
salatan tadumu wa tuh'da ilayh, mamarr al layali wa tul ad-dawam
Masha'Allah, it is nice to understand the love of Rasulallah salallahu alaihi wa sallam, because
today's illness is the depression. In life, not everybody understand from where coming this
depression. Hafazana Allah. The depression is like moving sand. When you put your feet there
it starts to take you in and you cannot save yourself from it. And you will go on and on. Even if
somebody trying to help you, you pull your hand away, you don't give your hand. Yahu, I'm
sending you help. "No, no I'm ok". No, I'm ok and then it will be very bad ending.
Everything must be understood. From where this depression is coming? Why? If you put many
reasons for your question you can have some solution but Allah Almighty give the Muslim nation
something called surrendering. Islam means surrendering but surrendering to whom?
Surrendering for your Lord, Allah Almighty. This is the key point that gets you out, the first step
out of depression. Normally life, it is so heavy. Whatever level you are, there is a weight
according to it. It doesn't mean that you cannot carry this weight but you need some spiritual
things in your life to lift you up whatever weight coming. This is the main key for the huge
subject of depression. We have been releasing our depression with Malwana Sheikh, coming to
feel somebody lift up all this heavy weight from us. It is Mawlana Sheikh.
As we are believers, and as we continue to be with Mawlana Sheikh, we also again say yes, we
come here to lift our weight. And everybody coming here, definitely will have what he is
requesting and what he wants. This is the power of Awliya. Alhamdulillah, we are happy to be
among Awliya, we are happy to be in the spiritual way. Now so many people don't believe but
this is not the issue for us. We are living in it, we are feeling it, we are loving it and we melt with
it. This is spirituality, Alhamdulillah. You cannot see anybody who is melting, trying to melt in
his Sheikh have this depression illness. Sometimes some people they have some kind of
depression but when they come and find the reality, immediately this depression goes away.

Subhanallah today we've been thinking about somebody and we've been talking about somebody
very famous, very beautiful. Everything available, but what was the end? Suicide. La hawla wa
la quwwata illa Billah. What you want? Everybody asks, what you want? You have everything,
what you want? You get the success, you get the top level, you get this, you get that. "No, there
is big space empty, I cannot fill it". And it is called depression. You don't want this one? No.
You don't want this one? No. What you want? "I don't know". They say 'I don't know' and this
is bigger problem. To not know is even worse problem. To not understand is even more than
Then they think, yeah lets finish this life and we are safe. No, you're not safe. This is even worse,
you've been going from worse to worse, to worse, to worse. Cannot be worse than suicide,
Subhanallah. Allah Almighty why He make haram to kill yourself? Because this is not the
solution. Don't think this is the solution. To kill yourself is not solution. Be careful, O My
servant be careful. Allah Almighty is so merciful. He make it as not to be! Not allowed. Even
you are in mission, it is not allowed.
Now, these days there is so many suicide bombers, they say "this is shaheed". No he is not! Is
not! Allah Almighty He make it clear. You cannot kill yourself. No, it is not Islam. It is not
Islam. No fatwa can make this one available, not it is not! No way! Allah Almighty, He make
everything clear. White or black he doesn't have grey. There is no grey in Islam, either white,
yes. Either black, no. Finish. And I'm sorry to say that Islam is being heavily used, it is heavily
used. Allah Almighty never ordered such a things. You look for Islamic history, it is coming
since 1500 years. Why recently the suicide bombers become halal? 1500 years it was not. Why?
Why you are killing innocent people? You come for place, say "O these people, kafir" and they
go for mosque. What is this? In the mosque, kafir! And you say he is shaheed! La hawla wa la
quwwata illa Billah.
This is the top point of depression that harms others. There are two kinds of depression. One
depression is harming one self and there is another depression that these shaytan people, they
realize some people have depression and they play with their mind and say "yes, lets use your
depression for goodness." What? They make suicide bombers. La hawla wa la quwwata. And
they say "you go for this mosque, this mosque is all kafir and kill them and you will be shaheed
and you'll be hosted in Paradise." They say "yes I have depression, what shall I do here? Ok, I
go to Paradise." Stupid! This is stupid, this is haram.
You cannot harm, even a creature that doesn't harm you and doesn't make dangerous things for
you. You're not allowed to kill it. Even snake, even scorpion. Even this, if it is somewhere else, it
have duty to do, it is nothing to do with you. Don't kill it without reason, this is important. Allah
Almighty He put rules, He put things for us to understand. Rasulallah, salallahu alaihi wa
sallam, was spreading the inner peace. Rasulallah, salallahu alaihi wa sallam, was spreading the
love, Rasulallah, salallahu alaihi wa sallam, was spreading the peace that everybody asks for.

They say Rasulallah he was fighting. Yes, he was fighting shaytan, he was fighting the tyrants.
He was never fighting innocent people. He was never fighting, even when conquering countries,
the people who said they want to remain in thier religion. Say, you can remain. We only telling
you we have this opportunity but if you say no we don't, we want to remain in our religion
they've been told, I give you the peace, do what you like. This is since history. Nobody reading
history books anymore? Watch in TV, at least. See what was the Islamic history. Today's
knowledge was not available, anytime and today's ignorance never happened in history. Never
happened. How they are ignorant and how they adore tyrants. They become tyrants.
Subhanallah, I'm sorry to say that we want not to be, we are not agreeing with these tyrants.
We don't accept their Islam. We don't accept such Islam. We love and we accept the pure Islam
that Sayyidina Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam, he brought to us and it is been coming
clean, clean, clean. This is not sharia, this is not anything to do with it. Alhamdulillah we are
believing in sharia, believing in Allah Almighty and believing in His rules and we try to know the
right and wrong. Not blindly say, "you are wrong" and cut his head. What is this? It is violence!
So many people they say it is Islam. We say, no, Islam is not like this. The person he is doing in
the name of Islam, he is the bad one. Islam never been bad. Islam is high above everybody. If
you know real Islam, you will understand. You will know how Islam has the justice, how Islam
giving all "wa ati kulli dhi haqqin haqqa." This is rule in Islam. Give everybody his rights. You
cannot mess up with one's rights. Everybody has rights. This is Islam. If you are breathing, this
is your right. I don't have right to tell you, you cannot breathe. This is how Islam is. It is very
sensitive. Islam is giving all the rights for humanity, not for one nation, for humanity.
Alhamdulillah we are proud to be Muslims and we want to be in the way of Rasulallah. We are
humble people, we are majority people, Alhamdulillah. We are not minority. We can say that we
are majority. We are the followers of Rasulallah, followers of Haqiqa Sayyidina Muhammad,
salallahu alaihi wa sallam. The reality, the truth of Rasulallah salallahu alaihi wa sallam is what
Mawlana Sheikh give us, teach us and wants us to be. This is the most important thing in our
life. That's why when you see people getting depressed it means they are far away from the
reality of Rasulallah. The more far away you go from the reality of Islam and Rasulallah, the
pure, the more you become depressed. You will be going on and on, and finished.
Islam will not finish, Alhamdulillah. Maybe other religions have been playing a lot, so many
things inside. You never know which one is true which one is right. But Islam, you can see the
Truth, you can see the Haqq. 1500 years, even one word of Qur'an not changed. One letter was
not changed. So this shows you the reality and the haqiqa. Haqiqat Rasulallah, Haqiqat al
Qur'an, Haqiqat ad-Din. This is the reality of Rasulallah, the reality of Qur'an and the reality of
religion of Islam, Alhamdulillah. Allah Almighty He guarantee it Himself. He said "I'm
guaranteeing this Qur'an to not be spoiled. I'm guaranteeing this religion will not be spoiled.
I'm guaranteeing that the reality of Rasulallah it will be shining all the time."

When you see among the Wahabi, Salafi, and then you're seeing Europe and this, they are
fighting Rasulallah, salallahu alaihi wa sallam, because he is shining. And they cannot. They try
to blow on him, they think it is candle, so you blow and finished. They cannot, he is the sun.
How much all the world it will blow for the sun? Do you think the sun can be finished? No, this
is Rasulallah. Don't try to be clever and to fight with Rasulallah. He is protected by Allah
Almighty. And Allah Almighty He is the Owner of Everything. If you like and, if you don't like.
Wal Baqa' Lillah. This is Allah Almighty, He is the One remaining. We all of us, we are going
quickly. You never know how quickly we are, how speedily we are going.
Once a saint of Allah Almighty he was in muraqaba, he was in meditation, and He been
showing to him the dunya, how is the soul coming and how is the soul going out. And he was
very impressed about how many souls coming and how many souls going in one minute. This is
how quick everything is being changed. When you are in such a level you understand nothing is
remaining. So that's why, keep and hold tight with the rope of Rasulallah salallahu alaihi wa
sallam. Keep your love and respect for Rasulallah salallahu alaihi wa sallam because the respect
here is the biggest factor and it is the biggest role for you to remain among ummat Sayyidina
Muhammad. To not be the enemy of Rasulallah, because when you lose the respect you lose
That is why I want to put point on this respect. It is very important because when you get the
respect in yourself for your Sheikh and you say "yes, my Sheikh, whatever my Sheikh is saying I
have to respect." Even if you see it as wrong, if you keep remaining your respect for your Sheikh
and respect for his work, respect for his order, respect for him, this is for you, is good for him, it
doesn't matter! This is for your own. You have to tell your ego "I have to respect my Sheikh as
much as I can because when I start to respect my Sheikh, I start to respect Rasulallah salallahu
alaihi wa sallam. If I say to my Sheikh, to my murshid "O you make wrong, it was this, it was
right this one. This, that", you will be not respecting Rasulallah and then you start to not respect
Allah Almighty.
This is coming one by one. It is a step. It is important to teach yourself how to respect your
Sheikh first and then you start to be winner. It is very important, because when you lose the
respect, you lose everything. The key point is the respect. When you lose the respect: wa min
Allahi at-tawfiq, finish! Finish! Respect, respect, respect. Nothing else. This is the main things
to understand, when you respect your Sheikh you go for the second level, for the third level and
you go on. This is important. May Allah forgive us, and make us to understand what means the
respect, and make us to be with the respected ones, and to respect one. May Allah forgive us
and forgive me.
Wa min Allahi at-tawfiq, bi hurmat al Habib, bi hurmat al Fatiha

Subhanim Allah Sultanim Allah Nabim Muhammad alaihi salam

Subhanim Allah Sultanim Allah Nabim Muhammad alaihi salam
Subhanim Allah Sultanim Allah Nabim Muhammad alaihi salam
wa salli Ya Rabbi wa sallim ala jami al anbiya wa l-mursalin wa ale kulli ajma'in
wa alhamdu Lillahi Rabbi l-Alamin al Fatiha

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