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Roland Barthes

A photograph always contains one universal meaning.

In order to move from the reality to its photograph it is no way necessary to divide
up this reality into units and to constitute these units as signs, substantially different
from the object they communicate; there is no necessity to set up a relay, that is to
say a code, between the object and its image
- Barthes, Image-Music-Text 1977-1990
Photographs are analogons (analogues) of reality.

Denotation - simple, literal, descriptive function of a word/sign.

Connotation - associations attached to the word/sign; they are dependent on the cultural/
experiential background of the user of the sign.

Connotation procedures (methods of embedding culturally specific, i.e. coded messages into

Trick effects

Linguistic message (anchorage)

1. Trick effects
For example, taking 2 people from different photographs and putting them in the same composition
to create a new and different meaning.

2. Pose
Using pose to change the audiences view on powerful people, e.g.
JFK photograph of his hands together could have been seen by
viewers that he is praying.
Cultural gestures i.e. Christian prayer, also a religious gesture.
Barack Obama being dressed as a Somali Elder in 2006. Obamas
opponents released this picture to the press (both American and
international) at the time of the democratic primaries of the 2008
presidential election as an attempt to portray Obama as a Muslim (i.e.
in this context, non Christian, non American, fearsome threat - non

3. Objects
A net bag flung open, food is spinning out of it. Juxtapositions of
certain colours; red white and green to portray Italian flag. Net bag is
like a fishing net, religious message, from the Bible. Image of coming
back from local food market in Naples. Having net back coming back,
flung open. Image of Italian life, touristic view - eating the
stereotypical food.
Linguistic message - Panzani - sounds Italian to foreigners but not to
Italians. Its a French food maker.

4. Photogenia
Photographers use their technique can change the meaning of an object.
How to use lighting to symbolise a meaning.

5. Aestheticism
In a way photographs can bring connotative meanings.
Is an art movement supporting the emphasis of aesthetic values more than social-political themes
for literature, fine art, music and other arts.

6. Syntax
The way images influence each other when juxtaposed it with another photograph.

Signifier - the material carrier of meaning.

Signified - what the signifier is signifying - what Roland Barthes is talking about.

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