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World at a Turning Point:

UN, Red Cross issue unprecedented joint warning--impact of conflicts on civilians

by Stefan Pasti, Founder and Resource Coordinator
The Community Peacebuilding and Cultural Sustainability (CPCS) Initiative (
(November, 2015)

On October 30, 2015, a joint news conference was held by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon and
President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Peter Maurer on the subject of the
unprecedented impacts of conflicts on civilians.
Below are some of the tweets Ive made to highlight some of their commentsand links to three
sources of those comments.
The Community Peacebuilding and Cultural Sustainability (CPCS) Initiative provides research and analysis
for critical challenge alerts, and research and support for collaborative problem solving initiatives which
seek to maximize citizen participation, and accelerate solution-oriented activity.
The CPCS Initiative believes there are unprecedented challenges ahead which will require
unprecedented solutions. If there is more recognition of the many unprecedented challenges we face,
there will be more sympathy for how much we are going to need all the resources, knowledge, and skills
each one of us has, how much we all need to be learning to so that we can be part of the solutions, and
how much we really need to be on the same side, helping each other, if we are going to succeed at
resolving the challenges ahead of us.
At the end of the tweets related to the joint warnings from the UN and the Red Cross, I have included
tweets about the work of the CPCS Initiative. I believe insight and analysis from CPCS Initiative
resources can contribute to the kind of unprecedented collaborative problem solving and community
education which are needed at this time.
I would urge readers to give special attention to the "List of Ten Critical Challenges" (analysis), and the 5
page "Launching the Community Peacebuilding and Cultural Sustainability (CPCS) Initiative Hashtag
(#CPbCSus) (which provides an introduction to 4 approaches to unprecedented collaborative problem

Tweets about the unprecedented joint warning from UN, Red Cross
UN, Red Cross: unprecedented joint warning--impact of conflicts on civilians/appealed for urgent and
concrete action

World at turning point: UN,RedCross "Rarely before have we witnessedso much instability, so much
suffering," Maurer
UN, Red Cross: grave concern over the brazen and brutal erosion of respect for international
humanitarian law
World at a turning point: UN, Red Cross: 60 million displaced from their homes because of conflict and
UN, Red Cross--"blatant inhumanity, (and) the world has responded with disturbing paralysis," SecGeneral
World at a turning point: UN, Red Cross "This flouts the very raison d'tre of the United Nations SecGeneral

Tweets about the work of The CPCS Initiative

2p List of 10 Critical Challenges more connecting thedots moments p8-19
Summary Paper #CPbCSus
Marginalization WisdomofAges--serious blind spot, w/ implications far from being fully appreciated p2029 Summary Paper #CPbCSus
Descriptions of 4 approaches to unprecedented collaborative problem solving/CPCS Summary Paper
p34-44 #CPbCSus
CPCS Initiative: recalib moral compasses surveys/visioning/neighborhood learning centers/max citizen
participation #CPbCSus
Colleges,Universities assisting w/ recalib moral compasses surveys, visioning initiatives=acceleration to
positive tipping points #CPbCSus
CPCS Initiative: Colleges,Universities could launch Recalib Our Moral Compasses Survey Project; assist
w/ unprecedented transition #CPbCSus
Maximize citizen participation to positive tipping points/Community Peacebuilding and Cultural
Sustainability #CPbCSus
Launching Community Peacebuilding and Cultural Sustainability (CPCS) Initiative # (#CPbCSus) 5 p

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