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Hello Sunny! For today's class, you did well again.

You tried your best to express yourself and you always are very
consistent when it comes to your grammar. But sometimes, you should remember to answer my questions in a
complete sentence. Don't forget it. Also, just continue to improve your vocabulary so that you express more during
our class. Thanks.
word 1. journal NOUN /drnl/ [C] (RECORD)
writing a record of what you have done, or of descriptions or thoughts, written each day or frequently over a long
period; a diary : He kept a journal for over 50 years.
word 2. diary NOUN /dri, dri/ a persons private record of events, thoughts, feelings, etc., that are written
down every day, or a book where such things are recorded: That's my private diary - you shouldn't be reading it. We
kept a food-and-exercise diary and measured the amount of food we ate.
word 3. nationality NOUN /nnlti/ the state of belonging to a particular country or being a citizen of a
particular nation: [C] "Whats your nationality?" "Im from Brazil." [C] New York City is home to people of many
word 4. weekend NOUN /wikend/ Saturday and Sunday, when many people do not work: Do you have anything
planned for the weekend?
word 5. weekday NOUN /wikde/ any day of the week except Saturday or Sunday: The bank is open from 8 a.m. to
4 p.m. on weekdays.
word 6. babysit VERB /bebist/ to take care of a baby or child, esp. as a job: [I] Im going to babysit on Tuesday
Pronunciation Corrections
1. Egyptian /dp.n/
2. theater
/it r/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: I speak chinese. (Chinese is a PROPER NOUN)
correct: I speak Chinese.
2. incorrect: babysit
correct: She BABYSIT her child.
3. incorrect: See a play.
correct: I went to see a play.

Hello Aeris! Well for today's class you were able to talk well again. You are more than expressive now and you
always give details to your responses already. So, just continue this effort that you always give during our class and
you will really be better soon. Also, please check on the grammatical mistakes that I told you and please be very
careful on these next time. Thank you.
word 1. conduct VERB /kndkt/ (DIRECT)
[T] to organize and direct a particular activity: The experiments were conducted by leading scientists. [T] fml To
conduct people to a place is to walk there with them: The usher conducted us to our seats.
word 2. intensive ADJECTIVE /ntensv/ needing or using great energy or effort: Were in the midst of intensive
negotiations. an intensive workout Intensive study or training deals with a lot of information in a short period of
time: a month-long intensive course in Spanish
word 3. tuition fee NOUN /tn/ /fi/ money that a student pays to a university for their teaching: Students have
to borrow 9,000 a year to pay their tuition fees.
word 4. scholar NOUN /sklr/ a person with great knowledge, usually of a particular subject A scholar is also a
student who has been given a college or university scholarship (= money to pay for studies).
word 5. housemate NOUN /has.met/ someone you live with in a house but are not related to and do not have a
romantic or sexual relationship with
Pronunciation Corrections
1. pet /pet/
2. hospitable /hspt bl, hsptbl/
3. jokes /doks/
4. chili /tl.i/
5. professor /prfesr/


cellphone /selfon/
leather /ler/
hire /hr/
capable /kepbl/

Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: You need become a full-time student.
correct: You need to be a full-time student.
2. incorrect: You need to many EXPERIMENTS.
correct: You need to conduct many EXPERIMENTS.
3. incorrect: You just need pay a little money.
correct: You just need TO pay a little money.

Hello Ms. Aling! Well for this grammar class, you were able to learn the phrasal verbs well. You were able to give
some examples of sentences using these phrasal verbs and you actually expressed well yourself when it comes to
your answers to my questions. For improvement, please check on the grammatical mistakes here and try to be
more consistent in your construction of your sentences next time. Thanks.
word 1. explode VERB /ksplod/ (BURST)
[I/T] to burst violently and usually with a loud noise, or to cause this to happen: [I] A bomb exploded nearby. [T]
Black holes are left behind by exploding stars called supernovas. [I] fig. Yoga has exploded in popularity as a way to
achieve physical and mental health.
word 2. burst VERB /brst/ to break open or apart suddenly, or to cause something to break open or apart: [I]
Fireworks burst across the night sky. [T] I thought I might have burst a blood vessel. fig. A person who is bursting is
extremely eager or enthusiastic: [I] I was bursting with excitement.
word 3. exaggerate VERB /zdret/ to make something seem larger, more important, better, or worse than it
really is: [T] The media exaggerate the risks and benefits of research findings. [I] I dont want to exaggerate, but it
was a dangerous situation.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. explode
2. inflate /nflet/
3. balloons /blun/
4. blew /blu/
5. collapsed /klpst/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: The traffic jam.
correct: The traffic jam brought me down.
2. incorrect: Their building blew up as they slept.
correct: Their building blew up while they are sleeping.
3. incorrect: I am sorry I blew up you.
correct: I am sorry I blew up.
4. incorrect: I IS blowing up my bike's type
correct: I AM blowing up my bike's tire

.Hello sir! It's another great class with you again. You are getting more expressive now and you always are very
confident to express yourself. You also shared a lot of things in the class. Keep improving and please be more
consistent on your grammar. Please check on the common grammatical mistakes that you committed. Thanks.
word 1. threaten VERB /retn/ (PROMISE TO HURT)
[I/T] to tell someone that you will hurt or harm him or her, esp. if the person does not do something in particular:
[I] They threatened to drop him from the team if he didnt come to practice. [T] Dont threaten me!
[T] to warn of something unpleasant or unwanted: She threatened legal action against the newspaper. Because of
continuing drought, millions are threatened with starvation.
word 2. foreigner NOUN /frnr, fr-/ a person who comes from another country
word 3. conflict NOUN /knflkt/ (DISAGREEMENT)
[C/U] an active disagreement, as between opposing opinions or needs: [C] Conflicts between parents and children
become more frequent when the children become teenagers. [U] This technology may be in conflict with copyright
law. [C/U] A conflict is also fighting between two or more countries or groups of people: [C] Negotiations with both
sides have not yet led to a resolution of the conflict.
word 4. essential ADJECTIVE /senl/ extremely important or necessary: A knowledge of Spanish is essential for
this job. Essential also means basic to the nature of someone or something: There is an essential difference
between the two sisters in their approach to life.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. regions /ridns/
2. essential /senl/
3. Scotland /skt.lnd/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: When in holiday, the price is higher.
correct: During holidays, the price is higher.
2. incorrect: When I'm a children, it's like this.
correct: When I WAS A child, it's like this.
3. incorrect: I can't listen what he means.
correct: I can't UNDERSTAND what he means.
4. incorrect: Hongkong sell to England.
correct: Hongkong was sold to England.

Hello Frank! Well you are always very expressive in our class. You always give me great answers to my questions.
You confidently share your ideas and opinions in my class. However, please be more fluent and more coherent in
your responses to the PART 2 of IELTS SPEAKING TEST. Try to maximize using adjectives to clearly describe your
answers/ a situation and please try to use transition words for a smoother flow of your story. Thanks.
word 1. victory NOUN /vktri, -tri/ the act or an example of winning a competition or war: [U] A goal in the last
half minute assured victory and the World Cup for the Mexicans.
word 2. landmine NOUN / a bomb that is put on or under the ground and that explodes when a person
steps on it or a vehicle drives over it
word 3. decade NOUN /deked, deked/ a period of ten years: The economy is growing at its fastest rate this
word 4. abnormal ADJECTIVE /bnrml, b-/ not usual or average: We had an abnormal amount of snow. He has
an abnormal heartbeat.
word 5. crowded ADJECTIVE /krdd/ full of people: Its a popular and often crowded place.
word 6. effective ADJECTIVE /fektv/(PRODUCING RESULTS)
producing the intended results, or (of a person) skilled or able to do something well:
Pronunciation Corrections
1. parade /pred/
2. crowded /krdd/
3. faith /fe/
4. way /we/

Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: This major is aimed to teach you how to design devices.
correct: This major aims to teach you how to design devices.
2. incorrect: There IS a lot of presidents from different countries coming to China to commemorate this victory.
correct: There ARE a lot of presidents from different countries coming to China to commemorate this victory.
3. incorrect: That time WAS boring and TIRES.
correct: That time WAS boring and TIRESOME.
4. incorrect: Many people GIVE up at that time.
correct: Many people GAVE up at that time.

Hello Ms. Lilian! Well, for this class, you again did well. You shared a lot of your ideas and you are really exposing
yourself to more speaking activities. You never fail to share very interesting things in our class. I'm really glad for
this. Please check on the grammatical mistakes you have commonly committed here for you to be more consistent
next time.
word 1. occasion NOUN /ken/ (PARTICULAR TIME)
[C] a particular time when something happens: Sarah loves dressing up for special occasions. She has lied on
several occasions. This meeting provides an occasion (= a suitable time) to discuss the issues facing our school.
word 2. glue NOUN /lu/ a sticky substance used for joining things
word 3. crack NOUN /krk/ [C] (DAMAGE)
a thin line or space in the surface of something, usually a sign of damage: A series of cracks developed in the road
surface. A crack is also a narrow space: She opened the door a crack.
word 4. organ NOUN /rn/ (INSTRUMENT)
[C/U] a musical instrument with one or more rows of keys that are pressed with the fingers to play notes produced
by forcing air through pipes of different sizes, or a similar electronic instrument: [U] Fred taught his wife to play the
word 5. womb NOUN /wum/ the organ of a woman or other female mammal in which a baby develops before
birth; uterus
Pronunciation Corrections
1. say /se/
2. paste /pest/
3. mouth /m/
4. jade /ded/
5. show /o/
6. severe /svr/
7. genes /dins/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: It makes the jade.
correct: It is made of jade.
2. incorrect: My sister TEACH me how to play the zithur.
correct: My sister TAUGHT me how to play the zithur.
3. incorrect: The wrapper is more thin.
correct: The wrapper is thinner.

Hello sir! You did great again in the class and just continue to expose yourself to the language. You have learned
many vocabulary in our class today and you shared a lot of things also. You even gave your reactions and ideas.
Also, you asked me a lot of questions to clarify the words that you are confused with. So this is really good. You're
doing great sir!
word 1. soothe VERB /su/ to cause someone to be less upset or angry, or to cause something to hurt less: I
picked up the crying child and tried to soothe her.
word 2. emphasize VERB /emfsz/ to state or show that something is especially important or deserves special
attention: She emphasized the importance of good nutrition.
word 3. scattered ADJECTIVE /sktrd/ to move apart in many directions, or to throw something in different
directions: There will be scattered showers throughout the afternoon.
word 4. smash VERB /sm/ (BREAK)
[I/T] to break into small pieces, esp. by hitting or throwing: [T] Some kids smashed her bedroom window. [I] Her
cup fell and smashed to pieces on the stone floor. [M] Police had to smash the door down to get into the house. [M]
The band reportedly smashed up their hotel room.
smash verb (HIT)
[I/T] to hit or move with force against something hard, usually causing damage or injury: [T] She smashed her
right knee in the accident. [I] His car flipped over and smashed into a tree.
smash verb (DESTROY)
[T] to defeat or destroy completely: The government smashed the rebellion.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. commonly /kmnli/
2. surprise /srprz, s-/
3. typically /tpkli/
4. clothes /kloz, kloz/
5. lasagna /lznj/
6. spaghetti /speti/
7. carbonara /kr.bnr./
8. macaroni /mkroni/
9. buffet /bfe, bu-/
10. biscuit /bskt/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: It's not taste good.
correct: It DOESN'T taste good.
2. incorrect: I SEE a PAPER on the wall.
correct: I SAW a POSTER on the wall.
3. incorrect: I'M only know a few names of vegetables.
correct: I only know a few names of vegetables.

Hello Ms. Aimee! I'm glad to have you again in my class. You were very expressive during the class and you confidently shared a lot of your experiences.
You freely have spoken out your thoughts and opinions in the class. Also, you were very spontaneous in speaking. For improvement, you just need to be
careful on your basic grammar and please be more consistent on how you use PRONOUNS.
word 1. course NOUN /krs, kors/ [C] (CLASSES)
a set of classes in a subject at a school or university: He taught a course in film history at Harvard University.
word 2. subject NOUN /sbdkt, -dekt/ [C] (AREA OF DISCUSSION)
something that is being discussed or considered: School officials broached the subject of extending the school year. It seemed like a good idea to change
the subject.
an area of knowledge that is studied in school or college: My favorite subjects are history and geography.
a person who lives or who has the right to live in a particular country, esp. a country with a king or queen: a British subject
grammar the person or thing that performs the action of a verb, or which is joined to a description by a verb: "Bob" is the subject of the sentence, "Bob
threw the ball."
word 3. social media NOUN /sol/ /midi/ websites and computer programs that allow people to communicate and share information on the internet
using a computer or mobile phone: Companies are increasingly making use of social media in order to market their goods.
word 4. invite VERB
/nvt/ [T] (ASK)
to ask someone in a polite or friendly way to come somewhere, such as to a party, or to formally ask someone to do something: Architects were invited
to submit their designs for a new city hall. I think we should invite her over to our place for coffee.
word 5. tan ADJECTIVE /tn/ [U] (COLOR)
(of) a light brown or yellow-brown color: a tan jacket
Pronunciation Corrections
1. homework /homwrk/
2. quiZ
3. priority /prrti, -r-/
4. hollywood /hliwd/
5. accent /ksent/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: As time grows up, they are equal now.
correct: As THEY grow up, they are THE SAME now.

2. incorrect: There was no need for me to have a clock.

correct: THERE IS no need for me to set the alarm clock.
3. incorrect: She LIVE in China.
correct: She LIVES in China.
4. incorrect: He THINK that I'm A important person to HER.
correct: SHE CONSIDERS me as AN important person to HER.
5. incorrect: I like SWIM.
correct: I like SWIMMING.

Hello Ms. Lyn! Well for this class, you were able to learn and use the verbs well during our class discussion. You had given good examples of sentences and most importantly you were
able to express yourself well when I asked you several questions. For improvement, when making an example of a sentence, you have to be more careful on your grammar. Also, please
try to construct your sentences well because sometimes the way you construct them convey a different meaning so you must be cautious with this. Also, I encourage you to expose more
yourself to more speaking activities and enrich more your vocabulary.
word 1. express VERB /kspres/ [T] (SHOW)
to show a feeling or idea by what you say or do or by how you look: Shes expressed interest in doing some camping. Several victims expressed disappointment at the small amount of
money they were offered. He wrote to express his sympathy after the death of her mother. The program tries to get students to express themselves verbally.
word 2. appear VERB /pr/ (BE PRESENT)
[I] to become noticeable or to be present: At this point the ferry boat suddenly appeared. Her picture appeared on the front page of the newspaper. We have to appear in court next
week. [I] To appear is also to be made available: The interview with the president will appear next Sunday.
to seem: [L] The governor appeared confident of victory on the eve of the election. [+ (that) clause] It appears (that) she had asked someone to drive her home from the party. [+ to
infinitive] There appears to be some mistake.
word 3. attempt VERB /tempt/ to try to make or do something: [T] The teams quarterback attempted only 12 passes during the entire game. [+ to infinitive] Dont attempt to do
these tricks at home.
word 4. permission NOUN /prmn/ the act of allowing someone to do something, or of allowing something to happen: Parents have to give their permission for their children to go on
school trips. [+ to infinitive] We had to get permission (= approval) from the city to build an extension to our house.
word 5. liar NOUN a person who has just told a lie or who regularly lies
Pronunciation Corrections
1. seem /sim/
2. polite
3. guilty /lti/
4. doughnut /dont, -nt/
5. opinion /pnjn/
6. lose /luz/
7. diet /dt/
8. remain /rmen/
9. etc. /etsetr, t-, -setr/
10. liar /lr/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: I feel it easy to do it , but i am fail .
correct: I FELT it IS easy to do it , but I FAILED .
2. incorrect: i feel very sad when i watch a cartoon named bojack horseman .
correct: I FELT very sad when I WATCHED a cartoon ENTITLED Bojack Horseman.
3. incorrect: We call BRUCELY the best actor.
correct: We call BRUCELY as the best actor.

Hello Ms. Lilian!

Well, for this class, it another great discussion. You shared a lot of your ideas and your
exposure to the language everyday helps you more and more conversant. You are really good now. Please just
continue to check on the grammatical mistakes that you have commonly committed here for you to be more
consistent next time.

word 1. stall NOUN /stl/ [C] (AREA)

a separate area in which an animal is kept A stall is also a small enclosed space
used for a particular purpose: The bathroom had a tiled shower stall.
word 2. farther ADJECTIVE /frr/ to a greater distance; comparative of far : How
much farther is it to the airport? Now that they live farther away we dont see them
so often.
word 3. crowded ADJECTIVE
Pronunciation Corrections
1. gourd /rd, ord, rd/
2. farther frr/
3. packed /pkt/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: A place where to buy vegetable.
correct: It's a place where we can buy vegetables other than the supermarket.
2. incorrect: It's noise.
correct: It's noisy.

Hello Aeris! For today's class, you were very good. You talked well and you have expressed your ideas smartly. You
are more and more expressive now and you can manage to talk about some complex topics already. You proudly
answer my questions already and this was really great! So, now, the next thing for you to do is for us to fix your way

of constructing sentences. We have to correct your minor mistakes in grammar and you should also enrich your
vocabulary still and be very careful on how you pronounce words.
word 1. allow VERB /l/ [T] (PERMIT)
to let someone do something or let something happen; permit: Youre not allowed to talk during the exam. Are you
allowed in the building on weekends? Video links allow rural schoolchildren to be taught by teachers hundreds of
miles away.
word 2. advice NOUN /dvs, d-/ an opinion that someone offers you about what you should do or how you
should act in a particular situation: She gave me some good advice. I think Ill take your advice and go home.
word 3. habit NOUN /hbt/ a particular act or way of acting that you tend to do regularly: [U] Judy is in the habit
of sleeping late on Sundays. [U] I have the habit of checking my e-mail as soon as I log on to my computer. [C]
Eating between meals is a bad habit.
word 4. temper NOUN /tempr/ [C/U] (STATE)
the state of your mind or feelings: [C] John has a bad temper. Temper is also strong emotion, esp. anger: [U] a fit
of temper [C] You need to learn to control your temper. A temper tantrum is a sudden show of great anger.
word 5. describe VERB /dskrb/ to give a written or spoken report of how something is done or of what someone
or something is like: The scientists described their findings and research methods. They want us to prepare a report
describing the area. [+ question word] Just describe what happened. The Democrats describe their rivals as the
party of the rich.
word 6. supportive ADJECTIVE /sprtv, -portv/ (ENCOURAGING)
giving encouragement and approval: supportive teachers
actively giving help to someone who needs it: a network of supportive agencies and organizations
Pronunciation Corrections
1. grades /redz/
2. habit /hbt/
3. being /bi/
4. problems /prblmz/
5. sympathetic /smpetk/
6. hair /her/
7. nephew /nefju/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: They scold me when I play the computer WITH a long time.
correct: They scold me when I play the computer for a long time.
2. incorrect: I STEAL my mother's money.
correct: I STOLE my mother's money.
3. incorrect: She NOT let me go to school.
correct: She DID NOT let me go to school.
4. incorrect: I can talk everything FOR them.
correct: I can talk everything WITH them.
Hello Frank! Well for this class, you had great answers for your SPEAKING TEST PART 2. Finally, you were able to
deliver a very smooth response. It was very fluent and it was clearly described. All ideas presented were properly
interconnected with one another. You have to maintain this. But still remember to be more cautious on your
grammar and pronunciation. I encourage you to speak louder for you to successfully produce the sounds well.
word 1. show VERB /o/ (LEAD)
[T] (past tense showed, past participle shown /on/ ) to lead someone somewhere or to point out something:
Could you show me the way to the post office? Show me which cake you want.
word 2. represent VERB /reprzent/ (ACT FOR)
[T] to speak, act, or be present officially for a person or group: His law firm is representing a dozen of the families
involved in that disaster.
word 3. corruption NOUN /krpn/ dishonest and willing to use your position or power to your own advantage,
esp. for money: Its been called the most politically corrupt city in the nation.
word 4. bulk NOUN /blk/ something very large, or a large amount, not divided into smaller parts: Tankers carry
bulk shipments of oil. We buy a lot of our groceries in bulk (= in large quantities) to save money. The bulk of
something is the larger part of it: He gave the bulk of his paintings to the museum.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. ambassador /mbsdr/
2. asked /sk/
3. way /we/
4. mop /mp/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: There are a lot of beautiful RESTAURANT.

correct: There are a lot of beautiful RESTAURANTS.

2. incorrect: I also TOLD them how to get there.
correct: I also SHOWED them how to get there.
3. incorrect: My city ATTRACT many people to come and visit many tourist spots.
correct: My city ATTRACTS many people to come and visit many tourist spots.
4. incorrect: It's reported that there's a woman who saved a dog and spend a lot of money.
correct: It WAS reported that there IS a woman who saved a dog and SHE SPENT a lot of money.
5. incorrect: They just think themselves.
correct: They just think OF themselves.
6. incorrect: Basketball is A TRADITIONAL sports BOTH in China and around the world.
correct: Basketball is ONE OF THE TRADITIONAL sports BOTH in China and around the world.

Hello Mr. Kevin! Well for today's class, you expressed well yourself. You had shared
some of your experiences in our class for us to better understand the lesson. In this
class, you were able to explain what does a single statement means and most
especially you gave your reactions to these statements. Just for an improvement,
you just need to be more consistent on your grammar. Anyway, there are just minor
mistakes but it will be better if these will be fixed right away.
word 1. rapport NOUN /rpr, r-, -por/ agreement or sympathy between people
or groups: She has a good rapport with her staff.
word 2. nod VERB /nd/ (MOVE HEAD)
[I/T] to move the head down and then up again quickly, esp. to show
agreement, approval, or greeting: [I/T] The teacher nodded (his head) in
word 3. crucial ADJECTIVE /krul/ (of a decision or event) extremely important
because many other things depend on it: The behavior of the oceans is a crucial
aspect of global warming.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. prepare /prper/
2. focus /foks/
3. cuff /kf/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: I attend four meetings.
correct: I attendED four meetings.
2. incorrect: I went to some interview in the past.
correct: I went to some interviewS in the past.

Hello Ms. Lily! I'm very glad to have you in my class. I really appreciate the way you tried your to express yourself in
our class. Especially when you did your best to answer all my questions. You might have lacked some words to
express more yourself but still for me it was a good start for you. So maybe next time, you just need to freely
express yourself. Don't be nervous. I just want you to talk and talk and I will just listen to you. Take this as a friendly
advice, if you won't try to be very confident in expressing yourself, you won't be able to develop immediately your
communication skill. The best thing for you to possess first is your CONFIDENCE and eliminate your ANXIETY. I hope
to see you again!
word 1. foreigner NOUN /frnr, fr-/ a person who comes from another country
word 2. improve VERB
/mpruv/ to get better, or to make something better: [I] Her grades have improved
greatly this semester. [T] He did a lot to improve conditions for factory workers. If you improve on something, you
succeed in doing or making it better: [I] The company is hoping to improve on last years sales figures.
word 3. restaurant NOUN /restrnt, -trnt/ a place of business where people can choose a meal to be prepared
and served to them at a table, and for which they pay, usually after eating: a Chinese/Italian/Mexican restaurant
word 4. yogurt NOUN /jort/ a thick, liquid food made from milk with bacteria added to it, that is slightly sour
but is sometimes made sweet and flavored with fruit
word 5. lemonade NOUN /lemned/ a drink made with the juice of lemons, water, and sugar
word 6. brunch NOUN /brnt/ a meal sometimes eaten in the late morning that combines breakfast and lunch
word 7. steam VERB /stim/ the hot gas that is produced when water boils
Pronunciation Corrections
1. food /fud/
2. shrimp /rmp/
3. raw /r/
4. wrapper /rpr/
5. tomato /tmeto/
6. steam /stim/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: My speaking on poor.
correct: My speaking skill is poor.
2. incorrect: I like some cucumber in the sandwich.
correct: I like some SLICES of cucumber in the sandwich.
3. incorrect: a cup of milk some bread
correct: I drink a cup of milk and I eat some slices of bread.
4. incorrect: I'm not time cooking.
correct: I don't have a time to cook.

Hello Del! Well for today's class, though we weren't able to finish the whole module for READING COMPREHENSION
PRACTICE, at least you gave me an almost perfect score of 14 out of 15. This is a great score. You are having a good
reading comprehension skill. Keep it up!
word 1. urban ADJECTIVE /rbn/ of or in a city or town: Many Americans were leaving the farm for the promise of
urban life. Over 82% of Texans live in urban areas.
word 2. natural ADJECTIVE /ntrl/ (NOT ARTIFICIAL)
from nature; not artificial or involving anything made or caused by people: Cotton is a natural fiber. He died of
natural causes (= because he was old or ill). Floods and earthquakes are natural disasters.
word 3. sustainable ADJECTIVE /sstenbl/ able to be maintained or continued: The growth momentum is likely
to be sustainable into next year.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. sophisticated /sfstketd/
2. digest /ddest, d-/
3. natural /ntrl/
4. analysis /nlss/
Reading Comprehension Answers

1. False
2. True
3. Not Given
4. True
5. False
6. Not Given
7. cellulose
8. secretions
9. fertilizers
10. exchanging
11. sustainable
12. environment
13. energy
14. iv
15. vii

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