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the fudged inquiry into Special Branch/Home office funding of PIE:
Former civil servant Tim Hulbert said he raised concerns about the grant to the
Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) with his manager because it seemed "crazy"
to be giving the group money.
A Whitehall investigation into the claims grants were given to PIE, which was pu
blished earlier this week, found that there was no evidence that the group was f
unded "directly or indirectly" by the taxpayer.
Hulbert told ITV News he become aware of the grant to PIE during the first year
of the Thatcher administration.
...he said he raised the issue with his superior at the Voluntary Services Unit
(VSU): "I have a very clear recollection, not of who tipped me off, but of being
sufficiently aware of it to go to my then boss, the head of the unit Clifford H
indley and to say 'look Clifford what the hell are we doing funding an organisat
ion like PIE?'
...he claimed his boss told him that the money was going to a "legitimate" organ
isation and that the funding was "at the request of Special Branch".
"The meeting was in his office. I remember having a frank exchange with him...he
told me it was being funded at the request of Special Branch...he told me it wa
s a renewal of a grant, which I already knew, and therefore it didn't require a
consultant's input...
[from video interview: "because of the special branch influence I backed off - I
mean I was told to back off, obviously..."]
"In December 2013, allegations appeared in the media that the Voluntary Services
Unit (VSU) within the Home Office had provided funds to an organisation called
the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) at some time during the 1970s."
Slightly misleading - the allegation was supposed to relate to the 'first year o
f the Thatcher admin'. The Mail story about this was very keen to keep referring
to Callaghan, and also went off on a long excursus into its previously recycled
stuff about the NCCL, Harman, etc.
"No evidence was found to support the allegation that VSU provided direct fundin
g to PIE."
"303 files relating to VSU between the years 1973 and 1985 were identified in th
e archives of the Home Office or other government departments. 138 files were co
nsidered to be of potential relevance to the investigation. 126 files were avail
able and reviewed. The remaining 12 files were recorded as destroyed or presumed
destroyed, in line with relevant file retention and destruction policies in pla
ce at the time."
that last comma is misleading: later the report admits that there was no policy,
and "It is assumed that all files reported as destroyed or presumed destroyed h
ave been disposed of correctly and in accordance with Home Office policies and d
ue to the subsequent passage of time."

"PIE was set up in 1974 by Michael Hanson and Ian Campbell Dunn in Scotland." (R
"The former employee who originally made the allegations that VSU had provided f
unding to PIE submitted a written statement to the investigation. In the stateme
nts the individual stated a hazy recollection of seeing a document in approximat
ely 1980, which they believe was a schedule of grants for renewal and that on th
at document was an entry for PIE. They could not be definitive about the grant a
mount but had a vague recollection that it might have been 30,000 and that it wou
ld have been a renewal, indicating that the original award would have been made
in 1976-77. The individual also stated that they approached VSU s Head of Unit at
the time to raise their concerns about the alleged funding and that these were d
ismissed. The individual further asserted that the grant would have been approve
d at ministerial level as the Head of Unit would not have had delegated authorit
y to do so."
'hazy and vague recollections'?
Table 1: Record of VSU Grant Expenditure - this shows 'no Hansard record availab
le' for the years 1973-4, 1976-7 and 1984-5. THe fact of these missing recirds i
s not mentioend in the accompanying text. No other records are reported. The inf
ormation is simply missing.
Annex C contains tables reporting more detailed information of grants supplied.
It simply states
"Source - Hansard Records
No record of expenditure for the year 1976-77"
"VSU s Head of Unit in post at the time left the Home Office in 1983. The senior i
nvestigator heard information from former employees that vouched for the individ
ual s integrity and presented a view that they would not have knowingly supported
or facilitated the alleged funding to PIE. "
although the report does not state this, it is thought that Hindley is dead. How
ever, what is known for certain is that Hindley after his retirement proceeded t
o write a large number of academic articles all of which were concerned with ped
erasty, and which left no room for doubt about his enthusiasm. It is hard to ima
gine a more blatant trail, short of an outright declaration of an interest in se
x with boys.
This is quite blatant - there was no mention of any attempt to locate or contact
him, just some other people vouching for his being a good egg.
"There is no evidence or record of any VSU members of staff raising concerns reg
arding alleged funding to PIE. Allegations first surfaced in December 2013, via
the media."

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