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11:26 am, 3/22/2010 3rd, 13 Eagle Mayan calendar day


(See it here on YouTube)

Let’s tackle the 2012 thing, directly; or something like that, but no
doubt not so linear. This dualistic right/wrong, hot/cold, black/white
way of being is really just a way of thinking. And what good is

No, really; I mean that. What good has thinking done us? Has it
given us our victory, yet? Has it helped us ascend up into higher
levels of consciousness?

Some will argue that it has, and more power to them. I will not try to
un-convince these. Everyone is entitled to their view of the world.
(And actually, I support all the opposing views, or at least those
having them. It makes life more fun!)

But for those who may be less attached to their ideas of how things
happen, of what it’s all about, this 3D dance that we’re doing, here--
for those, then, I continue.

Time is not what we think it is; not one bit of it. The way we view
time is naught but illusion; a necessary illusion, and beneficial to have
been there—but illusion, just the same. Now, in our time of
awakening, we are leaving time, all our notions of time, behind. At
least, that’s the option. There is still ‘time’ to choose. :-)

Now, let’s lighten it up a bit. There’s a lovely website, called

Gerardus’ Grist (otherwise known as that I’d like to
direct you to. It is no end of delight. This dear soul, Gerardus, has
really done a great job of getting things figured out, and oh, what a
sense of humor he has!

But on our subject, here’s a bit of a quote from his site(from his
Opening Statements):

“... Something phenomenal to remember Here ...

! 2012/12/21 - 11.11 - 2012/12/21 !

Records from Mayan Timekeepers indicate that 2012/12/21/11.11

marks the close of several large cycles of time: a 26,000 year Mayan
Calendar cycle, a 78,000 year Earth cycle, a 26 million year Earth
cycle and the 225 million Galactic Year. The simultaneous close of
these cycles in 2012/12/21/11.11 is like the odometer turning over for
the entire history of our galaxy, and perhaps the whole cosmos. It is a
moment when humanity, Planet Earth, the Milky Way Galaxy and
perhaps all of creation is expected to take a simultaneous leap in


... The Human Path ...

The first step is to learn that the world is an illusion
from which we create an assumed reality.

The second step is to become detached from this reality.

The third step is to accept this reality for what it is.


It takes an undetermined amount of lifetimes

to complete these three steps.

In our last lifetime

we know that the world does not actually exist.

That's when we laugh out loud

keep on living as if nothing happened.

Life or Creation is infinitely Weird.

~ Human Life is a Mind Trip Full of Mysteries ~


Oh, my friends, there’s a good time to be had, always, on Gerardus’

simple site. Nothing fancy for him; just his essays on Life from the
wisdom garnered over his last 30 years. He’s a treasure! Check him
out.  

Now, back to 2012. Are you with me? Good, then let’s see if I can
lose you, again Balance is nice. I like being lost just about as
much, or more, than I like being found. 

Okay, down into the heart, then, for that’s where we continue. Time,
as we think of it, simply is not. Even our physicists know this, by now.
If you don’t, then you haven’t explored enough of quantum physics.
You will find there are some sub-atomic particles whose whole
business in life is to go backwards in time; that’s right, in reverse.
Go figure, right?

Well, let that sink in, then. Let it settle into heart, for some pondering.
Okay, then; moving on. Ever had déjà vu? Ever had a memory
surface from some other life? Heck, how about even a realistic
memory of something earlier in this life?

Okay, is that not an example of a form of time-travel? Don’t answer

too quickly, cuz I don’t care what you think. This is for you; just
for you. For me, it’s the joy of the sharing.

I’ll close, then, with something on the Great Shift we’re going
through—right now, by the way—no 2012 date, or any other is
needed. Very soon many of us will rise right up out of 3D. Our
physical experience will be fini.

From the higher perspective, or density, as it’s called, we look back

on time oh, so differently. It is all happening at once;
simultaneous. Now, there is no point, as I see it, in trying to think
about this. The 3D-encased mind has as much chance of getting it as
the proverbial snowball in hell. As in not!

So why not just drop the question down into heart, and leave it
there—and enjoy! Your Higher Awareness will come through for you,
once you learn how to do this; will deliver up the answers apace.

All you’ve got to do is to quit being so serious! And ENJOY!!! ☼  

PS That’s okay, Mary Ann; I love him from afar ;-)



journal Love "Gerardus' Grist" 2012 "Great Shift" time linear thinking
3D illusion hologram humor "Mayan Calendar cycle" "Galactic Year"
galaxy leap evolution reality detached no-mind foolishness laugh
balance lost found heart "backwards in time" "quantum physics" "sub-
atomic particles" "deja vu" "time travel" simultaneous enjoy "Mary

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