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1. What is Anemia?

a. Decrease in normal number of rbcs or loss of hb

2. what is the cause for penile stricture
a. accidental (tearing of external urethra) or infection
3. If a person has Anemia what do you check first?
a. Reticulocyte count
i. If High then its due to Hemolysis or Acute Blood Loss
4. If ret. Count is low you check the MC, RDW and peripheral blood smear and this can lead to?
a. Microcytic, normocytic and macrocytic anemia.
5. Name the different types of Microcytic anemia and what would you test for them?
a. Iron Deficiency
i. MC and check for low ferritin levels (remember the most common cause of iron def. is
GI bleeding)
b. If the ferritin is normal then check RBC count
c. If the RBC is high
i. Thalassemia (decrease in globin synthesis)
d. If the RBC count is low
i. Anemia of Chronic Disease- (the inflammation leads to increased hepcidin and decrease
release of iron from macrophages leading to a decrease in iron tibc and increase in
ferritin) OR Sideroblastic- defect in heme synthesis defect in ala synthase gene treat
with b6 treated caused by alcohol and lead.
6. If you are checking normocytic anemia what would you check?
a. Creatinine level-> if high=> Anemia of Renal Failure
b. TSH if high -> Hypothyroidism
c. If both above are normal then check for pancytopenia and if present its due to Aplastic Anemia
or Myelopthisis
d. If no Pancytopenia then check SPEPif abnormal M spike seen then is Multiple Myeloma
(cancer of plasma cells type of B cells responsible for making AB) and if normal its due to
Anemia of Chronic Disease/ Siderblastic Anemia
7. To check for Macrocytic Anemia
a. You want to check the b12 levels (mcc) and mcc of b12 def. is pernicious anemia (can be due to
loss of terminal ileum as well)
b. Check folate levels usually low in pregnant women and alcoholics
c. Check tsh if high then hypothyroidism
d. If all of thats normal check the alcohol hx and hx of LFTs -> alcohol use liver disease
e. Check the meds could lead to Drug Induced Anemia and if normal can lead to Myelodysplastic
Syndrome- (dysplasia of myeloid blood cells and can turn into AML)
8. What is the main cause of Erythrocytosis?
a. (smoking) also caused by Thrombocytopenia, CML, and Polycythemia Vera.
9. Remember: Anemia
a. = Hb/ Hct so it is 14 -22

10. Name 3 Diseases that can be caused by Transfusion

a. HIV 1
b. HIV 2
c. Hep B
d. Hep C
11. Neutropenia what is it and name some causes?
a. It is a decrease in white blood cell count. (neutroph. Must be below 500)
b. Caused by:
i. Drug Induced, Autoimmune= (ra and sle) Infection _HIV, TB, EBV, congenital disease =
feltys syndrome (ra and neutropenia)
11. Name 5 causes of thrombocytopenia (decrease in platelets)
a. ITP
a. autoab to glycoprotein 2b amd 3a(AB against platelets following a viral infection will
resolve on its own or you have to give steroids but if the pt is on steroids for too long then
theyll get dependant and get splenomegaly and will have to do a splenectomy)
b. TTP
a. ab are acquired and are to metalloproteases or caspases. Has nuerological and systemic
symptomsusing up all the platelets in clotting leading to a decrease in platelets
c. HUS
a. limited to renal involvement
b. http://www.sillys.comdiffuse hemorrhage due to depletion of platelets and clotting
d. Leukemia
e. Multiple Myeloma
f. Aplastic Anemia
g. Quinidine
12. What is the most common cause of thrombocytopenia?
a. Drugs that contain Quinine
i. remember in seizure drugs theres tegratol that causes thrombocytopenia

13. Bleeding Disorders

a. remember anything with clotting factors are PT (1,2,5,7,10) and PTT (everything but 7) and
everything else is a bleeding disorder)
i. Extrinsic
1. 7
ii. Intrinsic
1. 8,9,11,12
iii. What do you see in thrombocytopenia?
1. Low platelet count and large platelets seen
iv. Liver Dz see target cells
v. What do you see in DIC?
1. Increased PT, PTT and thrombin time and the platelets and fibrinogen are
decreased and increased Bleeding Timewill also see shistocytes
vi. Hem. A is factor 8 def. and it causes Elevated PTT (see macrohemmorhageshemarthroses (bleeding into joints a and easy bruising)
vii. Vit K is gives you a elevated PT and PTT
viii. VWF (MC genetic bleeding disorder)
1. normal everything maybe a elevated PTT and get increased bleeding time and
abn ristocetin factor treat w/ DDANP (intrinsic pathway coag. Defect bc its
supposed to carry factor 8)
ix. Dysfibrinogenoma
1. increased PT and PTT
x. Note: if you see a low platelet count you will see Petichiae and if its really low youll get
bleeding from the gums
14. Name 5 major risk factors for thrombosis (formation of clots in a bv)
a. Increased age
b. Obesity
c. Protein c def.
d. Protein S def.
e. Factor Five leiden (MCC)*
f. Surgery
g. Malignancy
15. Thrombophilia?
a. propensity to develop thrombosis (blood clots) due to an abnormality in the system of
coagulation. Hereditary defects in one or more of the clotting factors can cause the formation of
potentially dangerous blood clots (thrombosis).
i. Protein c and s def.
ii. Antithrombin def.
iii. Hyperhomocyst- assoc. with snoking and smoking increases thrombus formation called
lupus antocoag. And cases spont. Abortions
16. Name 4 differences between inflammatory and non inflammatory Arthritis
a. Inflammatory has Joint Synovitis
i. warmth, soft tissue swelling, erythema and Non inflamm. Doesnt it may have bony
growth in osteoarthritis
b. Inflammatory has morning stiffness for over an hour and non inflam. For less than a half hour
c. Inflam. Has a wbc count over 5000 and non inflame. Has a wbc count less than 2000
d. Inflam. Has elevated Acute reactant proteins like CRP and ESR and non inflame. Doesnt
e. Inflam. Has erosions

17. What is the treatment for osteoporosis?

a. Estrogen like drugs like Riloxifine
b. Calcitonin
c. Bisphosphanate
d. Estrogen will just increase chances of endometrial cancer
18. Most common joint replacement is?
a. the hip and second is the knee
19. Most common areas of injury and protrusion of a disc are l4-l5
a. cant dorsiflex so anterior leg and great toe not working) and
b. l5-s1
i. cant plantarflex so the entire post. Leg and lat. Toes are not working
20. MCC of septic arthritis is
a. Stap Aureus
21. t11/t12 and femoral nec
a. assess bone density
22. What are the common sites of Gout?
a. Toe, Olecranon, knee, wrist ankle
23. Saddle Anesthesia
a. weakness of both rectal and urinary sphincters due to bony metastases when cauda aquina
isnt working (MCC is protate met. In men and breast met. In women)
24. When you raise your leg what nerve does it affect?
a. Sciatic N.
25. Name the Different Inflam. Arthritis?
a. Bacterial
i. asym. Monoarticular (one joint)
b. Gout (uric acid)
i. asym. (mono and oligoarthritis)
c. PseudoGout (ca oxalate)
i. asym (mono** and oligo)
d. RA
i. symmetrical (polyart. And involves cervical spine)
e. Psoriatic and IBC are the same
i. asymmetrical oligoarticular disease

26. Differentials for RA

a. SLE
i. same as ra involving the wrists. Mcp, pip of hands and ft. but this there is no erosion and
in ra there is
b. Reactive Arthritis
i. uveitis psoriases etc.
c. Colitis
i. Oligoarth
ii. In knees and ft uveitis enteritis colitis
d. Ankylosing Spond
i. Inflame
ii. In low back shoulders and hips . pulm. Fibrosis, uvetis aortits
e. Septic Arthritis
i. septic damage to cartilage and bone and abscess formation and involves knee
f. Parvo
i. rash on arms and legs and slapped cheek
27. Name 5 criteria for SLE
a. Malar Rash
b. Discoid Rash
c. Positive ANA
d. Arthritis
e. Serositis
f. Renal Dz.
28. What is the most serious cause of renal dz in SLE?
a. Type 4 diffuse prolif. Glomeruloneph.
29. Name 4 causes of salivary gland enlargement
a. Drug Induced
b. Bulimia
c. Amyloidosis
d. Sarcoidosis
e. Infection
f. Sjogrens
30. What is dermatomyositis?
a. Purple confluent rash on hands knuckles and eyes
31. What is treatment for acute gout?
a. Indomethacin and Colchicine (until they puke)
32. What is the treatment for chronic gout?
a. Allopurinol it will decrease the amount of uric acid
33. Crest
a. Calcinosis, raynauds, esoph. Dysmotility, sclerodactly, telegestasia
34. MCC death for scleroderma=
a. renal vasc.
b. Dz HTN

35. Normal PSA level?

a. 6
36. Give an example of Prerenal, intrarenal and postrenal?
a. Prerenal
i. hypovolemia or decreased renal perfusion
b. Intrarenal
i. acute tubular nephritis
c. Postrenal
i. obstruction or stone
37. Why is progesterone important:
a. Secreted by corpus luteum, placenta, adrenal cortex testes
b. Stimulates endometrial glandular secretion
c. Helps with maintenance of pregnancy and increases body temp
d. Inhibits gonadotropin (LH and FSH)
e. Uterine Smooth Muscles relaxation (preventing contraction)
f. Produces a thick cervical mucous which inhibits sperm entry into the uterus
38. Whats the best treatment for enuresis:
a. Behavior Modification and then imipramine
39. Why are women more prone for infection:
a. Shorter urethra
40. What is the day of ovulation:
a. Day 14
41. What causes cystitis:
a. E- Coli
42. What is the most common secondary cause of ammenorhea?
a. Menopause and pregnancy
43. What are the complications of Endometriosis?
a. Endometriosis is non neoplastic endometrial glands/ stroma in abnormal locatons outside
the uterus.
b. Cyclic Bleeding
c. Infertility
d. Adenomyosis
i. endometrial within myometrium
44. Signs and symptoms of BPH and treatment?
a. Increased frequency of urination, nocturia, dysuria, difficulty starting and stopping peeing and
may lead distention and hypertrophy of the bladder, hydronephrosis and UTIs.
b. Alpha blocker or Finesteride
45. Urine sediment in glomerulonephritis?
a. Red blood cell cast
46. Know the 7 things in a renal panel:
a. Na, K, bun, creatinine, Cl, bicarb, protein

47. MCC of PID?

a. N. Gonnorhea or Clamidiya trach.
b. PID occurs when bacteria move upward from a woman's vagina or cervix (opening to the uterus)
into her reproductive organs. Many different organisms can cause PID, but many cases are
associated with gonorrhea and chlamydia, two very common bacterial STDs. A prior episode of
PID increases the risk of another episode because the reproductive organs may be damaged
during the initial bout of infection.
48. Besides abstinence what is the safest sex practice?
a. Condoms or oral contracept.
49. 3 causes of incontinence.
a. Stress- surgical, hormones
i. (intraabd. Pressure adds pressure to the sphincter and causes people to go pee) also in
women going through menopause
ii. Urine loss with straining or exertion (coughing laughing exercizing associated with
pelvic relaxation and displacement of urethrovesical junction)
b. Total- seen after surgery
i. Continuous leakage due to urinary fistula resulting from pelvic sugery or pelvic radiation
ii. (give imipramine to relax the bladder)
c. Urgei. due to infection or irritation
ii. (feel like you have to void all the time- urine leakage due to involuntary bladder
contractions known as detrusor instability
d. Overflow incontinence
50. Where do u see a WBC cast?
a. Acute Pyelonephritis.
51. 2 main causes of chronic renal failure:
a. Diabetes and Hypertension
52. What is the treatment best for eclampsia and HEELP?
a. Deliver the baby asapbed rest, salt restrictionif needed give magnesium sulfate and
diazepam (for seizures)
b. HELLP syndrome is a serious complication of severe pregnancy
i. induced hypertension (high blood pressure problems of pregnancy). It occurs in about 2
percent to 12 percent of women with high blood pressure of pregnancy. It usually
develops before delivery, but may occur postpartum (after delivery) as well. HELLP
syndrome consists of the following problems:
c. hemolysis
i. red blood cells break down.
d. elevated liver enzymes
i. damage to liver cells cause changes in liver function lab tests.
e. low platelets
i. cells found in the blood that are needed to help the blood to clot in order to control
53. What is the most common type of stone?
a. Calcium oxalate.
i. theres also others like cysteine, uric acid, staghorns

54. Which is the childhood disease for males that causes sterility and infertility?
a. maybe cryptochordism?
b. mumps orchitis
c. varicocele. (endocrine problems)
55. AB

56. ANA and the HLA subtypes look at chart

57. What is Anemia? Decrease in normal number of rbcs or loss of hb

58. If a person has Anemia what do you check first? Reticulocyte count
a. If High then its due to Hemolysis or Acute Blood Loss
59. If ret. Count is low you check the MC, RDW and peripheral blood smear and this can lead to?
Microcytic, normocytic and macrocytic anemia.
60. Name the different types of Microcytic anemia and what would you test for them?

a. Iron Deficiency= MC and check for low ferritin levels (remember the most common cause of
iron def. is GI bleeding)
b. If the ferritin is normal then check RBC count
c. If the RBC is high-> Thalassemia (decrease in globin synthesis)
d. If the RBC count is low-> Anemia of Chronic Disease- (the inflammation leads to increased
hepcidin and decrease release of iron from macrophages leading to a decrease in iron tibc and
increase in ferritin) OR Sideroblastic- defect in heme synthesis defect in ala synthase gene
treat with b6 treated caused by alcohol and lead.
61. If you are checking normocytic anemia what would you check?
a. Creatinine level-> if high=> Anemia of Renal Failure
b. TSH if high -> Hypothyroidism
c. If both above are normal then check for pacytopenia and if present its due to Aplastic Anemia or
d. If no Pancytopenia then check SPEPif abnormal M spike seen then is Multiple Myeloma
(cancer of plasma cells type of B cells responsible for making AB) and if normal its due to
Anemia of Chronic Disease/ Siderblastic Anemia
62. To check for Macrocytic Anemia
a. You want to check the b12 levels (mcc) and mcc of b12 def. is pernicious anemia (can be due to
loss of terminal ileum as well)
b. Check folate levels usually low in pregnant women and alcoholics
c. Check tsh if high then hypothyroidism
d. If all of thats normal check the alcohol hx and hx of LFTs -> alcohol use liver disease
e. Check the meds could lead to Drug Induced Anemia and if normal can lead to Myelodysplastic
Syndrome- (dysplasia of myeloid blood cells and can turn into AML)
63. What is the main cause of Erythrocytosis? (smoking) also caused by Thrombocytopenia, CML, and
Polycythemia Vera.
64. Remember: Anemia = Hb/ Hct so it is 14 -22
65. Name 3 Diseases that can be caused by Transfusion
a. HIV 1
b. HIV 2
c. Hep B
d. Hep C
66. Nuetropenia what is it and name some causes?
a. It is a decrease in white blood cell count. (nuetroph. Must be below 500)
b. Caused by: Drug Induced, Autoimmune= (ra and sle) Infection _HIV, TB, EBV, congenital
disease= feltys syndrome (ra and neutropenia)
11. Name 5 causes of thrombocytopenia (decrease in platelets)
h. ITP autoab to glycoprotein 2b amd 3a(AB against platelets following a viral infection will
resolve on its own or you have to give steroids but if the pt is on steroids for too long then theyll
get dependant and get splenomegaly and will have to do a splenectomy)
i. TTP- ab are acquired and are to metalloproteases or caspases. Has nuerological and systemic
symptomsusing up all the platelets in clotting leading to a decrease in platelets
j. HUS limited to renal involvement
k. DIC- diffuse hemorrhage due to depletion of platelets and clotting factors
l. Leukemia
m. Multiple Myeloma
n. Aplastic Anemia
o. Quinidine
67. What is the most common cause of thrombocytopenia? Drugs that contain Quinine (remember in seizure
drugs theres tegratol that causes thrombocytopenia)

68. Bleeding Disorders (remember anything with clotting factors are PT (1,2,5,7,10) and PTT (everything
but 7) and everything else is a bleeding disorder)
a. Extrinsic- 7 and Intrinsic- 8,9,11,12
b. What do you see in thrombocytopenia? Low platelet count and large platelets seen
c. Liver Dz see target cells
d. What do you see in DIC? Increased PT, PTT and thrombin time and the platelets and fibrinogen
are decreased and increased Bleeding Timewill also see shistocytes
e. Hem. A is factor 8 def. and it causes Elevated PTT (see macrohemmorhages- hemarthroses
(bleeding into joints a and easy bruising)
f. Vit K is gives you a elevated PT and PTT
g. VWF (MC genetic bleeding disorder)- normal everything maybe a elevated PTT and get
increased bleeding time and abn ristocetin factor treat w/ DDANP (intrinsic pathway coag.
Defect bc its supposed to carry factor 8)
h. Dysfibrinogenoma- increased PT and PTT
i. Note: if you see a low platelet count you will see Petichiae and if its really low youll get bleeding
from the gums
69. Name 5 major risk factors for thrombosis (formation of clots in a bv)
a. Increased age
b. Obesity
c. Protein c def.
d. Protein S def.
e. Factor Five leiden (MCC)*
f. Surgery
g. Malignancy
70. Thrombophilia? propensity to develop thrombosis (blood clots) due to an abnormality in the system of
coagulation. Hereditary defects in one or more of the clotting factors can cause the formation of
potentially dangerous blood clots (thrombosis).
a. Protein c and s def.
b. Antithrombin def.
c. Hyperhomocyst- assoc. with snoking and smoking increases thrombus formation called lupus
antocoag. And cases spont. Abortions
71. Name 4 differences between inflammatory and non inflammatory Arthritis
a. Inflammatory has Joint Synovitis (warmth, soft tissue swelling, erythema) and Non inflamm.
Doesnt it may have bony growth in osteoarthritis
b. Inflammatory has morning stiffness for over an hour and non inflam. For less than a half hour
c. Inflam. Has a wbc count over 5000 and non inflame. Has a wbc count less than 2000
d. Inflam. Has elevated Acute reactant proteins like CRP and ESR and non inflame. Doesnt
e. Inflam. Has erosions
72. What is the treatment for osteoporosis?
a. Estrogen like drugs like Riloxifine
b. Calcitonin
c. Bisphosphanate
d. Estrogen will just increase chances of endometrial cancer
73. Most common joint replacement is the hip and second is the knee
74. Most common areas of injury and protrusion of a disc are l4-l5 (cant dorsiflex so anterior leg and great
toe not working) and l5-s1 (cant plantarflex so the entire post. Leg and lat. Toes are not working)
75. MCC of septic arthritis is Stap Aureus
76. t11/t12 and femoral nec assess bone density
77. What are the common sites of Gout? Toe, Olecranon, knee, wrist ankle
78. Saddle Anastesia?- weakness of both rectal and urinary sphincters due to bony metastases when cauda
aquina isnt working (MCC is protate met. In men and breast met. In women)
79. When you raise your leg what nerve does it affect? Sciatic N.

80. Name the Different Inflam. Arthritis?

a. Bacterial- asym. Monoarticular (one joint)
b. Gout (uric acid)- asym. (mono and oligoarthritis)
c. PseudoGout (ca oxalate)- asym (mono** and oligo)
d. RA- symmetrical (polyart. And involves cervical spine)
e. Psoriatic and IBC are the same- asym.oligo.
81. Differentials for RA
a. SLE same as ra involving the wrists. Mcp, pip of hands and ft. but this theres no erosion and in
ra there is
b. Reactive Arthritis uveitis psoriases etc.
c. Colitis- oligoarth. In knees and ft uveitis enteritis colitis
d. Ankylosing Spond.- inflame. In low back shoulders and hips . pulm. Fibrosis, uvetis aortits
e. Septic Arthritis septic damage to cartilage and bone and abscess formation and involves knee
f. Parvo- rash on arms and legs and slapped cheek
82. AB
a. Look at Chart
83. ANA and the HLA subtypes look at chart
84. Name 5 criteria for SLE
a. Malar Rash
b. Discoid Rash
c. Positive ANA
d. Arthritis
e. Serositis
f. Renal Dz.
85. What is the most serious cause of renal dz in SLE?
a. Type 4 diffuse prolif. Glomeruloneph.
86. Name 4 causes of salivary gland enlargement
a. Drug Induced
b. Bulimia
c. Amyloidosis
d. Sarcoidosis
e. Infection
f. Sjogrens
87. What is dermatomyositis? Purple confluent rash on hands knuckles and eyes
88. What is treatment for acute gout? Indomethacin and Colchicine (until they puke)
89. What is the treatment for chronic gout? Allopurinol it will decrease the amount of uric acid
90. Crest= Calcinosis, raynauds, esoph. Dysmotility, sclerodactly, telegestasia
91. MCC death for scleroderma= renal vasc. Dz HTN
92. Normal PSA level?
a. 6
93. Give an example of Prerenal, intrarenal and postrenal?
a. Prerenal= hypovolemia or decreased renal perfusion
b. Intrarenal= acute tubular nephritis
c. Postrenal= obstruction or stone
94. Why is progesterone important:
a. Secreted by corpus luteum, placenta, adrenal cortex testes
b. Stimulates endometrial glandular secretion
c. Helps with maintenance of pregnancy and increases body temp
d. Inhibits gonadotropin (LH and FSH)
e. Uterine Smooth Muscles relaxation (preventing contraction)
f. Produces a thick cervical mucous which inhibits sperm entry into the uterus
95. Whats the best treatment for enuresis:

a. Behavior Modification and then imipramine

96. Why are women more prone for infection:
a. Shorter urethra
97. What is the day of ovulation:
a. Day 14
98. What causes cystitis:
a. E- Coli
99. What is the most common secondary cause of ammenorhea?
a. Menopause and pregnancy
What are the complications of Endometriosis?
a. Endometriosis is non neoplastic endometrial glands/ stroma in abnormal locatons outside the
b. Cyclic Bleeding
c. Infertility
d. Adenomyosis- endometrial within myometrium
Signs and symptoms of BPH and treatment?
a. Increased frequency of urination, nocturia, dysuria, difficulty starting and stopping peeing and
may lead distention and hypertrophy of the bladder, hydronephrosis and UTIs.
b. Alpha blocker or Finesteride
Urine sediment in glomerulonephritis?
a. Red blood cell cast
Know the 7 things in a renal panel:
a. Na, K, bun, creatinine, Cl, bicarb, protein,
a. N. Gonnorhea or Clamidiya trach.
b. PID occurs when bacteria move upward from a woman's vagina or cervix (opening to the uterus)
into her reproductive organs. Many different organisms can cause PID, but many cases are
associated with gonorrhea and chlamydia, two very common bacterial STDs. A prior episode of
PID increases the risk of another episode because the reproductive organs may be damaged
during the initial bout of infection.
Besides abstinence what is the safest sex practice?
a. Condoms or oral contracept.
3 causes of incontinence.
a. Stress- surgical, hormones
i. (intraabd. Pressure adds pressure to the sphincter and causes people to go pee) also in
women going through menopause
ii. Urine loss with straining or exertion (coughing laughing exercizing associated with
pelvic relaxation and displacement of urethrovesical junction)
b. Total- seen after surgery
i. Continuous leakage due to urinary fistula resulting from pelvic sugery or pelvic radiation
ii. (give imipramine to relax the bladder)
c. Urgei. due to infection or irritation
ii. (feel like you have to void all the time- urine leakage due to involuntary bladder
contractions known as detrusor instability
d. Overflow incontinence
Where do u see a WBC cast?
a. Acute Pyelonephritis.
2 main causes of chronic renal failure:
a. Diabetes and Hypertension
What is the treatment best for eclampsia and HEELP?

a. Deliver the baby asapbed rest, salt restrictionif needed give magnesium sulfate and
diazepam (for seizures)
b. HELLP syndrome is a serious complication of severe pregnancy-induced hypertension (high
blood pressure problems of pregnancy). It occurs in about 2 percent to 12 percent of women with
high blood pressure of pregnancy. It usually develops before delivery, but may occur postpartum
(after delivery) as well. HELLP syndrome consists of the following problems:
c. hemolysis - red blood cells break down.
d. elevated liver enzymes - damage to liver cells cause changes in liver function lab tests.
e. low platelets - cells found in the blood that are needed to help the blood to clot in order to control
What is the most common type of stone? Calcium oxalate. (theres also others like cysteine, uric
acid, staghorns)
Give an example of Prerenal, intrarenal and postrenal?
a. Prerenal= hypovolemia or decreased renal perfusion
b. Intrarenal= acute tubular nephritis
c. Postrenal= obstruction or stone
Metabolic Syndrome characteristics:
a. abdom obesity (for men a waist size of 40 inches or more and for women a waist size of 35 or
more.) triglyc. Levels. Blood Pressure. Over 130/85, HDL level less than 40 for males and less
than 50 for females
Why is progesterone important:
a. Secreted by corpus luteum, placenta, adrenal cortex testes
b. Stimulates endometrial glandular secretion
c. Helps with maintenance of pregnancy and increases body temp
d. Inhibits gonadotropin (LH and FSH)
e. Uterine Smooth Muscles relaxation (preventing contraction)
f. Produces a thick cervical mucous which inhibits sperm entry into the uterus
Whats the best treatment for enuresis:
a. Behavior Modification and then imipramine
Why are women more prone for infection:
a. Shorter urethra
What is the day of ovulation:
a. Day 14
What is the most common secondary cause of ammenorhea?
a. Menopause and pregnancy
What are the complications of Endometriosis?
a. Endometriosis is non neoplastic endometrial glands/ stroma in abnormal locatons outside the
b. Cyclic Bleeding
c. Infertility
d. Adenomyosis- endometrial within myometrium
Signs and symptoms of BPH and treatment?
a. Increased frequency of urination, nocturia, dysuria, difficulty starting and stopping peeing and
may lead distention and hypertrophy of the bladder, hydronephrosis and UTIs.
b. Alpha blocker or Finesteride
Urine sediment in glomerulonephritis?
a. Red blood cell cast
Know the 7 things in a renal panel:
a. Na, K, bun, creatinine, Cl, bicarb, protein,

a. N. Gonnorhea or Clamidiya trach.

b. PID occurs when bacteria move upward from a woman's vagina or cervix (opening to the uterus)
into her reproductive organs. Many different organisms can cause PID, but many cases are
associated with gonorrhea and chlamydia, two very common bacterial STDs. A prior episode of
PID increases the risk of another episode because the reproductive organs may be damaged
during the initial bout of infection.
Besides abstinence what is the safest sex practice?
a. Condoms or oral contracept.
3 causes of incontinence.
a. Stress- surgical, hormones
i. (intraabd. Pressure adds pressure to the sphincter and causes people to go pee) also in
women going through menopause
ii. Urine loss with straining or exertion (coughing laughing exercizing associated with
pelvic relaxation and displacement of urethrovesical junction)
b. Total- seen after surgery
i. Continuous leakage due to urinary fistula resulting from pelvic sugery or pelvic radiation
ii. (give imipramine to relax the bladder)
c. Urgei. due to infection or irritation
ii. (feel like you have to void all the time- urine leakage due to involuntary bladder
contractions known as detrusor instability
d. Overflow incontinence
2. Where do u see a WBC cast?
a. Acute Pyelonephritis.
3. 2 main causes of chronic renal failure:
Diabetes and Hypertension

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