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Rare Songwriting Techniques That

Will Instantly Give Your Songwriting
An Incredible Booster Shot
You are about to discover three little known
techniques that will quickly catapult you into
the top 1% of songwriters in the blink of an eye.

What Youll Discover Inside:

The Strange Trick That Instantly Makes
Writing Emotion Packed Lyrics As Easy As
Tying A Shoelace
(Revealed: The easiest way to write lyrics with the
same grace and flair of a world famous artist.)
How To Structure Your Songs For Maximum
IMPACT! (If youve ever been caught up on how to
structure your songs, this will be an instant cure)

Stepping Into The Realm Of Genius

(Discover the strange mental condition that
separates the average joe from songwriting

The Strange Trick That Instantly Makes

Writing Emotion Packed Lyrics As Easy As
Tying A Shoelace
I talk to songwriters all the time. And one of the problems that comes up
frequently is:
How can I write powerful, emotion packed lyrics?
This is a great question, and right now Id like to give you two tips that will
make it impossible for you to NOT write great lyrics.
For a long time Ive been putting a lot of time in improving my writing skills.
And I dont just mean lyrics.
Books articles you name it.
I really enjoy writing its never been something I want to do full time or
anything. Its sort of like playing music for me. Its therapeutic and is a way for
me to express myself.
Anyway, when I do anything at all I want to do it well.
So because of this interest in writing I went out and bought many books on
how to write well.
As I combed these books for useful advice, I stumbled across something very
There was a strange practice that many of the great writers used to
undertake. And its something I would have never thought of unless someone
told me.
I practiced this new exercise, and magically my writing instantly improved.
After a few weeks of this, people reading my works did not even recognize it as
my writing.
After this incredible transformation, an idea suddenly occurred to me
What if I could use this new exercise to improve my lyrics?

So I tested it, and wouldnt you know it

it worked amazingly well!
I bet youre wondering what this exercise is, right?

Well, let me tell you. Its actually so blindingly obvious that youll wonder why
you didnt think of it yourself!
Heres the exercise:
1. Take a page of lyrics that you love.
2. Write out the lyrics in your own handwriting.
3. Thats it!
This is the one exercise that is practiced by thousands of writers all around the
And if you practice this exercise, your lyrics will instantly improve.
I can hear you now
Why will this help me to improve my lyrics?
Its too simple!
I know. I know.
I mean, how could such a simple exercise allow you to make such large

Well, let me explain why your transformation to

Lyric Master is going to happen as you do this.
As you write out your favorite lyrics by hand (And it HAS to be by hand I'll
tell you why in a second) you will notice something quite strange
As you write, you will notice yourself going through a similar thought
process as the person who wrote the lyrics.
You will understand why the lyrics were written in this way. You will feel the
rhythm of the lyrics The emotions the author was feeling The flow of the
You will be taken on the same journey as the writer went on as he wrote the
Its simply amazing, and you HAVE to try it!
Theres something else going on as well. And this other thing is the reason
you MUST write out the lyrics by hand, and not on a computer or some other
Here's why

Theres a strange phenomenon that occurs when

you write out someone elses lyrics or poetry
Its like there is a link between your hand and your unconscious mind and as
you write out the lyrics, information about the way the lyrics have been
written is being inputted and stored in your unconscious
Ok, that last paragraph may have sounded like a mouthful!
Let me make this clear by telling you the effect of doing this exercise.
When you do the exercise for long enough, you unconsciously absorb
information and gain a deep understanding of how the lyrics were created.
When it comes to writing your own lyrics, this new understanding begins to
seep out in your writing, and you notice that your lyrics contain some of the
qualities of the lyrics that you copied out.

What Should You Do Right Now?

Ok, let me give you a rock solid plan for you to follow.
Please at least give this a go, even if you are skeptical that it may not work.
I promise you will be delighted if you just give this a shot.
On a side note: as I went through years of research learning about how to
write great music, something hit me hard.
Sometimes the things that work the best are the things that you think would
never work.
And sometimes when you think somethings bound to work it fails
So with that in mind, put any reservations you have aside and follow this
action plan
1. Think of three songs whose lyrics you absolutely LOVE.
2. Print out copies of these lyrics.
3. Over the next three days, write out these lyrics, one song per day.
After these three days, make an attempt to write some original lyrics. Do your
best to simply let them flow out, and dont think to much about what you
think should be happening.
Youll be pleasantly surprised when you realize youve inherited some of the
qualities of your favorite lyricists!

After youve gone through this process and proven that it works, you will no
doubt go out and begin writing out many more lyrics, transforming your own
lyrics in the process.
Be sure to use this technique. Its one of the easiest ways to make instant
improvements in your lyrics.

How To Structure Your Songs For Maximum

Theres another question thats been emailed to me at least 24 times. And
since I cant get back to all those emails (believe me, I tried!) Im going to
answer that question right now
The question is:
How should I structure my song so it has the biggest impact on my listeners?
In other words, the question is:
Is there a formula that can be used to work out song structures?
The answer is yes, and no.
There are a few ways you can approach this. And let me be perfectly honest
with you. Working out a great structure for your song is DEAD EASY!
You dont need Phd to figure it out.
Let me clue you in. There are three ways to come up with the perfect structure
for your songs.
1. Model the structure of an already successful song.
2. Use creativity methods to create a completely unique song structure.
3. Use both of the above techniques in combination.
These three ways all work extremely well. Personally, I prefer number 3.
Id like to give you a small tidbit from my book, The Songwriting Genius
Within You. This is taken from a chapter named How To Access Thousands
of Perfect Song Structures.
Read the following paragraphs and you will discover how to create excellent
song structures using method 1 from above
One thing that works quite well is to look at the structure of songs that have
already proven to be successful.

You dont need to take a songwriting class or have a degree in music to benefit
from this strategy either.
Heres what you can do:
Take a song from your genre of music that you love. A song that you (and
others) have labelled as a great song.
Listen to this song, and as you do, jot down on a piece of paper the structure of
the song.
Once you have done this, you have discovered how to structure a great song!
You can take ideas that you have created, and match them to this structure to
form your own song.
This strategy works particularly well if you have a collection of ideas for a
song, but are struggling with how to set them out into a song format.
All you need to do is match each idea to the structure of a song that has
already been a success, and BAM, you have your song!
For example
You might find that the great song you are modelling goes like this:
1. Intro idea
2. Goes into verse 1
3. Pre-chorus idea
4. Chorus
5. Small lead out riff
6. 2 verse
7. Pre-chorus with orchestral background
8. 2 chorus with extra guitars
9. Lead out riff with more aggressive feel
10.Into new idea (aggressive)
11.Leads into climactic ending
12.End riff fades out
Keep in mind that this is just one structure that could be used. There are really
an infinite number of ways a song can be structured.
Once you have this basic structure though, you can begin matching music
from your body of ideas to the description that you have taken from your
modelled song.
Firstly, you can ask the question
What idea will fill the role of the intro idea (1 above)?
And once you have an idea that fits that profile, What musical idea will fill the
role of the 1 verse?

And so on
Is Working Out the Song Structure Part of the Creative Process?
Yes and no.
You can certainly treat the way you structure your songs as a creative process.
And in the next chapter you will discover just how to do that.
But this is a part in the music creation process where, if need be, you can
begin to invite the analytical part of your mind back into the picture, and use
it to nut out the format of the song.
Just think There are an enormous number of great songs that have been
written, which means that there are an endless number of successful song
structures that have been created. Why not benefit from the work that has
already been done?
I feel the best approach is to combine proven song structures with creative
song structure techniques (which will be discussed in the next chapter).
Combining these two methods will surely get the best results for any song
youre working on.
My personal method is to begin with a proven structure, and then to adjust
this structure as I perform my creative method of writing the structure for a
Remember that your mind is the most powerful tool in this process, so feed it
with the right information (i.e. some previously successful song structures),
and set the intention of discovering the best way for a song to flow, and it will
work out the answers for you.
One Last Thought
Remember to never get caught up at any point in your songwriting process. If
you keep moving quickly, you will at least have a song structure to work with.
I find that I never get it exactly right the first time. That means that the first
attempt at laying out the structure of a song is usually a rough draft.
Just get something into material form, and then you can listen back and readjust when necessary. After two or three re-adjustments, things will be
sounding great!

Go to your CD collection and pick two of your favorite tracks that are similar
to the music genre that your music falls into.
Listen to these tracks and document the structure and format of these tracks.
Make sure you write this structure down.

Now, if you have some music ideas that currently have no structure, see if you
can piece it together using your proven song structure.
Lets move onto the next chapter and find out how to inject your creativity into
this process, to turn your ideas into music masterpieces.

Stepping Into The Realm Of Genius

Id like to share with you a few concepts that are rarely (if ever) discussed by
teachers of songwriting. These concepts can actually cause you to write songs
in the way that a genius songwriter would.
The topic Im about to discuss is absolutely crucial if you want to become an
exceptional songwriter.
What am I talking about here?
Well, let me start by saying this. When you are writing a song youre not
simply pulling song ideas out of thin air.
Inside your brain there are things going on which are leading you to having
these ideas. And these ideas are represented to yourself in a certain way.
Id like to teach you about the way that you represent musical ideas to
Before I do, let me tell you why its absolutely crucial that you understand
what Im about to tell you.
If you dont know how musical ideas look inside your head, how can you
ever bring them into the world?
If you dont know what to look for there is a chance that these ideas might fly
by without you noticing them.
But if you know exactly what to notice when writing a song, it will be easy to
recognize when an idea jumps out.
So Id like to share another snippet from my book, The Songwriting Genius
Within You. This comes from a chapter named Modalities: How Do You
Decode Musical Ideas In Your Brain?
One more thing.
Pay special attention to the last few paragraphs. If you want to step into the
realm of genius with your songwriting, the last few paragraphs reveal an
important key.

Modalities: How do You Decode Musical Ideas in

Your Brain?
To fully take advantage of the musical ideas that occur to you, you need to
understand and become fully aware of how you represent music to yourself.
This involves going inside your head and watching to see what happens!
To do this effectively though, it will save you a lot of time if you know what
to look for. So in this chapter you are going to learn what and how to look
for the musical ideas that are presenting themselves inside your head.
What does the word thinking mean to you?
Most people assume that the word thinking means talking to yourself.
This internal dialogue is, in fact, thinking, but you can think in many more
ways than this.
There Are Twelve Different Ways You Can Think
There are actually 12 different ways in which you can represent things to
These 12 ways of thinking are called thinking modalities.
What are the 12 types of thinking modalities that you can use to think
Heres a list:
1. Auditory-This form of modality occurs in the form of sounds inside
your head. Obviously this thinking modality is important in the
process of writing music.
2. Auditory Digital-This modality is when you hear your own voice inside
your head. When you talk to yourself inside your head you are using
this auditory digital thinking modality.
3. Visual-The visual modality is being used when you see pictures in
your minds eye.
4. Kinesthetic-This modality is describing internal sensations of touch.
For example when you feel sensations move through your body you
are using your kinesthetic modality (this modality is very often
involved when you are experiencing emotion)
5. Gustatory-This modality is referring to internal tastes. If you think to
yourself what an apple tastes like, and get an internal impression of
this taste, this is utilizing your gustatory thinking modality.

6. Olfactory-This modality refers to an internal impression of smell. If

you think of a really pleasant perfume, and get an internal impression
of this smell, you are thinking with this olfactory modality.
These are the six ways that you can represent things internally.
But wait! I said 12 ways!
Youre right. Heres why you can represent things internally to yourself in 12
different ways.
Each of the thinking modalities Ive listed above can be used in two
different ways, which are:
1. Remembered
2. Constructed
If your favorite song is playing in your head that is an example of using your
remembered auditory modality.
On the other hand, if you are creating a new musical idea, it is constructed
Heres another example just to make this very clear. If I asked you to
remember the first house you lived in, you would see a picture in your head
of this house. This is visual remembered.
If though, I asked you to picture the house you would live in if you had $20
million, you would make a visual constructed picture of this luxurious
Internal Representations
You can think in 12 different ways. These different ways are like building
blocks that you use to create what goes on inside your head.
Every time you make a picture in your head, hear a sound, smell an internal
smell, taste an internal taste, or feel an internal touch, you are making an
internal representation.
And these internal representations are going on inside your head, 24 hours a
day. And there arent just a fewthere are millions and millions of them!
You might say, But I dont notice millions and millions of internal
representations. In fact, I only notice a few of these flashing in and out on
The reason for this is that most of your internal representations happen at
an unconscious level.
As you have learned, most of your processing power lies in the depths of
your unconscious mind. Your conscious mind can only handle five to seven

distinct pieces of information compared to your unconscious mind whose

processing power is practically infinite!
What Modalities Do You Use To Create Music?
This is where things really get interesting!
Out of the six modalities, which ones do you use when creating fresh,
inspiring music?
Well, you use your auditory modality. This is when you hear sounds in your
Another important one is your kinesthetic modality. For example, when you
are feeling inspired there is usually a kinesthetic element in this state.
Also, when you come up with a musical idea, you may get a kinesthetic
sensation that gives you feedback as to whether the idea is great or not.
Its also possible to involve your visual modality into the music creation
process. In fact, it can be very useful to do this and is a fascinating part of
the way a musical genius composes. (Well cover this much more later on.)
Its rare, but some people even use their gustatory modality (internal taste)
in the musical creation process.
Synesthesia is a condition that occurs in a small percentage of the
population where there is a crossover between the way information is
For example, people without synesthesia will represent a piece of music to
themselves as sounds, and only use their auditory modality to represent
this incoming information.
However, a person with synesthesia may hear this music and also see it as a
color. This is the synesthetes crossover of the auditory and visual
Another example is somebody hearing sounds as both sound and taste. In
other words the sound is being represented using both the auditory and
olfactory modality.
These crossover relationships are called synesthetic relationships.
Ok. You might think, this is interesting, but how on earth does it apply to
me making great, memorable songs?
Well, heres why its important.
When you study the musical geniuses of the world, there is something that
all these great minds have in common. In fact, this seems to be true for

geniuses in just about any field.

They all have synesthesia!
Isnt that interesting?!
For example, when Mozart would write a piece of music, there are three
clear synesthesia relationships. (More on this in "The Mozart Report")
There was a kinesthetic/auditory relationship; an auditory/visual
relationship; and its also speculated that there was a relationship between
sound and taste, i.e. auditory/ gustatory.
And this sort of synesthesia seems to be common territory to any artist who
has changed the face of the earth with their music.
Read these quotes from three musical greats and see if you can spot the
synesthetic relationships (Ok, the bolded text gives you a few clues!)
I begin to elaborate the work in its breadth, its narrowness, its height and
depth, and, since I am aware of what I want to do, the underlying idea
never deserts me. It rises, it grows, I hear and see the image in front of
me from every angle, as if it had been cast like a sculpture, and only the
labor of writing it down remains-Beethoven
A genuine creator will have the gift of seeingilluminated in the
minds eye, as if by a flash of lightninga complete musical form
will have the energy, persistence, and skill to bring this envisioned form
into existence, so that even after months of work, not one of its details
will be lost or fail to fit in to his photographic picture.
Paul Hindermith
Once you set up your idea of the material, you kind of sit back. You look
at it. You think about it, and you feel it. And then, if youre sensitive to
it, it starts to tell you what it wants to do. Its like it starts to move in a
certain direction. If youre sensitive, youll just kind of say um humh, and
then youll just start writing it down These are amorphous images that I
am speaking of now, not the eighth notes or sixteenth notes or b-flats. Its
kind of like a painting, but not exactly. Its an abstract image.Michael Colgrass (Pulitzer prize-winning composer)
Heres The Good News
Two things: Firstly, there is a growing body of evidence that suggests that
everyone is born with synesthesia. Its just that as we grow older we learn
to suppress it (among many other things, such as our genius musical ideas!)
When you listen to somebody talk you can even notice this bottled up
synesthesia come out in their speech patterns. They might say something
like, The color blue is cool, while red is hot.

This suggests that there is a synesthetic relationship between color and

temperature or kinesthetic (touch). This is a visual/kinesthetic synesthesia.
Neurologist Richard Cytowic, in a study of people who were born fully
synesthetic, hypothesized that the intertwining of senses must occur deep in
the limbic system. This portion of the brain is completely outside our
awareness and is responsible for primitive drives, such as hunger, emotion,
and sexual desire.
This means that everyone has synesthesia relationships happening all the
time. Its just that for most of the population, it happens outside of their
The second important thing is that there are exercises and procedures you
can do that will encourage you to notice these synesthetic relationships in
your music creation process.
Now, Im not suggesting you develop fully blown synesthesia herenot at
all. There can be many drawbacks to having a strong dose of this condition,
and most of the co-mingling of the senses are best done in your
unconscious, outside of your awareness.
But you can learn to use multiple modalities in your musical creation process
that will enable you to utilize your brain in a similar way to the geniuses in
the quotes above. Later in this book you will learn many procedures to help
you become aware of your musical co-mingling of senses. And it will be as
fascinating an experience for you as it was for me!

The Next Step

I hope youve enjoyed the information in this insider report. The tips youve
been reading about have stemmed from the extensive research that Ive done
into topics such as songwriting, human genius, creativity and more.
As you might imagine, theres much more than what Ive shared with you in
this brief report.
And when you see the results you get from what Ive just shared with you, Im
sure youll realize that if you got hold of all my secret techniques and concepts,
you could transform yourself into a songwriter capable of doing just about
The way to discover my complete method of songwriting is to read my ebook,
The Songwriting Genius Within You. In this book Ive taken everything that
Ive learned about creating spine tingling music and distilled and compiled it
into a step by step plan you can easily follow.

A very surprising thing that I discovered in my research is that most people in

this world are only using a tiny fraction of their potential creativity.
There are various reasons that happen (which I discuss in the book). But the
bottom line is that with a slight change in the way you approach writing music
and lyrics you can literally turn on the tap of immense creativity that is
already inside you right now.
The techniques I will share with you are deliberately aligned with the way that
the most creative people on the planet operate. Just imagine what discovering
all this hidden creativity will do for your songwriting abilities
If you want to leverage the full power of your mind, and unleash your hidden
genius to write music that will astound yourself and others, you owe it to
yourself to at least give my book a try.
And Im so confident that you will absolutely love the way that your
songwriting suddenly becomes much more inspirational, compelling, and
irresistible, that I stand behind my product 100%.
From the day you purchase The Songwriting Genius Within You, you have a
full 60 day period to review, and put into practice the principles and
techniques. If in this time you are even slightly dissatisfied with the purchase,
I will immediately give you every cent of your purchase.
Its that simple. Either you transform yourself into the songwriter you want to
be write fascinating songs that get masses of attention and fully enjoy
living a life of incredible creativity and artistic exploration Or you get a full

Let me tell you something even my close friends and

family dont know
I never intended to be an author. Yes, I do enjoy writing. But I never really had
any ambition to release a book to the public.
The reason that I completed and released The Songwriting Genius Within
You, is because I was so amazed at the way I was able to completely transform
my own songwriting abilities using the principles I had discovered.
When this happened I knew I had stumbled onto something of great value.
And despite not really feeling like spending over six months to sort everything
Id learned into a format that could be easily followed by anyone I simply felt
I owed it to other musicians to make this information known.
And when I began sharing this information with my songwriting friends and
colleges, I knew Id done the right thing.

I began by simply showing a close circle of friends this new way that I was
approaching songwriting. And as they began to shift their approach to this
new method, they began to experience the same staggering results as I.
It was these friends that really pushed me to complete whats now called The
Songwriting Genius Within You.
And I can tell you It took quite a bit of nagging to get me through it!
I mean, what would you rather be doing? Writing a book on how to write
music, or actually writing music!
All fun aside though, I believe that this book is the most powerful collection of
information that you will ever read on the topic of songwriting.
And if you are at all serious about experiencing your full potential as a
songwriter, I want to make it easy for you to try it out for yourself.
For that reason, and to also thank you for reading this insider report Id like to
give you a special deal.
When you invest in The Songwriting Genius Within You right now you will be
rewarded with a selection of extremely valuable bonuses all of which contain
some of my freshest material (some of these ideas are incredibly powerful).
Go to this website now to discover all the bonuses you will receive.
And remember, your purchase is fully covered by my full 60 day guarantee. If
at any time you dont feel that the information is everything Ive suggested,
just shoot me a quick email and you will be fully reimbursed.
Plus you get to keep everything as my way of saying thank you for giving my
material a go.
Well, thank you once again for reading this report.
Also, I'd like to invite you to send to me your comments or questions about
this report. I really appreciate the feedback! Please write to me at:
I wish you all the best with your songwriting.

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