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Chenista Rae Straubel
Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................................................ 2
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 3
"YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN"......................................................................................................... 3
COMMON SENSE .................................................................................................................................... 4
MOMENTS OF TRUTH ............................................................................................................................. 5
UNVEILING ........................................................................................................................................... 5
THE HUMAN CONDITION ....................................................................................................................... 6
Values............................................................................................................................................... 7
Empowerment ................................................................................................................................... 7
Cornerstones .................................................................................................................................... 7
Foundation ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Freedom is Progressive..................................................................................................................... 8
FLOW: OPTIMAL EXPERIENCE ............................................................................................................... 9
LEARNING TO BE STILL .......................................................................................................................... 9
Acceptance and Forgiveness ........................................................................................................... 10

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You know that you have grown up when all the
rules are gone and you can't remember what
game you were playing. Suddenly you realize
that it wasn't a game, it was for real. You begin
to wonder what it all means and why it should
mean anything at all.

Volunteer Simplicity demands nothing and

expects nothing. All demands and expectations
are born within you.

If you expect that you should be this or that, an environmental activist or involved
in simplicity, then you are probably not ready for true volunteer simplicity. The
very notion of an expectation or demand assumes "burden" and you are not
living consciously if you live with burdens. Burdens weigh a spirit down -
simplicity is uplifting - it frees you from both your internal limitations and outer
shell of expectations and demands. You live simply because you want to.
Simplicity is not a social cult. Much like all things, simplicity just is.

Likewise, if you expect something from volunteer simplicity, then you are not
ready for simplicity. Simplicity is without expectations. Simplicity is living in
abundance within spirit, consciously experiencing all moments of life without
taking or expecting anything from the moment. All moments stay where they are,
what you carry is but a mere experience of a moment, an opportunity to awaken,
and to share in new ways. You live purposefully and with respect.

"You Must Be Present to Win"

Simplicity is neither acting nor reacting. In simplicity, you are present within the
moment. You are not weighted by the past nor do you wait in anticipation of

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future gains. All experiences are present only within the moment that is
happening, you let go of each moment as it passes, and this act uplifts you to a
higher love, consciousness, awareness or “being”. Simplicity is living at peace
within your self and with all things. Simplicity is acceptance. Acceptance of your
self and of all things: you are exactly where you need to be at this moment in
time and the same is true for all things as well. You neither take life from, nor
sacrifice for life…rather you share the experience of life with all things. Actions
are purposeful and with the mere of intent of doing without expectations of
rewards or demands from life.

Simplicity is living esoteric truths.

Common Sense
Much of who are is attributed to how we grew up and the rules we were taught as
children. Those rules were meant to instill the foundation of common sense, the
essence of simplicity.
• Honesty and integrity are the utmost important. Mean what you say, be
true to yourself, do what you say you will do. If you let others down, you
betray yourself and sacrifice your own honesty and integrity.
• Be humble and pray.
• Be thankful for what you have.
• Look both ways before crossing the street (good rule when driving as well
and at railroad crossings).
• Treat others the way you would like to be treated (this really is very easy
to do, we complicate the process by clouded judgements and emotions -
clearly not present within the moment).
• Be kind to animals (enough said!).
• Help those who are less fortunate then your self.
• Be polite and mind your manners. Remember to say "please" and "thank
you", "pardon me" and "excuse me".
• Wash your hands before eating and after using the restroom.
• Only use your own toothbrush and replace it often.
• Clean up after your self.
• Be fair in judgements and kind in your actions, what goes around comes
around. As you judge, you also will be judged.
• Take care of your belongings and they will always take of you.
• Take only what you need, use what you take, and share everything you
• Be mindful of the fool who takes advantage of you - the fool is you.
• Remain conscious of your table manners, chew with your mouth closed,
keep your elbows off the table and out of others’ food, ask for items to be
passed, and be mindful of portions – gluttony is one of the seven deadly
• Waste not, want not.
• Respect our environment, don't litter.

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• Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
• Nothing in excess.

If you stop to think for a few moments, all of the rules remain applicable
throughout your whole life. Simply stating, they are the guidelines to living simply
- if we remembered them, we wouldn't need the volunteer simplicity movement.

Unfortunately, our society conveys that it is more honorable to consume than it is

to be frugal - to discard and purchase new. This creates a vicious cycle of buy,
consume, discard - buy, consume, discard - without taking into consideration the
childhood rule, common sense, "Take only what you need, use what you take,
share, and take care of your belongings." All of this may seem good for the
economy, but is it good environmentally? If the cycle is not balanced, then it is
not simple - and partaking creates complications. Living simply means breaking
the cycle of excess and abuse of you, others, as well as our environment.

Moments of Truth
Living simply does not mean that you can't own an electric can opener, a
dishwasher, washing machine, clothes dryer, or anything else. If the purchase
complicates your life with problems that can't be resolved, then it is not living
simply. For instance, you second mortgage your home to buy an expensive car.
Now you have to work two jobs to pay for both. This purchase just complicated
your life; therefore, you are not living simply. Wanting that expensive car is not
living simply as well - for in simplicity, there are no demands, expectations, or
wants - all imply a burden and gratify only the self-serving ego and therefore
serve only to further remove your presence from the experiences of the moment.

In essence, if the decision complicates your life or removes your attention from
the experience of the moment, then you are not living simply. If you feel
burdened by this thought - you are not ready for simplicity.

Simplicity is fully experiencing your own moments of truths.

We often have to be so disillusioned by our present
condition that we are ready to risk all, totally surrender,
for the sake of finding something better. Much like the
dormant seed that blossoms, this disillusionment is the
seed of our conscious truth - we truly know who we are
and what our purpose is, we blossom and life takes on
new meaning as well as rewards. The rules haven’t
change, we have. This is the simplicity of rewards; we
are born “blossom” in to a new reality, conscious of our
presence within all moments.

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Our life takes on a special meaning and we lay the plan to a greater and more
rewarding life - spiritual rewards, invigorated by and of the experience of living.

We may come to realize that as we experience we give life to our spirit and our
spirit returns the experience to us. We are not separate, but totally integrated -
not complicated, but very simple. We are here to give experience to our spirit
who experiences life though us and only though us. We are responsible for
allowing our spirit life as well as the experiences we give to your spirit. Our spirit
experiences life though us and in turn, our spirit nurtures us. Spirit is carefree
and playful, much like a child, always in wonder and in awe.

Simplicity bridges the distance between spirit and self and experiences the unity
of all things living in peaceful coexistence. You see yourself as an integral part,
made whole only with the presence of wind, water, trees, sky, grass, and yes -
even dirt and realize that you are a vital part of these elements born of the same
single substance.

Simplicity is nurtured by the continuous

connection with all things brave, beautiful and

Nothing is insignificant in simplicity - as every

thing has the purpose of experiencing life in the
present incarnation whether it is as a tree or
butterfly, etc.

Degrees of significance are products of ego assigning superiority and inferiority

to people, places and elements. In simplicity, everything has a purpose and
therefore, nothing is insignificant.

The Human Condition

Ego complicates life and living by demanding conformity. Ego is the source of
and creates fears, unnecessary needs, demands, expectations, and enables the
association of stigma's, prejudice, inferiority and superiority - the ego is not true
and lives by playing out a false façade and giving us a false sense of security.
Ego filters what we see in efforts to protect itself.

Ego is selfish, unyielding and bares the burden with never-ending needs and
wants - it cannot be satisfied. Gratifying the ego only tends to give it more power
over your consciousness and awareness.

It is easy to recognize ego in our actions. Ego is acting when we engage in

activity for the purpose of competing with others, so “show” someone up,
compete with the “Jones’”, buy because others’ own something, over spend our
budget, brag, talk poorly of others, look down on others or think we are somehow
superior to others, etc. Ego also demands to “be in charge” and is always right

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and must prove it! Ego seeks to overpower all opponents at any cost, others, as
well as your own conscious thoughts and meaningful, purposeful actions!

Often we have to cut through layers and years of "obstacle illusions" created by
the ego before we can get to what is real.

While on retreat one weekend, I sat under a large tree with a notepad - writing
about nothing, hoping that something would come to me. I drew only a blank and
became very perplexed and frustrated. In one of my many sighs, a woman
appeared who sat beside me under the tree. She asked, "please if you would,
write down what is important and then hand the paper to me." I followed her
instructions and jotted something down on the paper and handed the paper to
her. To my surprise she tore the paper to shreds and placed the pieces in her
skirt. She asked, "please if you would, write down what you really want and hand
the paper to me." I followed her instructions and again she tore the paper to
shreds and placed the pieces in her skirt. We played this silly game a few more
times and finally I said, "I don't know what you want you from me, the pieces of
my life are in you lap!" She simply replied, "What I have here are pieces of what
you thought you once were and what you wanted - I think you know now what
you truly seek and want." I looked at her, she handed me a tissue to dry my
tears and away she strolled with the pieces of my life carefully bundled in her

You can tell what is important to you by the way you spend your free time.

This was a profound experience for me as I felt I had been stripped of all I ever
thought I needed and all that I had was the here and now - what was I to do with
that? Then I realized I could do anything I wanted to do with it, I no longer had to
have what I thought I wanted - those were but shredded pieces of a false reality
meant for the trashcan of life. I felt incredibly liberated in both thought and
action. I remained under the tree, experiencing the wind, the sounds, and the

Later, a gentleman passed by and he spoke a few words. I told him I was
experiencing the wind and the sounds and he told me that tree knows of these
experiences and that I should talk to the tree and he left. He left me to be alone
with huge tree that I was sure was much older and wiser than myself and “I was
to have a conversation with a tree?” I questioned. I thought he was mad.
However, after giving the matter much thought, if this tree could talk, what would
it say? The tree has lived and experienced much more than any one person ever
could and remains in its prime. It stands not against the wind, its branches and
leaves move with wind. Its roots are very deep and steadfast, allowing the tree
its place without interruption or competition. The tree knows nothing of the

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nutrients it needs to grow - nature provides. The tree lives simply, without
demands and expectations. It is mighty and commands respect - it has after all,
provided me with both shade and protection from the wind for the better part of
the day. But that tree gave me much more than that and the conversation I had
with that tree taught me what is truly important to live abundantly - flexibility,
roots, food for the soul, good conversation, sharing, self-respect, honesty and
most of all, yes, simplicity.

Experiences can liberate us from our past and give us wisdom or it can hold us
hostage by creating burdens, anger, resentments, as well as fears (ego).

It is how we personally choose to relate to experience that determines our

destiny. We create our own realities by how we choose to perceive our

As one door closes another opens (opportunity) and we must dwell upon a
moment free of reaction, demands, and expectations in order to find the
treasures of what lies behind those doors.

We must have courage and faith to move forward into the unknown with the
curiosity, wonder, and openness of a child.

We must cut through emotional buriers (often created by ego to protect itself) in
order to reach beyond the present condition and to claim or reclaim our potential,
hopes, dreams, purpose as well as who we truly are and what is truly important.

You become empowered when you build a personal foundation upon self-
respect, honesty, integrity and love - spiritual love. You take responsibility and
hold yourself accountable in new ways - not as a burden - but as a wonderful
opportunity to broaden your realm of experiences to share with your spirit
throughout your life. You move forward in life with goals and renewed
commitments to live fully with the experience of life.

Freedom is Progressive
Simplicity is liberating. Simplicity breed’s freedom and presents itself as an
opportunity to become new and when you accept the challenge of simplicity and
freedom, you experience freedom in new ways, and each experience of freedom
will seem like the first experience. Without expectations and demands, moments
are free to become what they were truly meant to be.

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Simplicity is a breath of fresh air - the freedom of
a butterfly to just "be still".

You have reached a milestone in the journey of

simplicity when you give up your need to always
be right and the struggles born from that need.

Simplicity is nurtured by the innocence of not

knowing and is always open to knowing.

Flow: Optimal Experience

Life takes on certain syncopation as you become
attuned to a natural clock - flowing with the
seasons of time.

Time is measured
experientially and
takes on new
meanings as well.
Your internal clock moves with a universal rhythm
much like the tides follow the moon and rivers flow
into seas. This experience allows you the same
renewal and time for reflection that resides within
the delicate balance of nature.

Your senses become more sensitive and

experience moments more fully.

Simply living is abundance - only in this state can one truly reap the benefits and
reward of living simply.

Learning to be Still

We live in the age where we are continually bombarded by outside stimuli and
we have become accustomed to the stimuli and depend upon it to make us feel
alive. However, it is the stimuli and our dependency upon it that robs our spirit of
experience. We have to be constantly amused in some way by something
because we have not been taught or have not learned how to be with ourselves.
Until we learn how to be present with our self and experience what it is, we
cannot fully expect others to feel present or welcome them as a part of us as

Simplicity is born in treasured moments of stillness and nurtured in the here and

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Learning to be still means allowing yourself to be calm, without outside stimuli so
that you can experience what is going on inside of yourself. You can listen to
your body, to your breathing, notice where a slight twinge may send a pain, smile
and notice how both your face and heart feel. Touch your skin, your hair and
experience how that touch really feels, what message it portrays to you about
you. What thoughts flow through your mind - allow them to flow, if you fight them
-you give them your energy, if you allow them their moments they will flow
without struggle. Being still with yourself means letting go of the struggles - the
struggles with your self, with life, your job, demands, expectation, etc. Simply
enjoy that you are free from the struggles, that you don't have to be anywhere or
do anything to feel joy and wonder.

Simplicity is joy and wonder.

Acceptance and Forgiveness

All of us have made a few mistakes in our life. There are probably a few ghosts
in our closets or secrets that we hide. Often we wear a mask thinking we are
hiding the ghosts or remain silent believing our secrets are our own. However, it
is often within the masks and the silence that tells others that we are hiding and
we are only truly lying to ourselves.

To be present, to be still, to experience flow, we must know acceptance and

forgiveness. We must accept not only ourselves but also each other for who we
are. We are not our actions - we are divine replications - when we forgive
ourselves, others forgive us and we become more forgiving of others. (What
goes around comes around - childhood rules.) Judgements will ease as we learn
to forgive and accept. There is less prejudice in our lives and the struggles

Forgiveness and acceptance is liberating - it frees us from judgements, prejudice,

and our weaknesses, secrets and lies.

Therefore, simplicity is grace.

Simplicity is learning to be gentle on your self and others.

Simplicity is learning, growing and reaching into the wonders of all things and
feeling your connection to all wonders.

Simplicity is you and therefore, simplicity is all things.

Closing thoughts…
Walk simply, my friend.

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