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A Portrait of the Student

as a Schoolboy



The Pyramid of Vowels

2015 -

Introduction to Edwards Diary ....

As a child we may be accustomed to believe stories, which are told by trustworthy people. We
consider these as the truth, although the trusted relation often results in a trap, because the truth for
its timidity seems to veil itself by hiding behind a scenery or a Potemkin village.
Of course we know scenery will often be applied in commercials, in which the industry praises
products as healthy although everybody knows they are unhealthy or even dangerous.
I cannot imagine any big market like finance, medicine, sports (soccer, car races, Olympia, Tour de
France), energy or car industry without corruption.
Wherever we may take a look, I identify Potemkin villages: in religion, politics or banking. The free
markets are a farce, in which statistics are being manipulated. The monetary market is a corrupt
Ponzi-system. Religion has been based on the illusion that vowels are leading towards eternity. The
veils of the scenery has to be put aside to observe the naked truth behind the scene.
In high school the scenery and Potemkin villages had been left intact. A superficial study does not
reveal the truth. It takes some time of intense study to remove the veils...
The question was: had the teachers been aware of the scenery? I even asked myself whether my
teachers had been aware of the Potemkin villages in their schoolbooks and deliberately proceeded
teaching their pupils the false theories in the same category of the Santa Claus legends they are
selling to the little children.
And I remembered the miraculous legends about earning money at the stock market, the
advantageous saving and investment products the bankers are selling, although all economists know
that fiat money is just a paper tiger, comparable to the Utopian promises of eternal heaven or hell,
indulgence and whatever nonsense they told me in school.
The central motif in Andr Gide's novel Les faux-monnayeurs (The Counterfeiters, 1925) refers to
the identification of Real and False, honesty and -ethical or intellectual- counterfeiting, such as
Thomas Aquinas illustrated counterfeiting in a religious context: (the Counterfeiting-concept)
For it is a much graver matter to corrupt the faith which quickens the soul, than to forge
money, which supports temporal life.1
But what will happen if in a model religion would be based on imagination and fantasy and the
soul may also be satisfied by a talisman such as the word five teen or Gas Telephone a
Hundred Thousand Rubles?
In that case I would have to ask myself: isn't currency debasement by counterfeiting the worse
crime? In fact faith is just a temporary illusion of eternal life and money is an eternal counterfeit of
Of course Andr Gide's diaries must be continued. That's why I decided to rename the next volume
of my philosophical diary2 in the diary of currency debasement.

1 Source: counterfeiting concept Multo enim gravius est corrumpere fidem, per quam est animae vita, quam falsare
pecuniam, per quam temporali vitae subvenitur. II-IIae q. 11 a. 3 co. Thomas Aquinas/Summa Theologiae/Part
2 Sources in Dutch or German: Dagboekfragmenten (1960-1972) - Dagboekfragmenten 1991-2010- Ein Jahr Voller
Farben (2010) - Tagebuchfragmente 1954-2011 - Tagebuchfragmente: Eine Reise in Die Schweiz (2011) Dagboekfragmenten 2012-2013 (Missing volumes may be found in an overview: JWR's Dokumentenliste)

From Edwards Notebook 1954

The Creation Legend 1954

Life is full of surprises. After the shocking experience of learning to read and write I was to be
taught the creation legend. But as kids we were used to surprises and learned to deal with these
In the second grade of elementary school at the Zeelsterstraat in Eindhoven the religious lessons
started with the creation of Man. Our teacher had introduced the priest who was responsible for
teaching the most serious theme named Adam and Eve. Before the lessons he had prepared a
couple of excellent illustrations with brightly colored sticks of chalk, drawn at the inside of the
closed blackboard panels which were to be opened the blackboard panels at the beginning of the
religious lessons.
The 34 pupils had been given a new exercise book in which they were ordered to copy the drawings
and document the wordings. Initially I had been impressed by the creation, because my drawings
and scripture started as a carefully copied series of images and texts, which gradually degraded by
carelessness and loss of interest3 .
One of the most illustrative tokens are the individual, bright colors red for Adam respectively blue
for Eve before the Fall of Man, which is indicated by the opened gate to heaven..
After the Fall of Man, which is indicated by the closed gate to heaven, man and woman are being
expelled from paradise as a married couple in purple colors.

Fig 2.: Creation

(Adam & Eve, page 1)

3 In Dutch: Godsdienstles 1954-1955

Fig. 1: Outcast from paradise

(Fall of Man, Adam & Eve, page 1)

Male persons are painted red, female persons blue

Essentially I wasn't sure whether male person always were to be painted red or orange and female
persons such as St. Mary were to be painted blue. There had not been any spoken information about
these colors. Only the drawings were carrying the information.
I just thought to keep am open eye for these details:

4: Jesus Christ, dressed in red

3: St. Mary dressed in blue

These drawings have been made in lessons dated a few weeks later. The sample drawings of the
teacher probably had identical colors or at least similar colors.

In due time my mother returned the carefully conserved exercise book and I remembered the most
impressive initial lesson with Adam and Eve. I even remembered my seat position in class: a back
row at the right side. Also I clearly remembered the brightness of the colors. The explanation for
these colors red & blue and why they after the Fall of Man had been changed to purple seemed to
have vanished. Nowhere in the exercise book and in my memories any trace could be found. An
elementary information had been missing. The information had been given without a clue. I never
found a serious answer to this question.
During the lessons the texts had been written with a pencil. Later the texts were to be overwritten
with a dip pen, which had to be dipped in a shared inkwell in the middle of the children' desks.
Apart from my exercise book I also received the children' catechism and a photograph of those
days. Recently we had great fun in reproducing the answers to the catechisms' questions: why are
we on earth (Why did God create us)? The response is: we are on earth to know God, to love him,
to serve him ... 4 and of course we all shared the correct responses for the questions of the first page.

Fig. 5: Photograph (1954)

Of course I realized the creation legend had been a fantasy in analogy to the traditional Dutch Santa
Claus legends. As a matter of fact lots of Santa Claus legends existed, which weren't that
transparent. Some legends needed so much lifetime that most people were to take their secrets to
their graves.

4 The Unheard Cry Of The Igbo People

Sometimes however I found magic words, which seemed to be working properly, such as the
formula fifteen, which almost forgotten had been stored away in one of my remotest memorial
archives. Fifteen or spoken in Dutch Five-Teen had been my filler word, which instinctively
had to be inserted to bridge a short, empty thinking phase.
Initially my memory fails to reproduce realistic samples for my magic word Fifteen. Vaguely I
remember I used it by inaudibly whispering Five-Teen to gain some time. Time to bridge
awkward or void pauses in discussions, in dialogues in classes, in discourses. After all in puberty
my brains sometimes stuck up in eternal cycles. It's the curse of a slow logic processor connected
to bundle of overshooting communication channels: a 10K brain attached to a 9600 baud mouth.
Regularly I have been stopped by a police officer for bicycling without a light and of course we
knew we had to prepare a good story for driving in the dark. I just bought a new lamp and now I
am on my way home to exchange the light, sir!. The response needed to be produced at a flash. If
it came too slow or stammered the story lost credibility. And instinctively Five Teen seemed to be
the exact pause to prepare the answer...
Strictly spoken Five-Teen really consists of two syllables, which started somewhat denigrating
with a pessimistic Five to be followed by a promising and inspiring Teen. In fact Fifteen
never let me down and as in Belisa's magic words I managed to keep the word secret till today,
as it now after fifty years doesn't matter any more. Embarrassing moments need not to be resolved
by fifteen but may be compensated by more sophisticated ways of overcoming the void thinking
At the end of puberty I must have lost the magic of the secret word Five-Teen, which had been
locked up in my unused memorial cavities. Wherever my thoughts felt in need for stop words I had
learned to find out newer and better methods to fill the gaps without magic.Fifteen belonged to
the category infantile behavior, which is used for childish plays and must be laid aside to become
an adult. I hadn't forgot the brand and immediately remembered while reading Eva Luna
s Two Words, but I had lost the word's creation, its purpose and its practical use. The lost images
however may be returning any time, any day now,... maybe tomorrow, or even after mumbling...

5 Five-Teen

At the Zoo 1960

The Panther
His vision, from the constantly passing bars,
has grown so weary that it cannot hold
anything else. It seems to him there are
a thousand bars; and behind the bars, no world.
As he paces in cramped circles, over and over,
the movement of his powerful soft strides
is like a ritual dance around a center
in which a mighty will stands paralyzed.
Only at times, the curtain of the pupils
lifts, quietly--. An image enters in,
rushes down through the tensed, arrested muscles,
plunges into the heart and is gone.
- translated by Stephen Mitchell 6Der Panther, Im Jardin des Plantes, Parijs
Rainer Maria Rilke, 6.11.1902, Parijs

6 From Wikipedia: The Panther

A schoolboy
The history of mankind
In retrospect the magic formula Five-Teen may have opened my eyes for symbolism in Roman
and Greek alphabet and counting symbols. Counting with the help of Roman alphabetic symbols
had been taught at an episcopal college, in which half of the teachers were secular and the other half
priests. Most laymen had families and left school in the afternoon, but the priests were responsible
for the most important subjects
Latin, Greek and classic history had been devoted to Storms, whose phantom image still stands
upright at the middle of the central window, leaning on the heater with half-closed narrowed eyes,
his arms folded and holding a cigarette between his forefinger and middle finger.
Smoking had been common and he may have smoked four cigarettes within the fifty minutes of an
hour. At the end of the hour I was allowed to leave the classroom and ring the bell with a special
key. I had been seated in the front row, because I was known to intensely fix the teacher with my
wide awake eyes.
In a way Storms somehow looked like Socrates and I remember how his face could become stormy
severe in examining the dead-silent class and cross-fire bad grades among the pupils in the room.
Storms had been renowned as the best of all teachers and was to leave in pension after I left college.
He was famous for his experience and reached the highest summit of authority of the teaching staff.
I saw nobody ever doubting his decisions. His authority had been founded on superior knowledge.
He never ever needed force for disciplinary action or ordered anyone to write lines of punishment or
any piece of text, which had been considered a bad kind of punishment anyway.
He highlighted his authority by crossing-out pages long passages in the official textbook for classic
history The History of Mankind Hellas and Rome 7. To me as a schoolboy this looked like a
blasphemy, which only was to be permitted to teachers with exceptional authority. The Selected
Chapter titled Greek Religion had been skipped. And later I found references to Frazer's The
Golden Bough (1922) and Erwin Rohde's Psyche (1908)8.
Those days in the early sixties books still had been considered holy as far as the had passed the
censorship phase and hadn't wound up in the index. Of course for us only one censor really counted
that much: the Church! Whatever landed on the index had to be considered a taboo. The Index
librorum prohibitorum was to be abolished 1968 by Pope Paul VI. All of our textbooks only
contained censored and approved information, in which Storms was allowed to cross-out large
The texts which had survived this cross-examination were considered as full-proof and had to be
accepted as am absolute truth. A second opinion or a third source usually failed by absence. No
doubt we were sure to learn the plain truth.
In retrospect I decided to return to this phase and study the textbook with so many crossed-out lines.
I needed to verify the former certainties and compare what had been taught to alternative sources.
At the gymnasium I had not been a student, but a schoolboy, who apart from religion had
accepted anything taught in the lessons and stored the wisdom in my memorial archive. Some of
my experiences at college and at the university had been documented in my diary notes9.
By now I knew religion and some parts of classic history had been infected by brainwashing
methods and now 50 years later the time had come to separate the chaff from the wheat.
7 In Dutch: De geschiedenis van de mensheid. Deel V (hellas en rome) door H.G.M A.B. Van Gool (1962)
8 In Dutch: De geschiedenis van de mensheid. Deel V pag. 121)
9 In Dutch: Dagboekfragmenten (1960-1972)

The college had been a pure boys school, in which a small percentage had been enclosed in a
boarding school. My nickname was Caracas, because my parent lived there and I had lived for some
time in those remote paradise areas abroad. At the boarding school only a few friends arose and they
often disappeared by relocation, repeating classes or simply removal by bad grades. I myself
however was lucky and quickly rushed through the classes. The 6th grade examination class
however turned out to be a lonely year, after my few friends had left their 5-year college period and
only a few external fellows were left over. The last year remains a boring lost year in my memory.
According to the rules in an episcopal college I had to endure several religious exercises at school.
Unconvinced of religious fundamentals I did not have intense or confidential contacts to the staff.
I remember to have visited Storms now and then, seated in an apartment full of antique stuff, high
oaken furniture, bookshelves up to the roofs, busy with coin collections, studying, sometimes busy
in reproducing photographs in his dark room. He always friendly responded my shy questions,
mostly translation problems in my homework. In my eyes these items were huge problems and to
him it seemed to be a piece of cake...
I knew Storms like his idol Socrates would have accepted the Truth and the Truth only as his master
and I virtually heard him command me to find out the Truth. For the sake of the Truth so to say...

Roman number over 5

Around ca. 1000 825 BC the Phoenician alphabet had been copied by the Greeks. They did not
need all characters and used the superfluous symbols for their vowels. It is rather strange to omit at
schools the reasons why some peoples do not write their vocals and only document their additional
symbols named the con-sonants.
Originally the Romans wrote their numbers by using the Greek symbols which not had been used in
Latin10: such as the letters chi, psi, phi.
Roman Numeric
alphabe Value

Derivation according to The History of Mankind. Part V


Maybe the chi-symbol


Derived from the psi-sign, which in the west had not been written ,


Derived from the thta-sign ( ); later to be identified as C

for Centum.


Only to be understood if I = the right side of CI - sign for 1000



Derived from the phi-sign leading to CI. This sign CI has been
in use for inscriptions up to the XVIIIth century.
M = 1000 Mille has been used in parallel ever since the 1st century

1 Derivation of the Roman numbering system according to The History of Mankind. Part V
At first sight this numbering system looks rather chaotic and unsystematic. But if we do not start at
an origin with alphabetical symbols, but instead some rather unrelated ad lib symbols, another
systemic approach may become visible. The derivation may be a common basis: something that
starts by using a common core for several functional branches.

10 In Dutch: The History of Mankind. Part V (hellas en rome) door H.G.M A.B. Van Gool (5e druk, 1962), pag. 83

From the diary fragments

My first personal contact to Storms took place at Ash Wednesday (13. of February) of the year
1961. I remember to have visited the medieval Munster church to receive the ashen sign of the
The ceremony required we had to kneel in front of the altar, where I also may have received the
blessing of St. Blaise, which was to protect me against infections of the throat. I remember they did
cross two candles against my throat and mumbled a short prayer. The Munster church had been
located next tot the college and I might even have managed to run to the church at the free pause we
had around 10 o'clock.
Like all visitor I had to go down a few steps into a rather dark environment, as the church is
illuminated by incredibly tiny Roman windows. I felt like entering a large tomb area and guess the
Duke of Gelre may have wished this gloomy atmosphere for his graveyard. The lower level of the
church had been caused by the centuries long deposit of the city's waste,which not had raised the
city's level for 1m or so.
The corridor towards the altar is long and impressive for its darkness. Most obviously this church
had to be medieval. A the center of this church the shared tomb for the duke and his wife dominated
the place in a gorgeous and impressive waterfall of the colors red & blue, which had been
highlighted by lamps11.
The dukes of Gelre had chosen the remotest location to build a gloomy crypt in an Egyptian style. I
felt fascinated by the colors of the tomb and medieval atmosphere, which had turned the town into a
city Roermond. Under the dukes' protection R. transformed itself into a famous center for medieval
broadcloth activities, which still me be identified in the naming of streets and some locations.
I didn't remove the ashes for the blessing of St. Blaise, because I had intended to show my
compliance to my teachers. Especially I wanted to signalize Storms I had been interested in
religious tokens. However I wasn't too interested in religious aspects, but in history and the
manipulative mechanisms. Of course we had Latin or history which had been obliged for every
day's learning pattern and anyway I remember to have worn this cross of ashes until the night time
had come to clean my face before I went to bed.
From time to time we practiced obscure boyish pranks like the adoration of those bright red
Vlaminax extinguishers, which had been attached to the corridor walls. Or we had one of these
lousy dares, in which one of the fellows pressed his mouth to his arm to raise the pressure in his
lungs until he became unconscious. He then fell backwards into the arms of another fellow and
resumed consciousness after a number of seconds or minutes. And of course there had been tests of
courage in stepping in the roof gutter to gather those small balls we used to play football and had
been kicked high up to the frightening high roofs. And we better took care not to be seen by one of
the guards. Some also dared to investigate the roof windows by following the roof gutters and enter
the lofts, where strange ancient objects waited to be discovered. One day I even found an old paper
package of cigarettes from the wartime, which on opening crumbled the tobacco to dust...
Of course we were supposed to confess our sins, but I didn't want the priests to get insight into my
feelings and actions. I didn't think my behavior contained sins. All we did belonged to life. And
shortly after my last confessions I stopped going to communion and one day the priests also
accepted my absence at the daily masses. At that time I must have been around 14 years of age.
But all of these things were okay and helped me to pass the annoying series of day..

11 In Dutch: Rood en Blauw in Roermond Dagboekfragmenten (1960-1966)

One day I noticed that the Roman and Greek numbering systems had been based on quite different
fundamentals. The Greek had chosen letters, which referred to the Greek words for these numbers.
The Romans seemed to have chosen another way. I noticed the common idea of using an I and a V
for both initial number characters and for the initial letters of IV-piter. I thought of asking Storms
for this topic, but didn't really risk to aks...

A most remarkable situation occurred at Storm's description of Artemis' temple at Ephesis, which
356 BC had been destroyed by a young man, who intended to become famous by burning down one
of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Initially Storms refused to unveil the bastard's name
but in the end he revealed the name of Herostratus.
I asked him why he had preferred to keep the name a secret and in the end gave in to tell us who did
it he explained that such criminal behavior should be kept anonymous as long as possible, but in the
end the truth had to prevail in marginal cases.

High school graduation

At the oral part of our high school graduation the two classes had been split up in three groups, in
which the first group for the pupils named with the initial letters A...H were to be examined before
the weekend and the other two groups after the weekend. Two of my fellows from the 12-group,
H. and R., received their diplomas directly after their oral examinations at Saturday 21 th of May
1966. They all passed their examination. I was unlucky to have an initial letter R, which had
postponed my examination to the next week.
And that evening the traditional visits at the graduates' families, where we had drinks form the
family's liquor supplies. At the boarding school I wasn't used to liquor and I never have enough
money to get drunk anyway. Anyway the parents took care we didn't drink too much. And they
knew more than half of the students had to proceed examinations at Monday.
Lots of families had to be visited and at last a small group of five or six students did reach the home
of H., whose family was absent. Most of those in this group lived in neighboring towns or were
fellow inmates just like me.
We went into the closed pharmacy shop of H.'s parents and entered the living room, where H.
immediately opened the bar and started a search for glasses for his guests. In the meantime R.
opened bottles and poured brandy into the glasses. He looked at me and smiled as he poured brandy
in my glass up to the brim. I didn't protest as I didn't realize the glass might be an overdose for my
body. And we cheered for H. and R. who were now to start a study in medicines.
We sat down and chatted a while and I wasn't sure whether this would be the last station before we
had to return to go to our beds. Anyway after a while H. rose from his sofa, stretching out and
yawning. The others rose and I stood up holding my half full glass of brandy. R. looked me into the
eyes and I remember the last thing I saw were his blue eyes and his smiling mouth as he looked at
me emptying the overdose of brandy.

12 The linguistic-oriented branch had been named in contrast to the technical-oriented branch

An overdose of brandy
It was a bright Sunday morning I woke up around 10 o'clock by the sunlight pouring into the
windows and hitting my eyes. I wasn't feeling good with half of my face in my vomit. I felt cold
and saw I had been deposited in a caravan, wearing my full clothing. The caravan was located near
a large farm I never had visited before, but in the window I noticed the tall cathedral's tower and I
knew I was across the river in the harbor area of the town.
I knew I had to knock at the farm, excuse me for my vomit and cleanup the mess. And ashamed I
was invited into the house where the family had just finished breakfast. I was invited to wash
myself and drink a cup of coffee before they gave me some cleaning materials to remove the vomit
from the caravan's bed. I tried to tell them I had been deceived by the full glass of brandy, which I
should have refused to empty, but I was aware they had some problems in believing me.
And then after I had my coffee I crossed the old bridge across the river Roer, passed Ann's cafeteria
and returned to school, which in the meantime had opened the gates and allowed me to return and
sneak unnoticed into my room, where I took a handful of active coal to detoxify the remaining
traces of alcohol in my body. It was a bright sunny day and I went down and took a seat in the
sunshine, where I found a couple of other fellows. Nobody really knew what had happened and
apart from my boring headache and my half closed eyes against the sunlight they couldn't see my
state of mind. I wasn't going to tell them what had happened last night.
And after half an hour Storms came out for his Sunday morning walk. He greeted us, took a glance
at my buckled face and noticed the black traces of my Norit active coal medicine at the corners of
my mouth. With his usual piercing look he asked me how I was doing. My accompanying fellows
supposed he would be interested whether I felt nervous before my exams, but I knew better...
I didn't want to tell him the truth and said I feel fine, Sir. Thank you!. He waited a few seconds
which felt like an eternity to me - and left us to walk away. I sighed and I knew he had seen the
truth through my shield. Three days later my group had their oral examinations. Storms had given
me an excellent score. As a matter of fact all students had succeeded to pass their examinations.
I remembered what had happened a year ago at the 17 th birthday of my girlfriend, at which her
father had handed me a large glass of coke & cognac, which had made me fall asleep in a rocking
chair. I had been sleeping all night like a rock. I hadn't really taken too much alcohol, but probably
taken it too fast.
After my blackout I asked H. how I behaved that evening after having visited his home. He felt
embarrassed and somewhat awkward, but in the end told me how we must have walked the city and
visited locations, where I had to be guided to come and go. Initially they had helped me in climbing
the fence to the school but had to stop me at the risk of falling and breaking my neck. Nobody really
knew who had accompanied me to the caravan. It was a frightening experience, but I was young
and I simply had tried how far I could go. I could have killed somebody or get killed by anybody
else. I realized I had gone far enough. I knew R. didn't like me and deliberately might have poured
too much brandy into my glass. I am not sure, but I never met him again. These things had to be
learned. I had learned it at school. That's what schools were supposed to teach. But now I was to be
a student and prudent...
I knew I would have to leave college within a few days. There was nothing to withhold me from
packing my bags. And a few days later I had to drag a heavy trunk to the railroad station to my
hometown Eindhoven where I had chosen to study for 6 more years. I had chosen electrotechnical

The role of physical cabinets in Dutch secondary schools13

In the college's Radio Ham Club the Hertz antenna had to fulfill its last application. Most of the
physical cabinet had been stored in the physical lab of the school, located at the backside in a large
cabinet where ancient measurement systems and experimental high voltage generators, coils etc.
had been stored. The Hertz antenna seemed to belong to this physical cabinet.
By accident I discovered how important these collections had been for the Dutch research in the
fields of physics and chemistry. The list of Noble prizes may illustrate the impact initiated by the
physical cabinets in Dutch colleges. It had not been the gymnasiums, but instead a new type of
secondary school named Hogere Burgerschool or HBS (Dutch: Higher Civic School). The
gymnasium didn't really prepare for a technical study, but rather for an academical, or to be more
precise for a clerical respectively intellectual job.
The Hogere Burgerschool or HBS has been introduced 1862 by Johan Thorbecke in the Ministry of
the Interior. These schools had been equipped with laboratories in a quality comparable to the
universities. This had been chosen to find qualified teachers for these schools and to motivate them
to use the equipment for their own investigations. This concept proved to be successful and resulted
in a series of Noble Prizes for Van t Hoff (1901), Lorentz (1902), Zeeman (also in 1902), Van der
Waals (1910) and Kamerlingh Onnes (1913)14.
In 1886 the German professor Heinrich Hertz did build an oscillator with a "spark coil" contacted to
two metallic bulbs which were separated by a small gap. At 13 December 1888 he published his
results of his investigations in a report ber Strahlen elektrischer Kraft, which has been
published in the Wikisource Elektrische Kraft Hertz15.
Both electrodes of the Hertz antenna reveal the impact of high voltage sparks. Hertz describes the
loss of sensitivity caused by the deterioration of badly damaged electrodes. The electrodes needed
intensive polishing and cleaning for perfect performance. The Hertz antenna must have been used
for similar experiments to verify Hertz's theory. And in the end the Hertz antenna had been donated
to the college's Radio Ham Club.
Henry Hertz must have had excellent eyes. He darkened the auditorium of the university and
walking around carrying the antenna he traced the minuscule sparks which resulted from
maximums in the standing waves which had been generated by the central wave-transmitter. Based
on this fascinating technology I decided to study electric engineering and specialized in
telecommunications, which was to open a door to work in the antenna-laboratory of AEGTelefunken.

13 The Role of Physical Cabinets in Dutch Secondary Schools

14 This concept has been documented in (Dutch) Het fysisch kabinet van het Bisschoppelijk College te Roermond...
15 Heinrich Hertz: Untersuchungen ber die Ausbreitung der elektrischen Kraft

The antenna-laboratory
In 1972 I emigrated to Germany and learned how to engineer microwave antennas16. One of the first
projects referred to the reflections in antenna-communications 17. By using Hewlett Packard's brandnew calculators HP9825 and fine microwave tools I managed to automatize antenna measurements.
These tools allowed me to digitize measurement data and process these data in vast amounts.
Measurement precision improved to 0.1 dB at frequency intervals of 20MHz. These features
produced antenna gain-curves with previously unknown strange sinusoidal variations, which had
been interpreted by my boss as reflection signals. He explained me how to calculate the reflection
path and the reflection signal losses from the maximums and minimums of the variations. At the
400m test site there seemed to be three forms of reflections. In the range of 1m extra trajectory we
found reflections at the feed systems inside both transmitter and receiver antennas. Additionally
ground reflections caused extra trajectories in the range of a few meters. And the third component
produced an extra trajectory of 800m by bouncing the signals between both antennas.
Around 1980 I abandoned the antenna technology and switched to the development of a 34/35-MBit
communication system for microwave links. Having completed that design I switched to CADtechnology for printed circuit boards and IT-data management. At that time around 1990 I also
intensified my philosophical studies.
The antenna laboratory has been operating until 2006 and had been closed from that date 18. Jacques
Storms died 1975 at the age of 73 in a traffic accident. I had left college and the town after my
examination 1966 and I had not seen my teacher again...

16 Tagebuchfragmente 1972-1990; RB Archief JWR 1970-1995; Maxwell's Legacy; Notes to the Casimir Effect
17 Reflector Antennas Revisited
18 Diary Fragments From Death to Rebirth

The Power of a Scenery 1971

Memories of Scents19 (1971)

After a weekend of intensive study I swung myself on my Mobylette and crossed the traffic to the
university's E-building, seventh floor, department of digital data processing. I felt confident of my
superior knowledge of TTL-logic, the topic of one of my last exams in electrical engineering.
The professor's secretary's door stood widely open, but the narrow room was empty. The professor's
door itself was closed.
I was a few minutes early and smelled a slight perfume scent in the air. I decided to wait a minute to
see if miss Y returned from her coffee machine in the kitchen.
Nothing really happened and nobody seemed to be around in the neighboring offices. I went to the
kitchen around the corner and checked the floor to the other end of the building, where I knew the
copying machine had been located. Nobody showed up.
I returned and did wait for some more minutes. Then at 14:10 I decided to knock the professor's
door, just in case the secretary was ill and he had shut the door to concentrate on his work.
Nothing happened and I waited for another couple of minutes. Then, suddenly, the door opened and
miss Y came out into her cabinet. She was blushing in between her blonde hair and quickly rushed
over to her desk to pick a piece of paper and a pencil.
Hello, miss Y, I said.
I knew her and I knew we had met at the Christmas party two months ago. In fact professor H. was
supposed to be the assistant coordinator for my degree project, which also involved some ITcircuitry. At the Christmas-party the department's assistants had received a present, a book titled
The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris, which had been translated into Dutch and became a bestseller.
Unfortunately the professor had forgotten me as a temporary member of the department. His
secretary miss Y had attended him I had to be invited as well and also reminded him a present for
me had to be reordered, which must have been impossible. As a compensation for the missing
Naked Ape I received a boring pocket book New Mathematics or so with the professor's name in
red ink at the front page. The name in red ink reminded me for some years that this book had been a
Christmas present.
Oh, sorry. Hi, Mr. R.! What can I do for you?, she said and concentrated on her paperwork.
I have an appointment with professor H. for an exam on digital switching technology III, I said.
She laid the paper down and took her calendar. Oh no, not today., she said, somewhat irritated.
Intensely blushing she paged the calendar to an fro.
I knew miss Y had been so alert to have noticed my missing in the Christmas-party's list. I hardly
could believe my name was missing in the calendar. And as a redneck innocent country rube I really
believed the poor girl was blushing because she may have forgotten my exam appointment and had
been recording a shorthand in the professor's office.
I've visited you two months ago and we made the appointment here in your office, I tried to help.
Right then the professor entered the room from his office and asked Something wrong?, he asked.
We are checking mister R's appointment for an exam switching technology III for today.
Something must have been slipped out of the calendar, miss Y answered. Her cheeks now were as
red as the girls I had seen her after an intensive game of tennis.

19 Memories of Scents

Missing an Exam
Never mind. Please come into my office, the professor said and he invited me to enter his office
and sit down at the conference desk.
He put on his jacket and closed the small window, which had been opened wide in the February's
cold. The window had been designed small to prevent suicides from the seventh floor and had not
been opened long enough to remove all of the peculiar lovers' scent I smelled. I thought of the
problem of changing the secretary's title from Ms. Y to Mrs. Y, but had to clean my memory for
more serious thoughts.
The professor seated himself and started his questions about the logic families. I felt puzzled and try
to concentrate on my answers. And although the professor probably tried to be benign he had me
sacked. My note simply was insufficient.
I asked him when I would be able to come back for another exam, as this would be one of the
terminal exams in my study. Of course as a student we might expect to try another exam within a
month or so.
Oh yes, he said, well, these examinations cannot be repeated at intervals under 1 year. I may try
again next year. This blow ruined my plans and I remember this day very well, because it changed
my life and in retrospect I think the professor had been irritated by his coitus, which had been
interrupted by me.
I left the office and noticed the secretary had left the room. The window had been opened wide and
the frosty February air pulled along the cabinet to the open door, spreading paper leafs to the floor.
Of course I didn't pick them up. I had learned to be so careful to keep the professor's privacy at any
cost, or else he might be powerful enough to throw me out of the course.

Civil servant
I had to rearrange some of my tight planning scheme and decided to start a job at the university. In
the predefined year I had plenty of time to finish my last couple of exams and complete my study.
The job started May 1971 and lasted up to October 1971 and provided me with some money and
insurances. I was living in a comfortable attic, going steady with a girlfriend and enjoyed the
comfortable life of easy studying.
Nobody hurried me to complete my work, but I started writing applications to various companies. I
noticed a steep rise in the unemployment numbers and I cursed at my professor H., who had
delayed my final exam to February 1972.

The 15th of August 1971 The Nixon Shock

On August 15, 1971, in the middle of my job phase at the university, Nixon issued Executive Order
11615, closing the gold window. Foreign governments could no longer exchange their dollars for
I wasn't a foreign government and didn't care for the gold window. At that time however all
companies closed their job windows as well. None of my applications resulted in any kind of
potential response. This crisis had turned into a nightmare.
Meanwhile most of my fellow students already had been successful in applying for jobs and were
working in universities, at governmental offices or in all kinds of laboratories. But now the
companies slammed doors and stopped looking for any new applicants.

The finishing Touch

One thing the professor taught me was the protection of electronic circuitry against electromagnetic
interference. One Tuesday, the 8th of December 1971 around 11:30, I wheeled what was to become
my masterpiece, a digital data-processor at the size of a domestic dishwasher, towards his
laboratory, where his assistants started unpacking their torture instruments. They had designed five
interference sources such as a hairdryer without protective filters, a sparkling rasp, etc.). The TTLcircuitry had been designed with long wiring layouts, which easily picked up the electromagnetic
radiation and we already had been alert to debug the system from standard interference in our labs.
I felt rather proud my data-processor withstood four out of five devilish interference tests and only
one of the tests stopped the controller. With my fellow designers I modified some of the wiring
circuitry and added some extra filters, which was enough to stop the interference. This was the
finishing touch for my last exam a few weeks later.

26 February1972 Tuesday
I reappointed to my digital switching technology III for the next chance next year. I followed the
same procedure and noticed the secretary once again blushed as I knocked on her door for my
The professor also remembered what had been happening and made a big smile as he invited me
into his office. The windows were closed now and the air was as fresh as a Dutch February can be.
This time the exam had been easy and it happened the be the last of my series of exams altogether.
The professor knew it, but somehow he intimidated me by setting the validity at an unusual, very
short termination date: the 1st of February 1973. That was quite unusual, as all of my successful
examinations had been signed at 5 years validity.
Still I had to wait a few weeks for the festivities of final examination, but at the 9 th of March 1972
another professor handed out the certificate for electrical engineering.
I had my diploma, but no employment seemed to be available for these kind of students. Only a few
Dutch companies needed engineering capacity at all and these companies had decided to wait for
the end of the crisis to start planning any extension of their capacities. I had to look for a job

The antenna laboratory

In 1972 I emigrated to Germany and started a job as a development engineer in an antenna
laboratory20. In one of the first projects I studied the analysis of reflections within the antenna
structure and test environments21.
Those years really offered innovative power tools at the introduction of brand new desktop
calculators such as HP9825, which enabled me to build an automated measurement setup for
antenna measurements. The equipment consisted of various HP-transmitters, sensitive power meters
and frequency counters, which allowed me to register extremely sensitive power levels at frequency
intervals of 10-20 MHz. Calibration curves for attenuators, directional couplers, etc. had been
registered as data set, which could be used to normalize diagrams.
The brand new gain diagrams offered a most interesting, high-precision pattern which allowed us to
identify various wave patterns. My boss immediately identified the sinusoidal patterns as reflections
and he explained how we might be able to calculate the detour length and the attenuation from the
maximal and minimal levels. At our 400m test range we were able to identify three categories of
detours: 1m, 30-40m and 800m. The 1m detours were typical reflections inside the antenna system,
caused by support mechanisms and bad attenuation of the subreflector. Ground reflections usually
caused detours of 30-30m. And 800m detours had been registered for the waves which had been
bouncing between the transmitter and receiver antennas.
Around 1980 I left the antenna site and developed a 34/35-MBit communication system for
directional microwave links. Due to an imminent economical crisis I decided to leave the
communication business and switched to IT-technologies, starting with CAD-technology for printed
circuit boards and gradually moving to product data management.
At the same time from 1990 I intensified my philosophical studies.
The antenna laboratory has been operative up till 2006 and had been closed from that date22.

20 Maxwell's Legacy; Notes to the Casimir Effect; Tagebuchfragmente 1972-1990; RB Archief JWR 1970-1995;
21 Reflector Antennas Revisited
22 Diary Fragments From Death to Rebirth

The Truth behind the Scenery

The stage is a world in front of the scenery, and the scenery blocks our perception.
The magical insight refers to the removal of the scenery which allows us
to see the scene behind the scenery where the truth .
As soon as the philosopher has found the truth behind the scenery
he will prefer to live behind the scenery panels where he is surrounded by the truth.
However he will feel obliged to return tot the stage, because he feels responsible for his fellow
citizens, who have been left at the stage and need his help.

Preparing the research

Around 1990 I started intensifying various studying topics such as literature, philosophy, physics,
economy and history. I knew modern religion already had abandoned the strange brainwashing
ideas my parents had discussed around 1940.
Various uncharted territories remained to be investigated, but a lot of evidence had been lost and
damaged. The mechanisms of dogmas and facts needed a general revision.
In rereading my old textbook The History of Mankind. Part V I clearly identified Storms' various
types of correction orders:

Deleted paragraphs, which he considered as irrelevant or superfluous, such as the Capita

Selecta in which the Greek religion had been documented.

Texts between brackets, which might be relevant but did not belong to his lectures such as
the chapters Archilochos and Elegy, which should not be learned.

Additional text lines, which he considered relevant. As an example he completed the text by
adding Ephialtes23 as the Traitor of Thermopylae.

Corrections of misspelled names and incorrect phrases or text lines.

As far as I remember Jacques Storms never had been troubled by receiving a nickname. I guess this
unique absence of a nickname had been based on the fact that Storms never had been seen in
trouble. Other teachers received their nicknames because they always lost control, blundered, forgot
to button their shorts or pants, couldn't explain things or regularly made al sorts of mistakes.
To be sure I checked the list of teachers I found for my last year in college, in which I had
documented the nicknames for all teachers except for Storms' lessons: den Dirk (the director),
Knoebel, Doister, Tijl, de Soep, Ticheltje, Charlie, Toestand, de Pin, Toffe Tis, van Pispot tot
Pannenkoek, Big bad Lei...
Of course this is a ridiculous behavior, but as a philosopher Storms would have commented this
behavior by: "Sunt pueri pueri, pueri puerilia tractant" "Children are children and children do
childish things" .
In contrast Storms always had things under control. That's why he failed to be nicknamed .
Unfortunately I left college 1966 and never saw my admirable teacher in Latin Greek and history

23 Ephialtes betrayed his homeland by showing the Persians a path around the Greek position at the pass of
Thermopylae, which helped them win the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC.

About the weaving technology

Weaving broadcloth
Broadcloth (Flemish Laken) was first produced in Flanders from the 11th century and
throughout the medieval period. In the Middle Age also Roermond and Eindhoven became
centers for all processes including the coloring phases. Broadcloth centers always needed
rivers for the dying processes.
In ancient eras spinning extremely fine fibers into fine yarn and weaving extremely dense tissues
has been a religious based an artwork backed by weaving symbolism. The weaving concentrated on
combining fine fibers dyed in different primary colors such as red and blue to give the broadcloth
an illusion of the additive color magenta (purple by mixing 50% red and 50% blue).
The Bible already describes how extremely thin fibers named Byssus24 (sea silk25) have been used
for clothing. Byssus refers to the long, fine, silky threads secreted by the large Mediterranean pen
shell, Pinna nobilis. The byssus threads from this Pinna species can be up to 6 cm in length and
have historically been made into cloth. In the Bible byssus always seems to be accompanied by the
colors red (crimson or scarlet), blue and magenta (purple):
14 And he made the veil of blue, and purple, and crimson, and byssus, and made
cherubim upon it. 26.

In English the words two, twice, twin, twine, twill, tweed seemed to be related to weaving. The
words two, twice and twin obviously had to be understood as a couple, describing two objects.
In ancient times especially twins as two individuals, who are linked in a special way seemed to be
religious symbols, which also had been a main theme in Musil's The Man Without Qualities in
which the protagonist Anders chooses his younger sister Agathe as his twin sister.
Twine however refers to weaving technology and is related to twin: [Old English twn; related to
Old Frisian twne, Dutch twijn twine, Lithuanian dvynu twins; see twin]27:
1. To twist together (threads, for example); intertwine.
To form by twisting, intertwining, or interlacing: twined the cord from plant fibers.
2. To become twisted, interlaced, or interwoven: The branches of one tree twined with those of
3. Something formed by twining: a twine of leaves.
And the divine Biblical order to use byssus to twine fibers, especially blue and crimson to produce
purple seemed to be sacred technology. Therefore I invested considerable effort to find out where
these symbolic elements had been used.

24 Und er fertigte den Vorhang aus blauem und rotem Purpur, karmesinfarbigem Zeug und Byssos und brachte Kerube
darauf an. (2.Chronik 3:14) - Textbibel 1899
25 Pinna nobilis - Byssus often refers to the long, fine, silky threads secreted by the large Mediterranean pen shell,
Pinna nobilis. The byssus threads from this Pinna species can be up to 6 cm in length and have historically been
made into cloth.[
26 Quelle: 2.Chronik 3:14 - Darby Bible Translation
27 Collins English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

Twill weave
A twill weave is the second most basic weave that can be made on a fairly simple loom. I included
this twill sample because it perfectly illustrates how weaving red & blue may result in the illusion
of a magenta color.

6: Detail in diamond twill, with weaving edge (left), blue warp, red weft
Original file licensed by Bullenwchter. under the Creative Commons AttributionShare Alike 3.0 Unported license.


Tweed is usually woven with a plain weave, twill or herringbone structure. In tweed color effects in
the yarn may be obtained by mixing dyed wool before it is spun. The original name of the cloth was
tweel, Scots for twill, it being woven in a twilled rather than a plain pattern.

The purple coat of the Hochdorf sovereign

A few years ago I had inspected the purple coat of the Hochdorf sovereign 28 which in fact had been
made by weaving very fine red & blue yarn, which is so dense it looks like magenta from the
closest distance. It would have been quit similar if the weavers had used a purple dyed yarn and
simply had woven straightaway with one type of color magenta. The weaving with alternating
colors however seemed te represent a symbolism, and in its perfection it shoud be considered as a
religious symbolism.
The weaving process and the broadcloth symbolized the creation process and represented social
stability by matrimonial laws, procreation and joined social forces. That's why the relevant words
mainly had to be written by vowel series such as ius, just, Iupiter, Dieu, ieu, , wa, Ehe.

Weaving the words

In cuneiform the weaving of letters and words seemed to be simply identifiable because the ancient
writing codes reveals the basic symbolism in self-explaining combinations.
In The Proto-Sumerian Language Invention Process John A. Halloran illustrates the earliest words
as a handful of vowels, each of which referred to a basic element such as the word a for water 29.
In analogy to proto-Sumerian language in Dutch and other European languages lots of rivers, creeks
and lakes are named Aa30, (or Ae respectively Ee).
28 Eine neue Etymologie fr Purpur
29 The Strange Link Between Sumerian A & E-Words and Scandinavian -words
30 The long vowels , ,

The same process is valid for the ligature , which in Scandinavia also refers to matrimony, law,
ceremony and tradition.
In cuneiform the concatenation of simple roots results in a family of words. From a repetitive
concatenation of ay (water), which originally had been considered semen or seed-water,
the twofold repetition resulted in father, the threefold repetition in grandfather and so on...31:


(water-cry/father grandfather great-grandfather etc...)

(voice- father- grandfather)

Strange as it may seem father is similar to water.

The great-great-grandfather in cuneiform

The word a (water), which originally had been understood as semen-water and had been
associated with a cry and in a first generation step resulted in aya (father) and in a second step in
ayaya (grandfather-symbol). We now may easily imagine how the great-great-grandfather might
be formed by prolonging the sequence. In Dutch the standard pedigree may be formed with 513
Ayaya (~2000 BCE)

aya [father] (~3000 BCE)

(3x: old babylonian)
wr. ayayax(|a.a.a|); a

Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old

Babylonian, Old Babylonian)
wr. a-a; aya2; a-ia "father" Akk. Abu

a [water] (~3000 BCE)

aya [cry] (~2000 BCE)
(Old Babylonian)
wr. a; u3 "a cry of woe; to cry,
groan" Akk. ahulap; nqu

Table 2: Overview of the words "Grandfather" (ayaya) - father (aya) and Water (a)

Weaving the divine names from the original vowel-triad I, A en U

In a first concept34 dated 2014 I designed the derivation of divine names from the original voweltriad I, A en U, which resulted in the names Dyaus, Dieu and Ia'u by concatenating the series of
individual vowels and combining cuneiform graphical symbols.
Even the ego-pronouns iau, ieu and iou as well as other derivations of these words may have been
generated from the the original vowel-triad I, A and U.
In the oldest cuneiform samples God had been interpreted as a triad of stars 35, which later
had been reduced to a singular star36.
The old Logo for tri may also be written as a triad of stars such as
. May this
concept already be considered as the origin for a Trigrammaton such as IAU or IA?
31 Overview of the Sumerian Word-trees for Grandfather
32 The Sumerian Water-Codes
33 See: verwantschap
34 Notes to the Vowels A, I, U
35 See fig. 1, in Tengri, Khuday, Deos and God - The word "God" in various languages
36 Source: Tengri, Khuday, Deos and God - The word "God" in various languages
and The Gentile Names of God by Gordon Holmes Fraser

7: Evolution of divine names and ego-pronouns (I)

The concatenation of cuneiform symbols is similar to the concatenation of vowels to generate
divine names. However the divine name and the ego-pronouns usually prefer unique new vowels:


37 We may remember EI had been inscribed above the entrance to the Apollo-temple in Delphi ( E - of the Word Ei
Engraven Over the Gate of Apollos Temple at Delphi) and that Greek scripture at that time might be read in a
forward or backward mode.

Dante's naming convention

In his De vulgari eloquentia (1303-1305) Dante Alighieri initially suggests that the name El was the
first sound emitted by Adam. In the Divina commedia, however, Dante contradicts his previous
statement by saying that God was called I in the language of Adam, and only named El in later
Hebrew, but before the confusion of tongues (Paradiso, 26.134)38.
Divina commedia - Paradiso, Canto XXVI39

This is Dante's text, in which he applies I and El in Italian text and the corresponding English
La lingua ch'io parlai fu tutta spenta
innanzi che a l'ovra inconsummabile
fosse la gente di Nembrt attenta:
ch nullo effetto mai razonabile,
per lo piacere uman che rinovella
seguendo il cielo, sempre fu durabile.
Opera naturale ch'uom favella;
ma cos o cos, natura lascia
poi fare a voi secondo che v'abbella.
Pria ch'i' scendessi a l'infernale ambascia,
I s'appellava in terra il sommo bene
onde vien la letizia che mi fascia;
e El si chiam poi: e ci convene,
ch l'uso d'i mortali come fronda
in ramo, che sen va e altra vene.

124 'The tongue I spoke was utterly extinct

125 before the followers of Nimrod turned their minds
126 to their unattainable ambition.
127 'For nothing ever produced by reason -128 since human tastes reflect the motion
129 of the moving stars -- can last forever.
130 'It is the work of nature man should speak
131 but, if in this way or in that, nature leaves to you,
132 allowing you to choose at your own pleasure.
133 'Before I descended to anguish of Hell,
134 I was the name on earth of the Sovereign Good,
135 whose joyous rays envelop and surround me.
136 'Later El became His name, and that is as it should be,
137 for mortal custom is like a leaf upon a branch,
138 which goes and then another comes.

Dante suggests the evolution of the divine name had been based on the need to make the name
identifiable in a growing population with different tongues:

I El

Weaving the themes and melodies in counterpoint

In studying music I identified the counterpoint as a weaving process for melodies and themes in

A fries as an autobiographical artwork41

Several artists managed to create a fries as an autobiographical artwork, in which the effort of their
artwork is concentrated. In the end the concentrate seems to become their life purpose. Samples of
such concentrated artworks as a life purpose are Musil's The Man Without Qualities and the
Livsfrisen by Eduard Munch.


E - of the Word Ei Engraven Over the Gate of Apollos Temple at Delphi

Source : Divina commedia - Paradiso, Canto XXVI
The Prime Words in Adam's Language
Der Lebensfries als Lebenswerk

The Man Without Qualities

Especially our gender may alienate us from our original identity. As a male or female individual we
slightly deviate from the original Creator and become anders (the German and Dutch word for
different). Therefore the human being is advised to live as a man without qualities, which for a
male partner might be done by marrying a female partner to form an androgynous couple of twins.
Originally the English word man had been derived from the German first man Mannus, who in
its initial form had been understood as an androgynous concept: equally male and female.
This is the central idea of Musil's The Man Without Qualities, which in fact in German should be
titled Der Mensch ohne Eigenschaften translated as The Human Being Without Qualities.
In his own pice de rsistance or livsfrisen Musil names his alter ego Ulrich, who is a
mathematician. Originally however - we know from his diaries - he would have named Ulrich
Anders ( different). And we will have to read a complete volume to identify the final concept
in which Musil describes Ulrich's relation to his 5 years younger sister Agathe, which he may have
intended to join in a symbolic androgynous relation.
The fries as an autobiographical artwork by Edvard Munch

Edvard Munch needed 30 to 40 years to complete his Livsfrisen, in which the symbolism is
concentrated in fertility symbolism and androgynous joints. Sample paintings are Encounter in
Space, Metabolism, Street of Village, etc.
Goethe's Color Theory (1774 1791 - 1810)

In fact Goethe always considered his color theory as his most important effort, which outweighed
his literary work42:
During more than 40 years Goethe studied the properties of light and documented his
color theory, which he considered as more important than his poetic work. Even at the
date of his deathbed ( 22. Mrz 1832) he had planned to start an investigation of colors
with his daughter in law Ottily.
In the forum-entry Weiss - White Blanc it is claimed that Goethe had defined the colors yellow
and blue as primary colors. Yellow and blue are also the basic symbols in Goethe's early successful
novel The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774), which had been published 14 years earlier.
Goethe based his antipodal colors blue and yellow on his own research. He added red as a third,
extra primary color.
Francisco de Miranda (1785-1792)

The colors blue, yellow and red may have been chosen for the three flags of Columbia, Venezuela
and Ecuador at a discussion between the south-American leader Francisco de Miranda and
Wolfgang von Goethe at Weimar in 1785.
In a letter to count Semyon Vorontsov dated 1792 Miranda claims, the three basic colors (yellow,
blue and red) had been based on Goethe's color theory, which he had discussed with Goethe at a
winter evening in 1785. Fascinated by Miranda's experiences Goethe is supposed to have said:
It is not that the world is made of yellows, blues and reds; it is that in this manner, as if
in an infinite combination of these three colors, we human beings see it. []
42 Source: Goethe selbst war berzeugt, dass seine Farbenlehre wichtiger war als alles, was er als Poet geleistet hat.
(German source: Stadt Wetzlar)

A country [Goethe concluded] starts out from a name and a flag, and it then becomes
them, just as a man fulfils his destiny43.
In his military diary Miranda however describes another derivation, in which yellow, blue and red
had been inspired from the flag of the Burgers' Guard (Brgerwache) of Hamburg, which he had
visited on one of his travels to Germany44.

43 Venezuelan flag
44 Flag of Venezuela

About Literature
One of the first works I 1966 discovered as a student must have been Joyce's Ulysses and A
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, which had been popular in students' circles of those days. At
college these works had been considered subversive, heretical, or immoral45.
In contrast my girlfriend's uncle Theo also advised me to study Teilhard de Chardin, who turned out
to also have written heretic books., which remained unpublished for years. Theo gave me his
manuscripts of lectures he had held in the USA.
After some studies I stopped reading these books as novels, but as the authors' keys to their inner
drive for writing and their pice de rsistance or livsfrisen I already had identified in singular
cases. A great number of these livsfrisen passed my eyes and inspired my reading in that special
direction the authors reserve for the category of insider readers. I now will list a short summary of
some literary sources which for various reasons I considered as pice de rsistance:

The Man Without Qualities (193043) by Musil

(Three biographies in) The Glass Bead Game (1943) by Hermann Hesse
(The Oasis in) Wind, Sand and Stars (1939) by Antoine de Saint-Exupry
The Counterfeiters (Les faux-monnayeurs, 1925) by Andr Gide

Relevant notes to these books have been documented in Auserwhlte Funoten (324 pages),
Uitverkoren Voetnoten (254 pages), en Selected Footnotes (122 pages).
The Counterfeiters by Andr Gide

In his dedication to his friend Roger Martin du Gard46 Andr Gide explicitly considered his work
The Counterfeiters (1925) as his first novel.
The central motif in Andr Gide's novel Les faux-monnayeurs (The Counterfeiters, 1925) refers to
the identification of Real and False, honesty and -ethical or intellectual- counterfeiting, such as
Thomas Aquinas illustrated counterfeiting in a religious context: (the Counterfeiting-concept)
For it is a much graver matter to corrupt the faith which quickens the soul, than to forge
money, which supports temporal life.47
Almost all characters in the novel seem to be dominated by counterfeiting: not only count
Passavant, Profitendieu, Vincent and Azais, but also Bernard and Olivier, Georges, grandfather La
Prouse, Laura and even Edouard regularly may counterfeit moral, justice or feelings.
In his diary the protagonist defines the core of the work as follows:
I am beginning to catch sight of what I might call the deep-lying subject of my book.
It is it will be- no doubt, the rivalry between the real world and the representation of it
which we make ourselves. The manner in which the world of appearances imposes itself
upon us, and the manner in which we try to impose on the outside world our own
interpretation- this is the drama of our lives. 48

45 index librorum prohibitorum

46 This book, my first novel, is dedicated to Roger Martin du Gard, as an expression of intense friendship.
47 Source: counterfeiting concept Multo enim gravius est corrumpere fidem, per quam est animae vita, quam falsare
pecuniam, per quam temporali vitae subvenitur. II-IIae q. 11 a. 3 co. Thomas Aquinas/Summa Theologiae/Part
48 Edouard's Journal: conversation with Sophronika page 205

The central deep-lying subject of the novel is that of the original (real) and the copy (false), and
what differentiates them both in
1. the external plot of the counterfeit gold coins
2. and in the portrayal of the characters' feelings and their relationships.
I think this main theme may be symbolized by Potemkin villages 49 or a scenery at a stage, which
isolates and veils the brick wall at the theater's backside from the illusion whch are dominating our
As a child I was used to believe these legends and take the stories for granted, because the adults
had been reliable in all respects. In the end the trusted relation too often ends as a fake illusion,
which is to be proven by removing the scenery of the Potemkin frontside.
Wherever I looked I found Potemkin villages, in religion, in politics and in the monetary markets.
Andr Gide's talisman

Boris carried a bit of parchment around his neck in a little sachet, along with the religious
medallions his mother forces him to wear. There were six words on it, written in capital
letters in a childish, painstaking hand six words whose meaning he never would tell me:
But it means nothing it's magic, he used always to answer whenever I pressed him. I
know now that these enigmatic words are in Baptistin's handwriting-the grand master and
professor of magic and that these six words were the boy's formula of incantation....50
Just like myself and Edouard knew Andr Gide himself also wrote diaries, because the plain truth
must be found by each individual's own experience. I felt more comfortable after I found out that
Andr Gide's talisman gas telephone ... one hundred thousand Rubles which merely deviated
in details from my own magic formula Five Teen. In fact both used numbers and this resemblance
as well as the diaries seemed to join our efforts to unveil the counterfeiting methods. Reading The
Counterfeiters turned out to be an encouraging experience...
Herman Hesse's three biographies in The Glass Bead Game

The three biographies51 of Josef Knecht have been considered as the most valuable part of The
Glass Bead Game, which symbolizes the idea of synthesizing all sciences and all languages towards
a universal language52, in which synthesis involves language, music, enigmatic letter coding, the
weaving of Byssus53 (sea silk54) and tweed.55
Most of these correlations between archaic symbols had also been found in the families of
cuneiform symbols such as the words for water, cry, father, grandfather, etc. I searched for
vowels in Hesse's work, but didn't find vowel references. Hesse however concentrates on music:
The origins of music arose from archaic eras. Arising from the scale and originating
from the Giant One56.
49 Source: Potemkin village
50 Search results: "The counterfeiters" "Baptistin Kraft"
51 Three biographies have been conserved for Joseph Knecht and we consider these to be the most valuable part of this
book Page 119 in Glasperlenspiel, Hermann Hesse (1943), Suhrkamp, 7 th Volume of the Jubilumsausgabe
52 originally also imagined by Gottfried Leibniz as a characteristica universalis
53 14 And he made the veil of blue, and purple, and crimson, and byssus, and made cherubim upon it.
54 Pinna nobilis - Byssus often refers to the long, fine, silky threads secreted by the large Mediterranean pen shell,
Pinna nobilis. The byssus threads from this Pinna species can be up to 6 cm in length and have historically been
made into cloth.[
55 (German) ber Den Versuch Einer Universalsprache Im Glasperlenspiel
56 (German) Die Ursprnge der Musik liegen weit zurck. Sie entsteht aus dem Ma und wurzelt in dem groen Einen.

The Giant One creates both antipodes. Both antipodes form the powers of Darkness and
In standard German these substantives are written in capital letters, but in the English translation the
capital letters symbolize the Biblical respect for the Giant One, Darkness and Light.
The Lyre

The lyre (Grieks ) is a string instrument known for its use in Greek classical antiquity
and later periods.
The number of strings on the classical lyre varied at different epochs, and possibly in different
localitiesfour, seven and ten having been favorite numbers. 57.
We might suggest the lyre's strings may have been associated with vowels such as I, A, U for the 3string lyre, and for the 7-string lyre and the associated planets58.
This musically based foundation of the Glass Bead Game as a universal language also involves
hierarchical dialects relating to the categories: vowels, letters, language, planets.
I discovered Leonard Bernstein's lectures to understand symphonic music as a composition of
motives ( the words) and phrases ( the sentences), which may be joined to paragraphs and
stories. And Hesse's work The Glass Bead Game had been composed as a basic triad of his own
The three vowels A, I and U, which had been added to the Aryan (Old Persian) alphabet by Darius I
(the Great) 522-486 BCE formed the fundamental vowel-triad, which according to Bernstein had to
be repeated over and over to form agreeable music.

8: A,I,U in the Aryan (Old Persian) alphabet

In old-Babylonian and Sumerian cuneiform the fundamental vowel a had been chosen to refer to
water or semen, from which the cry aya and father had been derived, whereas the threefold
repetition ayaya resulted in a grandfather59. All these processes had been tried out to form an
interwoven religious concept. The basic process seemed to be an integration of all human activity
(music, weaving, colors, language with its vowels and words, laws, matrimony) to prove the
universality of religion.

Das groe Eine erzeugt die zwei Pole: die zwei Pole erzeugen die Kraft des Dunkeln und des Lichten. Das
Glasperlenspiel: Versuch einer Lebensbeschreibung....
57 Source: lyre
58 The seven planets are documented in the days of the week: (1) Sun, (2) Moon, (3) Jupiter, (4) Mercury, (5) Mars,
(6) Venus, (7) Saturn
59 Overview of the Sumerian Word-trees for Grandfather

The Oasis in Wind, Sand and Stars by Antoine de Saint-Exupry

In college we collectively did read The Little Prince (1943) in French and my schoolbook had been
filled with various notes. I did lend my book to my girlfriend and discovered she had added some
extra notes in her characteristic female handwriting60.
There had been a period of a few months in which we corresponded by regularly writing one letter /
week. She named these letters Billet-doux, in French love-letters. She was a shy young girl of
only 16 and wanted to leave her parental house as soon as possible, but I felt unable to offer her a
solution for this problem and one holiday I lost her to a senior student.
The way how I lost her has been described in The Oasis in Wind, Sand and Stars (1939) by
Antoine de Saint-Exupry, in which he also describes how he found the characteristic animals
which he made immortal in The Little Prince.
The story Oasis describes how Saint-Exupry discovered a paradise after an emergency landing
in the neighborhood of Concordia (Entre Rios, Argentine) and what happened during his stay at the
guest family with their couple of daughters and the menagerie of exotic animals such as iguanidae,
mongoose, a sort of fennec fox and the bees.
One day at dinner he experiences a strange whistle under the table. Something rustled and slithered
between his legs, what the youngest daughter commented as a venomous snake: They usually
return to their home at 10:00 pm. In the daytime they are hunting.
Saint-Exupry admires the cool authority of these silently smiling girls, who are ruling the house
with their petrified visages. From his own sisters he knew they used to categorized men according
to their masculinity at a scale between 11 and 19. Of course he felt they expected him to do his best
to raise his score ...
And much later he remembered this episode and asks himself what may have happened to these
girls. The transition from girl to woman is a breathtaking affair and one day the woman inside a girl
will take over the command. At that time she longs to meet a #19-category, who is going to fill her
heart. Then she inevitably will run into an imbecile, who recites her poems and she will let herself
be guided away like a princess into slavery. That's exactly how I lost my princess, to a #19, at that
time in 1965, when I was just #18 years...
As a strange coincidence I discovered an interesting evidence of Saint-Exupry's episode in the
web, in the documentaries such as Oasis - Saint Exupery en Concordia 61 and El castillo de SaintExupry62. Some of the dialogues are in French & Spanish, others in English.
At his stay in Concordia Saint-Exupry must gave been 33 years old. At that time the girls Suzanna
and Edda Fuchs Valon are 16 respectively 9 years old. I checked the website Concordia - Instituto
Saint Exupry for the ages63.
And I know Oasis and The Little Prince and the included notes of my girlfriend will always be
connected. And having understood how Saint-Exupry interpreted his adventures I admired his
poetry even more. It seemed to be important to know how the poet developed his ideas and
transformed these to his poetry. That's what weaving thoughts is doing in the background.


The girls' handwriting could easily be identified, because it had been totally different from boyish handwriting.
Oasis - le docu-fiction inspir de Terre des hommes 50 minuten lang
Inspiratiebronnen Voor Antoine de Saint-Exupry
La familia en cuestin era la formada por Georges Fuchs Vallon, industrial francs que ... Las hijas se llamaban
Suzanne y Edda Fuchs Vallon de 16 y 9 aos, ...

Musil's The Man Without Qualities

In The Man Without Qualities64 the Austrian writer Robert Musil buried the spiritual heart of his
pice de rsistance or livsfrisen in chapter 25 The Siamese Twins 65, in which he describes the
secret androgynous relation to his sister Agathe.
They experience a mystically incestuous stirring upon meeting after their father's death.
They see themselves as soulmates, or, as the book says, "Siamese twins". 66
I myself consider the vast rest of the novel as a gigantic burial pyramid or tomb 67. I am not sure
whether the vast pyramid had been designed as an impressive monument for the androgynous
concept or had it eventually been conceived to hide the incestuous brother & sister-relation?
In contrast to Goethe's color wheel with 3 primary colors Musil chose four primary colors yellow,
blue, red and green from Ewald Hering's color wheel (1874) 68 to symbolize this androgynous
relation between the brother & sister.
I studied the antipodal colors blue & yellow, red & green in Musil's chapter 25 The Siamese
Twins and documented the results in The Color Symbolism of Philosophers and a few other
We might dress ourselves in an opposite pattern, Agathe delightedly responded. Yellow
one of us, and the other blue, or red opposite to green. And our hair might be colored
violet or purpleand I bow myself to a hump and you your belly to a bump. And yet we
will represent a couple of twins70
The sequence of reading these manuscripts played a serious role, because the impact of a work
considerably may be enforced by preceding lecture71.
Goethe's Werther and the Color Theory

Published 1774 Goethe's Werther has been based on the antipodal color pair blue and yellow, which
also had been considered as complementary antipodal opposite set at the color wheel by Ewald
Goethe's color wheel however had been based on the primary colors yellow and blue, which were to
be joined by another primary color red72.
In analogy to Goethe Novalis (1772 1801) in his work Heinrich von Ofterdingen also uses yellow
and blue73 as antipodal symbols74.
64 The Color Symbolism of Philosophers
65 Notes to Robert Musil's 'Salvator'-Project In Search for a Keynote in Robert Musil's Man Without Qualities Alles is Anders in de Verlosser Van Robert Musil -The Color Symbolism of Philosophers
66 Plot summary in The Man Without Qualities
67 A Mausoleum of Words Musil's Design of The Man Without..
68 Source: Ewald Hering Colors
69 Notes to Robert Musil's 'Salvator'-Project, In Search for a Keynote in Robert Musil's Man Without Qualitiies.
The chronological list of studies is documented in Proceedings in the Pronouns' Etymology
70 Own translation from German to English - Page 904-905 in Rowohlt's Gesammelte Werke von Robert Musil (1978)
- Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften Teil 3 Ins tausendjhrige Reich (chapter 25, The Siamese Twins).
Original: Wir knnen uns ja auch gerade entgegengesetzt kleiden entgegnete Agathe belustigt. Gelb der eine, wenn
der andere blau ist, oder rot neben grn, und das Haar knnen wir violett oder purpurn frben, und ich mache mir
einen Buckel und du dir einen Bauch: und trotzdem sind wir Zwillinge! (904-905) Kapitel 25 - Projekt GutenbergDE - Spiegel Online
71 German: Von Der Lesefolge Bei Philosophischen Studien
72 Symbolism in Antipodal Colors - explaining the backgrounds
73 "blue flower"
74 Gelb und blau -- zwei von den wichtigsten Farben der Romantik. (Novalis: Hymnen an die Nacht)

About the colors for flags

In the winter of 1875 the revolutionary leader Miranda visits Goethe in Weimar and discusses the
symbolism of flags for the newly created Great Columbia state (Venezuela, Columbia and Ecuador).
Goethe advises him to use red, yellow and blue for the flag's design75.
Apart from these three South American flags we know the origin of the Philippine flag (1898) with
its white triangle at the left side, a blue band at the upper side and a red band at the lower side may
be found in masonic roots. Now the Proclamation of Philippine Independence signed in 1898 by
Aguinaldo and 96 other Filipino leaders documented that the colors red, white and blue refer to the
Star-Spangled US-Banner (1777) which had inherited its colors from the British Union Flag (Union
Jack, 1606) :
...and the colors blue, red and white, commemorate those of the flag of the United States
of North America in manifestation of our profound gratitude towards that great nation
for the disinterested protection she is extending to us and will continue to extend to us76.
The British Union Flag seems to have been designed for contrasting other flags ships, because
some differences hath arisen between Our subjects of South and North Britaine travelling by
Seas. The other ships probably sailed for Holland or France, both of which applied red, white and
blue as their national colors.
By James I of England, King of Scots, Orders in Council, 1606:
By the King: Whereas, some differences hath arisen between Our subjects of South and
North Britaine travelling by Seas, about the bearing of their Flagges: For the avoiding of
all contentions hereafter. We have, with the advice of our Council, ordered: That from
henceforth all our Subjects of this Isle and Kingdome of Great Britaine, and all our
members thereof, shall beare in their main-toppe the Red Crosse, commonly called St.
Georges Crosse, and the White Crosse, commonly called St. Andrews Crosse, joyned
together according to the forme made by our heralds, and sent by Us to our Admerall to
be published to our Subjects: and in their fore-toppe our Subjects of South Britaine shall
weare the Red Crosse onely as they were wont, and our Subjects of North Britaine in
their fore-toppe the White Crosse onely as they were accustomed. 1606[3]
The flag of Hati had been made 1806 by Jean-Jacques Dessalines with a blue upper band and a red
lower band (which might be extended with as white panel bearing the coat of arms. These colors
have been inherited from the French Tricolor in which the white as a symbol of the former white
leadership had been removed77. The blue color symbolized the black populations and the red color
the mulattoes.

Dem Prinzip, Gegenstze zu vereinen, entsprechend, ergnzt Novalis die Farbe Blau im Heinrich von Ofterdingen mit
der Farbe Gelb oder Gold. Darauf hat Gza Molnr in einer berzeugenden Studie hingewiesen. So ist nicht, wie
Novalis selbst sagt, Alles blau in meinem Buche, sondern es wird dem Blau immer wieder das Gelb in Form von
Gold entgegengesetzt. Blau und Gelb werden so als zwei Pole in ein harmonisch oszillierendes Zusammenspiel
gebracht. (Zur Farbsymbolik der blauen Blume von Novalis)
75 Miranda's Conversation With Goethe in Weimar (1785)
76 The Philippine flag - its masonic roots
77 Haitian Masonry and Agape The Colors of the Flags

About Music
And then there was music: Take Five by Dave Brubeck and Schlafe mein Prinzchen by Papa
Bue's Viking Jazz Band (1960), which I already had enjoyed at college.
French songs such as Gilbert Bcaud's Et maintenant (1962) and Nathalie, Charles
Aznavour's Je te rchaufferai but also Bob Dylan all along with It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It
Takes A Train To Cry, Jacques Brel and his Marieke.
There had been a time we listened more French songs than English music. And German and
Dutch were rare anyway...
In 1959-60, at the time I was living in Caracas, Venezuela, the traditional Venezuelan music
still had managed to survive the impact from foreign sources. From my Venezuelan episode
I had managed to conserve a few souvenirs and the music of my favorite long play records 78.
Those days Venezuela looked like a paradise to me, but nowadays it may have turned into
hell. The 15 minutes taxi-drive from Caracas downtown to the airport La Guaira officially
now costs $ 15879. In the black market the dollars may be exchanged at a rate, which allow
us to drive the same trajectory by taxi for $ 2,50.
Classical music had to wait some years until its concepts had been explained and demonstrated by
Leonard Bernstein.
At Saturday night, 10.10.2015, I once again enjoyed Leonard Bernstein's West Side Story (1961),
whose famous sentimental melodies reminded me to my early youth, in which I must have been
much more sensitive to music than today.
Yes, of course I remembered Maria and "I feel pretty", the girl with her long black hair, who
also had been playing a fine role in Splendor in the Grass80. In this movie the actress Natalie
Wood is playing a role in which she is to commit suicide by swimming to a waterfall, but
ultimately she is saved81. In real life however she dies too early in 198182.
Apart form Maria there is that superb dynamic and innovative song America for which a
later revival version (America [subITA]) exists, which still confirms the enormous effort of
Rita Moreno in her role...
Hearing "Tonight Quintet and Chorus" I automatically enjoyed the accompanying whistling to this
melody, in which lots of alternate keys seem to be mixed up to combinations.
At the early sixties I remember to have whistled this melody like a nightingale. And even now, more
than 50 years later, the transitions between these keys seem to be easier than for any other song. The
muscles in my face seemed to be controlled by preprogrammed movements, which had been stored
with all extra variants Bernstein had provided.
My favorite song somehow, somewhere still managed to impress my mood:
"Somewhere" there is a place for us. Hold my hand and we're half way there, Hold my hand
and I'll take you there Some day, some day, somewhere, somewhere.

78 Memories of Argentina, Columbia and Venezuela

79 Venezuela is now the most expensive country in the world
80 '"Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, glory in the flower, we will grieve not; rather find
strength in what remains behind."
81 Escaping from 'Toots' and driven close to madness, she attempts to commit suicide by jumping in the pond, being
rescued just before swimming over the falls.
82 Death

Whistling technique

Oh yes, I was surprised that my whistling technique automatically switch between outward bound
and inward bound air-flows, which could be alternated at any sound. Also I noticed I could apply a
tremolo for any tone. The tremolo more or less automatically arose as soon as the tone's length
surpassed a certain limit.
And I noticed that I whistled the first, the third and some following tones in "Somewhere" outward
bound and the second tone inward bound. In fact I never had noticed these details. It somehow
seemed to belong to my inner version of this song "Somewhere".
The Bernstein Story

One of the impressive qualities in Bernstein's work is his concentrated and impressive way of
conducting the orchestra, which is demonstrated in the documentary Bernstein Story83 in honor of
his 25th date of death.
Also his methods in educating the youth to enjoy and understand music, which had been recorded at
television sessions around 1962 are marvelous and in a didactic view comparable to the high quality
Feynman Lectures on Physics.
Bernstein's explanation of Symphonic Music

In What is Melody? Bernstein (in the video starting at 5:35) describes the composition of
symphonic music such as Beethoven's 5th symphonie, in which the theme and notably the repetition
of a theme with small variations plays the leading role for their agreeable feeling at the auditorium.
According to Bernstein (at ca. 10:00 in the video What is Melody?) the threefold repetitions with
variations of a theme may be identifiable in millions of symphonic music sections.
After completing the topic (12:50) Bernstein proceeds in explaining the motive and the phrases,
which may be identified in Wagner's Tristan en Isolde as concatenated motives. Bernstein
compares this to the construct of sentences (phrases) as a sequence of words (motives), from
which a story is to be generated from a series of paragraphs.
I was aware how symphonic music seemed to use the same synthesis of motives and phrases, which
in a language as vowels and words compose a complete story. Bernstein even uses language as a
model to illustrate his concept of sentences (phrases) and words (motives).
In part 2 (3:38) he adds the counterpoint in an explanation of Mozart's Symphonie #40 in G Minor
KV550 and in Wagner's Tristan en Isolde.
A abbreviated overview of Bernstein's videos refers to:

Leonard Bernstein: Young People's Concerts | What is Melody? (Part 1 of 4), in which he
explains Mozart's concepts in a superb way ...
Bernstein, The greatest 5 min. in music education
The Unanswered Question: Lecture 1 - Musical Phonology / Leonard Bernstein / Norton (6
Leonard Bernstein - The Making of West Side Story (FULL) Full power! Unbelievable.
And from Caracas an extra Leonard Bernstein's Symphonic Dances by the Simon Bolivar
Youth Orchestra with Gustavo Dudamel as a conductor.

83 Bernstein Story 3Sat, 22:40 - 23:25

About Philosophy
Some fellow students advised me to read other heretics the Kabbalah and Blavatsky's Unveiled Isis
and Secret Doctrine and did lend me their copies to read. And indeed these works confirmed my
ideas concerning the symbolism of the vowels I and U. The divine names for the sky-gods
obviously largely had been named as series of vowels. Had this been a good reason for ancient
languages to omit the vowels from their alphabets?
The idea to symbolize a male individual by a vowel I and a female individual by a vowel U
interested me, especially because this coding system had been considered as a secret.
And although religion didn't convince me the history of this manipulative counterfeit itself looked
like a most fertile topic of study.
Especially the application of vowels had not been restricted to divine names, but also extended to
the ego-pronouns' category such as IEU, IAU, IOU, the names for Tuesday and Thursday for the
days of the week, which in English are still being written in capital letters probably for their
religious symbolism. After all the days of the week represent the names of the 7 former gods.
In Latin a lot of most important word derivations such as Juglans, iustitia (justice), istus (just),
iubre, iugum (yoke)... have been based on the vowel sequence IU.
The I and U represent two forms of vowel sounds, which are being generated at the extreme frontsection of the mouth, respectively at the extreme backside section of the mouth. These vowels I and
U had been considered as antipodes, whereas the vowel A requires a completely opened windpipe
(trachea). The vowels are the sounds which are the most qualified elements to symbolize an eternal
process and eternity.
The advice "Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will
carry." is quit illustrative for the impact a vowel may have.84
In English U and I may also represent You and I, which is illustrated in the following joke:
"A gentleman entered the room of Dr. Barton, Warden of Merton College, and told him
that Dr. Vowel was dead. 'What!' said he, 'Dr. Vowel dead! Well, thank heaven it was
neither U nor I.'" 85
The U and I also had been used as symbols for social harmony. IU-piter and IHVH symbolize the
deity of social harmony between U and I, which completes the symbolism of the vowel series in the
ego-pronouns IEU, IAU, IOU and the divine names such as Dieu, Diau, Diou.

Of course even Yahoo in the 4th part of Gullliver's Travels by the Irish author Swift also represents
the human image of Yahu (IHVH) himself and therefore Victorian clerical circles (such as BulwerLytton and E. Gosse86) considered the name's concept as a blasphemy87.
Swift describes the Yahoos as being filthy and with unpleasant habits. The Yahoos are primitive
creatures obsessed with "pretty stones" they find by digging in mud, thus representing the
distasteful materialism and ignorant elitism Swift encountered in Britain. Hence the term "yahoo"
has come to mean "a crude, brutish or obscenely coarse person"88.
84 Bill Cosby, Fatherhood. Doubleday, 1986) vowel (sounds and letters)
85 Gleanings From the Harvest-Fields of Literature, Science and Art: A Melange of Excerpta, Curious, Humorous, and
Instructive, ed. by Charles C. Bombaugh. T. Newton Kurtz, 1860) vowel (sounds and letters)
86 Quoted in (German) Die Klassiker der englischen Literatur - Katalog der - Autoren: Uwe Bker, Horst Breuer
und Rolf Breuer, ETB ECON Taschenbuch Verlag
87 Von Der Lesefolge Bei Philosophischen Studien
88 Source: Yahoo

Al these details required considerable time for verification which could not be invested at my
college study. Only an experienced student will be able to extend his studies far enough to see
through the scenery and remove the Potemkin villages.
At times I ask myself whether Storms ever had perceived this detail, studied and eventually had
denied to accept the idea for reasons of incorrectness or blasphemy.
And did Jonathan Swift, who had achieved a title DD (Divinitatis Doctor89, Latin for "Doctor of
Divinity", an advanced or honorary academic degree in divinity), himself realize that Yahoo in fact
was to be understood as a genuine series of vowels? And of course the name Divinitatis Doctor
itself also is a genuine Potemkin village, but these details needed time to be found.
Vowing is be done with a voice and vowels

The Online Etymology Dictionary lists a correlation between the vowel-based words voice (voiz),
vow (voe) and vowel (voieul). I wasn't surprised the vows referred to the vowels and the voice.
From their correlation I would suggest to insert a missing i inside vow (voie) to complete the
derivation scheme, in which the voiz (voice) generated the voieul (vowels) to produce a voie (vow):
voice (voiz) vowel (voieul) vow (voie)
vow (n.)
"solemn promise," c. 1300, from Anglo-French and Old French voe (Modern French
vu), from Latin votum "a promise to a god, solemn pledge, dedication; that which is
promised; a wish, desire, longing, prayer," noun use of neuter of votus, past participle of
vovere "to promise solemnly, pledge, dedicate, vow," from PIE root *wegwh- "to speak
solemnly, vow, preach" (cognates: Sanskrit vaghat- "one who offers a sacrifice;" Greek
eukhe "vow, wish," eukhomai "I pray"). Meaning "solemn engagement to devote
oneself to a religious order or life" is from c. 1400; earlier "to bind oneself" to chastity
(early 14c.).
vowel (n.)
c. 1300, from Old French voieul (Modern French voyelle), from Latin vocalis, in littera
vocalis, literally "vocal letter," from vox (genitive vocis) "voice" (see voice (n.)). Vowel
shift in reference to the pronunciation change between Middle and Modern English is
attested from 1909. The Hawaiian word hooiaioia, meaning "certified," has the most
consecutive vowels of any word in current human speech; the English record-holder is
voice (n.)
late 13c., "sound made by the human mouth," from Old French voiz "voice, speech;
word, saying, rumor, report" (Modern French voix), from Latin vocem (nominative vox)
"voice, sound, utterance, cry, call, speech, sentence, language, word" (source also of
Italian voce, Spanish voz), related to vocare "to call," from PIE root *wekw- "give vocal
utterance, speak" (cognates: Sanskrit vakti "speaks, says," vacas- "word;" Avestan vac"speak, say;" Greek eipon (aorist) "spoke, said," epos "word;" Old Prussian wackis
"cry;" German er-whnen "to mention").

89 In February 1702, Swift received his Doctor of Divinity degree from Trinity College, Dublin.

About the role of Vowels

In The Mystery of the Seven Vowels: In Theory and Practice (1991) Joscelyn Godwin
describes the names, consisting purely of vowels, including the Tetragrammaton the fourlettered name of the God of Moses, revealed at the Burning Bush (Exodus 3:15). The letters
of the Tetragrammaton, iod-he-vau-he, have been interpreted as: JHVH, YHWH, IEVE,
Iahve, etc.
I discovered Wycliffe's translation of the Bible in English and found an interesting concept. In his
translation Wycliffe had translated Eve to Eue.

And Adam clepide the name of his wijf Eue, for sche was the moder of alle men
The 1-lettered name I also named IEVE had created a first human being to his ymage and liknesse,
male and female 91 and she (Eve) had been named EUE.
Adam and God both named themselves Y:
10 And Adam

seide, Y herde thi vois in paradijs, and Y drede, for Y was nakid, and Y

hidde me.
15 Y schal

sette enemytees bitwixe thee and the womman, and bitwixe thi seed and hir

The concatenation of the human race started by splitting up the divine image YEUE in Adam (Y)
and Eve (Eue):

YEUE (the Tetragrammaton) Y & EUE

This concept of the creation legend followed the same concept as in the concatenation of the divine


Dante suggests the evolution of the divine name had been based on the need to make the name
identifiable in a growing population with different tongues:

I El

The Roman numbering system started with I and seemed to generate its follower elements from the
previous items:

I V (I & I) X (V & V) (V & I ) (X & I) (O & I)

Comparing this to the Roman numbering system at least suggests to assume one common root
element I and a subsequent generation of following elements from this common root for all these
The concatenation of the divine name may be formulated by a growing chain of vowels:


90 Wycliffe's Bible - 3 Chapter 3

91 27 And God made of nouyt a man to his ymage and liknesse; God made of nouyt a man, to the ymage of God; God
made of nouyt hem, male and female.
92 We may remember El as an inscription above the entrance to the Delphi temple ( E - of the Word Ei Engraven Over
the Gate of Apollos Temple at Delphi) and notice that according to Godwin El might be read forward or backward.

About the symbolism of pillars & omphalos

Based on Synthesis of the Data in 'Zeus 93' I noticed the impact of the fear for a collapsing sky in the
ancient world, which had been demonstrated by the Celts' confession to Alexander:
"We fear no man: there is but one thing that we fear, namely, that the sky should fall on
us; but we regard nothing so much as the friendship of a man such as thou." 94
The fears of the Celts must have been compensated for the greatest hope to provide themselves with
strong pillars, which have been found in all civilizations. The most sacred place on earth was the
location of the central pillar in the central omphalos.
Strabon and Arrian95 both tell us that in the year 335 B.C. the Celts of the Adriatic, men
of great stature and a haughty disposition, sent envoys to sue for the friendship of
Alexander. The Macedonian monarch received them in state and asked them what they
dreaded most, expecting the obvious answer ' You.' To his chagrin they replied that they
had but one fearlest the sky should some day fall upon them !96
The national oath by which the Celts bound themselves to the observance of their covenant with
Alexander is remarkable. If we observe not this engagement," they said, "may the sky fall on us and
crush us, may the earth gape and swallow us up, may the sea burst out and overwhelm us." 97
The Ulster heroes declare to their king, who wished to leave them in battle in order to meet an
attack in another part of the field "Heaven is above us, and earth beneath us, and the sea is round
about us. Unless the sky shall fall with its showers of stars on the ground where we are camped, or
unless the earth shall be rent by an earthquake or unless the waves of the blue sea come over the
forests of the living world, we shall not give ground.98"

W. H. Roscher in a recent monograph has shown that the Greeks, like many other peoples,
conceived of the earth as a flat disk with a central point called its omphalos or 'navel,' and further
that within the limits of Greece a variety of towns claimed to possess this all-important center.
He makes out a case not only for Delphoi, but also for other Apolline seatsBranchidai, Delos,
Gryneion, Patara, etc. the omphalos at Delphoi, like the omphalos at Byzantion, was originally
topped by an Agyies-pillar99.
In the temple at Delphoi visitors were shown three symbols resembling the letter E a wooden
original said to have been put up by the sages, a bronze copy of it presented by the Athenians, and a
golden replica dedicated by the empress Livia (Plout. de E apud Delphos).
Coppers of Delphoi struck by Hadrian and by Faustina Senior represent the facade of the temple
with E in the centre of it.

93 Synthesis of the Data in 'Zeus' by Arthur B. Cook (1925) published 28 / 5 /2014

94 The World's Pillar in the Words published 30 / 5 /2014
95 Ptolemy Soter recorded this in his history of the wars of Alexander. Ptolemy, a friend, and probably, indeed, halfbrother, of Alexander, was doubtless present when this incident took place. His work has not survived, but is quoted
by Arrian and other historians. The Celts said: "We fear no man : there is but one thing that we fear, namely, that the
sky should fall on us; but we regard nothing so much as the friendship of a man such as thou." Chapter I: The Celts
in Ancient History
96 Page 55 in Zeus a Study in Ancient Religion Vol 2 Part I (1925) by Arthur Bernard Cook
97 Chapter I: The Celts in Ancient History - The E-Inscription at the Omphalos of Delphi - Notes (1)
98 from the "Tin Bo Cuailgne," in the Book of Leinster, [The Book of Leinster is a manuscript of the twelfth century]
- The E-Inscription at the Omphalos of Delphi - Notes (1)
99 The E-Inscription at the Omphalos of Delphi - Notes (1)

Jachin and Boas

Equipping portals with Jachin and Boas had been quit common in medieval eras mostly as
architecturally superfluous pairs of pillar at the entrance section. Especially in Italy in the 12 th
century (such as Santa Maria Maggiore in Tuscania) these pillars have been rather popular. These
elements referred to Solomon's Temple as a predecessor of the Church and the durance and power.
In the Wrzburg cathedral the pillars had been labeled JACHIM and BOOZ.
In the 18th century JACHIM and BOOZ grew to be understood as Freemason symbols,
especially dedicated to the entrance portal. These pillars equally symbolized stability, power and
In Rudolf Steiner's Theosophic ideas Jakim (!) symbolized the introduction of mankind into
human life. In contrast Boas represented death and a transfer entry into a spiritual world. (German
title: Weltwesen und Ichheit, Gesamtausgabe 169, 1963, 58ff).100
In Theosophy some of the symbols 101 for Boaz and Jachin have been painted red and violet-blue
suggesting a representation of the red & blue blood. Generally the red J-pillar is arising from the
sea and the violet-blue ( to be more precise the violet border color of the rainbow) B-pillar from
the soil.
Jachin and Boas In Wrzburg102

At 1st of March 2014 I visited the episcopal residence in Wrzburg and admired the marvelous
wealth of the precious architecture, artwork and the secretly hidden details which may have been
restricted to the medieval rulers' caste.
Originally from 1230 up to 1644 the Booz and Jachin103 pillars had been installed at the
entrance hall of the Wrzburg Kilian-cathedral. They had been designed around 1230 as
equivalents to the Jerusalem temple, which according to the legend had been created by
Hiram of Tyre.
Both pillars had been inscribed with their names Booz and Iachim respectively 104. The
original red paint may be observed at several locations. Other colors are very scarce or
The Iachim pillar has been equipped with a singular more complicated 4 level knot, whereas
the Booz pillar uses two dual level knots

The colored pillars in Mainz105

At the northern side of the Mainz Cathedral the main entrance provides access to the main market
of the city. The bronze doors have been cast around 1000 AD and the surrounding pillar section has
been dated 1200AD.
Next to the bronze doors we may identify two pillars with Corinthian capitals. The
pillars have been replaced in earlier eras. One of the pillars has been painted black, the
other one red. Originally both pillars had been made from black slate106.

100Jachin und Boas

101Apocalyptic seal (1911) and Jachin and Boas and
Adam Kadmon in center of Jachin and Boaz. Androgyne of male and female, as above so below.
102Symbolism in the Wrzburg Episcopal Residence
103Jachin has been explained in Gen 46,10; Boas in Rut 2-4.
104Jachin and Boas (German)
105The Colors at the Main Gate of the Mainz Cathedral
106 Translated quotation from Das Marktportal am Mainzer Dom

The red and black color contrasts of the painted pillars suggested to investigate the traces of red
color at the former pillars at the Wrzburg cathedral, which I had discovered a few months ago.
The slate color

In a photograph the left pillar may look relatively blue, but my inspection reveals the slate stone is
really black. In fact slate is defined as a dark bluish gray color107. Slate gray is a gray color with a
slight azure tinge that is a representation of the average color of the material slate. As a tertiary
color, slate is an equal mix of purple and green pigments108.
Maybe the slate color also had been considered as the locally available best fit choice for the
symbolical color blue as quoted in the Bible. The slate pillar may not have been painted at all and
originally also the red pillar may have been an unpainted red sandstone element.
Open letter to the guild of the Mainz sculptors- and stonemasonry

A few months ago unfortunately it may have been the carnivals season I did write a rather
hilarious open letter to the guild of the Mainz sculptors- and stonemasonry 109 and asked them
what - for heavens sake had inspired them to use different colors in repairing the two pillars next
to the cathedral's main entrance. I never received a response to this letter and must admit I never
expected to receive one either...

107 Slate-color - definition of Slate-color by The Free Dictionary

108 Slate gray
109 Offener Brief an die Mainzer Bildhauer- und Steinmetz-Innung)

About the Rastafari Concept

Rastafari is an Abrahamic belief which developed in Jamaica in the 1930s, following the
coronation of Haile Selassie I as Emperor of Ethiopia in 1930. Its adherents worship Haile Selassie
I, emperor of Ethiopia (ruled 19301974), much in the same way as Jesus in his Second Advent, or
as God the Father.110

The pronoun "I and I"

One of the most distinctive modifications in the dialect Iyaric is the substitution of the pronoun "I
and I" for other pronouns, usually the first person. "I", as used in the examples above, refers to Jah;
therefore, "I and I" in the first person includes the presence of the divine within the individual. As "I
and I" can also refer to us, them, or even you, it is used as a practical linguistic rejection of the
separation of the individual from the larger Rastafari community, and Jah himself.

I words in Rastafari vocabulary

I and I (also spelled I&I, InI, or Ihi yahnh Ihi) is a complex term, referring to the oneness of Jah
(God) and every human. Rastafari scholar E. E. Cashmore: "I and I is an expression to totalize the
concept of oneness. 'I and I' as being the oneness of two persons. So God is within all of us and
we're one people in fact. I and I means that God is within all men. The bond of Ras Tafari is the
bond of God, of man." The term is often used in place of "you and I" or "we" among Rastafari,
implying that both persons are united under the love of Jah.
Also in the Twi language (in which patois uses a lot of Twi loan words) of Ghana, Me ne me is also
said, which literally translate to "I and I". 111
I and I
most I
to overstand (Iverstand)

I, we
free, happy, good
Heights (spiritually high)
most high ( God)
Baldhead (someone without Dreadlocks),
to understand

Table 3 Some I-words in the dialect Iaric (from the source: Rastafari)

110Rastafari Language
111I words in Rastafari vocabulary

U and I as Capital Letters

In earlier eras the Dutch people used to write U (you) and Uw (your) with capital letters, but today
modern spelling only allows you to use these capital letters if the addressed person is to be very
respected such as God or the King112. But there must have been a time in which Man had been
considered as an image of God, both of which had a right to be honored with a capital letter.
And this practice did not end with a fellow man U, but also for the speaker I, which initially
had been written Y by Wycliffe. Of course Wycliffe did not use a capital letter to avoid confusion
between the letter l (capital letter for L) and the letter i (capital letter for I) as there is no
risk of confusing an Y with an L, nor an I or a cipher 1. Instead Wycliffe realized the honor
for God and His Creature required the usage of capital letters for both Y and I.
There are lots of languages which are still using capital letters such as English I and German
Sie (U) for the corresponding personal pronouns I respectively you.
Indeed I found the capitalized Dutch version Ic in a letter signed by prince William of Orange 113.
At the beginning of brief 10317114 the prince uses the words: "Ic", "Ick" parallel to U-lieder (
Vlieder) in a capitalized form. In contrast ghy and also vlieden (u-lieden) is being written
in the common non-capitalized form.
Myne heeren Ic duncke dat tot noch toe ghy hebt moghen ghenouchsaemlick bekennen
den goeden wille die my Godt ghegheuen heeft, om Vlieder arme vaderlant in vryheyt
te stellen zo wel in tgene dat angaet de politie115 desselfs, als de religie ende hoe dat Ick
verdraghen hebbe ontellicke moyelicheden, dat Ic selfs meyn eyghen leven ghewaecht
hebbe om tot desen ende te commen.

The vowel ligature

In Scandinavian dialects the vowel ligature is still being used as an ego-pronoun 116, but also
refers to a substantive for important topics such as marriage, law, tradition, water, etc.117.118.

112u, uw, U of Uw
113The Majestic Singular in William of Orange's Letter
114Addressed to the reformed community in London (Aan de Nederlandse gereformeerde gemeente te Londen)
115 den staet (translated: the state)
116The personal pronoun for the first person singular
117 for ternity - A World made of Word(s)
118 Etymology for Dy, Tiw and (I) - for ternity - A World made of Word(s) (The Creation Legend
encoded in a Singular Vowel)

as matrimony
It must be noted that the Dutch word echt has been derived from old-German wa and
corresponds to the Scandinavian vowel ligature , which had been documented by the Grimm
brothers in their German dictionary:
Ehe, f. matrimonium. das goth. aivs m. bedeutete , aevum, welchen gr. und lat.
wrtern es ganz entspricht, das ahd. wa f. sowol aevum als auch lex, gleichsam ewige
ordnung, regel, recht und matrimonium, ein von gott eingesetztes band zwischen mann
und weib....
My translation:
Ehe, f. matrimony, Gothic aivs m., referring to , aevum, which exactly corresponds
to the respective Greek and Latin words; the ahd. wa f. as well aevum as lex, being
equivalent to eternal order, rule, law and matrimony, as a link created by God between
husband and wife....
And also the i-structure is a typical vowel-based construct. The word i itself refers to eternal
and is well known in Greek . Various old-German words do contain a great number of vowels
and most of these are based on the sacred i-core, such as: inig (unique), ia (mother in
poetic words) and iga (property).

Pure vowel sentences

Especially Danish is most economical in using letters. In Jutland the local dialect may produce and
understand a complete sentence with individual vowels:
a e u o i , e a! (depending on the dialect)119
translated (word-for-word) as: I am out on the island in the river, am I!

119 source: Jutlandish: Complete sentence with all-vowel single-letter words

About parental authority

In the course of life we may identify some favorable conditions for an intensive communication
between parents and children120. I was lucky to have inherited a large library from both parents, in
which each of them at various phases of life had written remarks, comments and significant
markers. And additionally they had been able to illustrate this precious information with their
individual comments.
In May 2012 my 92y-aged mother told me long stories about her youth, especially about the bond to
her eldest sister Anna, who in the nighttime had to be nursed for relief from incurable asthma
attacks. Apart from Anna who had put all hope on religion to be cured 121, the family wasn't too
religious and the 12 family members restricted their religious behavior to the common public duties.
In familiar environment they ridiculed the uncle pastor, who used to visit the family each year
during the fast and had to be served with precious delicacies from the bakery, because the Church's
law cancels the abstinence for travelers.
We didn't need much fantasy to imagine how the family members felt irritated with their empty
stomachs while they were observing their satisfied uncle with a big cigar and a number of sweet

Catholic moral theology

My parents owned a famous law book titled Moral Theology by O.F.M. CAP., J.C.D. Rev.
Heribert Jone (1940)122, which documents the old-time traditional moral such as:

The husband receives the household's paternal authority. His wife is obliged to be servile to
her husband, but she also has a right to be protected and receive alimony according to her
social position (#748).
As the husband is the head of the household, his wife is not allowed to leave unless she is in
a disastrous position. The choice of the living place is the husband's decision and his wife
will have to follow, unless.... (#747).
Obstructing procreation, that is: depriving sexual intercourse by any means from its natural
course is always a cardinal sin (#749). Especially women must take care to avoid
inconvenience in allowing consummation (#751). Inf the partner seriously requests
consummation a refusal is an aggravated sin (#754).
It must be noted that a marriage contract which has been restricted by a calendar-based
method may be considered invalid if during the fertility period consummation is inhibited
A female person may not be saying Mass unless no male servants are available and there are
good reasons for this situation. Anyway she is not allowed to have access to the altar and is
restricted to answer from a distance. (#547)

120 In Dutch: Doornappel als medicijn tegen astma in 1930

121 In Dutch: Annie's Rozenkrans
122 In Dutch: Katholieke moraaltheologie quoted in Uitverkoren Voetnoten - Het Concentrated Reading Project. The
original title is Moral Theology: O.F.M. CAP., J.C.D. Rev. Heribert Jone.Also of note, this 610 page book comes
with an imprimatur.

From liturgical prescriptions it became clear that not only women, but except for special countries
such as the Philippines also the color blue had been forbidden at the altar. 123 Generally acceptable
liturgical colors were green, violet, white, red, rose and black. Red was the color for cardinals.
These special restrictions poked me to investigate the correlations between the color blue and
female, respectively red and male symbolism.
In the Church's organization Heribert Jone's law book was so famous even Graham Greene
references to amoral authority the Jone in his novel "Monsignore Quijote".
Strange as it may seem Jone's laws for restricting the access of female persons and blue colors to
the altar exactly matched the symbolism of a red-colored Adam and a blue-colored Eve I had been
taught at elementary school. And I noticed not only Adam had been colored red, but also God
Himself, whereas St. Mary had been painted blue, just like Eve...

Terra Promissa
Terra Promissa by Henri de Greeve Pr.124 (1941) represents the classical educational book for
engaged couples around 1940. This manual clearly defines the marital roles for husband and wife in
matrimonial relations such as:

Woman and children are the husband's subjects (page 43)

The father is God's delegate for his wife and his children (page 53)
The father represents God (page 54)
Paternal authority is divine (page 54)
The father creates life just like God (54)
The father has been created as an image of God (54)
The father is located between his wife, the children and God (59)
The girl must be the man's aide (90) - in Latin: Adjutorium simile sibi ("an help meet (i.e.
fit) for him"125) (91)
... in fact woman is no more than a man's member (111)

This inequality had been instructed and implanted to my parents as biblical truths. At their youth
their birthplace Roermond had been drenched in this sanctifying doctrine. My father's notes at the
sideline certify both of my parents have studied this manual.
My mother however did not respond these notes such as Did your read this, Mary?, but she
certainly had felt the inequality between husband and wife.

The Ego-Pronoun Adam

There are some word definitions in old-Persian language for the Ego-Pronoun adam (for I), the
word Eve (for Eve), Jva (for life) and Baga126 (for God)127.
Immediately after the creation itself the world's population is restricted to two human beings, Adam
and Eve, whereas God and Adam name themselves I and Adam is representing Eve in his

123 Liturgical (and Royal) Colours and Liturgical colours

124 Greeve, Henri Theodorus Maria de (1892-1974)
125 "companion," 1715, altered from helpmeet, a ghost word, from the Biblical translation of Latin adjutorium simile
sibi [Gen. ii:18] as "an help meet (i.e. fit) for him" (Hebrew 'ezer keneghdo), which already by 1673 was being
printed as help-meet and mistaken for one word. (source: Helpmate)
126 Please compare Baga with the Russian word (, Bog) for God.
127 Notes to the Cuneiform Old-Persian Scripture

In this situation we might even consider that the words I and adam may have alternatives for
the first man and that subsections of the human race may have used adam as an ego-pronoun
whereas others used adam as a label for the first human being.

The Ego-Pronoun Man

In English the Indo-European root *manu- (man-1), developed to man (nominative plural
*manw-es, which in German resulted in *mann-iz and in old-English to menn). The word may also
be traced back in Slavic languages and in Sanskrit. The word man originally meant human
being and slowly specialized to the restricted use of a male person128.
In several languages we may identify a strong correlation between the ego-pronouns129 and man:
In Tajik ( (Man), as well as in Iranian ( - man ), in Finnish (min), in Kurdish
(mn), in Bretonic (me), Welsh, etc. These correlations have been documented in the
Swadesh word lists. Obviously these man-pronouns have been derived from the IndoEuropean root *manu.
Obviously *manu originally referred to man as a human being and these ego-pronouns could not
be interpreted as the male version, but rather as a neutral or androgynous version of man. The
same gender neutrality is also valid for Adam, adam and Wycliffe's ego-pronoun Y or the
modern version I itself.

The religious and other Potemkin-villages

I asked myself how many priests may have been aware that behind the scenery of ceremonies a
gigantic theater had been put in scene: the creation legend, the blessing of St. Blaise, the arguments
for the existence of God by Aquinas (1225-1274), Ren Descartes (1641) and so many others,
which have been proven as systematically unscientific by Richard Dawkins in The God Delusion
(2006). And after a scrutinized analysis of Dawkins' clear arguments I restricted my studies to the
methods of raising these Potemkin-villages itself.
Especially the monetary counterfeiting mechanism of fiat money is a classical sample for a
Potemkin village, in which collateral extremely is being shared to cover vast amounts of freely
generated money. Fiat money is based on trust, which has been lost by gradually removing the
collateral. If savers would be aware of the collateral for their savings nobody would ever hand out a
penny to these kind of institutes.
It is a traditional human behavior to be deluded. Delusion already starts at parental care in the
relation between parents and children. Without delusion mankind would become an extinct race.
I asked myself if I had teachers who had been aware of the scenery and the Potemkin villages in
history books and matrimonial education lecture, but had decided to teach their pupils counterfeited
information in the way people tell their children Santa Claus legends.
Henri de Greeve Pr. (1892-1974) had been a Jesuit and must have had access to all sources
which had been prohibited for a layman like me.

128 source: Indo-European and the Indo-Europeans by Calvert Watkins

129 The personal pronoun for the first person singular

About the scenery of Potemkin-villages

The classical 'Potemkin-village'
Yes, the Church had created a Potemkin-village, which may have been equivalent to the original
Potemkin-villages of the former Russian elite:
According to the story, Grigory Potemkin erected the fake portable settlement along the
banks of the Dnieper River in order to fool Empress Catherine II during her journey to
Crimea in 1787. The phrase is now used, typically in politics and economics, to describe any
construction (literal or figurative) built solely to deceive others into thinking that some
situation is better than it really is. Some modern historians claim the original story is

Modern 'Potemkin-villages'
The entire monetary system and large parts of modern economy is based on Potemkin-villages. The
liquidity crisis is far from over. Central banks try to cleanup the mess by overflowing the monetary
system with freshly printed money, but at the same time they remove the last traces of trust. At the
beginning of the escalation phase after the Lehman crisis I started a diary titled The End-Phase of
Fiat-Money. 130

I asked myself why intelligent people such as Potemkin, Storms, Heribert Jone, Henri de Greeve
Pr., and bankers like Mr. Bernanke or Mr. Draghi may have created these kinds of scenery just to
deceive their fellow men.
Certainly each designer of Potemkin-villages starts a deceit in full confidence of the quality of his
swindling mechanism. Indeed uneducated people will interpret the scenery as reality with a higher
tolerance level than educated people. In the course of time as education proceeds the counterfeit
must be adapted to the education level. Improved education rejects the ancient scenery. In religion
(the belief) replacement of Potemkin villages are hardly possible, because modifications will not
be tolerated.
In banking business the leading bankers managed to find economist professors, who have been
honored with Nobel-prizes to publish evidence of a successful application of an fiat-money based
A few years from now this theory will be unveiled as a scam, a Potemkin village, but up till today
the scenery is kept upright and must be repaired by the PPT131 day after day, night after night.

130 (in Dutch) Dagboek over het einde van het fiatgeld
131 The Plunge Protection Team, is a nickname for the Working Group on Financial Markets, which is responsible for
repairing monetary damage and catastrophes.

About Truth and Scenery

Having studied Potemkin-villages and the scenery my teachers taught me in school and in college,
in religious lectures, in history of the Greeks and Romans, in explaining color symbolism, in the
vowel symbolism, the use of vowels in the divine names and in personal pronouns, I developed a
profound admiration for the belief in the credibility of theories.
Most of what is claimed as the truth is a Potemkin-village, which permanently has to be modified to
correct or veil another weak spot. Economics and advertising seem to be fully dependent on
scenery, which is veiling the disadvantageous truth. Basically a Potemkin-village works because
people are so gullible.
In economy the Potemkin-villages are abundant: none of the old, western states may be considered
healthy. All states have been founded on gigantic piles of debt.

A third world war

In his blog Why Were Sliding Towards World War a nicknamed George Washington lists the names
of authors who are warning for a third world war: Paul Craig Roberts, David Stockman, Gerald
Celente, Martin Armstrong, Larry Edelson, Charles Nenner, James Dines, Kyle Bass, Jim Rogers,
and Marc Faber....
The causes for these potential slides into a world war are debts and the currency war on
debasements, which always have been leading to wars132.
Some presidents may want to be recorded in history as a peaceful and wise ruler; others don't really
care about ethical standards or how they will be recorded in history books.

132 Jim Rogers: Trade wars always lead to wars.

About the Vowel sequence AEIOU scenery

Of course new types of scenery will leave the ruins of the ancient Potemkin villages intact, which
may seem quite ridiculous. You might compare the Biblical Adam and Eve with the Germanic
equivalents Ask and Embla, which seem to be obsolete, but they are just as old as Adam and Eve.

The A.E.I.O.U-device of the Habsburg Emperor Frederick III

Even the faith of the Habsburg emperor Frederick III (141593) in the power of his all-vowel
device AEIOU133 may be considered as a superstition, but in the end the motto helped the Habsburg
dynasties to build their medieval empire. I found Frederick III's original diary with the references to
his design of the device. Of course William of Orange may have learned the AEIOU-device at his
education at the imperial court.
At the 9th of September 1436 the 21-year old Frederick had been knighted to the Order of the Holy
Sepulchre of Jerusalem by the prior of the Franciscan monastery. At this pilgrim voyage he is
supposed to have designed his device A.E.I.O.U., probably as an anagram for the all-vowel name

AEIOU in the Ribnitz monastery

By accident we know both AEIOU-seals which have been found in Mecklenburg as the seals for
two abbesses of the cloister Ribnitz134.
The first abbess is Anna135 (1390- 1467), abbess in Cloister Ribnitz 1423-1467136. She chose an
AEIOU-seal a circular seal with a bull's head and along the border edge the vowel series AEIOV
- for two deeds dated 1452, respectively 1467.
The second abbess, duchess Elisabeth (14491506), abbes of Ribnitz137 was her successor and
applied the same seal for deeds dated 1469, respectively 1482.
The historian Georg Christian Friedrich Lisch asks himself:
It is virtually impossible to guess what symbolism may have been given by abbess
Hedwig to these AEIOU-vowels in the seals. However it may be sure that these letters
had been chosen by emperor Frederick III .
The bull head is an archaic and pre-Christian, heathen-like symbol, which is unusual, although the
first letter A originally may have been derived from a bull head.

133 The A.E.I.O.U-device of Frederick III (German) Die AEIOU-Signatur des Kaisers Friedrich III
134 (German) Jahrbuch fr Alterthumskunde, Band 021, 1856 - Georg Christian Friedrich Lisch:
Siegel der Herzogin Hedwig von Meklenburg, Aebtissin des Klosters Ribnitz, 1423, + 1467, und der Herzogin
Elisabeth, Hedwigs Nachfolgerin
135 Anna (1390-1467), abbess in Ribnitz Abbey (1423-1467)
136 Daughter of Johan II. ( 1416), Duke of Mecklenburg-Stargard, 1408 Ruler of Sternberg, Friedland, Frstenberg
and Lychen, Katharine (Wilheida) of Lithuania
137 Daughter of Henry IV. of Mecklenburg, (14171477) Henry the Fat), and NOT the daughter (1467 1503) of duke
Henry III. of Meklenburg=Schwerin, as it has been written in the Yearbook 1856.

About the Colors Orange, Red, Rosa, White and Blue...

The kingfisher138
The old words for iron are isarno-, sarn, sarno and these roots correlate with the names for
sacred rivers like Isar, Isara, Isarco and also for the various words for kingfisher: ahd. sar,
sarn, sarno, saro, sarnfogal, sfogal.
The colors of the kingfisher's feathers are orange, white and blue, which correspond to the kings'
colors for the House of Oranje-Nassau139. The name kingfisher may have been based on the royal
colors red, white, blue and purple, which in Exodus 25:4 had been prescribed as divine commands
for the priests' cloths and the temple's decorations140.
In the Bible translations the exact translations of colors produced several long-lasting errors, but in
the end the translators concentrated on the correct wordings for red, white, blue and purple141.
The fact that both female persons and blue must be kept away from the altar we may assume that
blue may represent a female symbol.
The kingfisher142 also has been painted by Hieronymous Bosch (14501516) in his work The
Garden of Earthly Delights, in which the protagonists are colored pink, white and blue. Especially
the Creator and the fountain in the Creation Phase at the left panel is painted in pink, whereas the
fountain base is painted in blue.

Red/Orange, White and Blue Tombs

Red/Orange, White and Blue Tombs may be found in Fontevraud Abby, where the Plantagenets
have been buried in colored graves: Richard I of Engeland, Eleanor of Aquitaine Henry II of
England and Isabella of Angoulme.

Symbolic colors for red, blue, purple (for royals) and yellow (for traitors)
Numerous samples of the symbolism of primary colors such as red, blue, purple (for royals) and
yellow have been documented in:
The Hermetic Codex, Illuminated Manuscripts, Blue and Red Symbolism in Freemasonary,
Widukind's Tomb, Some Color Keys in Paintings, Notes to the Biblical Origin of the Red,
White and Blue, Symbolism in Antipodal Colors, Capita Selecta on Red and Blue
Coloration, Blue and Red in Medieval Garments, Yellow for Judas, Yellow for Saint Peter,
The Symbolism of Yellow in Painting the Apostles, Color Coding in the Last Supper (by
Leonardo Da Vinci), Color Codings in the Last Supper (Overview), Lamentation for Tyre,
Colored Idols - The international exhibition Bunte Gtter

138 The Kingfisher - The etymology of kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)

139 (Dutch) IJsvogel
140 Exodus 25:4 blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen; goat hair;
141 Capita Selecta on Red and Blue Coloration (Dutch) Over de Vertaalfouten in Exodus 25-4
142 The Kingfisher - The etymology of kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)

About the 3 Miles Separation between the outcasts and elites

My birthplace holds most memories at the northern embankment of the canal. Immediately next to
the marina we may identify the old honorable Augustinianum, where I had passed my entrance
examination to the gymnasium. As a part of the Augustine convent this is one of the oldest
buildings in the city. A bridge to cross the river leads me to the old port which has been closed for
freight shipment..
The first 100m of the canal the harbor area still looks great by providing an impressive foreground
for a modern building with 8 pillars and fine apartments with a canal view. Another 200m further an
old drawbridge in the neighborhood of our ancient students' pub.
After another 800m of harbor territory we arrive at the highway-bridge at the ring-road, where as a
student I had spent my holidays to earn some money in the stores of the local department store
chain. Parallel to the northern embankment of the canal the rowing fraternity Telamon had their
racing boats stored in a big boat house. These boats had been equipped with big blades, the Telamon
spades. Rowers however had to be trained to use these big blades and keep the boat stable in the
water. The "Coxless Quad" might be carried easily by 4 men, but the heavy skiff (a Single Scull)
had to be carried 50m to the cay by the individual rower.
From this cay I often rowed the skiff, the Double Scull or quads outward bound towards the railroad
bridge, which crossed the canal at a distance of 2km from the boat house. I remembered the railroad
bridge as a dangerous place, where in 1967-1968 the young rascals often used their catapults to
pierce our boats. And if they really did hit the thin wooden hull wit a rock or a bolt made of steel the
boat certainly had to return taking on water! And if the bolt did hit your scull your head might be
leaking some blood...
In rowing my bicycling companion Ricardo played an important role, because those days in 1968
lots of bulk freight had been transported by ship along the canal. Sitting in the skiff with my face to
the backside of my boat I couldn't see the quickly approaching freighters. And of course the
coxswain of the freighter couldn't see the small skiff either. Ricardo however used to wait to the
very last moment before shouting warnings and anyway I always had to hurry to head the skiff from
the middle to a bank of the bloody canal where I had to wait while stabilizing my boat against the
huge waves from the black towering bow of the freighter...
Anyway I now wanted to see where those criminal rascals with their catapults had been living and
proceeded the 3km long hike along the northern embankment of the canal up to the railroad bridge.
In marvellous bright sunshine I passed the first two bridges, walking quite comfortably on nice
roads along beautiful architecture. Even today I saw lots of rowers in their double sculls, quads or
eights and just like the sixties and seventies they had been accompanied by their shouting bicycling
Approximately halfway, at the herb factory, where I always smelled the intense cardamon, the
uninhabited harbor area begins, which covers 1700m canal length and ends at the railroad bridge.
Initially there is a nice railroad track along the abandoned cay inlet locations, which in this district
never will be used for the big freighters nor for leisure boats.
The first dozens of meters only few weeds are growing between the tiles of the bicycle road, but
gradually the weeds are growing higher and more opulent until the path is overgrown by a closed
green cover. At the left side of the road I see some automated power stations, transformers, a mobile
phone transmission station, all guarded by cameras and supplied with ample parking lots, which
rarely seem to be used.
The canal now is crossed by a final road bridge. The paved bicycle path now transforms into a mud
track covered over and over with lots of holes.

At the left side I am passing a football terrain which has been built on a 3m high elevated
foundation. At the bottom of the 3m stone wall a reddish, rust-colored oily fluid appears, which
reminds me of chronic chemical poisoning. Burned remnants of rubber and blackened metallic
wires indicate a regularly frequented burning place for old tires.
There is no gate to the village behind the white wall section and I will have to wade through some
bushes towards a chopped gateway to a dead-end street...
This way I arrive at the utmost, up to 45 tapered corner between the railroad track and the canal, in
which a triangular plaza is enclosed by the homes of the outcast caravan dwellers. Whereas one side
is limited by the canal, a second side is restricted by a 5m high stone wall of the railroad track and
a third side limited by the 3m high foundation for the football terrain.
The center of the triangular section contains an enormous, but abandoned playground. One
inhabitant marches around and is inspecting his belongings in the gardens near his bungalow. Two
dogs start barking, but silently accompany me on my walk across the triangular area. The houses or
caravans all seem to have been covered by synthetic facades. In a penultimate house I observe a
white-haired man, who is overlooking the triangle. No children may be observed. The outcasts have
turned into graybeards.
And ultimately after the last house a fast car approaches and signals the access to the entrance-way
at the backside of the homes. As a pedestrian I have right of way at the pavement. I am seeing his
gray eyes, who may be as aged as mine and see into his tired leopard eyes, which he slowly closes,
after he has seen me. Then he waits with his eyes closed, until he knows I must have cleared his
way. He knows I do not belong to his kin or neighbors and will leave the place anyway. He must
have forgotten my existence by now.
That's how I leave the triangular settlement of the outcasts, who are living only 3km apart from the
Augustine monastery, but probably never had been allowed to visit these buildings. Only a 3km
straight trajectory is separating the outcasts from the elites....

About the vowel-sequences in divine names

Accidentally in December 2015 I stumbled across some interesting details such as the ideas of a
prayer as a woven sheet, the optimal length for vowel-sequences in divine name and in egopronouns and also the effects of an overdose of repetitions, which may result in brainwashing.
I didn't invent these topics and I prefer to keep these in one chapter, although they later may be
spread to other sections.
Kurt Tucholsky

Reading Kurt Tucholsky's "Pyrenees book" I discovered Oskar Panizza's integral Text of his
Catholic prayer. Tucholsky's biography of the author Oskar Panizza is quite dramatic:
he died, wasted; his books banned, scattered all around, out of print, and essentials
never reprinted... .
This however isn't valid in 2015 anymore. Most of his work even is made available in the web for
In 1920 Kurt Tucholsky described Panizza as follows: at the time his brains were intact he was the
boldest and bravest, the most brilliant and revolutionary prophet of his (German) land, in whose
shadow Heine may be named a tame lemonade and who fought against the Church and State ()
until the bitter end.
Most interesting is his Catholic Prayer the idea of comparing the prayer to weaving and a woven
...and I woke up; and now I realized: what I had heard was the noise of prayers in a
Catholic Church; and the woven material they had created was named -: a prayer.143
which perfectly suited to the weaving methods and woven materials God orders his people to be
made as the priests' garments and temple decorations in Exodus 25:4.
Now how did Oskar Panizza interpret the noise he heard? Slightly shortened he describes it as
At first, I really thought there were chaff-cutting machines at work, hidden somewhere
in the cellar, or that a traction engine was threshing grain behind the choir, but I soon
realized that recurring periods of a certain length could be regularly distinguished in the
purring noises, similarly to how certain designs and colours came and went over and
over again in automatic sequence in the cloth woven on those looms. And to my not
inconsiderable surprise, these designs were periods of speech and sets of sentences here.
Blessed Virgin, Mary!, and now and in the hour of my death, were the figures and
nuances of sound which flowed past continuously, as if woven on canvas. And now I
did notice that this purring and humming came from the lips and mouths of the
cowering crowd of living people in the nave of the church. 144.

143 in Oskar Panizzas Beschreibung eines Gebets in einer Tiroler Kirche zitiert im Pyrenenbuch (1927), Tucholsky
144 Quoted from: Two Monasteries (Zwei Klster) Tucholsky Pyrenees Book - Posted on July 23, 2013 by Weltbuehne

About brainwashing and repetitions

In "A Pyrenees book" (1927) Tucholsky describes the invention of brainwashing as an idea of the
Yogis from Far East, which had been improved and perfected at the Jesuit cloister of Ignatius of
Loyola to improve the impact of prayers.
The striking similarity between his spiritual exercises and those of the yogis was
discovered long ago. There is hardly a significant difference between them145.
According to Tucholsky brainwashing may result in:
What the military of all countries has tried with naked force, and never managed, was
achieved here with the utmost elegance: to take people, transform them into a state of
semi-paralysis, in order to extract the greatest strength from the weakened ones.
After the eighth repetition the brain switches off all activity:
It repeats over and over. Repetition is the only really artistic form that there is, as
Buddha and his inspired translator Neumann knew, because the ear no longer leads the
brain after the eighth time, the nerves relax subtly, so that the poison penetrates every
pore. Repetition makes the word unfamiliar, and it comes back transformed. 146.
Repetition #8 seems to be the ultimate limit, whereas seven repetitions may still be functioning. In
that case the 7-fold repetition is a sacred form of prayers, although it may still be sub-optimal.
3-Fold repetitions

In optimized prayers the number of repetitions must be reduced. This topic has not been discussed
by Tucholsky but I know where we will find some more details.
It has been studied by Leonard Bernstein, who in the theory of music claimed the 3-fold repetition
with some minor variations might be considered as the most pleasant impression tot the human
In What is Melody? Bernstein documents (in the Video from ~ 5:35) the composition
of a symphony such as Beethoven's 5 th symphony, in which the theme and the theme's
repetition with some minor variations plays the key-role. The 3-fold repetition with
some minor variations of the theme is the key to the most pleasant impressions.
According to Bernstein147 there are millions of those 3-fold repetition in symphonical
7-Fold repetitions

The Greeks and strictly spoken also the Mithras liturgy148 seem to have increased the number of
vowels considerably to seven by extending the vowels in the alphabet to .
I also remembered Demetrius' recordings who in his essay De Elocutione said that the Egyptian
priests sung the seven vowels in their proper sequence at the adoration of their gods. 149

145 Quoted from: Two Monasteries

146 Die Zitaten wurden dokumentiert in Auserwhlte Funoten - zum Projekt Konzentriertes Lesen
147 etwa ab ca. 10:00 im Video What is Melody?
148 The Vowels AEEIOYO in the Mithras Liturgy
149 The Vowels' Symbolism in Archaic Hymns

The seven temples of Harran also honored the number seven. 150 And seven is the maximal number
of individual actions the brain is supposed to manage151.
The effect of more than 7 repetitions

After more than 7 repetitions the brain's communication seems to be blocked. Extreme long
numbers and words are difficult to be remembered.
In Vowel-Sequences in Archaic Manuscripts I documented a very long vowel sequence referring to
an immortal name in the Mithras Liturgy152 153:


150 The Seven Temples of Harran

151 On the Symbolism of the Vowels A-E-I-O-U
152 immortal name in the Mithras Liturgy
153 Source: Mithras Liturgy from the Paris Codex, Page 10, line 12 (source: Vowel-Sequences in Archaic Manuscripts)

About the deterioration of words and wordings

To F. (as a letter of intent ...),
One day 2009 I discovered a short story about words concentrating on the simple sentence I love
you in which the verb love is being abused in modern society, especially in advertising business.
I felt impressed by this idea and in June 2009 I wrote a short story The inflationary use of the verb
"love"154. It is a parody on word creation, the flowering phase and deterioration of words up till the
descend of words and wordings.
Of course we all agree that love should not be abused and especially not for advertising coke or
for burgers with French Fries... This is common wisdom and an ethical convention, which also
must be committed by specialists in advertisement or marketing.
In Suevic dialect, which is spoken in southern-west Germany the word love seems to be absent 155.
Instead of I love you they say I mg di, which in high German may be translated as I like you.
The word mg refers to the verb mgen, which is used to like anything, including ice-cream,
burgers and French fries. This I mg di is an understatement in the case of serious love.
In Dutch there is a distinction for words which are used to express love, such as liefhebben,
houden van, mogen, etc. in which I reserve my favorite word liefhebben for really precious
things. Ik heb U lief (I seriously love) may be used to solemnly address your love to God, your
home town or your homeland, but is unusual for a pet, an 8-year old girlfriend or a favorite icecream. Pets, girlfriends and favorite snacks are loved by using the verb houden van (to like)156.
And sometimes there is a tendency for inflationary usage of liefhebber (somebody who likes
things, such as artwork or cooking).
Often differentiation cannot be formulated in neighboring languages. In German they may say Ich
liebe.... to express a love for anything. And also in English I love... is used for anything
including the lowest categories of pleasures such as I'd love to leave her respectively I'd love
him to leave me alone ...
These samples illustrate considerable rates inflation and deterioration in the word love (including
the German translation liebe for the verb love).
And even though I am not a native speaker I decided to study and analyze The inflationary use of
the verb "love".

154 This short story basically follows: Dream, lover of mine (Icelandic: "Sofdu st mn") written by Andri Snaer
Magnason (born 1973) from an unpublished manuscript and translated to German by Viola Lensch, found in the
German book "Flgelrauschen". However Andri Snaer Magnason does not explicitly explain the word he found!
(Written down 6:00 - 8:00 at 24.6.2008 in Vellir, Petursey, Myrdalur, 871 Vik, Iceland)
155(German:) In der Mitte Europas gibt es keine Liebe
156Ik houd van mijn hondje, mijn 8-jarige vriendinnetje Ans en frambozenijs - Translated: I like my dog, my 8-year
old girlfriend Ann and raspberry ice-cream

The inflationary use of the verb "love"

At the age of 13 years I learned the phrase "I love you" in a number of foreign
languages and I knew to address the sweet Swedish girls with "jag lskar dig". These
phrases seemed important to me in communications with foreign acquaintances at
These and other tips have been spread among teenagers in the early fifties, which is long
gone now and television takes care of educating the very young in other arts by now.
As a teenager I remember to have observed inflationary effects in languages. Those
days cinemas presented romantic movies in which the starring couple regularly and
openly vowed "I love you" in front of the public. Indiscreetly vowing these intimacies
seemed to have initiated the devaluation process in our languages. And in a next step the
music, which was soon to follow the film, accelerated disintegration by overwhelming
the post-war-generation with love songs.
The love-verb suffered and lost some of its profile. People started loving pizzas,
chicken-legs and car racing or even vanilla ice cream. "I love you" was being cried
down to "Baby Love".
As a young lad I learned to use the verb "love" to describe anything I liked and to use
the word "love" in communicating with complete strangers.
At my first dancing dates love already had been transferred into a clich, worn out and
useless for serious, emotional affairs. "I love you" must have lost its original sense and
already sounded ridiculous. How were we supposed to express our deepest feelings after
our words had been mutilated so badly into farces?
"I love you" was being used in advertising new cars and for soft drinks. The inflationary
abuse in our language and the devaluation of values made me feel sad. Debasing words
seemed to infiltrate the brains, spreading fatigue and burning out the nerves. It triggered
the young ones to feel depressed and tired.
But who was to be made responsible for devaluing our words? We already knew to
protect devaluation of our money by hiring expensively overpaid bankers. Now who
was in charge in stabilizing our language? Who is going to fight the verbal misuse in
In fact we all might be guilty in devaluing our own words by extensively buying "I love
you"-records and romantic love-magazines...
I felt quite stressed at my decision to utter the phrase I love you for the very first
time. I had decided to use liefhebben and say ik heb je lief instead of ik heb U lief,
because U is a plural and je is the dedicated addressing pronoun for the truthful
matrimonial partner and follower of the symbolic Eve:
In his work Kite Runner (2003) Khaled Hosseini uses a lot of Afghan expressions.
Most of these are Arabian words. Looking for Indo-european equivalents I found
Padar (father), Madar (mother) and Tu (identical to the French word "you").

The personal pronoun "Tu" (confidential you) is being used for confidential relations
(e.g. husband and spouse), whereas "shoma" (respectful you) is signifying a more
distant and respectful relation (even between parents and children)157.
Originally the confidential word Tu may very well exclusively have been reserved for
conversations between husband and spouse to symbolize the divine matrimonial relation
between husband and spouse in a married couple. Of course this confidential you
(reserved for marital couples) has to be considered as the highest ranking title, which
should not be used for profane discussions.
I remember to have felt the stress to say "I love you" for the very first time. In those
days I heard some of the guys reporting their love-affairs and the strange experience in
describing deep feelings by a simple word "love". All "lovers" proudly described
phases, which we were allowed to monitor from nearby. Love seemed to behave like
butterflies, making you feel like regularly entering heaven or ... hell!
There was one thing I learned from these stories: love cannot be raised to any higher
summits! As soon as you have used the word you will have to repeat it again and again,
at any state of mind - in the highs and in the depressive lows. You will learn to repeat
the word up to a level of ridiculous incredibility and at these stages you will observe
how the word love is broken to pieces... I imagined how to express loving feelings in
depressive phases, observing my friends gradually being divorced from their deeply
loved ones and wind up with the broken bits and pieces of the word love.
In the end I seemed to be the last guy to be engaged to a girlfriend, to be acquainted to
you. You were wonderful, wearing long, reddish dark blond hair, rolling and flowing
over your young and tender breasts. You had greenish blue eyes, sparkling at my glance
and I expect these sparkles to be the last impressions to my mind...
I tried to avoid the worn-out word "love" and started searching for equivalents. The
word I was looking for certainly had nothing to do with ice cream, new cars or any
advertisement. Indeed it should definitely be referring to greenish blue eyes and long,
reddish dark blond hair... By then this seemed to be important to me.
Those days we did hear the ballads of Charles Aznavour, Franoise Hardy and Gilbert
Bcaud. These shared songs were to be implemented in the new word, as we seemed to
be sharing emotions by songs.
Above all you had to be included in the word I was looking for. Each and every
emotion, each single word we exchanged had to be stored inside. I thought of a word
containing each singular kiss, each finger-touch, as well as our children growing in your
corpse. Now the word started swelling, became pregnant and soon announced birth
However I still had avoided to say "I love you". Instead I tried to express feelings in
other ways. I did spend every free minute at your side and one day I did buy you 21
roses for your 21th birthday although you went on holidays with your parents the very
next day.

157T-V-Distinction in the PIE-Concept

I remember I did not expect the words I love you from your lips. After so many years
this phrase might have raised strange feelings in our relation. We loved each other
without ever using these ridiculous vows and our love grew by and by.
We have loved more than forty years without ever needing the phrase I love you. But I
have always been watching our heart's pounding rhythm. I never seemed to be able to
quit searching for the Word, covering creation. There must be a Master Word
representing the eternal cycle of life and unification.
I understood the both of us, U and I, are surviving in our children by unification in these
sweet reunions we also called "love" and I understood to read the capital letters I for
myself and U for You as hieroglyphic symbols. And the word I was looking for would
have to refer to reuniting U and I in "IU". And I knew IU-piter had been a strange
Roman deity, which Valerius Soranus had named father AND mother of the gods158, both
male and female, in which the I-vowel is the father and the U-vowel the mother.
There seemed to be no need for anything else. From this single IU-word we might
derive any other word, including blue eyes, black hair, chocolate ice cream, fast cars,
and anything else...
I quickly learned we did not invent this word. Even before Soranus and St. Augustine
the word had existed for centuries. We simply lost it for some time. And just because
nobody is interested and it does not accelerate business people will soon forget the word
Folks will still be whispering "I love you" every other day. Some day however they will
see these words may be phony. They will divorce and start new relations referring to the
same pattern. It will not help them to exchange partners. They will have to keep on
searching until they have found the word again. This word is so simple and so beautiful!
It must have been stored in our hearts forever.
Right now I feel like explaining the word to U all! I will have to tell U as soon as I
return home....

About the concatenation of vowels

After so many years I noticed that the deterioration of words also must have occurred for divine
names and the ego-pronouns.
Originally a word may have started as a, which in cuneiform symbolizes water or semen.
Then a next evolutionary step may insert a vowel I, resulting in Ia, which is a transformation
and an variant, which will turn a into an obsolete version.
In another transformation the name might turn into IAU which symbolizes God as well as I
in the sense of the Ego-Pronoun.
From here onward we may proceed in two different directions. The purists and vowel specialists are
due to concatenate the vowel sequence up to JEHOVAH:


158In a poem Valerius Soranus addresses Jupiter as an all-powerful begetter who is both male and female. This
androgynous, unitarian conception of deity is quoted by St. Augustine as Jupiter, Lord over kings, over things, over
gods, Father and Mother of gods... (The City of God, Books IVII - The Fathers of the Church)

Another evolutionary step will lead us into the direction of consonants:

I IA IAU Diau Diaus

The core IAU may have been identical up to the phase of confusions.
This is a theory which still needs to be studied...

The Synthesis of Philosophy 2015

Religion may have started from a concept of an anonymous power, such as Jupiter, which had been
symbolized by a vowel triad such as I, O, U, a planer, sounds, primary colors and additionally
interwoven elements.
In symphonic music and literature the threefold repetition of themes seems to produce the most
agreeable sensation among the auditorium, which in artworks is considered as the summit of all
The first 3-string lyre may have induced the concept of creation by reproducing the sounds of the
vowels I, A, U as a religious symbol for IA. The 7-string lyre may have been associated with the
7-vowel sequence and the equivalent set of 7 planets.
Isn't Leonard Bernstein's explanation of symphonic music as a composition of motives (the words)
and phrases (sentences), which is to be composed to a story made up from paragraphs, comparable
with the Glass Bead Game in its threefold composition of Hesse's diaries for his alias Knecht?
In this concept Hesse's The Glass Bead Game is transformed into a universal language with
vowels, alphabets, words, languages, planets, etc. The three vowels A, I, U, which had
been inserted at the very beginning of the alphabet, became the motive, which needed to be
repeated over and over with slight variations to produce agreeable resonating phrases.
In old-Babylonian and Sumerian cuneiform the vowel A still represented water or semen, the
word aya turned into a cry and symbolized the father, whereas its repetition ayaya was to be
understood as grandfather.

Synthesis of symbolism in alphabet, religion and ego-pronouns

The uttermost important letter is the Iota, I, to be followed by A and U. The principality may be
derived from the central position in the vowel list vv, in the initial letter I for IU-piter and
Jahweh, as well as in the initial element in the Roman numbering system starting from I & V, in the
ego-pronouns I, Io, Ieu, etc.
Each of these vowels had been attributed with symbolism. Based on the extreme locations for the
vocalic generation of the I and U in the human mouth we may assume the corresponding vowels
have been antipodes such as I = male and V, U, = female. As an intermediate sound between I
and U the letter Y may have been considered androgynous. The letter A represents the full sound of
a wide-open mouth and the neutral frequency position. A and represent the beginning and the end
of the alphabet and the alphabetically uttered creation.
The expansion of the alphabet from AIU to AEIOU up to AEHIOU has been synchronized with
the knowledge of the 7-planet model. The first 3 characters of the Persian alphabet ordered by
Darius I (486 bc) were the vowels A, I, U. The addition of the seventh vowel had been completed
403 bc by Simonides, in which according to Plato's Timaeus only 5 long vowels represent legal
and 2 short vowels represent illegal symbols. The completion from the triad AIU to the addition
of H & to AEIOU lasted 83 years from 486-403 bc.
Apart from the relatively unimportant references to colors, planets and metals we must consider this
concept as an magnificent view of the world, which inspired the fantasy of the population. The sun,
represented by the vowel I, resided in the center of the sky.
The Rastafari concept has been based on the super ego-pronoun "I and I", in which I represents the
ego-pronoun, a number (in the name Haile Selassie I), Jah (God) and every human. In a certain
sense Rastafari represents the ancient religion, which had united the common I in the egopronouns I, Io, Ieu, the vowel name Jah, and the numbering system I & V.

The experience of incomplete or misleading notebooks and information sources has not been
restricted to the documentation of history. Even the newspapers and the internet are reporting a
constant flow of crimes, deceits, manipulation, theft, corruption, bribery and blackmail. Impertinent
lies are considered as standard practice. Even the specification of emission gases at automobiles
cannot be organized without corruption. Then what are we expecting from racing cyclists, football
clubs, bankers and politicians?
Rastafari therefore introduced politricks for politics, truebrary for library, blindgaret for sigaret
just to name a few. In this short list of inspiring Iaric language we will find more truth in most of
these single entries than is found in all combined libraries of westernized book of laws...

The Crash 2015

The Beginning and the End of the Euro

A chapter from Een portret van de student als een schooljongen

Having resolved the concept for the origin of religion and the most important word we know (the
ego-pronoun159) as a series of vowels I decided to concentrate on another most important Potemkinvillage: the monetary system, which within a yew years collapsed from a rather useful system to a
corrupt gambling paradise and casino.
Politicians and bankers do not have any alternative chance than hiding their criminal affairs and
keep their Potemkin Ponzi facade upright until the ruined building collapses by its own gravity.
I'll try to write down my thoughts in my own words in chronological order. The records will be
documented by quotations and sources, but probably in its details have to be corrected or prolonged.

The motion of no confidence by General de Gaulle (1965)

In fact distrust had been around early enough, after one of the most respectful statesmen, General de
Gaulle, in February 1965 had proclaimed gold as the only globally acceptable exchange medium.
De Gaulle had understood the false character, the Potemkin village of paper money: "Gold is the
only and eternal standard". This warning had been issued before Nixon 1971 closed the goldwindow.
In retrospect De Gaulle with his motion of no confidence may have triggered the end of the
Bretton-Woods system. De Gaulle ordered the transfer of physical gold to Paris, which was to be
transported by submarines160 from January 1966 at a rate of 10 tons/week.

The crisis of the French Franc (1968)

The miracle of French gold didn't last more than a few months.
In the summer of 1968 I traveled with 8 fellow students to a revolutionary city of Paris. The
workers and students had raised their protests. Paris had started a new revolution.
Those days in the sixties the real Market halls still did exist. The old buildings with their
gloomy cellars were providing shelters for the rats and hobos. We arrived a bit too late to
enter the camping place at the Seine in Bois the Boulogne and had to wait till 7AM the next
morning. We did park the car near the metro-station and did spend the night in the Halls,
where the beef carriers each hour visited one of the small honky-tonk drinking holes and
drank their tiny glasses of wine.
I was standing at the bar and saw most of the glasses weren't emptied. The landlord used a
funnel to pour the remaining wine from the glasses back into the bottle. That's where the
fascinating aromatic scent of French wines is coming from: the thousands lips of those beef

159 The ego-pronoun is always the first object in the Swadesh-lists, which never have been including a divine name.
160 (German) Gold Zurck - Der Spiegel 48/19

An eye-witness report dated 15th of July 1968161

In a letter I reported a girlfriend about my travel to Paris as follows:

but let me quickly report what we experienced at Paris, or else I am going to forget
the details...
The very first day we arrived too late at the camping place in the forest of Bois de
Boulogne. The clock was only a few minutes past 10 pm, but they didn't allow us to
enter the place. So we had to park the car outside near a Metro-station and drove to the
Halls: the large market for vegetables, fruits and beef, which is active around the clock.
At that place we drank quite some cheap red wine for 20 cents/glass, real plonk, and
French bread named flutes with hot sausages.
We took the first Metro to return to Bois de Boulogne to take a decent nap. The next day
we went to to visit Montparnasse avenue Saint Michel and the Sorbonne. Everywhere
the police forces were present. The Louvre was filled with beautiful girls, quite some
contrast to the marble sculptures; in the evening we went to Pigalle. There is a long
alley full of nightclubs (such as Moulin Rouge), brothels or hotels and bars with
terraces. Some of the backstreets climbing towards the Sacr-Cur are looking quite
nasty. The girls offered us special cheap student rates, but I felt too scared for your
intuition. In the end I wound up in eating a watermelon and even managed to enter the
wrong Metro-line.
In contrast the Eiffel-tower and Notre-Dame were really dull. The Saint Michel
boulevard was quite exciting. The sidewalk was full of protesters who presented their
beautiful colored crayon drawings with boxes for fees for some bread, train- and Metrotickets. I also found some Dutch Provos. The last day of our visit we say some raids in
which the gang had to be loaded into a police-car and taken to the police-station. But it
didn't solve the problem as one hour later the street was covered with another gang of
protesters. Theo and I myself felt uncomfortable because the police checked us quite
accurately and we hadn't shaved yet. My beard now has vanished because it itched too
much. And we also went to the movies and R. indeed visited the Folies Bergre
R. really had insisted to take his fine suit to Paris because he wanted to visit the Folies Bergre. Of
course his crazy plan to travel with a big suitcase in our small bus just to visit the quite expensive
show caused some hilarity among all of us.
A wealth transfer

The Franc's inflation those days reached up to 10%. In this era France lost around 40% of the
national gold assets which a few years earlier had been restored by general De Gaulle.
In France the elite had started to transfer their assets to other places outside the borders. That's how
gold returned by airplanes to New York, USA, where it had come from 162. The illusion to stabilize a
badly managed economy by holding gold reserves turned into a disaster.
Even the British pound had to take some blows, but that didn't really matter. The French Franc was
the worst of all types of money163. The gold reserves and the political positions returned to their
original locations.
161 Eye witness report in a letter to F. dated 15 July 1968
162 (German) Gold Zurck - Der Spiegel 48/19
163 (German) Frankreich / Whrungskrise: Gold Zurck - Der Spiegel 48/19

The Nixon-shock (15th of August 1971)

In our students pub I met the first US-American student who had had escaped the military draft,
which most probably would have involved him in the Vietnam war. He didn't speak Dutch. We both
studied at the technical university, although most lectures and practical work had been offered in
Dutch only.
The Vietnam war was unpopular and expensive. In the US protest marches enforced unpopularity
and protest songs like Masters of War and We shall overcome also became popular in
From 1967 up to 1981 Jelle Zijlstra presided De Nederlandsche Bank N.V. The Dutch guilder had
been pegged to the German Mark and the Netherlands followed the successful strategy of the
German monetary policy. The Dutch bank exchanged dollars for gold, but the Germans were
occupied territory and could not really feel free to exchange their excessive growing amount of
At the 7th of July 1971 - shortly before the end of the gold window - Volcker and Daane arrived at
the main Dutch airport Schiphol to try and convince the Dutch government to stop transferring
dollars to physical gold.
Zijlstra wrote in his diary164: From the beginning of 1971 onward we had managed to exchange
nearly 600 million $ in gold or something equivalent.
Something equivalent was a strange formula, because there does not exist anything
comparable to physical gold. Obviously Something equivalent had to be understood as
(allocated or non-allocated) paper gold susch as gold certificates, for which today more
than 300165 paper ounces refer to one physical ounce as a collateral.
In the summer of 1971 ( the Nixon-shock) Jelle Zijlstra as the director of the Dutch Bank ordered
to exchange $250 million to gold. At his visit Volcker must have commented You are rocking the
boat., what resulted in Zijlstra's response:
If the boat is rocking because we present $250 million for conversion into gold or
something that can be considered an equal asset, then the boat has already perished.
At that time Zijlstra defined the guilder as 0,334987 gram fine gold 167. In fact Zijlstra rather
wanted to raise the gold price, but the US-administration refused this idea and wanted the dollar to
be raised against the gold price. Therefore Zijlstra is the last director of a central bank who really
respected money as equivalent to gold and wanted the people's excess money to be transferred to
gold. He was the last central banker, who worked without scenery and Potemkin villages.
Some weeks later the English bankers also requested to exchange a handful of dollars into gold, but
this time Nixon refused the transfer and temporarily closed the gold window. Nixon named the
closing temporarily, but in fact this was a lie and the window has been closed forever. That was
what made the Nixon-shock shocking.
I often asked myself whether Zijlstra's order to exchange $250 million really enforced the
closing of the gold-window.
Zijlstra describes gold as a medium, which artificially had been kept at a far too low price. He
considered the newly introduced SDR as a strange bird like the Dodo, an exotic museum piece (p.
164 page 191 in Dr. Jelle Zijlstra, Conversations and Writings (1979, second edition)
165 We Are Witnessing Historic Action In The Gold Market! paper claims in the gold market now at a staggering
166 Dr. Zijlstra's Final Settlement: Gold as the Monetary Cosmos Jaco Schipper 29th of April 2012
167 p. 181. In a footnote the guilder's value (after a devaluation in 1978 has been defined as 0.13333 gram fine gold.

Franz Konz (1977)

The first time I realized the problematic character of fiat money while I was reading the book of a
former tax inspector named Franz Konz, who had started a career as an author of a bundled set of
1000 legal tax reduction tricks168, which have been renewed year after year. In a publication
around 1977 he published the thesis that the state never ever aimed to pay back their debts. Or even
worse: they would pile up debts up to the collapse of the monetary system. I remember Konz even
advised his readers to buy Traveler checks, which never would lose their dollar value. They are
anonymous, eternally valid and insured. Unfortunately the dollar itself loses its value.

Definition of the emergency laws (1978)

In 1978 in the Dutch government published a set of emergency laws 169 which enabled the states
minister of finance to immediately (or within 5 minutes) activate the enforcement of antidotes
against an economical crash. These measurements include the seizing of pension capital and life
insurances, etc.

The silver crash of the Hunt brothers (1980)

At Silver Thursday, 27th of March of 1980, the Hunt brothers Nelson Bunker Hunt and
William Herbert Hunt speculated in silver and drove the silver price to astronomical heights,
resulting in a monetary crisis, which ruined the economy.
In 1980 the economy crashed and at the antenna-laboratory 30% of the crew was advised to look
for another engagement. Although I didn't really feel included in the pink-slip category I rather
started looking for another job in CAD-technology for printed circuit boards, which developed into
a rather successful strategy after the PC-systems made revolutionary progress in IT-technology.
That's how careers gently may be corrected into good directions.

The reuniting revolution of both Germanies (1989)

East- and West-Germany reunited 1989 and the East badly needed a new communication system,
which could be provided by quickly building antenna links. This straw fire however ended around
1995, just as quickly as it had been ignited. At that time the restructured company stumbled into a
new recession crisis and I decided to switch over to PDM-systems with SAP-software.

The first prophetic alarms (1992)

In 1992 the first political warnings against unlimited debt raising had been issued.
The first warning I observed as a correct symptom came from an extremely small political party
named Brgerrechtsbewegung Solidaritt (raised in 1992). The themes involved the end of the
world and an economical collapse 170. Somewhere I must have stored the political manifest to check
whether they had been right in their prophecies. And of course their prophecy is going to be fulfilled
in the coming few years or even months...

168 (German) 1000 ganz legale Steuertricks

169 (Dutch) Noodwet financieel verkeer 1978, (Valid from 1-1-2013)
170 Endzeitvisionen (Zusammenbruch des Wirtschaftssystems) Brgerrechtsbewegung Solidaritt

Zijlstras autobiography (1992)

Zijlstras autobiography describes Gold as the monetary sun of the universe171. Of course as far as
I can see things that's exactly how Zijlstra saw his monetary system, in which gold is an
independent star in an archaic cosmos. All other rotating planets merely behave like dependent
resonator, which are rotating like tiny satellites around the solid and big fixed star.

A core of tungsten in the gold bars from Fort Knox (1994)

October 2009 the Chinese central bank checked around 5.600 to 5.700 standard 400 oz. gold bars,
which had been shipped from Fort Knox, USA. The delivery however did not contain the specified
amount of gold but only a fraction in the range of 12-15% which had been molten around a 84%
tungsten core172.
The falsified gold bars might have formed a 1%-part of the total 640,000 tungsten bars which
around 1994 had been cast and provided with as 1.5mm sized gold layer to be redeposited as real
gold bars with their official registration numbers in Fort Knox. From that moment every trader and
buyer will have to remelt gold bars. Therefore Fort Knox must be considered as a Potemkin village
and a scenery, in which tungsten secrets are being guarded by tanks.

The ECB (1998)

The 1st of June 1998 Wim Duisenberg became the first President of the European Central Bank at
Frankfurt. Especially his role in introducing the Euro raised his popularity, but his fame had been
based on the exact pegging of the guilder to the Deutsche Mark. However of all European nations
only the Netherlands were able to permanently peg their coins to the DM.
Even under the leadership of Duisenberg as a minister of finance most of the other countries
wouldn't have managed to follow the DM. This failure will also lead to the collapse of the Euro.
Duisenberg however wouldn't have to experience the collapse of his monetary orphan.

Wim Duisenberg's Biography (2003)

Thwo authors, Bruno de Haas and Cees van Lotringen, published a biography of Wim
Duisenberg.173 It seems that Duisneberg hadn't the slightest idea of the role, which exchange rates
are playing to stabilize and control economies:
In fact the raging battle applies to exchange rates. Although devaluations and
revaluations belong to the top priorities of government leadership the discussions of
these secret topics always involve the central bankers. The furious game had vanished
by the arrival of the Euro and the implicit message of the biography is: great, that we
have lost so much trouble! So: long live the Euro and long live Duisenberg!

Gold is not money (2011)

The 13th of July 2011 Ben Bernanke responds to congressman Ron Paul that gold is no money.
There is a famous YouTube sketch174, in which Bernanke pulls the Potemkin village scenery in front
of his antagonist Ron Paul.
171 Dr. Zijlstras Legacy and the 21st Century Renaissance of Gold Jaco Schipper
172 Gold Bars in Fort Knox Are Fake!
173 De kleine wereld van het grote geld Bruno de Haas en Cees van Lotringen
Wim Duisenberg: Van Friese volksjongen tot mr. Euro
Uitg. Business Contact, 380 blz., 19,90
174 Ron Paul vs Bernanke: Is Gold Money? - July 13, 2011

Bernanke needs about 1 or 2 seconds to raise the scenery and pull it between gold and the
auditorium. He is aware that Ron Paul has only a few seconds speaking time left and waits like a
badly hit boxing champion with his response till the gong is going to rescue him: gold is a longstanding tradition.

The Venezuelan gold (2011)

In August 2011 the Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez ordered to repatriate the211 tonnes of
Venezuelan gold to Caracas. Chavez knew very well why he had to order to drill holes into these
bars175. The gold price now rose to astronomical levels (1900 US$/ounce).

Memories of life insurance (1934)

Generally we may be advised to start life with a life insurance and I wasn't surprised to find my
mother's insurance policy among her papers, in which the life insurance company N.V. RVS (tariff
O.T.) in 1934 insured the life of a 14-year old girl:
for the sum of fl. 124,80, which is the amount of money the company commits itself to pay
at his or her death. The dues for this insurance amount to 4 cents / week and must be paid in
advance up to and including the week of the dying date, but at a maximum paying period of
of 40 years176.
At payment you might be lucky if the company still exists, the money hasn't lost too much in any
type of crisis and the recipient may 1974 (!) still receive only 124,80 guilders for so much trouble in
weekly payments of 4 cents. It is no wonder that life insurance companies can afford such
comfortable palaces, a staff with black hats and large salaries and expensive cars.
Her asthmatic sister Ann for instance will leave the earth and if she had been insurable and insured
the insurance company wouldn't have made a big deal from her policy.

Memories of our youth I (2011)

At the age of 91 around 2011 my mother liked to tell me stories in which her youth played a mayor
role. Maybe she felt the need to share her memories with others in the expectation of a limited
lifetime. Maybe she also thought of me as her husband instead of a son.
Anyway whatever I heard in these monologues, in old calendars and in shoe-boxes filled with
identity cards and personal documents, has all been documented in chronicles177
In 1926-1930 schools were to be selected in a most pragmatic and economical way. In a
bakery family, which delivered bread to the Maria monastery all five sisters were allowed to
visit the attached Maria school, which included an elementary school, a domestic science
school and a college.
The mutual service idea ruled the community. Whoever as a baker had to serve five butcher
families also had to buy beef at five different butchers.
A side entrance to the Maria school had been reserved for the poor minority, who couldn't
pay school fees. Roermond was a town with 136,5 status levels and each inhabitant only
dealt with others at the same level.

175 Traces of Gold Manipulation (The greatest Robbery of all Ages)

176 Polis nr. 12061200, gedateerd 31 december 1934
177 (Dutch) Kronieken 1941-1960 and Doornappel als medicijn tegen astma in 1930:

A comfortable house at the Wilhelmina-place was the home of four female teachers, named
the Hess (?) sisters, of which three were teaching at the Maria school and the fourth at the
school of the poor children. Those days the girls felt honored if they were allowed to carry
their teacher's case, which was heavy with lots of homework notebooks.
In the first class of elementary school little Mary had been assigned a seat in the first row
next to a little girl Truus, who was very bright in learning. Except from little Mary none of
the other class-mates wished to take a seat next to this little girl who suffered from
dwarfism. The idea somebody wished to be seated next to her motivated her to invest more
effort for better scores.
At the nuns' school the girls were not allowed to wear too short sleeves and too short skirts.
Skirts were tested to cover the knees and sleeves had to reach to the elbow. Any offense
resulted in a reprimand and such girls had to be picked up at school to be guided home by
one of the parents.
Her elder sisters called such long sleeves granny sleeves and one of her sisters, who had
learned to sow clothes for the family, knew exactly how far you might go in offending
public standards. Elastic tape allowed the sowers to adapt clothing to flexible standards by
simply shifting skirts and sleeves upward or downward. The skirts and sleeves simply had
moved upward or downward by accident.
Once a year the school inspector came along and checked the school. The pupil who had the
finest handwriting was allowed to write down at the blackboard what the inspector had
formulated of course the most difficult words he could imagine -.
Little Mary learned swimming by herself and was allowed to visit the town's swimming pool
a natural pool next to the river Maas -. After the menarche she was not allowed to
swim while she was menstruating, which had to be checked by her elder sister Ann.

Memories of our youth II (2011)

A housemaid helped to serve the household team seven days a week. She worked from 8:00
in the morning, joined in the family dinner and followed her duty till the dishes for dinner
had been done. First of all however, before the household started, she had to cleanup the
bakery store before the first customers arrived. Additionally the windows of the big building
had to be cleaned from time to time.
Around 1930 the maid's mother accompanied her little daughter and asked for an interview
with the oldest sister Ann, who was in charge for the staff. Both had to discuss a family
problem. The maid's mother, who managed her family at a farm in the countryside, told Ann
that the family slept in two large beds: one for the parents and the elder children and another
bed for the younger kids. The problems arose now the elder daughters and big brothers were
laying next to their father and she considered this situation as dangerous enough to ask for
some advice. And maybe Ann might give her a hand in helping to solve the problem.
These were the thought-streams my 91-year old mother kept busy. Her life insurance and savings
had been forgotten, but these strange experiences during her youth were still very vivid in her mind
and became a priority as soon as the younger memories lost their intensity. These were the awkward
stories, which the memory dumps and reproduces from nowhere as if it had happened yesterday or
an hour ago...
And shortly before dying a memory may reduce the shrunken dictionary to the One Word, which
dominates our lives. I also invested some time in searching such words.

The anticlerical Marcel Pagnol helped me to find some wonderful French words such as filigree,
archiepiscopal and anticonstitutionnellement178, but that's the longest word in French, and of
course it is not related to dying and death. In Dutch I like the word schitterend above any other.
And in English we all remember Rosebud from the movie Citizen Kane".

The value of gold (2012)

Jaco Schipper calculated at the Euro's reserve base of 502.5 ton gold, that in 2012 one troy ounce 179
might be equivalent to 55.000 180. The webpage Banknotes and coins circulation informs us that
in November 2015 a total of 1 billion notes have been issued. That's 10 9 , but it invloves only the
printed and coined money. Let's say it is the M1-amount of money.
If we estimate the M3-money at,- , which is covered by 16171825 1 troy
ounces gold we find a troy ounce gold price of 618.359,40 .
That was 2012. Right now we have arrived at the end of 2015. An unknown amount of gold already
left the west and the real gold-price as a collateral for paper stuff probably has reached multiples of
the 55.000-value. Nobody knows (except maybe Mr. Draghi) and maybe even Draghi doen't have
an idea.

The state-owned ABN reports a bankruptcy (2013)

In May 2013 the state-owned ABN bank informs its customers it will not hand out any more gold
and advises them to look for another bank for these services 181. In fact it is the first bankruptcy for
customers with a gold- or silver-account.
I remember to have opened a gold-account at the Amro-bank for a few grains of gold and those days
I really thought the bank would have stored these grains in their strongrooms. Ah, those were the
days I could trust my banks, but it's all over now of course...

The repatriating of national gold (2013)

Since 1998 the German Bundesbank does not differentiate between physical gold and paper gold
certificates182. This scrambling and scenery is part of the tactics which are to veil the real amounts
of money in the central banks if fiat money one crashes back to its intrinsic value zero. The socalled gold certificates belong to the same category fiat-money (or paper gold).
Germany was unable to repatriate the registered amount of gold, 3.400 tonnes 183. Rumors suppose
the restrictions have been based on the Blessing-letter, in which the German central bank
promised the US to refrain from exchanging dollars to gold.
"By refraining from dollar conversions into gold from the United States Treasury the
Bundesbank has intended to contribute to international monetary cooperation and to
avoid any disturbing effects on the foreign exchange and gold markets. You may be
assured that also in the future the Bundesbank intends to continue this policy and to play
its full part in contributing to international monetary cooperation." Blessing-letter
dated 30th of March 1967

178 Marcel A childhood in the Provence by Marcel Pagnol (1957)

179 31.1034768 g
180 Dr. Zijlstra's Final Settlement: Gold as the Monetary Cosmos Jaco Schipper 29 april 2012
181 Nationalized ABN Amro offers fools gold
182 Diskussion um die Lagerung im Ausland (Deutsche Goldreserven)
183 Wikipedia's official gold reserves document a total 31.350 t of physical gold

In January 2013 however the Bundesbank ordered to repatriate 700 tonnes gold from New York and
Paris to Frankfurt. The operation was to begin 2013 and end 2020. In 2013 the shipments added up
to 37 tonnes, which had been remelted. In 2014 a total of 120 tonnes was repatriated184.

Why the Euro must end in a catastrophe (2015)

The Netherlands will have to leave the Euro because every nation should be able to choose its own
rent level185.
More serious is the fact that in the Netherlands nobody seems to have been aware of this problem:
Dutch politicians signed the Maastricht Treaty although none of them had discussed in a
serious debate about the sense of a common European coin and without any objections by
Dutch economists186.

The legal definition of demand(2015)

Demand for gold187 and silver188 coins is rising and regularly seem to be sold out at the end of the
year. The U.S. Mint is legally required to supply as much silver as is needed to meet demand.
The US-Secretary shall mint and issue in qualities and quantities that the
Secretary determines are sufficient to meet public demand
The state however is free to decide what citizens need. The required coins may be lower in number
than the requested coins, because it may be better for the population and the dollar if at higher
demand less coins are going to be sold....189

The strategy of the ECB (2015)190

The ECB devalues the Euro step by step. This way the Euro will be debased and destroyed.
Investment in real estate and stock may be rising. The strategy is similar to the tactics of the
Japanese central bank, which ever since 20 years is being stuck in deflation and stagnation.
The velocity of M2-money considerably has been slowed down. A higher interest rate risks to ruin
the fragile economy. The Target 2-system is abused to plunder other EU-states. The ransack is based
on Potemkin villages191:
The common money press is abused to pay for the common liability for EU-states.
This will not be done openly, but behind the scenery in a world of secrecy in order to
misguide the public and to give jurists dummy arguments for a effective defense.
Prof. Sinn,
184 Repatriations totaled 35 tonnes from Paris and 85 tonnes from New York (German) source: Rckholung
185 (Dutch) Bruno de Haas: "In de euro blijven kost 450 miljard, eruit stappen 50-100 miljard...
186 (Dutch) Waarom de euro ons zal opbreken (Bruno de Haas) Writers United BV
187 U.S. Mint: 2015 American Eagle One-Ounce Gold Bullion Coins Sold Out
'Gold' Spikes Off 2015 Lows As Gold Coin Sales Surge To Highest Since Financial Crisis
188 Sold Out: US Mint's American Eagle Silver Coin Supply Silver Coin Premiums Soar Above 50%
189 US Mint has no sufficient to meet public demand requirement: United States Code Title 31 Chapter 51 Sec. 5112
says in Subsec. (e) and (i) that the Secretary shall mint and issue in qualities and quantities that the Secretary
determines are sufficient to meet public demand
190 (German) EZB japanisiert uns mit kleinen Schritten Degussa Marktreport, Ausgabe 04. Dezember 2015 (PDF)
191 Die gemeinsame Druckerpresse wird benutzt, um die Staaten in gemeinsamer Haftung zu finanzieren. Das alles
passiert nicht direkt, sondern auf hinreichend verschlungenen Wegen, um die ffentlichkeit irrezufhren und den
eigenen Juristen Scheinargumente fr eine wirksame Verteidigung zu liefern. Prof. Sinn, Der Euro: Von der
Friedensidee zum Zankapfel, quoted in Degussa Marktreport, Ausgabe 04. Dezember 2015 (PDF)

In Germany numerous economists have warned that the Euro starts as a catastrophic concept.

Professor Wilhelm Hankel confirms that individual countries need the option to choose their
own optimal exchange rates and inflation rate192.

In an essay193 prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Sinn describes the German debt levels in relation tot
the GDP.

Professor Heiner Flassbeck advises to raise the unit labor costs around 50% in Germany to
effectively reach a 2% inflation level194. Of all European countries only France is managing
the monetary strategy on a correct track. All southern states must decrease their unit labor
costs, which might lead to distress and revolutions.

Politicians and economists who are against the Euro are being mobbed like leprous persons.

The synthesis of the monetary system

The modern monetary system was based on the concept of the Federal Reserve Systeem, which in
November 1910 had been planned at Jekyll Island and activated 1913.
At 15th of August 1971 president Nixon signed the Executive Order 11615 in which the gold
window temporarily had been closed (Nixon-shock). From that date a gigantic inflation
machinery started producing unlimited amount of paper fiat-money.
The end of this inflationary process may be expected in a phase in which the population proceeds to
invest in legally minted gold- and silver-coins, which is the only way to save at least a minimal
amount of previously earned savings from extinction. The rest of the savings is going to be ruined
The Euro is a stillborn child, which virtually strangles all EU-states to control their own coins by
devaluation, deprives them of an efficient control and sends these states into a risky deflation phase
accompanied by stagnation and recession. We will just have to wait till the last EU-state switches
off the light.

192 (German) Videos: Es war einmal der Euro - Whrungsgeschichte Wilhelm Hankel Wilhelm Hankel - Was kommt
nach dem Euro? Der Euro - Fluch oder Segen? - Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Hankel
193 (German) Das Dilemma des Euro - Die Enteignung ist unvermeidlich
194 Voordracht: Prof. Flassbeck : Wann startet Europa einen Neuanfang artikel: Wir haben kein GriechenlandProblem, wir haben ein Deutschland-Problem!

The Secret Service 2015

The secret service as a Potemkin scenery195

As a schoolboy I was shocked by the traumatic experience of the killing of president John F.
Kennedy. The message must have reached me at the evening under the doorsteps between the
chapel, the dormitory and the courtyard. I must have been at the age of 16.
In 1963 the murder of a US-president had another impact on public opinion than today. Those days
the USA had been considered as a guarantee for peace and liberty. The dollar was a blessed
currency, bringing wealth and foundation for trading.
It took several decades to find out the US-economy was based on fiat currencies. The strategy to
generate power and wealth from warfare is a genuine Potemkin village, in which bringing peace and
generosity is only to be found at the lowest level of the soldiers, pilots and marines, who are used as
the pawns in the masters' games. The big profits are being gathered by the elites.
One of the mysteries is the enigma of solving the JFK-murder, which has been documented in
books and videos. The story however started earlier with war preparations and secret services.
The US-government started delivering military equipment to east-Asian nations like Vietnam and
Korea as early as 1944. Later these weapons were to be used against American forces. In 1960 the
Cuban invasion was planned to exterminate the Cuban government, but the expedition was a failure.
In 1963 Kennedy planned to retreat all Americans (advisers and military forces) from Vietnam
within 2 years. According to Prouty JFK's plans would reduce the war investments, e.g. for airborne
transportation of the soldiers, which also minimized the war profits for the elite. Therefore John F.
Kennedy had to be eliminated.

The JFK - Complex

Oliver Stone's movie JFK had been re-transmitted on TV at the 16th of December 2015. I revisited
the available documentation and found Proute's interview in YouTube, accompanied with lots of
testimonials from other sources, who had remained silent for decades. All documents simply cried
out about conspiracies. Maybe the witnesses had decided to record their testimonials shortly before
dying away. They probably intended to clean their desks before leaving the office.
The number of rifles used at the assassination of JFK

The first alarming TV-messages of the JFK-assassination already reported gun shots from different
directions, which implied the existence of a conspiracy. At least two shotguns had been used.
The testimony of Colonel Leroy Fletcher Prouty Mr. "X" in JFK 196

Leroy Fletcher Prouty, who represented Mr. "X" in the thriller JFK by Oliver Stone delivers a
convincing testimony of the environment of the assassination. According to Prouty the elite
manipulates history. The defense of the elite's power is ruled by the laws of Malthus and Darwin,
which are leading to lots of victims.
Kennedy knew the members of the Cuban forces. Cuba had 10 jet fighters and the US-forces were
able to destroy 7 of these jets. Kennedy ordered to bomb the remaining 3 fighters, but the bombers
failed to complete their mission. The operation at the Bay of Pigs now failed, as the slow B36transporter airplanes were unable to escape the 3 approaching jets.

195 JFK Assassination Whistle blower Identified. Jeff Steinberg (for the Larouche Connection)
196 Played by Donald Sutherland

Kennedy decided that the CIA was an unreliable institution and ordered a reorganization, in which
the Joint Chief of State would be made responsible for such operations. He signed the National
Security Action Memorandum #55 at the 28th of June 1961.
Managed by the secret service in 1954 the US Army transported 1 million Vietnamese citizens from
the northern part of Vietnam to Saigon where these people were left without any prospective of a
living base. Up to 1963 the American administration merely provided Vietnam with some advisers.
Only a few military forces were available. In 1963 JFK planned to retreat all Americans from
During the assassination of JFK colonel Prouty and a great number of army specialists were sent to
the South-pole, where he received a newspaper printed in Christchurch (NZ) with a report of the
assassination and a detailed biography of the murderer Oswald, including a photograph of
Oswald. This publication had been completed before the US-police even had managed to find
Oswald for interrogation. From this early publication Prouty concluded that Oswald had been
prepared to play the role of a pawn in this game.
In an interview with Leo Janos in Atlantic Monthly Magazine July 1973 Lyndon B. Johnson says
(1) he always believed in a conspiracy, (2) Oswald had not been a singular assassin and (3) "...we
had been operating a damned Murder Inc. in the Caribbean."197.
Hoover and LBJ (Lyndon B. Johnson) knew very well what had happened. JFK intended to reduce
war costs and the masters of war saw their profits vanish...
The witnesses in the History Channel documentaries

The History Channel banned censored episode The Men Who Killed Kennedy 7 "Smoking recorded
some witnesses and the recordings reveal several traces of secret services' activities:

JFK's bodyguards had been warned not to take place on Kennedy's Limousine. The
motorcyclists of the guards was ordered to keep a distance to the rear of the JFK's car.
Obviously two bullet holes had been clearly located at the larynx and at the right side of the
forehead. Both were entries. A newspaper article had been corrected and claimed the bullet
holes had their entries at the backside, which clearly indicated a manipulation.
A bullet hole also had hit the front window of JFK's car, which had to be flown to Detroit for
secretly repairing of the window and destruction of the defect window.
The photograph of the back of the head has been manipulated by filling the enormous hole
at the back of the head and veiling the destructive explosion of the brain, which had been
documented and diagnosed by the medical crew.
Photographs of the autopsy report have been manipulated as well in order to keep Oswald as
a solitary suspect. All front-side bullet holes had to be transformed from input to output
John Liggitt198 had been named as the embalmer for JFK. He returned from his job as a
stressed person. In Corpus Christi he saw the recordings of Oswald's assassination and was
reported as relieved.

197 "I never believed that Oswald acted alone, although I can accept that he pulled the trigger." Johnson said that when
he had taken office he found that "we had been operating a damned Murder Inc. in the Caribbean." The Last Days of
the President - The Atlantic
198 Some of the video's theses have been contradicted in The Reinvention of John Liggett

Alternative sources

Diagnoses of medical specialists and observations of journalists like Walter Cronkite referring to the
bullet holes in J.F. Kennedy's larynx and forehead are discussed in Fifty years of LIES: JFK, See the
evidence and judge for yourself. The found magic bullet is not really deformed at all!
During the assassination more than 3 shots have been registered, although some may have heard six
shots, which would imply a greater number of assassins.
The former FBI-agent Adams even counted 11 shots. He describes a bullet hole at the larynx and
identifies Joseph A. M. as an organizer of the conspiracy. 199
The assassination of Oswald

Even the assassination of Oswald may be considered as a well-organized crime by a conspiring

crew with several members200.

199 Former FBI Agent Reveals Who Really Killed JFK

200 See the video Creepy! First TV Commercial Shown after JFK Assassination (from 7:30)

Table of Contents
From Edwards Notebook 1954..........................................................................................................3
The Creation Legend 1954..............................................................................................................4
At the Zoo 1960.................................................................................................................................8
A schoolboy.....................................................................................................................................9
The Power of a Scenery 1971..........................................................................................................17
Memories of Scents (1971)............................................................................................................18
The Truth behind the Scenery 1990.................................................................................................22
Preparing the research....................................................................................................................23
About the weaving technology......................................................................................................24
About Literature.............................................................................................................................31
About Music..................................................................................................................................37
About Philosophy .........................................................................................................................39
About the role of Vowels...............................................................................................................41
About the symbolism of pillars & omphalos.................................................................................42
About the Rastafari Concept..........................................................................................................45
About parental authority................................................................................................................48
About the scenery of Potemkin-villages........................................................................................51
About the Vowel sequence AEIOU scenery .................................................................................53
About the Colors Orange, Red, Rosa, White and Blue..................................................................54
About the 3 Miles Separation between the outcasts and elites......................................................55
About the vowel-sequences in divine names.................................................................................57
About the deterioration of words and wordings............................................................................60
The Synthesis of Philosophy 2015..............................................................................................65
The Crash 2015................................................................................................................................67
The Beginning and the End of the Euro........................................................................................68
The synthesis of the monetary system...........................................................................................77
The Secret Service 2015..................................................................................................................78
The secret service as a Potemkin scenery .....................................................................................79
Appendix I -2015 Synthesis Phase Counterfeiting (2)....................................................................86
Synthesis of Counterfeiting methods (in Religion and Economy)................................................86
Additional Color Symbolism.........................................................................................................87
Overview (and Access tool)...........................................................................................................87
Miranda & Goethe.........................................................................................................................88
The study of German and Walloon Dialects.................................................................................88
Appendix II - 2014 Synthesis Phase Linguistics (1).......................................................................89
The study of Sumerian Cuneiform, Gothic, Manx, Danish, Oscan...............................................89
Overview of the Synthesis Phase...................................................................................................92
Overview of Symbolism in my Paintings......................................................................................96
Implementing the Ego-concept......................................................................................................96
Analyzing Emerson's work "Nature" & the Yahoos in Gulliver's Travels.....................................96
Robert Musil's Salvator (or Man without Qualities)-Project.....................................................96
Zeus & the pillars of the sky..........................................................................................................97
E-Vowel inscription at the Omphalos of Delphi ...........................................................................98
Androgynous symbols...................................................................................................................98
Red & Blue in Aachen and Maastricht..........................................................................................99
Appendix III - 2013 Vowel Symbolism.........................................................................................100
Alphabetical hieroglyphs.............................................................................................................100
The planetary symbolism.............................................................................................................101
The Number of Vowels in Alphabet.............................................................................................102

PIE Design...................................................................................................................................103
Archaic Vowel symbolism...........................................................................................................103
A Review of Vowel symbolism in IAU.......................................................................................104
Appendix IV - 2012 Vowel-oriented Symbolism..........................................................................107
Savoy and Nimes.........................................................................................................................108
The Habsburg AEIOU-device......................................................................................................109
The PIE-Trinity-Concept.............................................................................................................109
Color Codes in Josephus' records................................................................................................110
Back to the Roots (Archetypes, Trinity, the Assyrian Ego- pronoun)..........................................110
Designing a High-Precision language..........................................................................................111
Color Symbolism.........................................................................................................................112
Rainbows in the Stuppach Madonna........................................................................................112
New Year .....................................................................................................................................113
The Danish -pronoun................................................................................................................113
Mithras Liturgy............................................................................................................................114
Tuesday and Thursday.................................................................................................................114
The PIE-concept...........................................................................................................................114
Goethe's Color Theory.................................................................................................................115
Appendix V - 2011 Vowel-oriented Symbolism............................................................................116
Claudius' letters............................................................................................................................116
The Alpine Pronouns 2.................................................................................................................116
The Alpine Pronouns 1.................................................................................................................117
lfric's Sermon............................................................................................................................118
The Mystery of the Seven Vowels...............................................................................................118
Translation Errors in Exodus.......................................................................................................118
The Vowel's Symbolism...............................................................................................................119
The IU-Codes...............................................................................................................................119
Delphi's Letter E..........................................................................................................................119
Symbolism of Colors...................................................................................................................119
Appendix VI - 2010 The Ego-pronouns, PIE, Mirio...................................................................121
The Ego-Pronouns.......................................................................................................................121
Widukind's Tomb.........................................................................................................................122
Frederi Mistral's poem Mirio.....................................................................................................123
Book of Common Prayer.............................................................................................................123
Red & Blue, Purple's Symbolism................................................................................................124
Illuminated Manuscripts..............................................................................................................125
Notitia Dignitatum.......................................................................................................................125
Colored Idols................................................................................................................................125
St. Peter........................................................................................................................................125
Hieronymos Bosch ......................................................................................................................126

William of Orange.......................................................................................................................126
The Kingfisher ............................................................................................................................126
Color Codes.................................................................................................................................126
The Last Supper...........................................................................................................................127
Appendix VII - 2009 Dyaus, Colors, Exodus, Flags, Hochdorf....................................................129
Red & Blue-combinations...........................................................................................................129
Red & Blue & Purple in the Bible...............................................................................................129

Appendix I -2015 Synthesis Phase Counterfeiting (2)

Synthesis of Counterfeiting methods (in Religion and Economy)

A Portrait of the Student as a Schoolboy - Uploaded 11/12/15

As a child we may be accustomed to believe stories, which are told by trustworthy people.
We consider these as the truth, although the trusted relation often results in a trap, because
the truth for its timidity seems to veil itself by hiding behind a scenery or a Potemkin

Five-Teen - Uploaded 11/04/15

In retrospect it became clear how I learned to optimize thinking. It took me 50 years to find
out how the word fifteen or to be precise five-teen influenced my life.

Technology of the Blushing Subjunctive Mood - Uploaded 10/28/15

This shameful blushing subjunctive compensates for the dishonored job of idealistic
journalism, in which editors and writes are forced the publish lies and manipulated reports
or wisdom, unscientific definitions and bad statistics. And any time you read and identify a
shameful blushing subjunctive you know there are censors waiting to put such journalist
in jail or to send them away into oblivion and a jobless existence...

The Glass Bead Game as a Scenario for the Crash of the Fiat.. 201- Uploaded 09/24/15
Studying these biographical characters I understood the three protagonists represented
human failures in efforts. Especially I understood the trio represented central bankers and
politicians, who started as rainmakers to summon the monetary rain falling, but failed and
used to be forced to offer themselves as a sacrifice for the good of the tribe. In the French
revolution these bankers had been guillotined.
Hermann Hesse could have stopped here, but he added two extra biographical elements. The
second character is the confessor, who represents the reciprocal confessions of the central
bankers and politicians, who allow themselves to be cleaned up after monetary crashes and
catastrophes. The crashes cannot be avoided or repaired, but by confessions the rainmakers
may be spared, kept alive and be sent into cultivated pensions (rated at $250k for a first
post-Fed speech).

The Keyword Surprise in in Th. Wilder's the Bridge of Saint Louis. - upload: 07/12/2015
This version fortunately had been followed by an analysis by Helmut Viebruck, who claims
that Thornton Wilder uses explicit verbal expressions to control our interpretation of the
novel's text. He also gives some samples of the keyword's usage.
The explicit keyword Helmut Viebruck specifies is surprise, which in English language
may be used in various ways for passive and active actions. In other languages the word
surprise may translate to different wordings, in which Thornton Wilder's concept may be
lost. And unfortunately German also uses different translations for surprise, which invited
me to read the book in its original version English.

201German version: Das Glasperlenspiel als eine Metapher fr das monetre Fiat

Additional Color Symbolism

The Colors at the Main Gate of the Mainz Cathedral - uploaded: 06/15/2015
At the northern side of the Mainz Cathedral the main entrance provides access to the main
market of the city. The bronze doors have been cast around 1000 AD and the surrounding
pillar section has been dated 1200AD.
Next to the bronze doors we may identify two pillars with Corinthian capitals. The pillars
have been replaced in earlier eras. One of the pillars has been painted black, the other one
red. Originally both pillars had been made from black slate.
The red and black color contrasts of the painted pillars suggested to investigate the traces of
red color at the former pillars at the Wrzburg cathedral, which I had discovered a few
months ago. Mainz and Wrzburg are being connected by the river Main and of course the
color symbolism of the pillars might have been synchronized around 1200AD.

The Symbolism of Yellow in Painting the Apostles - uploaded: 06/12/2015

In El Greco's Pentecost St. Peter and St. Paul seem to have been grouped as the male
antagonists around St. Mary and are communicating by gestures.

Vincent Van Gogh's Complementary Color Symbolism - uploaded: 04/27/2015

In a letter to his sister Wil, van Gogh compared the fundamental harmony of chromatic pairs
that together "shine brilliantly" to a human couple declaring, the colors "complete each other
like a man and woman.".
Vincent's samples of pairs illustrate his expressive idea of chromatic pairs. The finest
samples of red & blue color symbolism may be found in Courting couples in the Voyer
d'Argenson Park in Asnires (1887, Paris), Two Lovers (Walking Couple) (1888, Arles)
and Couple Walking among Olive Trees (Saint-Remy, May 1890).

The Pancreator's Colors - uploaded: 04/08/2015

Purple and scarlet represent male nouns, whereas blue violet represents a female noun.
These gender references suggests to link shani and argaman to male and tekeleth to female
elements. The fourth color white does not really show up in all translations. In the Luther
bible I found a reference to white for Exodus 25:4 and highlighted the word (wei for
white) yellow.

Notes to the Paintings "Sorrow" and "Madonna" - uploaded: 02/27/2015

Once again I decided to start a series of paintings, two of which started as female faces.
These experiments are aiming at learning to express compassion.
First of all I had to create a drawing which titled sorrow seemed to concentrate on the
blurred eyes. I used my fingers to spread the gray tones.
In order to conserve the image I conserved this pencil image with some hairspray. The
background is formed by a thin layer of dark umbra oil color.

Overview (and Access tool)

Overview of JWR's Document List - Uploaded 01/18/15

providing reading access to all documents

Miranda & Goethe

Miranda's Conversation With Goethe in Weimar - Uploaded 01/16/15

In a letter dated 1792 Francisco de Miranda describes count Simon Romanovich Woronzoff
his motivations for using the colors yellow, blue and red in the flag design for the Flag of
Colombia. The conversation has been dated in the wintertime 1785 in Weimar, Germany.

Formula to Generate the Divine Names From Ego-Pronouns - Uploaded 01/05/15

Some of the ego-pronouns are following the rules for generating divine names by the
formula: <The Divine Name> = (D &) <the relevant ego-pronoun> & s
This rule had been identified from numerous Mediterranean languages and dialects.

The study of German and Walloon Dialects

Notes to the German Dialect-Words for the Ego-Pronoun "I" - Uploaded 3.1.2015
The German dialects often reveal an impressive variance in the dialect-words for the EgoPronoun (I). The following variants have been found at Wiktionary's entry Ich- dialect
variants. The words for Tuesday often carry the local divine names, mostly Tiw (or maybe
Tuisto respectively Tuisto), Tir or Ziu (Zeus), sometimes also Ares respectively Mars. Of
course these days and/or gods may also refer to the planets (Jupiter, respectively Mars).

Notes to the Walloon Dictionary - Uploaded 2.1.2015

Walloon is a most interesting source of vowel correlations, because with the help of Walloon
we may understand why the Dj- or Di-initiations may be understood as vowel
structures, representing j or i respectively the G-initial as an equivalent of j. In this
language the Dj or Di is a vowel, which is related to the i.

Appendix II - 2014 Synthesis Phase Linguistics (1)

The study of Sumerian Cuneiform, Gothic, Manx, Danish, Oscan

Notes to the Basque Dictionary - Uploaded 12/28/2014

A language isolate, Basque is believed to be one of the few surviving Pre-Indo-European
languages in Europe, and the only one in Western Europe. Therefore the investigation of the
history and structure of the Basque lexicon is intriguing. I concentrated my study on the
symbolism in the divine names, the words for Lord, Father & Mother, eternity, water, the
ego-pronoun, the days of the week, etc.

Notes to the Vowels A, I, U - Uploaded 12/28/2014

From Sumerian hieroglyphs we may identify the correlation between the words for
mother, house, I and the divine symbol for Sumerian An or Akkadian Ilu. The
divine symbol Dingir both symbolized the words Ia'u or Ya'u respectively the ego-pronouns
Ia-a-ti or Ya-ti.

A New Language is Being Born

The first written language may have been designed in Sumer, which had been located in
southern Mesopotamia. This manuscript suggests a logical linguistic design-phase in which
core-words may have been chosen in a chronological sequence. The origin of the egowords may have been founded in Sumer, where more than 5000 years ago the writers
transformed the archaic hieroglyphics into cuneiform scripture .

Overview of the Sumerian Word-trees for Grandfather"

Inspecting the ePSD ( Sumerian Sign-name Index) I discovered there were three different
trees for the word grandfather,

The Sumerian Water-Codes - Uploaded 12/10/2014

Inspired by John A. Halloran's Proto-Sumerian Language Invention Process I analyzed the
Sumerian Water-Codes for Offspring, which all seemed to have been based on the basic
one vowel-word a (water).
The first design had been the simplest and easiest trace a aya ayaya developing from:
a (seed-water) via aya (father) to ayaya (grandfather).

Notes on a Gothic Glossary

Studying Gothic language is quite educative as it reveals much illustrative etymological
First of all the English expression Gothic is erroneous and should be altered to Gotic, as the
form Gut in Gut-iuda shows, that the th of the English Goth and of the German Gothe
stands incorrectly for t.
Special characters usually may have played an important symbolic role in any language.
This role may be derived from the words, which had been designed as their mayor
representatives. One of these archaic ideas has been Aa (water stream), in which the
character may have been defined to achieve perfect symmetry between the left and the
right side of the word.

Notes on a Gaelic Manx Dictionary - Uploaded 12/5/2014

Analysis of the Gaelic Dictionary and other papers reveals interesting details for symbolism
in this Gaelic Manx language.

In Manx the divine name is Jee, in the vocative written as Yee.

In Manx the ego-pronoun is mee, which also is translated as month, which may refer to
an ancient lunar religion based on a moon-god. The emphasized ego-pronoun mish may be
correlating to German ich. The word Lhiam is understood as my, with me.

The Strange Link Between Sumerian A & E-Words and Scandinavian -Words 12/1/2014
The simplest words are the 1-vowel words, which exist in archaic Sumerian and ancient
Scandinavian dictionaries.
In The Proto-Sumerian Language Invention Process John A. Halloran claims that earliest
words had been designed as vowel-only words (e.g., a, 'water')

Notes to Oscan and Other Italic Languages - Uploaded 12/1/2014

This essay is part of the analysis of correlations between etymological and religious
symbolism of the ego-pronouns, the divine names and the words for eternity.
In Oscan the special characters and for the long vowels of [i:] and [u:] have been added
to the alphabet.
The Oscan ego-pronoun v preserves the typical IU-core of Jupiter and YHWH, which
may carry the symbolism for the archaic philosophy. Also the personal pronouns tiium
(you), iusc (they) and ikle (day) are using IU-cores.
In Sicilian the ego-pronoun is IU, which matches to the Oscan ego-pronoun v.

The Role of Ego-pronouns in the Creation Legend - Uploaded 11/28/2014

The points of resemblance between Zoroastrianism and Judaism, and hence also between the
former and Christianity, are many and striking. Both religions obviously share the creation
in six days and the deluge history.
Some other studies revealed these events may have influenced etymology. Especially the
ego-pronouns (the personal pronoun of the first person singular) had been linked to the
creation legend by using ego-pronouns such as adam, man, mn and even Dji or
ieu as a scattered parts of the Provencal deity Dieu.

Etymology for the Name Dyaus (Concept) - Uploaded 11/25/2014

In the course of studying the ego-pronouns I discovered the cuneiform old-Persian egopronoun adam, which directly correlated Persian mn, the Turkish ego-pronoun
variants , to the creation legend in which the first man Adam had been created. Due
to its vocal similarity the Sanskrit ego-pronoun aham1 may be correlating to adam and to
the creation legend as well.
I interpreted European ego-pronouns such as the singular letter Neapolitan, Norsk and
English vowels i, Wycliffe's Y, the Scottish, Venetian a, the Icelandic e, the
Albanian u and the Danish as deteriorated versions of the long variants like the
Provencal ieu, the Jauers' jau, the Macedonian jac (jas), the Italic iou and the German ih,
which in shortened versions are known as French je, Slavic ja and Italian io or
Spanish yo.
These ego-pronouns all seemed to correlate to the creation legend in which a first human
being Adam or Man, had been created as an image yau (the basic ego-pronoun) of the
divine creator, the sky-god Dyaus.

Notes to the Cuneiform Old-Persian Scripture - Uploaded 11/25/2014

In the course of studying the ego-pronouns I discovered the cuneiform old-Persian egopronoun adam, which directly correlated Persian mn, the Turkish ego-pronoun
variants , to the creation legend in which the first man Adam had been created. Due
to its vocal similarity the Sanskrit ego-pronoun aham may be correlating to adam and to
the creation legend as well.

In this paper I analyzed the cuneiform words of old-Persian scripture, which has been
documented in Old Iranian Online: Old Persian: Master Glossary.
The most interesting words of the Old Iranian cuneiform "syllabary are the old-Persian egopronoun Adam (I), its accusative mm (me), the you-pronoun tuva (you), the
equivalent word for Eve: Jva (Life), and Baga (God).

History of the Ego-pronouns' Etymology

My etymological studies concentrate on the evolution of ego-pronouns, which ultimately
seem to have been arising from divine names.
The etymological mechanism had been analyzed in a great number of individual
manuscripts, each concentrating on a dedicated topic.
The idea, that some vowel-structures may have symbolized a set of antipodes also suggested
to consider some color pairs as sets of colors. Colors therefore have been included in this
Recently I decided to list these topics for better overview and searching the web-links. In
this overview the documentation has been rearranged to form a structured documents' tree,
which allows me to find patterns and links.

Proceedings in the Pronouns' Etymology (Summary)

My etymological studies concentrate on the evolution of ego-pronouns, which ultimately
seem to have been arising from divine names.
The mechanism had been analyzed in a great number of individual manuscripts, each
concentrating on a dedicated topic. Recently I decided to listed these topics for better
overview and searching the web-links.
I concentrated the search-keys and reduced the documents according to relevance.
Downloads and external access frequencies as well as comments and like-signatures
virtually have been annihilated since September 2014. The Scribd-documentserver is being
reduced to a private data storage.


An I, Which had been Copied from the Word - Uploaded 11/19/2014

An inspection of ego-pronouns reveals that the oldest layer of ego-pronouns had been based
on the first human being Adam ( men, respectively mn Mannus, or oldPersian adam). The names Adam and Men in the ego-pronouns and Mannu in the
Sardinian divine names Babbu Mannu & Mere Mannu are signaling a correlation
between the ego-pronouns and the creation legend(s).
Ego-pronouns such as Sardinian DU are corresponding to the divine name DU. The
majority of all modern ego-pronouns consists of vowel combinations or scattered parts of
the names of a sky-god Dyaus or its derivatives such as Deus and Zeus.
From the ego-pronouns at border areas the typical D- respectively Z-derivatives such as
Walloon dji, the Savoyan de, d', zheu, The Sardinian Ego-variants dego, ego,
zeu and du indicate the preservation of less deteriorated versions of the ego-pronouns.
The ego-pronouns belong to the most frequently used words and tend to deteriorate towards
single vowel versions in busy and densely populated trading areas (such as England,
Norway, Venice, Naples). Therefore the ego-pronoun deteriorated to i in Naples, West
Norway, Scotland and England, to a in Scotland and Venice, to e in Iceland, to u in
Albania, to in Jutland and west-Norway.

Etymology of the Genesis Legend

Creation legends describe the separation process of heaven and earth, day and night, man
and woman. In this creation process language supports the creation process by introducing
Does language repeat the creation process and symbolize the separations with linguistic
The creation process has been based on the dot-letter Yud (in Greek: the iota), from which
all other alphabetic letters and the composed words had been synthesized.
Even the teachers, such as Joseph Heinrich begin their reading lessons with the smallest
letter, the vowel i and teach reading and writing at the lower case cursive letters202: i, n, m,
u, e, ei, eu.

Genesis Starting as the Vowel Word AEIOU - Uploaded 10/28/2014

The painting "Genesis Starting as the Vowel Word AEIOU" symbolizes a synthesis between
the world's creation as a design of a letter Jot, a set AEIOU of vowels, an alphabet and a
written script.
Especially the (included) old German Kurrent script reveals a set of handwriting letters,
which may have grown from multiple and variable extending one letter (Jot).
The basic principle probably may have been derived from Hebrew scripture and the
designers of the old German Kurrent script must have been scholars in ancient literature and
The color symbolism for the painting has been copied from my own, old school's notebook
and symbolizes alternating symbolic colors in medieval, illuminated scripture.
And having found the ancient Kurrent script lessons in old Austrian schoolbook I decided to
synthesize (1) the generation of scripture from Jot and (2) the color symbolism of the
creation legend in an oil-painting.

Overview of the Synthesis Phase

A recursive concept for the Biblical Genesis - Uploaded 10/20/2014

In the Scandinavian alphabets the -vowel seems to have enherited the Hebrew Yod's
symbolisms, which concentrate on including a subset of vowels to represent the male and
female components of the creation process. The subset is male A and female E in the structure and a male I, a crown O and female U in the Yod-structure. The IOU-root is also
shared by the Roman deity Jupiter.
The -vowel as well as various Yod-structures have been used as ego-pronouns such as I in
English, (and also Eg, e, g, i, ig, jeg, ej, i) in Scandinavian dialects and IOU
(Aromanian, from Vulgar Latin *eo, from Latin ego) in Swiss dialects such as Romansh.
The word nought describes the nothing from which the creation started as a derivation
from Old English nwiht, a negation (ne + wiht) of aught, which refers to Old English ht,
from (always", "ever) + wiht (thing", "creature).
Wycliffe's Nyyt (cognates: Greek nuks "a night," Latin nox) obviously is a negation of Liyt
(cognates: Greek leukos "light," Latin lx). The yy or iy-vowel combinations in Nyyt
and Liyt may have been understood as IU-combinations.
The sun and the moon have been used to represent the male and the female elements in
matrimony. Matrimony involves the symbolic mating of the vowels shuruk (female, the
moon, left column, U) and chirik (male, the sun, right column, I), which has been explained
in the Zohar.

202Josef Heinrich's Schreib-Lese-Fibel (1874)

Sometimes the Hebrew letter Hei directly seemed to have been copied from Hebrew to the
German language, especially in Heirat (German: marriage) and Ehe (German:
matrimony). The correlation between the vowel Hei and ewig (German for eternal)
and eeuwig (Dutch for eternal) seems to be obvious.

Zeus' Derivation from Ieus - Uploaded 10/18/2014

Zeus' Derivation from Ieus - equaling the etymological expressions for Zeus ( Ieus), Iove
( Iupiter) and Yahweh. This probably indeed proves Divos' claim, that the basic
cabbalistic symbol has been a Yod, which had been shared by Hebrew, Greek and Roman

Notes to the Letters' Symbolism in the Zohar - Uploaded 10/15/2014

The Hebrew of the late centuries BC and early centuries AD had a system with five
phonemic long vowels [a e i o u] and five short vowels [a e i o u]. Of these vowels a
subset I, O, U and Hei intensely has been used for symbolism, which is explained in the
Most of the symbolism refers to the creation phase, in which words are being generated by
combining letters. The three basic vowels I, O, U also refer to three pillars, which represent
gender, planets, colors, etc.
There is a striking correlation to the IOU-root for the central Roman god Jupiter. The words
ius, justice, judge, iugum, yoke, etc., which may relate to Jupiter, belong to derived subsets
of the IU-words.
References for the vowel Hei to West-European languages exist in the categories: w
(custom, tradition, law), which has been derived from Proto-Germanic *aiw, *aiwaz
(law), from Proto-Indo-European *oiw- (custom, tradition, law). Cognate with Old
Saxon o, Ol Frisian ewa, we, , , Old German wa, ha, a, (German Ehe
Matrimony). Even heaven may be correlating to the vowel Hei.

Halving & Joining the Creature's Words in Symposium - Uploaded 10/12/2014

Concatenating the ego (*eg)-pronoun (singular) and the *yu-pronoun (plural) often
generates a highly correlating divine name such as:

Ja & vy (Russian) = Javy, correlating to Jeve or Jahweh

Je & vous (French) = Jevous, correlating to Jeve
Ih & Iuwih (Old high German) = Ihiuwih ( Jehovah, Jahweh) or (T)iwes or
Yo & vos (otros) (Spanish) = Yovos, correlating to Jueves (Jovis des, o 'da de
Jpiter'. )
Io & Voi (Italian) = Iovoi correlating to Giove (d ) (Jovis des)
Dji & Vos (Walloon) = Djivos, correlating to Dju (di) ( Dieu di)
Eu & Vos (Portuguese) = Euvos, correlating to Joves (Jovis des)

The concatenation method had been derived from Plato's legend for splitting up the first
human creatures into halves, which might have been modeled in splitting up divine names
such as YHWH or its vowel representative Ieve203.
In his work Kabbala the author Papus gives a sample of a split-up Ieve-composition in I
(I explained as - eternity) and the trailing eve (representing the not-I).
The split-up (IU I and U) had been explained as a split-up of the I (the Ego) and the
not-I (all others the plural form for you).
203See the Patristic writings in which is listed: "JEVE", (Iao); (Iaou), (Ieuo), (Aia), or
(pronounced /ja'v/ ), Ehyeh, Jehjeh, (with references to the Catholic Encyclopedia (1910) and B.D. Eerdmans)
(source: Tetragrammaton)

I sing, therefore I am - Uploaded 10/06/2014

Based on comparative analysis in A Dictionary of Proto-Vowel Words the Creator Name and
the Ego-Pronoun are identical, similar of at least highly correlated. Now we might
investigate the philosophy behind the vowels' structure. The vowels themselves seem to be
sequenced according to their characteristics, which usually are related to the tongue's
position in singing or speaking
This process may be compared to Decartes' Cogito ergo sum - "I think, therefore I am".
In Singing the Divine Name the vowels of the words should be uttered in the correct
sequence. Animals may be inhibited in producing the correct sequence.
Only those who were able to produce the sound sequence [i][o][u] IOU (or DIOU-piter)
belonged to the human creatures. Controlling the tongue in the correct sequence and fashion
secured the identification of a human being.
I am a singing thing to prove that I am a human being.

Red & Blue in Salvador Dali's Illustrations for Dante's "The Divine Comedy"
Red & Blue intensely have been applied by Salvador Dali in his 100 Illustrations to The
Divine Comedy. In 1957, the Italian government commissioned Salvador Dal to paint a
series of 100 watercolor illustrations of Dantes Divine Comedy, the greatest literary work
written in the Italian language. The illustrations were to be finished by 1965, the 700th
anniversary of the poets birth.
The color symbolism clearly follows the rules red for male, blue for female persons as given
in The Hermetic Codex II and A Lifetime's Coloring Book (1954-2014), e.g. blue for
Beatrice and orange for Dante.
A complete set of illustrations can be previewed at Salvador Dali Divine Comedy 1963,
from which I selected those which obviously had been painted in red & blue. Most of Dali's
watercolor illustrations use orange or red for male and blue for female persons. I highlighted
some of the most remarkable color combinations

A Dictionary of Proto-Vowel Words - Uploaded 09/30/14

Having discovered the vowel roots in European philosophy and mythology I decided to
design a Dictionary of Proto-Vowel Words, which might have followed the general design
rules for the most important formulas by applying pure vowel structures only.
The most relevant vowels are the low vowel [a], the front vowels [i] [y] [e], a semivowel [w]
and the back vowels [o] [u]. Corresponding vowel characters are A, I, Y, E, W, O and U.
Several vowel combinations and permutations have been analyzed:
-- AEIOU as a 5-vowel word for lifetime or eternity.
-- IWO as a 5-vowel word for (eternal) custom, tradition, law
-- IA as an alternative spelling for YHWH.
-- IU is an alternative 2-vowel root for IEUE (Jeve1), IOUE (Jove), -- IOU-piter's core
(Jupiter). The root IU also refers to just, justice, judge, Jew, etc.
-- IAU as a prototype for the personal pronoun of the first person singular (I), which might
have been designed for similarity between the Creator God and the creature.
-- (H)AWA (a prototype for Eve, the Biblical first woman, a living being)
The permutations for three vowels I, A and U are AIU, AUI, IAU, IUA, UAI, UIA. Only
AIU and IAU, AWA have been identified as elementary vowel-based roots.

Eternity - a Pre-Thales-Root for Western Philosophy - Uploaded 09/30/14

Historians usually start their history of western philosophy with Thales204. According to
Bertrand Russell, "Western philosophy begins with Thales".
The analysis of linguistic statistics for patterns such as a high concentration of vowels
however reveals substantially relevant philosophical pre-Thalic philosophical ideas.
High concentrations of vowels indicate sacred words such as eternity, very old,
custom, marriage, etc.
The most relevant vowels are the low vowel [a], the front vowels [i] [y] [e], a semivowel [w]
and the back vowels [o] [u]. Corresponding vowel characters are A, I, Y, E, W, O and U.
Symbolically relevant vowels usually are long vowels.
Words for long time (aion), eternity, high age, custom, law, marriage, etc. usually start
with a low vowel [a] or an A, to be followed by a front vowel such as [i] - I and
eventually to be closed by a back vowel such as [o] or .
This vowel sequence contrasts to the ego-pronouns such as jau, which usually start with a
front vowel such as [i] - I, eventually to be followed by a low vowel [a] or an A and
eventually to be closed by a back vowel such as [u] or U.
Ancient divine names usually are similar to ego-pronouns whereas modern divine names are
being generated by a formula: <divine name> = D & <ego-pronoun>.
A relevant anomaly for the etymological transitions of ego-pronouns ieu, iau, iou and ih (and
their corresponding divine names) is found near the Rhine's bifurcation at Chur,
Both Jupiter and YHWH are to be interpreted as vowel sequences.
The vowel set in the Greek alphabet had been designed seemed to start with a low vowel [a]
or an Alfa, to be centered by a or the front vowel Yod [i] - I and eventually to be
closed by a back vowel such as a long [u] [o] respectively Y or . The front vowel Yod
[i] - I is antipodal to the long [u] [o] respectively Y or .
The Greek alphabet (now with seven vowels: A-E-H-I-O-Y-) lost its symmetrical vowel
structure at the introduction of the long vowels H and (6th century BC). The Latin
alphabet lost its symmetrical vowel structure (now with six vowels A-E-I-O-U-Y) at the
introduction of the specific Greek letters Y and Z (146 BC).
Latin started with 5 vowels A, E, I, O, U. The primary diacritic was the apex used to mark
long vowels, which had previously been written double. However, in place of taking an
apex, the letter i was written as a long I-vowel.
Initially the ideal alphabets seem to have been designed for symmetrical arrangements of 5
vowels in a pattern A, E, I, O, U around the central vowel I. An ancient version of the
arrangement uses 3 vowels in a pattern A, I, U respectively A, I, around the central vowel
I. The pattern A, E, I, O, U is equivalent to Frederick III's device A-E-I-O-U.
The 5-letter design has been optimized very carefully. The extension to a 7-vowel pattern
however lacks symmetry and seems to have been managed by ill-prepared or unknowing
Most detailed documentation has been listed in the overview Proceedings in the EgoPronouns' Etymology (Overview).
The vowel symbolism in the pre-Thalic sources significantly influences etymology for the
ego-pronouns and the divine names.

204c. 624 c. 546 BC

Overview of Symbolism in my Paintings

A Lifetime's Coloring Book (1954-2014) - Uploaded 09/16/14

The following documentation has been composed from a (high-quality) 100-page photobook of my paintings between 1981 and 2014.
The androgynous paintings have been copied several times to optimize the graphical
representations of platonic ideas. Most of the inspiration for androgynous portraits have
been given by Colan and Picasso.

Implementing the Ego-concept

A Letter-Based HuMan uploaded 6.9.2014

At last the study of Hermann Burger's essay The Word-Based Man205 helped me to
decipher the last encoded consonant. Even the Germanic Ego-pronoun and the Latin word
human had been derived from the Creator's name Yahoo (Iahu). The consonant in
(eg) and German ich had been derived from the letter H in the consonant-based version
of the name YHW, respectively its vowel-based version Yahoo (Iahu).
Basically the word I and the various translation equivalents ic, ich, ia, iu, jau, jeu, jou,
(eg) and also human had been derived from Jonathan Swift's Creator-name Iahoo
(YHW) in which the Y or I had been interpreted as God's Image. Several root words
had been derived from the concept of naming Man according to God's Image.

Analyzing Emerson's work "Nature" & the Yahoos in Gulliver's Travels

Black Traces in White Noise (analyzing Emerson's work "Nature") Upl. 29.8.2014
Ralph Waldo Emerson's work Nature reveals some prophetic visions on linguistic roots and
especially antipodal symbolism. Emerson describes how antipodes need to be joined to
procreate life. His interpretation of right (straight) as correct or good and wrong (twisted) as
incorrect or bad however seems to be as uncertain as the interpretations of light as
knowledge and darkness as ignorance.
My analysis in this paper illustrates how twisted (wrong) may be interpreted as good
(correct) and straight (right) may be interpreted as bad (incorrect).

Robert Musil's Salvator (or Man without Qualities)-Project

Tracing Sequences in a Philosophical Library - Uploaded 08/14/14

Most famous works in literature somehow all at least temporarily had been influenced by
androgyny. In my lists however Musil had been missing. I simply had overlooked Musil's
key concept of androgyny and stopped reading before I reached the Siamese Twinschapter. In a way I seemed to be following a scent trace which guided me like a dog on its
trail. The trail I was following had been androgynous concepts in art, architecture, literature
and language.

A Mausoleum of Words Musil's Design of The Man Without Qualities Upl. 08/5/14
Initially Musil had planned to create a fictive biography, in which a sibling love had to be
playing a central but not an evidently dominant role. In this novel Musil chose the chapter
The Siamese Twins as a central core. Inside ourselves we all may identify the twin sister
as a mental Utopian half, respectively as a manifested alter Ego idea of ourselves.

205Title in German language: Der Mann, der nur aus Wrtern besteht

Musil symbolizes the color contrast of clothing as the significant difference between both
mythical Siamese Twins, represented by the siblings Ulrich and Agathe, by their clothing
colors. In his design papers Musil had named these primary colors red, green, blue and
yellow as bordered areas.

The Color Symbolism of Philosophers - Uploaded 07/28/14

In Man without qualities there is a quotation of antipodal color symbolism, which I tried
to decipher. Musil must have considered yellow and blue as the complementary color pairs,
as well as red and green, whereas he considered the mixture of antipodes violet or purple:
We might dress ourselves in an opposite pattern, Agathe delightedly responded. Yellow one
of us, and the other blue, or red opposite to green. And our hair might be colored violet or
purple. The quotation does not meet Goethe's nor Newton's theory. However searching the
web I identified the four color system of Ewald Hering, explaining Musil's expression. The 4
color system also has been applied to setup the Natural Color System (NCS).

In Search for a Keynote in Robert Musil's Man without Qualities" - Uploaded 07/22/14
Wading through Musil's voluminous, complex manuscripts including his sketches, diaries
and other 8pt-shorthand coded writings it took me some time to identify the keynote in
Robert Musil's Man Without Qualities.
Having found some of the keys the keynote soon became clear to me. Musil is one of the
great authors who returned back to the androgynous roots of mystical experience.

Notes to Robert Musil's 'Salvator'-Project - Uploaded 07/12/14

Using mythical names such as Diotima and Bonadea the author Robert Musil in his work A
Man without Qualities may have designed an allegoric interpretation of Philo's theory, in
which God as a Creator without qualities created a Man without Qualities. This creation
procedure however will only be successful if we include an intermediate creation phase.

Zeus & the pillars of the sky

Red & Blue in Solomon's Temple published 21 / 6 /2014

In Theosophy some of the symbols for Boaz and Jachin have been painted red and violetblue suggesting a representation of the red & blue blood.
Generally the red J-pillar is arising from the sea and the violet-blue B-pillar from the soil.
Boaz is known as the pillar of strength or severity and represents the Sun. Jachin is known
as the pillar of beauty or mildness and represents the Moon. Boaz and Jachin are built into
the architecture of all masonic lodges.
From the triad-concept (of two antipodes and a shared union symbol) it should be clear that
we are using a trinity symbol of three pillar & three vowel symbols. Although in the course
of time the divine name tended to expand to seven vowels it originally seemed to have been
restricted to three elements (I, A, U respectively in Hebrew Y, H, V).

The World's Pillar in the Words published 30 / 5 /2014

Based on Synthesis of the Data in 'Zeus' I noticed the impact of the fear for a collapsing sky
in the ancient world, which had been demonstrated by the Celts' confession to Alexander:
"We fear no man: there is but one thing that we fear, namely, that the sky should fall on us;
but we regard nothing so much as the friendship of a man such as thou."
I investigated the pillars which had been described by Arthur Bernard Cook in his book and
the remaining pillars I remembered from previous studies (but had not been included in

Synthesis of the Data in 'Zeus' by Arthur B. Cook (1925) published 28 / 5 /2014

The book Zeus by Arthur Bernard Cook (1925) still is a good lecture with numerous
excellent graphics, although it is being loaded with lots of footnotes.
The book documents the historical impact of Roman/Greek trading and the religious
boundary conditions of Janus/Zan as the world's support pillars, their successors Jourespectively Jeu-piter/Zeus, who gradually have been replaced by younger successors.

Notes to "Zeus" by Arthur Bernard Cook (1925) published 27/5:2014, consisting of


The E-Inscription at the Omphalos of Delphi - Notes (1)

In the Name of Zeus - Notes (2)
The Holiest Spot in All Hellas - Notes (3)
Januslike Deities - Notes (4)
Amber Trading - Notes (5)
Retrospect - Notes (6)
Zeus, 'the Bright One,' was originally nothing but the day-light Sky, conceived in zostic
fashion as alive with a life of its own ; and traces of that primitive conception could be
detected here and there throughout the classical period. But already in Homeric days, indeed
long before Homer, the divine Sky had developed into the Sky-god, a weather-making ruler,
who dwelt in upper glory (aither). As such he became the recognised head of the Hellenic
pantheon, and in the Hellenistic age was brought into connexion with other manifestations
of celestial brightnesssun, moon, and stars alike.
Further consideration of the sky-prop, as exemplified by the Diana-pillars of Italy and the
Agyes-pillars of Greece, threw light on some perplexing phenomena of popular cult...

E-Vowel inscription at the Omphalos of Delphi

The E-Inscription at the Omphalos of Delphi published 25 / 5 /2014

The Delphic omphalos often is associated with 2 eagles, which would refer to Zeus. If this is
true, then the Apollo sanctuary had belonged to Zeus and the letter E may have been
assigned to Zeus as well. This is another fundamental approach.
On the block are engraved four archaic letters, referable to the seventh century B.C., of
which the last three give us in the genitive case the name of the earth-goddess Ga (or "Gas",
respectively "Gaz") and the first appears to be the mystic symbol E.

Androgynous symbols

Androgynous Symbols in Rembrandt's Return of the Prodigal Son published 25/4/2014

The Return of the Prodigal Son is one of the last oil paintings, which Rembrandt completed
before his death. The brightly illuminated hands of the father suggest mothering and
fathering at once; the left hand appears larger and more masculine, set on the son's
shoulder, while the right hand is softer and more receptive in gesture. The left hand seems to
be heavier than the elegantly fingered right hand, but this may also be a treacherous track. Is
there another alternative method to verify the idea of fathering and mothering?
We may also check the fingers' length. For fingers we may measure the digit ratio, 2D:4D,
which may be varying from a median value 0,98 for white males and 1,0 for females.
Another statistics documents for males: mean 0.947, standard deviation 0.029 and for
females: mean 0.965, standard deviation 0.0261.

Symbolism in the Wrzburg Episcopal Residence - Uploaded 03/03/14

Originally from 1230 up to 1644 the Booz and Jachin206 pillars had been installed at the
entrance hall of the Wrzburg Kilian-cathedral. They had been designed around 1230 as
equivalents to the Jerusalem temple, which according to the legend had been created by
Hiram of Tyre.
Both pillars had been inscribed with their names Booz and Iachim respectively 207. The
original red paint may be observed at several locations. Other colors are very scarce or
The Iachim pillar has been equipped with a singular more complicated 4 level knot, whereas
the Booz pillar uses two dual level knots.

Red & Blue in Aachen and Maastricht.

Red & Blue and Other Symbolism at the Heart of Europe published 4/1/2014
Looking for the heart of Europe I visited Aachen and Maastricht.
I checked colors in a number of ancient paintings, frescoes and sculptures, which were
supposed to depict Charlemagne, saints and noblemen. Indeed nobility referred to the
biblical colors red, blue and purple as they had been defined before translators started
misinterpreting yellow for blue.
Charlemagne used the same basic principle in concentrating his (holy?) vowels in his
monogram, which seems to have been designed as a cartouche made of surrounding and
protecting consonants.

206Jachin has been explained in Gen 46,10; Boas in Rut 2-4.

207Jachin and Boas (German)

Appendix III - 2013 Vowel Symbolism


Etymology of the -words - Published on Dec 06, 2013

The -vowel is a grapheme formed from the letters a and e, which has been promoted to the
full status of a letter in the alphabets of some languages, including Danish, Norwegian,
Icelandic and Faroese.
As a letter of the Old English Latin alphabet, it was called sc ("ash tree") after the AngloSaxon futhorc rune , which it transliterated; its traditional name in English is still ash //.
As a remarkable feature the ancient word sc seems to have bene equipped with a long
vowel , whereas the modern word ash contains a short vowel a.

Red and Blue in the Paintings Titled Cleansing the Temple - Published on Dec 02, 2013
Visiting the National Museum, Warsaw, Poland I observed Bernardo Bellotto's (Canaletto)
painting titled Jesus Cleansing the Temple, in which:
-- Jesus was wearing the traditional red & blue garments and
-- the most prominent female visitors did wear a yellow and the most prominent male visitor
did wear a green robe.
I wondered if a statistical analysis of these paintings would reveal a trendsetting for these
colors and investigated some web-images for the standard colors, the alternatives and for
Giotto's series of images in which the cleansing of the temple had been included.

An Analysis of Language - Testing Google's Ngram Tool - Published on Nov 25, 2013
Using Google's Ngram Viewers we may analyze the development of the verbal spectrum of
the words in our language. The software uses a base of 5 million digitized books which have
been published between 2005 and 2008. The application of the tool is simple and may be
found at Ngram Viewer.
Some test results produced extraordinary results, which I tried to trace back to their roots.
Most of the strange effects had been found in the samples of referenced manuscripts.
The tool is easy to use and very fast. Initially a number of crashes occurred, but the system
recovered quickly.

Alphabetical hieroglyphs

Encryption and Decryption of the Alphabetical Hieroglyphs - Published: 18 / 07 / 2013

The oldest A-I-U vowel concepts seem to have retained their original vowel structures in all
languages. Existing A-E-I-O-U vowel concepts seem to have retained their original vowel
structures up to their first modifications in which vowels had been modified.
Greek language lost its symmetrical vowel structure at the introduction of the long vowels H
and (6th century BC). Latin language lost its symmetrical vowel structure at the
introduction of the specific Greek letters Y and Z (146 BC).
In the Greek alphabet the first letter A and the last letter Upsilon (U) initially had been
defined as vowels. In the 6th century BC the Greek alphabet had been modified to use a first
letter (A) and the last letter () as vowels. Latin obviously always used a consonant (X or Z)
as a last letter. The vowel concept for the Latin alphabet may be considered as intact if the Yvowel is ignored.

Notes to Sefer Yetzirah - Published: 17 / 07 / 2013

Early philosophy generally had been based on vowel symbolism to design the divine names,
eventually to be paralleled by other basic concepts for the ego-pronouns and followed by the
design for the days of the weeks as illustrated in the appendix I.
Sabian philosophy, based on 7-fold Chaldean planetary system, is not consistent to Greek
philosophy as described in Timaeus and the Hebrew concepts in the Sefer Yetzirah. The
allotment of the Seven Letters is not found in the ancient copies of the "Sepher Yetzirah".
The basic system seems to have been started as a trinity-based system (based on I, A, U or ,
, ), for generating the five long vocals , , , , , which gradually expanded to the 5fold Latin system (based on the vowels A, E, I, O, U) and culminated in the 7-fold Greek
vowel system (based on A, E, H, I, O, Y, ).
Sometimes the letter H has not been interpreted as a vowel or e, but left as a vowel
symbol h (probably interpreted as an eta or ). See the appendix for these cases
HA, IHE, etc...
The basic trinity concepts may also be expressed by the leading trinity vowels in the 7fold (Jehovah), suggesting some expansion phases in which the concepts had
been evolving by adding vowels in a sequence, following a pattern I, IA, IAU or ,

Permutations of the Trigrammaton YHW - Published: 16 / 07 / 2013

- documenting the appendix in Notes to Sefer Yetzirah -

Notes to Etymons of English Words (1826) - Published: 15 / 07 / 2013

I, pron. personal; Gothic: i, eij, eg, iag, ik; Saxon: i, ie; Teutonic: ich; Danish: ieg; Greek:
, ; Latin: ego; Italian: io; French: je; Welsh: i, signifying the same, the self-same
I was used by the Goths and English instead of their ia, our yea, which have nearly the same
formation, and was written y by Shakespeare. The Arabs say y for me.

The planetary symbolism

Notes to Plato's Timaeus and Symposium - Published: 17 / 07 / 2013

Basically the planetary system consisted of the seven Chaldean planets and the stars.
According to a common representation of the Chaldean planets referred to seven Greek
Moon = A, Mercury = E, Venus = H, Sun = I, Mars = O, Jupiter = Y and Saturn =

The Seven Temples of Harran - Explaining the vowel symbols in 07 / 06 / 2013

According to several sources1 the ancient peoples assigned seven vowels to the seven
Chaldean planets: Moon = A, Mercury = E, Venus = H, Sun = I, Mars = O, Jupiter = U/Y en
Saturn =
The symbolic sources for the vowels may help to understand how religion evolved from the
seven visible planets by designing the names , and the most important
words of all languages (the ego-pronouns1). The theory also explains why the name
starts with and why this triad may be considered as the most archaic of all
vowel trinities.

Some Notes to Sabian Philosophy and Timaeus - Published: 07 / 05 / 2013

The planet cult of Harran (Roman: Carrhae) and Edessa (Urfa, and today: anlurfa) is
based on worshiping the sun, moon, and five other visible planets.
The Sabians also related these seven planets to vowels, metals and colors, which allows us
to identify vowel symbolism in some of the words we use in modern languages. The
worshipers did build seven temples, which individually had been devoted to each of the
seven planets.
Harran's seven planets however cannot be considered as equal partners. According to
Timaeus the sun had been accompanied by two illegal children (Mercury and Venus) to
meet four other planets (Moon, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter) in their special universal orbits.
Plato's Timaeus reduces the seven planetary orrery (Jehova208) to a basically
simpler five swiftness-system IAOY, which may be represented by 5 basic vowels. The
other 2 planets (Mercury and Venus, represented by the vowels E respectively H) are
additional elements, which didn't play a substantial role in the fundamental laws of harmony.
This subordinate role may also explain why the Greeks illustrated the insignificance of the
planets Mercury (Hermes) and Venus (Aphrodite) by their illegal positions in the pedigree
Saturn (Kronos) Jupiter (Zeus) Mars (Ares).
The vital elements in the universe's harmony are the Sun, the Moon, Saturn (Kronos), Jupiter
(Zeus) and Mars (Ares), in that order represented by , which initially before the
birth of Zeus - seems be have been originated as the Trigrammaton .

The Number of Vowels in Alphabet

Permutating the Vowels - Permutations in the Evolution - Published: 06 / 12 / 2013

To investigate the Ego-words another approach is investigated, in which the common PIEsource is abandoned and the ego-pronoun is to be considered as a derivation of the local
divine name of the sky-god. The sky-god's name has been evolving by extensions of the
vowel series, which had to be followed by similar extensions of the ego-pronouns, which
cannot be explained by the PIE-reconstructions.

The Derivation of European Ego-Pronouns from the PIE-Sky-God Dyaus

By designing his own ego-pronoun Man may have tried to derive his identity from a divine
Being. This concept is man-made and may have been encoded in our languages. Originally
the ego-pronouns and the divine names have been designed with specially matched selected
vowel sequences.
In Germanic languages the word has been used as a core-word for an ego-pronoun, law,
history and tradition. Some languages still use the original vowel sequences such as , , ,
and ehe. Some of the Norwegian and Danish ego-pronouns still may be identified as genuine
vowel cores: I, J, j, or jei, E, , and i and "Ej".
The English ego-pronouns Y and I probably have been inherited from the Vikings'
definitions. The originals still may be heard in Norwegian dialects.
The consonants such as g, k in the ego-pronouns merely hide the religious symbolism.
They may have been introduced to enforce the correct spelling instead of the standard
methods of a hyphen, diaeresis or trema.

208In the Jewish-Egyptian magic-papyri it appears as . (source: NAMES OF GOD - JewishEncyclopedia)

PIE Design

(Re )Designing a PIE Structure - Published: 05 / 08 / 2013

What if the PIE-concept has been designed by an intelligent engineer?
Some of the words for "eternity" and similar definitions have been equipped with a surplus
of vowels. Did our ancestors design words with dedicated symbols I, A and U?
The published designs analyses a dozen of concepts such as pronouns, wisdom, evening,
darkness, light, for their vowel-structures.

Archaic Vowel symbolism

Archaic Fetishism - Published: 04 / 30 / 2013

Archaic fetishism is an antipodal pole to modern fetishism: the belief that common objects
such as colors might be attributed with supernatural powers. The divine name largely
consists of vowels, because only vocals may be extended to great lengths and spoken or
sung at a very loud intensity. Therefore all alphabetical vowels (including ,H and Y or )
should be considered as potential fetishes. The consonants are what they are named: consounding start and stop elements.
These samples demonstrate the correlation between the divine names, the words for day,
Thursdays and ego-pronouns. Also the words for justice, piousness, youth, yoke and joy
belong to the words with traces of etymological fetishism.

The Hermetic Codex III - Vowel Symbolism - Published: 03 / 27 / 2013

This overview of vowel symbolism suggests to consider the vowels as the most sacred
symbols in etymology. Pure vowel words have been identified as the most important deities.
Some of the names have been equipped with consonants (D, T, Z and S), which seem to be
needed as definite leading and trailing signals.
In Mediterranean areas the divine names are correlating with the ego-pronouns.
From the overview it may be seen that vowel symbolism never has been interrupted from
3,500BCE to approximately 1900CE.

The Vowels' Symbolism in Archaic Hymns Notes to the vowels in De Elocutione of Demetrius - Published: 03 / 24 / 2013
A remarkable historical remark to divine names in Egyptian religion may be found in the
work De Elocutione of Demetrius and this seems to refer to the archaic vowels, which may
have been uttered in their succession A-E-H-I-O-U-:
"In Egypt the priests, when singing hymns in praise of the gods, employ the seven vowels,
which they utter in due succession ; and the sound of these letters is so euphonious that men
listen to it in preference to flute and lyre."
The principal application of vowels is to produce sounds with an open vowel tract. The role
of the consonants is to define the exact timing for the opening and closing phases in
controlling the vowel tract.
In order to analyze the vowels' symbolism the following report lists all references to the
vowels in De Elocutione.

The Timeline of Vowel Symbolism - Published: 03 / 21 / 2013

The time-line for the evolution of the divine names reveals an intense vowel concentration
in some of the divine names, and (in a reduced segment of the time-line) also in the egopronouns and days of the weeks. The vowel-sequences seem to symbolize eternity and
eternity-related stabilizing attributes such as law, tradition, marriage.
Between the 1st and 3rd centuries the Roman Empire gradually replaced the eight-day
Roman nundinal cycle with the seven-day week. At that time the divine names Iaoue, IA
and Iabe which had been specified by Clement of Alexandria, Irenaeus of Lyons,
respectively Theodoret of Cyrus, may have been popular,
In Greek/Roman-traditions the words for the days of the week officially have been chosen
according to the names for Jove ( Jupiter), but according to the divine names Iaoue, IA
and Iabe as the valid translations for YHWH the names for the Thursdays might also have
been derived from YHWH (which according to the Church Fathers at that time had to be
translated as Iaoue, IA and Iabe).

A Review of Vowel symbolism in IAU

A Review of Vowel-Symbolism - Published: 03 / 17 / 2013

The archaic vowel symbolism seems to interrelate the Jupiter-tradition, the Hebrew tradition
and the Germanic, respectively Scandinavian traditions. These vowels seem to reflect
religious symbolism such as eternity, law, tradition, marriage.
[i] and [u] are the close or high vowels, [a] is a open or low vowel, and [i], [u], [a] represent
the fundamental vowels. Therefore [i] and [u] seem to be antipodes. In the sky-god's name
Dyaus the set of high/close vowels [i] and [u] include the low/open vowel [a].

The Vowels in the Divine Name(s) - Published: 03 / 15 / 2013

The most common observation for all of the divine names is the abundance of vowels in
these names, varying between I, U, A, Y, O, E.
Some of the documents seem to refer to the similarity of the vowel cores of the Hebrew and
the Roman names. According to John Pic della Mirandola (1463-1494) numerous Hebrew
scholars believed that the name Iehoua had been derived from the name Ioue (Jupiter)
converting into Ioua and subsequently to Iehoua. This however has been rejected by
archbishop Gilbert Gnbrard (in his book written in 1568 to defend the Trinity). He
attacked the form Ioua used by Chateillon reminding that St Augustine had explained
according to the writer Varro that the Jews had worshiped Ioue (Jupiter!), and that the use of
Ioua was thus a return to paganism. He proposed the verbal form Iehue or Iihue for the
divine name corresponding to the Aramaic yihweh, rather than Iehoua, the usual Hebrew
name. This should be sufficient to deny any correlation between Jupiter and Iehoua.
Apparently none of these scholars ever referred to the PIE-core yau of the sky-god
Dyaus/Dyeus, which of course implicitly also correlate with Jupiter, its derivatives Dieu,
Jeu, Jove, Dios, Dio, Dis, and many similar variants, including the southern German names
Tyr, Tuis, Ziu, Dius, Deus, and e.g. the Greek deity Zeus.
No correlation ever has been diagnosed between the divine names and the ego-pronouns as
well. Although correlations exist for numerous divine names and their corresponding egopronouns (equally overloaded with vowels).the common root for Jupiter respectively the
sky-god Dyaus/Dyeus and Iehoua seems to be absent.

Notes on the Vowels (as a Foundation for the Symbolism of the Claudian Letters)
Studying the Claudian letters I identified the vowels as the purest of all characters. Although
some vowels must be considered impure some fundamentals have been well-known for
ages. Only the true vowels may be considered for sacred symbolism such as vows, which
excludes semivowels and consonants.
Nearly all languages have at least three phonemic vowels, usually /i/, /a/, /u/. [i] and [u] are
the close or high vowels, [a] is a open or low vowel, for which the tongue is positioned low
in the mouth. In the PIE-sky-god's name Dyaus, respectively Dius the high vowels (I, Y,
and U) are enclosing the low vowels (A, ). This overview certainly explains why I, U and
A have been seen as the most important and fundamental vowels.

A Reconstruction of the Claudian Book "On the Alphabet's Redesign"

Having identified the identity between the divine names Jupiter, IA, YHWH and Ziu,
respectively Zieus, the author suggests to synchronize the fundamental vowel symbols A, I
and U in the Greek and Roman alphabets by adding a qualified vowel in lieu for the Greek Y
and a dedicated alternative as a consonant to distinguish the consonantal V from the vowel
U. A third letter, the antisigma, may be added as a reversed C, used for the or in lower
case (psi) to express the consonant combination bs and ps, much like the or in
lower case (chi) is used for the consonant combination cs and gs.
The proposal for these three new letters , and has been documented with the relevant
religious fundamentals. The letters will synchronize the number of genuine vowels A, I, U
of the Roman Alphabet to the equivalent set of the Greek vowels: A, I, OU/ respectively
the Hebrew symbols YHWH, which as a vowel structure are to be understood as IA.

Notes to Colors (sensation association psycho-energetics) by Franz Immoos

The manuscript lists an extended overview of historical details for the symbolism of the
primary colors.
These notes represent my own selection of the overview as a database for quick researches
for background information.


Semiotic Studies (explaining the shibboleths) - Published: 03 / 05 / 2013

Membership to clans seem to have been the main reason for the definition of shibboleths.
Etymological shibboleths are special pronunciation (such as the King's or the Queen's
English), the letters in the divine names and ego-pronouns. Some of these shibboleths
became obsolete with the transition from dialects to standard languages. Other shibboleths
involve the colors in flags, coats-of-arms, burial tombs, temples, sculptures, medieval
manuscripts and paintings.
All deformations seem to have been used as various archaic forms of shibboleths. Teeth
deformations such as sharpening, amputation and coloring have been applied to encode the
clan membership respectively the noble or married status. Other deformations include foot
deformation, the piercings, incisions and colored tattoos, which in detail have been reported
as red colors (for Roman emperors, for marriage in India and Vietnam), blue colors (reported
by Julius Caesar for the Picts). Originally all deformations have been considered as honor
and beautiful in the sense of the accepted membership to a honorable clan or a social,
respectively religious community.

Decoding the shibboleths may often be difficult for various reasons, mostly for the loss of
the original symbolism. Generally shibboleths however must have been referring to
important archaic structures, such as marriage, maturity, readiness for childbirth, birth,
death, rebirth, religious concepts, clan-membership, etc.

Notes to Colors ( sensation association psycho-energetics) by Franz Immoos

The manuscript lists an extended overview of historical details for the symbolism of the
primary colors.
These notes represent my own selection of the overview as a database for quick researches
for background information.

Red, White and Blue in some Artworks (Hamburg) - Published: 02/16/2013

Researching the symbolism of red, white and blue I visited the museum Hamburger
Kunsthalle in Hamburg, where the Grabow Altarpiece is exhibited. This masterpiece uses a
set of bright colors, which is being dominated by red and blue to symbolize antipodes such
as salt and sweet waters, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel.

Notes to "Origins of a Pronoun" by Palmer, S.B. (2005) - Published: 01/23/2013

There are some traces of capitalization of the personal pronouns of the 1st and the 2nd person
which have been documented in "The Origins of a Pronoun" by Palmer, S.B. (2005). Some
of the ancient customs in capitalizing ego-pronouns suggest that the Y, I, Ik, Ic and Ich
might have been derived or correlated to the very holy Yggdrasil, an sc "ash tree", which
may have been honored by an upper case for religious reasons. The word Ygg (Odin) might
also have been considered as a master for his creature Y, Yg, Eg, Ich, Ik, and consisting
of a vowel combination = a male Askr & a female Embla.

Some Notes to "Etymons of English Words" by John Thomson (1826) - Published:

The first chapter explains a great number of names and wordings. Unfortunately the
manuscript's scans are graphics and do not allow a search procedure. Some samples will be
documented in plain text. Due to the age of the manuscript (found in an interesting
collection of Scribd-papers at dravivararo) most derivations may be deviating from modern
etymology. Still some of the author's ideas seem reasonable. Even at the time of Shakespeare
the spelling has been arbitrary, as he occasionally varied his name in writing. Initially letters
have been understood as both hieroglyphics or runes: sacred symbols used in an atmosphere
of superstition209.

209Etymology of English Words , page 24-25

Appendix IV - 2012 Vowel-oriented Symbolism


Archaic Phrases - Published: 12/28/2012

Occasionally I feel to dig into the etymological treasury of my memories. Only few of us
seem to enjoy the revival of lost words, but I do.
A great number of strange etymological anomalies may be identified in remote areas, such
as colonies, islands mountains and other remote territories. I remember those strange southAfrican words which had been invented by the colonists to describe new objects, animals
and situations. The naming conventions used Dutch words which in their combinations turn
out to be most inventive: peuselhappie210, hijsbakkie211, moltrein212, papwiel213. Usually these
newly created words are rather long.
In contrast the archaic words will often be the shortest words in a dictionary. In studying the
shortest and probably also oldest words I identified as a multifunctional word, which may
have been a root for may other words and symbols. This root-word may be identified as a
basic principle in Germanic, especially in Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon dialects. The tree's
common English name, ash, goes back to the Old English sc, while the generic name
originated in Latin. Both words also meant "spear" in their respective languages.

As Slow As Possible S(t)imulating Eternity - Published: 11/30/2012

From the early beginnings the idea of eternity seems to have been fascinating our species. It
must have been a religious thought that man as an image of God should try to be as eternal
as his/her's Creator.
There have been numerous attempts to symbolize eternity in thoughts, tones, songs,
vocals, vowels, words, poems, architecture, paintings, books Thinking of an instrument
the human voice has its limitations and choosing from the alphabet the vowels, which are
representing the vocals, seem to be the best of all choices, much better than the consonants,
which must end at the closing of one of our muscles.

Images of God - The Origin of the Ego-Pronouns in God's Name - Published: 11/29/2012
Hidden in some of our common words languages probably hold some of the oldest historical
records we might decipher. Deciphering however suggests that someone must have
undertaken the trouble to encrypt a message we may have lost.
The message I found is a strange correlation between some European Ego-pronouns214 and
the words for the Proto-Indo-European sky-god Dyaus. The correlation seems to be varying
over the European continent and may have disappeared in large areas. Still a number of
these links may have survived the turbulence in a series of migrations of peoples. This report
will be dedicated to the possible impact of the mass migrations on the concentration of the
Ego-Pronouns in God's Name.

213broken tyre
214The personal pronouns for the first person singular

Savoy and Nimes

The Ego-Pronouns in the Divine Names - Published: 11/17/2012

An analysis of the ego-pronouns for various European dialects reveals a strange correlation
between the ego-pronouns and the corresponding divine names in this dialect or language.
These correlations mainly occur in the areas which had belonged to the Roman Empire, but
some strange exceptions (such as the Baltic states) cannot be explained by linguistic rules.
Special details have been delivered by a Savoyard dictionary with most specific annotations
to the exact location of the dialect variants. Dialect variants seem to be concentrated in
Alpine and remote areas, but it is not easy to find the detailed dictionaries for these dialects.
The Savoyard dialect is a mystery because it uses so many ego-pronouns beginning with D
and Z. An abundance of consonants in neighboring European areas had not been found

The Ego-pronouns and Divine Names in Savoy French Dialects - Published: 11/16/2012
Savoy-French is the name for a French dialect, which has been spoken in the landlocked
duchy Savoy. It has been independent between 1416 - 1714, then belonged to the kingdom
of Sicily and from 1720 to the kingdom of Sardinia. From 1792 Savoy has been occupied by
and from 1805 it belongs to France. These relations probably had some impact on the
Jeudi is de diu, literally translated Diu's day: God's day. A voluminous dictionary
defines the variants for the word God and the ego-pronoun 215 kunnen zijn216. The divine
names are correlating to the sky-god Dyaus, Zeus, respectively Jupiter and the equivalent
Nordic god Tyr.
In the central area of Savoy the ego-pronoun is DE, whereas God is named DYU or
deje, dezye in which the ego-pronoun seems to be a sort of preposition for the divine
All samples in the table suggest a strong correlation between the word God and the egopronoun.

Yiou & Dou in the dialect of Nimes - Published: 11/15/2012

Antoine Hippolyte Bigot (1825 - 1897) wrote an interesting and beautiful poem in Provencal,
or to be more precise: the dialect of the city of Nmes. The dialect proves the correlation
between the ego-pronouns217 (yiou, respectively mou) and the divine name (Dou)
which are contrasting to the Occitan versions iu respectively Diu as they have been
found in Frdric Mistral's Mirio).
The Dou-spelling directly seems to refer to *Diou-piter, the PIE-root for Jupiter. Diou has
also been found in the dialect of Villar-St-Pancrace where the ego-pronouns are iu m,
respectively m iu 218
The poem is named Fraternita and I was unable to find it at the web, so a few hard-copies
will have to do to explain some of the special words.

215the personal pronoun of the first person singular

216The dialects SAVOYARD -
217The personal pronoun of the first person singular.
218Patois of Villar-St-Pancrace (for the moment this site unfortunately seems to have been lost) :
Personal pronouns: (Cas sujet Cas rgime atone tonique direct indirect)
Sg. 1p a (l) iu m, m iu 2p t, t t, t t 3p M u(l), al ei(l) s lu ei F eilo la eilo N o, ul, la - lu - Pl. 1p n*
n* 2p * v* v* 3p M (z) s l* i F eil (eilaz) l* eil

The Habsburg AEIOU-device

Love is a five-letter bird - Published: 11 / 11 / 2012

Frederick III had an obsessive belief in the inevitable destiny of Habsburg glory and
grandeur and invented the mystic initials AEIOU. However he designed his device in his
youth. Then he ordered the device to be inscribed in all his books and engraved on all public
In fact Frederick may not have invented, but reinvented the vowel-sequences such as
AEIOU. If he borrowed the idea from ancient gnostic wisdom he was wise enough to keep
his device sacred and to keep the message encrypted. Abraxas has been depicted as a bird,
encoded in a triad ,, and/or the seven Greek vowels ,,,,,,, which in Latin
would be reduced to the fivefold AEIOU.
Additionally the duchess Hedwig von Mecklenburg. abbess of the cloister Ribnitz, 1423,
1467, and the duchess Elisabeth von Meklenburg, daughter of Heinrich III. of
Mecklenburg=Schwerin (abbess 1467 1503) used a similar AEIOU-device for their
signature stamps219. The stamps included the image of a bull's head. The stamps have been
used for at least 2 documents, dated 1469 respectively 1482. This however is a strange
signature stamp for two abbesses!

Designing a new Language - The Dictionary of sacred Vowel Triads - Published: 11 / 09 /

Considering the cabalistic (or kabbalistic) Jewish idea of a language which may be
generated from one letter (the Yod or iota) a simple exercise may be done to find some
correlations to existing modern dialects and languages. The first hierarchy in letters starts
with the vowels, either the previously mentioned AEIOU (which skipped the letters H and
) or in Greek the sevenfold or in capitals .

The PIE-Trinity-Concept

Lamentation for Tyre - Published: 11 / 04 / 2012

The biblical text Lamentation for Tyre exactly describes what has been important those days
in antiquity. The list also includes the state of the art, including materials, soldiers, payments
and special quality descriptions.
Hesekiel 27 seems to specify exactly the same colors White, Purple, Red and Blue as they have been
listed in the divine commands at Exodus 25:4 and 2 Chronicles 3:14.

Symbolizing Eternity - The Table of Vowel-Symbolism - Published: 10 / 30 / 2012

The following table suggests a synthesis of the most relevant historical information
(Correlations between vowels, pitch, metals, planets, days of the week and the rainbow's
colors), which to a large extent has been condensed from Joscelyn Godwin's work. The
derivation of the information has been documented in A Short Treatise of Vowel Symbolism.
Except for some uncertainties in the Hebrew vowels and in the color assignments the table
seems to be consistent.

A Short Treatise of Vowel-Symbolism - Published: 10 / 29 / 2012

The correlations between vowels, pitch, planets, metals, days of the week and the rainbow's

219Georg Christian Friedrich Lisch :

Siegel der Herzogin Hedwig von Meklenburg, Aebtissin des Klosters Ribnitz, 1423, + 1467, und der Herzogin
Elisabeth, Hedwigs Nachfolgerin
In: Jahrbcher des Vereins fr Mecklenburgische Geschichte und Altertumskunde, Band 21 (1856), S. 314-315

colors (Table) are consistent in explaining the seven earth-bound elements in the vowels,
metals, planets, days of the week and the rainbow.

Reconstruction of the PIE-Trinity-Concept - Published: 10 / 24 / 2012

A PIE-trinity-concept may be reconstructed from the sources divine names such as Dyeus,
Dieu, IOU-piter, IAO, the Claudian letter, Plato's Symposium, Homer, Exodus 25:4, 2
Chronicles 3:14, The Parallel Lives by Plutarch, Schoolclass Religion in1954-1955 and the
anomaly for the ego-pronouns near Chur, Switzerland.


Memories of Languages - Published: 10 / 23 / 2012

The oldest of all hierarchies is the most successful of all hierarchies. This hierarchy is the
PIE-language with its hierarchical vowel structures, the primary color-hierarchy, and the
ego-pronouns as top-elements in the etymological hierarchy.

A Retrospect on the Pronouns' Etymology - Published: 09 / 10 / 2012

discussing a check for integrity and contradictions respectively "Cargo Cult Science" as
defined by Richard Feynman.

Color Codes in Josephus' records

The Symbolism of the Colors Purple, White, Red and Blue - Published: 09 / 04 / 2012
Josephus seems to have categorized red and blue as images of the fire and the sky. In
contrast purple and white have been considered as representing their sources (the sea,
respectively the earth).

Back to the Roots (Archetypes, Trinity, the Assyrian Ego- pronoun)

The Trinity Concept - Published: 07 / 21 / 2012

The idea of reducing symbolism to its roots has been inspired by combining earlier insights
with the remarkable explanations in Tengri, Khuday, Deos and God, in which the earliest
written divine concept of the sky-god has been documented as 3 stars indicating a 3-fold
basic concept, which subsequently has been reduced to a singular star.

Notes to the Turkic Runic Alphabet - Published: 07 / 20 / 2012

The Turkic sky god Tengri is strikingly similar to the Indo-European sky god, *Dyeus, and
the structure of the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European religion (PIE-religion) is closer to
that of the early Turks than to the religion of any people of Near Eastern or Mediterranean
antiquity. As a remarkable observation the Assyrian first personal pronoun seems to be
related to the divine name (God), which also has been observed in modern languages such as
French/Provencal (ieu related to Dieu), Italian (io related to Dio) and in a great number
of Mediterranean dialects.

The Superman Archetype's Colors - Published: 07 / 20 / 2012

In a historical retrospect the designers of the most popular superheros preferred the primary
colors red and blue to characterize their most important symbolism. The ancient decorations
of temples, sculptures, bibles, paintings, frescoes, coats of arms, flags have been revived in
the modern comics, games and movies of the twentieth century. Subconsciously the
archetypes survive and will be inherited to the next generations to perform their stabilizing
functionality in coming generations.

Red and Blue in C.G. Jung's "The Red Book" - Published: 07 / 16 / 2012
The bipolarity, the androgyny, the coloring of initials, the colors' red and blue in Jung's
masterpiece corresponds to similar symbolism in a great number of medieval manuscripts.
Jung created this document as his private overview and record of his own experiences.

Capita Selecta on Red and Blue Coloration - Published: 07 / 10 / 2012

In a search for the oldest traces for flags I found a description in the Kudrun (or
Gudrunlied), which provides us with a medieval description of medieval flags. In tale the
27th (How Ludwig and Hartmut met the Hegelings2) Hartmut names to Ludwig the
banners of the coming knights.
The earliest historical evidence for an existing flag may be found for the Frisian flag.
Additionally I found another source for the East India Company's flag as a predecessor for
the Stars and the Stripes. Evidence may be found for masonic origins for flags and other
predecessor links between flags.

Reinterpretation of the Creation Legend - Published: 07 / 03 / 2012

There are serious suggestions to investigate the correct translations of the Biblical word
bara, which had been misinterpreted as to create instead of to separate. A correct
translation to separate leads to the question of the objects to be separated and the intention
of the separating process.

Designing a High-Precision language

Language as an "Intelligent Design" - Designing a High-precision Language - Published:

06 / 26 / 2012
Studying Phaedrus' ideas I considered the precision of our linguistic tools. What could be
said about its precision and tolerances?

The IO-Words in the Welsh Dictionary - Published: 06 / 22 / 2012

In the Dictionary - English to Welsh I found some interesting IO-words, which seem to be
correlating to other IO- and IU-words in Mediterranean languages.

Some Notes to the Word Awe - Published: 06 / 19 / 2012

The word Awe is a quite interesting object for study. The word may have deviated from an
early word aghe ( agony?) to another, newer expression found in the runic dictionary:
ewa, ava, euwin, euwinik, which are used for eternity.

Color Symbolism

Some Notes to "The Chronicles of the Picts" - Published: 06 / 09 / 2012

Chronicles Of The Picts provides me with excellent information about the colored people
(the Picts) in a region full of whites (the Albiones).

Madonna Vasa Vasa - Published: 05 / 19 / 2012

Christ is wearing a red robe. The main outer robes however are a blue coat for the Madonna
and a red robe for Christ.

The Flag's Colors of Bad Wimpfen - Published: 05 / 05 / 2012

Bad Wimpfen uses a red-white-blue flag, which motivated me to research the origin of these

Why Blue has been Made an Inferior Color (explaining the symbolism in positive Red and
negative Blue) - Published: 04 / 23 / 2012
To my opinion the avoidance of blue had nothing to with the development of dyes and other
forms of artificial coloring. The main reason for avoiding the word blue had been its evil
character. It has been a bad omen like the evil eye and the word must have been avoided at
any cost. On the other hand blue had to be accepted as a normal antipodal force in life, in
which fertility required the synergy of good male and evil female forces for procreation.
These fertility forces had to be honored in the temples and required to decorate the sacred
locations with red and blue.

An Endless Chain of Metaphors - Published: 04 / 17 / 2012

The driving concept of pre-medieval and medieval life and language has been androgynous
Man, in which the male and female partners were to be considered as halves of Man. This
concept has been symbolized in the couple of paired metaphors for some the ego-pronouns
and the divine names.

Rainbows in the Stuppach Madonna

False Rainbow Symbols (in symbolic and religious paintings) - Published: 04 / 09 / 2012
Having identified the false rainbow(s) in the Stuppach Madonna I started a search for some
other samples of similar deviations from traditional symbolism in order to study the idea of
intentional symbolic ordering of colors in the rainbows.

Etymology for Dy, Tiw and (I) - Published: 04 / 08 / 2012

The words for day ( Dyaus, Dies), - Tiw (the supreme sky-god of daylight,
respectively Tiwaz, Ziu, Dyaus, Deus, Dis) and the ego-pronoun - (I) are interrelated
and most important linguistic elements. Due to these correlations the analysis of the
etymological roots in complex greeting formulas may often be misinterpreted.

The double rainbow in the Stuppach Madonna - Published: 04 / 08 / 2012

The ultimate information is found in the (two ?!) rainbows or nimbus-circles crowning the
divine, probably solar image of God. This or these rainbows respectively nimbus-circles
may only be seen in a good photograph from an art-book or close inspection of the artwork
The rainbow crowning God is a purple image, which may symbolize a mixture of male red
and female blue, resulting in an androgynous symbolism. The adjacent secondary
(purple/blue) rainbow is hardly visible at all.

The Etymological Fieldlines - Published: 04 / 08 / 2012

In " for ternity - A World made of Word(s)" it has been documented that in Western
Europe two etymological poles may be identified: the -pole at the Scandinavian North
pole and the IU-pole in the Swiss city Chur. Both poles seem to have generated a linguistic
field distribution for the ego-pronouns. Between these poles, which are not allowed to alter
their wordings the population will have to adapt the language to provide us with smooth
transfer zones between both poles. These are the field lines of the vector fields we may
observe. Of course some border lines of the rivers, sea shores and mountains may influence
the pattern, but the dipole's pattern may still clearly be identified...

New Year

The First of April as New Year - Published: 03 / 30 / 2012

In earliest eras the end of March respectively the first of April marked the beginning of the
year. The natural beginning of life cycles seems to be the end of March whereas the
symbolic beginning of life cycles in contrast seems to be the end of December.
The end of December is marked by the sun's rebirth at the winter solstice. In the wintertime
the sun is reborn, but nature remains quiet and frozen. At this wintertime only the human
being is engaged in turbulent feasts, which in Rome have been named Saturnalia.


Salutations, Divine Names, Weekdays and Ego-pronouns in Many Languages - Published:

03 / 07 / 2012
In Europe salutations will often be based on the good day-wishes or alternatively an
Adieu-reference (In French a Goodbye or Farewell-salutation). Most of the daywords also correlate to the divine name and to the ego-pronoun.
Of course one of the days of the week (usually Tuesday or Thursday) will also correlate to
the same divine name which had been chosen as a reference for day. In this overview
consisting of 9 maps the standard salutations may be correlating with: divine names, the
word for day, ego-pronouns and weekdays (usually Tuesday or Thursday).

The Danish -pronoun

Dictionary of the Germanic Keywords (based on the - respectively I-keys) - Published:

02 / 18 / 2012
This dictionary lists the keywords, which may have been derived from the top-level-rune
Asch (), which has been illustrated in (The Creation Legend encoded in a Singular
Vowel) and for ternity - A World made of Word(s).
The -symbol may be the fundamental symbol for Germanic mythology and language by
encoding this symbol the creation legends, the unifying symbolism, the eternity-concept, the
clan's stability factors, the home-concept, the ego-pronoun, the basic words to be and the
the-article, a number of quality-concepts (courage, respect, fame, etc.), sacredness, holy
stones etc.
Apart from the -words the holiest of all Germanic words may have been the eternityconcept i (always), inig (uniqueness), ia (mother) and iga (property).

(The Creation Legend encoded in a Singular Vowel) - Published: 02 / 16 / 2012

In a great number of Germanic dialects the phoneme [ae] has several significant
meanings. The vowel represents the first person singular pronoun I, a definite article
the, the verb is, running water and (in Old-English): law, scripture, ceremony, custom,
marriage. In the Germanic legends the -vowel refers to the world's axis, poles, running
water and the gods (sir).

for ternity - A World made of Word(s) - Published: 02 / 14 / 2012

The old-English word , which had been defined as eternal law, archaic custom and
marriage has also been used as an ego-pronoun in many Norwegian and Danish dialects.
This ego-pronoun may have been derived from the central letter in the PIE-root *Dyus.

Mithras Liturgy

Vowel-Sequences in Archaic Manuscripts - Published: 02 / 07 / 2012

Vowels must have been the archaic fundamentals for religious symbolism. This manuscript
documents the typical vowel-sequences in various ancient papyri.

Addenda to the Mithras Liturgy's Translations - Published: 02 / 07 / 2012

Analyzing Dieterichs book in Marvin W. Meyer's translation A Mithras Liturgy I identified
a number of other vowel sequences, which may add some details to the understanding of
these vowel-sequences.

The Vowels AEEIOYO in the Mithras Liturgy - Published: 02 / 06 / 2012

The English version of the manuscript the Mithras Liturgy reveals some interesting
quotations of genuine vowel sequences such as Aeeiouo in several divine names and other
sacred texts.

Tuesday and Thursday

Dyaus in the Germanic Weekdays - Published: 02 / 03 / 2012

For its correlation to the ego-pronouns (in Germanic language mostly Ih, respectively I)
the most important Germanic deities are those which are related to Tuesday: Tr, Tiw, Tig
and Ziu.

The PIE-concept

The I's Antipodes (Published: 01 / 31 / 2012)

In a marvelous concept our language has been built around a central core 220, which seems to
have been designed around the PIE-names *Dyus Ph2tr (the god of the day-lit sky221) and
*deiwos (god)222. Obviously there is a remarkable difference between the original PIEconcept (using a D or Th as first letter for the divine PIE-names Dyaus and Deiwos) and
the Mediterranean system (avoiding a D or Th in Jupiter and in YHWH). This topic is
to be discussed for its consequences.

220The Key Morpheme - analyzing the PIE-concept

221See for details: PIE-religion
222Deus (Latin pronunciation: [des]) is Latin for "god" or "deity". Latin deus and dvus "divine", are descended from
Proto-Indo-European *deiwos, from the same root as *Dyus, the reconstructed chief god of the Proto-IndoEuropean pantheon.

The Key Morpheme - analyzing the PIE-concept (Published: 01 / 28 / 2012)

In a vocabulary of words we may try to find the most important word, or to be more precise,
to find the top-morpheme or key-word, which may be traced as vowel-sequences in a few
word-categories (the divine name, the ego-pronoun, the day and the day of the week).

A Divine Sequence of Vowels (Published: 01 / 24 / 2012)

Both divine PIE-names (*Dyus) and (*deiw-os) have been based on antipodes, symbolized
by the vowels I and U. A breakthrough may be reached by accepting the jod-consonant as
a vowel i.


The Philosophical Nucleus (Published: 01 / 17 / 2012)

The top level philosophical hierarchy originally consisted of several redundant structures,
which are containing Cup and ring marks, a standardized color hierarchy, a biblical
creation legend, a vowel's hierarchy, a word hierarchy. Redundancy allows us to
reconstruct disturbed or corrupted hierarchies.

Goethe's Color Theory

Symbolism in Antipodal Colors (Published: 01 / 03 / 2012)

Up to 1785 Goethe clearly identified the three basic color elements, in which blue and
yellow are the basic, antipodal elements and red is the synthesis of light. A country,
Goethe concluded, starts out from a name and a flag, and it then becomes them, just as a
man fulfills his destiny. This idea has been interpreted by Francisco de Miranda to derive
the present national flags of Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador (1785).

Appendix V - 2011 Vowel-oriented Symbolism


Bipolar Monotheism (Published: 12 / 21 / 2011) - Reads: 1021

Initially bipolarity has been identified in the cups and pillars, in various burial rituals. In a
second phase the Indo-European language developed a bipolar god's name *Deiwos and a
sky-god's name *Dyeus and its derivatives. In the Proto-Indo-European system all European
ego-pronouns seem to have been designed as vowel sequences. In a third stage ancient
religions often started from a bipolar deity, such as the Roman god Janus or Dianus,..
In a fourth period of time both Julius Caesar and Tacitus compare the most important deity
in Germania to Mercury (Hermes). In the Middle Age the emperors and kings preferred the
colors red, blue and purple for their garments, graves and flags.

Claudius' letters

The Y-Proceedings (The Y-Key to the English Ego-Pronouns) Published: 12 / 01 / 2011

One of the first genuine English Ego-pronouns is the capitalized word Y, which has been
used by Wycliffe between 1382 and 1395. Suetonius describes Claudius' invention of three
new letters Y, and V and added them to the alphabet. Wycliffe may have understood the
symbolism of the sound between u and i and the androgynous creation legends.

The Alpine Pronouns 2

Analysis of a Linguistic Anomaly in the Alps Published: 09 / 29 / 2011

My journey to Graubnden and my research left little doubt that the majority of the Alpine
dialects correlate the Ego-pronouns iu/iau/iou to the divine names
Diu/Diau/Diou. The Alps seem to have conserved some genuine forms of the
original Ego-pronouns and their corresponding divine names.

The Secrets of the Pronouns (Diary Fragments 2009-2011) Published: 09 / 13 / 2011

This manuscript describes the decoding process of religious symbolism in the PIElanguages.

Vowels for Eternity Published: 09 / 10 / 2011

According to Morris Swadesh in any language the most important word is the ego-pronoun.
The most important characters are the vowels the non-vowels merely are to be considered
as additional consonants, as helping mates to produce powerful vocals.

Dictionary of Sacred Words Published: 09 / 08 / 2011

In fact the vowels may have been the carriers of symbolism, whereas the consonants were
merely providing the carrier structure.

The Creation of West-European Pronouns (Summary) Published: 09 / 04 / 2011

From this overview we may identify the mayor role of vowels in naming the Gods, the egopronouns and the yes-words. The vowels I and U must be considered as the most prominent
male, respectively female symbols, but the most sacred symbol (at least in Greece and the
Middle East) seems to have been the E-vowel, respectively the -vowel (Eta ,H).

The Alpine Pronouns 1

Andermatt Center of the Celtic Anderworld Published: 08 / 16 / 2011

There is no real proof for the idea, that the Celts may have defined the Alps as their
mysterious religious headquarters. However the very concentration of the pronouns IEU,
IOU and IAU and their controlled deterioration (JE, YO, JA) from the center towards the
borders may invite us to look for special landmarks in the Alpine region.

A Celtic Religious Centre in the Alps Published: 08 / 14 / 2011

The existence of two parallel series of Ego-pronouns the iu, ieu and iau-series in parallel to
the me- and moi-series suggests that the vowel-pronouns I*U may have originated as
Celtic etymological and religious traces in the Alpine region, where they may have survived
in remote Alpine areas in their most original state.

Thou, I and We - An Analysis of Pronouns Published: 08 / 11 / 2011

IU-combinations have been identified in most names for important sky-gods (Iupitter, iu,
IHVH), in the Ego-Pronomina (ieu, iou, iau), in the we-pronoun UUI(R), but seldom in
the Thou-pronoun.

Spelling Joke 26 - Is it a joke at all? Published: 08 / 06 / 2011

One of the most remarkable linguistic inventions has been found in Spelling Joke 26 How
do you spell we with two letters without using the letters W and E? Answer: U and I.

Languages, Religions and Names Published: 08 / 04 / 2011

Which of these, the Proto-Indo-European language or the Bible, is the elder of both?

The Reconstruction of Some Original Ego-Pronouns Published: 08 / 02 / 2011

Originally the Ego-pronouns have been designed as pure series of vowels. Initially the word
Ego may have been designed as eio or eiu, which had been derived from Deios or
Theios, respectively Deius or Theius. These Ego-pronouns served as the vowel-cores
for the divine names.

JWR's Scribd-Archive An Overview Published: 08 / 01 / 2011

Gender-Concepts in Creation Legends Published: 07 / 31 / 2011

Complementary creation processes in the biblical Creation Legend.

Updating My 12 Paradigms (an overview & summary) Published: 07 / 29 / 2011

The following overview suggests a new set of paradigms as a concept of the origins of
myths, grown from a common source of bipolarity, evolving in several sets of symbols the
colors, the vowels I,A,U,E,O,Y, the Ego-pronouns (Mannus, man, moi, me,
expanding to iu,iau,iou, and culminating in Ih, Y, I), the divine names (Diu
the French Dieu , Diaus the Indo-European Dyaus, Dious the Latin IU-piter).

An Androgynous Allegory - A Visual Chautauqua Published: 07 / 12 / 2011

The androgynous allegory symbolizes the androgynous religious background, as
documented in Hieronymous Bosch's paintings, in the pronouns of our languages, in the
flag's colors, in the fertility rites of the Hermetic Codices and numerous other works, in the
sagas, narrations, legends and Chautauqua-sessions of the past.

lfric's Sermon

Analysis of lfric's Language (Old English text - before 1025) Published: 06 / 21 / 2011
In this sermon (lfric's Sermon, before 1025) of Old English a number of words have been
explained in relation to their possible German roots. Some of these words (such as Tha, The,
Gelyfath, Ne, Thurh, Agenne, etc.) however may also be explained in relation to Dutch and
French roots or even to alternative German or Latin roots.

The X- And Y-Events in the Roman Empire Published: 04 / 30 / 2011

The first event X, probably triggered by a powerful emperor Constantine I around 313,
standardized the divine name to Diu or Diu and the corresponding Ego-pronouns to iu or
iu. The second event Y, probably triggered by a less powerful European leader between 400
AD-800 AD, redefined the divine name to Di or Di and the corresponding Ego-pronouns
to i or i.

A Short History of Language Published: 04 / 29 / 2011

Most of the complex Ego-pronouns are using similar patterns for their structure: the
predecessor pronouns refer to the archaic me-concept, whereas modern pronouns all use
vowels, which originally may have started with a Yod (I), to be followed by another vowel
A,E,O and a trailing vowel U.


The Prime Words in Adam's Language Published: 04 / 23 / 2011

The origin of human speech may have been based on the prime words which most probably
may have included the personal pronouns of the first and second person. Dante Alighieri in
his De vulgari eloquentia suggests that the name El was the first sound emitted by Adam.

The Mystery of the Seven Vowels

The Sacred Vowels in Pronouns Published: 04 / 06 / 2011 - Reads: 780

Notes to The Mystery of the Seven Vowels (1991) Joscelyn Godwin, who identified
Vowels as the sacred symbols in Indo-European and other languages. The number of vowels
may vary between three (I, A, U), five (I, A, U, E, O) or seven (I, A, U, E, AE, O, OO), or
even more.

Translation Errors in Exodus

Analysis of the Translation Errors in Exodus 25-4

A great number of Bible-translations does not refer to blue, but to yellow. The error has been
revealed at the Luther Bible 1534, but the error had been introduced at least 1477 - decades
before Luther published his work.

Some Color Keys in Paintings Published: 03 / 27 / 2011

Some of the medieval symbols have been devoted to a special message, which could not be
written down in plain text, but may have been encoded in some of the graphical elements
such as the color codes.

The Vowel's Symbolism

On the Symbolism of the Vowels A-E-I-O-U Published: 03 / 14 / 2011 - Reads: 885

In her overview Joscelyn Godwin correctly describes the various religious symbols hidden
in the vowels of ancient languages. The number of vowels may vary between three (I, A, U),
five (I, A, U, E, O) or seven (I, A, U, E, AE, O, OO), or even more. Godwin quotes the most
interesting series listed by Godfrey Higgins in the one-vowel name I, the two-vowel name
IE / EI on the sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi, the three-vowel name lAO, the four-vowel
name IEVE, in which U and V are equivalent and the multi-vowel name JEHOVA .

The IU-Codes

The Diety IU Published: 02 / 16 / 2011

IU has been identified as a mayor early deity in several works. The name has been found in
a variety of other important divine beings, such as: - IU-piter (Jupiter and Juno) - YHVH (to
be interpreted as IU - Iao and Iau - Diaus and other Indo-European names for the sky-god
and the Ego-pronouns.

English and Globish - Optimized Linguistic Designs Published: 02 / 08 / 2011

The Morse-code-principle of assigning shorter sequences of dots to frequently used symbols
obviously has been designed to optimize the communication speed. Now it might be
interesting to derive a theoretical linguistic design by shortening words according to their

E for Enigma (An Overview) Published: 01 / 24 / 2011

Genuine vowel-structures may be identified in the Ego-pronouns and in divine names, which
seem to contain a triple set of gender information: a male I-, respectively an androgynous Aand a female U-element. Androgynous symbols may also have been replaced by other E- or
O-vowels or IU-combinations. These male, androgynous and female elements may have
been considered as the archaic fundamentals in human society and creation.

Delphi's Letter E

E - of the E-symbol Engraven Over the Gate of Apollos Temple at Delphi Published: 01 / 20
/ 2011 - Reads: 758
The shortest of all aphorisms is the E-vowel, inscribed above the entrance portal. The vowel
has been explained as a monotheistic concept Thou art one, resembling the biblical response
I Am that I Am to Moses, when he asked for God's name (Exodus 3:14). Simultaneously the
E-concept may also be the valid answer to the enigma of the ieu-pronouns and the Dieunames in Provencal language.

Symbolism of Colors

Symbolism of Purple and Scarlet in Greek and Roman Societies Published: 01 / 19 / 2011
In order to investigate the symbolism of purple and scarlet in Greek and Roman societies I
searched the "The Parallel Lives" by Plutarch for quotations of purple and scarlet, which
seem to be the most prominent symbolic colors from the beginning of Roman history until
Plutarch's writings around 100 AD.

Red and Blue in Architecture and Artwork Published: 01 / 15 / 2011

There is a strange imbalance between red & blue-combinations and other basic colors like
green and yellow. The imbalance has been identified from the earliest forms of Jewish,
Greek and Roman cultures. Greek temples were, as a rule, colorfully painted. Only three
basic colors, with no shades, were used: white, blue and red.

Appendix VI - 2010 The Ego-pronouns, PIE, Mirio


The Wycliffe Bible Published: 12 / 24 / 2010 - Reads: 926

The Wyclif Bible clearly defines a common source "nouyt" for the creation of the sky, earth
and for man. God made of nouyt hem, male and female defines the first man as a
plural individual, male and female character, which implies an androgynous couple.
The Ego-pronoun (the personal pronoun of the first person singular) has been defined as an
upper case character Y instead of the modern I. In analogy to the Ego-pronoun "iu" in
Occitan language the Y-pronoun symbolized an androgynous iu-synthesis in the divine

The Central Religious Images in the Garden of Earthly Delights Published: 12 / 09 / 2010 Reads: 991
The central religious image of the Garden of Earthly Delights may be identified in the
androgynous symbolism of the red pillar over a blue pond in the fountain(s) of fertility and

The Ego-Pronouns

Etymology of the Ego-Pronoun (I) Published: 11 / 27 / 2010

Three layers of successive pronouns (Man-Ieu-I,Yod) may be identified in IE-languages,
which all symbolize the creation legend of a first human being. The IeU- and Yod-layers
may probably have been influenced by the Hebrew religion at Abraham's contact to the
Indo-European migrations. The divine name IHVH corresponds to the IeU-core in the
second layer of the pronoun's evolution.

Decoding the Ego-Pronoun (I) Published: 11 / 26 / 2010

In Tajik, Persian, Hindi/Urdu and Kurdish the Ego-pronoun is identical to the name of the
first human being man, who had been identified as the first man Mannus - Tuisco's child
by Tacitus (98AD). In Europe some dialects and languages in the remote mountainous areas
still conserve the original form of the European Ego-pronoun in the threefold vowelcombinations ieu, iau respectively iou, which as IU-Symbols refer to the androgynous core
in the series IU-piter, Dieu, Diu, Diou, Dio, Dios, Dievas, IHVH, etcetera. In a singular case
(the Sardinian dialect Campidanese) the Ego-pronoun du is identical to the divine name

The Hieroglyphs in the Ego-Pronoun Published: 11 / 24 / 2010

Most European languages and dialects (French, Iberian, Italian, Celtic (southern German
and English) and Rumanian reveal a simple relation between the Ego-pronoun (I) and the
divine name. The divine name may be generated by adding up D, the Ego-pronoun and
eventually a trailer character s.

Sacred Phonemes - Moulding the sacred words Published: 11 / 19 / 2010

The Ancients of Day described the creation of man as a moulding procedure, in which God
created an Adam Cadmon (symbolized by the personal pronoun iu) from an image Diu.
They literally developed the idea of a creation from one singular word Diu which has been
used as a mould for a complete dictionary.

A History of Proto-Indo-European Religion Published: 11 / 17 / 2010 - Reads: 926

The PIE-System has been designed as a bipolar concept of an androgynous deity, which
created an androgynous human being according to its own image, consisting of a male and a
female half. The first androgynous human being has been encoded in the divine name (e.g.
Diu), in the corresponding pronoun of the first person singular (e.g. iu) and in the colors
red (male), blue (female) and purple (androgynous, divine).

Widukind's Tomb

Widukind's Tomb Published: 11 / 15 / 2010

A remarkable tomb in orange-red, blue and purple from the early 11th century is to be found
at Enger, Westfalia. It may have been related to the Plantagenet tombs at Fontevraud Abbey
(1189-1246) and the grave at Roermond (1240).


Antithesis to the Standard PIE-Concept Published: 11 / 14 / 201

In "Indo-European and the Indo-Europeans" Calvert Watkins published a fine representative
sample of the available reconstructed Indo-European lexicon, which will be used to check
some new evidence against recent scientific positions.

The Deity Dis in the Gallic Wars Published: 11 / 12 / 2010

The specified formula for generating the divine name, in which the divine name is being
derived by concatenating a character D (respectively Z, Th or ), the pronoun of the first
person singular (for English and old-German I) and a trailing character s works
perfectly for English and old-German languages: - English: D + i + s => Dis.

Hieroglyphs in Indo-European Languages Published: 11 / 12 / 2010

This overview considers the characters I, J, Y, U, V, the characters D, Th respectively and
S, as well as the vowels O, A and E, along with the joining element H as the main
hieroglyphs in the Indo-European languages.

The Indo Europeans - A Ground Zero for Civilisation Published: 11 / 03 / 2010

Etymological traces guide us back to the origin of civilisations. In analogy to genetic
information our ancestors pass their roots by inheriting dictionaries and grammatical rules to
their grandchildren. Inheriting genes and linguistic codes is extremely resistant to
falsifications and will allow us to reconstruct the roots of civilisation

A Cultural Earthquake (The Proto-Indo-European-concept) Published: 10 / 26 / 2010

The Proto-Indo-European-concept seems to have been originated 4000 BC at Volgograd,
Russia. Originally the concept developed an agricultural revolution, an improved
domestication of cattle and an integrated management, which proved to be successful as a

Reconstruction of the PIE-History Published: 10 / 25 / 2010

According to etymological studies the PIE-language arose around 3500 before Christ. The
language and its derivatives started spreading in all directions, quickly penetrating the
continents on westward and eastward directions.

T-V-Distinction in the PIE-Concept Published: 10 / 19 / 2010

In southern Europe the Indo-European core *iou has been used to encode a divine name (e.g.
IU-piter), pronouns (e.g. iu) and supreme justice (ius) and as a joint, especially a
matrimonial joint.

An Integrated Proto Indo European Concept (Overview) Published: 10 / 12 / 2010

This essay joins the PIE-languages and their pronouns, religions and their gods as well as all
correlated symbols (such as colors, paintings and heraldic flags) to an overall concept. The
impact and magnitude of an integrated PIE-concept must be considered as much higher
compared to the mere sum of the singular concepts.

The PIE Concept - Decoding the Proto Indo European Language Published: 10 / 08 / 2010
This overview investigates the correlation between a number of divine names, the pronouns
and their bipolar elements. European languages derived their linguistic concepts from the
common Indo-European sky-god Dyaus, which in its purest form has been copied to god's
name (Diu) in Provenal language.

Frederi Mistral's poem Mirio

The Keywords in God's Name Published: 10 / 06 / 2010

Obviously the religious IU-concept (applying I and U-symbols to derive divine names and
pronouns) has been shared by most Indo-European peoples, the Hebrew and Arabic people.

The Book Genesis Inside of a Single Word Published: 09 / 28 / 2010

By Frederi Mistral, in a poem Mirio (published 1859).

Etymology for the Pronoun 'I' Published: 09 / 27 / 2010

The most important words in the Proto-Indo-European language (PIE-language) are reported
to be the personal pronouns for the first and second person singular, and for the first person
plural. In order of their priority these pronouns are I, You and We.

Book of Common Prayer

King Edward VI's Legacy (1537-1553) Published: 09 / 10 / 2010

As a remarkable effect a great number of words in the Book of Common Prayer have been
written in UI & UI combinations, which previously had been documented in Latin V and I,
e.g. diuine divine, diuerse - diverse, diuision -division, fiue five, iudge judge, riuer
-river, wiues wives, etc...

Jupiter's Legacy Published: 09 / 08 / 2010

Religion started as a series of bipolar elements, symbolizing the principle of fertility.
Usually the bipolar religious symbols cover a range of popular human artefacts, such as:
Pillars and circles, the antipodal letter symbols I and U, the colors red & blue.

The Keystone to Religion - Interpreting the Kylver rune-stone Published: 09 / 02 / 2010

The combination of an alphabet starting with the sacred combination I, U and, a stacked
Tiwaz-rune and the Indo-European divine name Zueius transforms the Kylver stone to a
keystone in understanding Germanic religion.

Dyaus' Legacy - A Quest for the Origin of Religion Published: 09 / 02 / 2010

Analysis of early religions starts by identifying the Cup Marks, Pillars and Circles as divine
symbols, inherited from the Stone Age. The Cups, Pillars and Rings have been transformed
into alphabetic letters U, I and O, which symbolize divine, bipolar elements, comparable to
the ancient yoni and lingam symbols.

Summary - Archaic Rock Inscriptions (1891) Published: 08 / 26 / 2010

An Account of the Cup and Ring Marking on the Sculptural Stones of the Old and New

Red & Blue, Purple's Symbolism

The Hermetic Library Published: 08 / 25 / 2010

There is a strange trace of a common bipolar symbolism in the applications of the colors
Red & Blue, discovered in studies and documented in a series of manuscripts.This religious
bipolarity has been named Hermetic for the bi-faced idols and the naming conventions by
Roman historians (Caesar and Tacitus) and archaeologists, who compared early idols
(including the Hermes of Roquepertuse) with Roman bi-faced idols of Mercury / Hermes.

Liturgical (and Royal) colors Published: 08 / 25 / 2010 Reads: 949

Although the Book Exodus defines blue as a divine prescription for the Hebrew High
Priests' garments and curtains at the Covenant Tent the symbol blue (and equally yellow)
have been avoided as standard liturgical colors, probably resulting from the idea of avoiding
any evil influence from the altar.


Red and Blue in British Royalty Published: 08 / 20 / 2010

Early English royals preferred red and blue garments for their tombs, located at Fontevraud
Abbey and for their coats of arms. Further analysis of royal tombs at the British island will
not result in an overwhelming amount of evidence for red, white & blue patterns.

Red and Blue as Gender Symbols Published: 08 / 17 / 2010 - Reads: 1558

This overview lists some of the relevant gender specific color codes which have been
applied in artwork and publications. Modern gender specific colors refer blue to male and
pink to female children.


The Nuns' Church at Waiblingen Published: 08 / 15 / 2010

The Nuns' Church at Waiblingen has been erected between 1426 and 1510. The decorated
ceiling is a highlight in the city's architecture. The medieval masons have chosen keystones
decorated in red and blue colors. Red and blue are quite common for medieval keystones.


Blue and Red Symbolism in Freemasonary Published: 08 / 09 / 2010 Reads: 1178

This summary documents the starting point for early religion as an Ancient Symbol
Worship. Ancient peoples erected pillars and created circles as religious symbols,
representing the male respectively female reproductive organs.

Illuminated Manuscripts

Illuminated Manuscripts Published: 07 / 28 / 2010 - Reads: 1597

Most decorations of all medieval manuscripts are often in two or three primary colors, in
which red and blue are the dominant colors for initials, decorations and illuminations. In
most analyzed illuminations red and blue must be considered as the dominant symbolic

Notitia Dignitatum

Blue and Red in Notitia Dignitatum Published: 07 / 26 / 2010

The Books Exodus and Chronicles reveal a great number of symbolic colored woven
materials (red, blue and purple twining) in the divine instructions for the Covenant tent and
for Solomon's temple. Medieval paintings and illuminated manuscripts provide us with a
vast number of red and blue colored illustrations.

Colored Idols

Colored Idols Published: 07 / 17 / 2010 - Reads: 892

The international exhibition Bunte Gtter (colored Gods), organized by the Munich
Glyptothek in 2004

St. Peter

Yellow for Saint Peter Published: 07 / 04 / 2010 - Reads: 909

There are a number of paintings in which Peter has been dressed in yellow, obviously for his
threefold denying of Jesus.

Symbolism in the Paintings by Hieronymos Bosch Published: 07 / 02 / 2010 - Reads: 2205

The following rules seem to be valid for all Bosch' paintings:
- (Except for the Marriage at Cana) Jesus as a Creator and almighty God is dressed in red.
- In contrast the mocked (suffering) Jesus is wearing white or green-white
- In contrast the suffering Jesus (wearing a crucifix) is wearing blue garments
- As an unknown visitor at The Marriage at Cana Jesus is dressed in black
- The Virgin Mother Mary is wearing a blue or a red dress.

Capita Selecta for the religious symbols Red and Blue Published: 06 / 26 / 2010
Most of the illuminated medieval manuscripts do contain scriptures in alternated red and
blue lines, initials or letters. Sometimes gold, purple or green will be applied for extra
decorations. Yellow will largely be reserved for a traitor's symbol (e.g. Judas).

Dyeing Purple in the Middle Age Published: 06 / 21 / 2010 - Reads: 1324

Between the 10th and the 15th century the red-dyers and blue-dyers have been
manufacturing precious textiles in Flanders and the neighbouring countries. The chemical
processes required separate guilds for these dyers

The Hermetic Codex Published: 06 / 13 / 2010 - Reads: 2751

The PIE-System has been designed as a bipolar concept of an androgynous deity, which
created an androgynous human being according to its own image, consisting of a male and a
female half. The first androgynous human being has been encoded in the divine name (e.g.
Diu), in the corresponding pronoun of the first person singular (e.g. iu) and in the colors
red (male), blue (female) and purple (androgynous, divine).

Threads of Bipolar Symbolism in Religion Published: 06 / 02 / 2010 - Reads: 1435

The overwhelming number of bipolar symbols found in ancient documents reveals a vast
religious movement developing parallel to the mainstream medieval religion. In this
overview additional information has been grouped according to regional areas to allow the
identification of historical threads in European countries. These threads may allow to
identify the sequential steps in developing the bipolar symbols.

Hieronymos Bosch

Symbolism in the Garden of Delights by Hieronymos Bosch Published: 05 / 27 / 2010 Reads: 1062
The analysis clearly identifies rose-red and blue as the central symbolic elements, referring
to human fertility and the androgynous creation legend. Of course red and blue have been
identified in other documents and paintings, especially in the illuminated medieval Bible's
manuscripts and medieval religious icons and other paintings.

William of Orange

The Majestic Singular in William of Orange's Letter Published: 05 / 24 / 2010

In a singular, rare case both the capitalization of the singular first-person pronoun, "I" and
the second-person pronouns, "U" may be found in a document, written in the 16th century
by William of Orange.

Red and Blue in the Middle Age Published: 05 / 05 / 2010

An analysis of the ornaments in medieval Bible-codices reveals an overwhelming number of
red & blue scripting lines, garments and other ornaments, which are referring to divine
commands in the Book Exodus.

The Kingfisher

The Kingfisher - The etymology of kingfisher Published: 05 / 01 / 2010 - Reads: 1789

The name "kingfisher" refers to the Norse roots "Kungsfiskare" and may have been defined
by the Normans. The tombs at Fontevraud in France also refer to the etymology for the
Kingfisher birds.

Color Codes

Blue and Red in Roermond Published: 04 / 27 / 2010

The colors red, blue and white may correlate to a couple of graves located at abbeys in
Fontevrault and Roermond. These tombs belong to the royal clan of the Plantagenets and to
the counts of Gelre.

The Last Supper

Color Codings in the Last Supper (Overview) Published: 04 / 17 / 2010 - Reads: 2421
Usually Judas will wear yellow, green or black (or combinations of these medieval evil
colors). Sometimes the artist will dress Judas in good colors (blue and red) and applies
evil colors for other disciples, in order to trigger the attention of the observers.

Color Coding in the Last Supper (by Leonardo Da Vinci) Published: 04 / 16 / 2010 - Reads:
This analysis documents the color codes in the garments at The Last Supper (Leonardo da
Vinci) to investigate the thesis that in the Middle Age red & blue may have symbolized the
Good and yellow & green the Evil forces.


Yellow for Judas Published: 04 / 14 / 2010 - Reads: 1280

In ancient and medieval eras yellow is a betrayer's symbol for the evil, which has been
documented in a great number of examples in this manuscript.

Language and Religion Published: 04 / 07 / 2010 - Reads: 1055

Two different versions of creation legends exist for mankind: The first legend describes the
creation of a male person Adam, from which subsequently a female servant Eve has been
extracted. The second version of the legend describes the creation of an androgynous being
Adam, which has been split in a male Adam and a female person Eve.

Blue and Red in Medieval Garments Published: 04 / 02 / 2010

The colors red, blue and purple have been defined as religious symbols in the divine
commands in the books Exodus and Chronicles.

Body Mirroring at Burials Published: 03 / 30 / 2010

Both the Kurgan period (4th Millenium B.C.) and the "Corded Ware culture"-period (2880
B.C.-2000 B.C.) buried their women left sided and their men right sided as mirrored images,
both facing towards the east.

Summary of some religious color Codes Published: 03 / 23 / 2010

The document summarizes a derivation of color codes ranging from several coats of arms as
referring to decorations in medieval Bibles and the ancient garments' coloring codes, which
may have been derived from the biblical Books Chronicles and Exodus.

Cross-references for Deities and Man Published: 02 / 22 / 2010 - Reads: 2996

This documentation lists a number of available cross-references between the most important
pre-Christian deities with respect to selected parameters: - androgyny, duality, multiplefaced - permanent or temporary fetters, immobility - horns or antlers - references to timeand calendar-keeping.

Dies Fasti - Understanding the Fastened Sculptures Published: 02 / 18 / 2010

This document illuminates some of the ancient customs, which may be known to scholars
but remain hidden in the old and worn out books, paintings and sculptures.

Patrism, Matrism and Androgyny Published: 02 / 12 / 2010 - Reads: 2609

Our study reveals the struggle of patrism against matrism, in which the ancient Celtic,
matristic religions may as well be characterized as androgynous philosophies. Originally all
societies relied on androgynous-matristic religions, but historical records clearly reveal the
growing predominance of patristic religion, resulting in the eradication of the Cathars, a
violent suppression of sexuality and progressive, scientific research.

The Symbolic color Green in Islam Published: 02 / 02 / 2010 - Reads: 1659

Green has been associated with Islam for many centuries. It is not clear why this is so. The
colors purple, red and blue traditionally have been in use from early beginnings in
Christianity. They may be found in the imperial garments, in the biblical decorations, in
icons or paintings and in flags.

A Loss of Symbolism in Communications Published: 01 / 28 / 2010

The androgynous basis of symbolism seems to have been restored. The symbols reveal an
impressive monument for the matrimonial link between man and woman, as a divine
highlight to praise marriage, as a statue to praise fertility, as a bond linking peoples; and yes,
even as an origin for an original and common Divine Principle, which may even have been
the source for a common Indo-European deity.

A compact Overview of Bipolar Symbolism Published: 01 / 23 / 2010

The summary will cover etymology in the PIE-language, the name YHWH, IU-piter, the
Celtic weaving technology, the Book Exodus, Plato's Symposium, Yin & Yang, Celtic
sculptures, Janus & Jana, medieval Bibles, medieval Genesis documents, the Zohar,
medieval garments for emperors and kings, the peerage system and flags.

Appendix VII - 2009 Dyaus, Colors, Exodus, Flags, Hochdorf

Red & Blue-combinations

Gender References for Purple, Red and Blue Published: 01 / 18 / 2010 - Reads: 1285
Purple has always been a divine and imperial color. The divine commands in Exodus 28-28
and 39 (-21,22,30) clearly reveal a preference of blue for Aaron and his sons.

Etymology for Flags Published: 01 / 14 / 2010 - Reads: 1079

In the Middle Age Europe may have known a basic symbolism ruled by the biblical colors
purple, red and blue, which must be considered as androgynous symbols.

Another Etymology for Purple Published: 01 / 06 / 2010 - Reads: 1354

Dutch language provides us with a word paars for the color purple, which may have
been in use in ancient eras as religious symbols in analogy to the colors red and blue.

Red & Blue & Purple in the Bible

Paint It Purple - A short History of painting Red and Blue Published: 01 / 03 / 2010 - Reads:
According to a number of divine commands in the Book Exodus and the second Book of
Chronicles the colors Purple, Red and Blue must have been religious symbols for a very
long time.

Genesis - Weaving the Words in Red and in Blue Published: 12 / 23 / 2009

The published layout for the Book Genesis explains the basic idea of weaving words like
human beings symbolized by male and female persons as married couples. Initially man had
started as a couple of two individuals colored red and blue, which had to multiply.

Secret color Codes in the Bible Published: 12 / 05 / 2009 - Reads: 2320

The coloring codes for the garments in ancient oil paintings seems to be following the
wealthy decorations in the medieval codices, which mainly consist of Bibles.

Notes to the Sacred Symbols of Mu Published: 11 / 24 / 2009 - Reads: 1174

While studying these kind of manuscripts, which have been written before 1950, I noticed
some problems in understanding these texts due to the background knowledge for modern
readers. The main cause for these misunderstandings is a dramatic changeover in social
position for women (voting, property, etcetera).

The Fundamental Color Symbols Blue and Red Published: 10 / 21 / 2009 - Reads: 4494
A great number of ancient -mostly religious - codings has been conserved in antiquities. One
of the fascinating topics in these areas is the use of colors as ancient symbols, which have
been documented in writings such as the Bible, in ancient sculptures and in ancient


Hochdorf Revisited - A reconstructed Celtic Site Published: 10 / 02 / 2009 - Reads: 1234

The museum is located in an area populated in the 6th century before Christ, but is famous
for the findings in an untouched imperial grave, which had been discovered in 1978.


The Brabantian Dictionary Published: 10 / 01 / 2009 - Reads: 1192

In a study project I derived the following dictionary Brabantian Dutch English German
from three novels by Antoon Coolen: - "De goede moordenaar" (1931), - "Hun grond
verwaait" (1927), - "De man met het Jan Klaassenspel" (1933) and some other sources
including: - "Telemachus in het dorp" by Marnix Gijsen (1947) and Beekman & Beekman
by Toon Kortooms (1950)


The Sky-God Dyaeus Published: 05 / 15 / 2009 - Reads: 3136

Dyaeus is a common deity, shared by all Indo-European communities. From a great number
of palaeolithic dual-headed divine sculptures, burial ceremonies, biblical quotations and
color codes the author develops the characteristics for the androgynous sky-god Dyaeus,
whose "Hermaphrodites" are referring to the famous androgynous creation legends in Plato's
Symposium and in the Kabbalistic Book Zohar.

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