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Nama Sekolah
Mata Pelajaran
Standar Kompetensi
Kompetensi Dasar


Aspek Skill

: SMA Negeri 7 Padangsidimpuan

: Bahasa Inggris
: X-3
: I (Pertama)
: 1 X 45 menit
: Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan
eseipendek sederhana berbentuk recount, narrative, dan
procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
: Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah - langkah retorika
secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan
ragam bahasa tulis dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative, dan procedure
: 1. Mengungkapkan langkah retorika recount text:
a. Orientation
b. Sequence of events (crisis and climax)
c. Reorientation
: Writing

A. Tujuan pembelajaran
Siswa mampu mengungkapkan langkah retorika recount text (orientation,
record of event, reorientation).
B. Materi ajar : Recount text
Contoh recount text:
Holiday in Semirang Waterfall
Sunday, I and my best friend, Sari, visited Semirang Waterfall in Ungaran. It
was the first time for me to visit the waterfall.
When we arrived at the hill, I felt so fresh and I could enjoy the scene. The
air was so pure and all I could see only green and green. In Ungaran, we took a
little bit trekking to find Semirang Waterfall. It was too bad for me because the
distance to see the waterfall was too far.
After taking so far distance, we found Semirang Waterfall. What a beautiful
waterfall. We enjoyed the nice water in the rain forest surrounding the waterfall.
Hearing the sound of falling water made me peace and relax. It was also excellent
drowning out background sound. Playing with the water made me feel so happy.
Finally, the time was over. It was time for us to go home. It was an
unforgettable moment. I really enjoyed it.
Rhetorical structure analysis

Orientation : introducing specific participant; I and my best friend, Sari and

introduce where the event took place.
Record of event :we arrived at the hill, we took a little bit trekking, We enjoyed
the nice water, and then went back to home.
Re-orientation : It was an unforgettable moment. I really enjoyed it.
C. Metode pembelajaran
Reciprocal Teaching Strategy
D. Langkah-langkah pembelajaran
1. Kegiatan awal
- Guru memberi salam kepada siswa kemudian mengabsen siswa
2. Kegiatan inti
- Guru menjelaskan materi berupa rhetorical structure of recount text

(Class Presentation)
Guru membagi siswa dalam kelompok kecil yang bersifat heterogen,
setiap kelompok terdiri dari yang memiliki kemampuan tinggi, sedang,
dan rendah. Siswa diminta membaca tanpa bersuara teks materi bagian
demi bagian.

Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa lain untuk menjawab

pertanyaan tersebut

Siswa merangkum dan membacakan kesimpulan dari bagain / sub bab

Guru memberikan kesempatan kepasa siswa lain untuk memprediksi

hal yang akan dibahas pada sub bab / bagian selanjutnya

Guru membimbing siswa yang ditunjuk sebagai guru

Guru mengurangi intensitas bimbingan kepada siswa yang berperan

sebagai guru sampai siswa tersebut bisa mandiri dan mempunyai
inisiatif sendiri untuk membantu siswa lain.

3. Kegiatan akhir
- Guru menyuruh siswa untuk menuliskan pendapatnya dilembar kerja
- Guru menjelaskan kembali materi yang belum dipahami oleh siswa
- Guru menyimpulkan pelajaran dan menutup pelajaran
E. Alat/Bahan/Sumber belajar
Buku Bahasa Inggris SMA
F. Penilaian
4. Teknik : Teks tulisan
5. Bentuk : Tertulis
6. Instrument :

1. Read the following text, and then write down the analyzing of
rethorical structure!
2. Rewrite the recount text above by using your own sentences.
My Wonderful Holiday
Last weekend, I had a great vacation to some beautiful places in Bandung.
First we went to Gedung Sate, a historical building which is now used as a
provincial goverment office. It was artictic and also unique.
We also saw many different types of flowers. They are very well taken
care of. After having some pictures, then we got back to the bus.
Next we went to Maribaya. We sat close to a big rock while enjoying the
beautiful waterfall. We also enjoyed the fresh air.
We returned to the bus and went to Mount Tangkuban Parahu. We got off
the bus and had our lunch in the clearing area. We were surprised to learn that the
shape of the mount was quite equivalent to the shape of a capsized boat. We
walked around it and bought some souvenirs.
At last we got back on the bus and went back to Semarang. We arrived at
around 9 oclock in the evening. We really enjoyed the vacation though we felt
very tired.
We really had a great fun!!!
Key answer:
1. Rethorical structure analysis :
Orientation: Introducing individual participant; I and great vacation to
some beautiful places in Bandung
Record of event: we went to Gedung Sate, we went to Maribaya, we
returned to the bus and went to Mount Tangkuban Parahu, we walked
around it and bought some souvenirs, then we got back on the bus and
went back to Semarang.
Re-orientation: We really had a great fun
2. Students creatively
Pedoman penilaian :
Isi benar, tanda baca benar


Isi benar, tanda baca kurang tepat


Isi dan tanda baca kurang tepat


Tidak menjawab
Skor Maksimal


Nilai siswa : Skor perolehanX 100

Skor maksimal

Mahasiswa Peneliti

Guru bidang studi


Nirwan Efendi Lubis, S.Pd

NPM: 11080009


Nama Sekolah
Mata Pelajaran
Standar Kompetensi
Kompetensi Dasar


: SMA Negeri 7 Padangsidimpuan

: Bahasa Inggris
: X-3
: II (Kedua)
: 2 X 45 menit
: Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan
eseipendek sederhana berbentuk recount, narrative, dan
procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
: Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah - langkah retorika
secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan
ragam bahasa tulis dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative, dan procedure
: 1. Mengungkapkan lexicogrammatical recount text:
a. Noun and Noun Phrases

Aspek Skill

b. Simple past tense, past continuous tense, past perfect

c. Individual participant
d. Conjunction and time connective
e. Action verb
f. Adverb and adverb phrases
: Writing

A. Tujuan pembelajaran
Siswa mampu mengungkapkan lexicogrammatical recount text.
B. Materi ajar : Recount text
Contoh recount text:
Holiday in Semirang Waterfall
Sunday, I and my best friend, Sari, visited Semirang Waterfall in Ungaran. It
was the first time for me to visit the waterfall.
When we arrived at the hill, I felt so fresh and I could enjoy the scene. The
air was so pure and all I could see only green and green. In Ungaran, we took a
little bit trekking to find Semirang Waterfall. It was too bad for me because the
distance to see the waterfall was too far.
After taking so far distance, we found Semirang Waterfall. What a beautiful
waterfall. We enjoyed the nice water in the rain forest surrounding the waterfall.
Hearing the sound of falling water made me peace and relax. It was also excellent
drowning out background sound. Playing with the water made me feel so happy.
Finally, the time was over. It was time for us to go home. It was an
unforgettable moment. I really enjoyed it.
Lexicogrammatical Analysis
Individual participant : I and Sari, We.
Tense in past forms : Sunday, I and my best friend, Sari, visited Semirang
Waterfall in Ungaran. It was the first time for me to visit the waterfall.
When we arrived at the hill, I felt so fresh and I could enjoy the scene. The
air was so pure and all I could see only green and green. In Ungaran, we took a
little bit trekking to find Semirang Waterfall. It was too bad for me because the
distance to see the waterfall was too far.
After taking so far distance, we found Semirang Waterfall. What a beautiful
waterfall. We enjoyed the nice water in the rain forest surrounding the waterfall.
Hearing the sound of falling water made me peace and relax. It was also excellent
drowning out background sound. Playing with the water made me feel so happy.
Finally, the time was over. It was time for us to go home. It was an
unforgettable moment. I really enjoyed it.

Noun and Noun phrases : my best friend, Semirang Waterfall, Ungaran, the
waterfall, the hill, the scene, the air, green, a little bit trekking, the distance, a
beautiful waterfall, the nice water, the rain forest, the sound of falling water,
background sound, the water, the time, an unforgettable moment.
Time connective or conjunction : and, when, because, after, finally.
Action verb : visited, visit, arrived, felt, enjoy, see, took, find, taking, found,
enjoyed, hearing, made, playing, go.
Adverb and Adverb phrases :Sunday, the first time, so far distance,
C. Metode pembelajaran
Reciprocal Teaching Strategy
D. Langkah-langkah pembelajaran
1. Kegiatan awal
- Guru memberi salam kepada siswa kemudian mengabsen siswa
2. Kegiatan inti
- Guru menjelaskan materi berupa rhetorical structure of recount text

(Class Presentation)
Guru membagi siswa dalam kelompok kecil yang bersifat heterogen,
setiap kelompok terdiri dari yang memiliki kemampuan tinggi, sedang,
dan rendah. Siswa diminta membaca tanpa bersuara teks materi bagian
demi bagian.

Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa lain untuk menjawab

pertanyaan tersebut

Siswa merangkum dan membacakan kesimpulan dari bagain / sub bab

Guru memberikan kesempatan kepasa siswa lain untuk memprediksi

hal yang akan dibahas pada sub bab / bagian selanjutnya

Guru membimbing siswa yang ditunjuk sebagai guru

Guru mengurangi intensitas bimbingan kepada siswa yang berperan

sebagai guru sampai siswa tersebut bisa mandiri dan mempunyai
inisiatif sendiri untuk membantu siswa lain.

3. Kegiatan akhir
- Guru menyuruh siswa untuk menuliskan pendapatnya dilembar kerja
- Guru menjelaskan kembali materi yang belum dipahami oleh siswa
- Guru menyimpulkan pelajaran dan menutup pelajaran
E. Alat/Bahan/Sumber Belajar
Buku Bahasa Inggris SMA

F. Penilaian
4. Teknik : Teks tulisan
5. Bentuk : Tertulis
6. Instrument :
1. Read the following text, and then write down the analyzing of
2. Rewrite the recount text above by using your own sentences.
My Wonderful Holiday
Last weekend, I had a great vacation to some beautiful places in Bandung.
First we went to Gedung Sate, a historical building which is now used as a
provincial goverment office. It was artictic and also unique.
We also saw many different types of flowers. They are very well taken
care of. After having some pictures, then we got back to the bus.
Next we went to Maribaya. We sat close to a big rock while enjoying the
beautiful waterfall. We also enjoyed the fresh air.
We returned to the bus and went to Mount Tangkuban Parahu. We got off
the bus and had our lunch in the clearing area. We were surprised to learn that the
shape of the mount was quite equivalent to the shape of a capsized boat. We
walked around it and bought some souvenirs.
At last we got back on the bus and went back to Semarang. We arrived at
around 9 oclock in the evening. We really enjoyed the vacation though we felt
very tired.
We really had a great fun!!!
Key answer :
1. The lexicogrammatical of recount text :
Individual participant : I and we.
Tense in past forms : last weekend, I had a great vacation to some beautiful places
in Bandung.
First we went to Gedung Sate, a historical building which is now used as a
provincial goverment office. It was artictic and also unique.
We also saw many different types of flowers. They are very well taken
care of. After having some pictures, then we got back to the bus.

Next we went to Maribaya. We sat close to a big rock while enjoying the
beautiful waterfall. We also enjoyed the fresh air.
We returned to the bus and went to Mount Tangkuban Parahu. We got off
the bus and had our lunch in the clearing area. We were surprised to learn that the
shape of the mount was quite equivalent to the shape of a capsized boat. We
walked around it and bought some souvenirs.
At last we got back on the bus and went back to Semarang. We arrived at
around 9 oclock in the evening. We really enjoyed the vacation though we felt
very tired.
We really had a great fun.
Noun and noun phrases : a great vacation, some beautiful places, Bandung,
Gedung Sate, a historical building, a provincial goverment office, many different
types of flowers, some pictures, the bus, Maribaya, a big rock, the beautiful
waterfall, the fresh air, Mount Tangkuban Parahu, our lunch, the clearing area, the
shape of the mount, the shape of a capsized boat, some souvenirs, the vacation, a
great fun.
Action verb : went, saw, got, sat, enjoying, enjoyed, returned, surprised, walked,
Time connective or conjunction : first, then, after, next, while, and, at last.
Adverb and adverb phrases : last weekend, 9 oclock in the evening.
2. Students creatively.
Pedoman penilaian :
Isi benar, tanda baca benar


Isi benar, tanda baca kurang tepat


Isi dan tanda baca kurang tepat


Tidak menjawab
Skor Maksimal


Nilai siswa : Skor perolehanX 100

Skor maksimal

Guru bidang studi

Mahasiswa Peneliti

Nirwan Efendi Lubis, S.Pd



NPM: 11080009


1. Guru mengambil posisi strategis untuk mengamati pelaksanaan
strategireciprocal teaching oleh mahasiswa dengan tidak mengganggu
proses pembelajaran.
2. Guru memberi skor (dengan memberi tanda kurung) berdasarkan
langkah-langkah pembelajaran. (1=kurang, 2= cukup, 3= baik, dan 4=
sangat baik).




Aspek yang dinilai

Guru memberi salam kepada siswa kemudian mengabsen
Guru menjelaskan materi berupa rhetorical structure of
recount text (Class Presentation)
Guru membagi siswa dalam kelompok kecil yang bersifat
heterogen, setiap kelompok terdiri dari yang memiliki
kemampuan tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Siswa diminta
membaca tanpa bersuara teks materi bagian demi bagian.
Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa lain untuk
menjawab pertanyaan tersebut
Guru memberikan kesempatan kepasa siswa lain untuk
memprediksi hal yang akan dibahas pada sub bab / bagian
Guru membimbing siswa yang ditunjuk sebagai guru.
Guru mengurangi intensitas bimbingan kepada siswa yang
berperan sebagai guru sampai siswa tersebut bisa mandiri
dan mempunyai inisiatif sendiri untuk membantu siswa



Guru menyuruh siswa untuk menuliskan pendapatnya

dilembar kerja siswa
Guru menjelaskan kembali materi yang belum dipahami
oleh siswa
Guru menyimpulkan pelajaran dan menutup pelajaran

Jumlah Skor

Nilai = =

Skorperole h an
x 100

Kepala SMA Negeri 7

Guru bahasa inggris SMA N 7

Dra. Nursyawiyah Hutauruk, M.Pd


Nirwan Efendi Lubis, S.Pd.


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