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American writer Carla Power debated with madarssa trained philomath

Sheikh Mohammad Akram Nadwi After years of debating she discovered that
Quran is very fascinating Book which avails a person in every way of Life
.She additionally shared her experience How Namaz can be subsidiary for
the human body .How different posture of the Namaz avails people in body
fitness . She resplendently describes the sheikh offering his prayers and the
denotement annexed to his every move. She indites, In standing, kneeling,
bring his forehead to the earth, then standing again, his attention returns to
his inceptions and destination, which are one and the same. She also shares
the words of the sheikh, who connects the experience to a feeling of
returning to the arms of your mother, when you are a child.It was indeed
her great effort to read and understand Quran .She is not born Muslim .Her
thirst to ken about others religions and to ken what truth she commenced
reading Quran is. Most of the Muslims appreciating her effort .Because she
read QURAN and endeavor to ken about the splendid facts of Quran.Here I
optate to ask some questions from our Muslim follows: We always appreciate
when some one from other religion read books of our religion, when someone
other then our religion endeavors to assimilate cognizance about our
religion. American writer did not made judgment because of her own religion.
She is christens and she didnt verbalized that Bible is the best book .Every
thing indited in Bible is veridical, we dont need to read the books of other
religions .She reach on conclusion after years of the debate .What is
quandary with us, why we Muslim cant read the books of others religions?
Why we draw conclusion that Quran is the best book without reading books
of other religions? Why we have put ourselves into a box .what if we born in
the House of christens or let verbally expresses house of a Hindu, Do we still
verbalize Quran is the best book. I cerebrate answer is immensely colossal
No, because we are in the habit of following things blindly. We should
understand now that its 2015 .We are not living in stone age .Now afore
reaching on conclusions we must read the books of other religions .It will
have a positive impact on society as well .It can play a role of bridge
between the different societies and religions .
Second question is that whenever any western philomath appreciate our
Quran, accolade the Muhammad s.a.w we commence dancing ,we become
so much jubilant and verbally expresses look dont we verbally express that
Quran is the best book and Muhammad is the best person .Now they are
accepting it too . However, when they reprehend Muhammad s.a.w and
Quran we become exasperated.I do not ken why we follow the double
standards, when you appreciate their exaltation then you should have
valiancy to accept their reproval too .we must not commencing breaking our
property and give pain to our people if they upbraid our religion. Sometimes
we involve ourselves in so much abhorrence that we even forget the
edification of our religion and our Prophet, which edifies us love and
patience. Another dilemma is that when scientists discover something which
is according to our Religion we proudly court it .Even our soi-disant religious

scholar which are most fascinated with Biryani and pallaow other then
erudition and research ,include it to their sermons. However, when same
scientists discover something that is not according our religion we repudiate
it thoroughly .Without even reading their research, without challenging them
on substructure of the facts. On the other hand, other religions have adopted
incipient ways as DALAI LAMA IXV said, If scientific analysis were
conclusively to demonstrate certain claims in Buddhism to be false, then we
must accept the findings of science and abandon those claims. Therefore,
we can also look forward to find incipient ways. The point I optate to make is
that Dear Muslims its 2015. You cant put people in the box .you cant
obviate people from asking questions .Its global village now ,even some
people called it global street .Internet has transmuted the world .So instead
getting jubilant on other peoples ,start giving your own facts .Give the
reason why people believe on what you verbally express. If you verbalize
Quran is the best book, then do not obviate your children from reading the
books of other religions .You should commence edifying books of other
religions too in your Madarsas. You must edify Geeta and bible too in your
Masjid. We believe that our religion is the best then we must not get worry
about bible and Geeta. After reading all, the books and religions people can
themselves decide what they optate to follow and what the best is.

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