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Profile by Sandra Krebs Hirsch and Jean Kummerow

INTJs are strong individualists who seek new angles or novel ways of looking at things. They enjoy
coming to new understandings. They are insightful and mentally quick; however, this mental
quickness may not always be outwardly apparent to others since they keep a great deal to
themselves. They are very determined people who trust their vision of the possibilities, regardless of
what others think. They may even be considered the most independent of all of the sixteen
personality types. INTJs are at their best in quietly and firmly developing their ideas, theories, and

The independent and individualistic INTJ manner appears early in life. As children, INTJs are often
inwardly focused on their thoughts of the way the world is or ought to be; they enjoy day dreaming.
They can be quite stubborn when information relayed to them by authorities, such as parents and
teachers, contradicts what they believe. They are sure of their own belief system. INTJs are
compelled to establish their own rules, boundaries, standards, and style.
Often at an early age, INTJs make a commitment to furthering their education. The life of the mind is
very important to them. Examples abound of INTJs from economically or intellectually impoverished
circumstances setting goals for themselves to continue in education, often earning the highest
degree possible. INTJ teenagers may be seen as serious and reserved young people who are
labeled as bookworms by others. They set internal standards of achievement for themselves and
often do well academically. Being sociable is a standard that they rarely think is worth their time and
As adults, INTJs are focused on attaining their inner goals and standards. They set a particular
course based on their theory of what ought to be. They work extremely diligently to accomplish what
they feel is important. They enjoy what they do and see it as a challenge. They are not easily
dissuaded and may regard others needs and wants as an impediment to attaining their objectives.

Learning and Working

INTJs learn best when they can design their won approach and when they are able to absorb
themselves in an area that interests them. They tend to focus on systems, theories, and constructs
relating to universal truths and principles. They prefer challenging teachers, ones who meet their
standards. High grade-point averages and test scores tend to characterize INTJs, who like rigorous
academic work. Learning needs to be a creative process. Rote memory can be dull and boring for
the INTJ. INTJs are diligent in pursuing new ideas and thoughts, and they exert effort to master a
given subject. This makes INTJs particularly adept in most school situations. Because of their
resourcefulness, thirst for knowledge, and inner needs, INTJs tend to find ways of acquiring

knowledge. They gravitate toward libraries, public lectures, courses, and other learners and teachers
sources that offer them information and direction.
At work, INTJs use their conceptual strengths to analyze situations and then develop models to
understand and anticipate through relentlessly to reach their goals. They will continue on with their
plans, even in the face of adversity and data that might suggest to other more practical types that
their goals are no longer feasible. By nature, INTJs are independent individualists. They see their
visions so clearly that they are often surprised when others do not see things the same way. INTJs
are strong at critiquing and as a result tend to notice the negatives. To them, a job well done should
be reward enough in itself. They may neglect to comment favorably on others contributions.
INTJs tend to seek occupations that allow them to change the status quo and to design models to
express their vision creatively. They desire autonomy and room for growth. They prefer to work in a
place in which the future can be planned and where they can work for change in an organized
manner. Some occupations seem to be especially attractive to INTJs: computer systems analyst,
electrical engineer, judge, lawyer, photographer, psychologist, research department manager,
researcher, scientist, university instructor, and other occupations in which long-range vision is

For INTJs, love means including someone in their vision of the world. INTJ men tend to be attracted
to partners who enjoy living their lives with and outward vitality and zest. Perhaps it is to compensate
for their internal, visionary focus that they often find partners who are more outgoing and may even
run interference to help the INTJ deal with the day-to-day world. INTJ women, however, may seek
someone more like themselves.
INTJs tend to have a model in mind of how their relationship ought to be. This is less a romantic
vision than it is and idea that relates to how the relationship functions in a unique or special way.
They tend to withhold their deep feelings and affections from the public and sometimes even from
the object of their affections. They can be intensely loyal and caring, even though this is not always
expressed in words. INTJs can be generous with their gifts if the gift fits their vision of what ought to
be appreciated by their partner. When scorned, INTJs retreat to their own world and may share none
of their feelings with others. They may assume that there is a right way for a relationship to end and
look for that. They act on the outside as if nothing has happened to them when indeed much has.
They may lash out with criticisms of their former loved ones. It may take them a while to recover.

INTJ Profile by David Keirsey

INTJs are the most self-confident of all types, having self-power awareness. Found in about 1
percent of the general population, the INTJs live in an introspective reality, focusing on possibilities,

using thinking in the form of empirical logic, and preferring that events and people serve some
positive use. Decisions come naturally to INTJs once a decision is made, INTJs are at rest. INTJs
look to the future rather than the past, and a word which captures the essence of INTJs is builder-a
builder of systems and the applier of theoretical models.
To INTJs authority based on position, rank, title, or publication has absolutely no force. This type is
not likely to succumb to the magic of slogans, watchwords, or shibboleths. If an idea or position
makes sense to an INTJ, it will be adopted, if it doesnt, it wont, regardless of who took the position
or generated the idea. As with the INTP, authority per se does not impress the INTJ.
INTJs do, however, tend to conform to rules if they are useful, not because they believe in them, or
because they make sense, but because of their unique view of reality. They are the supreme
pragmatists, who see reality as something which is quite arbitrary and made up. Thus it can be used
as a tool-or ignored. Reality is quite malleable and can be changed, conquered, or brought to heel.
Reality is a crucible for the refining of ideas, and in this sense, INTJs are the most theoretical of all
the types. Where an ESTP sees ideas as the pawn of reality, an INTJ sees reality as the pawn of
ideas: No idea is too far-fetched to be entertained. INTJs are natural brainstormers, always open to
new concepts and, in fact, aggressively seeking them.
INTJs manipulate the world of theory as if on a gigantic chess board, always seeking strategies and
tactics that have high payoff. In their penchant for logic, the INTJs resemble the INTPs. The logic of
an INTJ, however, is not confined to the expressible logical. Unlike INTPs, INTJs need only to have a
vague, intuitive impression of the unexpressed logic of a system to continue surely on their way.
Things need only seem logical; this is entirely sufficient. Moreover, they always have a keen eye for
the consequence of the application of new ideas or positions. They can be quite ruthless in the
implementation of systems, seldom counting personal cost in terms of time and energy. Theories
which cannot be made to work are quickly discarded by the INTJs.
To understand INTJs, their way of dealing with ideas should be observed closely. Their conscious
thought is extraverted and empirical. Hence, they are better at generalizing, classifying,
summarizing, adducing evidence, proving, and demonstrating than are the INTPs. The INTJs are
somewhat less at home with pure reason, that is, systemic logic, where principles are explicit. In this
respect they resemble the ENTJs. The INTJs, rather than using deductive logic, use their intuition to
grasp coherence.

INTJs can be very single-minded at times; this can be either a weakness or a strength in their
careers, for they can ignore the points of view and wishes of others. INTJs usually rise to positions of
responsibility, for they work long and hard and are steady in their pursuit of goals, sparing neither
time nor effort on their part or that of their colleagues and employees. INTJs live to see systems

translated into substance; an INTP, by way of contrast, is content to design the system. In both these
types, however, coherence is the master. Both internal and external consistency are important, and if
an INTJ finds that he or she is in a working situation where overlapping functions, duplication of
effort, inefficient paper flow, and waste of human and material resources abound, the INTJ cannot
rest until an effort is made to correct the situation.
Cost-effectiveness is a concept which has a strong imperative for INTJs, who frequently select
occupations in engineering, particularly human engineering. They also can be found in the physical
sciences, in roles which require development, such as curriculum building, and, in general, any job
which requires the creation and application of technology to complex areas.
Fellow workers of INTJs often feel as if the INTJ can see right through them, and often believe that
the INTJ finds them wanting. This tendency of people to feel transparent in the presence of the INTJ
often result in relationships which have psychological distance. Thus colleagues find the INTJ
apparently unemotional and, at times, cold and dispassionate. Because of their tendency to drive
others as hard as they do themselves, INTJs often seem demanding and difficult to satisfy. INTJs are
high achievers in school and on the job. On the job, they take the goals of an institution seriously and
continually strive to respond to these goals. They make dedicated, loyal employees whose loyalties
are directed toward the system, rather than toward individuals within the system. So as the people of
an institution come and go, the INTJs have little difficulty-unlike the NFs, who have their loyalties
involved more with persons than offices. INTJs tend, ordinarily, to verbalize the positive and eschew
comments of a negative nature; they are more interested in moving an institution forward than
commiserating about mistakes of the past.

As mates, INTJs want harmony and order in the home and in relationships. They are the most
independent of all types. They will trust their intuitions about others when making choices of friends
and mates, even in the face of contradictory evidence and pressures applied by others. The
emotions of an INTJ are hard to read, and neither male nor female INTJ is apt to express emotional
reactions. At times, both will seem cold, reserved, and unresponsive, while in fact INTJs are almost
hypersensitive to signals of rejection from those for whom they care. In social situations, INTJs may
also be unresponsive and may neglect to observe small rituals designed to put others at their ease.
For example, INTJs may communicate that time is wasted if used for idle dialogue, and thus people
receive a sense of hurry from an INTJ which is not always intended. In their interpersonal
relationships, INTJs are usually better in a working situation than in recreational situations. They do
not enjoy physical contact except with a chosen few.
As parents, INTJs are dedicated and single minded in their devotion: Their children are a major focus
in life. They are supportive of their children and tend to allow them to develop in directions of their

own choosing. INTJs usually are firm and consistent in their discipline and rarely care to repeat
directions given to childrenor others. Being the most independent of all the types, they have a
strong need for autonomy; indifference or criticism from people in general does not particularly
bother INTJs, if they believe that they are right. They also have a strong need for privacy.
The most important preference of an INTJ is intuition, but this is seldom seen. Rather, the function of
thinking is used to deal with the world and with people. INTJs are vulnerable in the emotional area
and may make serious mistakes here.

At midlife the feeling side of personality should be given much attention by the INTJ, who can work at
expanding his or her abilities to respond to wishes and feelings of others. They may also do well to
turn more attention to the sensory side of their natures, attempting to get in touch with the joys of
good food, good beverages, social rituals, kinesthetic experiencesand play. The wasting of time
in play is an appropriate target as a midlife task for INTJs who can take lessons from an SP,
especially an ESP, in the art of enjoying the pleasures of life.

Wishing to control nature, the INTJ scientist probably has more difficulty than all other types in
making up his or her mind in mate selection. Even mate selection must be done in a scientific way. It
may well be that the narratives, plays, and films impugning the rational and objective approach to
mating have as their target our thorough-going scientist INTJ. Nevertheless, when young, the INTJ is
attracted to the free-wheeling, spontaneous, fun-loving entertainer ESFP.
But the INTJ requires that mating meet certain criteria, else it is not undertaken. So the INTJ doesnt
often go through with what is begun by natural attraction. Since he or she proceeds in a rational and
methodical way, the selection of a similar temperament is more likely than selection of opposite,
following the assumption that those who are similar ought to do well together. The INTJ scientist is
also attracted to the ENFP journalist, probably because of the enthusiastic, effervescent, and
apparently spontaneous enjoyment and wonderment this type exudes-the very antitheses of the
careful, thoughtful exactitude of the INTJ.

INTJ Ability and Job Satisfaction Characteristics!

You are INTJ, Introverted with Intuition, Thinking and Judging, with INTJ ability, or you are interested
in someone who is, and you are perhaps seeking information regarding how the INTJ personality type and
associated INTJ ability gleaned from the Myers Briggs Test can perform optimally and at their very best
in the workplace. You may also be seeking information as to how INTJ ability can be maximally used in
the workplace and how all this knowledge of INTJ ability can increase workplace motivation and job
satisfaction for you, and your organization.

You can also learn how knowledge of INTJ strengths and weaknesses in the workplace, that is INTJ
ability, can insure that the INTJ will not fall victim to job dissatisfaction which has been
termed Falsification of Type and which is the core reason an estimated 70% of all the workers
in the world dislike (or hate) their jobs!
INTJ Workplace Strengths
INTJ ability and strengths are many and would mean for you in the workplace that you:

are someone who reaches understanding by contemplating and thinking, pondering things,
someone who wants to really think about it

are reflective, quiet, and prone to consider before acting

prefer physical work space which allows for privacy and concentration

participate and speak up after observing and formulating your own impressions and
questions; may need to be asked what you think or feel

regard meeting as taking time away from work and as places where more work gets
generated or assigned

are aware of internal guiding principles, philosophy, and commitments

focus first on and are most interested in the big picture, global issues, future possibilities; you
notice the forest before noticing the trees

are speculative and work toward what if

work in bursts, await inspiration, may skip around, pursuing what strikes your fancy; may
work on several things at the same time

want a team to have an engaging vision and mission; initiate and enjoy consideration of
possibilities or theoretical matters

arouse energy and zeal, especially for pursuing the mission and for innovations

may seem distant and/or unapproachable; are direct, sometimes at the cost of being
insensitive to others

focus on the work at hand; dont allocate much time to get to know others and build

are naturally critical of ideas and proposals; identify deficiencies in ideas and plans, and
impediments to achieving goals

believe that what is accomplished is more important than how a group works together; expect
the best ideas and solutions to emerge from argument and debate; enjoy give and take

analyze impersonally; are able to step back and be impartial

champion sticking to the principles

are dependable, deliberate, decisive, and focused; stick to commitments, plans, and

are methodical and systematic, and often develop routine approaches to work
Basically those jobs/careers that would allow the INTJ to use the strengths listed above, INTJ ability,
as a natural part of doing the job would be the jobs/careers providing maximum workplace

motivation for the INTJ. With increased workplace motivation normally follows increased job
satisfaction. Likewise, jobs/careers not allowing the INTJ ability to be used will provide much less
workplace motivation and consequently much less job satisfaction for the INTJ personality type.

INTJ Workplace Weaknesses

INTJ personality and INTJ ability would include a tendency toward the following workplace

may need to be asked what you think or feel

may view meetings as naturally negative events that cause more work than is accomplished
by having them

will have difficulty seeing the big picture

may have difficulty focusing on one thing for great amounts of time

want the work of a team to be engaging vision and the mission may have trouble being
realistic, practical and in-the-moment for too long

will be uncomfortable to troubled proceeding without plans

may hurt others by their natural ability to criticize

their natural impersonal approach to things may be seen as negative to workplace

Now take a few moments and consider how INTJs behave and perform in the workplace from
the following six aspects:
What Others Might Observe First

are serious and confident

are independent, may seem cool and impersonal and distant, and dont
communicate much
are inquisitive and skeptical, raise questions about everything, e.g.,

organizational mission, current goals, why weve been organized into teams
have ideas in mind so they propose solutions and give advice (and may be

blunt in doing so)

are comfortable working alone and like to have their own work space

do their best work when they have a grasp of the big picture and the
underlying principles, want to understand something mentally before trying it, and once they
understand it may not necessarily be interested in implementation
function autonomously, often want and provide little feedback or supervision,

and may take action without informing or consulting others

highly value competence in self and others, and like to continue to learn new

things and to expand their capabilities

are not naturally drawn to teams and may appear uninvolved or uncommitted

boil much of the groups discussion and deliberation down to essential points
or issues

are intellectually playful, but otherwise earnest

may not value or be comfortable with the relationship-building aspects of

working together (e.g., small talk, creating a warm environment)

project calm and often provide a stabilizing influence

see change as a means to improve, to address weaknesses and problems in

systems, or to achieve specific organizational outcomes; may be less enthusiastic about personal

are not particularly responsive to-and may deliberately resist-external

pressures, e.g., This is the latest approach or All the other departments are doing it

want to know why, and take a rational, systematic approach to change, even
to the human factors involved

want to analyze all components, including irrational aspects to look for

patterns or cause and effect relationships

may avoid or withdraw unless the conflict is an obstacle to accomplishing

something important to them

sometimes cause conflict without being aware that they are, e.g., may spark
discussions and arguments that others experience as conflict, may offer suggestions for
improvement that others take as personal criticisms

under stress, may feel immobilized, have irrational/emotional reactions, or

give sudden priority to seemingly insignificant activities or events

generate and promote vision, and take a long-range view of the

consequences of todays deliberations

able to see things from a new perspective, providing original ideas or insights
and synthesizing complex information or diverse perspectives

drive and readiness to create and improve systems

advocate focusing energy and resources on activities central to

accomplishing the mission

preserving and determined and sometimes as so confident their position is

right that they stubbornly hang on to ideas and visions too long

competent and self-assured and sometimes as seeming to regard

themselves as superior to others

naturally providing relatively little information, presuming that what is perfectly

clear to them is also clear to others

having demanding standards, and sometimes as being critical of others (as

well as themselves) when those standards arent met
The Myers Briggs Test can be looked upon sometimes as an ability and personality test. Once you
have identified your personality type via the Myers Briggs Test and have some understanding of the
associated strengths, weaknesses, abilities and behaviors of your type you can better determine the

kind of work environment and associated factors that provide the maximum workplace motivation
and job satisfaction for you. Again, view the results of the Myers Briggs Test concerning work as a
kind of ability and personality test.
If you would like to study a different personality type link here and go back to thePersonality and
Work page to find links to the other 15 personality types, follow those links and enjoy!
If you have questions regarding your personality type in the workplace as it relates to using the
Myers Briggs Test as an ability and personality test, please do not hesitate to use the
Support/Contact Request form on the navigation bar to the left. We would enjoy hearingfrom you and
will try to answer any questions you may have about the Myers Briggs Test and its uses and/or the
Myers Briggs focused consultation services offered by Solid Rock Consulting Group, LLC.

INTJ Personality
INTJ personality is strategic in their thinking always working on system improvement, competent,
insightful, living in the world of ideas, conceptualists just to name a few of the INTJ factors that
comprise your list of personality traits you can use to find a career that is a natural fit.

Introverted with Intuition, Thinking and Judging your career personality profile would include the
following natural tendencies:

Grasp of possibilities

Depth of concentration

Use of logic and analysis

Ability to organize

Strong task orientation

Powers of abstraction


Willingness to view situations/systems in creative ways

There are more natural traits making up your self personality profile but those above indicate a
natural ability for careers found in academic, scientific, theoretical, and technical positions that
require prolonged periods of solitary concentration and tough-minded analysis.
Some Famous INTJs can be found here:

The INTJ and work

The INTJ personality type will move naturally towards careers that allow you to create and develop
original and innovative solutions to problems to improve existing systems; work that allows you to focus
your energy on the implementation of your good ideas, working in a logical and orderly way, and in a
setting that rewards your perseverance and does not require the repetitive execution of factual and detailoriented tasks. Examples of careers often chosen by your type as a career personality profile fit include:

Attorney: Administration
Computer Professional*

Lawyer: Practicing
Federal Manager
Management Consultant
Human Resources Manager
Chemistry Scientist
Research Worker
Social Services Worker
Electrical Engineer
Physical Scientist*
Computer Systems Analyst & Programming*
Chemical Engineer
Corporate Manager
University Professor
Social Scientist
Electrical Technician
Actor or Entertainer*
Sales Manager
Musician or Composer
Biology Scientist
School Principal
College Administration*
Physician: Pathology
Credit Investigator
Student Personnel Administration
Engineer: All Catagories
Health Teacher
Employment Development Specialist
Physician: All Specialties
Research Assistant
Aeronautical Engineer
Education Consultant

Govt. Manager
Nursing Educator
Fine Artist
Community College Teacher
General Administration
Military Officer or Enlistee*
*all of the bolded careers are ones I have done in the past, so I am very close to the INTJ
Your type is less often found in and attracted by work characterized by a great deal of nurturing work,
relationship-oriented work, or work that requires practical, routinized production or delivery of
services such as:
Food Service Worker
Cleaning Service Worker
Teacher Aide
Corrections Officer
Nursing Aide
Physical therapist
School Bus Driver
Police Officer
Purchasing Agent
Medical Assistant
Speech Pathology
Construction Worker
Health Service Worker
Foreign Language Teacher
Junior & High School Teacher

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