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An introduction to nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is one technology that aims to build artificial devices with extremely
small size of the order of 100 nanometers , or 100 billionths of a meter. These
mechanisms will be around 100 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair .
Experts predict that these tiny machines can offer us a whole new range of
achievements, from tiny computer components to new forms of treatment against
cancer and new weapons.
Meanwhile Nano-techniques already used for the production of sunscreen materials ,
which do not stain fabrics and synthetic materials for cars. Quickly be used to
manufacture computers and data storage devices with extremely small size .
Furthermore, they have begun to appear some of the beautiful products of
nanotechnology expected long ago . In 2002, a company manufactures self-cleaning
window panes, while another produced Nano-crystalline wound dressing with
antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties.

"The prefix" Nano " means very small size. So small in fact that one nanofabrication
needs to be magnified more than 10 million times before we can easily appreciate the
little details with the naked eye. The term nanotechnology refers to technologies
where the material processed on the scale of atoms and molecules to create new
materials and processes. It is not simply the study of very small things, but the
practical application of this knowledge . There are two main routes of access to the
nano-cosmos : molecular structure for the handling of individual persons ( working
from the bottom upwards ) and the miniaturization produces smaller and smaller
devices ( working from top to bottom ) .

The basic concept of nanotechnology

Nanotechnology is the manipulation of matter at a molecular or atomic level in order
to produce novel materials and devices with new extraordinary properties. However,
nanotechnology is not a new discipline. It is rather the merging of multiple scientific
disciplines (biology, physics, chemistry, medicine and engineering) and the
combination of knowledge to tailor materials at the nano-scale; approximately in the
range of 1-100 nanometers (10-9 m).
Nanotechnology is closely related to Nano-science, the basic theoretical and
experimental study of matter at the Nano-scale before applying the acquired
knowledge for device manufacturing.
But the question is why is Nano-technology so innovative and revolutionary? The
answer lies in quantum mechanics.
The behavior of matter changes significantly when the surface area to volume ratio
increases so dramatically. Classical physics no longer control the behavior of the
material which is now under the control of quantum laws. This fact gives the Nanostructured material new abilities and properties that may be more favorable than the
ones of the bulk material version. A good example is that some polymers, although
being insulators in the bulk form, they become semiconductors at the Nano-scale.

Procedures of nanotechnology
"The Nano-cosmos is divided into three main areas : Nanoelectronics : Continue the development of microelectronics , especially
for computers, but most important small scale. Nano-biotechnology :
Combining Nano-scale engineering with biology to manipulate either
living systems and the manufacture of biological inspiration molecular
level. Nano-materials : the accurate control of the morphology of
substances or particles in Nano-scale dimensions , for the production
of nanostructured materials . All these overlapping areas surrounded by
the tools used to measure and manipulate very small structures ,
microscopes with Nano-scale resolution .
New worlds that offer new opportunities
Induced changes in the molecular properties of a material at the Nanoscale can enhance the excellent physical and chemical properties on a
large scale . We are not yet able to fully understand all the details
hidden in the phenomenon. The next challenge is to scale
nanofabrication methods for mass production of the industry currently necessary critical research to exploit the full potential of
nanotechnology. "[3 ]
" Focus on production : Plan Nano-fib develops a focused ion beam
technique . The beam diameter is only a few nano-meters , equal to a
few tens of atomic diameters. This is one of several new technologies
aimed at creating impressions in materials in extremely small scale the Nano-handling . These technologies strongly support research in
nanotechnology and are a key element for future nano-fabrication . The
filling of the hole : The Nano-ptt, a strongly multidisciplinary project ,
developing a technology to create perfect cylindrical holes in the
polymer sheet , which are just a few tens of nanometers diameter. Such

sheets are well known applications in filtration units . Then , the holes
are filled with metal or other polymers to create " nanowires " . Stuffed
leaves are used in many industrial sectors such as telecommunications
and advanced magnetic memory type and could contribute to the
development of the first " lab on chip form ."

Nanotechnology in battle against cancer

Nano-spheres and infrared laser against tumor

Scientists in the U.S. say they have devised a new technique with inert
Nano-spheres , which can quickly destroy tumors without surgery and
still leave the surrounding tissue harmless.
The beads are tiny silicon particles on Right: The red area is one where
the injected Nano-shells . Within a few minutes of heating the doses of
infrared radiation , the cancer cells died.
" The temperatures within tumors reached a sufficiently high so as to
destroy the cancerous cells within four to six minutes, killing tumors
but leaving the surrounding tissue harmless, " said scientists .
The researchers suggest that if preliminary results prove to be correct,
the technique could be ideal for destroying small tumors that are small
and embedded in vital tissue like the brain .
The Nano-shells are so tiny - about 120 nm, or 1,500 times smaller
than the thickness of a human hair - that can be easily obtained from
the cells, as shown by scientists in a series of experiments aimed at
developing technique.
Scientists initially built from silicon particles 110 nanometers in
diameter and coated with gold 10nm- thick gold was chosen because it
is biologically inert .
The gold coating the shells are not only harmless to the body - like the
gold tooth in the mouth - but with an adjustment of the thickness in
relation to the silica core , researchers were able to " coordinate " the
Nano-shells to get a specific type light close to the near infrared band .
Like gold , light near the near infrared band does not harm living tissue
, but when impacted radiation onto the gold is heated to a mean of 37

C, enough to deadly boredom cells in which the Nano-shells were

committed .
After incubation of cultured human breast cancer cells in a solution
containing Nano-shells , researchers exposed the cells incubated with
other cells to control a light source in the near infrared band . The cells
were then showed signs of an irreversible thermal destruction and cell
death , while control cells remained intact as the human body is
transparent to infrared radiation.
According to West, even if the particles are introduced only in the
bloodstream will accumulate in the tumors , as well as the blood
vessels in these areas is more permeable .
The researchers note that conventional surgery is an effective treatment
for well-defined primary tumors in accessible , non- vital tissues.
Alternative treatments - such as lasers and ultrasound - is only
available for the treatment of small tumors , which are not properly
defined and embodied in vital tissues. However, most methods are
either by surgery or do not discriminate between healthy and cancerous
Other researchers have experimented with treatments based on dyes
that are injected into the cells and absorbing , in the near infrared
band , light but the West and her colleagues have shown that Nanoshells are potentially very effective . Estimate that Nano-shells are
more than one million times more appropriate than a tinted molecule
illuminated by a photon and heated.
Another advantage of having the Nano-shells over the painted
substances is that they can create biochemical these coatings makes
them " invisible " to the immune system of the body , the researchers .
The Nano-shells could also be used to distribute active biological
molecules - such as drugs - in certain areas prior activated by an
external energy source , such as light , radio waves or sound waves .
To increase the effectiveness of transfer particles could be linked with
specific antibodies recognizing tumor cells ( The researchers hope to
begin clinical trials in patients with lung cancer in 12 to 18 months in a
year and a half ) clothed with gold, which is known as Nano-shells that
can be injected into a cancerous tumor and then heated with an infrared
radiation , says a scientific team led by Dr. Jennifer West of Rice

University in Houston in a report yesterday in the journal of the

National Academy of Sciences.

Ultrasound can destroy cancer without surgery

A new technique for destroying breast tumors using ultrasound ' cook '
cancer cells tested in the first patient and doctors are now optimistic
about the state of health. The new method could reduce surgeries to
remove tumors without a mark or scar on the woman's skin .
The Vicki Freeman is the first woman to try a new medical experiment
to see doctors if this ' focused ultrasound therapy ' may one day
provide an alternative treatment of breast cancer without surgery.
It will take several years of study to examine how it works ' baking '
the tumor. But as already women clamoring for less distortion in breast
surgery , pilot experiments in Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and
Women's Hospital in Boston mark the new events in a growing trend :
research on ways to remove cancer not just with less operation, but to
completely abandon the operation.
Our picture Vicki Freeman lying completely still inside the tube of a
machine that throws ultrasound in breast cancer . The machine , the
volume illuminates ultrasonic pulses lasting about 10 sec, to reach so
more than 140 degrees.
These small bursts of heat from ultrasound ' baked ' volume to turn off
completely? I do not know yet . If this method proved to be effective
and safe, could reduce mastectomy , creating aesthetic and other
problems , bloodless and painless .
" We know from basic science and animal research that this treatment
works. Now we must show that this treatment is feasible , " said the
responsible surgeon Anderson Dr. Marc Fenstermacher, who applied it
to the first 30 women who will make preliminary tests of the
pioneering technique.
The tumor in the chest of the woman ' bombarded ' with ultrasound ,
focusing on a small area. The process takes place in a MRI scanner ,
showing the volume in real time, that doctors be able to watch the

An ultrasonic pulse lasting 10 sec is sufficient to overheat and the

tumor to destroy the cells that constitute their proteins . The heating
does not take much to become painful , and the surrounding tissues are
not harmed significantly. But Vicki Freeman, the first woman to whom
tested this method will not really benefit from the new technique , and
one week after the whole process will undergo surgery to remove the
tumor and to see the destruction of - but hopes to be able, through this
participation , to help other women in the future.
But how does it work?
As a lens focuses the rays to a point and there develops high heat, so
here focus on the volume ultrasound in high density heat , leaving
unaffected the adjacent breast tissues . Ultrasound kill but not burning
through changes in cell proteins , such as when boiling an egg, stop the
development of the egg .
But it is not the only non- surgical method being studied , but this is
completely non-invasive . In another method of destroying the cell
membrane with an inserted catheter. The fundamental question ,
however, is : Can the action of ultrasound in breast tumors to replace
chemotherapy and radiation ? And the answer comes from scientists ,
This method is used only for the chest and only for aesthetic reasons. "

Carbon Nanotubes and their contribution to the fight against cancer

" Carbon nanotubes - microscopic carbon fiber net -coupled laser with
modified function like tiny heaters can selectively destroy tumor cells.
When exposed to infrared radiation , nanotubes release their energy in
the form of surplus heat . It is precisely their capacity advantage
researchers at Stanford University to attack cancer cells.
One of the biggest medical problems is how to cure cancer without
harming healthy tissue in the body. In order to make sure that
nanotubes would attach only to cancer cells, the researchers, covered

with folate molecules , so captured by folic receptors on the surface of

cancer cells.
The advantages of this method are obvious in the war against cancer ,
and scientists soon to improve their technique so they can test it in
humans. "

Problems of nanotechnology
" A huge technological, economic and social tsunami will hit
soon ... The companies already pressured to follow the relentless
pace of technological change. This rush will probably intensify and
will certainly expand . " Pergkamit Gail and Chris Peterson , Palo
Alto, California , April 1997.
"What is the scariest thing ; What we can not see ...
Nanotechnology will give us a lot and I hope that some of these
would be wonderful . However, I fear that some will be scary ,
especially since the military has shown such intense interest in it . "
"Nanotechnology in the firing line", Philip Bowl (Philip Ball),
December 2003 .
Along with the multitude of admirers and useful application that
will bring nanotechnology by 2020 , scientists Nanotechnologists
believe that the consequences would be disastrous.
" Firstly , nanoparticles concern to world public opinion because
they are ( because of the special properties ) new materials , which
can , thanks to their tiny size , can penetrate everywhere, even in
the human body, with unpredictable and hitherto unknown
consequences. As invisible risk causing fear : What happens when
device manufacturers so small that I can watch everything without
anyone perceives ; Science fiction scenarios that speak of selfreplicating Nano-robots hordes that would destroy everything has
not been questioned ( Very good example is the book by Michael
Crichton, prey ("Prey"), 2002.)
Concern culminates into thinking that such devices may not be
limited to military uses, but gradually, unhealthy and not so distant
future , it is likely to enter our homes , marking the end of life .
Additionally, it is worth mentioning that nanoparticles have
different properties from the appropriate materials at normal scale,
which has not been studied in relation to the risks that accorded to
human health and the environment. It is not unlikely that some
nanoparticles can be toxic - even if the materials from which have

toxic properties or because of a higher - surface at the ano-scale

to exhibit higher toxicity than the original materials . In essence
their different properties at the Nano-scale make completely new
materials for which little is known , let alone the risks reserve .
But like any cutting-edge technology , nanotechnology has
defensive or offensive , and positive or negative effects.
Deceiving , but also presents advantages.
The fact is that new science has affected our lives and going to
change much more in the near future. We shall see things
wonderful and terrifying . We will enjoy amenities and will face
risks. Anyway , nanotechnology has already entered our lives and
continues its headlong course. Our duty is to check for this and
treat it as responsibly as possible without hiding behind science
fiction scenarios and unfounded fears , but without ignoring the
risks . Prepare , then, because the new Nano-cosmos is waiting ... "

[1] Michael Crichton, , BELL, .12-13,


[9] Magazine Discovery & Science, 4, September 2005, p. 22,
[10]Magazine Discovery & Science, 7, p. 89-96 December 2005,

An introduction to nanotechnology................................................................................1
The basic concept of nanotechnology............................................................................2
Procedures of nanotechnology.......................................................................................3
Nanotechnology in battle against cancer....................................................................4
Carbon Nanotubes and their contribution to the fight against cancer........................8
Problems of nanotechnology..........................................................................................9

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