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Control-M Training Document

Document Type: Training

Control-M Training Document

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CONTROL M automates job processing in our data center.

It performs virtually all the job handling tasks of computer


It provides a user interface which enables the user to intervene in

the process of production management.

It provides continual data and status information regarding job


CONTROL M contains many facilities and components. Working together,

they all serve to automate your data center. This section introduces these
facilities and components from a functional perspective, beginning with the
major components which comprise the heart of CONTROL M and
progressing to the more minor components which enhance the functionality
Main Components
The following components are essential to CONTROL M:

Job scheduling definitions

Active Jobs file

CONTROL M monitor

The purpose of this document is to describe the specific Job handling
submitted via CONTROL-M.
This document will provide the framework and functional overview of the

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Logging into BMC Control-M

To log into Control-M double click on the Control-M Enterprise Manager
icon on the desktop.

CONTROL-M Enterpris e Manager GUI 6.2.01.lnk

The following logon screen will appear.

To login to the different environments select the Advanced button:

For Prod : Host Name: <<Host Name>>
Port Number: <<Port Number>>
For QA :

Host Name: <<Host Name>>

Port Number: <<Port Number>>

For TST:

Host Name: <<Host Name>>

Port Number: <<Port Number>>

Once the connection settings are entered click Apply settings.

Server should be Host Name.
User Id= caview

Password: (initial is Temp00)


A new session will need to be opened for each Prod, QA, and TST.
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When logging in the following screen will appear:

All Active Jobs: All jobs waiting/completed for the current scan
All Jobs : All jobs scanned in for day including jobs that have
been deleted. Deleted jobs will be removed at the next days
Dynamic Filter: the dynamic filter can be used to filter for
more specific information
All Active Jobs is mostly used. Click OK. This also can be added as a
default so it will login to the same place every time.
Enterprise Manager
Go to Tools: Options : Change Startup-Auto open viewpoint to All
Active Jobs

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Current Active File (Active Job File AJF)

Ctm_prod = Control M Environment

The first time logging into Control M there are some options that will need to be
changed to update the view. To see the job name on the AJF:
Go to Tools

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Change Title to JOB_NAME <OK>

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A node is a place for work to be performed. It could be a UNIX node, a NT
node or it could be a printer. A node must be defined to the workload server
so that the server knows that is has a workload client and knows the name
of that client. A client must also define a node name for the workload server
to be defined to the client.

Node name will be the server name

Node Groups
The node group profile defines a group of nodes where work can be
performed so that you can schedule work to multiple nodes or the best
available node in a group. Using this approach requires that you have all
needed resources for the job on every server that is defined to this node

Jobs are scanned in to the job tracking system, using defined calendars with
dates and/or times defined to the job.
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Resource profiles are used for workload balancing. To define a resource
profile, go to Control-M Enterprise Manager (if not currently logged in then
log in to desired environment). Select Resources.

There are four types of resources in Control M

Prerequisite Conditions: The out conditions sent out by jobs
that have completed successfully. These can be removed
manually if a job stream/job needs to be rerun.
Control Resource: Not currently used. Resources that are
defined as exclusive or shared.
Quantitative Resource: Resources defined by quantity.
Standards: all jobs require an ASI_ALL and CPU@nodename
quantitative resource. Used to stop specific jobs from running
due to scheduled outages.
Global Conditions: Not currently used. a special case of
prerequisite conditions that create job dependencies between
CONTROL-M installations.

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File Watch constantly watches for a specified file on a node. Once the file
defined is seen the file watch job will watch the file for xx amount of time to
watch it grow. Once the number of iterations to watch the specified file has
been met the file watch job will post a condition so the job waiting for the
file will run.
If a file comes in multiple times a day the job and the file watch job must me
defined as a cyclic process.
At the new day scan the previous day file watch job will end and the next
days if any will be scanned into the Active File.
Control M file watch looks forward and will not look back for a file.

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Setting up new Groups
Groups are holders for jobs and most of Control M jobs are set up with
Groups Groups/Jobs are defined in the Control-M Desktop by the
Enterprise Scheduling Team. Most of the information is general and the
more specific parms are on the job level.
Go to Edit
Scheduling Groups New


General Tab
Job Name-At group level should be named same as group/table.

-user that the job is running under.


-who set up the job (default if not changed is emuser)

Tasktype: Scheduling Group

Control M: ctm_prod, ctm_qa, or ctm_tst
Scheduling Table Name: Must start with Application System
Identifier defined for the group (ASI) limit to 20 characters
Application : ASI
Group: should be same as scheduling table name
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Time From: time group should start- no time specified, group will
start with scan. Jobs in group will not run until preds or time is
satisfied at the job level
Until: last possible time group can run
Description: a description about the group limited to 50 characters.

Scheduling Tags (NOTE: used only on jobs with groups)

Tag Name: Name of calendar (some have the group name). Can
define multiple
calendars, no calendars on job level.
Month Days Calendar: Actual calendar name that the tag name
refers to.
When setting this up make sure all months are checked and
once the Month
Days calendar is filled in used the green check mark to complete
the calendar.
Max Wait: Number of days group should stay in the active file, must
be completed
for each calendar defined. green check when complete
Active Date: From: date that group can start to run
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Until: last date group will run

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Pencil=add new condition
In Conditions- predecessors
Name: group/job name pred
Date: STAT - waiting for condition, does not look at date
ODAT looks for condition from current order date
PREV looks for condition from previous date.
once complete with pred information
Out Conditions successors. Condition sent out to prerequisite
table to satisfy other in conditions

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Set : used to specify AutoEdit variables to be resolved before group

Not used at group level

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Shouts-This panel is used to specify shout messages to be sent upon group

completion (Not used at group level)

PostProc: The panel indicates conditional post processing actions to be performed when the last job in
the group finishes processing, depending on the successful or unsuccessful completion of all the jobs in
the group.

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Setting up new Jobs

Job Name : Name of job, MUST start with ASI. Limited to 64 characters
File Name: script job is running. Limited to 20 characters
Path Name: path where script is located
Owner: User id that runs the job
Author: job created by . . .
Tasktype: Job
Table/Group: same group name that job belongs to
Application: asi (lower case)
Control M: ctm_prod, qa, or tst
Description: description of job limited to 50 characters

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For group scheduling this panel is not used in the job level except for the Tag
Relationship field.
And=job will not load at scan time
Or = job will scan

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Cyclic: check if job is to run multiple times a day

Interval: number of minutes between cycles
Maximum: Max number of times to run the job
Maxwait: number of days job will wait in the active file, group level maxwait
overrides job level.
From: Start time of job
Until: end time of job- usually used to place an end time on a cyclic process
Confirm : = scanning job into the Active Job File (AJF) in confirmation status. Job
will not run until confirmed
Node ID/Group: station job will run on.

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IN conditions: predecessors for job

Name - -name of pred job
Date - - ODAT : current date
STAT: doesnt look at date
PREV: prior date
Can use ( ) to do And/Or statements between predecessors.

OUT conditions: condition posted to the prerequisite table in Control M so other

jobs can run.

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Quantative Resources: resources defined that the job will wait for before running
Required - CPU@
Control Resources: not used at this time. An EXCLUSIVE/SHARE type of resource.

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Set Variables: Parms defined to a job

Name = PARM1, PARM2, etc
Value=parm sent
*LIBMEMSYM required to set Global variables for Control M

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The Steps panel indicates conditional post processing actions to be performed,

depending on the outcome of specified statements.
This panel is used to define On Statements and Do Statements.

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These Post Process definitions need to be in place to generate standard format alerts when any of these
conditions occur. Using the standard format alerts, the Event Management system will be able to forward alerts to
Clarify to open cases appropriately. Normally, all job definitions should have a NOTOK condition defined, as this
will generate the alert and subsequent Clarify case if the job aborts.

The "To" field should always be set to "ECS" to send the shout message to the Control-M Alert Server.
To alert for job running too long:
When: Exectime
Urgency: Urgent
Shout Text:
%%OWNER Exectime Exceeded
To alert for job running not long enough:
When: Exectime
Urgency: Urgent
Shout Text:
%%OWNER Exectime Too Low
To alert for job submitting(start) too late:
When: Late Sub
Urgency: Urgent
Shout Text:
%%OWNER Missed Late Sub
To alert for job completing too late: When: Late Time
Urgency: Urgent
Shout Text: %
%OWNER Missed Late Time
To alert for job abort/ended not ok: When: NOTOK
Urgency: Very Urgent Shout Text: %

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Tags Selection: tag from group to define calendar for the job.
-multiple calendars can be defined to one job by selecting the appropriate tags from
the tag list.
-the tag must be defined at the group level in order for the job to use it.


Jobs will be able to be monitored as they process through Control-M Enterprise
Manager. There are several status codes/colors, following is a list of those codes and
there meanings. This can be seen by right clicking on the group and selecting Status

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There are several options available for jobs in the

Enterprise Manager. Right click on the job or group
and a list of available options will show up in bold
Status Summary-a list of statuses and meanings
and stats on how many jobs are in a specific status.
(see previous page)
Properties-job/group detail information.
Hold Place job on hold
Confirm-satisfy a user confirmation status
Free-Release from hold
Rerun-Restart a job
Delete-Delete job from AJF. Deleted jobs will not
permanently be deleted until the next scan.
Undelete-if job is deleted can be placed back in
schedule with Undelete
Kill-stop a job that is currently running.
Force OK-mark the job ok, continue with stream
SysoutStatistics view last run info on job
Why?- look at what job is waiting on
Neighborhood- identifies jobs that are
predecessors or dependents of a selected job or
Group Scheduling table and highlights the nodes of
those jobs in the Flow Diagram
Branch menus- preds and successors of job
Find in Flowdiagram-find it in the flow diagram

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11/14/2015 11/14/2015 294804987.doc Flow Diagram View: Flow diagram mode displays a

draft containing the job production flow in a graphic format.
The job flow reflects job dependencies indicated by
prerequisite In and Out conditions in job processing
Net overview: The portion of the Flow Diagram contains a miniature version of the
current Flow Diagram. This is the Net Overview. The part of the Flow Diagram that
is currently displayed above, is enclosed in a rectangle in the Net Overview. When
you can click a node in the Net Overview, the Flow Diagram is adjusted to view the
selected part of the job flow.
Navigation Tree: A Navigation Tree of the current draft is displayed on the left side
of the Draft window. The Navigation Tree is sorted either according to CONTROL-M
installation or according to application. These sort-orders are called hierarchies.
Each hierarchy is sorted according to parameters in each job processing definition:

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Frequently Asked Questions

When does the next day begin?
The new day scan is at 11 am CST. All jobs that are in green status or that have a max wait
of 0 will be removed and the new jobs for the day will be scanned in.
How does a job within a group get removed from the scan temporarily?
Request the job to be expired in the group. The Tag Relationship will be changed from Or
to And which will allow all the other jobs in the group to be scanned in. Once the job is ready to be
scanned back in change the Tag relationship back to And.
How does a group get reran?
If an entire group needs to be reran then the out conditions for the group (if any) and the
jobs must be removed from the Prerequisite Table so the jobs in the group will run in the correct
order. Request the conditions to be removed and a rerun to the jobs.

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