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Successful Marketers:
-are aware of the limitations of their senses
-understand the shortcoming of their perpetual processes
-use this to knowledge to broaden and enrich the ideas and solutions they come up

We can only sense small part of information around us. Sensory information, we
received, are rooted in our past experiences. Thus, our brain constructs rather than
records reality.
-If a behavior is universally present and not influenced by cultural or social factors,
then it must be biologically programmed.
-when human instincts are triggered, they are filtered through the conscious mind
and transformed from direct actions into compelling urges.
-emotions- compelling urges

Social instincts - unconsciously govern how we react and behave when we interact
with. These behaviors evolved to reinforce group bonding, cohesion & cooperation.

Robert Cialdini in his book Influence Science and Practice

PPT 4 for more details
-free tastes, samples and politicians paving the roads
-Have you ever wondered where do advocates use petitions?
Social Validation
-Thats the reason menu have bestsellers
-Hotels have this in the CRs, Most of our guests reuse their towel
-Thats why Anne Curtis is an effective endorser. Chinese or Japanese supermodel
wont endorse well in the Philippines

-In restaurants, we have managers pizza or Chef recommended. In toothpaste,
9/10 dentists uses this. AND make-up stores have saleswomen wearing doctors lab
- LIMITED edition
Barry Schwartz
-Increased choices leads to decreased welfare because of increase in opportunity
-The more we think about the options we have passed up, the less satisfied we are
with the alternative we have chosen. And will lead to decision paralysis.
-increase in choices also lead to increase in self-criticism since you could have
chosen the right one.
Dan Ariely

Paco Underhill

What is a strategic message?

Strategic message = call-to-action + a benefit
call-to-action = (the behavior desired from the target audience)
Benefit = reward received by the target consumer for performing the callto-action
Ex. Rational- cleans your floors, gets better gas mileage, Emotive- makes you
happy, gives you status
A strategic message is not a tagline or slogan
- A strategic message is an idea that can and should be expressed in different ways
depending on the target audience and the channel.
Add a motivating principle to the strategic message

Buy a tube of new GLO, Manilas most popular toothpaste, and save 40
pesos off the regular price. (added social validation)

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