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Dot Product
or with two column vectors, multiply one by the transpose of the other (works either way)
Cross Product

note that i, j, and k are the unit vectors.

Cross product gives the vector perpendicular to both a and b
The magnitude of the cross product is the area of the parallelogram formed by the vectors a and b
Triple Product
The absolute value of the triple product is the volume of the parallelepiped formed by a, b, and c where
the three vectors start from the same vertex.
Scalar projection gives the length of the projection of a on b:

Here, cosine is substituted for its form from the dot product, which can then be simplified.
Vector projection takes the scalar projection and multiplies it by the unit vector in the direction of b:

Here we can use the property that a vector dotted with itself gives that vector's magnitude squared. In
either case, the terms are squared and added together.
From some point a to a line
pick some point on the line, b
find the vector ab
get v from the line L = p + tv
The distance from the point to the line is given by

. Note the similarity with scalar projection.

This can be thought of as the area of the parallelogram divided by the base, which gives the height.
The distance of b along the line doesn't matter, because it doesn't change the distance of the point
to the line.

The vector from the line to the point can also be found by ab v, where v is the vector projection of ab
on the line.
From some point a to a plane
pick some point on the plane, b
find the vector from this new point to the given floating point (CS joke here)
find the normal vector n of the plane using cross product
The distance can be found using projection:
If we have a plane in cartesian form and a point P(x, y, z),
we can substitute the point into the plane and use the formula
Between two lines
If the lines are parallel, pick a point on one line and find the distance to the other line.
Otherwise for lines (a + su) and (b + tv):
The smallest distance between the two lines is the projection of a vector between the two lines (we can
use a and b to get one) onto the normal of the two lines.
This is given by

which is the same equation as for a point to a line.

Between two planes

The planes must be parallel for the distance to be non-zero
To find:
pick some point from one plane
this is now the same as a point to a plane
If the planes are in cartesian form and differ by their constant such that
we can use the formula
Parametric form of a line: p + tv, where p is a point, t is a variable, and v is a vector
Parametric form of a plane: p + sv + tu, where v and u are both vectors, and s and t are variables
Cartesian form of a plane: ax + by + cz + d = 0, where (a, b, c) is the normal vector.

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