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Crucible Catalog Herbal Guide

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Alfalfa (Medicago saliva) is associated with earthly providence because its roots penetrate so deep into the dirt.
Adding fresh alfalfa sprouts to a meal is thought to ground etheric energies and increase the physical sustenance of
foods. Alfalfa tea is a stress-reducing infusion that works by calming nerve endings to relieve the pain of arthritis
and neuralgia. Alfalfa favorably influences nutrition, evidenced in "toning up" the appetite and digestion. It acts as
a fat producer and corrects body fissures and wasting away of body tissue. Alfalfa improves mental and physical
vigor. It is used to treat diseases of malnutrition or weight loss associated with cancer, anorexia, neurasthenia,
syphilis, insomnia, nervous indigestion, appendicitis, and diabetes. It is also said to cure deficient breast-milk,
bladder irritability, prostatic hypertrophy, and rheumatic diathesis. Planet: Earth. [Earth]
Allspice is made from a plant native to tropical South America and got its name because its aroma and flavor
resemble a combination of various cooking herbs. Considered a lucky spice, it is said to promote health in an
individual and prosperity in a family. Allspice is burned as incense to attract money. Planets: Jupiter, Mars. [Fire]
Almonds (Amygdalus communis) are sacred to the gods Thoth, Hermes, and Mercury and are said to bring
wisdom and prosperity by stimulating intuition and insight through the Third Eye Chakra. Magical wands are often
made of almond wood. Planets: Venus, Mercury. [Air]
Aloe Vera (Aloe vera) is native to Africa, although this succulent species is commonly cultivated throughout the
world. The clear gel found inside the plant's leaf and the crystalline part found alongside the leaf blade are used for
medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The gel is a remarkably effective healer of wounds and burns, speeding up the
rate of healing and reducing the risk of infection. The brownish part of the gel contains aloin, which is a strong
laxative and is useful for acute constipation. Aloe is present in many cosmetic formulae because of its emollient
and scar preventing properties. Esoterically, it guards against accidents and brings protection and renewal to
marriages and relationships. Planet: Moon, Venus. [Water]
Amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) is an ancient Aztec grain with a strong nutty flavor. The tiny grains add
a peppery taste that enhances other grain dishes. The Aztecs considered the spicy grain a powerful source of
protective energy. Amaranth is a symbol of immortality. Planet: Saturn, Sun. [Fire]
Angelica (Angelica archangelica) has a long-standing reputation as a medicinal herb and has been recommended
by European herbalists since the Fifteenth Century. Angelica is used to reduce muscular spasms in asthma and
bronchitis, and the oil has been shown to ease rheumatic inflammation, regulate menstrual flow, and act as an
appetite stimulant. The stems are candied for culinary use. The herb is associated with Hermes and the archangel
Michael. Planet: Sun. [Air]
Anise (Pimpinella anisum) calms and soothes the body and mind. Anise seeds contain a form of plant estrogen,
and the aromatic tea made from them deepens meditation. It was grown in Egypt and was known to the Greeks,
Romans, and Arabs, who named the plant Anysun. Since antiquity, it has been used as a flavoring spice in
recipes, as a diuretic, to treat digestive problems, and to relieve toothache. The seeds are known for their ability to
reduce flatulence and colic, and to settle the digestion. They are commonly given to infants and children to relieve
colic, and to people of all ages to ease nausea and indigestion. Anise is also has an expectorant with antispasmodic
action that is helpful in countering period pain, asthma, whooping cough, and bronchitis. The mild hormonal action
of anise seeds may explain its ability to increase breast-milk production and its reputation for easing childbirth and
treating impotence and frigidity. Anise essential oil is used externally to treat lice and scabies, as well as cast out
possessive spirits. Planets: Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter. [Air]
Arnica (Arnica montana) or Wolfsbane was used extensively in European folk medicine. Arnica extracts, ointments,
and compresses are used to reduce inflammation and pain from bruises, sprains, tendons, dislocations and swollen
areas. Arnica improves the local blood supply and accelerates healing, and the German philosopher and poet
Goethe (1749-1832) used arnica for easing his angina symptoms. It is anti-inflammatory and increases the rate of
re-absorption of internal bleeding. The internal use of arnica is restricted to homeopathic dosages as it is
potentially toxic. Planet: Saturn, Moon. [Water]
Arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) is native to South America and the Caribbean where people use its root as a
poultice and as an antiseptic tea for urinary infections. Arrowroot is used in herbal medicine in much the same
manner as slippery elm (Ulmus rubra), as a soothing demulcent and a nutrient of benefit in convalescence and for

easing digestion. It helps to relieve acidity, indigestion and colic, and is a mild laxative. It may be applied as an
ointment or poultice mixed with other antiseptic herbs such as comfrey. Planet: Venus. [Water]
Barberry is used to treat afflictions of the liver and kidneys and is often useful in arthritic and hepatic disorders
with accompanying hemorrhoidal or menstrual complaints. It is used to treat gallbladder or kidney colic. Barberry is
indicated for many kidney problems, such as radiating pains from kidneys to the bladder, pain from kidney stones,
bubbling sensations in the region of kidneys, pain in the thighs and loins on urinating, or urine with thick mucus
and bright-red. Cold compresses of barberry are used to treat itching or burning skin, eczema of anus and hands,
and eruptive pigmentation following eczema or skin inflammation. Barberry bush is ruled by the planet Mars. The
leaves and fruit are also associated with Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn. [Water]
Basil originated in India and occurs in two types: holy basil (Ocimum sanctum) and sweet (culinary) basil
(Ocimum basilicum). The Egyptians burned a mixture of holy basil and myrrh to appease their gods. Holy basil was
also sacred to the Greeks, and women were not allowed to pick it. Basil soothes anger and hard feelings by
encouraging feelings of love and is thought to simultaneously simulate the Heart and Sacral Chakras, thereby
harmonizing stressful emotions while releasing sexual energies. Sweet basil was introduced in Europe as a
seasoning for food. It adds an outdoorsy, mint-like flavor to dishes, and is best used raw. It also strengthens the
immune system and is known to kill germs. The herb has the ability to reduce blood sugar levels and also prevents
peptic ulcers and other stress related conditions like hypertension, colitis and asthma. Basil is also used to treat
cold and reduce fever, congestion and joint pain. Due to its anti-bacterial and fungicide action, basil leaves are used
on itching skin, insect bites and skin eruptions. Properties: antispasmodic, analgesic, lowers blood pressure,
reduces fever, fungicidal, and anti-inflammatory. Sweet basil oil can be relaxing to muscles, including smooth
muscles (those not subject to our voluntary control, such as the heart and digestive system). It may also be used
to soothe insect bites when applied topically. Beneficial for mental fatigue, basil may help stimulate and sharpen
the sense of smell. It has also been found to be beneficial for alleviating mental fatigue, spasms, rhinitis, and as a
first aid treatment for wasp stings and snake bites. It may also help when there is a loss of smell due to chronic
nasal catarrh. Apply the oil to tip of nose, on temples and on location. For mental fatigue, inhale first then apply to
crown of head, forehead, heart and navel. The oil may be added to food or water as a dietary supplement. If
carried or worn, basil attracts money, stimulates sensuality, and protects from demons. Planet: Mars. [Fire]
Bay Leaves (Laurus nobilis) are sacred to the Hindu creator god, Vishnu. They were known as laurel leaves to the
Greeks and were believed to increase psychic powers. Priestesses of Apollo chewed the leaves and inhaled their
smoke to induce a psychic state of mind. Five leaves to a teapot make an infusion that alleviates indigestion and
clears the sinuses. Planets: Jupiter, Sun. [Fire]
Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) or deadly nightshade is native to Europe, western Asia and northern Africa. Herba
bella dona, or "herb of the beautiful lady" is known for its poisonous effects (belladonna increases heartbeat and
can lead to death). Like many other poisonous plants, it is an important and beneficial remedy when used correctly.
Belladonna contains atropine used in conventional medicine to dilate the pupils for eye examinations and as an
anesthetic. In herbal medicine, deadly nightshade is mainly prescribed to relieve intestinal colic, to treat peptic
ulcers and to relax distended organs (especially the stomach and sintestine). Deadly nightshade is also used as an
anesthetic in conventional medicine. Uses: smooth muscle antispasmodic, narcotic, reduces sweating, sedative.
Planet: Saturn. [Water]
Benzoin Gum (Styrax benzoin) or Gum Benjamin is a tree native to southeast Asia. Its trunk exudes a gum well
known for its strong astringent and antiseptic action. For this reason it is used externally to fight tissue
inflammation and to disinfect wounds. When taken internally, benzoin gum acts to settle griping pain, to stimulate
coughing, and to disinfect the urinary tract. The gum is widely used in cosmetics as an antioxidant in oils, as a
fixative in perfumes, and as an additive to soaps. When steam inhaled, it helps heal sore throats, head and chest
colds, and bronchitis. Properties: antiseptic, astringent, and anti-inflammatory. Planets: Venus, Sun. [Fir]
Bergamot (Citrus aurantium bergamia) is a small tree whose fruit has been used in the Middle East for hundreds
of years for skin conditions associated with an oily complexion. Bergamot oil, pressed from the peel of the
bergamot fruit, assists in avoiding infectious diseases. It has about 300 chemical constituents that contribute
medicinal and mood-lifting qualities. Bergamot is responsible for the distinctive flavor of the popular Earl Grey Tea.
The oil has been used in the Middle East for hundreds of years for acne, boils, cold sores, eczema, insect bites,
insect repellent, oily complexion, psoriasis, scabies, spot varicose veins, ulcers, wounds, sore throat, thrush,
infectious disease, and depression. It has a refreshing uplifting quality, and may help relieve anxiety, stress and
tension. Apply to forehead, on temples or on location. Bergamot oil is also used to relax muscle spasms and
improve digestion. In cosmetics it is used in preventing oily skin, acne, psoriasis and acne. The oil is sometimes
added to sun-tanning oils, although it should not be applied to skin that may be directly exposed to sunlight or UV
rays. Planet: Mercury. [Air]
Birch (Betula alleghaniensis) contains an active principle similar to cortisone and is beneficial for massage
associated with bone, muscle, and joint discomfort. It has also been used for arthritis, tendonitis, and rheumatism.
Its aromatic wintergreen-like influences elevate, open and increase awareness in the sensory system. It may be

applied neat to the bottom of the feet. Avoid using the oil during pregnancy or on people with epilepsy. Planet:
Venus. [Water]
Bloodroot (Sanguinaria) is a powerful remedy affecting the head, liver, chest, deltoid, and mucous membranes of
the respiratory tract. It also help a wide variety of puzzling symptoms, including burning pains, influenza coughs,
sudden stoppage of catarrh of respiratory tract followed by diarrhea, vasomotor disturbances, ebullitions, sickness
and fainting from odor of flowers, redness and burning of cheeks, menstrual sickness headache, pain that ascends
from occiput bone to over right eye, headaches from going without food, distension of the veins and temples,
rheumatism of the right shoulder, burning of palms and soles, cough of gastric origin, pneumonia, tough sputum
that is rust-colored and almost impossible to raise, spasmodic cough after influenza and after whooping cough,
severe dyspnea and constriction of chest, tuberculosis, nasal polyps, most general headaches. It is also worn for
protection. Planets: Saturn, Mars. [Earth]
Boldo (Peumus boldus) is a tree originally from the Chilean Andes. It activates the secretion of saliva and gastric
juices. Boldine, one of its constituents, induces the flow of bile and exhibits protective action over the hepatic cells.
Boldo stimulates liver activity and is chiefly valued as a remedy for gallbladder and liver pain. It is normally taken
for a few weeks at a time, either as a tincture or infusion. Boldo also has antiseptic properties that help in
combating cystitis. Planet: Saturn. [Water]
Burdock Root (Arctium lappa) chiefly affects the skin, liver, joints and uterus. It is a classic blood purifier, a
diuretic and diaphoretic, and helps cleanse the body of toxins and wastes. Burdock has a restorative effect on the
liver and gallbladder and contains antibiotic, antifungal, and anti-tumor principles. It has a strong hypoglycemic
action and is an effective painkiller that alleviates symptoms of arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. It is used
also for excessive underarm sweating and sour stomach. Planets: Moon, Venus. [Fire]
Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora) trees are native to China and Japan and are cultivated for the extraction of
camphor oil from the wood. Marco Polo was the first to note that the Chinese used camphor oil as a medicine,
scent, and embalming fluid. Camphor crystals have strong antiseptic, stimulant, and antispasmodic properties and
are applied externally as unguents or balms. Camphor acts as a counter-irritant and analgesic liniment to relieve
arthritic and rheumatic pains, neuralgia and back pain. It may also be applied to skin problems, such as cold sores
and chilblains, and used as a chest rub for bronchitis and other chest infections. Properties: antiseptic,
antispasmodic, analgesic, expectorant. Camphor is also used as an incense. Planets: Mercury, Moon. [Air]
Cannabis (Cannabis sativa) or marijuana or Indian hemp has a calmative effect, reduces blood pressure, and
eases glaucoma. Cannabis tea is still used in Europe as a calmative. Uses: congestive heart failure, mitral and
tricuspid regurgitation, apocynum (depresses the heart, kidneys and intestines), relaxation of sphincters, reduce
swelling of every part of the body, scanty urine and sweat, dropsies, ascites, anasarca, hydrothorax, acute
alcoholism, excessive vomiting and nausea from chemotherapy. Planets: Moon, Saturn. [Water]
Caraway (Carum carvi) seeds are used for protection and to dispel negative influences. The seeds are thought to
attract loving, protective energies and discourage theft. In Europe, sachets of caraway seeds were placed in
childrens beds to protect them from harm. Planet: Venus. [Water]
Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) or amonum is praised as a zesty spice and medicine and used in ancient
Egypt to make perfumes. Made from the seeds of an Asian plant, it is an excellent remedy for many digestive
problems, helping to soothe indigestion, dyspepsia, gastralgia, colon spasms and flatulence. It has an aromatic and
pungent taste and combines well with coffee and cocoa. It is used to disguise the less pleasant taste of other
herbs. Because of its superb aroma, cardamom was burnt as an offering to the gods and became an ingredient in
many perfumes. The alluring power of cardamom is said to increase the strength of marriages and all types of
unions, and the ground-up seeds are used to make love potions. Cardamon was also used as a sore throat and
cough remedy and to expel intestinal worms. Properties: carminative, aromatic, antispasmodic. Planet: Sun. [Fire]
Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is sacred to Bast, the Egyptian cat goddess, and is said to increase joy, acceptance, and
life force. Catnip is used to make a bedtime tea that encourages wonderful dreams by soothing frazzled nerves.
The tea also relieves bloating and fights stomach nausea from colds and flu. However, catnip increases menstrual
flow and should not be taken by pregnant women. Planet: Venus. [Water]
Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica) is known in Lebanon as the tree of life and longevity. According to Egyptian myth,
Isis restored the severed penis of Osiris by carving a phallic from the wood of a Lebanon cedar tree. The Djed Pillar
is the sacred instrument of Egyptian magic for restoring life, and djed is Egyptian for the Lebanon cedar. The oil
was also used traditionally by the Canadian Native Americans to help them enter into a higher spiritual realm. They
also used it for stimulating the scalp. It is recognized for its purifying properties and is used in avoiding hair loss,
dandruff, acne, psoriasis, arthritis, congestion, coughs, sinusitis, cystitis and nervous tension. Cedarwood oil
historically is recognized for its calming, purifying properties and is used to benefit the skin and tissues near the
surface of the skin. It also helps calm nervous tension. Diffuse or apply topically on location, but use with caution

during pregnancy. The oil is antimicrobial and antiseptic and can even be used to repel moths and insects. Planets:
Jupiter, Sun. [Fire]
Celandine (Chelidonium) is a liver remedy, in which the chief symptom is an aching pain at the inferior angle of
the right scapula. It also acts on spleen and kidneys. Uses: bilious disturbances, right sided remedy, serous
effusions, hydrocele, liver enlarged and tender, jaundice due to hepatic and gallbladder obstruction, gall colic,
gallstones, and hepatitis. Planets: Jupiter, Mars. [Air]
Cereus (Cactus grandiflorus) is a night-blooming cactus that is a powerful heart tonic. Symptoms and uses:
constricting pains in the heart, constriction sensations, spasmodic pains and palpitations, endocarditis with mitral
insufficiency together with violent and rapid action, aneurysm of large arteries and heart, and persistent subnormal
body temperature. Cereus is a hemorrhagic remedy that favors formation of clots speedily. It is also said to stop
frightful dreams. Planets: Sun, Moon.
Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita) grows wild in Europe and west Asia. Related species are found in North America
and Africa. Its flowers help to ease indigestion, nervousness, depressions and headaches. It is ideal for emotion
related medical problems such as peptic ulcers, colitis, spastic colon, and nervous indigestion. Chamomile was used
by the Egyptians, Greeks, and Vikings as a whole-body healer. The herb has a purifying and calming effect and is
burned as incense to deepen meditation. The tea makes a soothing tonic for the nerves, and gamblers who wash
their hands in the tea are said to reap more winnings. The tea also eases menstrual cramps, and herbalists
sometimes prescribe it to women for infertility. It is also a remedy for asthma, gallstones, diarrhea, toothaches,
and middle ear infections. Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) or chamomilla is a close relative, used in a
similar way. Properties: anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, relaxant, carminative, bitter, nervine. Chamomilla is
used to treat sensitiveness, irritableness, hypersentsitivity, hysteria, thirstiness, hot and numb feelings, pains
associated with numbness, bad temper, and anger, teething pains, colic. earache with soreness around ear,
swelling, and flatulence. Externally, it is used for sore skin and eczema. The Egyptians and Romans used the oil for
skin conditions such as dermatitis, boils, acne, rashes, and eczema as well as for hair care, burns, cuts,
toothaches, teething pains, inflamed joints, menopausal problems, insomnia, migraine headaches and stress
related complaints. Apply the oil to bottom of feet, temples or on location, or it may be added to food or water as a
dietary supplement. Safe for use with small children, and has a calming mixed with bath or massage oils. Planets:
Mercury, Sun. [Water]
Chaparral has good antioxidant properties. The primary constituent of chaparral, the chemical NDGA, possesses
analgesic and vaso-depressant properties. Increases ascorbic acid (vitamin C) levels in the adrenals. Used to treat
skin cancer, alleviate symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, and prevent dental carries. [Fire]
Chaste Tree (Agnus castus) is used for low sexual vitality with corresponding mental depression and loss of
nervous energy and produces its chief effect on sexual organs of both sexes. Uses: impotency and premature old
age from abuse of sexual power, weakness from excessive masturbation habit, gnawing itching in all parts,
especially eyes, bad memory, nausea with sensation as if intestines were pressed downwards, abdomen distended
after meals, breast-milk absent, pupils always dilated, infertility with suppressions of menses and no sexual desire.
Planets: Venus, Saturn. Planet: Moon. [Water]
Chicory (Cicorium intybus) is native to Europe and has been cultivated through the ages. It is the wild ancestor of
endive. Chicaory was cultivated by the Egyptians and exported to Rome during Cleopatras reign. As a tea or
extract, chicory root is a bitter digestive tonic that also increases bile flow and decrease inflammation. The root is
therapeutically similar to dandelion root, supporting the action of the stomach and liver and cleansing the urinary
tract. Chicory is also taken for rheumatic conditions and gout, and as a mild laxative, one particularly appropriate
for children. An infusion of the leaves and flowers also aids the digestion. Properties: digestive, liver tonic, antirheumatic, mild laxative. Slightly more bitter than endive, it is also used as seasoning in salads and soups. Ground
roasted chicory makes a good tonic and coffee substitute. Planet: Mercury, Sun. [Air]
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) is native to Sri Lanka but is extensively cultivated throughout the tropical
regions of the world. The tree must grow for eight years before its thick bark is mature enough to be harvested.
Cinnamon has a long history of use in India, although it was first used medicinally and magically in Egypt and parts
of Europe from about 500 BC. Traditionally, the herb was taken for colds, flu and digestive problems, and it is still
used in much the same way today. The infusion or powder is used for stomach pains and cramps. Uses: warming
stimulant, carminative, antispasmodic, antiseptic, anti-viral. Cinnamon bark oil is one of the most antimicrobial
essential oils. It has been produced in Sri-Lanka for over 2,000 years, and it has been demonstrated in modern
times that viruses can not live in the presence of cinnamon oil.The spice is recognized for its healing properties and
is used as an antiseptic and painkiller. It is also known to stop diarrhea, lower blood pressure, and increase insulin
production. Cinnamon oil was used in the mummification process by the Egyptians and was applied as a holy
anointing oil in ancient Hebrew rituals. Cinnamon was also sacred to the Greek god of ecstasy, Dionysus. When it is
burned as incense or added to foods, cinnamon raises spiritual energy to a higher level to return for manifestation
in creative work. Cinnamon comes from the fragrant bark of an evergreen tree of the laurel family and is thought
to increase spirituality and psychic insight by stimulating the Crown Chakra. Planet: Sun. [Fire]

Cistus Oil (Cistus ladaniferus) is high in phenols, which support the immune system. Diffuse or apply topically
diluted with mixing oil, but use with caution during pregnancy. [Fire]
Citronella (Cymbopo nardus) is a grass that grows wild in Sri Lanka. It is used as an antiseptic, detergent, and
insect repellant. Esoterically, it is used for purification and to heighten moods. [Fire]
Clove (Eugenia caryophyllata) trees are a coastal variety native to Indonesia. The dried flower buds, cloves, are
extensively used as spice. The buds, leaves and stems are used for the extractions of clove oil. Both the oil and the
flower buds have been valued as a herbal medicine for a long time. Esoterically, the buds are used to attract love
and money and for psychic protection. The Chinese called them "birds tongues," and Europeans referred to them
as the "grains of paradise." Cloves are said to help one penetrate illusion, and the Romans burned them as incense
to keep others from making up lies or gossiping about them. Cloves were used in the Middle Ages to fight the
plague and cure impotence, and today herbalists prescribe them as a natural pain reliever and anti-inflammatory
agent. The oil contains eugenol, a strong anaesthetic and antiseptic substance used today to numb gums in
dentistry. Properties: antispasmodic, stimulative, antiseptic, analgesic, antibacterial, carminative. Clove oil is one of
the most antimicrobial essential oils. Clove's aromatic influences have been know to improve memory and create a
feeling of protection and courage. Diffuse or apply the oil topically diluted with mixing oil or put 2 drops in 4 oz.
water and use as a gargle. The oil may also be applied neat on palms of hands, bottom of feet and on gums and
teeth or added to food or water as a dietary supplement or flavoring. Use with caution during pregnancy. Planets:
Jupiter, Sun. [Fire]
Clover (Trifolium pratense) is a tangy field grass sometimes added to salads. Red clover makes a pleasant-tasting
herbal tea that soothes the nerves and fortifies the blood. Clover releives many symptoms of congestion in the
head and lungs, and it may retard progress of cancerous tumors. Uses: whooping cough, tickling cough, oppressed
breathing with fever, cough followed by hiccough, increase flow of saliva, hoarseness and choking, chills with cough
at night. Three-leaf clovers represent the Three Essentials of the Hermetic sciences as well as the Christian Trinity
and were worn to ward off evil spells. Four-leaf clovers also ward off evil from witches because they make a cross.
But Christians consider five-leafed clovers very unlucky, as they represent the Pentagram. Planets: Mars,
Mercury. [Air]
Cocaine (Erythroxylon coca) is a initiatic ally of shamans, who use it to provide invisibility and increase life force
and sexuality. The dried leaves are also carried in a sachet. Use of cocaine outside a sacred circle is considered a
sacrilege. Planet: Mercury. [Water]
Cohosh (Caulophyllum) acts on the female generative organs. Uses: lack of tone of the uterus, labor pains weak
or irregular, false labor pains, internal trembling with weakness, thrush, erratic pains, habitual miscarriage from
uterine debility, premature labor, and rheumatism of small joints. Planets: Venus, Saturn. [Water]
Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) is also known as knitbone, and the name comfrey is derived from the
Latin con firma (with strength), from the belief that it could heal broken bones. Comfrey leaves and roots contain
allantoin, a cell multiplication agent that increases the healing of wounds. Uses: general bone remedy, injuries to
bones, cartilages, periosteum with excessive pain, fractures, broken bones, non-union of fractures, prickling pain,
soreness of periosteum, broken bones, injuries to the eye, bone periosteum, falls, blows from blunt objects,
irritable stump after amputations, bone cancer, injuries and bruising of testicles, backaches after strains and from
sexual excesses. Externally it is also used for rashes, wounds, inflammation and skin problems. Internally, comfrey
has action over the digestive tract helping to cure ulcers and colitis. It is also used for a variety of respiratory
problems. Tea made from the leaves relieves diarrhea, while tea from the roots makes a remedy for coughs and
chest colds. Comfrey belongs to the forget-me-not family and was carried by travelers in the Middle Ages to protect
them against getting lost or robbed. The root is still used in spells to attract money. Planets: Saturn, Mars. [Earth]
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) or cilantro has been used as a medicinal plant since 1500 B.C. It has now spread
well beyond its native Mediterranean regions. It aids digestion, reduces flatulence and improves appetite, relieve
spasms within the gut, and counters the effects of nervous tension. It also contains a diuretic that reduces blood
pressure and eases headaches. Coriander is also chewed to sweeten the breath, especially after consumption of
garlic (Allium sativum), and it is applied externally as a lotion for rheumatic pain. Coriander essential oil is used in
the manufacture of perfumes, cosmetics, and dentifrices. Properties: digestive, antispasmodic, anti-rheumatic.
Coriander oil lowers glucose levels by normalizing insulin levels and supporting pancreatic function. It also has antiinflammatory and sedative properties. The oil may be added to food or water as a dietary supplement or flavoring.
Coriander encourages people to fall in love, and mixing the powdered seeds in warm red wine makes a powerful
love potion. Eaten raw, coriander is a stimulant said to increase intelligence. Planet: Mars. [Fire]
Cumin has the archetypal signature of Retention. It is said that any object that carries cumin seeds cannot be
stolen, and at one time, European wives fed their husbands cumin to keep them faithful. Cumin was also sprinkled
on the floors of homes to ward off possession by evil spirits, and in northern Italy and Germany, the seeds were
added to loaves of bread to keep forest sprites from stealing them. Planet: Mars. [Fire]

Curry powder is actually a blend of ginger, turmeric, cardamom and other spices, which imparts the characteristic
flavor and aroma of the curry plant (Murraya koenigii). In India, the dried plant is burnt at nightfall to keep evil
spirits away in the darkness. It is also sprinkled on stored food to keep molds from growing. Curry powder has
been shown to increase metabolism, help breathing, and reduce cholesterol. Planet: Mars. [Fire]
Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) brings justice, and the incense is used in psychic investigations. The oil is one
of the most used for the circulatory system. It is antimicrobial, beneficial for the circulatory system, and gives a
kind of energy that may help in cases of edema, cellulite, varicose veins and water retention. It is beneficial for
decongesting fluids of the body. Its aromatic influence strengthens and helps ease the feeling of loss. It creates a
feeling of security, grounding, and helps soothe the emotions. Use topically with a massaging action toward the
center of the body. Apply where you would wear a deodorant, but use with caution during pregnancy. Planet:
Saturn. [Earth]
Damiana (Turnera diffusa aphrodisiaca) is native from the Gulf of Mexico and has an ancient reputation as an
aphrodisiac. Damiana cures inability to exercise the reproductive functions in both sexes and shows power over the
genito-urinary system. It is an excellent remedy for the nervous system, acting as a stimulant and tonic in cases of
mild depression. Damiana has a strongly aromatic, slightly bitter taste. The leaves are used to flavor liqueurs and
are taken in Mexico as a substitute for tea. Uses: nerve tonic, antidepressant, urinary antiseptic, severe migraines,
amenorrhea, chronic fatigue, dysmenorrhea, gonorrhea, impotence, incontinence, leucorrhea, prostate disorders,
sexual weakness, spinal injury, spermatorrhea, syphilis, and infertility. Planets: Mars, Venus. [Fire]
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) occurs naturally in Asia but is now a common plant everywhere. Its medicinal
virtues were probably introduced in Europe by the Arabs in the 10th Century. Known principally as a weed,
dandelion has an astonishing range of health benefits. The leaves, which can be eaten in salads, are a powerful
diuretic. The roots act as a "blood purifier" that helps both kidneys and the liver to remove impurities from the
blood. This effect seems to be due to its potassium content. It also acts like a mild laxative and improves appetite
and digestion. Uses: diuretic, digestive, antibiotic, bitter with an affinity for the liver and bladder, mapped tongue,
hysterical tympanites, frequent urination, impatience and irritability, sternomastoid muscle very painful to touch,
headaches due to liver disturbances, cold finger tips, neuralgia of knee, night-sweats, cancerous conditions,
general debility, diabetes, gallstones, liver disorders, rheumatism, and Typhoid fever. Dandelion is sacred to the
Greek lunar goddess Hecate. The root is used to call forth spirits to fulfill wishes and foretell the future. When the
root is roasted and ground like coffee, the infusion not only increases ones psychic powers but also is said to open
a doorway through which all-knowing spirits from the Other Side can travel. Young dandelion leaves also make a
delicious salad, and the tea is taken as a tonic for liver problems. Both the Persians and the East Indians used it for
liver complaints. Planets: Jupiter, Venus. [Air]
Dill (Anethum graveolens) is an ancient Egyptian remedy that is mentioned as a pain killer in the Ebers papyrus (c.
1500 BC). Dill is an annual plant of the parsley family and was considered sacred to the Egyptian god Horus. Both
the dried plant and seeds are used as spices that stimulate the Sacral Chakra. Dills active, dominant presence
stimulates sexual desire if smelled or eaten, and combining dill with such phallic symbols as pickles only increases
the effect. The Romans (who knew dill as anethum) fed dill to gladiators to give them courage, and placed in a
cradle or crib, the plant is said to protect children from harm. Dill has always been considered a remedy for the
stomach, relieving gas and calming the digestion. Chewing the seeds improves bad breath. Dill makes a useful
addition to cough, cold and flu remedies, and is a mild diuretic. Dill increases milk production, and when taken
regularly by nursing mothers, helps to prevent colic in their babies. Properties: digestive, antibacterial,
antispasmodic, diuretic. Dill Oil has been proven to help lower glucose levels by normalizing insulin levels. In
European hospitals, it is also used for bronchial catarrh and liver deficiencies. Apply the oil topically on abdomen
and bottom of feet, or it may be added to food or water as a dietary supplement. Use with caution if susceptible to
epilepsy. Planet: Mercury. [Air]
Dong Quay (Angelica sinensis) has an affinity for the genital organs, especially female. It is also used to
harmonize the blood and the energy, (meridians). Uses: drained feeling with headaches, lumbar aching, chest and
abdominal diseases, thyroid problems, weight changes, amenorrhea, PMS, menopausal complaints, leucorrhea, and
irregular libido. Planet: Venus. [Water]
Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia) or purple cone-flower is used as a blood tonic and as a cleansing and antiseptic wash. Echinacea root was used by Native American shamans to strengthen their connection to the spirit
world. They believed it increased the likelihood that their spells would work and also used it treat burns and
snakebite. Ancient Chinese healers used it as an antibiotic. Today, it is widely used as an immune booster to fight
infections and protect from colds and flu. Uses: corrector of the depravation of the body fluids, antiseptic,
antifermentative, anti-zymotic, boils, carbuncles, abscesses or cellular glandular inflammations, blood poisonings,
acute auto-infections, septic conditions, bites of poisonous animals, Iymphangitis, gangrene, or vaccinosis,
erysipelas and foul ulcers, gangrene, venom infection, wounds, puerperal septicemia, aching in limbs, stuffiness of
nostrils with mucus in sinuses and pharynx, chilliness with nausea, Malarial fever, and sore throat. Planets: Mars,
Saturn. [Earth]

Elemi Oil (Canarium Iuzonicum) is an essential oil distilled from the gum of a tree originating in the Philippines.
Elemi has been used in Europe for hundreds of years in salves for skin, forming the bases of the celebrated healing
balms. Elemi belongs to the same botanical family as frankincense and myrrh (Burseraceae). It is antiseptic and
highly regarded today for soothing sore muscles, protecting skin and stimulating nerves. Elemi herb is antiseptic,
expectorant, fortifying, restorative, warming and refreshing. Used: aging skin, wrinkles (rejuvenator), infected cuts
and wounds, inflammation, bronchitis and unproductive cough. Elemi is supportive to the nervous system (nervous
exhaustion & stress related conditions). Apply the oil topically, diffuse or use in a humidifier. [Air]
Ergot (Claviceps purpurea) is a fungi that grows on rye. It is a powerful hallucinogen and source for LSD, which
can only be extracted though laboratory methods. There is some evidence that European alchemists, as practicing
chemists, knew of the effects of ergot on humans and made use of it in their work. Planet: Mercury. [Water]
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) is native to Australia, where it comprises more than 75% of all trees. A
traditional aboriginal remedy, eucalyptus is a powerful antiseptic used all over the world for relieving coughs and
colds, sore throats and other infections. Tea made from the leaves is a stimulating tonic that relieves bronchial
problems and coughs. The leaves also cool the body and relive fever. The antiseptic oil is used as a soothing
stimulant in aromatherapy. Inhaling the vapors of the essential oils heated in water, clears sinus and bronchial
congestions. Eucaliptol, one of the substances found in the essential oil, is one of the main constituents of the
many commercial formulas of chest rubs for colds. The essential oil has also strong anti-biotic, anti-viral and antifungal action. There are four basic kinds of eucalyptus oil used in aromatherapy. Eucalyptus dives is high in
phellandrene and low in eucalptol. This species has a different, more specific antibacterial action than other
eucalyptus oils. It is excellent for skin or topical application. Apply topically and avoid direct inhalation, diffuse or
use in a humidifier.Eucalyptus globulus has been shown by laboratory tests to be a powerful antimicrobial agent
and contains a high percentage of eucalptol. Apply the oil topically to chest or other areas, diffuse or use in a
humidifier. Eucalyptus polybractea is also well suited for topical application or diffusing. This species is highest in
the antibacterial compound eucalyptol (about 80 percent) and has one of the strongest antibacterial actions among
the eucalyptus oils. Apply topically, diffuse or use in a humidifier but avoid direct inhalation. Eucalyptus radiata is
an antimicrobial oil studied for its action against viruses. This oil is used extensively for respiratory infections.
Apply topically, diffuse, or use in a humidifier. Planets: Jupiter, Sun. [Fire]
Eyebright (Euphrasia) brewed in a tea heightens mental acuity and sharpens psychic insight. A hearty cup of the
herbal tea is recommended whenever an important decision has to be made. Uses: allergies and hay fever,
catarrhal conjunctivitis, profuse hot or acrid tears, amenorrhea with ophthalmia, catarrhal headache with profuse
discharge from eyes and nose, prostate inflammation, profuse bland fluent coryza, and constipation. Planet: Sun.
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is native to the Mediterranean but has spread to surrounding areas, including India.
Known to the Greeks and Romans, it was used as food, spice and medicine. Fennel was considered sacred to the
Greek god of ecstasy, Dionysus, and was a part of the Dionysian mysteries. The plants stalks were fashioned into
long scepters with pinecones on top that were carried in ceremonies. For personal use, fennel is infused into a
delicate, spiritually purifying, physically healing tea that eases nausea, relieves gas, and helps arthritic conditions.
Fennel is also diuretic and anti-inflammatory. The multifaceted herb is used to increase human breast milk and is
also fed to cows to stimulate milk production. The primary use of fennel seeds is to relieve flatulence, but they also
settle colic, stimulate the appetite and digestion. Like anise (Pimpinella anisum) and caraway (Carum carvi), fennel
has a calming effect on bronchitis and coughs. An infusion of the seeds may be taken as a gargle for sore throats
and as a mild expectorant, and the herb is still used as an eye wash for sore eyes and conjunctivitis. Essential oil
from the sweet variety is used for its digestive and relaxing properties. Properties: digestive, antispasmodic, antiinflammatory. The oil is antiseptic and stimulating to the circulation and respiratory systems. It is reported in the
medical literature that fennel is anti-parasitic, with hormonal like action that helps support the body in reducing
PMS and menopausal symptoms. It may also help break up fluids and toxins and cleanse the tissues of the body.
Its aromatic influences are said to increase longevity, courage and purification. Apply the oil topically (1 drop mixed
with 1 tsp. Mixing oil). May be added to food or water as a dietary supplement or flavoring, but use with caution
during pregnancy or if susceptible to epilepsy. Planets: Mercury, Moon. [Air]
Fenugreek is sacred to the Greek brother-gods Apollo and Hermes, and has been used in the Mediterranean for
millennia. The herb is said to facilitate commerce and increase wealth, and some European households kept a halffull jar of fenugreek open to attract money. Fenugreek tea controls blood sugar, lowers blood pressure, and has an
anti-inflammatory agent that is reputed to fight ulcers and precancerous lesions. Planet: Mercury. [Air]
Fir Oil (Abies Alba) is noted for its antimicrobial action. It has been researched for its ability to kill airborne germs
and bacteria. Fir oil has traditionally been used to help support the body and reduce the symptoms of arthritis,
rheumatism, bronchitis, coughs, sinusitis, colds, flu, and fever. Properties: antimicrobial, antiseptic and stimulating.
It works well diffused or applied topically. [Fire]

Frankincense Oil (Boswellia Carterii) is considered the "holy anointing oil" in the Middle East and has been used
in religious ceremonies for thousands of years. (And the Lord said unto Moses, Take unto thee sweet spices,
stacte, and onycha, and galbanum; these sweet spices with pure frankincense: of each shall there be a like
weight. - Exodus 30:34.) It was well known during the time of Christ for its anointing and healing powers. During
pagan times, it was burnt as an offering to Hermes and Demeter. Frankincense is now being researched and used
therapeutically in European hospitals. It is anticatarrhal, prevents scarring, and is antitumoral, immunestimulating, and antidepressant. It is stimulating and elevating to the mind and helps in overcoming depression
and despair. Diffuse or apply topically. The oil may be added to food or water as a dietary supplement. Planet: Sun.
Galbanum Oil (Ferula Gummose) was a favorite oil of Moses, written about in the book of Exodus and used in
biblical times for both medicinal and spiritual purposes. It is recognized for its antimicrobial and antiviral properties
and its ability to increase overall body strength. Apply the oil topically or add to food or water as a dietary
supplement. When combined with other oils, such as frankincense or sandalwood, the frequency increases
dramatically. [Air]
Garlic (Allium sativum) is originally from Central Asia but is now cultivated worldwide. It was widely known by the
ancients, being found in Egyptian tombs and used by Greeks and Romans. In fact, garlic was known and used at
least as far back as 3000 BC. In early antiquity, it was sacred to the goddess Hecate and left at crossroads as a
sacrifice to her. The cloves were also used for protection against evil and to break curses and hexes. Today, psychic
cooks rub garlic into pots and pans to remove negative influences that might contaminate food. Recognized for its
pungent odor and taste, garlic is a powerful home medicine for the treatment for a host of health problems. It is
one of the most effective anti-biotic plants available, acting on bacteria, viruses, and alimentary parasites. It
counters many infections, including those of the nose, throat and chest. Garlic is also known to reduce cholesterol
and help circulatory disorders such as high blood pressure, and lower blood sugar levels, making it useful in cases
of late-onset diabetes. Properties: antibiotic, expectorant, diaphoretic, hypotensive, antispasmodic, cholesterol
reducer, blood pressure reducer, and general heart remedy. When eaten, garlic stimulates the immune system,
although it is also said to induce lustful behavior in some people. Garlic is a proven antibiotic, Planet: Mars. [Fire]
Gentian (Gentiana lutea), native to Europe and Asia Minor, was used as a medicinal plant as far back as 180 B.C.
Gentian is a powerful bitter that stimulates appetite and promotes digestion by increasing the production of saliva,
gastric juices, and bile. It also decreases gastric inflammation and kills worms. Gentian is also used to treat liver
and spleen problems and to promote menstruation. Uses: strengthens a weak or under-active digestive system,
bitter, digestive stimulant, eases stomach pain. Planet: Mars. [Fire]
Geranium Oil (Pelargonium graveolens and P. roseum) has been used for centuries for skin care and for its
spiritually uplifting signature. Its natural strength lies in the ability to revitalize tissue. Its aromatic influence helps
release negative memories. Diffuse the oil or apply topically; may be added to food or water as a dietary
supplement. Planet: Venus. [Water]
Ginger (Zingiber officinali) is the dried peeled rhizome of a plant native to tropical Asia. Ginger is originally from
Southeast Asia and is now cultivated in most tropical countries. Its citations in ancient texts go back to the 4th
century BC. Familiar as a spice and flavoring, ginger is also one of the world's best medicines. The Chinese consider
ginger an important drug to treat cold and encourage sweating. Pacific islanders chew raw ginger and spit it
towards oncoming storms to turn them away. They also apply the chewed gum on diseased areas of the body to
cure people. Ginger is frequently part of love spells and is used to add power to other rituals. Ginger brings relief to
digestion, stimulates circulation, reduce headaches and kills intestinal parasites. Properties: diaphoretic,
carminative, circulatory stimulant, inhibits coughing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic. Wild ginger (Asarum
canadense) is thought to suppress colds and is used for treating colds followed by amenorrhea and
gastroenteritis. Ginger seems to release vital energies in the body and is used to cure motion sickness, hangovers,
headaches, and nausea of all types. Adding cinnamon to ginger enhances its healing properties. Ginger oil is used
to combat the effects of motion sickness and has been studied for its gentle stimulatory effects. Uses: arthritis,
rheumatism, sprains, muscular aches and pains, catarrh, congestion, coughs, sinusitis, sore throat, diarrhea, colic,
cramps, indigestion, loss of appetite, motion sickness, fever, flu, chills and infectious disease. Diffuse the oil or
apply topically. May be added to food or water as a dietary supplement or flavoring. Planets: Mars, Sun. [Fire]
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) is thought to be the oldest tree on the planet, first growing about 190 million years ago.
Ginkgo is an extremely hardy plant and is the only tree to have survived the atomic bombing of Japan. It is
probably native to China, although there are no wild trees remaining. Though long used as a medicine in its native
China, its therapeutic actions have only recently been researched. Traditionally known as an anti-microbial and
anti-tubercular action, it has now been shown that ginkgo as a profound activity on brain function and cerebral
circulation. This action is useful to prevent dizziness, tinnitus, short-term memory loss, depression and other
symptoms related to poor brain circulation. Its effect on poor circulation also used to treat other related disorders
like diabetes, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins. Ginkgo is also valuable for asthma. Uses: circulatory stimulant and
tonic, anti-asthmatic, antispasmodic, anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, senility, mental dullness, poor

concentration, Alzheimer's disease, attention deficit, asthma, dyslexia, influenza, mumps, laryngitis, and tonsillitis.
Planets: Mercury, Moon. [Air]
Ginseng (Panax ginseng) is the most famous Chinese herb of all. It is native to northeastern China, eastern
Russia, and Korea. A related species, Panax quinquefolious, occurs in the eastern United States and
Canada. Siberian Ginseng (Eleuthercoccus senticosus) is grown in Russia. Ginseng has ancient and rich history as a
medicinal plant and has been praised for its remarkable therapeutic benefits for about 7,000 years. Its value was
so great that wars were fought for control of the forests in which it thrived. An Arabian physician brought ginseng
back to Europe in the 9th century, yet its ability to improve stamina became common knowledge in the West only
from the 18th century. Ginseng increases mental and physical efficiency and resistance to stress and disease. It
often shows a dual response like sedating or stimulating the central nervous system according to the condition it is
being taken to treat. In the West, ginseng is regarded as a life-enhancing tonic. Uses: tonic, stimulant, physical
and mental revitalizer, yawning and drowsiness, drowsiness with headache, stimulant to the secretory glands, acts
on the lower part of the spinal cord, lumbago, sciatica, rheumatism, hiccough, dry mouth, dry tongue and lips,
contracted joints. It affects physical and mental behavior and restores mental abilities, while increasing resistance
to the effects of stress. The Chinese recommend ginseng for the following disorders: anemia, asthma, stomach
aches, colds & fevers, colic, depressions, dizziness, dropsy, exhaustion, headaches, heart failure, impotence,
indigestion, insomnia, lack of appetite, menstrual disorders, nausea, nervous disorders, old age, rheumatism,
vascular cramps, sexual dysfunction. Modern research shows that the Ginseng species stimulate the central
nervous system, protect the body from stress, increase metabolic function, increase physical and mental efficiency,
regulate blood pressure and glucose levels, increase gastro-intestinal movement and tone, increase iron
metabolism, and cause changes in nucleic acid (RNA) biosynthesis. It is an aromatic stimulant and removes
feelings of fatigue, imparting a joyous sense of vigor and elasticity to the limbs, especially the upper limbs and
clearness of mind. Ginseng increases endurance by stimulating the Base Chakra and is prescribed by herbalists to
increase ones life force and sexual drive. In the Orient, the root is considered magic and is carried to attract love
and money. Ginseng tea is taken to increase stamina and virility in all areas of ones life. Esoterically, it represents
the embodiment of the spirit of the universe. Planets: Venus, Sun. [Fire]
Golden Seal (Hydrastus canadenssis) comes from the yellow root of an American weed of the crowfoot family.
Native Americans used it as a cure-all for a wide range of diseases. The tea acts as a purgative cleansing agent
that is known to kill many of the bacteria responsible for stomach upset and diarrhea. Uses: cancer and
precancerous states, liver restorer, goiter of puberty and pregnancy, constipation, stomach cancer and ulcers,
small-pox, colon cancer, back pain across lumbar region, cracked and sore nipples of nursing women, cancer of
breast, leucorrhea, gleety discharge of kidneys, and bronchitis with thick, yellow, tenacious expectoration. Planets:
Jupiter, Saturn. [Earth]
Goldenrod (Solidago) has helped fight diseases arising from or complicated with defective functions of kidneys
and is considered an herbal replacement for the catheter. Uses: pain in region of kidneys with dysuria, kidneys
sensitive to pressure, Bright's disease, chronic nephritis, hay fever, colds, tuberculosis, feeling of weakness,
chilliness alternating with heat, naso-pharyngeal catarrh, burning in throat, pains in limbs, and general thoracic
oppression. Planets: Venus, Mercury. [Air]
Gota Kola (Hydrocotyle) is taken as a tea to increase psychic sensitivity during meditation. In Asia, Gota Kola
incense is often burnt prior to meditation. Uses: interstitial inflammation and cellular proliferation in any part,
leprosy, lupus, heat within vagina, granular ulceration of womb, great thickening of epidermal layer and exfoliation
of scales, psoriasis, intolerable itching especially of soles, acne, elephantiasis, and other skin disorders. Planets:
Mercury, Saturn. [Air]
Grape (Berberis aquifolium. etc.) is an age-old remedy for the skin. Used when the skin becomes dry, rough, scaly,
pimply. Clears the complexion and eruptions on scalp extending to face and neck. Uses: acne, psoriasis, dry
eczema, heavy feeling in the stomach, liver and bladder, rapid peristalsis, pulsating headache in the forehead,
nausea and vomiting, pains in the bladder, and rheumatic pains in the joints of the hands and in the lumbar and
sacral regions, secondary symptoms of syphilis, and poor nutrition. Grapes carry spiritual energy and increase
mental fertility, opening us to meaningful dreams and visions. Eating grapes or raisons is said to increase a
womans fertility. See Wine. Planets: Jupiter, Moon. [Water
Grapefruit (Citrus paradisii) is derived from a bitter citrus fruit known as the pomelo, which was cross-pollinated
with the orange to make it sweeter. However, the grapefruit was not recognized as a distinct species of citrus fruit
until the nineteenth century. The tangy fruit increases metabolism, which is why it is often eaten after breakfast
and used for bodily detoxification. Grapefruit Oil works as a disinfectant. Diffuse for a refreshing, uplifting aroma.
Like many citrus rind essential oils, it has unique fat-dissolving characteristics. Grapefruit may be beneficial for
digestive complaints, obesity, water retention, and reducing cellulite. It also works well as a disinfectant. It has
been studied for its qualities as an appetite suppressant. Its aromatic influences help prevent one from drowning in
ones own negativity. Diffuse for a refreshing, uplifting aroma or apply topically. May be added to food or water as a
dietary supplement or flavoring. [Fire]

Gumplant (Grindelia camporum) is native to the southwestern US and Mexico and was used by Native Americans
to treat bronchial problems and also skin afflictions such as reactions to poison ivy. The plant's medicinal value was
not recognized by traditional practitioners until the mid-l9th century, and gumplant was officially recognized in the
Pharmacopoeia of the United States from 1882 to 1926. Its anti-spasmodic, expectorant, and hypotensive actions
find applications in treating heart conditions, asthmatic and bronchial conditions. It has been employed in the
treatment of whooping cough, hay fever, and cystitis. Externally it relieves and heals skin irritations and burns.
Properties: anti-spasmodic, expectorant, hypotensive. [Air]
Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha) is native to Europe with close species found in North Africa and western Asia.
The tree has been known and appreciated throughout the ages, by the ancient Greeks, Arabs, and Europeans. In
the Middle Ages it was as a symbol of hope and taken for many ailments. It has been shown that its effects are
only present when a whole plant preparation is used. It is used in cases of loss of cardiac function, feelings of
congestions and oppression in the hearth region. Western herbalists consider it literally to be a "food for the heart",
increasing blood flow to the heart muscles and restoring normal heart beat. Hawthorne is an excellent heart tonic
and acts directly on the muscles of the heart, but it can produce giddiness, lowered pulse, air hunger, and
reduction in blood pressure. Uses: irregularity of heart, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, heart weakness,
cardiac dropsy, extreme dyspnea on least exertion, pain in region of heart and under left clavicle, heart dilated first
sounds weak, pulse accelerated (or irregular, feeble, intermittent), and diabetes, especially in children. Properties:
cardiotonic, diuretic, astringent, dilates blood vessels, relaxant, antioxidant. Planets: Sun, Mars. [Fire +++]
Helichrysum Oil (Helichrysum italicum) has been studied by European researchers for regenerating tissue and
nerves and improving circulation and skin conditions. Helichrysum has been found by European researchers to
regenerate tissue, reduce tissue pain, and help to improve skin conditions and circulatory function. It is
anticoagulant, prevents phlebitis, helps regulate cholesterol, stimulates liver cell function, is anticatarrhal,
mucolytic, expectorant, antispasmodic, and reduces scarring and discoloration. Diffuse the oil or apply topically
around outside of ear, temple, forehead, back of neck or on location. There is presently a world-wide shortage of
pure unadulterated Helichrysum oil. [Water]
Hemlock is a poisonous plant with overpowering feminine energy. It is used in potions and worn as a protective
charm. Planet: Saturn. [Water]
Hibiscus flowers are thought to promote lust. Egyptians believed that red hibiscus tea induced licentious cravings,
and for many centuries, women there were forbidden to drink it. Planet: Venus. [Water]
Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) is an aromatic herb used to protect against sorcery. In Egypt, it was dedicated to
Horus. Even today, the dried plant is scattered during exorcism and purification rituals. As a tea, horehound has a
stimulating and healing effect on the mind and body, clearing away all types of toxins. Cough syrup is made from
the green leaves. Planet: Mercury. [Air]
Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is a kidney tonic, and its chief effects are found in the urinary organs. Uses: pain in
the kidneys (especially right), pain in the bladder and urinary passages, constant desire to urinate (and passes
large quantities of clear, light-colored urine without relief), nocturnal bedwetting of children, cystitis, and dysuria.
Planets: Venus, Saturn. [Fire]
Hyacinth is a beautiful flower that is said to promote dependability and constancy in people. It is an active
ingredient in many friendship teas and love potions. Planet: Venus. [Water]
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) is found native in the Mediterranean region and is commercially cultivated in Europe,
Russia, and India. In the past, hyssop was so highly esteemed it was regarded as a virtual cure-all. Currently an
undervalued medicinal herb, hyssop has a wide spectrum of uses which are due to its anti-spasmodic action. It is
used in coughs, bronchitis, tight-chestedness, respiratory catarrh, sore throat and common cold. As a sedative,
hyssop is a useful remedy against asthma in both children and adults, especially where the condition is
exacerbated by mucus congestion. Hyssop is used to flavor various liqueurs, including Chartreuse. Uses: opens the
respiratory system and discharges toxins and mucose. anti-viral, anti-catarrhal, mucolytic, decongestant, antiasthmatic, anti-inflammatory of the pulmonary, regulates lipid metabolism, anti-infectious, anti-parasitic, and
prevents scarring. Hyssop Oil is a biblical oil, noted for its antimicrobial properties. (Purge me with Hyssop and I
shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Psalms 51:7) It has been studied for its effects on
opening the respiratory system. Hyssop was used by Moses because of its antimicrobial properties. Diffuse the oil
or apply topically. Avoid during pregnancy or if susceptible to epilepsy or high blood pressure. Planets: Jupiter,
Mars. [Fire]
Iris or Orris is a symbol of resurrected life force. In Egypt, it was sacred to Osiris and Horus and the oil or dried
flowers of wild iris (Iris foetidissima) were sometimes used between the folds of wrapping cloth on mummies.
Garden iris (Iris germanica) is used esoterically as a love root. In healing, it is a cathartic and diuretic used to cure
diarrhea, dropsy, convulsions, upset stomach, freckles, and acne. Planets: Moon, Venus. [Water]

Jasmine (Jasminum grandiflorum) is probably native of Iran and is now well known and cultivated in both Asia and
Europe. Jasmine is an evergreen rambler that produces sweetly scented white flowers. It is the dried flower petals
that make a delicious aromatic tea that relieves tension and depression. It was introduced into Europe in the 16th
century and quickly became a mainstay of alchemical preparations. Jasmine oil is an absolute extracted from the
flower, and is an essence rather than an essential oil. It is good for sensitive skin. It is also uplifting and
stimulating. Jasmine was believed for a long time to have limited benefit outside of skin care. However, research
from Great Britain has shown benefits for such problems as dry, greasy, irritated or sensitive skin, as well as
muscle spasms, sprains, catarrh, coughs, hoarseness, laryngitis, uterine disorders, labor pains, frigidity,
depression, and nervous exhaustion. Emotionally, it produces a feeling of optimism, confidence and euphoria,
psychic insight, and it is helpful in cases of apathy, indifference and listlessness. The essential oil is considered
antidepressant and relaxing, and it is used externally to soothe dry and sensitive skin. Properties: aromatic, antispasmodic, expectorant. Diffuse the oil or apply topically. Tantric alchemists anoint their hands with jasmine oil.
Planets: Saturn, Venus, Moon. [Water]
Jimson (Datura stramonium) or Thorn Apple is a hallucinogenic and aphrodisiac that often gives illusions of flying.
It was used in puberty rites in Europe. Planet: Venus. [Water ++]
Juniper (Juniperus communis) is found in Europe, southwestern Asia, and North America. Juniper is tonic, diuretic,
and strongly antiseptic within the urinary tract. It is a valuable remedy for cystitis, and helps relieve fluid retention,
but should be avoided in cases of advanced kidney disease. In the digestive system, juniper is warming and
settling, easing colic and supporting the function of the stomach. Taken internally or applied externally, juniper is
helpful in the treatment of chronic arthritis, gout and rheumatic conditions. Applied externally as a diluted essential
oil, it has a slightly warming effect on the skin and is thought to promote the removal of waste products from
underlying tissues. Properties: diuretic, anti-microbial, carminative, anti-rheumatic. Juniper oil has also been used
to stimulate nerve function and may work as a detoxifier and cleanser, reducing dermatitis, eczema, and acne. Its
aromatic influences evoke health, love and peace. Diffuse or apply topically. Planets: Mars, Sun. [Fire]
Kava Kava (Piper methysticum) is known as the "intoxicating pepper". The mental symptoms are the most
interesting feature of the drug's action. Uses: exaltation of mind, amelioration of pains by diverting the attention,
arthritis deformans, chordee, scaly skin, leprosy, patient driven irresistibly to keep changing position, cystitis,
dysuria, eczema, neuralgias, prostate disorders, rheumatism, skin disorders, toothaches, urethritis, and excess uric
acid. Planets: Moon, Saturn. [Water]
Kudzu is a fast-growing vine whose leaves are used to fight fever, stomach upset, diarrhea, headaches, hangovers,
muscle aches, and the aches and pains of the common cold. The leaves contain flavonoids, which are responsible
for its strong medicinal effect on the digestive and circulatory systems. The flavonoids, which are fairly well known
as antioxidants, have the ability to inhibit the contraction of smooth muscle tissue, thereby increasing blood flow
and relieving cramping in the intestines. In China medical journals showed that it reduced high blood pressure,
relieved chronic migraine headaches, eased aches in the shoulders and neck, lowered cholesterol levels, and
protects against heart disease. It is used to suppress the craving for alcohol and improves the function of alcoholaffected vital organs. It is also used for chronic headaches, stiff shoulders, colitis, sinus troubles, tonsillitis,
respiratory ailments, hangovers, allergies (especially hay fever), bronchial asthma, and skin rashes. Planet: Mars.
Laurel (Laurus nobilis) is native to the Mediterrenean region, and bay laurel is know cultivated all over the world.
Laurel was sacred to the gods Apollo and Aesculapius, who together oversaw healing and medicine. The leaves of
the laurel tree were used by the ancient Greeks and Romans to crown their victors, and the herb was thought to be
greatly protective and healing. An infusion of the leaves was taken for its warming and tonic effect on the stomach
and bladder, and a plaster made from the leaves was used to relieve wasp and bee stings. Bay laurel is used mainly
to treat upper digestive tract disorders and to ease arthritic aches and pains. It is settling to the stomach and has a
tonic effect, stimulating the appetite and the secretion of digestive juices. The essential oil is used for fragrance
and is antiseptic and antimicrobial. Diffuse it or apply topically on the abdomen or on location. Use with caution
during pregnancy. [Air]
Lavender (Lavandula officinalis) is native to the Mediterranean region and is cultivated in France, Spain and
elsewhere. It was used for aromatic purposes by the Romans in baths. It is effective to cure headaches, especially
when related to stress, to clear depression associated with weakness and depression. Externally, lavender oil has
been used as a stimulating liniment to help ease aches and pains of rheumatism. Properties: carminative, relieves
muscle spasms, antidepressant, antiseptic and antibacterial, stimulates blood flow. Lavender is an aromatic flower
used to make a delicious tea that calms the nerves. One teaspoon per pot of tea is the normal potency. Lavender
oil is the most versatile of all essential oils. Therapeutic-grade lavender has been highly regarded for the skin. The
French scientist Ren Gattefoss was the first to discover these properties when he severely burned his arm in a
laboratory accident. Lavender may also be used to cleanse cuts, bruises and skin irritations. The fragrance is
calming, relaxing and balancing-physically and emotionally. Its aromatic influences are health, love, peace, and
higher consciousness. Diffuse the oil or apply topically. Safe for use on small children; may be added to food or
water as a dietary supplement. Planet: Mercury. [Air]

Lemon (Citrus limon) is native to Asia, probably from India; it is now widely cultivated in Italy, California and
Australia. Lemon was unknown to the ancient Greeks and was brought to Europe by Roman soldiers returning from
Asia Minor. It is one of the most important and versatile natural medicines for home use. It has a high vitamin C
content that helps improve resistance to infection, making it valuable for colds and flu. It is taken as a preventative
for many conditions, including stomach infections, circulatory problems and arteriosclerosis. Lemon juice and oil
are effective in killing germs. It decreases inflammation and improves digestion. Properties: antiseptic, antirheumatic, antibacterial, antioxidant, reduces fever. Lemon oil has antiseptic-like properties and contains
compounds that have been studies for their effects on immune function. It may serve as an insect repellent and
may be beneficial for the skin. This oil may be beneficial for digestive problems, sore throat, and cleansing of the
lymphatic system. Its aromatic influences are health, healing, physical energy, and purification. Diffuse the oil or
add a few drops to a spray bottle to deodorize and sterilize the air, add 2 drops to water for purification or combine
with peppermint to provide a refreshing lift. Apply on throat and glands along sides of neck for sore throat. Use for
removing gum, oil or grease spots. May be added to food or water as a dietary supplement or flavoring. Directly
after applying citrus oils, avoid exposing skin to direct sunlight or UV rays. Lemon pie fortifies fidelity, and lemon
slices on a strangers plate or under his chair guarantees his or her friendship. Lemon juice is a powerful cleaning
agent and is used to wash magical implements of all types of toxicity. A cleansing tea is made from dried lemon
peels. Planet: Sun. [Water]
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) or Melissa has been cultivated in the Mediterranean region for more than 2,000
years and was a favorite herb of Islamic alchemists. The Muslim herbalist Avicenna recommended lemon balm for
heart problems. Its main action is as a tranquilizer. It calms nervous spasms, colics and hearth spasms. The hot tea
promotes sweat that that is good for colds, flus and fevers. Its sedative actions have been used to help in the
treatment of psychiatric problems, including dystonia. Lemon balms anti-histamine action is useful to treat eczema
and headaches. Today, this sweet-smelling herb is still widely valued for its calming properties, and new research
shows that it can help significantly in the treatment of cold sores. Uses: relaxant, antispasmodic, increases
sweating, carminative, anti-viral, nerve tonic, sedative, colds, influenza, depression, headaches, indigestion,
restlessness, allergies, herpes, and bad dreams. Planets: Mercury, Jupiter. [Fire]
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) is native to Sri Lanka and South India, lemon grass is now widely cultivated
in the tropical areas of America and Asia. Its oil is used as a culinary flavoring, a scent, and medicine. Lemongrass
is applied externally as a poultice or as diluted essential oil to ease pain and arthritis. Properties: digestive,
antispasmodic, analgesic, antifungal. Lemongrass oil may be beneficial for the digestive system and as a purifier. It
has been reported to help regenerate connective tissue. Its aromatic influences are psychic awareness and
purification. Diffuse or apply topically. Lemon grass is principally taken as a tea to remedy digestive problems
diarrhea and stomachache. It relaxes the muscles of the stomach and gut, relieves cramping pains and flatulence
and is particularly suitable for children. Lemongrass tea is drunk to develop psychic powers. According to folklore,
lemongrass planted in a garden or yard repels snakes because of its powerful etheric properties. Lemon verbena is
a relative of lemongrass that is also drunk as a tea. [Air]
Leopards Bane (Arnica) is an excellent trauma remedy. Uses: injuries, falls, blows, contusions, sprains, shock,
hematoma, head injury, influenza with sore muscles, sore bruised feeling, severe mental stress or shock, back sore
and aches, black-eye, face sunken, labor weak and ceasing, angina pectoris, violent spasmodic cough, straining of
tenesmus in diarrhea, crops of small boils, and surgical operations. Planets: Mars, Venus. [Fire]
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) was sacred to the Egyptian fertility god Min, because the local variety was phallic-shaped
and oozed a milky secretion. In most other cultures, lettuce is associated with female or lunar goddesses.
Esoterically, lettuce invokes feminine energies for protection and psychic centering. It was called Sleep Wort in the
Middle Ages, because people believed it enabled them to sleep better. Lettuce is also dried and smoked as a
sedative. Iceberg lettuce is a head lettuce, while romaine and red varieties are leafy and carry more Air
Element. Lettuce increases the milk in breasts and acts on the brain and circulatory system. Uses: delirium
tremens with sleeplessness, coldness and tremor, sense of lightness and tightness affecting the whole body
especially chest, urine smells of violets, fatigue during stool, angina pectoris, anus disorders, asthma, breastfeeding disorders, cough, liver disorders, spleen disorders, whooping cough, and yawning. Planets: Moon. [Water]
Licorice root is said to make people who eat it more potent lovers. It is known to soothe sore throat and elevate
blood pressure, which is why modern herbalists prescribe it to help people stop smoking. Planet: Venus. [Water]
Lime cleanses the palate and refreshes the soul. It is used in purification and healing rituals. Planet: Sun. [Air]
Linden (Tilia europaea) tea is a pleasant tasting tea made from the flowers of the linden tree. The tea is very
popular in Europe, where it is used to relieve indigestion and insure a good nights rest. Useful in psychic work.
Liquors unite the feminine powers of water with the earthy essences of various fruits, vegetables, and grains by
invoking a fiery "spirit" that we now call alcohol. Mead was the first liquor and is made by fermenting honey in

water. The making of mead was a ritual act in most ancient cultures and some archeologists believe its invention
marked the passage of mankind from a wild to a civilized culture. The distillation of wine to produce alcohol was
discovered by the Arabian alchemist Geber, and his methods were diligently applied by European alchemists. Many
of their alcoholic elixirs were thought to possess magical properties, and the process of distillation itself was
considered so powerful that it was licensed by the government in most countries. Whisky is a liquor distilled from
the fermented mash of wheat or rye; gin is distilled from malted barley and flavored with juniper berries; vodka is
distilled from grain or potato mash; rum is distilled from fermented molasses and sugar cane. Tinctures are made
by steeping herbs or flowers in alcohol and then filtering out the liquid. In India, alcoholic liquors were sacred to
the powerful guardian god Varuna, who is worshipped by Hindus during periods of drought. The tradition of serving
flavored liquors to houseguests after dinner is said to insure their safety and health. To this day, the Chinese
believe that people become intoxicated because they do not know how to cope with the powerful spiritual forces in
alcoholic beverages. [Fire]
Lotus root looks like a delicate, eight-spoke wheel. It is the root of the water lily plant and is considered sacred in
China. The green vegetable is often used to flavor soups and stews. White lotus (Nymphaea lotus) is used in the
Great Work to enhance intuition and clairvoyance. Blue lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) is very sacred in many
spiritualist cults. Rose lotus (Neleumbium speciosum) symbolizes mind over matter and was sacred in India, Tibet,
China, and Egypt. Planet: Moon. [Water]
Mandrake (Mandragora officinarum) is a mystic plant used in fertility, love, and good luck rituals. It plays a role in
all kinds of psychic work. The root resembles the male body (without the head) and is thought to incorporate male
animal energy. Psychically sensitive people were cautioned against harvesting the root during the daylight and
warned to guard against hearing the plant scream as it was yanked from the ground. Planets: Saturn, Mercury.
Marigold (Calendula officinallis) is one of the best herbs for treating skin problems. Infusions or decoctions of
Calendula petals decrease the inflammation of sprains, stings, varicose veins and other swellings and also soothes
burns, sunburns, rashes and skin irritations. Marigold is excellent for inflamed and bruised skin, and its antiseptic
and healing properties help prevent the spread of infection and accelerate the healing. Marigold is also a cleansing
and detoxifying herb, and the infusion and tincture are used to treat chronic infections. Taken internally, it has been
used traditionally to promote the draining of swollen lymph glands and tonsillitis. Properties: anti-inflammatory,
astringent, heals wounds, antiseptic, detoxifying. Marigold acts on muscle, spine, liver and skin and is a remarkable
healing agent. Uses: homeopathic antiseptic, abrasions, burns, cuts, gunshot, knife wounds, puncture wounds,
suppuration, surgery, ruptured eardrum, scratched cornea, foreign objects in eye, vaginal tears from childbirth,
warts on cervix, and heartburn. Planets: Mars, Sun. [Fire]
Marjoram (Origanum vulgare) is native to Asia and is cultivated commercially in several regions. Much used by the
ancient Greeks, wild marjoram has had a more significant role in medicine than sweet or garden marjoram.
Marjoram tea is an age-old remedy to aid digestion, increase sweating and encourage menstruation. As a steam
inhalant, marjoram clears the sinuses and helps relieve laryngitis. Wild marjoram helps settle flatulence and
stimulates the flow of bile. Strongly antiseptic, it may be taken to treat respiratory conditions such as coughs,
tonsillitis, bronchitis and asthma. The diluted oil can be applied to toothache or painful joints. Properties:
antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, and digestive. Marjoram is added to foods to strengthen the bonds of love. The spice is
also sprinkled in the home and garden to protect against evil. Tea made from the dried leaves fortifies the mind
and relieves pain the in head area, including toothaches, headaches, and sinus pain. Marjoram oil is used for
soothing the muscles and the respiratory system. It also assists in calming the nerves and respiratory system. Its
aromatic influences are peace and relaxation, and it is said to aid memory and concentration. Diffuse or apply
topically. Massage to calm stressed muscles. May be added to food or water as a dietary supplement or flavoring,
but use with caution during pregnancy. Planet: Mercury. [Air]
Mate (Hex paraguariensis) is native to Paraguay, and is a traditional South American tea that increases short-term
physical and mental energy levels. It is taken as a fortifying beverage in much the same way as tea is consumed
throughout Asia and Europe. Mate has properties similar to those of tea and coffee. It stimulates the nervous
system and is mildly analgesic and diuretic. As a medicinal herb, mate is used to treat headaches, migraine,
neuralgic and rheumatic pain, fatigue and mild depression. It has also been used in the treatment of diabetes.
Properties: stimulant, diuretic, analgesic. [Fire]
Melaleuca Oil comes in two varieties native to Australia. Melaleuca alternifolia, often called "Tea Tree Oil," is
highly regarded as a antimicrobial and antiseptic essential oil. It has high levels of terpinenol, which is the key
active constituent. Useful for stings, burns, wounds and skin infections of all kinds. Its therapeutic properties were
first researched during the 1920s and it is now widely used in Europe and the US, as well as in Australia. It is
spiritually uplifting and purifying. The other variety, Melaleuca ericifolia or Australian Rosalina, is a relatively
unknown essential oil with similar antiseptic, antimicrobial and calming properties. This variety of melaleuca oil is
exceptionally gentle and non-irritating to the skin. It may be beneficial for respiratory and infectious diseases, and
may aid in healing acne, wounds and candida. The aromatic influences of both oils are purity and cleansing. Diffuse

or apply topically on location or to the temples, wrists, throat, face and chest. For a whole body massage, dilute 48 drops in 30ml of mixing oil; add several drops to bathwater. The oil is safe for use on children and pets. [Fire]
Milk Thistle (Carduus marianus) or Mary Thistle is native to the Mediterranean and has been in use as a remedy
for liver problems for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. It is used in a whole range of liver and bladder
conditions including hepatitis and cirrhosis. Recent research has confirmed traditional herbal knowledge, proving
that the herb has a remarkable ability to protect the liver from damage resulting from alcoholic and other types of
poisoning. The active ingredient appears to be silymarin. Uses: digestive, liver tonic, stimulates secretion of bile,
increases breast-milk production, antidepressant. Carried or used dry, it is said to give riches and honor to
spiritually pure individuals. Planets: Saturn, Mars, Venus. [Fire]
Mint leaf (Mentha crispa, etc.) has been used in healing potions and teas for thousands of years. It is used in
stomach tonics, and leaves of mint were once put in milk to keep it from curdling. Mint is also said to protect
travelers and attract money. Peppermint raises spiritual vibrations and is used in purification and healing rituals. It
transforms negative energies into healthy influences by stimulating the Solar Plexus Chakra. Planets: Mercury,
Venus. [Air]
Mistletoe (Viscum album) is native to Europe and northern Asian and is chiefly used to lower blood pressure and
heart rate, ease anxiety and promote sleep. In low doses, it also relieves panic attacks, headaches, and improves
the ability to concentrate. Mistletoe is also prescribed for tinnitus and epilepsy. It is sometimes used to treat
hyperactivity in children. Mistletoe contains viscotoxins that inhibit tumors and stimulate the immune system. For
this reason, research has been carried out on its potential use as a cancer treating plant. A natural tranquilizer,
mistletoe was sacred to the Druids. Planets: Jupiter, Sun. [Air]
Morning Glory (Ipomoea violacea) is a hallucinogenic similar to LSD. Aztec priests used the seeds (known as
Tlitliltzin) with the ashes of poisonous insects to make a sacred tobacco. They also combined the seeds with live
insects to make a body rub that endowed the priests with fearlessness. Planet: Saturn. [Water]
Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) is native to Europe and was popular as a medicinal plant in early Greece, where
it was used to calm pregnant women suffering from anxiety. Other prominent uses of the herb include decreasing
muscle spasms, lowering blood pressure, . Other uses include the improvement of fertility, the relief of postpartum
depression and menopause. Antispasmodic and sedative, the herb promotes relaxation rather than drowsiness.
Motherwort stimulates the muscles of the uterus, and is particularly suitable for delayed periods, period pain and
premenstrual tension. Properties: nervine, emmenagogue, anti-spasmodic, hepatic, hypotensive, cardiac tonic.
Planet: Venus. [Air]
Mountain Savory (Satureja Montana) or Winter Savory is highly antimicrobial. It has been used historically as a
general tonic for the body. Mountain Savory oil is antimicrobial, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic,
immune stimulating, and a general tonic for the body. Apply topically diluted with mixing oil, but avoid during
pregnancy. [Air]
Mugwort (Artemsia vulgaris) is used as a sacred tobacco to protect against magic spells. Placed under ones
doorstep, it is said to prevent annoying people from visiting. The tea invokes psychic dreams and divination.
Medicinal uses: convulsive diseases, epilepsy after a fright or grief after a blow on the head, petit mall, dizziness,
profuse sweat that smells like garlic, anorexia, dysmenorrhea, hydrocephalus, hysteria, miscarriage, sleepwalking,
twitching, and worms. Planets: Saturn, Moon. [Earth]
Mullein (Vebascum thapus) acts mostly on the ears, respiratory tract, and bladder. Uses: bedwetting, ear pain,
soreness of joints of lower limbs, catarrhs and colds with periodical facial neuralgia, severe pain in throat on
swallowing, hoarseness of throat, copious accumulation of salty saliva in the mouth. Mullein soothes nervousness,
bronchial and urinary irritation, and earache. Planets: Mercury, Saturn. [Earth ++]
Mushrooms have been described as vegetable flesh, and like animal flesh, they are eaten to acquire strength and
courage. Clinical studies show they boost the immune system and have anti-viral and anti-tumor properties.
Because they appear overnight or grow from putrefying organic matter, mushrooms have many superstitions
associated with them, and few ancient cultures actually admitted to eating them. In fact, the mushroom is one of
the few foods not mentioned in the Bible. Moreover, many mushroom species are poisonous or produce psychedelic
effects that were used by shamans and priests who wanted to keep them secret. Planets: Saturn, Moon. [Water]
Mustard (Brassica) was sacred to Aesclepius, the Greek god of healing, and was used to treat a variety of
ailments. Mustard also increases alertness and opens higher mental channels, allowing one to become aware of
hidden threats or evil influences. The Greeks crushed the seeds and made a paste with wine vinegar they called
"must," hence the modern name. Italian peasants sprinkled mustard seeds on doorsills to protect their homes, and
Hindus believed that eating mustard seeds would allow them to travel out of their bodies to gain awareness of the
whole universe. Mustard greens add a hot, tangy flavor to salads. Planet: Mars. [Water]

Myrrh (Commiphora molmol ) is native to northeast Africa and today is mainly found in Ethiopia, Somalia, SaudiArabia, Iran, and Thailand. In Egypt, it was offered to Ra when the sun was at noon. Myrrh has been used in
perfumes, incense, and embalming. Its astringent, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties have been used to treat
acne and boils as well as mild inflammatory conditions. It finds specific use in the treatment of infections in the
mouth such as ulcers, gingivitis, pyorrhea, as well as catarrhal problems associated with pharyngitis and sinusitis.
Properties: stimulant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, expectorant, antispasmodic, carminative. Myrrh oil
is referenced throughout the Old and New Testaments. (A bundle of myrrh is my well-beloved unto me... Song of
Solomon 1:13). The Arabian people used it for many skin conditions, such as wrinkled, chapped and cracked skin.
It has one of the highest levels of sesquiterpenes, a class of compounds that has direct effects on the
hypothalamus, pituitary, and amygdala, the seat of our emotions. Myrrh was found by the Arabic people to be
beneficial for skin conditions such as athletes foot, chapped and cracked skin, eczema, ringworm, wounds and
wrinkles. It was also used to help with asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, gum infection, gingivitis, mouth ulcers
and sore throat. It may also alleviate diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence, and hemorrhoids. It may also help decongest
the prostate and normalize hypothyroid problems. Apply the oil topically on location or in a massage. Use with
caution during pregnancy. Planets: Jupiter, Moon. [Water]
Myrtle (Myrtus communis) is native to the Mediterranean region and is mainly cultivated for the extraction of its
essential oil. Used in ancient Greece, the astringent, tonic and antiseptic properties of its leaves are used to heal
wounds, or internally to remedy disorders of the digestive and urinary systems. The oil is antiseptic and anticatarrhal, and is used to treat chest ailments. Properties: antiseptic, astringent, expectorant. Myrtle oil has been
researched for normalizing hormonal imbalances of the thyroid and ovaries as well as balancing the hyperthyroid.
Myrtle oil has many reported benefits for the skin such as helping with acne and oily skin. Research has also shown
it to help the respiratory system with chronic coughs and tuberculosis. It is suitable to use for children's coughs
and chest complaints and may help support the immune function in fighting colds, flu and infectious disease. Apply
the oil topically, diffuse, or use in a humidifier. Suitable for use on children. Planet: Venus. [Water]
Nettle (Urtica dioica) occurs in Eurasia and is cultivated elsewhere. It is one of the most applicable plants found.
The plant is known for its tiny stinging hairs, and the spice adds an aggressive, biting flavor to foods. The tea is
used as a blood tonic and detoxifying agent that also lowers blood sugar. The dry herb is a natural antihistamine
and decongestant, and people suffering from arthritis rub it directly on inflamed joints for relief from pain. Nettles
have supplied fibers for cloth and paper since the Bronze Age into the 20th century. Throughout Europe, it has
been used as a spring tonic and general detoxifying remedy. Nettle leaves contain iron and vitamin C and used for
treating anemia and poor circulation. Nettle is a remedy for stinging, burning pains and is one of the best remedies
for burns of the first degree. It also affects the breast glands, genitourinary organs, liver and spleen. Uses: kidneystones, bee stings, ill-effects of eating shellfish, gout, rheumatism, pain in right deltoid muscle, uric acid diathesis,
allergic reactions, diminished secretion of milk after childbirth, pruritus vulvae, burns and scalds, sunburn with
intense itching, hives, urticaria, chicken-pox. Tea and poultices made from nettle leaves are used to treat eczema
and skin conditions. Its astringent properties are used to stop bleeding. Today, nettle is used for hay fever, arthritis,
anemia, and, surprisingly, even for nettle rash. Nettle sacred to the Hindu god of fire, Agni, and the German
thunder god, Thor. Nettle is held in the hand to stay free from illusion and fear or to bind spoken spells. Planets:
Saturn, Mars, Moon. [Fire]
Nightshade (Solanum dulcamara) is a woody vine that is deadly poison. Planet: Saturn. [Earth]
Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) is the dried fruit of the tropical nutmeg tree. Said to promote health and fidelity and
attract good fortune, nutmegs were stuffed into Egyptian mummies and carried as lucky charms in Europe. The
dark-red powdered spice can be made into a paste to treat boils, sties, and canker sores. As a tea, it eases
rheumatism and neuralgia. The dried outer covering (arillode) of the nutmeg is ground into a spice called mace,
which is sacred to the Greek god Hermes and used to increase creativity and attract money in business
enterprises. Nutmeg oil supports the adrenal glands for increased energy. It also helps to support the nervous
system and overcome nervous fatigue. This oil has historically benefited circulation, muscles, joints, arthritis, gout,
aches and pains, rheumatism, flatulence, indigestion, sluggish digestion, nausea, and bacterial infection. It helps to
support the nervous system to overcome frigidity, impotence, neuralgia and nervous fatigue. Apply topically diluted
with mixing oil. The oil may be added to food or water as a dietary supplement or flavoring; use with caution
during pregnancy or if susceptible to epilepsy. Planets: Jupiter, Venus. [Water]
Oatstraw (Avena sativa) improves the nutrition of the brain and nervous system. Uses: nervous exhaustion,
sexual debility, general weakness, chronic insomnia, drug addictions, insomnia due to drugs or alcohol, colds,
coryza, prostration of mind, sleeplessness after mental exertion, bad effects of morphine or heroin, disposition to
masturbation, alcoholism, nervous palpitations, Parkinson's disease, inability to keep mind fixed on any one
subject, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea with weak circulation, impotency, and numbness of limbs. Oatstraw is preeminently an anti-neurotic, quieting the nervous system to a remarkable degree. It should be prepared in hot
water when given to overcome the morphine habit or in cases where indigestion complicates the case. For acute
coryza, take 20 drops in hot water hourly. Planets: Moon, Mercury. [Air]

Orange (Citrus aurantium) is derived from a mystical fruit called the citron native to tropical Asia that has
provided food and medicine for thousands of years. It was known to the ancient Chinese and in Sumeria became
sacred to Enlil, the god over earth and air. Citrons were used in ancient religious ceremonies for their invigorating
fragrance, and they are still grown for perfume oil in Corsica. Oranges reached China about 2200 BC but were so
rare they were given mostly as tributes to emperors. The Chinese eventually bred their own variety, the mandarin,
but oranges were not introduced into the West until Rome started importing them from Palestine around the year
100. In Europe, oranges became known as the Love Fruit because they were thought to encourage love, health,
and happiness. In nineteenth-century England, giving oranges as gifts was considered a very generous and
thoughtful act. During the California Gold Rush, a miraculous sweet orange without seeds that became known as
the navel orange was imported from Brazil and became controversial because of philosophical questions about how
it reproduced. The loose-skinned tangerine variety was developed in Tangiers, Morocco, and also proved popular in
the United States. All varieties of oranges provide purifying energy for both body and mind. In some Wiccan rituals,
orange juice is drunk instead of wine, and orange peel tea is said to keep one from getting drunk or
muddleheaded. Marmalade jam has the same effect. Orange oil brings peace and happiness to the mind and
body. Its oil contains flavonoids, which are anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal. Orange juice is rich in
vitamin C, which helps the immune system. As an infusion, it helps to relieve fever, and soothe headaches. It
also raises the brains level of norepinephrine, which increases energy while reducing irritability. It yields neroli oil
from its flowers, and the oil known as petitgrain from its leaves and young shoots. Both distillates are used
extensively in perfumery. Bitter orange flower water is a by-product of distillation and is used in perfumery and to
flavor sweets and biscuits, as well as being used medicinally to reduce heart rate and palpitations, encourage sleep,
and calm the digestive tract. Properties: anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial, digestive. Orange oil has been
recognized to help a dull, oily complexion, mouth ulcers, obesity, fluid retention, colds, flu, constipation and
dyspepsia, It also gives emotional support to overcome sadness and brings peace and happiness to the mind and
body. Diffuse or apply topically on location; may be added to food or water as a dietary supplement or flavoring.
After applying the oil, avoid exposing skin to direct sunlight or UV rays. Planet: Sun. [Fire]
Oregano (Origanum compactum) is a piquant member of the mint family. It brings out the essential flavors of
foods in the same way it clears congestion in the lungs by encouraging basic fluids to flow. Oregano is also used to
combat nausea and heartburn. Oregano oil is one of the most powerful antimicrobial essential oils. Highly
damaging to many kinds of viruses, oregano was recently shown in laboratory research conducted at Weber State
University to have a 99 percent kill rate against Streptococcus pneumoniate, which is responsible for many kinds of
lung and throat infections. Oregano oil has been said to have powerful antiviral properties and may aid in the
ability to balance metabolism and strengthen the vital centers of the body. Its aromatic influences increase one's
feeling of security. Apply topically neat to bottom of feet or dilute with mixing oil if applying elsewhere on the skin.
Add to food or water as a dietary supplement or flavoring. Planet: Mercury. [Air]
Paprika is made from a sweet chili pepper. Mild paprika is ground from the seeds only and carries creative energy.
Strong paprika is ground from the whole dried pod and brings out the deeper flavors and energies of the food to
which it is added. [Fire]
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is probably native to northern and central Europe and western Asia. It is a biennial
plant with dark green foliage that has been considered a protective and purifying herb for over 2,000 years. The
custom of placing a sprig of parsley on plates of food was begun by the Romans to guard against poison and
spoilage. Parsley was also thought to stimulate the appetite and put people in a good mood. The Romans also
tucked sprigs of parsley in their togas for protection against accidents. It was known in ancient Greece, where it
was used as a diuretic, digestive tonic and stimulant of the menstrual flow than as a salad herb. German mystic
Hildegard von Bingen created a popular tonic made of parsley sprigs, wine, and vinegar that was credited with
many miraculous cures during the Middle Ages. Parsley was introduced into Britain in 1548. The herb is a powerful
diuretic and anticancer agent that can also be infused into a cleansing tea. Uses: genito-urinary complaints, sudden
urging to urinate, itching in navicular fossa, gonorrhea with intense itching deep in urethra, hemorrhoids with much
itching, fever reduction, cystitis, dysuria, gleet, nightblindness, priapism, menstruation, and flatulence. Parsley
leaves, seeds, and root treat urinary tract infections and help eliminate kidney stones. Parsley also stimulates
appetite by increasing blood flow to digestive organs, as well as reduces fevers. Parsley has the unusual ability of
masking strong odors, that of garlic in particular (which is another reason for the herb's frequent use as a garnish
in cookery). Parsley root is more commonly prescribed than the seeds or leaves in herbal medicine. Planet:
Mercury, Moon. [Water]
Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata) is from North America. Its name comes from its beautiful flowers, thought
to represent Christ's crucifixion - 5 stamens for the 5 wounds, 3 styles for the 3 nails with white and purple-blue
colors for purity and heaven. The herb has valuable sedative and tranquilizing properties and has a long history of
use as a medicine in Central and North America. It is still taken in Mexico for insomnia, epilepsy, and hysteria. The
leaves are an ingredient in many pharmaceutical products to treat nervous disorders such as heart palpitations,
anxiety, convulsions and sometimes high blood pressure. It is also used to prevent spasms from whooping cough,
asthma and other diseases. Properties: anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, hypotensive sedative,
tranquilizing. Uses: insomnia of infants and the aged, tetanus, asthma, sleeplessness with delirium, sleeplessness

in alcoholics or screaming children, morphine addiction, nocturnal cough, epilepsy, cholera, convulsions, delirium,
dentition, erysipelas, exophthalmos, hysteria, sciatica, and whooping cough. Planets: Moon, Venus. [Water]
Patchouly (Pogostemon cablin) or Patchouli is native to Malaysia and the Philippines and is now cultivated in
tropical and sub-tropical regions around the world. Patchouly has been used extensively in Asian medicine,
appearing in the Chinese, Indian and Arabic traditions. The oil is widely employed as a fragrance and, in India, as
an insect repellent. Patchouly is used in herbal medicine in Asia as an aphrodisiac, antidepressant and antiseptic. It
is also employed for headaches and fever. It is a general tonic and stimulant and helps the digestive system.
Patchoulys essential oil is used in aromatherapy to treat skin complaints. It is thought to have a regenerative effect
on skin tone and to help clear conditions such as eczema and acne. The oil may also be used for varicose veins and
hemorrhoids. Properties: antiseptic, aromatic, antidepressant. Patchoulys aromatic influences are particular to
physical energy and money. Tantric alchemists anoint their cheeks and breast with patchouly oil. Planet: Saturn.
Pau dArco fortifies blood and multiplies the amount of red corpuscles. It exhibits antifungal activity and combats
candida overgrowth. Used in the treatment of respiratory problems, ulcers and a variety of other ailments, it
dissolves phlegm, aids in regulation of lungs and stomach, and relieves stagnation in all meridians. Planet: Mars.
Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) grows wild in Spain. It has a fresh minty and herbal fragrance. It is used as a
digestive aid, antiseptic, and perfume. [Fire]
Peony (Paeonia lactiflora) is native to the southern Europe and the Mediterranean, where peony is widely
cultivated as a garden plant. The white peony's history of medicinal use in China stretches back for at least 1,500
years. It is known most widely as one of the herbs used to make "Four Things Soup," a women's tonic, and it is
also a remedy for gynecological problems and for cramping, pain and dizziness. Traditionally, it is considered that
women who take the herb on a regular basis become as radiant as the flower itself. Properties: antispasmodic,
tonic, astringent, analgesic. Planet: Sun. [Fire]
Pepper comes in several forms. Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is made from the crushed peppercorns of a tropical
vine. The immature peppercorns are baked and turn black. Native to southwestern India, black pepper is now
cultivated in tropical regions around the world. Praised as a spice and a medicine since ancient times, pepper was a
vital commodity in world trade for thousands of years. Pepper has a stimulant and antiseptic effect on the digestive
tract and the circulatory system. Pepper is commonly taken medicinally, either alone or in combination with other
herbs and spices, to warm the body, or to improve digestive function in cases of nausea, stomach ache, flatulence,
bloating, constipation or lack of appetite. White pepper comes from ripened corns with the skins removed by
soaking. Green pepper is the fresh corns preserved in vinegar and spices. These kinds of pepper are used for
protection and to banish evil influences. Red pepper or cayenne pepper is from the dried, ground chili pepper
(Capsicum frutescens) and has been used for culinary and medicinal purposes since the early Peruvians. It is used
to break hexes and promote fidelity in family members. Within minutes of eating red peppers, the body releases
gratifying, morphine-like endorphins into the blood stream. All varieties of powdered peppers are known to break
up congestion in the lungs and sinuses, relieve allergies, and increase metabolism. Black pepper oil is a
stimulating, energizing essential oil that has been studied for its effects on cellular oxygenation. It has been used
for soothing deep tissue muscle aches and pains. Black pepper oil is known to stimulate the endocrine system and
help increase energy. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-catarrhal, expectorant, supportive to the digestive glands, and
traditionally used for rheumatoid arthritis. It also increases cellular oxygenation. Apply the oil topically to bottom of
feet, but dilute with mixing oil when applying topically elsewhere. Planet: Mars.[Fire]
Peppermint (Mentha piperita) is a hybrid perennial whose origin is a mystery, but it has been in existence for a
very long time. Dried peppermint leaves were found in Egyptian pyramids dating from around 1000 BC. Peppermint
was highly valued by the Greeks and Romans, but it only became popular in Western Europe in the 18th Century.
Peppermint tea helps with indigestion and relaxes the muscles of the digestive tract. Peppermint's chief therapeutic
value lies in its ability to relieve wind, flatulence, bloating and colic, though it has many other applications. Studies
have shown that it relieves colon spasms and helps to cure ulcers. Peppermint also eases nervous headaches.
Menthol, its main constituent, has antibacterial properties. Externally, the essential oil is used in balms and
liniments to stimulate hot and cold nerve endings and increase local blood flow. Properties: carminative, relieves
muscle spasms, increases sweating, stimulates secretion of bile, antiseptic. Peppermint oil may elevate and open
the sensory system, and its aromatic influences are purifying and stimulating to the conscious mind. Uses of the
oil: headache, fevers, candida, nausea and vomiting, liver and respiratory problems, impaired taste and smell, and
lack of mental concentration. Diffuse the oil or massage on the stomach area or add to water or tea for supporting
normal digestion. Apply to bottom of feet to cool off on a hot day. Rub on the temples for a soothing, calming
effect, but avoid contact with eyes, mucus membranes or sensitive skins. Do not apply neat to a fresh wound or
burn; use with caution during pregnancy or if prone to high blood pressure. Planets: Mercury, Venus. [Fire]

Pettigrain Oil (Citrus aurantium) is derived from orange leaves. Petitgrain oil is antimicrobial, anti-spasmodic,
anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, anti-bacterial, and re-establishes nerve equilibrium. Diffuse the oil or apply
topically. [Air]
Peyote (Lophophora williamsii) is a hallucinogenic cactus whose fruit is eaten. It is smoked in Native American
shamanic rituals, in which it is considered a messenger of the gods. Planet: Mercury. [Water]
Pine (Pinus sylvestris) is native to the mountainous regions of Europe and north and west Asia. Its oil, extracted
from the leaves, is added to disinfectants and other preparations. Esoterically, it is used to invoke the pagan god
Pan and evoke justice in psychic work. Scots pine leaves, taken internally, have a mildly antiseptic effect within the
chest, and may also be used for arthritic and rheumatic problems. Scots pine branches and stems yield a thick
resin, which is also antiseptic within the respiratory tract. Essential oil from the leaves may be taken for asthma,
bronchitis and other respiratory infections, and for digestive disorders such as gas. The seeds yield an essential oil
with diuretic and respiratory-stimulant properties. Pine Oil was first investigated by Hippocrates, the father of
Western medicine, for its benefits to the respiratory system. Pine is used in massage for stressed muscles and
joints, and it shares many of the same properties as eucalyptus globulus, and the action of both oils is enhanced
when blended. Warning: pine oil is often adulterated with turpentine; be sure to use only pure pine oil. Diffuse or
apply topically; dilute with mixing oil to avoid possible skin irritation. Put two drops in palms of hands, place over
mouth and inhale. Add 2-4 drops to warm bathwater. Planets: Mars, Mercury. [Air ]
Pleurisy Root (Asclepias tuberosa) has been used for bronchitis and pleurisy. It increases the secretions of skin,
serous, and mucous membranes. Uses: catarrhal complaints from cold and damp weather, pleurisy, pains in lungs
made better by bending forward, profuse perspiration in pneumonia, influenza with pleuritic pains, cough hard and
dry or hoarse, and catarrhal dysentery. Planets: Mercury, Saturn. [Air]
Poppies (Papaver rhoeas) are the source of opium and contain morphine. The flowers seeds are added to food to
induce calmness or deepen feelings and are part of many magical formulae. In Europe, poppy seeds were dipped in
gold and worn as lucky talismans. To become invisible, according to one recipe, soak poppy seeds in wine for
fifteen days and drink the wine over the next five days while fasting. Planet: Moon. [Water]
Ravensara Oil (Ravensara aromatica) is referred to by the people of Madagascar as the oil that heals. It is
antimicrobial and supportive to the nerves and respiratory system. It is also an antiseptic and may be helpful in the
process of healing cuts, wounds, burns and scrapes. Diffuse or apply topically. [Air]
Red Root (Ceanothus) is a spleen remedy. Uses: enlargement of spleen and liver, deep-seated or cutting pains
and fullness in region of spleen, pain all up the left side, chronic bronchitis, anemia, diarrhea, dyspnea, heart
disorders, intermittent fever, jaundice, leucorrhea, leukemia, and suppressed menses. Planets: Saturn, Moon.
Rose (Rosa gallica) or Roman Rose comes originally from Asia Minor, where it is cultivated mostly in Bulgaria, Iran
and India. Rosewater was prepared by the Arab alchemist Avicenna (980-1037 AD) and during the Middle Ages and
the Renaissance, the rose was esteemed as a remedy for depression and its ability to evoke patterns of loving. The
rose also has many medicinal benefits. Rose petals and their preparations have a similar action. They also reduce
high cholesterol levels. Rosewater is mildly astringent and makes a valuable lotion for inflamed and sore eyes.
Properties: aromatic, antidepressant, sedative, anti-inflammatory. The essential oil, called "attar of rose," is used in
aromatherapy as a mildly sedative, antidepressant and anti-inflammatory remedy. Rose oil has the highest
frequency of any oil (320 Megahertz) and is very difficult to distill and therefore the most expensive oil. Its
beautiful fragrance is intoxicating and aphrodisiac-like. It helps brings balance and harmony and is stimulating and
elevating to the mind, creating a sense of well-being. Uses: chronic bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, sexual
debilities, frigidity, impotency, skin disease, wounds, ulcers, sprains, wrinkles, thrust, and gingivitis. Diffuse the oil
or apply topically. Use with caution during pregnancy or if susceptible to epilepsy. Red rose is ruled by Jupiter, white
rose is ruled by the Moon, and yellow rose (Rosa Solis) is ruled by the Sun. [Water]
Rose Hips tea is a natural remedy that is high in vitamin C and is drank to boost the immune system. The
refreshing tea is served in most European restaurants during the cold and flu season. [Water]
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a well-known and greatly valued herb that is native to southern Europe.
Rosemary is a very slender leaf resembling pine needles. It was once known as Elf Leaf and used to attract happy
feelings. In the Middle Ages, it was presented as a declaration of love. Rosemary retards spoilage in salads and
works similarly in the human body. Rosemary leaves increase circulation, improve memory, reduce headaches, and
have anti-bacterial and fungal properties. Rosemary improves food absorption by stimulating digestion, the liver,
the intestinal tract, and the gallbladder. It also is used in antiseptic gargles for sore throats, gum problems and
canker sores. Rosemary has a long-standing reputation as an invigorating herb, imparting a zest for life that is to
some degree reflected in its distinctive aromatic taste. Properties: tonic, stimulant, astringent, nervine, antiinflammatory, carminative. Rosemary oil has been researched for its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties and
may be beneficial for skin conditions and dandruff, candida, and impaired immune system. Its aromatic influences

stimulate memory, open the conscious mind and help overcome mental fatigue. The scent alone is said to preserve
youth. It alleviates depression, eases headaches, increases mental clarity, and preserves good humor and eliminate
negativity of all kinds. Diffuse the oil or apply topically; avoid during pregnancy or if susceptible to epilepsy or high
blood pressure. Rosemary verbenon oil (Rosmarinus officinalis verbenon) is soothing and nourishing to the skin.
The oil has been researched at Weber State University for its inhibition rate against gram positive and gram
negative bacterial growth. Planets: Jupiter, Sun. [Fire]
Rosewood Oil (Aniba rosaeodora) improves skin elasticity and helps the skin rid itself of irritations and problems,
such as candida. Properties: anti-infectious, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antiparasitic. This oil has the
highest inhibition rate of all the oils tested against bacterial growth. Its aromatic influences are those of peace and
gentleness. Diffuse the oil or apply topically. [Water]
Rue (Ruta graveolens) is native to southern Europe. In ancient Greece and Egypt, rue was employed to stimulate
menstrual bleeding, induce abortion, and strengthen eyesight. The rutin contained in the plant helps to strengthen
fragile blood vessels and alleviates varicose veins. Rue is also used for its antispasmodic properties, especially in
the digestive system where it eases griping and bowel tension. The easing of spasms makes it useful in stopping
spasmodic coughs. In European herbal medicine, rue has also been taken to treat conditions as varied as hysteria,
epilepsy, vertigo, colic, intestinal worms, poisoning and eye problems. The infusion is used as an eyewash.
Properties: antispasmodic, increases peripheral blood circulation, relieves eye tension. Planet: Mars. [Fire]
Saffron is considered the most perfect of all spices. It comes from the stigma of the stunningly beautiful violet
crocus flower. During a two-week period in autumn, three stigmas from each flower are handpicked and dried. It
takes 225,000 stigmas from 75,000 flowers to produce just a pound of the herb. Eating saffron dispels depression
and eliminates psychological inertia, and it was once thought that you could die of "excessive joy" by eating too
much of it. Drinking the tea is said to bestow the gift of clairvoyance and greatly enhance the bodys healing
powers. Yellow safflower is often used as a cheaper substitute for saffron, but true saffron has a deep red color and
imparts a golden yellow hue to the food to which it is added. The alchemists considered saffron the gold of the
plant kingdom and believed it carried the "signature" of the great transmuting agent for which the alchemists spent
their lives searching. According to legend, Hermes created saffron when he accidentally wounded his friend Crocus,
whose blood dripped to earth and sprouted as the flower that bears his name. Saffron was sacred to the Egyptian
supreme god, Amen, and the Egyptians grew it in their sacred gardens at Luxor. Persian priests were said to have
controlled the winds with saffron, and Persian women attached balls of saffron to their bellies to facilitate safe
pregnancies. Saffron was also sacred to Eos, the Greek god of the morning light, and the spice has been described
as the dawns light solidified. In the Middle Ages, it was sprinkled over the beds of newlywed nobility to ensure a
fruitful marriage, and the incense was used for psychic work. Alchemist Roger Bacon believed that saffron delayed
the aging process, and some modern psychics believe its odor and taste connect one to the eternal essences of
childhood. Planet: Sun. [Fire]
Sage (Salvia officinalis) grows from Spain to the west of Balkans and Asia Minor. It has a slightly warm, noticeably
bitter and astringent taste. It was used in Crete in 1600 AD to clear throat inflammation still one of its most
popular uses today. Its leaves are a well-known cold germ and flu fighter. It is also taken as a gently stimulating
tonic. Properties: astringent, antiseptic, aromatic, carminative, estrogenic, reduces sweating, tonic. Clary
Sage (Salvia sclarea) has been perceived both as a weaker version of its close relative, sage (S. officinalis), and as
a significant herb in its own right. Since the seeds were once commonly used to treat eye problems, it was also
known as "clear eye" sage. An antispasmodic and aromatic plant, clary sage is used today mainly to treat digestive
problems such as gas and indigestion. It is also regarded as a tonic, calming herb that helps relieve period pain and
premenstrual problems. Owing to its estrogen-stimulating action, it is most effective when levels of this hormone
are low. Sage in general is a powerful protectorant and healing agent and was sacred to the supreme gods, Zeus
and Jupiter. In the Christian era, its healing energy is said to originate from the Virgin Mary. According to Medieval
folklore, all you have to do to become immortal is take a little sage each day, especially in the month of May. Toads
love sage and are said to be attracted to the plants primal power. The most powerful sage is picked on the summer
solstice at the first ray of dawn, though an old superstition says that you should never pick your own sage but
always buy it from a stranger. Sage opens ones artistic faculties by stimulating the Throat Chakra. Medicinal uses:
kills bacteria, prevents spoilage, aids digestion, reduces high blood sugar, remedy for angina, edema, and night
sweats. Sage oil has been used in Europe for numerous skin conditions, and it has been recognized for its benefits
of strengthening the vital centers and supporting metabolism. Containing sclereol, which stimulates the body to
produce its own estrogen, sage may nutritionally support the body during the child-bearing years and menopause.
It may also help us in coping with despair and mental fatigue. It has also been recognized for its benefits of
strengthening the vital centers, metabolism, and calming during menopause. Its aromatic influences are relieving
depression, mental fatigue, and despair. Sage oil supports the cells and hormones. Clary sage oil may be beneficial
in regulating cells and balancing the hormones. It contains natural estriol, a phytoestrogen. Its aromatic influence
calms and enhances the dream state, and brings about a feeling of euphoria. Diffuse the oil or apply topically on
bottom of feet, ankles and wrists. May be added to food or water as a dietary supplement, but use with caution
during pregnancy or with high blood pressure and epilepsy. Also, avoid during and after consumption of alcohol.
Planets: Saturn, Jupiter. [Air]

Sandalwood (Santalum album) is native to eastern India and is cultivated in southeast Asia for the extraction of
wood and essential oil. Sandalwood's aroma was highly esteemed in China and India for thousands of years. The oil
is most often used in perfumery, but it has also been taken as a remedy in China since around AD 500. Sandalwood
and its essential oil are used for their antiseptic properties in treating genito-urinary conditions such as cystitis and
gonorrhea. In India, a paste of the wood is used to soothe rashes and itchy skin. In China, sandalwood is held to
be useful for chest and abdominal pain. Sandalwood oil is high in sesquiterpenes and has been researched in
Europe for its ability to oxygenate the pineal gland, which is responsible for releasing melatonin, a powerful
antioxidant that enhances deep sleep. Sandalwood is similar to frankincense oil in its support of nerves and
circulation. It was used traditionally for skin revitalization, yoga, meditation, and has been found to help remove
negative programming from the cells. Sandalwood oil supports the lymphatic, nervous, and cardiovascular systems
and relieves the symptoms of sciatica and lumbago. Diffuse the oil or apply topically. Planets: Mercury, Moon,
Venus. [Water]
Sarsaparilla (Smilax spp.) or wild liquorice is found in the tropical forests of the world, especially in Mexico, Peru
and Brazil. There are more than 200 known species. Brought from the New World to Spain in 1563, sarsaparilla
was heralded as a cure for syphilis. In Mexico, the herb has traditionally been used to treat a variety of skin
problems. It is anti-inflammatory and cleansing, and can bring relief to eczema, psoriasis and general itchiness,
and help treat rheumatism, rheumatoid, arthritis and gout. Sarsaparilla also has a progesterogenic action, making
it beneficial in pre-menstrual problems, and menopausal conditions such as debility and depression. In Mexico the
root is still frequently consumed for its reputed tonic and aphrodisiac properties. Native Amazonian peoples take
sarsaparilla to improve virility and to treat menopausal complications. Properties: diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic. Sarsaparillas chief center of action is on the genito-urinary organs, skin, bones, right lower extremity.
Uses: nipples retracted before menses, eruptions on face and upper lip, pains causing depression, pains from
occiput to eyes or to root of nose, itching and humid eruption of forehead, pain from right kidney downward,
severe pain at conclusion of urination, urine dribbles while sitting or bloody, tongue white, salivation, metallic taste,
no thirst, rash from exposure to outside air, or emaciated, shriveled skin. Planets: Venus, Saturn. [Water]
Sassafras tea is made from the bark of a tree native to Mexico. The tea is used to ease rheumatoid arthritis and
heal skin disorders. The flavorful tea is also said to attract love and money, especially if a little cinnamon is
sprinkled on top. Planet: Jupiter. [Fire]
Saw Palmetto (Sabal serrulata) berries were eaten by Native Americans and animals. According to legend, on
seeing the animals grow "sleek and fat," European settlers tried the berries and attributed medicinal properties to
them. The fruit pulp was used as a tonic from the l9th century onwards, and today it is used to help in debility, for
urinary tract problems and for reducing enlarged prostate glands. Properties: tonic, diuretic, sedative,
anabolic .The genito-urinary organs, especially the prostate, ovaries, breasts, bladder and urethra are influenced
by this medicine. It is soothing to the mucous membranes and is a tonic, nutritive and stimulating to the over
worked brain. Uses: prostatic enlargement and weakness, general and sexual debility, epididymitis, undeveloped
breast glands, fear of going to sleep, homeopathic catheter for retention of urine due to enlarged prostate,
bedwetting, cystitis from prostate enlargement, impotency, loss of sexual power, sexual neuroses, and gonorrhea.
Planets: Venus, Moon. [Water]
Sesame (Sesamum indicum) is native to Africa and is now cultivated in many tropical and sub-tropical areas of the
world. In ancient Egypt, the seeds were eaten and also pressed to yield oil, which was burned in lamps and used to
make ointments. Sesame is used in China to redress afflictions of the liver and kidneys. The seeds are prescribed
for problems such as dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, and constipation. Sesame seed oil benefits the skin and is
used as a base for cosmetics. A decoction of the root is used in various traditions to treat coughs and asthma.
Properties: digestive, aromatic, antispasmodic. Sesame seeds are sacred to the elephant deity Ganesha and are
eaten to increase ones basic life force, which the Hindus believe is the hidden creative energy that accumulates at
the bottom of the spine. At one time, it was thought that sesame plants grew near secret treasures or concealed
doorways, which is the origin of the magical command, "Open Sesame." Tahini is a thick cream made from ground
sesame seeds, and gomasio is crushed sesame and sea salt. Both are widely used in vegetarian cooking. Planet:
Sun. [Fire]
Shepherds Purse (Thlaspi bursa pastoris) is a plant with anti-hemorrhagic and anti-uric acid properties. Uses:
uterine bleeding, hemorrhage from uterine fibroid with aching in back, sore pain in womb on rising, urine heavy,
chronic neuralgia, kidney and bladder irritation, aching between scapulae, craves buttermilk, and uric acid
diathesis. Planets: Moon, Venus. [Water]
Slippery Elm tree bark is used to make lozenges or a tea that fights inflammations of the mucous membranes and
eases sore throats. The tea is also said to bestow persuasive powers while stopping people from gossiping about
you behind your back. Planet: Saturn. [Air]
Snakeroot (Rauvolfia serpentina) or Indian Snakeroot is native to southern and southeastern Asia, including India,
Malaysia and Indonesia. Indian snakeroot contains reserpine, a substance now widely used to lower blood pressure
and lessen some symptoms of mental illness. The root has a pronounced sedative and depressant effect on the

sympathetic nervous system. By reducing the system's activity, the herb brings about the lowering of blood
pressure. It may also be used to treat anxiety and insomnia, as well as more serious mental health problems such
as psychosis. Planet: Mercury. [Air]
Spearmint Oil (Mentha Spicata) helps support the respiratory and nervous systems. Its hormone-like activity may
help open and release emotional blocks and bring about a feeling of balance. Spearmint oil has been known to
increase overall metabolism and reduce weight as well as aid the respiratory and nervous systems, soothe the
intestines, relieve colic, diarrhea, nausea, and bring about a feeling of well being and balance. Diffuse the oil or
apply topically. Use with caution during pregnancy; not for use on babies. Planet: Venus. [Water]
Spikenard Oil (Nardostachys jatamansi) is highly regarded in India as a perfume, medicinal herb, and skin tonic.
Much prized at the time of Christ, it was used by Mary of Bethany to anoint the feet of Jesus before the Last
Supper. This relaxing, soothing oil helps nourish and regenerate the skin. Apply to abdomen or on location for
soothing and calming. [Water]
Spruce Oil (Picea Mariana) helps support the respiratory and nervous systems. Its aromatic influences help to
open and release emotional blocks, bringing about a feeling of balance. Spruce oil may aid the respiratory, nervous
and glandular systems. Diffuse or apply topically. [Water]
St. Johns Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is native to Europe but is widely cultivated elsewhere. St. John's Wort
blooms during the summer solstice, and in medieval Europe it was considered to have powerful magical properties
that enabled it to repel evil. People hung it inside their houses to protect themselves from vengeful acts of god or
attacks by demons. It is named after St. John because bright red spots appear on the leaves around August 29,
the day St. John was beheaded. The most well-known action of St. John's Wort is in repairing nerve damage and
reducing pain and inflammation. It is taken to relieve the pain of menstrual cramps, sciatica and arthritis. The oil is
applied to inflammations, sprains, bruises and varicose veins. St. John's Wort is also used to treat circulation
problems, bronchitis and gout. Properties: antidepressant, antispasmodic, astringent, sedative, relieves pain, antiviral. Uses: lacerations, shooting pain, injury to the brain and spinal cord, spasms after injury, crushed fingers,
puncture wounds, bites of animals and insects, tailbone pain from injury, tetanus, crawling sensation in hands and
feet, neuritis, hemorrhoids with pain and bleeding, painful scars, and injury to nerves, especially fingers, toes,
nails. St. Johns Wort was believed to possess magical properties in the Middle Ages. The herb contains hypericin, a
proven antidepressant, and relieves anxiety, tension, and insomnia. The flowers of the herb are infused in olive oil
to make a pain-relieving massage oil. Planets: Saturn, Mars, Sun. [Earth]
St. Marys Thistle (Carduus marianus) healing action is centered in the liver and portal system, and it has specific
relation to the vascular system. Uses: jaundice, abuse of alcoholic beverages, liver disorders associated with lung
disorders, influenza when liver is affected, varicose veins and ulcers, cirrhosis of liver with general edema, and
gallstones. Planets: Jupiter, Saturn. [Air]
Sunflower (Helianthus) was sacred to the Greek deities Helios, Demeter, and Apollo. It is seen as a blending of
heavenly and earthly powers, and is associated with the Crown Chakra. The nutritious seeds carry masculine
energy and are eaten by women who wish to conceive. Juice from the stems of sunflowers is used as an ointment
to increase ones integrity and virtuousness in magical spells. Uses: spleen remedy, chronic cases of intermittent
fever, coryza, catarrh, nasal hemorrhage, rheumatic pain in left knee, vomiting, black stools, congestion and
dryness of mouth and pharynx, redness and heat of skin. Planets: Sun, Saturn. [Fire]
Tangerine Oil (Citrus tangerina) is a calming essential oil. Tangerine oil was commonly used to alleviate fluid
retention, decongest the lymphatic system, dissolve cellulite, and work as a stomach tonic. It is calming and helps
with anxiety, upset stomach, and nervousness. Diffuse or apply topically. Citrus oils should not be applied to skin
that will be exposed to direct sunlight within 72 hours. [Fire]
Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) stimulates a positive attitude and a general feeling of well-being. This antimicrobial oil
has been used extensively as an insect repellent, and it may help numerous skin conditions and tone the entire
system. Tansy oil has been shown to be very supportive of the immune system. It is anti-viral, anti-infectious, antibacterial, and fights colds, flu and infections. It encourages an up-lifting feeling, a positive attitude and a general
feeling of well-being. Diffuse or apply topically; avoid using if you are epileptic or pregnant. Always dilute and skin
test especially if you are prone to allergies. Wild Tansy is also known as Silverweed. Planet: Venus. [Water]
Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) is a pungent bright-green perennial related to wormwood. The leaves have been
used as a pickling spice since the Middle Ages, when people believed it dispelled negative influences. Tarragon is
probably native to southern Europe or the steppes of Asia. Historians believe that tarragon reached Europe through
Spain with invading Mongols. Tarragon is widely used as a herb in cooking. In French, it is sometimes known
as herbe au dragon, because of its reputed ability to cure serpent bites. While tarragon stimulates the digestion, it
is reputed to be a mild sedative and has been taken to aid sleep. With its mild menstruation-inducing properties, it
is taken if periods are delayed. The root has traditionally been applied to aching teeth. Used to reduce anorexia,
dyspepsia, flatulence, intestinal spasm, nervous digestion, sluggish digestion, and genital urinary tract infection.

Apply topically diluted with mixing oil, but avoid during pregnancy. Not for use by people with epilepsy. Planet:
Venus. [Fire +++]
Thistle (Carduus benedictus) or Blessed Thistle has a strong action on the eyes and also affects the respiratory
organs. Uses: tension in tendons, disturbance of vision. Burning sensation in the stomach, hands and arms, aching
and cracking in joints, clinical amaurosis (blindness), asphyxia, coma, diarrhea, dysphagia, esophagus stricture,
eye disorders, fevers, headaches, hoarseness, varicose veins. Planets: Mars, Sun. [Fire]
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is the leaf of a bushy, low-growing perennial that is native to the west Mediterranean.
Both wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum) and domesticated thyme (Thymus vulgaris) are strongly antiseptic and antifungal. Thyme may be taken as an infusion or syrup to treat flu and colds, sore throats, coughs, whooping cough,
chest infections, and bronchitis. Wild thyme (T. serpyllum) has anti-catarrhal properties and helps clear a stuffy
nose, sinusitis, ear congestion and related complaints. It has been used to expel thread worms and roundworms in
children, and is used to settle gas and colic. Properties: antiseptic, anti-fungal, antispasmodic. The herb was known
to the Sumerians, and used by the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. The Greeks associated it with vigor and
recognized that it helped elderly people think better. Garden thyme (T. vulgaris) was praised by the herbalist
Nicholas Culpeper (1616-1654) as "a notable strengthener of the lungs". Its main medicinal application is in
treating coughs and clearing congestion. Many current formulas for mouth washes and vapor rubs contain thymol,
one of the constituents found in thyme. It also improves digestion, destroys intestinal parasites and is an excellent
antiseptic and tonic. Thyme is an antibiotic, cures indigestion, encourages deep breathing, ensures recuperative
sleep, and enhances psychic powers by calming the nervous system. The delicious tea is often drunk after a
meal. Thyme oil may be beneficial in supporting immunological functions and overcoming fatigue and physical
weakness after illness. It is antimicrobial and strengthening to the nervous system. Its aromatic influences help
supply energy in times of physical weakness and stress. Thyme Linalol (Thymus vulgaris linalol) is less irritating to
the skin and mucus membranes than regular Thyme essential oil, while exerting powerful anti-infectious and
antimicrobial effects. Because it is very low in thymol and high in linalol, it is a strong antiseptic that is minimally
irritating to the mucus membranes or skin. This makes this kind of thyme oil more versatile than traditional thyme
oils, enabling it to be used in a greater variety of applications and on more sensitive skins with less dilution. It is
even suitable for children and can be administered in topical, oral, enema, douche, and diffusing applications.
Planet: Mercury, Venus. [Water]
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is native to India and southern Asia where it is extensively cultivated. It is the root of a
plant related to ginger that was used for centuries by Hawaiian priests in purification rituals. In Europe, it was
associated with magical power because of its deep golden color and peppery flavor. Turmeric has been used since
the Middle Ages to treat jaundice and liver infections, and it also contains an anti-inflammatory ingredient that
fights arthritis and heart disease. Best known for its bright yellow color and spicy taste to lovers of Indian food, its
medicinal value is not so well known. However, recent research has confirmed the effects traditionally associated in
ancient practices in the treatment of digestive and liver problems. The herb has also been shown to inhibit bloodclotting, relieve inflammatory conditions and help lower cholesterol levels. Tumeric stimulates secretion of bile,
anti-inflammatory, eases stomach pain, antioxidant, antibacterial. [Fire]
Uva ursi is a low-growing evergreen with dark green leaves. The name is Latin for "bear's grape" and refers to the
small red berries that bears love to eat so much. But it is the leaves that humans use for their therapeutic action.
Uva ursi acts as a diuretic and urinary tract antibacterial agent, and has been used to treat disorders of the spleen,
liver, pancreas, small intestine, and prostate. [Water]
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is native to Europe and western Asia. The medicinal properties of valerian were well
known at least since Roman times. Valerian root is a general tranquilizer used for relieving nervous tension,
insomnia and headaches. Valerian decreases muscular spasm, and is useful in cases of nervous indigestion, bowel
syndrome, stomach and menstrual cramps. Properties: sedative, relaxant, relieves muscle spasm, relieves anxiety,
lowers blood pressure. Uses: flatulence, mental and physical dispositions change suddenly to extremes, hysterical
spasms and disorders, changeable dispositions and moods, irritable, earache from exposure to drafts and cold,
sciatica, pain in heels when sitting, constant jerking in limbs, watery diarrhea, sensation as if a thread were
hanging down throat with vomiting, spasmodic asthma, bedsores, headache, heart palpitations, hypocondriasis,
neuralgia, and sleeplessness. Valerian oil is used for its calming, relaxing, grounding and emotionally balancing
influences. Researchers have pinpointed the sesquiterpenes, valerenic acid and valerone, as the active constituents
that exert a calming effect on the central nervous system. German health authorities have pronounced valerian to
be an effective treatment for restlessness and for sleep disturbances resulting from nervous conditions. Diffuse the
oil or apply topically, especially in a soothing massage. Planets: Moon, Venus, Mercury. [Water]
Vanilla is a bean that comes from the pod of a tropical orchid that was first cultivated by the Aztecs. The flower
has almost no odor, but its seeds give off a wonderful fragrance that can actually be intoxicating in high
concentrations. Vanilla is used to increase the midrange or "loving" vibrations both in cooking and in aromatic
sachets and has been called the "Middle C" of spices. At one time, just carrying a vanilla bean was thought to tune
ones consciousness to a higher level. Planet: Venus. [Water]

Vervain (Verbena officinalis) or verbain is a native of Europe, but it is extensively cultivated in other countries.
Verbena has long been credited with magical properties and was used in ceremonies by the Romans and Druids of
ancient Britain and Gaul. It is said to provide magical protection and was used as a love potion and holy food to
produce spells. It is a traditional herbal medicine in both China and Europe. Verbena is used in mouthwashes for
infected gums and as a poultice for hemorrhoids, and the tea has been used as a nerve tonic, to treat insomnia,
and to help digestion. It has tonic, restorative properties, and is used to relieve stress and anxiety, and to improve
digestive function. It also affects the skin and nervous system. Uses: nervine, tonic, mild sedative, stimulates bile
secretion, nervous depression, weakness, irritation, spasms, epilepsy, insomnia, mental exhaustion, poison-oak.
Planets: Moon, Venus. [Earth]
Vetiver Oil (Vetiveria zizanoides) has a heavy, earthy fragrance similar to patchouli with a touch of lemon. Distilled
from the roots of a scented grass native to India, it is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is
psychologically grounding, calming and stabilizing. Vetiver may help us cope with stress and recover from
emotional traumas and shocks. Diffuse or apply topically, especially in a soothing massage, but use with caution
during pregnancy. [Earth]
Vitex Oil (Vitex negunda) is steam-distilled from the inner bark, tiny branches, and leaves of the Chaste tree. It
has been extensively researched in Europe for its effects on neurological disorders. Diffuse or apply topically.
Warning: it is very different from the extract of the chaste berry! [Air]
Willow (Salix alba) is native to Europe but is also found in North Africa and Asia. White willow is an excellent
remedy for arthritic and rheumatic pain, affecting the joints like knees and hips. Willow is famous as the original
source of salicylic acid (aspirin), first isolated in 1838 and synthetically produced in 1899. White willow and closely
related species have been used for millennia in Europe, Africa, Asia and North America to relieve joint pain and
manage fevers. The Greek physician Discorides in the 1st century AD, suggested taking "willow leaves, mashed
with a little pepper and drunk with wine" to relieve lower back pain. Properties: anti-inflammatory, analgesic,
reduces fever, anti-rheumatic, astringent. Planet: Moon. [Water]
Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) sharpens the senses. Uses: inflammatory rheumatism, pleurodynia,
sciatica and other neuralgias, cystic and prostatic irritation, undue sexual excitement, kidney inflammation, acute
gastritis, severe pain in epigastrium, and prolonged vomiting. Planets: Saturn, Moon, Venus. [Water]
Witch Hazel (Hamamamelis virginiana) is native to eastern North America, from New England to west Minnesota.
It was a traditional remedy of many native North Americans that was not introduced in Europe until the eighteenth
century. Witch hazel acts mostly on the veins and circulation, and for this reason, it has been used to decrease the
inflammation and pain of bruises, sore muscles, bleeding, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, phlebitis, and insect bites.
Native Americans used poultices soaked in a decoction of bark to treat tumors and inflammations, especially of the
eye, and took the herb internally for hemorrhaging and heavy menstrual bleeding. An astringent, antiinflammatory that stops external and internal bleeding, Witch Hazel acts on the veins, especially on those of the
rectum, genitals, limbs and throat that produce venous congestion, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and hemorrhages.
Uses: bruised soreness, open painful wounds, soreness in eyes, profuse dark menses with soreness in abdomen,
nosebleeds, burns, bruises, traumatic inflammations, intense soreness, and nosebleeds. Planets: Venus, Mars, Sun.
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) is native to Europe. Its esoteric properties include divination, dream
enhancement, and psychic work. In the Middle Ages, the incense was burned on Halloween to enable a person to
see the returning spirits of the dead. It was called absintium(bitter) by the Romans, and this property is used for
providing bitter taste to some well-known beverages and liquors. Wormwood was one of the main flavorings of
vermouth (whose name derives from the German for wormwood). Wormwood has a marked tonic effect on the
stomach and the gallbladder and is useful in adjusting weak digestion problems. It is also used to expel
roundworms and threadworms. By improving the functions of the digestive system it helps in many conditions,
including anemia. It is also a muscle relaxer occasionally used to treat rheumatism. The leaves of wormwood have
antiseptic properties that may derive from the azulenes that the plant contains. Properties: bitter, carminative, mild
anti-depressant, muscle relaxer, antiseptic. Planet: Mercury. [Fire]
Xuan Fu Hua is an ancient Chinese herb used for centuries to treat bronchitis, wheezing, and watery chest
complaints resulting from exposure to cold or dampness. The bitter herb also has a beneficial effect on digestive
function and is used to stop vomiting. [Fire]
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) or Milfoil is a native European plant with a long history as a wound healer. In
classical times, it was known as Herba militaris, being used to heal war wounds. Yarrow also affects the capillaries
of the lungs, nose and uterus and is suited to all wounds that bleed profusely, sprains and over-lifting. It is also
helpful for menstrual problems and circulatory disorders. It has long been taken as a strengthening bitter tonic,
and it is an ingredient in all kinds of bitter drinks. Yarrow helps recovery from colds and flu and is beneficial for hay
fever. Uses: antispasmodic, astringent, bitter tonic, increases sweating, lowers blood pressure, reduces fever, mild
diuretic and urinary antiseptic, hemorrhages, incarcerated hernia, small-pox, after operations for stones, bleeding

from wounds, painful varicose veins during pregnancy, vertigo, and hemoptysis with incipient tuberculosis. Planets:
Venus, Moon. [Water]
Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus) affects the mucous membranes, larynx, trachea, skin, nerves joints, especially
ankles, left side, and chest. Uses: enlarged lymph nodes, cough caused by an incessant tickling in throat-pit,
copious mucus discharge from nose and trachea, teasing cough that prevents sleep, flatulence, rawness and
burning under clavicle, watery diarrhea early in morning with cough, and acne on the back. It produces an intense
itching but is used as a homeopathic remedy for severe itching of lower limbs. Planets: Mercury, Mars. [Air]
Yerba Santa is an evergreen shrub that grows in California. Tea made from the dried leaves relieves asthma and
hay fever. [Water]
Ylang-Ylang (Canananga odoratum) is native to Indonesia and the Philippines. The flowers are a traditional
adornment in the Far East and their scent is thought to have aphrodisiac qualities. The fragrant, pale yellow petals
are often strewn across the marriage bed. Its softer floral scent is often used in men's fragrances as an alternative
to the sweeter and more feminine rose. Its aromatic influences are those of sexual energy and enhancing
relationships. The oil has a soothing effect, and its main therapeutic uses are to slow an excessively fast heart rate
and to lower blood pressure. With its reputation as an aphrodisiac, ylang-ylang may be helpful in treating
impotence. Properties: antiseptic, aromatic, regulates blood pressure. Ylang ylang oil may be extremely effective in
calming and bringing about a sense of relaxation. Diffuse or apply topically diluted with mixing oil. [Water]
Yohimbe Bark (Yohimbinum) excites sexual organs and acts on the central nervous system and respiratory
center. Uses: sexual neurasthenia with impotence, strong and lasting erections in the morning without increase in
sexual desire, enlargement of testicles and epididymis, sleepless, diuresis, menorrhagia, palpitations, and
urethritis. Planets: Venus. [Fire]
Zedoary is a perennial herb with an aromatic yellow root or rhizome, which is used in Indian food as a condiment.
Zedoary is similar to ginger in its calming action on the digestive tract. It relieves gas and bloating, indigestion, and
nausea. The root is used in China to treat certain tumors and cervical cancer. [Fire]

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