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, "V


John McDonald


2213 Dawn Avenue

Granite City. Illinois U.S.A. 62040


Mclvin c\: Loiiclla Roller
Route 1. Bo.\ 92

Burncttsvillc. Indiana U.S.A. 47926


Henki Boonaerts

Louis Mercicrlaan 135


Maasnieehelen 3630 BELGIUM

Marv Esflicr

John Mnrk

James MaHlicw





It is NOT our intention with this newsletter to

make any special emphasis on the celebrations re

ferred to as "Christmas" or give opinions or teach

ings concerning this holiday and their place in the

life of New Testament Christians. There are, of

course, many things in our life here on earth that

may be done by some in innocence and sincerity
while others make such a heathen and sinful prac

tice of the same it could be questionable for those

trying to live a pure, holy life in Christ. RATHER,

since we have not as yet. in all our years in Belgium
specifically reported on celebrations of the Christ
mas season, we wanted to share what the Christians

in Belgium usually do when remembering the

coming of Christ into the world in flesh.

Several adults had prepared a real treat in song! On the

far left of the group is a Canadian exchange student
who was immersed since his coming to Belgium. Henki

family to get together for a big Christmas dinner

stands beside him.

with children and grandchildren. Often after their

It is not as much a custom here for all the

separate meals, they will visit around

The Sunday School children
of the Genk



also prepared some special

songs and accompanyment.
They brought praise to His
name in a sweet way only
children can!

at the different homes for coffee and

refreshments. But there is a sort of
tradition with the Genk and Maasme-

chelen Christians to get together at

the Genk church for something special
as a "family in God!" This has
possibly been done not only for the
opportunity to share with one another,
but also since many of the families
have no other Christian relatives,
celebrations with them are often

strained. In fact there are many who have no other family than their family in Him, so it is a way to put
Christian love in practice.

In some years the main program was prepared by the children of the Sunday school class. This has
proven almost impossible, since there is but one class (in Genk, none in Maasmechelen), the age range
is too large, and the group too small for any kind of drama or pageant. Usually other things make up the
program, such as special music by various ones (the Sunday school children, duets, etc,), and films or
slides that pertain to the birth of Christ. Then after singing and other congregational participation.
Scripture reading, etc., there is what is often called the love feast; informal fellowship with coffee, tea,
pie, cake and other goodies. Since there is no pot-lucks, or church picnics, this is a very dear time for
getting together as one big happy family in Him!

BELGIUM FOR CHRIST is written by Mary Esther Boonaerts; edited, printed, and mailed by the
Melvin Rollers. It is distributed to inform and encourage support of the work being done in Belgium for
Christ by the Henki Boonaerts family. All funds made payable to Pontoon Beach Church of Christ,
designated to Boonaerts work, are tax deductable.

Medaryville Christian Church

Box 140, South Jefferson Street
Medaryville, Indiana
Medarvville, Ind-

U.S.A. 47957


H/?i ^111 KcSilvory

So: ?77

'Twas the NIGHT before CHRIST


and the kids were all bathed!

They were waiting impatiently for

their daddy to come home so they
could open their presents. Actually in
Belgium, "St. Nicolas" comes the 6th

of December to bring children their

presents, but since we are half Amer

ican - we had a 'little something'

Christmas eve with reading the Scrip
ture story and singing some carols in

candlelight. (See photo of boys)

Christmas Sunday this year
brought something very special. Mrs.
Kuypers (unimmersed) and her visiting brother from'Haarlem, Holland, and one son still living at home,
shared the Christmas dinner with us. It isn't so much the custom among Belgiums to eat at one another's
homes (though popping in an\;time 'uninvited' for coffee and refreshments is in order). We have, how
ever, made an effort to have every family of the congregation in our home for a meal. There are a few
families we cannot seem to get such a meal worked out with, and Kuypers' was one such family. We

were sohappy for this opportunity (see photo) to have dinner with them after the church service, then to
Genk for the program with the two congregations together.

Our much anticipated trip to Italy for the Mid-winter rally did not develop into a reality this year. It
was a disappointment, and especially hard since it has been the longest separation from the Roland
family and friends in the States, and Christmas seerns to bring extra homesickness. But we praise God

for so many things happening to help ease the pain elnd provide so many other moments of happiness:
this special dinner, the church program, and sharing with the Canadian boy away from home for his first

time at Christmas, and a get-together with military f(blks and non-instrumental missionaries just before
the new year! AND we got so many cards and season"s greetings this year -- we are sure God had a hand
in using friends to help us in this past Christmas season!!

"One person thinks that a certain day is more

important than other days while someone
thinks that all days are the same. Each one should

firmly make up his own mind. Whoever thinks ,

highly of a certain day does so in honor of the



let Christ

our thoughts and

days, every day can be a happy day indeed. (Rom. I




John McDonald


2213 Dawn Avenue

Granite City, Illinois U.S.A. 62040

Melvin & Louella Roller

Route 1. Box 92
Burnettsville. Indiana U.S.A. 47926

John Mark

Mary Esther

Henki Boonaerts
Louis Mercierlaa"n 135
Maasmechelen 3630 BELGIUM

James Matthew


NATIONAL MISSIONARY CONVENTION - Sept. 26-29 - Knoxville, Tenn.





Henki and Mary Esther Boonaerts came fresh out of Bible

College to serve with the Church of Christ in Genk in May,
1970. They anticipated some on-the-field experience and
hoped to discover what further studies would be most useful

upon their return to St. Louis to finish requirements for

Henki's BA degree.

Boonaerts home on Kerkstraat [Church Street] in

Boorsem, where meetings were held for over three


Some gathered in front of one window of the gath

ering hall part of their home, after a wedding, one
of the first services held in 1971!

Bible College

they found themselves led to God to continue in new church evangelism about twenty miles from Henki's
hometown, Genk.

Services were begun in Boorsem in June, 1971 with a nucleus of immersed believers from the Benk

congreation, some from Baptist background, and "free evangelicals" from Germany, and others
interested in worshipping together from Catholic and Protestant backgrounds. Within a few months the
first immersion was witnessed as Adri Kuypers became the first fruits of the efforts in the Maas river
valley area. As the months and years went by the group grew in numbers and spiritual perception,
learning to accept more and more the teachings of the New Testament in preference to old traditions
from their various religious backgrounds. Many were offended and left; others joined and continued to
grow until there was seen a need for a larger place of worship.

A second major phase began in the Maasland evangelism as a suitable building was found, larger
and more centrally located for gathering. Then repairs, renovating, and beautifying of the new worship
hall was completed just before the Boonaerts went to the States for their "first furlough" and the Dennis
Mesimer family took over the work in their absence.

Upon their return in 1974, Boonaerts moved and settled into their new home purchased just before
leaving in 1973, and Messimers moved to Beringen hoping to begin evangelistic work there. Since
physical facilities of the church were completed and satisfactory, Boonaerts began concentrating efforts
on preparing their home: remodeling and adding rooms to their half of the duplex built just before the
Second World War, in "Cite Eisden" the housing project for Eisden coal miners. This proves to be a
much slower and more tedious work than either had done in the Boorsem home or the Maasmechelen

worship hall! Yet there is hope of added space to provide adequate living quarters, and study area for
the Boonaerts and their boarder, Maria Gering, one of the chuch members otherwise without a home.
When the Boonaerts first left the States they were
encouraged to enlist the help of John and Eileen
McDonald as forwarding agents from the Pontoon

Beach Church of Christ in Granite City, Illinois, the first

congregation to promise regular support of the Belgium
for Christ mission work! The job turned out to be more
than they could handle alone, so with the help of a
printed plea in the Horizons magazine, and the leading

of God, Melvin and Louella Roller of the Medaryville,

Adri Kuypers soon after his immersion with

Henki and Mary Esther.

Indiana congregation decided to take over the correspondence of the States side part of the work. The

Boonaerts are most grateful for the strong link betwien them and the United States supporting congre

gations and individuals that is provided by these faiihful Christian families. Boonaerts look forward to
even better and more lasting friendship because of the sacrificial and most helpful work, unheralded and
unpaid, and often unnoticed by most who know of the Belgium mission work.

As far as the future is concerned in Belgium, both the Genk and Maas river valley areas: the pos

sibilities are unlimited! There are ideas and suggestions untold, but with so few workers, many dreams
are left to fade away fast. It is hoped some day to begin a children's work, and some evangelistic efforts
among the multi-national inhabitants around Maasmechelen; to make use of correspondence courses
and cottage meeting type studies; and - the list goes on. Pray for more workers for this field of service,
for the missionaries already in Belgium, and for the Christians trying to live the Christian life. Pray for
the responsiveness of those hearing the gospel, and freedom to evangelize until the Lord comes. Pray for
financial support to be sufficient, and physical health to enable work to be done unhindered!


The Christians of the Maasmechelen congregation gather the first day of the week to remember the
Lord's death until he comes. Usually Henki brings a message from the Scriptures, but often his father or
some other missionary or preacher also comes for the sermon. Several in the congregation have also
brought a message. The Lord's supper is served by tv/o of the men of the congregation as they feel lead
to pass out the emblems after a Scripture reading or;meditation thought and prayers. Other parts of the

service are also in keeping with the teaching of the lj^ew Testament, with singing, the Scripture being
read by various brothers, the time of prayer, and collecting the gifts and offerings. Usually after the
service the ladies wash the communion set, and put it in readiness for the next week, while folks visit

with one another before returning home. There are also bits of interesting information, like from

missionaries throughout the world, and displays of jtiooks and Scripture items that can be viewed and
purchased. The men of the congregation take turns in the week to clean the church building and grounds
to get everything ready for the following service. Simjce so many of the women are elderly and unable to

do heavy cleaning, they usually form a team about once every two months and really give the building a

good work over, getting the cobwebs and other thing^ often forgotten by the men I

Wednesday is the-day set apart by the Christians here for another meeting-for^deeper~5tady-of~the"'

Bible, prayer, singing, and reading of the Scriptures with .explanations or teachings therefrom. Efforts
are made to have the men lead the services, communion meditation, bring messages, and read from the
Scriptures searching to abandon false teachings and bringing spiritual maturity. With continual teaching
and encouragement results can be seen as men try tc follow, for example the teaching in I Cor. 14:26,
"When you come together, everyone of you have! a psalm, a doctrine, a tongue, a revelation, an
interpretation (or explanation);" Without a leader, such a group will scatter like sheep without a
shepherd, but these are responsible men and women, and with the help of God surely they will continue
as a productive part of God's kingdom.

After the formal Wednesday study the Christians linger over coffee, tea, and pastries, discussing
happenings of the week, the Scripture, making plans|for special events, and what else is included in such
Christian fellowship. Usually both the Bible Study and the Sunday services last about two hours as
everything is done informally and unhurried.

There is an evangelistic calling program recently set up, hopefully to involve every member of the
Maasmechelen congregation in some way, with sjiecial materials printed for introducing personal

studies ofthe Scriptures. The Christians have also designated a specific offering to be sent to Roland's
mission work in India (Mary Esther's parents). The cqngregation in Genk, their Sunday school children,
and several individuals also give one-time gifts qqcasionally. Maasmechelen Christians have also

committed themselves to help a young man in Antwerp who desires to become a full tinie^eacher^f he
is able to gather enough support from the combined churches in Belgium and Holland. He has already

been trying for several years, and comes short of his n^ded goal, so it is hoped you will also pray for the
right outcome of this situation, and that Christians will continue to stand behind this brother in Antwerp.

Both the Genk and Maasmechelen congregations are also fully financially self-supporting. The
congregation in Genk has paid for their own building, parsonage, and adjoining hallway with a recently

added central heating system. The Sam Surfus family (Henki's sister and husband) are ministering with
this group and receive a large amount of their monthly support from the congregation, as well as from
churches in the States. The Maasmechelen group rents a hall and cares for all other expenses like
heating, utilities, literature publications, etc. It is hoped in the not too distant future to purchase ground
and build a more suitable building if something cannot be found to replace their present gathering hall,
so children's work can begin, along with more gatherings and evangelism, such as ladies meetings. May
your prayers also undergrid these hopes and plans.


APR.-JUNE, 1978


Happily lookingatone bookkeepingjob finally


Melvin and Louella Roller,

Correspondence Agents

John [Jerry] and Eileen McDonald,

faithful Finance Forwarding Agents

Henki, Mrs. Kottas, and James studying the

Bible informally at our home after we had
shared a meal together.

\ ^


One of the biggest tasks when coming to Belgium was learning (Mary Esther) and re-learning
(Henki) the Belgian language, and customs of the people. They are still ever students in this, trying to
better equip themselves to be better witnesses to those around them. However, they have not as yet

become fluent enough to adequately prepare literatiyre fo;: tracts or studies, so are dependent on other,
already available materials,.like from the Bible societies, and non-instrumental missionaries.

To give an idea of their usual week, here is a day'by day breakdown: MONDAY and TUESDAY Henki usually has to devote to his new part-time self-employment in roof repairing to supplement
income and be in order with the Belgian government. This, of course, means a lot of running around to
find customers, make estimates, gather materials after discovering where they are cheapest and best,

often delivering the materials to the place of work, doing the repair job, preparing legal bills, receipts,
and other bookkeeping requirements for the work! Mary Esther devotes these days to correspondence,
housekeeping, shopping, laundry, and sometimes some of Henki's bookeeping or mission accounting!
The major part of WEDNESDAY is spent in preparation for the evening Bible study, picking up folks
for the meeting as well as being present, then bringing folks back home. Unless the study is in their
home, usually an aunt of Henki's babysits the boys so they can be in bed on time for early rising to
attend school the following day.

THURSDAY and often much of FRIDAY is again spent in roof repairing, but Henki also often finds
himself busy with jobs around the house, car repairs, and working further on the building addition that is
being made. Of course, there are also often interruptions and diversions from this schedule and plans
made: bringing someone to Germany, helping someone find work, meeting someone at the airport, visit
someone in the hospital, conduct a funeral, or other emergencies that arise in the lives of preachers and
missionaries, fathers and mothers. FRIDAY afternoon Mary Esther usually finds herself picking up
some ladies, going shopping in Holland, and holding a Bible study in Maastrict with a small group.
SATURDAY Henki usually prepares for the Bible school classes (leadership training in the fall,
winter and spring) held in Genk later Saturday afternoon. When the lessons are not in session during the
summer, he usually spends more time calling and on his sermon preparation. Otherwise after the Genk
classes, some discussion and visiting, then he works on his sermon until far into the night. The
SUNDAY service begins at 10 a.m. and often Henki walks or goes with the bike, so Mary Esther can pick
up folks on her way a little later I Usually Sunday is kept for a family day, either at home receiving guests
or enjoying each other's company, or visiting families with children especially for the enjoyment of the
children. There are no evening services, so sometimes the Boonaerts go to Brunsum, Holland (or in the
past to Kleine Broggel, until services discontinued there) for an English service with the military folk
that gather in the late afternoon.

Medaryville Christian Church

Noii'Profit Organization
U.S. Postage

Box 140, South Jefferson Street

Medaryville, Indiana


U.S.A. 47957

Medaryville, bid.


Box 177

Kcaptoa, Inde i^cy+9

It is hoped this special issue ofthe newsletter can be used to better inform many ofthe work and need
in Belgium for evangelizing people to Christ's way of life. More workers are needed. More funds are
necessary. More prayer partners are vital to carry out the work already being attempted. Stand behind
the work of Belgium for Christ in an active way 1!

A new, short slide series, based on this newsletter as narration should be available after the Mission

ary Convention, from Rollers and the Horizon's loaning library! It is hoped you will avail yourself of this
added service and means of informing yourself of this work in God's kingdom. It is Boonaerts hope that
we all grow together towards spiritual maturity as we strive together to fulfill His will on earth.

Melvin and Louella Roller will be representing Belgium for Christ at the National Missionary Con
vention, BOOTH 70; the Lord willing. Why not plan to meet them there if you attend I!

BELGIUM FOR CHRIST is written by Mary Esther Boonaerts; edited, printed, and mailed by the
Melvin Rollers. It is distributed to inform and encourage support of the work being done in Belgium for
Christ by the Henki Boonaerts family. All /unds should be made payab/e to Pontoon Beach Church of
Christ, designated to the Boonaerts work, so they can be tax deductable.


Louis Mercierlaan 3-35

Maasmeclielen, Belgium
April - Jime 1978

ear Christian friend(s)

/The article in the nev^spaper of Limburg Province, when

At the

translated read something like this:

crossing, the autos of Johannes
, crashed.

, an^^ Giusippe

In this last automobile Geering Petelin (known,

to you as "our taughter-in-sister, Maria") and John

Boonaerts (our son, John Mark) of Louis Mercierlaan 135?
Maasrcechelen were seriously injured in Genk"

That was the first of Maya big holiday here in

Belgium, and v\.'e'.d gone to celebrate "Pino*s" eldest son's

birthday. . On our way home, riding with Pino, the accident

happened, about 6:30 in the evening,

John Mo-rk had a severe

'brain concussion, and was unconscious for a while so was kept in

_ The hospital three days. He i^ nov/ back to normal, We praise God

for such rapid, complete recovery in younger children!

Maria was thrown out of the automobile, a.nd also had a brian concussion,
though she wasn't imconscious she wa?^ under shock

She had to have

about nine stitches on her forehead, and spent 1? days in the hospital.
The doctors were completly overv/heDmed at such a rapid recovery in

such an elderly lady!" Again it car. only be, praise"His name!

is back home, and though not quite as active, she is well on the


road to recovery

Henki sat in the front seat of the car, and having his seatbelt on
only ^suffered some head abrasions, and pain in his lefrs for a day or

He's been awiulxy busy since, trying to get another automobile

(our Mercedies gave out on us, ;a;nd we've had to purchase another
means of transportation)., and get caught up on roof repairs since
the weather has been so dry and warm after a long, v/et v/inter!

lary_.Esther must have been hit in the chin by John Mark and on the
ear by Maria, and is still awaiting the results of the EEG tests

since she continued having bad headachs, The whole episodeshock,

.excitement, and concern included have really left her performing
far below par. Everything had been ready to get the last of Decem
ber, along with January, February and part of March's donations
acknowledged and thanked; and now more receipts have come for March
and some of April

There are many others who should have received

correspondance from herv/e surely hope you v/ill shov/ your patience
and kindness in this situtationbeyond our control!!

James, sitting on Mary Esther's lap, seemingly "out of theline of

fire^ went uninjured.

He came down with a light case of the mujnps

the day after the accident, so he and his mommy just took it sort
of easy that week. With the kids back in school, recoperation

has speeded up somewhat.

We will keep our plojined April - June thank you for later this sujnmer

and hope you will be praying for our complete recoveries. And please
accept our'heartiest thanks for gifts from December through Api'il!
We praise His v/onderful name for all the blessings this past month,
imowing only His providance a.nd serving angels could have kept us
from far more serious injuries and complications in our recent
accident. We have a new. appreciation of O'ur life, and time given
us; and hope you'll share with us in these feelings of overwhelming
Happy to be alive.


Louis Mercieria^ 135
Eisden 3630 MaasmecIielen^Tel, 0ll/7.53^y








Melvin & Louella Roller

Route 1, Box 92
Burnettsville, Indiana U.S.A. 47926



Henki Boonaerts


Louis Mercierlaan 135

Maasmechelen 3630 BELGIUM

John Mark


Mary Esther



James Matthew


SEASON'S GREETINGS through the frustrations of DISTANCE AND TIME

The message is old,
The message is true,
It comes from our heart,
'Tis meant just for you.
But how do we say
What's been said oft before?

Will you really understand

If we can't knock at your door
And say it personally,
What's been said before?

We hope you can "feel" it,

And KNOW it for sure.

'Tis peace from above,

And love, warm and pure.
'Tis "Season's Greetings"
That come from our heart.

Christ came from heaven,

God's joy to impart,

And that's our message.
It comes from our heart!

[by Mari; Esther Boonaerts]

We are awfully sorry that our support has been so low the last few months that we will not be able to
send any special Christmas greeting, card, or thank you token as in years past. We are sure the Lord has
meant it for good and hope you will accept the situation also. Our heartiest thanks to all who have helped
in any and every way this past year; and equally hearty greetings for a Spirit filled Christmas celebration
and a successful year in serving His kingdom in 1979!

' ~

Henki had a most unusual opportunity to witness of the good news of Christ this September. The
occasion was the funeral of the father of one of the members of the Genk church, Karl Jakubka. (You will
remember he had been immersed in 1974 with his wife, as we made mention of it in the "Package Offer"

article of the Nov. - Dec. 1976 issue). The place was the Roman Catholic Parochial Church of Saint
Martinus, in Meeuwen, near Genk.

Karl and Margareet were, of course, saddened at the passing of Pa Yakubka, but their greatest
sorrow was that in spite of their witnessing he had not accepted Christ as his Savior. Their desire was
that this time be used as a time of witnessing for their new found faith in Him. First they had to get Ma

Jakubka's agreement to have an "outside" preacher at the funeral; then they had to get the approval of
the Catholic leaders. This was done with a visit of Henki and Karl, a phone call by the priest to an over

seeing bishop - and Henki had permission to bring a 15 to 20 minute message between sections of the
funeral Mass to be held in the Meeuwen church.

This was not only an unusual opportunity for Henki - his first to bring the gospel in a Catholic
Church; but their first time to have a non-Catholic speak in their services!! Some reactions were very

antagonistic: "they even let the 'Jehovah's' speak in the church now" (with reference to the Jehovah's
Witness sect); to curious, friendly questioning and discussing of what had been said, and what we
believe! Karl was glad for the shining example it was to friends and family alike. Even his mother,

though not Christian had been able to feel an unusual peace, and was assured of the prayers of Christ
ians in Genk and Maasmechelen petitioned God for her. The family could hardly believe how calm she
had been, even at the grave side, and wondered if she'd not had sleeping pills or something. So the
witness of Christian love was strengthened.

Medaryville Christian Church

Box 140, South Jefferson Street
Medaryville, Indiana

U.S.A. 47957

Non'ProHt Organization
U.S. Postage

^ ^379

Medaryville, bid.


H/h Bill HcGilvcry

Box 177

Kcaptdi; Indt ^60^>9

But the greatest of all that resulted in this witness at the funeral of Willy Jakubka was that just a

few short weeks later, through continued love, teaching and witnessing, Karl and Margareet were able
to see Ma Jakubka immersed into Christ to become their sister in Christ! Hallelujah! What a Savior.

Elisabeth Schoofs Jakubka is another for whom we hope you'll be praying, as she begins the walk
with Christ. How wonderful it would be if there would be more visable results of the witnessing at the
funeral in September.

The Lord was so gracious to us in Maasmechelen, in that Johan and Anna Hetterscheidt were able

to return from their German home in the spm^ and spend another "season" with us! Anna's health was
continually failing, but she remained faithful in attending services, and in her love and witness for Christ
through pain and frustrations. Then for a few weeks she was unable to attend services because of a

kidney infection, so Johan wentto services alone and the Lord's supper was broughtto her at home.
Theevening of October 25th, after a Bible study, Johan was unable to rouse Anna to open the door
and let him in. He broke in the back door and found her dead on the couch: she had fixed his evening
meal and was waiting on his return, evidentally felt tired, or a little pain as the doctor explained, and she
died of a heart attack.

Often she had discussed her desires for her funeral with Henki, so her favorite songs were chosen,
and a gospel message prepared. The following Saturday, a crisp, dry October day, we gathered with
friends and family for the graveyard service - and indeed the gospel was preached. Christ was witnessed
in a forceful way as had been her desire. The funeral director was over heard to have said "I've been to

so many funerals, but never one like that!" Pall bearers and others were also impressed at how
different, but meaningful the service was. Weeks later we heard echos of similiar comments, as the word
traveled in the Maas river valley area. The Lord has surely used Anna's death to be a witness for Him, as
she had also been in her lifetime!

Johan has only made a few short trips to Germany but he seems to be planning on staying in his
Neerharen home this winter. In his own words (being translated from German), "I don't know anything
of lonliness. Some people complain about lonliness - but I have my Bible, and I read some, or maybe a
book, or watch some T.V." And in his prayers he thanked God for having taken Anna home to be with
Him, to be able to praise Him, as she had so longed to do.

His witness is also strong. His concern for those who "had a great loss in Anna's death" were
uppermost in his thoughts. He told of a young boy who came to visit with "Grandma Anna" and learn

German by speaking with her. He had brought a parakeet for them to share a few days. When he came
again to get it, Johan explained that Anna had gone to be with God. He took a few steps backwards and
couldn't say anything from the shock. Johan's tender el^lanafiohl^er~"w^ "he really had a great
loss". That's unselfish love - after more than fifty years of marriage - great was his loss. But he had
found the Savior through his wife Anna, as have many others and that gain is worth more than all the

Two years ago Anna had expected her passing {see article, "The Birds Have Flown" of May-Aug.
1976) but the Lord had again been gracious to us in Maasmechelen. We had her for two extra years, and
Praise Him for it! The passing ofthis beloved sister ofthe Maasmechelen congregation has brought us
closer to our God and Father. We look forward to seeing her and a host of others when Christ comes

Dear Christian Friends.

We received a telephone call from John McDonald who has been handling the financial part for the Boonaerts for many years. John
has accepted a position in a bank that is located in the southern part of Illinois. Since the McDonalds have to relocate, they asked if we
would want to accept this responsibility. Melvin presented this situation to the board members of the Medaryville Christian Church. They
votedto let us funnel the Boonaerts funds through the Medaryville Church the same as the McDonalds have been doing with the Pontoon
Beach Church of Christ. As a result, the gifts you send to the Boonaerts will continue to be tax deductable.

AsofJanuary 1. 1979, wewould appreciate it ifyouwould pleasesendyourgiftsto us and make the check payable to the Medaryville
^Christian Church and mark it "Missions". Please attach a note saying it is for Henki and Mary EstherBoonaerts. Because of the Internal
Revenue Service. PLEASE DO NOTput Belgium for Christ, Henki & Mary Esther Boonaerts or our name on the check. Put "missions" on

Jhe memo line. I will sendyou a receipt as soon as possible. Ifyou have any questions, please write or call us. Ournumber is (219) 826-4264.

On behalf of Henki and Mary Esther, we want to take this opportunity to thank John and Eileen McDonald and the Pontoon Beach
Church of Christ for their faithful service to Belgium For Christ.
In His Service,
Melvin and Louella Roller

Forwarding Agent


<.: \



a 7 1978


Henki & Mary Esther Boonaey^

Louis Mercierlaan I35



for'^arding agents

Melvin & Louella Roller


Box 92

Burnettsvllle, Ind.


Dear Christian Friends,

Kelvin and I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your inter
est, prayers and support you have friven to Henki and Mary Esther this

paso yeaTi

? telephone call from John McDonald who has been handieinp:

a position in a bank that isBoonaerts
years. part
John ofhasIllinois
located for
in the
Since the McDonalds have to relocate they asked if we would want to
accept this responsibility. Melvir presented this situation to the
board members of the Medsryville Christian Church last evening. They
voted to let us funnel the Boonaerts funds throuc:h the Medaryville
Church the same as the McDonalds have been doinpr'with the Pontoon Beach

ohurch of Christ,

As a result the gifts you send to the Boonaerts

will continue to be tax deductable.

As of Jsnuary 1, 1979, we would appreciate it if you would please ^end

your pfts to us and make the check payable to the Medaryville Christian
Church and mark It Missions. Please attach a note saying it Is for
Boonaerts. Because of the Internal Revenue Service,
PLEASE DO NOT put Belgium for Christ, Henki & Mary Esther Boonaerts or
our name on the check. Put missions on the memo line. I will send you
a receipt as soon as possible.

On behalf of Henki and Mary Esther, we want to take this opportxmity

to th^k John and Eileen McDonald and the Pontoon Beach Church of Christ
for their faithful service to Belgium For Christ.

In His Service,

Forwarding Agent


If you have any questions please call us




Our niiaber Is


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