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Meeting & Workshop November 17th 2015

Tutorial Classes = One to One teaching

By. Mr.Samir Bounab
Introducing tutorial classes (TD) In Middle school
( circulaire ministerielle N 1313 du 30/06/2013)

The tutorial classes : What is it? Why ? when? For

whom? How? How often? For whom? Where?
TD Tutorial Classes: TD is a teaching method that allows
pupils to apply theoretical knowledge in the form of
exercises. It usually take place in small numbers to
facilitate the teacher's help .
Rational of TDs in Middle school:
Activities in TDs:
- Shows an extra value to learning operation
- Aims at improving the quality of learning
- Its a mean and another path to reinforce deeper and
last the learning operation .
- It new occasion for the leaner to acquire new learning
- Promotes healthy environment for individual teaching
and learning according to each learner needs and put into
action a pedagogy of differentiation
- Develops motivation and reflexion of the learners
- its a chance to take part in dialogues and take part in
active exchanges
The Role of the teacher:
-Prepares and organizes the progress of the TD
activities. The teacher conceives them using situations that
interest every leaner.
-Gives opportunity to his or her learners to interact and
work in homogeneous small groups.
-Emphasizes on the strong points of the learners and
weak ones that prevents them from progressing.
-Equips the learners with methodological strategies in
their work.
-Evaluates in continuous way the progress of the
learners as well as the degree of their participation and
contribution during each TD
-Evaluate the procedure used
To remember : In TDs we have to avoid :
-Spend the time copying.
-Marking TD
-Re-teach or spend too much time making review
Answer the learners one by one
-Dont give enough time for relfexion for the learners.

The principles of TD :
1. conform to the exit profil
2. complexity
3. integration
4. innovating ( expoiting TIC materials)
5. differenciation
6. grading and progressing ( planning from easy to difficult)
7. motivating (inciting to a collaborative work and make the
learners more active)
8. evaluation : establish a reflection about the teacher and
learners works.
COURSES (by MadamOuzna Mekaoui)
The main objective of learning a foreign language is
to enable students to develop a communicative
competency in the target language.
The students feedbacks at both national and local
exams, for the last years, reveal that there is a need to
improve students performance.
In addition, there is an urgent need to increase the
students engagement and achievement in English
.Group work, half of the class, is meant to provide an
opportunity to improve learners performances.
A weekly group session will enable to adapt the
learning process to students needs.
Group work therefore will allow to reinforce
language practice. Learners will have the necessary
support so that their outcomes match the curriculum
expectations. The teacher will plan language skills and
knowledge oriented activities that take into
consideration Individualized Instruction .
In a group work class learners can :
-Develop their skills independently.
-They take responsibility in small group tasks.
-They work collaboratively and develop a positive
attitude to learning.
-They can have a constructive, immediate and
targeted feedback on their own progress.
They can also acquire and practice the learning
strategies they need to interact with peers.
-They can take part actively in their project work , with
the support of their teacher
- They can develop their own tools to organise their
- They can have significant amount of speaking time
which implies a more active role in the learning
process and a positive feeling to learning a foreign
By:Mr.Samir Bounab( )

8)Matching/ jigsaw
9)Problem solving activities
11) Songs
12) Story telling
13)Information transfer
15)Presentation of a group work/ poster .

Suggested types for grouping students :

Type one : Mixed ability groups
Mixed ability grouping enables learners to cope with real
life working context , where people of different abilities
work together. It has , therefore the advantage of a social
inclusion and equal opportunities2
-It is necessary to have a balanced number of different
levels in each group
- The weaker learners will have more practice
- It enables teachers to engage the talented ones to
support the weaker classmates once he/she has finished the
assigned task.
- It enables to foster the development of co-operative
Type two : Setting according to achievements
This kind of grouping requires a diagnostic test. For the
time being it will comply to the national exam type in
English, the current written test. The shortcoming of such
diagnostic test is that it is not really accountable for being
organized after a long summer holiday .It is based on
academic achievement only. It would be better to take into
account teachers evaluations of previous learners
attainment of the last school year, in foreign languages.
The advantage of such grouping is that it enables the
teacher to organize the courses and plan activities
according to learners needs. It enables to raise learner
achievement, better scores in tests .It also allows students
to gain confidence and take risks, in terms of attitude to
learning;being in nearly similar attainment category
prevents inhibition and negative feeling due to pressure of
brighter students
Finally it can lessen behaviour problems.
Group work objectives throughout the middle school
Four aspects are to be considered to plan a group work
1-Communicative competency and interaction
2-Language skills
3-Learning strategies
4-Social skills ( personal and interpersonal)
Typology of tasks and activities
Product and process oriented tasks:
Meaningful and manipulative language activities
1) Project work
2)Role play and simulations
3)Survey/ questionnaire
5)Listing /categorizing
6)Information gap
7)Cloze test/gap filling

Here is the a sample of TD progession plan:

Level :

Term :

Project :




ive tasks

Cross curricular

2 sessions should be considered as assessment ones

TD lesson plan is like any lesson plan :






Some suggested games :

1) back to back game - 2) learner diary - 3) the word
bag 4) experience 5) students feed back 6) story
grid 7) describe and draw 8) simon says 9) stop the
bus 10) vanishing dialogue 11) debate

Some links for video games from you tube.

Thank You.
By Mr.Samir Bounab ( Teacher Trainer at MONE)

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