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Chapter I

1.1 Rationale of the study
Arrangement of class schedules are not fully in the hands of the students.
There is known instances where certain students experience long hours of
break as interval to their respective courses. Factors such as the enrolment
status and or simply the designation made by the administration based on the
availability of classrooms and professors are of the researchers consideration.
So with the knowledge of the inevitability of the circumstance, the researchers
would like to know the ways of the engineering sdudents in dealing with it, to
know whether they can manage it productively, and to know their mood in
learning the subjects after the long break.
1.2 Objectives of the study
The objectives of the study are:
1. To know what the engineering students in third year to fifth year do most
during their long break time of three or more hours of interval between two
2. To find out whether the engineering students find having a long break time a
privilege/ advantageous to their productivity as students.
3. To know the students mood in learning the subjects after their long break
4. To know whether the students would like to have a long break again for the
next semester.
1.3 Scope and limits of the study
This study was conducted to determine the status of having long break time
in engineering course of Univerity of Santo Tomas as perceived by the
engineering students from 3rd year to 5th year college during the school year
2014-2015. The aspects looked into were the productivity of students, things
the students do most during the long break, the mood of the students, and the
thought of the students whether they would like to have a long break again
for the next semester.

1.4 Research Paradigm

Profile of the respondents
in terms of:
Year Level

Response of the
Typing in Word

Productivity, Mood, and
Activities done by the
respondents during their
long hours of break.

Chapter II
Research Methodology
2.1 Research Design
2.2 Population and Sampling
3 year
4th year
5th year

No. of Sections

No. of Respondents




From the official class schedule of all the sections in the Engineering
department gathered by the researchers from the Deans office, there were
only 13 sections that had 3 or more hours of break, thus only those 13
sections were considered as the population for this research.
It is assumed that there were 30 students per class, so the population is
390 and the computed sample size, with 95% confidence level and 5%
margin of error, is 194.
2.3 Instrumentation
Survey form (Questionnaire)
The survey form is composed of 2 parts. The first part is referring to
the respondents profile which includes the Gender, Department, and Year
Level. The second part is referring questions which will help the researchers
to directly achieve the research objectives.
2.3.1 Primary Data
Official class schedule from the Deans office
2.4 Data Gathering Procedure
The data gathering procedure used for this research is surveying. The
researchers gathered responses from subjects through a questionnaire. The
results were tallied and the data was used for the research.
2.5 Statistical Tools
2.5.1 Frequency distribution
2.5.4 Tables, Figures,

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