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Protist .

I* Type of animal-like protist .

1; Sarcodines ( Rhizopode )
- Characteristic of sarcodines :
a; Have pseudopods ( false feet ) for movement and feeding ;
b; Organisms have a single type of nucleus ;
c; Spores typically are not formed ;
d; Some sarcodines may produce a glass casing around themselves to protect their delicate

e; live in fresh, brackish, or salt waters; soil or sand; and as endoparasites in animals and plants .




the reproduction of sarcodines by binary fission

The roles for human :
a; Foraminifera contains lime ;
b; Radiolaria used as source of silica substance ;
c; Foraminifera can be used as petroleum existence indicates ;
d; Entamoeba histolytica caused amoeba disentry .
Zoomastigotes ( Zoomastigina )
- Characteristic of Zoomastigotes
a; Unicelular, heterotrophs with one flagella
b; They use flagella for locomotion and to prey upon other organisms
c; usually parasitic and have very similar features to ameoba ( Sarcodines )
d; Termites need them to live
- The reproduction of Zoomastigotes by binary fission
- The roles for human:
a; Trypanasome gambiense causes African Sleeping Sickness . It has been being spreading by
tsetse flies .
Ciliates ( Ciliphora )
- Characteristic of Ciliates :
a; Cilia ( hairlike projection ) used for movement .
b; Unicelullar heterotrophs with two nuclei . That is micronuclei and micronuclei .
c; Ciliates in general lives freely in fresh water or humid places .
- Reproduction by binary fission in cross section . some also make reproduction sexually by
conjungation .
- The roles for human :
a; In general arent harmful
b; Balantidium coli causes bloody diarrhea in human .
Sporozoans ( Sporozoa )
- Characteristic of Sporozoans :
a; Parasitic protists that form spores during reproduction .
b; One of its life phases is the spore formation
c; Has a body with no movement organ and contractile vacuole .
d; Move by changing the shape of its cell .
e; Parasites
- The reproductions byspores
- The role for human :
a; Parasitic protists that form spores during reproduction cause malaria and toxoplasmosis .
b; Plasmodium causes Malaria
c; Toxoplasmosis gondii causes Toxoplasma

II* Type of Plant-like protists

1; Diatoms ( Bacilliarophyta )
- Characteristic of Diatoms :
a; Has one cell or makes colony where each cell has one nucleus and one or two chloroplast .

b; Chloroplast contains chlorophyl a and c also various yellow and brown pigments .
c; Cell wall consist of two parts which are similar to a box , those are hypoteca and epiteca
d; Can be found in the pool, lake, river, ditches, aquarium, rice-field, dam, and the sea .






The reproduction of diatoms is asexual by dividing its self and sexual is by conjungtion
The roles for human :
a; Forms 90% of phytoplankton in the sea, it is often called grass of the sea .
b; Supplier of carbohydrate, lipid, and protein for small sea animal such as shrimps and fish
larvae .
c; The remains of the dead diatom will form diatomic soil .
d; Diatomic soil can be used as rubber material, the mixture of cement, and absorber of
nitroglycerin in explosives .
Algae ( Photothrop )
Green algae ( Chlorophyte)
- Characteristic:
a; Have green color because contain chloroplast
b; Produce amylum
c; Eucaryotic property
d; Found in fresh water , sea, humid place
e; Live in symbiosis
- Reproduction by asexual ( forming zoospore and fragmentation ) and sexual ( Conjugation,
plasmogamy, and oogamy )
- The roles for human :
a; Phytoplankton acts as producers . so they are very important in food chains in fresh water .
b; Can be used as food source .
c; Produce Oxigen from photosyntesis process . that required by water animals to breath
Golden algae ( Chrysophyta)
- Characteristic :
a; Has pigment of golden-yellow
b; Its choroplast are small
c; Its main food reserve consist of oil or lipid and a little of essence
d; Can be found in fresh water and sea
e; Some have no cellwall and another kind has cellwall made from pectin.
- Reproduction by asexual
Brown algae ( Phaeophyte)
- Characteristics :
a; Have brown pigment, chlorophyle a and c, carotene, and xanthophyll
b; Contain food substance of laminarin oil and alginatic acid
c; Live in the sea
d; Like a tall plant, some kinds have air bags as floating organ
e; Have live cycle between gamethophyte and sporophyte phase .
- Reproduction is asexual ( fragmentation ) and sexual (isogamy and oogamy)
- The roles for human :
a; Produce alginic acid
b; Can be used as the source of yodium and calium
c; Can be used as the food for cattle and fertilizers
Red algae ( Rhodophyte)
Characteristics :
a; Has red color because of phycoerythrin .
b; Lives in the sea, some in fresh water
c; Some of its thallus consist of one cell, but some also have the shape of thread
- Reproduction is asexual by spore .
- The roles for human :
a; Produce agar .
Dinoflagellates (Phyrrophyte)
- Characteristics :



Unicelullar phototrophs with 2 flagella that are used for movement

Contains a lot of carotenoid, so its look is often golden, browm, and red .
Have chloroplast and vacuola contractile
Has autotrophic and some have heterotrophic
- Reproduction is asexual by dividing itself, and some produce kist
- The roles for human :
a; Red tide
b; Prototogonyaulax, Gymnodium, and Gonyaulax that produce red tide
c; Th e toxin that produce of that dinoflagellates usually has the property of nerve toxin
- Characteristics :
a; Autotrophic
b; Its body consist of one cell and has light green color
c; Its cell shape is oval
d; Has no cell wall
e; Exchanges water with its environment osmotically
f; Has eye spot (stigma)
g; Photosynthesis produces carbohydrate
h; Found in the pond or ricefield which is rich with organic substence

III* Type of fungi-like protists

1; Celullar slime molds ( Acrasiomycota)

- Characteristics :
a; Resemble amoebas, but during environmental stress, they form colonies that reproduce by

b; Sometimes they are amoeba-like cells, other times flagellated cells, and some become
psuedoplasmodium, which are slug-like.

c; slime mold,
d; no cell wall,
e; spore cell wall has cellulose and glycogen,
f; haploid,
g; flagella,
h; motile slug stage



How they reproduce:

Members of this phylum form spores when the environment becomes unfavorable. These spores
are then spread to other habitats where they then become an amoeba. (Intro to Slime Molds)
- -The roles for human:
a; A slime mild is also responsible for a disease called clubroot which affects cabbages and other
related plants
Plasmodial slime molds ( Myxomycote)
- Characteristics :
a; Has somatic phase called plasmodium .
b; Eats bacteria, spore of fungus, small organic material, dead leaves, wood on which it grows
c; Becomes dormant if the condition is less favourable (sklerotium)
d; heterotrophic,
e; decomposers,
f; acellular,
g; multinucleate,
h; haploid spores,
i; no cell walls or seperation membranes,
j; motile flagellated swarm cell stage
- Reproduction is asexual and sexual
Water molds (oomycote)
- Characteristics :
a; The body is composed of hypha thread.

b; Parasites with 2 flagella

c; Found in the body of insect that floating on water
d; their cell walls are composed of cellulose rather than chitin and generally do not have

filamentous mycelium
no seperations between cells (or coenocytic, meaning it has no septa or crosswall.)
only reproductive cells isolated by crosswalls.

some cellulose in cell walls.

motile spores (zoospores) that are biflagellate and the zoo in zoospores hints that they act like
animals since they move.
j; plant and fish diseases. oomycota causes ich in fish, and pythium, downy mildew, and
phytophora infestans in plants (which means "plant destroyer").
reproduce both sexually and asexually and are composed of mycelia, or a tube-like vegetative body
(all of an organism's mycelia are called its thallus).

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