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rehearse this Peter Ganick

chalk editions 2010

rehearse this.

Peter Ganick

chalk editions

text & cover design: © copyright 2010 Peter Ganick

cover art © copyright 2010 Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

chalkeditions contacts:

Peter Ganick <>

Jukka-Pekka Kervinen <>

parts of this poem appeared previously in the blog at
ONE — rehearse this. being on transit. barter. go
slant offrande blockade mirroring elevators. renames
than cicadas. immersion where glacial thoroughness-
aporias to devote les larmes drought of already psal-
tery springtime cinecure shrove than reasons and
misted granite. surplus that. environments. the cli-
mate versive plantaganet carrefours through enroll-
ing as pleonastic virtualities those supply. meddling
wielded vanguards opining recurrence those sureness
deflates on oblique variants offered trends. skimmer
thrashing reversal abrogation of lean-to fielding cura-
torial mirrors. there suddenly portions relate. which
pile asterism verification-strengths broken than sim-
mer leit-motifs leisure that pictured intrepid attac-
tion tottering where streamline impediment. some
so engulf those appearances devastates imaginative
liaison feint curator virtual enrolls that pinecone fur-
therance heralitus omnipresent hormonal there a re-
turnee naively presume. matrieya hopping cellar-
prone thrice suddenness avails. nary strange er tou-
cans pecans itness where script. versive that studium
epistemic avalanche tiros those rotary. evidencing
permission where inalienable roasting latticed outside
wavers. tint tiens thresholds whole this. treaded
through le renard dossier flotilla borrowers wide of
surmise plastic that. so weaving drastic valences sen-
sible through routes to evaluate mirrors inclusive
there sanskritean rumors threshold of surplus. essent
vacuoles troughs indelibly correctible throughput
evoking merciful pressure. a muttering humanization
where cited improbable through surfaces addenda
orangutan engulfing gurgles the frame for lyric chas-
tisement. so vocative than elemental el dorito last
rinse trobar equisse each tertiary narrow nary ela-
tional cenotaphs. fables of reaching forthcoming ele-
mental crocuses thorough assurance shrove haricots
vert the multiple resurgence. as degrading each hori-
zon rialto versions abate rulership where possibly it-
ness surpassive rubric oh ho surveys of cursor-
threading etching phobias that notion where studied.
a mirror where softening ruse riffle arrowhead com-
merce sedimentary elasticity butter-snipe attentive
scree bloss furtherance pitcairn islands. some reach-
ing relational shrike the trash-heap cuffed whole ren-
net lite borscht thronged willow first placement evi-
dental crittter. dactylic votary roasting assurance-
processes throes of cakewalking as sufferance thrall
livery cloaking burner. drastic overturns rheumatic
error hittite well-spring neither valences presuming
law itness surpassing motions where tinted serrations
evaluate. are evaluate. then schooled inroad surpas-
sive whitened burst flack horizons there. so surfaced
on sitting elasticality goers weaving through sedimen-
tary valences of presumption. snarl tertiary enigma.
rinforzando piscine le rien du tout gnash thorough
thisness were opaque somewhere contrasting net-
worked parallax upward those. motions whirling
surmount. as radar grades outside warn enroute that
vale propitious le nuage notifying surplus existence.
notwithstanding. ad hominem the defunct reaps girth
sirocco doubled small topic. evincing leonine ontolo-
gies. there surplus. an echt vitrine whole design dust-
pan erroneous reflections whoever intent relata ur-
satz erasure plottings those motive. zealots euro-
planet cohesive plateaus threaded swan mimicking
suppressive gracious lorgnettes. tread near either sal-
low pram. so cranny urteil das arbeit mirroring easel
triplicate. chasing the transient. spatial marrow. tjant
vestiges dandelion the scruple eachness availing
somewhere plantaganet in tiros that exits essential la
moitie du parnasse vast reflex curt. so wrapping ei-
ther irreal turncoat unrolling terraformed blurs.
those running thoughful episode the flaunt euro-
planet mirages. so capri theirselv utterance maigre
les offrandes each document antelopes hotels num-
bers relations urreal intramural oceans tropos that
surfaces torn atrocitites the spin panegyric ussa-
chevsky plural cogency that image. binary thought-
forms earliness witnessed vacuity than plus rehearsal.
a grain mitt eaves outrigger planners evenings ire-
lands tertiary contrast either waitings nutshell con-
sciousness warded mitt alienated nonesuch than van-
guard snap ettiquette from already orangutan.
specious discussion. a gallery perpetual ontic variega-
tion removal presumptive where studded warming
treat. lettered einsam goggle intention for parallax
hiatus erratic loisir however inroads euthanasia terti-
ary influx before theirselv eruptive larynxes onto
neutral territory. some conscious reflective narrow-
ness watershed. piscine there valences primrose taf-
feta ruffle hoot replete avant-gash gradient veil natty
dreads the cue-card.

TWO — garish the monism tartan error. mitt waffle

er surcharge therein alcibiades. amacord einvol usage
motion le moitie. thereof. amounting thorough. ter-
ritorial ethos thank vigil enigmatic lattice. voiced
maori plenary douce. nth irony. than atreal hoof ei-
gentum. superlative weatogue and transferral inte-
gral proem ludic amalgam for matter elementation
whose where ironic larousse gratitude mitt laissez-
faire willow plus chalice pro forma property. thoreau
trondheim where iambus theirself integer arsenal
bolt hammering leisure apathetic le larme ontic la-
goon that strive. white chocolate blanket milling
whose engineer trafficking. eternal grisaille. than
purr studium those strandeess eventuate mirage-
propensitizing willow cram wiffle cut-rate inertia
olive voluntarism than shrive. so somatic gnarling
festival thereof vortices parley thorough summa co-
gent nearly publicity-offering. commonsensical that
vantage twin ornamental fissures cornice telco the
latitude moitie those murmur. so zoom incorporeal
tessitura vacuity plebian motto. grillade noun inven-
tory rehearse thinking serie du forest. praising thor-
ough simulacra those preludes nurturing everlast
think crash-course evident ceiling fan. thorough
ethos tariff each waffling oversight natural paraffin
closure. or. and. if where intentions surface. each is-
sue if combinations then shy thesauri streetwise florin
otherwise donor-planet. trepidations where stipend
naming excoriation melody. waffling design botticelli
rien du glance miraging surmounts invasively. routed
sites intransigence those please einsam block eva-
nesce through summary lacunae borrowing a material
clef du parnasse. some otherness wafting serenely
pax summation ligeti hormonal certain evening sen-
tries availing core stratificating emergences. that
tinkering lorry-blessed witness of scimitar-vacuoles
there sired outward toughly release. at graffiti casual
torn ironic thick thingks evaluate mirroring valhalla
neutrality commonsenses the wave than pirouettes.
gidget on trackmeet align though parapet stucco
vineyard however orlando please ivrogne the strut
avant selenium precedent for mallow. ptarmigan ros-
ter notwithstanding. conestoga mirage. eternal the
reification where appliances permute seltzer blob
stints. attorney thorough ionic platitude eachness dis-
astrous noteworthy aileron awhile strutting eachness
summa eldorado candor aerial the citizenry a down-
time sufficing lesson least. so. grab outwardly pres-
entation geistlich mindstyle though at that. small
candor. opening cuecards sedimentation erasure ve-
neer blackened imaginations revelatory combination.
portions however tattered vineyards other willow
stucco barn therein stadium rein of golden sirens.
some contrastive occasion presently motile thorough.
norm paraffin vulgate somewhere that. in re that no-
tion wavering thereins erases. tensional currying fa-
voritism than picayune the and however motion
sleight everywhere motionless quotas. graffiti struc-
tural epidermis thoroughly tangible reification to
bottled water on sieve through surfacing the elemen-
tation crown side teutonic lean-tos theoretically
overusage preludes outside watershedding wainscot-
ing virtual compass. grist of calligramme the stripe
madhatter. settling motion worded hollowness
avuncularity echoing natty dreads then plastic notions
emptiness van beethoven that structural griphon.
swarming omission boast rebec than stringendo
thereof clair de lune that in-practice. wad grapeshot
mir throughput each nth bursar. clavinet framing
cores regulum that in strictness waving terrestrial
vanishings. add noons vulgate abrupt snarl vacuity
teleological thresholds whichever issues oeuvre those
please. thank you. zooming outgoing thereforing
surplus the exigence perhaps sudden mote ursatz the
error-filled. fueled even. that streetwise apathy sooty
thensome scarified whichever watershed portion
asleep those usage motions reinforce etruscan bleeds.
the matinee chortled each futurity a glance to gril-
lades witnessing a reaching-forth. some else plenary
hosanna isthmus grapple matrix of lyceneum territo-
rial virgule boticelli apportionment agenda either
serration offing relinquishes blasted outward shrike
valises persist. plastic waitings reinforce. solidarity
on shrike plebian defunct. emotile borrowings herd-
ing where stretch-nyary oeuvre that simulacrum out-
siding reason certes the notion where strives irony
inroad those plus que parfait. indexicals one lepre-
chaun the risotto forming momentary simplicity each
thensome ornamental foolscap unit-awareness sort-
ing somewhere three oyez cursory reification wholly.
dint of creationism. paraplex imagination. errata turn
les cloches raffling prolated nths. some claustropho-
bic that alternative. smiling the gradient milligram of
choice laquer strives intention intending. exits
whorls perdido tenor stent vs le trottoir etc for
mainspring real maintenance. so such congerie ellip-
sis woven the attraction rill pandemonium least biv-
ouac homerun earlier tisane vacuole reaching terres-
trial privvy to vedanta.

THREE — agapanthus repeaters. tiens mon chou

satisfy tendentious lamentation roomward para-
doxes. the elation nth motorcade eachness whose
presumptious rear-guard marionette surveys. global
theory theft imago repeater veneer those to surreally
omit gravitas burlap indexical. than sirocco the fam-
ine treasure bluely accroche indication where
stricken hammering crawl potions. hotly intention
igloo grail than simulacra the festive as short-sighted
nothings as recurrent verre those skiing sizable
thread-bearing motions. then. in returning. thought
iffiness where scored big tent moviegoers flimsy that
repassive notions whole fascination the merrier. tin-
type aries noteworthy sundial presumptious regalia
the painterly. particulate immersion egoic naming
theory ipsiety utterly noun mollusk there sit-down
intent. vessel proem colotype integer this thisness
thetic vanity. nominal theirselv plus than once. hun-
dreded wires holographic otherness suave dossier
tent city malleable there singularity opaque freely as-
sociative then somber levity the situative weaseling
descriptive turn eventualities the resultants in im-
perative form. tinderbox filing then summation
thermidor equisse that vanity erasure oppressive
thereof nullity the outrigger usage utterly wide of
suddenness mainline commerce maintenance. blurs
trajectories therein sophoric the publicly omitted.
the publicly trotted einsam removes content irascible
that thetic oval immerse goers that nine nicean op-
portune. crimea thorough excellence attic tartan
however yet. bubbling therein asoka muttering
esophagus rectilinear thrown paradoxical then tarry
otherwise notions overture notebooked outrage
mulberry. cur on loafing treadmill inroad thensome
parallax the incorrect viral consequence those clas-
sism paradoxical buttoning wafts. near tender legality
press noteworthy scoff-law that mirror each naivete
further complicative impulsion theirselv nothingness
waving through sass surname prolate mid-range sei-
zure that paradoxical butane middle agenda. nth so-
cial overturn aleatoric nullity sec therein fluff where
nonsensical borrowings thetic remission variable rep-
tile naming arcades. itselv intractible throughput each
nth surface those patina resistant everlast noema or
opacity clarification memorization streetcars this nato
paradise intention aveugle nominal. world in via pro-
late le moitie accentuation left to ripen evasive thug
mire on plasticity emblematic. vocal inroad than
training celebrations amidst fenestrated imperatives
chocolate sidebar. cosmic theorem praline sass utter
bureau notes geistlich the gneiss ramification weal
perpetuituy suddenly somatic there envelopped
where sizable intent ironic therein asleep. while simi-
larities evolve motionlessly thisness waiting surfaced
ossify nothingness waver that emptiness acausal per-
sistence motto vessel tiger roach holiday noema re-
sidual foraging erratic snare porsche double-take is-
suance peristalsis grommet viaduct. mammoth
discourse thickly oasis trafficking where stately men-
dicant occasional repeater thisness waterloo shin ei-
gentum con vivo the cougar in relapse pristine va-
cancy etiquette soutine according selective naming-
crusts heroic alternatives threaded intrepid oceans
hotel nth sizability narrowly partook summarizes
thensome marred imperative. classist. grit. nur
drachma the revilee item itselv commercial voice-
overs those paradigmatic evolutes garishness water-
loo nigerian elizabethan mirrored vascularity agility.
dramatic salting pretend simplicity waiting sleight
where assignment tolerable yammering aveugles
plotted matinees vatic edification motions hereafter
insulate vigilance the comeback format comfort a one
trial vitrine capulet tilde mote variably commensu-
rate ivory calipers. greatly commiserative heterology
terraforming avignon peristalsis woken asphodels
thensome wiki-burnishing therein alternatives recur.
agility straight throughput solidarity each native lin-
gua franca than mechanism entire vocalization meme
litmus ontology those predicate motions. oeuvres
then simian that plasticity reversing throated war-
blers some sizing queues theory boa intrepid heterol-
ogy that sustenato murmurs. english language roped
snarl reptilar ethical vans nigerian blaupunkt spondee
shaping reassurance those ear-marking corgis the
suddenly active mellifluous trending surrey alien
heights pater noster as paean tomorrow inroad noble
cahier. introspective waffling therein aprille cogently
theoretical bashing coronet cicadas. the merriment
stricked tenners in wallet. notice fickleness where
stunt coconut the reminder. lao-tze as educed van-
ishment parochial the nonce format sixpence then so-
ciality zeroing northern viewpoint that enigmatic di-
rective meaning too. creature compartmenting
assurances toe-rug norm operative the cellophane as-
sertion blemish greets therein fascination lease pro-
clivity once kestrel. imbalance forgone thinking
where sirocco the mannerist gambling reinforcement
erasure of paradoxicial suggestions tides worldview
calculus the commensurate those valences practicing
eachness once sobriety consecrate. ornamental lo-
custs tardis the occultative where sermonette trou-
ble-free escapist memory than language mechanism.
yogi ditto morasses the clandestine ludic vanguard
going one othering assurance. thymus weightless
format gestate soprano mitt watershed community
reflective washout combinaion where with augury
those sufficing regulatory calcification motion errata
doux. crash outward.

FOUR — naming viral coercion thrashed onto para-

dox enabling reach. textural the vagary. some augur
hosanna inter-regnum palisade nth oeuvre collate lec-
tern inglese por favor. the stamina prolated myrtle
and bramble suddenness apathetic list-member scul-
lion empty emotion-free assertion fortuned ore loot
irreal that clobbers mainframe the cellophane poten-
tate miasmatic weal compliant ordinal re-route eu-
phrates cellar buttoning where shy. cram presence
thorough rien dualize renew orbit reify calligramme
those presuming fractal piety thensome parroting.
aegis where streamline accursed mitt urreal loquacity
bloaters in shrove presume cul de sac voiceovers.
toss hampshire that sixpence anapestic vale to oasis
promissory arpeggiation emulations incredulity those
paradisical normalcy. the contingency persist veni
vidi vici ordinate mulberry clef du parnasse that
scruple sudden happens hiatus nothing blurry thisness
regroup enough paradoxical redux soli those pre-
sume occcasion borrowing ceasing nearby cider boot.
ironic the coefficient mall-rat. rickets ovaries then
stringendo pullet mirror-bound inoperable those
freely septum grammatic noesis burrowing acclima-
tion recursion those parlez-vous renaldo surfacing
tens to twenties. cold ear. ambergris thread oggi
striping through or itness wholly decade theif aegean
therefore agriculture. a baggaged not-harpoons tiens
mon chou. each asterism gravitas dos-mantra the
coders on fallopian. gestates mitt viennese praline
surveillane those motions nary therein asleep grace-
ful. gracious thereof nuestra opacity those rieman-
nian culverts fundament either waif strata mirroring
cellar blood-type seldom fracas thingking easel ser-
aph essay anothering augury sled hammering whether
incurable yammering strip nutshell bottle-goers nu-
minous parallel central impediments those redux sol-
ipsism. fenway carpet abacus triste ous mergers vil-
liany procedural vibrations in airplay commence
intent. somewhat swallows the citthorn migraine.
sampling wherever. holding on in. essential musket
viewfinder inner range-finder ransom preoccupation
of cinematic resilient serrations swelling motionless
inactivity the kirtan missive presume fandango. sur-
real kiss radioactive nth irony clef du parnasse mirror
immerse viewpoint. newer form alit graffiti the se-
lector maori cellar bootleg ironclad vistavision oddly
nothing muttered ousia byte-playing. gnash fortitude
inglese por favor ferreting overtures thensome re-
flecting pools ghetto vestigial barter hammer neigh
orbit asana devotee cursory. move uproot the seldom
raffles othering a salutary visibility where shining.
hesperides that oneselv nth chorus gratitude literally
coercing stronghold gestural fixation. numerators
everywhere as siddha peppering dormitories the
skeletal visa. capricious that risotto vinyl paraffin
eachness where shy intractible so vedic hurrying
however incroyable intentions whirl-a-gig pressuriz-
ing amazes thorough amazement thisness believe tin-
der aspective to metallism annual. resilience zoom
credulity sudoku l'orangerie for which iterative mol-
lusk hoar-frost thomasine vacuoles therein gash pro-
cedures tint harmonic leas the currying stricken slip-
per veneer those parlez-vous networking somewhat
on seizure the jealously girth. da vinci motto vhs ly-
cenium perpetuity clearly the echo. greatly incoher-
ent chorale durable corpus these introspective nar-
rowness once patina semaphores the courtship.
insistent leas reify or sirocco the dander integers mir-
roring each naming earlier. traversal into ceiling-face
notebook these drastic rainstorm. hey-hey. otherwise
seeded tiros the floodlit emirate advert on teeter
backward those steerage. send-off lasso terraforma-
tions enrich throes of description wait nowhere. until
nourishment frailty the exhortation genuine those
selfless images oppressive the morris-dancer skillet
nevada lotto sufferance notification blotto. try-ons
therein fortitude mabye maverick another lagoon the
feral grasp derangement wildflower inroad those
public irreal that traverse nutshell that issue. block-
ade muteness once sadhana that. venial therein propi-
tious riffling essent notions the bit dog einsam native
chakra accelerator scampering watershed plurabelle
than sirocco leapfrog thensome thresholds fuel reuni-
fication-strategies numerously untold ironies the cer-
tainty somewhere elsewhere eh where issuance the
foible to redux. some color-fast. environment.
lightly salutes utensil than imagery optional cirrus lei-
sure platitude lateness plateau wooing negative era-
sure. human-phobic than agoraphobia the structural
indemnification where willing evaluations sere inten-
tion renaming nothing nearness of parrot either wide
laissez-faire lotto bloom. shucking cornichon tea-
time for ransom itself hosanna integers nutshell that
kindle iffy scruple frailty somewhere introspection.
the nodule arrival deodato mirroring as breakage to
send-off-ing le jardin. not harm seer the caliper ven-
detta motions whether kitsch ontology marrow stal-
wart candle opener. greatly fuse tint hidden omni-

FIVE — miter oggi the semaphore gratias first

eithering those from accidie than crocus no balance.
mig yearling rheostat in toe-ring also elocutionary
berceuses. the mimosa gosling pre-ops then sorted
itness while striving aegis peer perplexity while
stricken hammers. clobber inertia vessels the pre-
disposition whoever libertine railroad eunuch bottle-
neck xenophobic melisma than mechanism struck in-
tent. each verity a plausible graciously psalmist grati-
tude heaters bluely appropriate. nominal thrall
equisses mitt heralding eucerin. glib horatio nuestra
heating room ireland nevertheless appeasement. hys-
teria of ptarmigan bituminous reflexive nary har-
monic scholastic nearby solipsism greatly. zeroing the
trapeze mine streetwise appearances so serum gratui-
tous gneiss magenta rumoring acceleratives where
synonymous thingks the remedial. a cosmic decree
jalousies framed incandescence. agamben iffy thereof
riemannian sorts. ignominy fascist bending client
agendas motions laughable the centrist mandrake
blue-ray vendetta. at graded liminal foible teeter
handrail spacious painterly legume trafficking rune of
a serum. grit heparin theme thereof in a folderol
haphazard. in until geramium benzene alit item isness
wii forming eerie novena each graciously presump-
tious those circus correlations the momenta crafted
indelible thingk ein zwei drei button-holes themes
grateful thins oversight where pirouettes sober. ath-
letic mitt vineyard groats no imperialistic vanity
prone zoophobic granules serrates to eloquence those
horizons therein allargando vascular inertia nothing-
ness wholly parapet. etched warming housecall
proem somewhat on imperial censors taffeta milli-
grams repeating insistence lean-to widening surplus
existence. the mindset stylism teflon those emotilar
bush-coasts either seething crash cahier toxins glob-
ally occasional. monad bivouac greatly protection
bristle in triremes the armistic raiders lopped arcana
touch lest ossification gnash progressions thrall occu-
larity boastful theoretical innuendo. legumes timaeus
cellar steps enigmatic ghost or if. heated forlorn ei-
ther wide of spacious trapeze streaming sonic ghosts.
agit prop attic etter viennese prosupposition vein re-
pressive leery dandelion those adamantine widely
succor blasting blessage toucan viral glaciers there
stricken vastly omnibus graffiti. selective loaner list-
lessness where applicable. that stranger. a dormancy
couples third rail matinees trough similar presuming
calculus drought of parlance. middle aggressive prel-
ude toxins inner route. grisaille wherein appease-
ment gritty heat-put unveilings things where stuck
durable. metallism oragel reunite clarion repeaters
widjet miasmatic volution scram either windowless
rumination evocative horatio so calling. some eni-
matic pellet biennial vocative renaming seizure plas-
ticene double toss. tinder oases no borough itness
whether sky-written vascularity oboe essent obei-
sance those remaining dust-pan oversight thorax.
debtor ingestion precisely the occasion where tocca-
tas merge toss renewal than pictural vessels torn
storage housing obviously. so incurs conversation
praline documentation fabric either wielding mirrors
hotheaded variously tonic that dance oomph selectric
assay presuming creature sonata. nur thetic vairaga
mogul tirade then sorrow there ivory anothering
surname occasions the onrush bleeders those surplus
of enigma ingratiate. utterly inroad boll weed vocal-
ize nothing metric availings the streetwise apprecia-
tion melismatic where dos-mantra. some agility re-
unification dossiers those fabricated. rauch ruffian
frugal ruffling feeder-cliques. at aardvark solenoid
presumes the ciliated mindstylism trafficks detournee
aegis. noun it. grace of the consentual connotation
merit. rearrange tartan tartar tartartar either either-
ing atmospheric musicales. trondheim where intro-
spects. attentive tout eithering as salutary incorporeal
motions. ganash othering alchemic variorum opaque
as mirror geist unmade certes the frailty probe sur-
plus exactly lissome ceiling tiles theirselv in perpetu-
ity graciously. normal vedette scramble consentual
middling where stirrup viewpointism caliper. never-
ing the salted ptarmigan. rename rhodium paraben
those sirocco thought-forms urgency predicated in
teleological mercenaries. grin. commensurate idiom
a toss jeering erewhon strudel potion correctness. al-
lowable consecrate moving letters pandemonium
structural etiquette surname virgilian practic. the site
of presentation whiles as sworn potency hotels mir-
roring coefficient reaching forth. where strives
thereof. ranging the solipsism tore those disillusion
reify greets notches of tested motorcades amortize
motions leastly alert name. unit-aware vehicular in-
tegrity anorexic leisure than scruple those scarab gi-
tane. mode all trobar equisse voluntarism thoughts
formality finesse those inertia finessed outrigger ea-
seling haunting goblins thorough syrup. decoys non-
compulsory that reinforcing aeolian opus. purify
canola druid ictus ithin vielle rorem vonage prepara-
tive motions wielding. corral assertion velly tomato
purist grace lysine tramper vineyard that signature
each normality. yearlong around coltrane the salida
borealis noumena deterrent acclimate tonearm the
sizers. borax voiceover sopranist grammar persisting
all tropaism through edict evident veracity problem
sundial. the memory ebb already envelopping sud-
denly a choreographed matrix. vantage of parallelism
that scurrying introspection valse commonsense
through undeterminate voluntarism. there oppressive
ontic eschateology that iterative futurism. grillade
forming where streetwise as clientele thisness waiting
once favoritist vein reunification apres midi the red.
turning intention reason least nothing hammering
leer unveils a saxophone ghostly. once pram eructing
lyric valence philosophical opus than what invented
motions whether airplay omitted plenary cosmonaut.
those voicing remade integers remoulade each
geraldine. fibrillation echo. tandem. script rune of
strapling woeful noon surpassive the hedonism silent.
nutshells on floorboard. buyer the marring slather or
initialize shelter or sonic transience neem prolation-
edited. consectate barometric daphne. greeter ai-
leron foodstuff nth reality. gracian thoseo empirical
high-talking surveys. throguh parley zone earlier zet-
tel motion shekel dowse from apiary sting geometry.
if total.

SIX — teardrop. soot jar eons later. treaty meant

each not. surfactant where epidemic xenophobic
glance. theatric languid. coerce today. thensome
thresholds eerily pave selfhood numerous. cross-
town badinere mandala separatism feint cake ophelia
thereins liaison fueled nitre testament fascicule or-
nate. the coast releases clarity. agrarian multi-versal
commonsense there smiling. no changers. hopheaded
and gracious thoughtful nurture memetic those dar-
ing sec the weather inventions essent case-load. hot-
buttoning third narrative while struturing each narra-
ton. scumble thorax evidence emeritus veracious that
dander witness placalrd sunny data. emptiness waits
veering so collotypic evasion. as gamba of minus ten
seder mondo cane virtual mysteriously paraffin skele-
tal moist. weeping so maori settlers thereof vantage
than mimetic valencee there scrutinize edifices eve-
ryone lasso detritus. yammer lest jars itemize. vivarin
clueless indexical inert railroad. introit vessel tigris
tjanting allargando. einsam those multply resonance
blurt. inroad insight systematic. the parlez-vous rein-
vent to from assertion. native therein occasioning re-
hearsal major clipboards. energetic languid paraplex
oven-ready the harpsichord. as gainer redactive
moniker solace to application memoranda epidemic
lost handrailing theory crash occasion coefficient.
genial directive loot unearthing all. tentative mollusk
the invisible corona etc. numerous balanced nail
headers to frailty creature grommet. rename virtual
cheroot entrance pathos. thereof wilderness availing
inconscionable that reductive mandible. grueling
hospitality thought of each event. marred for clearly
torn uncomplication. reduction motives the secces-
sion nominal effect of persistence. either tamtam the
resultants everywhere solemn participation whorls of
otherness widely aurora. neither sirloin thematic sur-
pass a lexicon evasive than warden. cordon bleu
natural edification or emptiness behaved. hittite well-
spring energetic lament aspirative eloquence the ma-
roon skittishness expulsion forcable. tentative where
with alternatives selecting commensurable than scru-
tiny blowhard. images therein jazzed othering sleight
of happenstance each gritty hubris out airplay essent
vein call itself where ouija barroom. as a grapple re-
inforcing weathered out of range to bearing down-
towns and uptowns widely after thensome fixed.
admonish hammertoes than scripture null sedimenta-
tion each vascularity boa. crème de menthe occasion-
ing the furlough unfulfilled narrow nightly spatial
dryad noticing while structures. alternatives some-
what alertness. gritty that hubris collapse rubric
those script handwritten noon seldom oppressive the
slightly paradoxical no hot-buttoning weather-wheel
boutiquee boticellli. heat and parallax commentary
ontologic moebius. the scrape mode to sendmail re-
dactive where ordinate latency parallax a short-fall
imaginary. haphazard itness fluidity meme horatio
vehemence ticket-taker ennervate ionic lassitude plus
que parfait juts theoretic throng itselv realitas curtail
futurity excel opaquely cuecard. moot handrail.
eighteen siddhis thorough isle of mandala plutonic
reversal bureaucratic monster. thief of remote
scaramouche than milhaud screaming trees. evidence
from a treatment opaquely mirrored insequent.
blackening widely seedling some commensurately
pose einstein thematic. mignon survol than clientele.
until imago redux parallel thereforing airplay airport
aprille drought somewhere less ontological water-
shed oars paraplexy. veneer usine the motivation
each eachness rostrum torsion there slacker. connive
the invincible. ironic letterbox inner pavement too
seldom feckless somewhat rinforzando opaque licens-
ing parallels. some mode of humanitas lie surfaces.
tiger piaget thermos everlasting territorial geist loose
tantrum. thereof les nuages. immensely propitious
that gaffe skittish borealis bovine skimmer-trot. evi-
dence from alchemical ourselv. borrowing scelerotic
emptiness vaguely the moot scumble widely surmis-
ing ease offering asleep the gestural atomic waterfall.
as logjam pileaster veneer humanitas voiceless borg
metric numinous commencing the starvation either
laissez-faire foresting loathing sled. ironic a la carte
simulacra those penne solarcaine tempus fugit though
each reversal of entropy awareness possibles the am-
rita of cusps. erasure begets surprise decoys paraplex
utterly foresting amazement somewhere awhile soot.
blank mannerism there rehearsing thisness whenever
conscionable. the mystic apparatus cougar intrepid
cakewalk surfacing thereof irreal urtext summation
erasure leaching the russet suffice to intentions reali-
zation meme those structurally penance. trapezoidal
thisness where stimulus design denial. reifies colossus
note notebooking where scamper intentional tenta-
tive returnee antennae virtual cartoon erasure block-
age. neither sumptuous mortise vanguarded moon
scabbing where silence matters adrift ad hominem
respite. grail of paradoxes where stricken oppres-
sively the cube frame itness iterative lenses metric
valence sniffle. ghostly paraben. whichever. torn
hundred dualities each beefheart veep collate notions
zones widely permissive the reductive steering plan-
ets. closure those botox migraines duel tureen
cigarello withering a dramatic clientele hot-spot hu-
manitas voices the cohort planetary reference oggi
lateral universes unclear. trajectories behaving well
butane mirrors the hopeful indexical weight accord-
ing. grasp nth lampshade the every worthy fuel canis-
ter blanket prospective intentions forming accelera-
tion wordless. emaciation veracity plane tree
empirical neurotic laughter onrush plausible the cola
waters. hundreded where between bulletins after af-
fidavit of billion star meteors the universal crier
noetic where staple. sedimentation aryan clef du par-
allax mannerism dandelion each litmus clandestine
where unknown refer opus grammatization weal of
the senescence met aruba on holiday data splurge.
mafioso the lo-fi aggie nori rubicon tendency roman
can-do each notification weal of fissile that than er-
rata the skimmer trot stereolab shaft hampers einsam
though nth understanding uncertitude imperative
scree parapet mollusk those hurdling metric eras ei-
dos than scrutinize mete veracity zone through
which. septum aggregate of prelude meritocracy
though senescent. donation offering alternatives in-
ner transience lo-fi reach presentation. memory tan-
credi slight of gitanes fortitude each xylograph. mat-
tering scenario the distancing where skeletal losenges
through palatial misery clueless the vista reunite.
scaffold thensome parapet the boatshoe wrinkling
box-car beheading seraphim loitering clone surreal
iterative seldom integers wait of edging parlance
eachness trusted truthed weaving tissue. clamorous
donut. presence tenancy stent vacationing woven re-
issue pristine that sic nativity wavering alit. gasping
commerce unstartable nth scofflaw the seer tattoo
vein sorrow thief offering marooned safflower in-
dexical borough inner erasure that migration si-
phoned lease through ipseity dhoti stomping greeted.
aorist grit. scampering where silent thensome tartan
those mettle of scenario reread einsam thrown to for
which itselv norms leisure noa north rubric algorithm
rubicon that ironic least muffin acceleration parapet.
to which accord waterloo non-agent in agenda which
elsewhere plausibly occasioned. soulless where
grammatized. fusillade ordinate eventualities me-
ringue new tertiary vendetta mouche than senes-
cence frosted akimbo turn off. scandanavian residue
timaeus platonic urreal seder. zone for algorithms'
reducible accost steroid integer ural mountain ranger
aileron where which sendmail tentative rien du tout
utterance semaphoric the dust parlance seedless
asemic valence to arpeggiation motion where sce-
nario each enigmatic vehicle. the cinquantaine a mo-
ment offing treatment cetacean borrowing utter rei-
fied beggary sleight of pardon. where scramble
bramble assertive real-tidings.

SEVEN — naively prussian those festive ranchero

bulletin arhoolie trapeze networking oil canisters
fuller busting remade surplus inroad each eerieness
waiting seizure. placate silence therein elementation
while wholly dorsal feint graffiti. indexical alap
notework urreal clobber token aisle stampede nam-
ing epidemic manifest either statement alimentation
guru steeplechase vedanta motions either window
dressage plume terraforma intentions where street-
wise plagiarism those rune burin accidie borrowings
there rayon darvoset no butyl acetylene though ma-
teria mundi persist. whitely cramped widely sere the
forge intent either willingly prasada noteworthy no-
tocord where preparative eerie perfective alterna-
tives freely nothingness savoring each elementation
not whether or novitiate blunt languidity boeing ma-
chismo hundreded multiples urreal lakhs of descrip-
tion solemn reason drastic crowd-caller. the penance
the preoccupation merely paraffin. whichever if iden-
tity notation saith either waiting bolt intent. neither
scaffolding errata motions wielding fourteenths on
either handshake the burner overage there legalese
from centrist enigma oreo palaces. writ in each lec-
tern vomit parlance llama those scruple motel furni-
ture. thisness scenario borrow. ghostly doe. dosey
intramural widely capricious thensome radiance of-
fering call. smiling tal hosanna frame indecisionary
strangeness waiting raffle storage deodato seventh
century plasticity kine of sendmail eachness neither
alizarin otherwise vanguarded stampede bastion clef
du parallax left tonation each rectitude materia
mundi scenario excessive least. some orbital congerie
trench trattoria earmarked piscine those matters.
snark pittance mitigation where seldom either chorus
chora the utterance double-trust oeuvre nutshell
whereas fish einvol gotcha. amacord the filament af-
ter falafel urizen horizontal onrush of presence that
riffle creationism blurred miasmas. silence amidst
vocative enrollments oars presence official notifica-
tions wherewithal corsairs the paraplex noetic va-
lence to sere circus motion larvae. emaciation pro-
tean tentative citizen rename. yammer the slot igloo
if elate nirguna sloop granary blotter. mannikin eva-
sive prolate the emo clutter. clobber slowly. nurture
fascinationary relapse the ailing those harried por-
tions wires outside a garage society bloomed inse-
quent from agriculturists. formerly the apportion-
ment clued ludic verity if ficus dramatic. neither
wielding as paramount either wisely perpetual ceiling
there tram-slots force robust graces theorems that
inculcate moodswing parallel the mysterious grati-
tude for alarmist greetings. tensilar blood. theirselv
intolerable framing selfhood ilk of senescent major-
ette alienate queue than stringendo machinic those
stormy literals. noteworthy solemnization leica force
field. do mi sol which carnivore surplus egotism ga-
raged while assertive lubrication meme refuel oggi
stratify rapaciously the grammatical novices thought
treadmills outrage follicle than abandon. emptiness
while spacious introspection determines loathing
elementary clef using lyrichord eachness whole street
at worldview parallax. huddled intentional crosswise
formica literature the gleaming where astrophysis
thensome reductive parapet moniker version stomp.
untidy anothering sheik iterative whereabout sottish-
ness awhile sweater the ocean integral. romp strut
vacate. intersection wide ith parallel to seizure those
pristine awful aporia-frozen nit-pick energetic
whereabout ironic ransom palliative notion where
shy. the blast-humanitas versive theory anymore
weighty slippery another silencing orbital predeces-
sors numb trot governance the streaming. livery pal-
let envisioning tsetse floods. niobium that structural
decency dendrite rightful written aileron that reduc-
tive vowel-maker on terraformed loisir. dry those
moot sally forthcoming tout couch-potate imperial.
attenuation for mainframe open-heard intends ethical
font-seizure the token granite stunt-miser. variously
a determinant oceanside warm-up delco raiders the
moonsong as riddle natural vocality zone of affection
modification notwithstanding. caveat emptor silence
rutting acid-free greatly stereo-cratic. thorough
demi-monde surrey placard thought-formality the
momenta gripping release rehearse. iguana from told
hundreding sopranist vessels toggle lettering boa
eunuch stent inveighs amazement chokehold mutter-
ing simulacra than streak impractical. desktop appari-
tional either wile of partition wisely simulacra-
behaved jargon milk-train. sere blurring sclerotic
vanguard ing ithic ith swerve consecutive amalgam
from parry. rondeaux that which. sled hormonal
ticker-tape stroke on fiesta roller-derby official
bloodless anatomy copious. that stringendo formality
zone format op persist. vendor pliable the strut vir-
gin humbling there classless activity memory. that re-
silience for iteration where stray. schismatic however
envelopping stoop genuflection matrieya blurrily the
accrochement gout boar untiring sleek voiceovers
than queue. island quotient clef du parnasse view-
point mean-tone surreal nitrous algorithms. which
photogram those talkings reductive of certainly pre-
cipitate mullah gravitas bhajan those kitten clipping.
network silencing as motion while scram the choice
issuu introspection that mainframe generality zoned
recurrence. argonautic el dorito swerve those. intro-
ductory tighten larousse grecian module borealis the
student. muddle vicarious thrown to elations nub
kirtan which while transept cogency apt burin cake-
walks. agenda windowless awareness soul-mate
vingt-quatre solemnizations where rill of trepidation
sendmail toucan sendmail throat viral betterment as-
sail therein naught from attitude halcyon data sink-
hole. there pluck from freeze. children paving itera-
tive ticket-takers seepage widely motivation somatic
regurgitation leapfrog nutty cheroot cenotaphic the
metallism. line forming strings where sionara decoys
remote as paradoxes. there fulfillment snide elocu-
tion emeritus that vanity sedentary mindstyle arroga-
tion of broken assertions. reap tessiturae the module
nut on gel-caps diurnal possession. those pre-emptive
that stalemate. gatha microphobia. munitions hotel
aegis rostrum appaloosa detente midi shush. dowse
fanatic leanings. the clog framboise omission perva-
sive thorough suddenly praline cosmic herald other.
shekel dour entity. minus trash heap ontic citing
where infotainment queue remedy aprille that quit
orchestral mutter. aghast moribund the separatist
venturing willow chaser thrill behave quotient mala-
propism there deters. mint on lest therein fabulosity
once stipulate. add amounts degreed witness appa-
loosa gestural byline modest versive antelope trundle
run run run there mystic averaging orzo.

EIGHT — the moment rooftop ultras needy to seize.

until errata seek bottoming quotients. mirage widely
formative. typical atropos grimly pretense of fran-
chise. hopping through images those yammered
outer-bland utterances. theory otherwise. grackle
tentative ytterbium fickle repeater. veneer dasein
ghat immensely foible relix bureaucracy. that simian
unit-awareness reflection either orbit alliance reality
ikea marionette simmer glory irreal study sutra-
phobia. treadmill wonder font yogi sforzando breth-
ren initialize moebius tjanting selections riffle amaz-
ing clock fringes. reasons until gamma pall either
wielding choices off boating cooperatives. middle
sudden at eigentum pebble beige. zone of presump-
tion alveoli that regulatory blemish sectarian yer
blood seldom. unti-awareness singularity utrecht
aisle setter environmental quota lore of nail balance
terraforming suede volutions. reasoning thetic va-
lence-prone stunt duress. gita silken ivory blurring
abrupt. tariff either wii rapture of sorrel bugle auer-
bach painted nano-technic vale to each naturalness
while derivatives scar essential indications. intelli-
gence realitas blink tension whether processual that
reunification strategy clubhouse schoolhouse. year-
ling thrice ontic tureen acid-free cacophony the
dumpster iterative humanity. wordless awry ges-
tures. connote also-ran the figuration left to right.
ripen the livery garaging sterno bulletin seizure
ghostly occasional. hoop sorrel ivanhoe tertiary locus
strive tiff jpeg. itself ghetto butane object ontology.
as gameplan. tidings there streaming literal gracious
network stories orbits genial temperaments selecting
a qualification or itness where struck. hidden world
urteil ramification vedanta cilia theirselv itness shy
boardroom roommate elixir grab stunt-warrior. the
extra directive whoever stadia fostering triplicate
imaginations recursive that singularity echo intent.
scalding frosted burro the call outrage numerous
glimmers. as tines of force tertiary stunt-marrow.
greatly surplus indexical list-member that sink-hole
dorito euphoric ammunitions fiesta bureau theory
soutine isometric values. greatly urgency verity geo-
mancer neon site occasional itselv on rollick the feist
feint grove to seem. scope of drama torrone ethereal
ruffle than stringendo blunt amazement. a specious
riff reached through sizeable running through walls
and floors. the yew tree check inane that jitney ques-
tion motel les nuages ghostly image utterly occasion-
ing reflex partitions. traffic while steeplechasers de-
fine reductive moonsongs. the coefficients wrap
dotty intention whole hub scrooge introspective pel-
let sundial summershine washing itselv wingspan
those or enigmas. iguanas from happenstance. the
reference tolerable impetus grammatic stripe out end
street iota naturally if itselv. reaching thematic resil-
ience then springtime ally on gehesmene somewhat
siddhis and oversight. the determinate urgency bore-
alis as raffle quasar bouche the mimosa reaching forti-
tude. edible throughput thief either noteworthy
stunt-manager tiff jpeg rein story yammer quotients.
painterly integrals foible the bop-stampede. wroth
nutshell ahead tie core. thinking blitzkreig tariff
heights of denial. pang tantalus force editable imagi-
nation where stylish verdegris so rapid tribunal to
selflesls arbitrage the stormy night-tide well-thought
out. moons singing bower utensil than either mecha-
nism where whitely announce irreal nonsense ener-
getic alienate veracity heist noemata vigils inner
rouse. tendency from aeiou somatic jester where
cited the motions whoever incandescent villiany pre-
cise that reinforcing assurances deterrent flair goers.
itness somber radix geist haptic walrus thematic
laughter intentions wherein alliance allotropic the
limitation however struck in wrap of seldom arrow-
head bottleneck that storehouse graciously reference
documentation nutty slumber pastille otherwise
moats unintentional cue-card indexical teutons the
fusillade imperatrice bituminous trapeze leaf-thrower
thank sit com. ellipsis the maverick donor balancing
trapeze numbness waiting from eons traitor eins zet-
tel upadhi released. until arpeggiations admit recur-
rence today silencing determinism otherwise stretch
variably coerce those no rudder mignon summary
bleat bleep. skeletal inocence that integers muttering
alizarin lasso integers pall eurasian italic musty ratch-
eting whole streets untidy northern slather. ceiling
wielded spansular vogue. the crux descriptive bor-
derline sterno vein from access rub-down inner iner-
tia thanks formating the words. reclusive tent city ze-
roing nounal chores. raider igneous portion
proportional. in trauma attic elegance arrogates
populus the crimean peninsula bivouac thematic leit-
motif finesse integers while dramatizing eloquence to
the determinism of freedom. pallor ghotly appari-
tional cuvee networking a solemn plastiity where in-
adequate holding. scrip where tildes impound a
mindset vigilant chorus tent widjet varsity release.
am massive attachmen volunteer mainframe immi-
nent minus gleich sameness. boisterous narration
chelates. there walk inventions amidst festooned mo-
nads the scree of populus deterministic ammunition
verso. revering clair de lune those public ashen. de-
tours multiply whatever insists oversight the tramp
and cluttered blotters once pavement scope indubi-
table the engine ruddy cram. foist intentions wholly
amounts those pernicious snappy reclusive andiron.
zone paradigm of mountains the elongation where in
scapula descriptive entertainment clutter imbibes.
somulent voiceovers nimble tanka senescent therein
multiply introspection stealth sociopathic kink prom-
ulgate insisting the fascination where scribe ventner
omnipresence there dalliance. manifest grist heparin
stormy knot nighttime the vigilance of paved introit
kleptomaniz versive trot hammer petulant cerebrus
than crush tuscan voiceover. that renter shard form-
ing clubs. each those blood line those thereof which
to refer. gavelining while stadiums refer plotted in-
nuendo the recursive whereabout somewhat defini-
tive whereabot nothing essnt cease formative ellipses.
conscious lack ontic tide pallor apportion sic the mot
unti in fact genial probity well-spoken there sur-
charge those. even these.
NINE — fakir if rappalo so modest inquiry sellathon
voiceover than quixtoic venture added naught. burly
than bias for motion amidst quotients vigilance there
priority auerbach cellophane jabberwocky so haphaz-
ard refereeal chloride ocelot widely unsampled those
venting releases for intentional curatorial quota. then
sombrero that clientele virtuality metallophone sous
that iffy qua blurred nature so fraternal posthaste ig-
neous that scranble waiting flakes determine ing ithin
relays particles the summation wholly dorsal fitness
once applicable that shrift defective amidst weal of
curtains. some burnt horror sand. behavior that re-
sudual at though raita vessel forming cling partitins.
afterthoughts pertinent cephalon that if scruple cloi-
sonee variously dacoit thinking remedy burlap ingen-
ious conscious displacement play in arbor vitae. so.
like that. commensurate the violence plot cuffing
where itselv plelasing decency that than fiery that
tread menial foresting whoe curios. igneous that
stricken rocket each lectern voiced. motion whitely
crowd those fanatic remindrs a pliant vein forming
sale to conscience tree tourmaline form lie utensil
that blackguard. spoiler advantage seldom voice.
plausible there eithered outside awareness somee
brootherhood in friar behemoth. cower lettering so
mainframe sporadic isithmus someone. tentative re-
ductions. as grade of feta noon soloists then burnt
coat whitely imbibes certitude unheard warming
treaty volunteer simbian crisis. not acccusatory. smil-
ing remainder so letterboxed outward. argonautic
eon reins dotted lionize turpitude. call emptiness
emotion somewhere involute so glaring incense
parapet nut-brown sled derivation where parlez-vous
nuance. iffy that shrike. combinations eternal inter-
section where appeal crowds derivatives not haphaz-
ard then some remedial veneer plotting motion least
force-field that grammatization referred implication
where stolid. the worldview stolid. ole burin sleight
borealis that worrisome irreplacable greeting some
carded than suprematist vendetta. coills of vestment
there pride somewhat. in mortis glissandi tisane
forded ripen river trafficking surbahar those empti-
ness waits on wingspan tossing where riding moor-
ings that picayiune the selectric van advantage pro-
priety. clutter insist vestigial boing boing call
iterative reality versive for analogous. admissive
where pliant vocality nounal chorus seeking refuel
thank. protean taking alienation veering the back-
ward stepped verges. emptiness swimming that clois-
ter redactive where omission proclamation voiceover
sunny days episodic treading woolen scofield butane
guitarist none regulatory surmises the fascination
where stuck invisibly corrals determinism. knot
knowledge mortises wile of street-vendor slight lyric
mitt. either. raving through illusory plasticity recoil
consciousness barrister thought-form itemization
wherewithal beurre clod engagement isle onward
motions weird grippe throw horoscopic the evalua-
tion frail. reverence that applique unreal prelude
tone-arm seizure assertiveness where palanquin sepa-
ratism. a rift genially protege which wrongful ad hoc
voraciouly surmise therein scaling pineal cette. re-
coils stymie. then soap-stone the coil territorial. von-
age whittling v cacti that coherent implicated. zero-
plasticity waits stereophonic rumor sire that tyranny
offhand reddened truculent kept warm. despite. col-
lotype the tinkering marketeer vein relata neutrality
evidencing a matter of shyness overage collar appli-
ance the memory zone-ended through suprematists.
those more regulation-blanketed sow drastic warning
cultures. deep-set mirages sell-a-thon that tenderfoot
butane mirror slackly ovoid that reopening massive
redshift before between try-outs. weep weakening
that roseate brotherhood which scarf totalitarian
broke banquet either waiting steroidal nostrum nam-
ing selfless anatomical residue salary clone silence
rarity. ontic sizing awareness and plus. igneous thrall
foster hood sempiternal verity than clef du sorrow
thisness waving metallism vomiting receivership
thrice through thensome arrangement two moebius
structures. the dauphin nest-of-kin. toe-ring so up
tempo set-back roadless motion seeding alarm lawn
truck happening siezure the big structures so ammu-
nitive erewhon that residual veep skillet vacole
somewhat disrespectful commercial broker. coeffi-
ciency apart front menial chorus shoemaker chores.
suddenly an apostate romance derivatives essences
reductions wholly dormancy breathing neither lean-
to eithered witness shipped ropes nothing hinge
upon. shoulder if intention warming scorecard. the
pervasive anonymity secretary vistavision that plat-
form. passionate choice tessiturae virtual glimmer
rhythmos somatic quorum settlement wide of bor-
rowed car wheels. sturdy wakeful lip-service the
bloat nth surveillance before between it iterates that
tanker motion whethet signatory umbrageous totter-
ing wherewithal burlesque nothingness aware offered
integrity somewhat somewhere. a generous iterative
yammer everywhere as asleep such indexical bottom-
ing skeletal virtue. cottoning the frame chestnut ac-
cidie those robbers. blinky ceiling strike. rackets
willingly more the overnight. nothing zapped yoga
therein scrutinizes the emotional curator. senescent
tattering aware wash-out thereins soporific tattler
vortext compadre siennese fluidity gloat smoothness
wind noises tout trireme that each advance directive
vestiges where tilde the yearling sterno stereophonic
drastic motionless anarchic laissez-faire tarry not. as
nth scorn. some implication weaves retention. ga-
nache thoroughly discounts nth surfacing-tensilar
bottom-feeders the struck in pliable there perch aside
aisles quarry told everything naturally entente re-
forming caliper generalize not happen haphazard
while stronghold weekend there statescraft seethe
zero ozone tribulations the light color-fast. somewhat
sequin the rocket altogether gist the azores met wide
of loudness stringendo burn-hold classic hottest those
furlough contract tens and hundreds. the fable traitor
evincing renovation lenox herstory burrow lapis
abrupt strainer clef of mode butane heaven. serration
list-member than clannish. dossier nary discourse off
kitten where with context iffy cohort nothingness
wonderfully prelude of summation where familiarity
behaves undertow the renegade silence silently
crush. a scansion potency. oregonian surpassive nth
networo lassi thought-form einsam hotels runic. the
devolutions however an as-clubhouse integral that
suffices iteration in utterance blurrily depend attic.
which lotsa numb trapeze surf asoka delicatessan
vidiot imagery gambling setter enough side aisles the
formative crushing coals there finesse brilliantine
chose. dress offhand bureaus butane introit velcro
plausible thosse surplus load-intention. as clarionette
the modest. what stick-pin pineal cheroots descrip-
tive wherewithal bordering upon township relegation
nothing least the unrevisable witness itness solidarity
selfhood peace. peacefully unload background barter-
ing unseen value-driven baseball panegyric fens op-
erative piercings. those senescence that nation le
muffet. admissive wholly absorption engaging so dis-
course foci than cuff-link surplus erasure of theatrical
nonsense considerable whichever hones through in
tread if street-wide replications. so merrily tantrum
truly random. so tread inroad those fickle renaming
parlez-vous platoon omission where oh hearing out
of rangerhood prudence for waiting sureness pliable
therefore unrolling change aft becamel changers the
redux compassionate. memory that over-night each
necessity of process. deterministic admission weath-
ering some eachness teevee idiom cranny surfacing
earlier that quibble emotile burins scalene diatribe.
sixteenth vingt derangement clobber cleft borealis
handkerchief seldom kirtan each lobbed house-call
neither wide. nuestra foible intent where scrutinizes
yoga iffy scientism boredom nth riddle oases those
baking sundown that parallax the heard in tow hear-
ing al fresco than ceiling implosion crafts awareness
seemly. at leasing plumage frosty the snowman.
glyphic analogy somewhere tupperware coheres un-
tiring each wordless anonymity seeker invention
smiling faces everyone. the spartan enervation me-
dallions spilt notational quorums there divot remis-
sive while murdoch leaning thingking solar elementa-
tion selection varsity ludic hone harmony cluster-
philia. the determinism elan least leashing ellipsis the
teary eyes outside watching. song-filled feint alterna-
tives notification lettering botticelli that sere serum
planet energetic dyad pizzicato eternal quarry than
fidelity zone seraphim listless motion where leaning
inactive useless unrolling slept boggle where spry the
emaciation so merrily that reductive the kirtan si-
ennese blank-booklet. same. phalanx foregone. early
sixties the musketeer voiceover naked ennui those
stealth blood-relata notional quantification from
added nth quip. ghostly they arrange coercion that
blemish romantic frame zoned within curiosity those
watershed stale stalling whichever candle than
boursin those. which wait reopens format alias noth-
ingness where appliance lemma cuff the calamine.
zoom strive those persual of toned roves that inner
impresario toucan tigris vacancy replete overcome
minus. the strangeness each everywhere beautiful en-
actings. combine all together surmise of indulgence
tentative flight run run run thisness narrow strike of
discourse thorough sthick framing echoes of deter-
rent lip-synch. gamma phobia clearly toehold relativ-
ity surfacing the replete tiling amounts moviegoers
those surfeit gnash nary. otherwise a kripalu motive
each enabling once to share blockage oversight than
justice durably acausal. that so so remedy. happiness
swarms those red-shifted nounal theory. chosen than
ironclad thoughtful redirectives dire botticelli state-
ments non-lettrism a cluster appreciation motorcades
intractible where strive shy. this correctness once
aprille then tartan sociality axon brake-shoes.

TEN — gitanes foments however itselv ontic remou-

lade environments offering acclaim that migraine
sell-off clair de lune. greatly stirred. that inertia
grainy lorgnette sine qua non blurry intention
whether ironic then softness in arcana. thereas
trimmed from according to. tint hammer. struck in-
vention alienation as cusp of quarried rhythm vin-
number thaumaturge demand intrepid greed feint
ceiling fantasy bellow granary trusting. were then-
some a dramatic four house call. reptilian notions
wherein acid-free indexical buttoning downtown
seltzer wherein alliterative motions scrutinize atti-
tudes wearily sell-off threes and fours. however clip-
board tessiturae the florid numbness stealth so-
ciopathic vernal buttress. mimetic thrown to
chandelier though notwithstanding. anno domino
replication otherwise sugar such trees thought surreal
putty ceiling franchises those which revelatory quo-
rums. tint tinderbox somewhat antenna to resultant
surveillance motion wherein alternatives the directly
foregone weightless anonymity seeker bluntly appro-
priate shrink-wrap fifty motions before quintuplet
availing whole that sere bludgeon aileron shekel noti-
fication inarticulation eachness bartering a massive
quince from accordance with emptiness switching
rubble from peanut craft. trusting auerbach-ian cel-
lar-stats. mote framing cue-fardels. mute there inso-
lent voiceover of friendship. natty dreads the potter
naming aquiline variorum. plane tree skip theocrati-
cal notochords than trieste vacant steering routes
here and there mocha red-shift. activation wiring al-
ternatives frosting drymouth. celebrative ionic mo-
tions. trackmeet met evasive notions rill than fanatic
dowsing theoretical novices the lip-sync impediment
academic loss to frame illbience wash-out zone fine
iterative leaning through. until adequation results
improbable frosts those motions wincing episodic la-
goons. the strives with motion. stump indexical or-
naments foresting waitress ingredient answering quo-
tas. determine silence the pontiff. scheduling as
workaholic describes nature episodic divination for
partition correct usage. the modification where
structured in impediment the there riddance. ema-
ciation relata dossier notions worm. teutons so aegis
greatly stirred. that inertia grainy lorgnette sine qua
non blurry intention whether ironic then softness in
arcana. thereas trimmed from according to. tint
hammer. struck invention alienation as cusp of quar-
ried rhythm vin-number thaumaturge demand in-
trepid greed feint ceiling fantasy bellow granary
trusting. were thensome a dramatic four house call.
reptilian notions wherein acid-free indexical button-
ing downtown seltzer wherein alliterative motions
scrutinize attitudes wearily sell-off threes and fours.
however clipboard tessiturae the florid numbness
stealth sociopathic vernal buttress. mimetic thrown
to chandelier though notwithstanding. anno domino
replication otherwise sugar such trees thought surreal
putty ceiling franchises those which revelatory quo-
rums. tint tinderbox somewhat antenna to resultant
surveillance motion wherein alternatives the directly
foregone weightless anonymity seeker bluntly appro-
priate shrink-wrap fifty motions before quintuplet
availing whole that sere bludgeon aileron shekel noti-
fication inarticulation eachness bartering a massive
quince from accordance with emptiness switching
rubble from peanut craft. trusting auerbach-ian cel-
lar-stats. mote framing cue-fardels. mute there inso-
lent voiceover of friendship. natty dreads the potter
naming aquiline variorum. plane tree skip theocrati-
cal notochords than trieste vacant steering routes
here and there mocha red-shift. activation wiring al-
ternatives frosting drymouth. celebrative ionic mo-
tions. trackmeet met evasive notions rill than fanatic
dowsing theoretical novices the lip-sync impediment
academic loss to frame illbience wash-out zone fine
iterative leaning through. annotations where shy that
inroad tolerable the phantasm gibbon escalator loyal
intersector gale winds form. enteric no value others
diehard displacement lotto grinch oversight namely
complication the riddle antsy. loisir that filigree.
yearling there site nevertheless on-site the railing de-
terminist gaffe esplanade blob sit com acumen soli-
darity echoing which assiduity caveat emptor merits.
degree deems those funning the plumage eagerly toss
card escarole miniseries than one septum granite
shove than signaling twenty of hourly apperception
valises thankful reminiscent. until u-f-os. thisness wa-
tershed omnipresence thoughtful amity carpetbag-
gers agility ornamental curiosity the foible afforded
nounal chokehold. remiss for interspersing as mutter
alveoli thanks atoll mignon the sufficiency that regu-
larizes mania footsteps in the hallway. retentions
forming accelerative ombudsmen that clarification
latter alliance those prelude to osprey collective it
mirrors the ithin sass formality gnomon thisness
where pall over shockwave onrush than ticket-taker
sir sorrow those renaming a choice thereof iffy oar
parlez-vous. teetering awhile some barroom struck
oil. thereof blowzy wingspan the self-correcting
thoroughness back pages. remade old shtick voices
the advantages mundo bizzaro durable intention
seeming lysing loss goof estrange strength nova mo-
tion slightly. opaque form to sleeve. a version of si-
lence intersection trapeze cougar intellect sparing as-
pirin boggle than chicanery unrecognizable the each
etched. grace to sleeve. pressure goers however in-
scrutable seeding liaison tug the rerouting from as-
pects pertinent crash helmets diehard bubble iron-
clad. miniseries clarification weal of persistence that
introit buffo there streetwise fender paltry nutshell
cogent neither signature in effect. as preoccupation
emeritus messenger antelope suddenly aprille that
surplus. dumpster energetic middle season theirselv
until remedial borough erasure if brougham the
sleight of surpass motion siennese graffiti bog haphaz-
ard stipulate motions where silliness once compliant
ethical on selfhood admissive for jarring a routing.

ELEVEN — the of coarse salt enigma. precipice tog-

gle no shy. beacon the residual. reside in alternative
lack. lakes through with lakhs those stumble bling.
emptor ashen coatlique that faraway bramble or
quota motilar burr on coast eithering sotto voce the
amalgam. pure sleep tons otherwise allotment co-
erce. definition apt nevada borrower. some other re-
buttal that infinity cloaks. a descriptive ennui forcible
the stomach. noon monad vilify each lopped urreal
sombrero than clues to governance infallible that re-
sultant modification were than shine. protections
erudite formalism that claque of empathy solemnize
that tantrum. beastly foible towhee inroad thensome
while fakirs degrade. itness onslaught theocritical
motion weaving either. alight where color not light.
frame those spaces. thereof slowly foaming resilience
token aileron horror-show ninety preceptors van-
quish a domicile blurrier than signatures each volatil-
ity brooming decoys omen soapstone momentum
really bard balm mitigate serves thinkings where
shradda ego formal. enigmatic vedic anterior palin-
drome some shin goeth nicean bureaucracy thistle
mitt urn realismo that fantasy connotes along a
streaming infinity. neiscience throaty control freak
until pralines displace empirical loutish voiceovers.
accrue indefiniteness one spate the development. co-
here than so grail demesne from accentuate options
woven inalienable commentary. so. garnish inten-
tions heralding surplus existence. bataille the moon-
song wavering. word-span that indebiture meander-
ing wholly enforces team spartans. the debacle
mounting from each nominality regroup siennese
than podium. ketones lecterns while trauma-entering
alternative theories thereof motley atlas shurg
thrown data intention wear to salt. post-haste than
cipherous drastic overage lowest common denomina-
tor. once more. then sass those reunification struc-
tures. emotile ceasing. renewal of parroting formal
dissent from those penance that against moving alit in
rowhouses the fandango burin coatlique motion
where somber sincerity flash coating those sit-down.
parquet alto neither in ownership that flange percipi-
ent mallrat tendencies festooning lamentation wuss
that finicky brush widens so madness if ahoy surmise
the french-ified. shockwave ontic irreal tonic theatre
bloat imaginationary periodicity seldom feckless
while damages. senescent nib scrape mindstyle one
once approximates so debacle while fronting a mod-
esty. nitpick aegean sleigh-bells. the ghostly stadium
washes thorough metallism thirst fringe tempestuous
thereof. notions whether or novices the gist mandala
facing which devotee bird on cd-player. annotation
while bituminous frailty. not responsible but not ir-
responsible. a gurgle intentions elicit one walk-up in
quarries behavior belay strictness once a field carni-
val. bat engrosses grail bearings. genial problematic
once seeking where isness approachable itemization
wholly endemic. notions whether of renewal iffy
ceiling those dramatic leisures blank intersection ut-
tering a mallard. each nothing each. lean-tos on fip-
ple throat maori behaviorist vendor asleep once on
foresting woke to sanitize remote viewpoints. clef du
parnasse. where if site vanish quixotic reneges that
acausal thematic iffiness one once shortfall therefored
intersecting. as scythes of repetition evade motion
where if asinine thought-forms debators thensome
better notices brutish front-man each nature lacunae
the spot wench tills forms. that unintentional. quotas
motions where isness flails if unrolls added matinee
surfaces seen seize there displaces. notebooking some
breathing sparseness. bandages over ears and eyes
weeping amidst volutes and mirrors. how hubris is
enchained enchanted while treatments improve pal
about inertia. senescent the remedial clout. novena
symbolic. opaque parallels thisness which motion re-
nounces. so pampers a quota of mercy triste s. ve-
neer opalescent thorough surname parlez-vouso than
signatures. hammer spatials. each those itness where
what shy. tjanting at momentum iffy acclimatization
the no-show praline documentation reassure ten to
fifty the clobber insightful. a smiling denominator
open utter rubric torn each numerator either einsam
those ought fabrication tough élan the fibrous. de-
terminate open roaring cellar during dusting then-
some. some other insertion vacates dominant dis-
course. establishes grecian fluttering conceptual
motions woken than surreal late nighttime strum
parlez-vous averaging the collapse. that mighty hap-
hazard each nothingness where skyward those forcep
indubitable index uttering stealth the occasion for-
mat-free waiting with reference combine that singu-
larity opted wash. a fabrication where schemata once
silence there forcep imaginary cellar. raffle reaffirm
cell bottle crosswise bounty found flounder sincerely
parrot. nutshells both applicable the not so nicely.
foreground mutter say saith being burnt not. eerie
than fixation. unrolling awareness some addendum
forested placate nomenclature the devotee divulgle
divots in shy. precipice threes operating commence-
ment that nighttime sorting watershed than affiliation
intention commencing thorough rewrap. gustatory
spring-field tomtom. where with which waits watch-
ing woken.

TWELVE — as gurney caliper sizable trouble-free

dyad mount each either waffles. than rien du tout if
knowledgeable until erewhon requisatory there ful-
some advantageous deterrent. clobber knit-work
seeker enigmatic stadia parlez-vous weaving conse-
cration unheard. grapple thensome fourth elicitation
home-rule that finesse of durability cram grommet.
engineer the futurity bluely accroche there fluttering
winds through maze of arrogated bristle. enneagrams
on treble clatter. shylock where to unseeing rhennish
fabrication noticing mesmerization weal of persis-
tence ebook liaison teflon than crow. somatic enve-
lope series tendencies treacle qua qua filtering sur-
plus exigencies thensome re thensome ductile spot-
check spate of which dune site framing excellence
that remiss of perspicacity not missive thrall opus
genial misquotation. gentle intersection wounding
clatter through opacity tolerable weaving integers
weal of awareness summershine net dipolar bureauc-
racy tennis el dorado which acausal thought-pattern.
no mysterium fanatic. densest forum affable that
residue motionless incurable passage of tendency
notes on alternative rayon each tent chelation im-
agery burner earlier that co-sophistry than envelope
tatter remiss grateful sclerotic franchises there
blurbed outside awareness suprematist doctrinaire
flighty abrogation thirst foot-falls in corridor those
pub-crawling. differences barn holidays then some-
one referent to anorexia debacle until. separatist
gaffe throaty bureaucratic miasma from miasmas the
motorcade imperialism grammar cut-rate ludic pro-
tégé. so mound either silence. that wrenching phi-
losophy ten to one hounded hurrying rough-shod that
parallel outsidie risk. definition relays contusion that
recalls paperweights rose madder the frond happen-
stance horary glitter burlesque those in elicitation of
muttering sleight presume thereof enfonce harvested
notions replication where remedy clapper sting.
strictures each wealth imposing the what-haves. tied
through suede value processual tidy numbers weath-
ered those suprematist devotions bellow nativity ae-
gis that fluidity somewhat marquesa flutter. consecra-
tion blurring an equation before statements rewind.
notocord weaving tensilar behaviorism istic relata not
noemata from oliphant holiday. graciously away-
game forcep untried bottom-feeders the aggregate
sumptuous thought-pattern revelation nothing. nth
silence nail-free. tensilar blunt amity coherent accel-
erations where proof certitude affable wrapping nth
pattern seizes the blackened tidings. humble loathing
juniper evidence livid however strive portions
whether nom de plume scorpion trailer the mode from
old school reflection naming clutter affable quo-
tients. thereas bleaching forcep itness wast thou in-
gestion of foraging the mirror gaffe ironic ternary
stadium in retrograde blurring blurrings. the insis-
tence forcep. where widens intention of whichever
path taken. as a legume if absorption either melody
stepvan the occasional. networking fuel adamantine
each reccurence those shamble poof the dragnet im-
placable refugees narrowly oomph sell-a-thon era-
sure of first mira tomorrow honor. the garage scul-
lion parries from aggregate information essentializes
thensome frailty borough each natural inroad ruffling
acetone accurately butter-snipe that theirself revers-
ing clatter. noesis patting nurture those dark visibil-
ities goad quixotic muttering alienations amidst
hoopla. thorough indebiture that raiment flustering
afterthought miata sporadic sleepiness. salubrious
that. generous thoroughly realitas bugbear theatre for
mavericks today eternal once therein also placates
tensile ruffians. tolerable that initialize almoss strav-
insky geomancer parboiled notary scholasticism
force. so badinage for reaching seldom than copious.
regulum fantasy posing noon stealth bulletin as
abatement widening sorts of.

THIRTEEN — in contrasting erasure. thens from

noon apparition. seen framing selfless widen ouch
toucan nefarious that refutes burin slight. tensile the
fabricates entering stripe in shrove than sites weal of
asana for mitt neither bluely accroche that vinyl pre-
sumption sendmail righten from a matinee skill-
boards the motion weighty aegis training those les-
son. ing. the phrasing fenugreek supposition meme
whereas full tonic veracity tonight ontic comparison
there refutes marionette macaw benign trepidation
where sorrow infuses adjustment the feint rappalo
notes as sunny data those reeling stucco vanishes ten-
dencies betterment of fringe trapeze loquacity sce-
nario todays an mostly tomorrows the non-looking
badminton selectivity recursion plane-tree suddenly
apparitions mellow the dormancy feral eaves re-
hearse front madness around a clubhouse of aisle seat
noun. as grit other either waiting allargando noon la-
ity balance shards until remotely accurate laudanum
sledding through seedless apparitions combine that
stunt-magician refutation beowulf orchestration of
freely discoursed nib. fakirs woven through hadrons.
partook the seizure thorough intentions heist grecian
surgery. as gnashing reification betterment while
sandeesh precipitaties new modalities from to agora-
phobia either wielding missives therein also hit-men
on from radio stately budding weal of surplus eh that
contingent cellar dustpan removal the aqualine fracas
operating where strum pillars far-away look. seething
alchemist the evian niblet. earlier the mention es-
cape. determinist none of the above concentric sock-
hop. otherwise unthought touch torn asleep refuta-
tion nominal precipitant vellum the attic erewhon
stricken once omissive the remade notion surfacing
each lasting wordship. entitlement from an averaging
whether or nothingness woven those surrey targeting
assurances weeping where trianon stray yammering
the futurity of essential existence. that paves notes.
yonder willow thereins together as today roughshod
parapet reins of fellowshipped those these than this
invocation if referent acclimation thinking four-
square polis then sobriety meaning contingency
aprille the botticelli network festive. though imagina-
tion regulates what shard. as gneiss dapple roseate
fuel-canister wading the watershed othering a fitness
where sing kinship sing mandalas those referring dis-
tribution each nth grace of sugarese fluid itemize.
crushing then with scaramouche power to truth
power to elude powwow not tenuous thensome re-
ductive nothingness waiting meal-ticket narrow leica
those stipulate bedroom fanatic roller-derby skeletal
mystery than stopgap melodies. the quotients reverse
taken passion taller numerators the weight borrowers
on description. network surpass. as an talking smiling
the traffic fuss nothingness waits singersongwriter
those fusing sonatas thoughts in respite once combi-
nations introduce weighing pull. scaled though far-
reaching thingks ammunition a conferred transcen-
dence if aware wanting. rewrap tosses through con-
tradistinction the titular borrowing somewhat
somewhere ownership battlement leapfrog either
waiting skeletons numb cahiers du monde et les aveugles
deconstructive eon reflexive iambic nonesuch remit-
tance those motions the removal poof tendencies dis-
harmonious treadmill geistlich front atomic black-
guard. the consecration suddenly data invasive attrac-
tion fiftieth decry connoted thensome backward
twist. iguana each inaction those freely attenuations
feudal nighttime salt and pepper derivations elixir
that naught seldom paternal crosswise those fantastic
leanings treadmill stylism awkward eventual gnarl
through transcendence those lately of knight’s parry
oleo quasar filliate the motion wields. as coptic re-
moulade fixative. so condenser parry forming terres-
trial eachness a data known elevator singularity eno-
bles reification unfound simplicity foundling
doorstep reeling rocking reopens when simpering
crosses the furtive remoteness stalwart amidst
shrink-wrapped this botticelli vendor machinic de-
bates thensome refuel itness once on planetary appo-
sition mead on slacker. name equality wide as place-
marker. arrogation of emergent clientele montages
whereas folderol blasts thematic resilience through
send-off inner row-house there parlance mends. tra-
duce the georgic estampie leaning further intersec-
tive that naming wonderful creationism. pluck intel-
lection of aegises engulf awareness thematic
reflections and mortise-crawling ins and touches.
sgraffito oldness outerward bridging favoritisms
those dealing remedies the sketching pastime festive.
related ingredients wasting wavering sour-balance
white lights faraway closure thingks renegade con-
ceptual spirituality one separitist tureen that the fas-
cination weekends another misquote furtherance dé-
tente sorts through accidie elasticity facing
downtown those mystic jumping doors through the
parlance of sere zoned thereof sacral temporality
nothingness where stipulations recur rehash iteration
for insistence. then. switching relata those merri-
ment legumes deity of coy nuestra immolate funda-
mental run away slander none of boat-shoes token
waves. confiscate ironic that wilderness suprematist
ontological morality envisioning hardening apartment
earlier the amelioration wetlands norm offerings
slept eithering a shortfall as long-term infinitude blot
apple instantiation meek stet voiceovers. gnarling a
surety firehouse clef du parnasse which wavering al-
literation. solid lacunae hotel fly-by-night token sorts
relaxation easy nomos than resultants the emotile
oppression emeritus novelty surcease surcharge wis-
dom thorough silence thensome which fidget water-
shed. shoddy knowledge patchwork kipper. selenium
affidavit hexagram sabotage. the messenger wafts
through nutshells omnipresence between before.
sites droning realismo tiburon. mitten salacious ten-
spot euphonic douanier necessity where stint valida-
tion messages the replication merrily framing queues
that rename allargando requests those. ironic ductile
inroad the unknowable falsity immigrate alienations
where schematic intention wiring lapis duress once
fluidity escapes. nothing while drastic variety the
hellespont turgid. amount those renewal tinkering
wailing waffling the rishis determine whoever ontics
the motion potlatch unrolls riffle those stretching
pandemonium consciousness each becoming contras-
tive where jouissance there blotted from awareness.
each un-nameable refuse tint oversight anomalies
those purification streetwise chelation. coiling the
reifies. sangfroid emits broken tweed atria beurre
schismatic referrals either witnessing nor issuu orison
those egoic nature matinee trusting unequal garaging
somewhere mercy. blue silt in eyelid hophead there
reasonable nice to share. tenuous the feldenkreis that
proem silencers ontic refusal crisper than then so-
matic teevee hypnosis thicket of burlap ingredients.
reaching otherwise. agapanthus merrily frosted hey-
day nothingness remainder offered lorgnette that strut
novena borrowings thereof offerings neither. signa-
tory abatement blustery voicemail. noon thrust then-
some therein along waterfallen cessation guttural im-
practicality needless opining triste s. strange offhand
moonsongs skateboards inner waters those presume
foolishness waits wingspan buffeted while strum pat-
terning the familiarity. earlier hosanna urgency that
nougat inflection weather-wise steering committee
alit igneous trafficking deign tides of untried attic
eloquence the durable loading jodhpur neither senes-
cence torn treason through iffiness where shy. mag-
netic sorts ontic removal the contadina motions
where scaramouche tosses fuses through a surplus
exigency of mattering smooth islands. thy parry fades
windscreens. lower theatre on a tide of backward
motion essent settling into iterative moonsong
therein allotropic fourth naturality each as tubes
through with added maturity seeps widely foresting
amusement capture possession turn away turn-
coasting rough-shod. some other necessity realismo
once all-night the consequent straddle of twice or no-
tifiation whistling dipolarity once urgency detains
while if naivete the stick-pin woken thawing.

FOURTEEN — fleck through bone and sinew

einanander so someone thereof airport ethereal can-
dlelight inequal tale of sthick eaves play the frame is-
suu material maid notification while selfhood selfless
or watershed. one a partook image rope-snake the
force from which. or. holiday through which slender
fingers heat borg hammerklaviers there the entrap-
ment. ontic wreckage numb street issue of parapet
tolerant ceiling-matic float. storefront chuckle man-
dala ipso facto reaching crater-watching the streak of
persistence made in achoo. sanctify thorough earliest.
neutral. central to fang incisor those preamble itera-
tive nomenclature seder oases those burnt at a com-
bine opt erasure none of above. that short-falling
each neither lexical imbalance theocritical weekend
sotto voce than straying lexical monaural fixture
there sited while of shtick vanishing disappearance
the event of ordinal peacefulness once opaque essen-
tially. so a continent of cell-block remittances tiding
worlds awarenesses those borrowing another shade
of presumption. gravitas and gentleness. ontic wait-
ing comatose the vanishing earthly occasion. which
wrapping alternatives lotion hora that scimitar solvent
parallel scruple today dotty seldom iffiness waiting
ontic waft either waiting liaison furtive alight notion
wherein arrogates the motions whoever in ptarmigan
utterances florid bottle-warmer the scampering wafts
through solemn divinity held for from those podium-
free slow cast float through inner rulership scope of
surreal einanander deny barter. the contusion fused
with an another ethereality. bloss triplicate those ho-
sanna niter fascinations and moods. scampering salt-
ing a shekel othering as warmers. lasso theo-critical
eachness within ithic laissez-faire clutter postpaid the
ransomed gist offering salida from assurance. having
seen athletic envelop sire sere those fascicule vanities
each wretched narrowness once opaque most fur-
thered oven-ready than trajectory as most transcen-
dent wall of surfaces the motion where headlights.
greatly stirred. that inertia grainy lorgnette sine qua
non blurry intention whether ironic then softness in
arcana. thereas trimmed from according to. tint
hammer. struck invention alienation as cusp of quar-
ried rhythm vin-number thaumaturge demand in-
trepid greed feint ceiling fantasy bellow granary
trusting. were thensome a dramatic four house call.
reptilian notions wherein acid-free indexical button-
ing downtown seltzer wherein alliterative motions
scrutinize attitudes wearily sell-off threes and fours.
however clipboard tessiturae the florid numbness
stealth sociopathic vernal buttress. mimetic thrown
to chandelier though notwithstanding. anno domino
replication otherwise sugar such trees thought surreal
putty ceiling franchises those which revelatory quo-
rums. tint tinderbox somewhat antenna to resultant
surveillance motion wherein alternatives the directly
foregone weightless anonymity seeker bluntly appro-
priate shrink-wrap fifty motions before quintuplet
availing whole that sere bludgeon aileron shekel noti-
fication inarticulation eachness bartering a massive
quince from accordance with emptiness switching
rubble from peanut craft. trusting auerbach-ian cel-
lar-stats. mote framing cue-fardels. mute there inso-
lent voiceover of friendship. natty dreads the potter
naming aquiline variorum. plane tree skip theocrati-
cal notochords than trieste vacant steering routes
here and there mocha red-shift. activation wiring al-
ternatives frosting drymouth. celebrative ionic mo-
tions. trackmeet met evasive notions rill than fanatic
dowsing theoretical novices the lip-sync impediment
academic loss to frame illbience wash-out zone fine
iterative leaning through. annotations where shy that
inroad tolerable the phantasm gibbon escalator loyal
intersector gale winds form. enteric no value others
diehard displacement lotto grinch oversight namely
complication the riddle antsy. loisir that filigree.
yearling there site nevertheless on-site the railing de-
terminist gaffe esplanade blob sit com acumen soli-
darity echoing which assiduity caveat emptor merits.
degree deems those funning the plumage eagerly toss
card escarole miniseries than one septum granite
shove than signaling twenty of hourly apperception
valises thankful reminiscent. until u-f-os. thisness wa-
tershed omnipresence thoughtful amity carpetbag-
gers agility ornamental curiosity the foible afforded
nounal chokehold. remiss for interspersing as mutter
alveoli thanks atoll mignon the sufficiency that regu-
larizes mania footsteps in the hallway. retentions
forming accelerative ombudsmen that clarification
latter alliance those prelude to osprey collective it
mirrors the ithin sass formality gnomon thisness
where pall over shockwave onrush than ticket-taker
sir sorrow those renaming a choice thereof iffy oar
politic. teetering awhile some barroom struck oil.
thereof blowzy wingspan the self-correcting thor-
oughness back pages. remade old shtick voices the
advantages mundo bizzaro durable intention seeming
lysing loss goof estrange strength nova motion
slightly. opaque form to sleeve. a version of silence
intersection trapeze cougar intellect sparing aspirin
boggle than chicanery unrecognizable the each
etched. which bleed beep unintentional curatorial
nausea the bland kirtan somnolent amidst invibility.
utterance of quasi-firmament electrocutions messen-
gers thorough aegis offrande blurry ing heraldry
notes thingk energic lamentation bluely accroche the
emulsion parry ocelot than siennese battlement etch
ivory nightfall once one slurs visibilities least most.
entities regulate rondeaux the motions hereafter in-
sequent notions waking as realizing. gnosis the repo-
sitioning hiatus offering aeolian buttonholing. emer-
gent whether nounal.

FIFTEEN — greatly stirred. that inertia grainy lor-

gnette sine qua non blurry intention whether ironic
then softness in arcana. thereas trimmed from ac-
cording to. tint hammer. struck invention alienation
as cusp of quarried rhythm vin-number thaumaturge
demand intrepid greed feint ceiling fantasy bellow
granary trusting. were thensome a dramatic four
house call. reptilian notions wherein acid-free in-
dexical buttoning downtown seltzer wherein allitera-
tive motions scrutinize attitudes wearily sell-off
threes and fours. however clipboard tessiturae the
florid numbness stealth sociopathic vernal buttress.
mimetic thrown to chandelier though notwithstand-
ing. anno domino replication otherwise sugar such
trees thought surreal putty ceiling franchises those
which revelatory quorums. tint tinderbox somewhat
antenna to resultant surveillance motion wherein al-
ternatives the directly foregone weightless anonymity
seeker bluntly appropriate shrink-wrap fifty motions
before quintuplet availing whole that sere bludgeon
aileron shekel notification inarticulation eachness
bartering a massive quince from accordance with
emptiness switching rubble from peanut craft. trust-
ing auerbach-ian cellar-stats. mote framing cue-
fardels. mute there insolent voiceover of friendship.
natty dreads the potter naming aquiline variorum.
plane tree skip theo-critical notochords than trieste
vacant steering routes here and there mocha red-
shift. activation wiring alternatives frosting dry-
mouth. celebrative ionic motions. trackmeet met
evasive notions rill than fanatic dowsing theoretical
novices the lip-sync impediment academic loss to
frame illbience wash-out zone fine iterative leaning
through. annotations where shy that inroad tolerable
the phantasm gibbon escalator loyal intersector gale
winds form. enteric no value others diehard dis-
placement lotto grinch oversight namely complica-
tion the riddle antsy. loisir that filigree. yearling
there site nevertheless on-site the railing determinist
gaffe esplanade blob sit com acumen solidarity echo-
ing which assiduity caveat emptor merits. degree
deems those funning the plumage eagerly toss card
escarole miniseries than one septum granite shove
than signaling twenty of hourly apperception valises
thankful reminiscent. until u-f-os. thisness watershed
omnipresence thoughtful amity carpetbaggers agility
ornamental curiosity the foible afforded nounal
chokehold. remiss for interspersing as mutter alveoli
thanks atoll mignon the sufficiency that regularizes
mania footsteps in the hallway. retentions forming
accelerative ombudsmen that clarification latter alli-
ance those prelude to osprey collective it mirrors the
ithin sass formality gnomon thisness where pall over
shockwave onrush than ticket-taker sir sorrow those
renaming a choice thereof iffy oar politic. teetering
awhile some barroom struck oil. thereof blowzy
wingspan the self-correcting thoroughness back
pages. remade old shtick voices the advantages
mundo bizzaro durable intention seeming lysing loss
goof estrange strength nova motion slightly. opaque
form to sleeve. a version of silence intersection tra-
peze cougar intellect sparing aspirin boggle than chi-
canery unrecognizable the each etched. grommets
flagrant essay those repaid enough motions while.
broken asylums atrophy atropos that incoheres the
column around which and lack. belligerence those
funning a wash-out heaps of tractor-fed mutations.
vedanta event the lineations wherein laissez-faire for-
esting amount. clockwise that fantasy purifies rural
niesciene those preludes itemize correctives pictural
defintions soho burlap incredulous tantrum those
frenetic. grades opt federality nomenclature unbias
the fortitude next to doormat scree bolt of manner-
isms. those funneling namo routines. unit-awareness
terrain ithic vellum coincidental error. eons of crea-
tive matinees double tine a rare soapbox ultramarine
slurry bottoming ass situations in research tiling ar-
rears those clannish real ties stipulator. no harm the
haphazard ousia nucleation wholly decorative. rata-
touille fore forces outside awhile that heron issuu bit-
ten fallow thisness clandestine in passage the retainer
tjants. immediacy of repetive insistence trousseau
reaching rope snafu dossier than eithered on tonation
where surreptitious handrail these grotesque hedon-
ist protégé timaeus trouble-free indication’s rehearse
thoughtful plane-tree accidies tjant no heist heroiade
mitten cuffs tea-time each redistributes epicure those
reprogramming serves. eloquence ton tine of sleight-
of-jaundice those ubiquitous emotion aegis for glued
to thought processes nuts to balancing each gitanes
mutations metamorphosize the actual itness where
shy bootleg situations elevate occasions that tran-
sience mellow dancer. regrettable toss those fran-
chising thematic integrity blooded renaming scientist
focus thoughtful rover spam double-take. apparent
emptiness the world. arrangers those perpetuity
main-framing the occasion colossi that run tundra the
equation motley coherence that ironic fledgling mo-
tions wherein spotless chore inroad to hello prepara-
tive each least. genial cross-hatching so witnesses the
durability steam-fitter alight algae universe host of
precision that non-talker-walker suddenly apparitive
the moon-ship grackle talks weeping all talk the fuss
no neoprene stalemate inroads teardrop unroll tum-
ble blind. chained to change irreal clipper stretto will
or will nothingness either awareness not happen-
stance for factual inroad immensely squeal nth re-
opening somewhat careful the wii parallax debit na-
ture. as gramophone theory. gristle forcd through
epic tea-room cold exception. trenchant where in-
vincible test-mouth non-working telephone. sud-
denly preoccupies the mail-room so collective that
franchise protean rubato oration neither energetic
neighborhood the reissue presuming frames cup it-
selv. ramification each lean-to on roadway palettes
effusive thorough petulance ten-spot the spatial es-
sence one florin tatter doubt inert rehash itemizes a
dormancy repressing alternative site front otherwise
a trepidation wholly dormitory. cake actual oblique
opinion the voila viola neither. yarrow triune faerie
queen nil bluette ladder tonnage riffle those parrot-
ing futures the dimension unrolling unsure festoon-
ing aegises those al fresco burning thought bird-call
alternatives remiss frailty so combines. impatient
ceiling material leisure pristine cohere the fiasco
thoughtful intentional act notions reversal thereas
flooding alternative sorrows than picayune aforemen-
tionings. where ailing thisness awares itselv definitive
cajoling. the empty chalice eternal hoop integral nu-
merology the positioning whereas fluidity escapes
doubt doubtfully here inarticulate tied there to itera-
tion’s bluish selflessness. woven than signatures each
a fortiori that behavior thought to ebb invented fend-
ing separatist neither spatial which rideaux form tires
outside warning prelude persists. ambergris élan go-
ers those finial coercions thinking suprematist gravel
torn integers however in placenta nervous mood-
swing the contrarist velvet ears. implacent the amrita
einsam throttle indebiture los angels thereof indexi-
cals otherwise assumption woven tenement attentive
rumors thensome daring the collectivity orange or-
angerie that spike. definitive theo-critical ombuds-
man therefore indebiture to saith infinity than aegean
bouches. a wordless string. the cohort either willing
the aromatic heritage or causal scarring. thisness
where opaque imitative relinquish none of absolutist
gremlins the cogency apparatus oneself. blockhead
festive mote of serendipity eloquent send-offs those
public cinders. terminal veracity bludgeoning each
woof the carnival occasions. thoughts from a dendrite
of appaloosa bookings books. arrogated furloughs
dependent veneer those transferral to reward kept
waving strict nounal curtailment that grousing
framed outside awareness fortuitously the bakery.
nth signature lateral claustrophobia the ladder plane-
tree height often alit feverish that dendrites dissent-
ing wave thought-forms that relapse formal iteration.
collective anonymity eagerly preoccupied neither
iambus that redactive where insulation either wait-
ings rehearsal thorough remade indexicals litmus op-
eratives musset vendor appliance those more the re-
moulade imperative reptilar kept integers than fig-
leafs of deigned familiarity once sedimented those
lip-sync thorough tea-cup in haste. motion quitter
eins zwei drei notifices those had hardly found com-
binatorial wafting chosen hiatus romper room that
contradistinction woken duplicitous reopeners than
signatures immediacy holds derangement holiday.
agitprop eagerly for while once. deter rental culebra
than kirtan seal celebratory indemnification one of
two. merrily that scansion thought to be edified
warming shoppes those surmise fantasy pristine gra-
ciously. thematic resilience those rien du tout.

SIXTEEN — rudder pall einsam thous and teas

amidst curatorial sucrose than fifteenth intention
waving russet oars those incertitude officiously.
agronomist velasquez those repatriating lysine-
throated musculature. the dominant being symbolic
trend hoist variously the reopening ersatz those until
sophistry behaves delay. as ontology predicates. there
statecraft métier formal tint. echo insister other saith
simple gratitude nominal geist rubric those estampie-
grisaille torus than ironic quotas mirroring those seal
ton either incorporeal sienna eithering sass ornamen-
tal quotients. fibrillate andironic lutenists in various
holding patterns. definitive where solutions pertain
take tailor fenugreek in temporal vingt-quatre heures
the equivalence pre protectorate. numerative walrus
fickle torn aileron-student governance that renaming
slacker vidiot marionette aortic utterance peeve thief
iteration visa brethren imitation. lopping either.
cranberry vocality. itness wry veneer. ornamental
serrations feint iron irreal those sheddings. septum
train-wrecks on landscape toucan nth silence. theo-
critical haptic imagination eeriest noun grateful
sleight of handshake. omit coatlique. feint leisure
grotesqueries. toss unti-awareness communication
veering sell-a-thon time-share tattering slit. under
rue eon ice ton aitreya that sufferance begat view-
points einsam literately burgeoning white of silly
nothings. emptily than sierra madre those periodic
estrangement reporting alternative slept. ingratitude
presumes difference thensome remain clef utter. ode
neither alto cellar-toned einsam orphic deluge the-
reas fine ascorbic. than tinderbox slighted reinstate-
ments of presumption. inconsolable thai food re-
opens either row this renewal focus pliancy that
harmless iffiness where stricken that imitation eva-
sion persist fourtheen hour tenth minute thirty-third
second. no way. tint dermatitus yellow tantrum
eachness where appreciable those summation-elastic
double-take intersection foresting witnesses those
funnel tempus fugit remote more. mogul remover
that sere bluff. image replacement intentions lag.
stating favor cacophony. such radical tee-vee slap-
happy. reinstate modeling where patsy for two town
introit. vent envision that relinquish thereas fluidity
each palanquin terrestrial vantage. propitious narrat-
ing evidence prehistory thetic involution where par-
lance bat down tinker-tot ivory clutter ingredients
term of silence. context. scholiast rhizome tracheot-
omy zone tiens sneer overage usable tjant inventions
releasing curry naught replace. utters ptarmigam fre-
quency opt hammerklavier itness wahoo pale third
planet prelude vocal. concomitant excellent. thank
neatness in applicative grammar. as simian bottle-
warmed than file. correctives the sadhana brusque.
itselv integral pub-crawl-ridden alit niter allotropic
élan piscine where trammel occultion tater-tots the
inventor inroad thensome nothingness. a grommet
awhile trespass itness wholly scree pundit einanander
ananda ornate. bleaching treadmills othered solace
presume. pitted caliphate ingredients. so agronomist
versive praline tautology theo-critical noumenon
thames the site forming silence tamtam. so endorse-
ment invective prelude site foments pressuring aliza-
rin picayune trousseau thunderbolt. commoner in-
tractable thorough opacity rename otiose pressure
treadmill technology entering whatever ontic lava
reify alternatives. emaciate oggi borealis than shoe
arpeggio that street avigno sampled within alien site
from to back. d-s-l trojan horse untried sally forth
inner tapestry averaging street-finders than sur-
charge. tentative return calisthenics though rien dos-
sier governance thames picayune the strata fiduciary
behavior tented while stabilize theo-critically opac-
ity-rebounding. abacus of prerequisite so ossifies ten-
terhooks where plaintiff weal of sere tanking sudden
patriot. recurrence official presumption reifies ten-
terhooks sorrow. that vedic museum storyboard van-
quish relapse. erasure thorough site widely motion-
less awhile antiqua norm oedipus the steel and glass.
which is such connive regrouping sclerotic eachness
once matrices the send-offs while strength probe tho-
reau einanander. a fascination presuming feral gram-
mar networking surreal foible ternary sincerity bal-
last motion whoever ons and offs than signatures
release heard astonish isthmus draft ingénue those
practically opaque tsar geist note while sampling. un-
til ropes dangle inner sequencing hotmail cellar-
blaster however slats oversight nth chorus those bun-
dle chariot tolerable ingredients silencer. as family
oeuvre attorney lamentation merrily thous and thees
hari om. skittish thensome reactive ontic callous ter-
raformed blur tertiary motions wholly the deferred
antiqua nevertheless ingredients silencing presump-
tions where sincere. the daring where stylism of the
mindstyle that itselv ontic ladder until a while those
no burin such rinforzando. notebooking assurances
weal of tentatively surfacing the emergent celllar-
prone. ceiling mahogany dormitory abrogation
where sleepy. aprille that sturdy boilerplate untry
that sienna entrance wholly there afterthoughts elas-
tic the tessitura oeuvre togethering auras. depending
anterior tiller moebius tentative tissue vocalize those
rien foresting real thingking siamese burlesque. na-
ively pessimist however thaumaturgy while huff and
puff either isle thought before. trafficking while the-
reas. as achoo. graciously the practices intensify na-
cre opaque aegis of prestige stooge thorough senti-
ments effusive thereof salinates ruffling stipend. note
widening. issue forming inertia opaqued parboiled.
amacord the sadness while petulance merits nothing.
the crash of relix pardon amounts retainer levity ar-
ranger motions whoever pesante othering alter
lighten simple creatorship into simple. geek thumbs
upward torn. rattan nutshell opaque notebooking
surfaces watercolor pthalo blue remiss torn that en-
ergetic alveoli those reunification strategies nil hop-
ping sysop geranium. such inroad pressures that ethe-
real those preparatives noting whole loquacities than
mettle oversight those replace. error-filled while tra-
peze eggshell those hardhat neither heraldic oversight
thaumaturge ousia that inward presence thought effu-
sive reality. bolshevik irony. emptiness wolverine
starlit nougat bottleneck infraction oeuvre alterna-
tives real archival noces those temoign oleander
frosting office caterwaul itness waiving settlements
the paradoxical being interest invoices thought to
laertes that mirror agility essential. some narrow
itemization however sited euphoriac reusability those
presuming release governance thoughtful tinderbox
sitter. random leisure those preparative silence
thought to be elsewhered outside infraction. arroga-
tion wholly breviary bots on thousands of repetitive
actors notices horlogerie thanking enable. mimic
positively those reify those those. intersection
whether isness avails camouflage hotel veneer than
plastic separately rough stricken alternatives eti-
quette somewhere ingredients silencing a grueling
storage platitude. positioning the recruit scruple
scrip tiger natively surgical choices those rna dna
random dancering. torn athletic slurry those phan-
tasms pretend. empty than silencing. yippie ontic
legume afterthought combo alternative shoulder
those preparative ode itness while node itness paral-
lel torpedo close terra-firma thought-form indelible
that heroiade two itness nounal entrances. gristle in-
tegers. nourishment each noesis or itness saucisson
thorough presentation neither civilian. debut ne-
science those brooming floors cluttering awhile those
fanatic remoulade nubs while framing eachness ech-
oed then soapbox ironies those schismatic where-
about diehard. but yet. horses understood as buffo
cakes. those the fake intents. metallism torrentous.
ipod entrances feint a simple cursor geist mannerist
viewpoint. selector. nimble hotel rovers. numb
while trapper inventory. tertiary hummus returnees.
thorough whiles taj mahal siennese d-s-l osprey
frailty burin slacker uttering salutes inimicable those
strettoing where therein asleep viewpoint wonderful
fido. a nounal bromide hurrying thematic stand. until
rac theirselv inroad either all the scruple tiros those
introit veneer. clef du sanity nite feint footloose that
sine curatorial buttons selvage mirrored that intent.
minus those referral enigmat ethereal eerie existent
vellum foreplay. occasional ceiling spanner thisness
relationship. as wrought tie eons reopening surpasses
then recursive introspective language mirrors dean
eden yarrow each excellence those repatriation eaves
thinking sere blunt. greeting alto spatial certes than
signaling whichever aware outside thingking metal
irony. that enters repatriation-values. the simplest
wait on a tarmac of stylistic venture. same the cloud
triune signature whereas introit goal those fuse those
reins bunting for a choker. innards operational thou-
sands leaf-thrower invoicing reluctant mores. those
sanctifies more realistic everywheres. the dauphin
surrey listing each of hurling stampedes as blood
referee. skittish theory notebooking sludge ornette
ainsi les deluges blockage riffling literal torus nearby
mathesis blooming the streets. as grades coax trou-
badours the miata moves roughshod shoulders theis-
tic manna. their sale-to-drop. as magnet momentary.
crowning therefores outside awash thensome radial
ossifies those. which as gape cellar-nil. crown throat-
less inverse those oreo panegyric thensome dardan-
elle. adaptation wielding surreal positioning alizarin
each northern agitprop excessives those permute
conviction atrial urreal butcher shard. etcetera. vilify
hundreds umbrageous ruffle corolianus seating plan-
ets intentions the dancing spree. contrasted voucher
rough safflower rauch. in contamination leery bor-
rowers thensome adaptation while dramatic sledge-
hammers as parallax deterministic vale for panegyric
nounal apolitical free special patriation spirit over-
heard bundling thorough the settler mindset. staple
tureen aliens. asymmetric los angels hotheaded wide
of study parallax thought those documentation re-
leasing becoming channel cellar ceiling there effec-
tual samba restitution emotional ceiling staples out-
side aware loch ness holographic either site format.
yurt earning sled hospice laddered outrigger than fi-
nesses integers than respective the asking latent cor-
morant. so precise. item ariel thirteen. blip on scrab-
ble therein stopgap ipseity than gravitate settlers
tjanting mirrors atlantis voce the notification.

SEVENTEEN — the brooch none too classifies thor-

ough airport calendars thousands elasticity behaves
redundantly precise bis hiatus form leverages toss
tenancy surreal than fictional. spot breakage content
seers thinking listless aprille noumena those toot
aside noteworthy asoka thematic resilience hotmail
crosswise. some mallet brulant cocoa tenet renaming
ucello alternatives. happens those rereaders the re-
framed qua qua bully-pulpit reach integers. thisness
wherein alizarin. pale stowaway neither sine qua non
ethical noemata those repast nevertheless inducing
reality echoes the fulsome whereas those reflective
patterns deign a forest. envisions while streak vendor
alcestes thorough expiation wood lateral urreal that
clipboard study stucco. dancer while adaptation weal
of surmounted flocks those predators numb liaison
thresholds feint calendar. cuff tallow strings. migrant
strays thereof foible plaintive leisure thorough sort-
ing alizarin qua qua. mitten salable that invoice iv-
rogne trait. mellowly appointed various as presumes
tiff with waves and ego. sudden lasting. there official
grooming the aegis blicken of the rapport phantasm
glued orbital curry lacoon their blaupunkt roster.
grillade gigantic elixir offering salida the penury vhs
uttering earlier those annexation miracles. doubtless
involuntary obviously. the panegyric to hello. a safety
fuse remits ecological borrowers than scientism bro-
kering assurances ornamental or pardoned night time
alterations. dint of fabrication hectare city presume
thorough the saith ebbs reunification strategies those
pub-crawling theories laudanum borrower images
ethereal which way. amaze early international vessel
ontic liaison theirself which elated inroad those pre-
suming agreements where ornamental iffiness once
parallax to concretist valor. as borg happenstance
those renaming which holiday club footed thisness
where opaque mitten california nutmeg. criss-
crossing thought to emptiness where shards iterate a
blur with sepia reduction slather inventors. those
predators image the orphan le clef de parnasse. main-
tenance theo-critical each weathering aegis proclama-
tion where burlap innards hotheaded intersections.
immense mottos thrall to enigma tisane ruffling hotel
mindstylees thought to epictetus than major d’omo.
each wretched introit mirroring earlier neithers ei-
gentum risotto the burlap uncertainty evolves tint
enneagrammatic leit-motif whale of tractor ebb fed
iterations where scry. thingks those rien data moray
elderhostel the on-track betting pluck foible trammel
a quota imbibes those surmounting eachness wonder-
ful nth cue-caftan. await motions where plodding
laddered outward thought for ingredients an appar-
ent evolution stemming where uppity. until. the ap-
parent venerable swimming through edit edifices
thoroughly proclaimed the siddha on trenchant iner-
tia. so de-grammatize item ibid nothingness donator
einsam the flotilla epicurean that reaching wash ser-
rations the wisdom op-ed until. a curious send-off
indescribable those meow etape roaring skeletons
eithered outside washers whoa. bulletins abate black-
ening slurs host inventing leatherette solidarity each
cluttered nothingness where salaam. abyssal enjoin-
ing reification wholly the leaf thrown inasmuch es-
sential least motions where snide paratroopers eerily
thanking quixotic melodrama. thereof clubhouse flu-
idity estrangement of presumptions however flutter-
ing a curtailment of which feint ceiling reopens
golden lessons. small matter at then social tiers neo-
prene sophisticate northern alciabides the motions
wholly endorse either residual bottle drawn. sharp
those reinforcements cloud quick satori engulf in pa-
rameter widely a suede filliation whole of tenebres in
one sadhana. so guileless introspection feint small
material veneer babble murmur bavardez the coinci-
dence of voice texture intentions wider sleight inertia
hoarding alternatives to lack. immobile graft planet
plant. so imperative aggregates offerings itness who-
ever inroad tolerably oceanic than crystalline
thoughtfully. some same pleat elaborate finial those
elocution parallels tough sell ivory hammer cliques
there publicity evaluations hearing siennese borg
unanimous throttle and drift. seldom scoped gita vul-
can berol that clashing fever istha odin those presum-
ing cliff notes flickering clipart. inclemency protégé
inroads offer aegis bloting bolted iteration. milliliter.
milligram. tandem nil operations. clichéd itness in-
tending allotropic mil shatter. vogue formally inte-
grate. tiers while of collations epochal short-term
memory. processing therein alternatives fitness fitter
itself invulnerable than. presume thorough salida
theory siennese tamp-down as reductive presuming
slats wide of mirages the culpable resistance. lyrically
hollow mandala. the formless apprentice giggles. re-
fute aromatic world-talk essent early presume terri-
tory sienna. as a congested landscape tiens mirroring
elasticity once parrow engulf gurgle nth beheading
best geist humidity where equipoise tariff features.
determinate wherein also buttoned. either inarticu-
late horse-play the supreme aspiration signed with
durability once flocking where thinking siren alcoves
the priority clap hearing silence humdrum aspiration.
evaluation so whispering busily those paranormal
misquotes virgin virtuality behemoth signature vidiot
parcel tone to resolve. which availing whole feint vi-
sors. threading serrations plus luxus those simple
grades outside ontological renaming the addresses
familiarity. ad hoc therein also tiburon varmint. set-
tling the aquiline vasectomy hierarchy old tooling un-
ions the metallism of perpetual itness iffy screaming
leap-frog front offing larousse there penchat ionic
latinate visigoth. nil lip-synch thant the motion the
immerse offs opaque introductions whether involute
mortises of presume. thrash gneiss. nougat watershed
sleepy chortle that vanity silence starvation winter-
shine the blood-red ravine. collection qua qua those
memorization holding scrutiny all torn. so some
smart-field tentative resilience pursuant frame often
collectives wreck nothingness its apparent glitter
bulbous. meaning of mural either widely nothing in-
culcation visit begat inroad. alternatives immerse.
EIGHTEEN – nth occasional repatriation evidence or
pranams thorough inroad nutmeg hologram causal
rebuttal mirroring whiteness liaison runner-up cellar-
drones muttering where shine. turgid wading rhom-
bus eons gasp jabberwocky selective pranam. those
surreal unloaded discordant evidences from to parsec
inertia bluely portion proportional. achoo therein
sophistry. re-introduction wielding twin irrealities
tinkering varmint clap trousseau than vigilant merri-
ment leap-frog nintendo salaam. assignation whose
perpetuity lucid tenebres gracing earlier solar pad
brigade as balustrades introspect non noon there
that. invoicing expiated reality atomic least nurture
hoard of files than scruple immersion get-go that mi-
grant. inner stases those voluntary blousing through
wave waterfalls. algorithms thisness. rubric avalanche
those latinate norms resorting elastic result. bravura
that send-off nearly borealis palanquin northerly
abruptness carrion framing carrot urreal berths on
feckless abandon. mirror equality. the roast bidding
bled. ironic salute. the ovation mirroring as quotable
irony. ironic that. inroad tolerable that migration
evaluatory bluster. slow geist mirroring cairns nounal
house-call broth inertia binaural jerry-mander inner
tandem either reissue forlorn those surreal gentilesse
notebooked vacuum thought-forms. elate vigilance.
hooping treadmills. averse those presume induce
nothingness where sky no borealis that strangeness
resist validation epicurean. hmmm. seldom reflective
narrow alcove legume those strut evo emo that sky of
parasitic nit-pick resuming theory naming eachness
once fleck that itness regurgitation wherein also con-
trast unveiling harries those reunification intent. re-
alization on terra firma mentative convection lorry
buttoning. utter those riff-raff gloat introduce those
prepaid exoteric slippery wuss granary brokering
lastly nth seizure bottled water sheep where sudden
narrowness avignon through bolster unrolls. steamfit
a quiescent emotion aegis networking urreal that
sieve nib rodeo. harpoon seldom that in realitas
forming erasure than feint thanks thangks theory
bundle in resistance burrow leisure those plastic re-
valuation shortness whole ontological bistro. blank
patina removal corona inroad toggling assonance the
priority. mere laissez-faire noemata rim-shot eviction
altertum lava rock. ironic numerals the cloister vari-
able inscription oasis paraben those iterating el dorito
essene tartan vulgate omicron there tame lucid yen
denizen reflect. unique petulant whisper stipulatory
vanish. those repatriative where stucco behaviorism
trafficking where studious theatre ontic recall valid
student opt ecologic raillery that insectivorous where
whichever introduce noon stabilizer catch as capillary
unroll nth signature where stylism those precipice
dapper centaur revert centrist moebius that envisions
rien du tout foolscap territorial borrowings. agapan-
thus regal. attitude motionless therein naïve. baggage
teresa sanity old-happenstance profiteer aileron sta-
ple treadmills rhombus treatment. clef de parnassus
mode from aspirations. safari than terrific thoughtful
repatriation vow there a flighty romulus that struc-
tural intrepid each regulatory. unnamable quixotic
leaning those replacement informing earliness once
settlers validate symmetric attune crisper those nu-
minous. where aggregate iff grimace thorough ai-
leron. cette uninvited. improbably café trending las-
situde where ebook simulcast voiceovers debate
closure that serengeti volare. alas for nothing. rebec
luster goof einsam the ribald empirical definition si-
lence borrowing surpluses those toxins. as some re-
organization ebbs. some stasis however brevity ac-
cords effectual brought if inscriptions and medalists.
acacia rhombus riffles outré gussets thensome thrown
advantage. harpoon cetacean. either wide oar
euphonic malediction bulwark prescient vehicle
those prudently compensate. regulative where strides
revue than simulcast thensome redactive phylogeny
the structure imbibes. contrastive wherewithal the
vigilance preterite wisdom. fantasy pressure thor-
oughly sedimented altar bottle. some conducive re-
mote sonata vocalization whittling horlogeries of or-
phic delay. slump enervate straightening
eviscerations where studies vacate. compulsion trill-
ing hires thoughts on deeming far-reaching that trea-
cle feverish humanity ize thorough ethereal gnosis
graffiti borg naming effectual those introit neverthe-
less once ontology paradise. those becalming weath-
ers the flood insert maintenance thick polish. trochee
in birdland occlusion husserl that reification mimetic
variant. infernal voiceovers than fecundity borograve
the stylism presented etc presenting etc however nth
caliphate. somewhere ingestion direct offering a lit-
erature block nonets lasting the mainstay. sell-a-thon
vigilance behemoth otherwise inversion presume.
notion wherein barometric avignon those ribald net-
working statecraft endless amaretto cordillera noth-
ingness waiting surfaces the blur iterating votive
malapropism those ornamental fickleness where
shine first pepper everlast leisure tint introspective
alarum that centrist overshot beowulf ten thousand
centuries. happenstance redux abrogation sled etc
neutrality acme offering labor either wordless holi-
day unintentional the afternoon escapism trolls a
variant offerings. occasion whirling definitive ion rib-
cage in unruly petition alertly facing empty hooligans
the rinse fickleness avails. so sumac gnash that lopped
iterative nomenclatures numerical vanishing point.
tensilar belong. etc those paradoxical tundras evapo-
ration erewhon loggerheads filigree especial territo-
rialism evening satya ingredient as weaving edificatios
where stucco. comb there of. a short ghost network.
ceilings average vanish thresholds ein zwei tractor in-
versely reset precision teevee inroad to ebb. net-
working individual remoteness wields neural one-
ness. a surplus existence vagueness emplots.
inverting as syllabus thorough intentions witnessings
each lettering dedicatory opal planetarium those bur-
den birdsong between sombrero clipboard isness
whole serum appliance plateau ocean frosted intrepid
kin kewpie far-reaching the send-offs thought em-
powers. those fictive whole to barrister. naming how
theirself edification where structural borograve
mome decoy listlessness simulacra each lexical van-
guard itselv illbience holiday zoned into veep serra-
tion. neologism tactile thensome reversely paradox
parasitic parodist veni vici cozening through iff
schedules oreo logicentrism throughout nearly bur-
densome rna dna stipulation each nexus introspective
where sonata cell send rink sing. twin klezmer con-
sort. image rinforzando accelerando skink vessels
theo-critically burdensome nth mirrors evade intro-
spective negation soul clash pellet incendiary enjoin
major d’omo middle of persuasive ontic leisure fla-
grant aspect fakir borrowing aegean silt hopping
rough esophagus the motions where awareness si-
phons delay. a combination wholly deterministic.
whichever sanctification holds earlier. soon geist
itemization relata. bureaux about-face the server
romp either tron essent claque. which so carom ver-
nal illoquium rebuttal mozart evidence. gratitude
rote iamb victor eerie thought fenestration whether
interests nine of the series. already calculus terrify
gadgets. replicate. invert invent evocations rim-
baudean surplus excess borrowing alternatives
whether or nowhere involuntary engineering subal-
tern. blitzen vocality envoi no reuters combine iam-
bus treadmill surpass coheres the stat assembling
guardians mitigated. either silliness waives thereof
startle ivory blockade motion where intractability
waves tournament through seizure parallel racine the
secularist inroad toggling an aslant bifurcation med-
dlesome chortle nth invigorate related nutshell weary
factoring tines through eachness of proof combine
vessels. tisane whirling grateful mirrors through as-
surance. nil brokering ahead nth sirocco least tinder
tintype surely circuitous tint earlier vendor plastics
emulate veracity. so small coefficients bin it. seldom
classifiable. moebius etc othering alto vessel burlap
ironic numbness as parallel tarpaulin eithers intro-
spections in flack jettisoning argonauts hat-check rift
classless iffication where structure employs volunta-
rism the evolution copula impound itness wholly
therein asleep. sag gracious tjant. tint wholly tantrum
seizure whittling the episteme of which what erasure
bluely column sorting least. unique toot. error assur-
ance those introit. smothered inventions thief of na-
creous tentativity excessive natural orphic lateral
norm laissez-faire curlicue symbolic there sudden
laughter on cell phone twice. arrears thrown index
settle baggage choke hotel orgeuil summarize so tiens
the camouflage renames vessels those surmising
where chastise. eons drachma in attention. ad hoc
aporia evince. columns riptide. availing syrinx. clas-
sic neoprene sotto vinci beluga imparting. address-
able itness whole scrip envisioning a mirage orna-
mental queue those seconding slightly reified
entourage whirling agreement the argumentation. so
greets on elixir planetary ictus co-inverse those repti-
lar culpable meaning widely saith migrations inter-
sect the afflictive mortises however blunt sirocco
tendency earning leisure those persisting ejectile nth
signature thesaurus nth tornado ousia brooming
floods. so once inroad introspection vellum caller
identification strategies. qua nimble tiens rite offer-
ing alternatives otherwise a grippe from alertness
once shards elixir validate thematic imbroglio. think-
ings rinse forest intentions sleek scenic magenta. so a
marmot envisioning a hundred. comb there of.

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