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Reviewing the Great Taste Digestive Diet Plan

With more than 1 out of 3 adults in the US (70 million) taking OTC or prescripti
on pills for digestive disorders and the pain associated with them, as a nation,
we have serious health problems. And we're spreading our problems around the wo
What most people are frustrated with is that even if they eat how most health pr
ofessionals consider to be healthy, a large percentage of people STILL experienc
e digestive problems. And so most people resort to drugs, surgery or eating blan
d foods. Or they just continue to suffer.
That's why the Great Taste No Pain System was developed -- to help slash some of
the $42 billion dollars spent on those pills in the US alone.
This simple eating system is designed to dramatically reduce the acid pH measure
in a person's entire body -- not just in the stomach. It does so by increasing
the ratio of alkaline forming foods eaten and by showing you how to combine food
s in a way that radically decreases the amount of acid digestive juices in the s
tomach and small intestines required to break down foods. With me so far? Hope s
o, because this is important stuff.
One of the primary components of the Great Taste No Pain System is the science o
f food combining, which was first introduced into the US in 1911 by Dr. William
Hay, a New York surgeon who used it to cure his Bright's Disease, a kidney disea
se which was often fatal at that time. In fact, among the many thousands of live
s it claimed was Teddy Roosevelt's first wife, who died of Bright's Disease at j
ust 22 years of age.
A basic knowledge of Junior High chemistry is all it takes to see the logic behi
nd this science: Mixing foods that require alkaline digestive enzymes with foods
that require acid digestive enzymes slows and can even stop the digestive proce
ss. It can and does delay digestion by as much as 10 hours and more. This is inc
redibly bad for the body. The Great Taste No Pain system alleviates this problem
, speeding food through your body, allowing it to absorb nutrients from foods at
a much higher level.
In addition, one of the manuals in the Great Taste No Pain system, 'Foods That C
reate Acid, Foods That Take It Away,' is as clear as I've ever seen this data pr
esented. Follow this simple guide and your body will use a minimum of energy in
the digestion process, which leaves more energy for healing and other daily func
tions your body carries out.
This is a timely set of guides, because with our society's addiction to the conv
enience of processed foods, in many respects our health challenges are far worse
than they were in 1911.
Great Taste No Pain author, Sherry Brescia, was a former Irritable Bowel Syndrom
e (IBS) sufferer herself. In fact, in 1991, she spent 7 days in the hospital wit
h bacterial colitis.
As a health insurance researcher and Chief Underwriter, she was able to research
the benefits of an alkaline- balanced body and over the next 15 years perfected
the system she now calls Great Taste No Pain.
She meshed a number of philosophies proven to help alkalize the body to create t
his simple system that anyone can follow regardless of where they are or what fo
od choices they have available to them.
What I Like:
Taste: Unlike most restrictive diets, Great Taste No Pain cannot actually be cal
led a diet, because it allows you to eat even great volumes of luscious, delicio
us food as long as you combine it according to a few simple guidelines. It truly
requires very little willpower. Perhaps the greatest news for people who love t
o eat is that the 176 page recipe book in the system is stuffed with breakfasts,
lunches, dinners and snacks that are unbelievably tasty. No rabbit food. Gourme
t all the way, yet the meals (if you like to cook) only take between 15 and 30 m
inutes of prep time and make tons of yummy leftovers. So you can throw away the
belief that you can't eat healthy on a super-busy schedule.
Speed: I love that you don't have to read 300+ pages before learning what to do.
In the first guide, 'How To End Stomach Pain Forever, Even If Your MD says, "No
Way,"' it provides a brief background on the science and then quickly moves ont
o the step-by-step 'how to.' I really love that.
Simplicity: The second Guide in the GTNP System is 'What To Eat With What.' This
is a massive compilation. Every kind of food that you could possibly put in you
r mouth is listed, along with the corresponding foods that combine with it for e
asy comfortable digestion, and those foods that don't. This guide is so complete
and so easy to follow, if you screw this up, it's back to pre-school for you.
More Simplicity: Traveling is the one thing that can ruin even the healthiest ea
ters. But in Great Taste No Pain, Sherry gives you a 'Pocket Guide For Pain-Free
Dining Out.' This tool is phenomenal. You can store this little baby with your
credit cards and, until you understand what combines with what, all you have to
do is pull out your pocket guide and quickly note the rule, so you can eat and
enjoy the rest of your day, pain-free.
Would you believe that you could eat McDonald's food and not suffer gassiness an
d reflux? Now you can!
Meat: While meat is not something people with digestive issues usually tolerate
well on a daily basis (hence the daily pain), the problem isn't so much the meat
as it is what you eat with the meat.
That is why each of the Guides in the system, including the recipe book, lists e
very possible food you can combine with meats without suffering. Most people wil
l suddenly be able to eat beef, chicken, fish, pork, turkey, venison and any oth
er type of meat they want. As long as you combine it right... no pain at all! An
d broccoli, lettuce, cucumbers and other veggies that can create havoc suddenly
will not. That I love.
Fruit: Ask anyone that suffers stomach problems about fruit and you'll hear horr
or stories. So sadly, the most perfect food on the planet is shunned by a huge p
art of our world's population. No longer. Because you will soon learn why fruit
causes you trouble and how to easily change that. You CAN eat fruit again, even
if it now makes you turn blue! It's true!
While each Guide in the system is detailed and complete, they are "dumbed down"
in the clearest language possible. So I don't doubt Sherry's claim that any 11 y
ear old could teach it. This I really love.
Things To Watch For:
The one thing you want to be careful of is that once you start eating as prescri
bed in Great Taste No Pain, you could quickly begin to feel all powerful. You mi
ght start to think you are "cured" of your digestive problems since they went aw
ay so fast and since you have so much extra energy.
That would be a mistake.
Because technically there is no "cure" for most digestive problem, because techn
ically they are not diseases at all. They are maladies brought on by eating the
wrong foods and by eating them in the wrong combinations. So the principles in G
reat Taste No Pain is not a "cure," since people with sensitive stomachs will al
ways be sensitive. GTNP is merely a way to make all symptoms go away forever and
give you a lot more energy.
For example, let's say you've got it bad and have Diverticulitis or Crohn's. Gre
at Taste No Pain can help you get rid of your symptoms very quickly.
But a year later, if you start eating like you used to, guess what? Yep, the sym
ptoms will come back. You see, the principles that Great Taste No Pain is based
on are sound. They work for everyone. But if you think that because you've been
symptom-free for a long time, you've been "cured," think again. Go against these
principles of easy digestion, and the problem can come back with a vengeance. R
emember, good health comes from living a healthy lifestyle, not a"do it once and
you're fixed" approach.
Another thing you might want to be prepared for is that since Great Taste No Pai
n cleanses your digestive tract, initially you could get a little diarrhea. If y
ou experience constipation on a fairly regular basis, you might get a little "lo
oseness" at first, but it will end soon.
Also, due to the detoxing going on, you might get a runny nose or get some other
cold-like symptoms at first. It's nothing to worry about. If you do, while it m
ight not be fun, it does mean it's working. It means your body is becoming purer
and the toxins are leaving. And that is a very good thing.
When I began following the system, I personally was amazed at the amount of ener
gy I had, even late into the evening. I had no discomfort, no bloating, I didn't
feel the need to eat again within an hour and no need for caffeine after meals.
Professionally and personally, my strong recommendation is that for anyone who w
ants more energy, sounder and longer sleep, migraine headaches to stop almost im
mediately, pain from gastritis and acid reflux to stop almost instantly, and the
pain of digestive problems to stop or be reduced dramatically, get over to:
- For a free guide visit
now and get the whole system. You will be thrilled.
And frankly, it won't take a full day for most people to feel a major difference
in their bodies. Often it just takes one meal. After you have been following it
for a week or more, feel free to let me know how you like it. I personally beli
eve that anyone who adopts this simple, enjoyable food combining method will rea
p gigantic health benefits. So if that is what you are looking for, get over
Free Four day trial plan to get you started
and get started today.


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