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Meditation- Meditation, Gratitude, Hypnosis, Visualization &

Achieve Goals

Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Grateful & Morning Ritual
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Visualization For Achieving Goals

I want to thank and congratulate you for downloading my book
Hi, my name is Zachary Dixon and I want to take a moment to thank you for the privilege and the opportunity to
share with you the strategies and techniques that have helped me use the power of my subconscious mind to
manifest what I want in my life.
What I know for a fact is that we all have dreams; we all want to believe deep down in our souls that we have
a special gift, that we can make a difference, that we can somehow touch other people in a special way and that
we can make the world a better place. From what Ive seen growing up, most people have a dream about what
they really want to have happen in their life, but their dreams have become so shrouded in the frustrations and
routines of daily life that they dont actually make an effort to accomplish them. Many of us have lost the sense of
certainty that creates the winners edge and typically its because we dont believe that living the life of our
dreams is even possible.
My lifes mission is to share with you the easiest strategies to create an extraordinary life and help you to
believe in yourself enough for the fear to go away. I have learnt so much through the studies of Neuro Linguistic
Programming, studying a lot of my mentors at the top of the game and reading plenty of books and tapes. This Book
will introduce you to these proven strategies and will show you how powerful your subconscious mind is and I
promise that if you read my book and apply these techniques, together we can start to make measurable progress.

Chapter One
Meditation & Gratitude are very close together in the way of making you feel a certain way. They can be the
real cure for stresses in your life and by doing less, it can give you a stack of energy. I have used both practices in
my own life every day for the past three years and have seen a massive change in how I approach problems and
the overall happiness I experience from day to day. Im one of those people who really struggle with becoming
grounded and in conversations I am all over the place.
I have talked to a lot of people in my life and the majority of them tell me that becoming present in the moment
is really difficult, especially if you dont live there. I used to work so hard in my life to achieve everything I
wanted, but I would never be fulfilled at the level I wanted and I couldnt understand why. This made me feel
worthless even though I was achieving a significant amount and I believe we all get in this rut at some stage in life.
The way out was life changing for me because I didnt think there was a way out, I thought this is what life was
about and I really believed it.
It wasnt until I went away to a Date with destiny seminar which is a Anthony Robbins live event that changed
everything for me. It showed me how to become centred and what is really important in life. The biggest
distinction you need to understand is you can either happily achieve or achieve to be happy and achieving to be
happy, in reality youre never happy. Having the mindset of saying no matter what Im going to achieve my goals is
unbelievably rewarding but realizing you can have the best of both worlds can free up your life more than
Expecting all these amazing results makes you look at your life in a way that makes you believe that you have
nothing. But trading your expectations for appreciation, your whole life will change in that moment. Meaning if you
just look around you right now or think back on the last year and start appreciating everything you see, hear and
feel you will feel totally fulfilled. You see so many people in this world not feeling good enough and always
feeling like that have to achieve to feel any sense of worth and that often makes them feel depressed and lonely.
So many celebrities are so depressed in this world even though the majority of the world loves them. One of
the reasons is because they have so many expectations and never reflect on how far they have come, even though
they have a million things to appreciate. This one distinction changed my entire life, from surviving to feeling
fulfilled and thats why Im so passionate about sharing it with the world.
Meditation is a practice that I took up because of my lack of presence with people and the shift that I have
created in the last 2months is amazing. Most people take meditation as just sitting there and not thinking and dont
realize the benefit it does to you. By not thinking and just feeling present and noticing the air on your skin or, the
smells around you takes your focus off your problems. Negative problems put so much stress on yourself that it
constantly makes you overthink and never lets you get the best out of yourself. Mostly it stops you from enjoying
life and makes you take everything you see around you for granted.
Taking the time to set aside 15moinutes a day just to turn your brain off can do wonders for your self-esteem,
because it puts you into a better emotional state. The state we are in determines how good we feel about ourselves
in the moment, so if you are excited, you would act different compared to if you were depressed. The more happy I
feel throughout the day has changed because I made a real decision on what I wanted and applied it, just like
anything in life.

You get rewarded by disciplining yourself and it makes you wake up five years down the track with no regret.
Discipline weighs ounces regret weighs tonnes, so we need to get that aligned if you want to feel for happier and
fulfilled. So I always give people the 2week test which means you are going to set a time every morning that you
force yourself to meditate and by giving yourself this discipline it will make your feel alive because youre making
Whenever a human being feels like they are making progress on something, they feel the most alive and happy.
I will give you a mediation exercise to do so you can apply it straight away today and get results.

Mediation Exercise
1. Get comfortable and pay attention to your breathing and just keep your focus on you breathing in and
2. Its okay to wonder off but its all about catching yourself wondering and bringing yourself back to
3. You can repeat a mantra over and over again in your head to keep your focus just on one thing at a
4. Set an alarm for 15minutes and even if you want to stop keeping pushing and something will shift.


Chapter Two
Gratitude & Morning Ritual
Feeling grateful is one practice that you need to master if you wanted to live a happy life. Its the feeling of
total abundance of everything around you and its an intense feeling of worthiness. Most people in this world
struggle so much with feeling worthy, that they never make progress in any area of their life, because they have
internal fears. Everyone feels this at some level, but the way out of those states is to feel grateful for your life.
We have all had times in our life that we realize we have been taking something for granted and we really get
emotional and realize we only have one shot of this life. There are those instant moments and most people wait
until something in the environment triggers it off instead of looking inside and manifesting what they want. It starts
off with a disciplined morning ritual that you can start experimenting with so you start of your day in the best
possible way.
I want to help you set up a system so you are just hoping your life will come together, this is something you do
first thing in the morning to get yourself in the best state for the day. Morning rituals I have been doing every single
day for the last two years and I have never missed a day, you could say Im addicted to it. I will give you my entire
routine and its just 3 simple exercises. The first exercise you do is you start to move your body and breath. The
purpose of doing this first thing in the morning its stimulates your body to cleanse itself and at the same time like I
said earlier, you are moving your body so you will be getting into a great emotional state.
The second part of this process is for you to incant to yourself just like Ali & Floyd what you want in your life,
whether its just saying to yourself I am..Worthy, Confident, Successful etc. But you doing this for five 5minutes
every single morning you will feel a euphoric experience and will be conditioning your mind for success each day.
Incantations to me are like saying a phrase over and over again with such emotional intensity that its stuck in your
head for the rest of the day.
Just like when you are listening to a song in your car and then for the rest of the day it is stuck in your head,
thats exactly the same process I want you to do but have the song of success in your head. Another key of doing
incantations is for you to speak it and say it like a rhythm because your unconscious mind remembers rhythms more
powerfully then anything.
The third and final part of the 15minute rituals is to change your focus to the state of gratitude. When you are
depressed you feel like you have never had a happy time and you think youre never going to. But by cultivating the
feeling of gratitude and really feel that emotion build up inside of you, all the fear without you will disappear.
Whenever I have been really fearful in my life you live in self-doubt and you feel these negative emotions on a
continuous basis. Really try it right now think of times in your life you are grateful for whether it was a time that
you felt loved, all everything come together and by appreciating it and feeling the feelings of gratitude, its amazing
how more relaxed you are.
If you put your hand on your heart while doing this and cultivate gratitude, you are doing the techniques called
heart activation which you are living from the heart and loves in your heart. Most people live in their head and
thats where the fear is but if you go to your heart for the answers the right answers will be there.


So after I have done the gratitude you will be feeling very at peace in that moment so just to finish it off I want
you to visualize what specifically you want. Because we all have dreams that we want to create even if you are in
a bad position at the moment I know victory is near if you do all the right things. So by focusing on your dreams
every day for 5minutes does wonders to you attracting what you want. But I want you to come from the frame of
visualize what you want like you already achieved it, so all you are doing is saying thanks for the opportunities.

This is the secret of having faith and acting like you already have achieve your goals. Fake it until you make it,
why is that so powerful? Because if you act like the person who you want to be, you will attract everything into
your life because you change your belief about it.

Take a chance of faith and not hope, remember hope walks through the fire and faith leaps over it and by
having faith you know there is a higher purpose that will drive you in the right direction that you desire to go in.
Just remember we all get in habits of thinking and we all beat ourselves up because we think we need to be a
certain way in life, but the truth is you are already good enough. You have the ability right now to do great things in
your life, just remember if you get out of yourself and contribute to other people that will fill you up more than
anything because the secret to living is giving.




Chapter Three
Lots of people have their own beliefs on what hypnosis really is and what it can actually do. I used to think it
was this weird trance that you go into and you have no idea what you are doing and youre pretty much giving
yourself to the other person. What I have come to realize is that the power of hypnosis is so undervalued because
its got a woo woo association attached to it.
Being a hypnotist myself I believe its full power hasnt been tapped yet in the slightest and it can create
profound changes in anyone you talk to, just because your whole communication is with the subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind runs the body and holds in all the pleasurable memories of your past and also all the pain.
The only way to clear negative feeling is to go deep into your subconscious and start activating the power of your
true spirit. My whole therapies with people is by putting the client into a space where they access all the funny
memories from the past and by getting them into that state, make them think about their problems.


This changes the whole meaning of what that problems means to you because it changes at a neurological
level. If you just did it with the conscious mind then it wouldnt be as effective because problems and traumatic
events are held in the subconscious mind. Imagine if you could put yourself into a trance aka an altered state of
consciousness. We do this all the time, have you ever been driving your car for 30minutes and then you slap out of
feeling like a robot and you wonder who has been driving this car the whole time? Or been watching something on
TV and you realize after 10minutes you havent watched any of it? Thats a trance and thats what hypnosis really
is. Its an altered state where you go internal and if directed in the right way, you can almost get anything done or
change anything.

What if you could learn how to control your mind at a new level and condition it so this happens automatically.
I am going to show you how to condition yourself to feel amazing by a little bit of conditioning. Because I believe
we can go through life hoping everything will get better or we can put the right actions in place so it happens
I used to wake up tied all the time and I didnt understand why. I would wake up to an alarm clock and would
just feel so tied in the morning and I literally thought thats just how life is. It wasnt until I studied what hypnosis
and conditioning really is about, that I realized I could set up this game to feel excited in the morning or happy.

This technique is called Anchoring in NLP and is very powerful way of conditioning your mind to feel any
emotion you want at any time, even when you feel tied or unmotivated. Most people say to me they cant get
motivated and straight away if you tell yourself that story, your hypnotising yourself to believe it.

If you want to have the edge in life you need to understand these principles so you can set up the game to win
and the most successful people in the world use it. An anchor is just an automatic response to a stimulus. So if you
are driving your car and you look at see red light, you automatically know its time to stop, how? Because its been
conditioned into you.



An example of a sound anchor would be when I was younger hearing my parents call me ZACHARY in a
specific voice which I would get an instant response that Im in trouble. So we are getting anchored all the time
and I want you to be aware of whats going on so you can do this consciously and condition it into your nervous
system. So how to create an anchor is simple and all it takes is putting yourself into the desired state that you want
to create and do something unique at the peak. It might something you look at, a sound or a touch on a part of your

So what I used to do was wake up to a unique sound which was my alarm and I would be in a tied state every
morning, so it just conditioned it into me. The way to break out of this is to make a conscious decision to say no
matter what Im going to rewire myself. So all you would have to do is put your alarm on while you get yourself
into a state of feeling excited and motivated. The way to do that is to close your eyes and remember times you have
felt excited or motivated. Start moving that way and right at the peak, put your alarm on and do this over and over
again, until you can put the alarm on and instantly you feel excited. This is a simple form of conditioning and you
can use to this feel any emotion you want. A song you like is an anchor and makes you feel good because you
unconsciously created it. So all I ask is for you to condition yourself in the way that will help you manifest what
you want.



Chapter Four
Visualization For Achieving Goals


Visualizing is a powerful tool that can be used in such a way that it can actually put you into a state that will
attract what you want for your life. I never really understood why I would always manifest what I didnt want in
my life and the big distinctions was because I focused on it. We all have a mind but most people focus in life about
what they dont want to happen which means it keeps showing up.

By you defining what you want specifically and really focusing on it in your minds eye, things you are not
aware of can happen. I believe we are energy and so are our thoughts, so by us focusing and thinking about what
we want in a way we already have it then, it will show up. Havent you had times in your life where you think of
someone you havent thought about in a long time and then all of a sudden they call you or text you?

I think this has happened to most of us in our lives and most people think its a coincidence. I dont believe in a
coincidence, I believe every thought is guided and by focusing on what you really want to have happen in your life,
thats what will happen. It sounds so simple I know, but no one wants to hear something simple, they would rather
it be complex because it sounds more significant. I want you to wake up every morning focusing on what you want
to have happen in detail and really feel like you have achieved it.

People are always asking for what they want and by just asking and not feeling like you have it, it puts your
mind into a poverty frame. Once that happens you have no drive to change your circumstances because your
always chasing. I want you to teach your mind how to manifest greatness and that only happens by believing you
already have the goal, because the entire goal is going to do is give you a feeling. That feeling you are searching
for you can have right now and by feeling that way on the pursuit to your goal, you will get it much faster.

This was the one distinction that changed everything for me because I would always focus on what I didnt
have and would set a go like, I want to get out of debt. By saying debt in your goals it gives you a picture in your
head of you being in debt and you can manifest what you focus on. So I tell people not to put their problem in their
goals because if you do that you will just keep staying in the same position. Dont worry I did this for years and
went through a lot of pain to understand how important this is.

So you write a goal that saying, I will easily be financial free by a specific date. Look at the language that used
in it. I said it will easily happen so it puts it into a very reachable position and also said financially free in the
sentence so my mind focus and gives me pictures of feeling financially free. Its such a small shift but it does
wonders to your results.

What if you could visualize your goals every morning in a frame of mind that its already here within you. Its
my ritual every morning for 10minutes to focus on what I want and feel the feelings Im craving from the goal. We
know that anything external we want in our life wont make us any happier than we are right now. The problem is
thats what most people do and it cripples them and keeps them in a life that is so unfulfilled and they feel
worthless in the process.



I wrote this book for everyone and anyone looking to have the secret and advantage over other people. There
are so many examples of celebrities that this technique worked for like Jay Z, Eminem, Denzel Washington, Oprah
& Jim Carrey. Jim Carrey when he was broke used to visualize opportunities coming to him every night and feel
what they would feel like. It trained his mind to believe it was happening already, which then lead to him
becoming the funniest actor of all time. You can have anything you want in this life with the right strategy and Im
giving you the most simplistic and powerful strategy that you can do at any time.

If you focus on being happy you will attract happy moment and people into your life and it also works the other
way to. People that are depressed attract depression around them and its just because of the energy they constantly
put in their mind. Just use this strategy for a week and I promise youll feel radically different about your life. If
you want opportunities in your life, focus on the feeling you would get and see yourself getting them in your head.

Play it like a video over and over again until you start to condition yourself with positivity and share your
energy with the world. Remember successful people will do what failures wont and by you taking control of the
gear stick of your brain; you can create abundance in every area. Im so grateful myself to have attracted a lot of
abundance in my life and one time in my life I would never have thought was possible.
Everything in your external world started in your internal world, everything you see around you thats so
amazing started in someones head. Then they manifested it into reality, so just remember how powerful you are
and really take advantage of the time that you have and youll never have regret in life.


My whole life I have searched for what really makes an individual happy. In my own life Ive found that you
can either worry about the uncertain pathway to the future, but all there will ever be is what is happening now and
the decisions we make in this moment which are based on either love or fear.
Most people choose the path of fear because they think what they want is so far out of reach that they dont
dare to dream and act on it. All Im saying is. Please if you want something, the idea wouldnt have been given to
you in the first place if you werent capable of achieving it. I really believe that.
Its the biggest decision of your life. Are you going to be scared and fearful or are you going to step up and let
your true voice be out there? When you let your true voice out there, go to the gym, talk to someone new or even
tell someone I love you that makes you grow as a human being and I believe you need to feel like your growing to
be happy.
When you are making progress with your life and making things happen, you feel such a good feeling at the
time and I believe thats when you the happiest. If youre not happy in an area of your life, I suspect the reason is
because you dont feel like your growing and when you dont feel like your growing you feel like youre dying
inside. Not physically, but emotionally and spiritually.
I know theres something that you are so good at and it fills you up with joy every time perhaps a hobby that
you have or something that you do once in a while but just wish you could do it all the time. I want to tell you your
dream of making that hobby a living or just doing that hobby more is so possible. I believe the limitations that we
put on ourselves torture us daily with frustration and anger and it stresses us to the point where we lose what our
real dreams are. Dont let this happen to you break out of the bonds of you past and wake up because this is the
chance to create a brand new future.
Life is a gift so enjoy it. Take on the attitude of Love and Passion just because youre alive. One of the biggest
beliefs I live by is you dont need a reason to feel good. Feel good now and make your life a masterpiece.
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