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I was
hyperventilating at the end and I thought of walking out on it without submitting because I was certain I
failed. Then when I hit submit I didn't see "PASS" so I thought I failed ... it was the screen confirming to
submit your exam before seeing the score LOL I PASSED! So everyone on here who submitted study
materials and suggestions and test questions thank you it helped guide me in my studying. So I want to
return the favor. To all those still to take it, here are topics I recommend studying based on my recent
- Blood Bank Discrepancies. ALL TYPES!
- Sensitivity and Specificity (formulas and definitions)
- Hematology Stains and implications (PAS, LAP, Sudan Black etc.)
- What causes false positives and false negatives on urine reagent strip tests (protein, blood etc).
- Indices/Clinical picture of Urinalysis Disease States (Glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome etc.)
- Platelet Aggregation Studies (be able to interpret graphs and determine disease states)
- RBC inclusions (stains used for each, where each comes from, disease states commonly seen in each)
- Know biochemical characteristics for ALL bacteria (to make it easier group them into GNR, GNC, GPR,
- I didn't study mycology or parasitology, but there were 3 questions (pictures to identify). If you know what
it looks like you'll be okay. I didn't study it, I didn't know the answers, I guessed, probably failed the
questions, but passed the exam :-)
- Immunohematology: can you give incompatible Cryo? How long after thawing can you administer
platelets, plasma etc. How long after pooling?
- RhIg (when do you administer? what does a positive anti-D postpartum mean? When do you do weak D
testing? Know EVERYTHING about RhIg)
- Serology: know Hepatitis B antigen AND antibodies. When does each appear? during which clinical
phase? (HBe, HBsAg, HBcAg etc).
! I used the Harr review book and labce.
1. Nitroprusside detects what? 2. About potassium levels being elevated no hemoloysis Why? 3.
Lipemia being removed from the specimen what would increase. option was cholesterol and
triglycerides,Cholestorol, HDL... 4. Blood blood received in micro from baby turbid, what would
you do next? Cortisol elevated why? 5. Strep coagulase positive what would you do to confirm it I
chose perform coagulase test in tube to confirm. 6.Calculate wcb count hemocytometer 4. bottle
blood culture 7. I had to calculate LAP score. 8.Increase in LAP score why? 9. another with
relative lymphocytosis, absolute lymphocytosis, lymphopenia.. 10. Calculate Reticulocyte? One
with M+ N- and M+N+ possible genotypes? 11.Who would be acceptable to donate blood a.
mother who delivered baby 4 months ago b. hemoglobin 12 g/dl c. Some one who moved in the
counry from England couple months ago 12. Von Willibrand disease what would you tranfuse a.
cryoprecipitate b. FFP c.Platelets.. 13. Which antibody crosses the placenta a. Anti-M... IgG was
not an option. Best temp cold ab react..
Chemistry example-Diabetis,Liver Function,Cardiac Markers know your charts enzyme elevation. Renal water, electrolytes
and acid-base balance. Must master the physiology renal function. they will give example blood gas result and you will need
to interpret. Know most common calculation in lab manual ldl,anion gap,FTI. Hope this info helps.

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