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Facebook Group: Indian Administrative Service ( Raz Kr)

2. Contemporary equality policies tend to focus on cultural and

Vajiram Ram & Ravi

Political Science
by Shubra Ranjan
[Mains Test Series 2015]

political inequality in distributional goods. Equality now appears

to be a concern for difference rather than search for
similarities. Illustrate. (15 marks)
3. Why are feminist critical of mainstream political theory. What
are major concepts in feminist political theory and how they
different from conventional political theory. (15 marks)
Question 4

Political Science Test 1 Paper 1 section A

1. Power must be analysed as something which circulates or
Section A

as something which only functions in the form of chain. Power

is employed and exercised through a net like organisation.

Directions: Attempt any five questions. Questions 1 & 5 are

Individuals are vehicles of power not just point of its

compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions

application.(Foucault) Critically evaluate. (20 marks)

selecting at least one question from each section.

2. Why does Seymour Lipset contend that legitimacy involves

Question 1 (All questions carry 10 Marks)

the capacity of the political system to engender and maintain

1. Political theory is the most appropriate term to employ in

the belief that the existing political; institutions are the most

designating that intellectual tradition which affirms the

appropriate ones for the society. Examine the dynamics of the

possibility of transcending that sphere of immediate practical

relation between legitimacy and consent. (15 marks)

concern and viewing, mans societal existence from a critical

3.The distinction between power and violence is one of the

perspective. (Germino). Comment.

many surprising distinction in the Hannah Arendt politico-

2. It is this clear cut individualism which makes Hobbes

phenomology. According to Hannah Arendt the indiscriminate

philosophy the most revolutionary theory of the ages.

use of the term indicate the deafness to linguistic meaning and

3. Feminist argument against public-private dichotomy

blindness to the realities. Elucidate. (15 marks)

4. Berlins view on value pluralism

Section B

5. Veil of ignorance

Question 2

Question 5 (All questions carry 10 Marks)

1. Reasonable Pluralism is the natural outcome of free

1. A prince, therefore, who is wise and prudent cannot or ought

exercise of human reason under condition of liberty (Rawls).

not to keep his word when keeping of it is to his prejudice and

In the light of above reason explains the concept of reasonable

of course for which he promised removed

pluralism, given by Rawls. What challenges it poses to theory

2. The methodological criterion on which our own study must

of justice and how Rawls proposes to meet the challenges. (20

be based is that the supremacy of social groups manifests


itself in 2 ways (i) as and (ii) as intellectual domination and

2. What are the virtues of democracy and its paradoxes? What

moral leadership (Gramsci). Discuss

are the perceived threats to democracy?(15 marks)

3. He who bids the law rule may be deemed to bid God and

3. Examine the reasons why behaviouralism called for an end

to normative political theory. What are the fallacies of
behaviouralism which gave rise to post behaviouralsim. (15

reason alone rule, but he who bids man rule adds an element
of the beast; for desire is a wild beast and passion pervert the
mind of ruler, even when they are best of men. Aristotle.
4. Discuss the neo-Marxist theory of post-colonial state.

Question 3

5. What are objections against multiculturalism?

1. Examine the communitarian perception of the relationship

Question 6

between good and right. Is communitarianism an alternative

to liberalism or just a response? Discuss.(20 marks)

1. Why neoliberalism is considered as repudiates of Keynesian

state. What is the link between governance, neoliberalism and
globalisation? (20 marks)

Facebook Group: Indian Administrative Service ( Raz Kr)

2. Why post-modernist argue that meaning of the text is never

founded or stable and hence we can find multiple meaning and
truth. Do you think post-modernism is anti reductionist and
pluralist.(15 marks)
3. I want to argue that the principle of the justice are
themselves pluralistic inn forms ; that different social goods
ought to be distributed for different reasons ijn accordance with
different procedures by different agents and all these
differences derives from different understanding of the social
goods themselves, the inevitable product of historical and
cultural particularism, Michael Walzer, Explain.(15 marks)
Question 7
1. Gramsci concept of ideology was distinction and far more
developed than that of his predecessor and contemporaries
essentially because it overcome both Epiphenomenalism and
class reductionism. Explain.(20 marks)
2. Why notion of sovereignty is central to modern political
theory. Do you think it is misleading to perceive relation
between globalisation and sovereignty as zero sum game? (15
3. What are the important differences between civil and
political rights on one hand and economic social and cultural
rights on the other hand. Is it possible for the idea of human
rights to encompass both the value of cultural diversity and the
imposition of universal standards? (15 marks)
Question 8
1. Why the concept of ideology have so many negative
associations. Is Marxism an ideology or science? Does
Marxism have future? Discuss.; (20 marks)
2. Despotism is a legitimate mode of government in dealing
with barbarianism, provided the end be the improvement and
the means justified by actually effecting that end. Liberty, as a
principle, has no application to any state of things anterior to
the time when mankind have become capable of being
improved by free and equal discussion (Mill).In the light of
above statement explain how Mill is a reluctant democrat.(15
3. Why Ronald Dworkin rejects welfare egalitarianism and why
he suggest that justice regarding equal auction and
endowment sensitive auction. Explain the debate between
equality of resources and equality of capabilities. (15 marks)

Facebook Group: Indian Administrative Service ( Raz Kr)

b) What is competitive cooperative federalism? In what ways

Niti Aayog promotes competitive cooperative federalism? 15

Vajiram Ram & Ravi

Political Science
by Shubra Ranjan
[Mains Test Series 2015]

c) How effective has reservation been in promoting social
justice in India? According to Pratap B Mehta it would be a
tragedy if modern India becomes a project not for
Transcending caste but perpetuating it. Comment 15 Marks

TEST 2 : Paper 1 Section B - Indian Government and Politics

Section B

Section A



Q5 All questions consist of 10 Marks

Directions: Attempt any five questions. Questions 1 & 5 are

a) Article 262.

compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions

b) Challenges to Freedom of Speech & Expression in India.

selecting at least one question from each section.

c) Do you think rise of AAP is a turning point in Indian


Q1 All questions consist of 10 Marks.

d) Role of National Commission of Women in strengthening the

a) Cultural Nationalism.

rights of women.

b) Concept of Dharma & Danda.

e) The changing role of pressure group politics in India.

c) Swaraj.
d) Radical Humanism.


e) Annihilation of Castes

a) Discuss the rise of Gandhi as National Leader. How

a) Identify the forms & manifestations of ethnicity in India. Can
democracies accommodate ethnic nationalism? Explain with

Gandhis strategy of struggle & negotiations influenced Indian

freedom Struggle? 20 Marks
b) Do you think Federalism defined in Indian Constitution

reference to India. 20 Marks

b) Explicate the essence of religious politics. Mention the

needs to be redefined today? What can be the reasons & what

should be the approach for redefinition? 15 Marks

specificities of Indian Secularism. 15 Marks

c) The new Judicial Appointment Act is clearly the superior

c) Evaluate the ongoing debate on democracy and

development? Enumerate the social & Political consequence of

alternative to collegiums system. Do you agree that

appointment of judges require wider consultative process?

liberalisation in India. 15 Marks.

Comment.15 Marks
a) Analyse the theoretical perspective on nature of regionalism
in India. Identify the basis of formation of regional identities in

a) In what ways 73rd CAA tackles the problem faced by
Panchayati Raj System in India. Analyse the weak & strong

India. 20 Marks

elements of the amendments.20 Marks

b) What did the objective resolution of Constituent Assembly of
India look forward to establish? Why India is known as Soft

b) How is voting behaviour conditioned by Social factors?

Explain the determinants of Voting Behaviour in India at the

State? 15 Marks

national level on the basis of recent general election.15 Marks

c) Economics of liberalisation & politics of empowerment are
c) Why was Congress Party able to maintain a system of One-

going in opposites direction in India. Comment 15 Marks

Party rule, legitimised by election for a long time? What does


Rajni Kothari means by party of consensuses and party of

a) What were the major streams of thinking in Indian political

pressure? 15 Marks

leadership at the time of Independence? To what extent

conflicted & overlapped for the future state of India? 20 Marks

a) The higher judiciary & the subordinate courts- and executive

Facebook Group: Indian Administrative Service ( Raz Kr)

& legislature all share the responsibility of poor governance in

India. Do you agree? Give your opinion. 20 Marks
b) Polluted sky, dead River, disappearing forest, displaced
peasants & tribal is what we see after 40 years of Chipko
Movement. India today is an Environmental Basket Case: R C
Guha. Do you agree? Discuss the rise and fall of
Environmental movement in India? 15 Marks
c) Women Movement in India goes back to more than 100
years. Evaluate the extent to which it has been successful in
liberating the women from patriarchy.
------------- The End --------------

Facebook Group: Indian Administrative Service ( Raz Kr)

beliefs. On the other hand some describe it as global pillage

Vajiram Ram & Ravi

Political Science
by Shubra Ranjan
[Mains Test Series 2015]

on the basis of experience of developing countries. Explain

whether globalisation is more of a colonisation then
liberalisation.(15 marks)
Question 4
1. Do you think there is one realism or many? What are
timeless truths in Realist theory? Is realism a construction or
description of reality?(20 marks)

TEST 3 : Paper 2 Section A - Comparative Politics and Theory

of IR

2. What are the main miles stone in the evolution of theory of

representation? (15 marks)

Section A

3. To what extent global power have become more defused


and intangible? Discuss debate between Hyperglobalist and

Question 1 (All questions carry 10 Marks)

those sceptical of globalisation? (15 marks)

1. Compare the pressure group politics in developing and

developed countries.

Section B

2. Difference between political parties and pressure group.

3. Mention the electoral system which can provide greater

Question 5 Write Short Notes .(All questions carry 10 Marks)

1. Deterrence.

representation to minorities.
4. Distinguish between old social movement and new social

2. Security Community.
3. Security Dilemma.

5. Compare the nature of state as found in advanced countries

4. Cobweb Model.
5. Offensive Vs Defensive Realism.

with those found in developing countries.

Question 6

Question 2
1. Comparative politics has become a subject of momentous
significance that a great deal of experimentation is going on
with research tools. The present intellectual ferment is because
of the wide spread dissatisfaction with traditional descriptive

1. Is liberalism to much wedded to state centric view of

international relations? Is liberal order in crisis today, as G
John Ikkenberry and G Sorensen, argued? Are emerging
global powers a threat to the liberal order?(20 marks)
2. Should nuclear weapon be treated as normal weapons? Are

approaches. Bernard E Brown. Comment. (20 marks)

2. Why global politics is more accurately described as distorted
global politics and what is global governance complex (15

nuclear weapons incompatible with any sense of morality?

Discuss the taboos associated with Nuclear Weapon.(15


3. How do feminist define security? Do you think IR feminism

3. Examine the main assumption of political economy

approach in the study of comparative politics? Discuss the

can tell us anything new about working of global politics?(15


concept of dependency as explanatory tool for the

Question 7

phenomenon of underdevelopment? (15 marks)

1. Does WTO promote genuine globalisation or asymmetrical

Question 3

globalisation favouring developed countries? (20 marks)

1. In what way political sociology is a useful approach of

comparative politics?Will globalisation makes comparatives

2. How has the concept of security in personal, societal and

politics obsolete.(20 marks)

international life, changed as a result of globalised terrorism

and how will it change in the future? (15 marks)

2. Critically examine the main assumption of structural

functional approach with respect to ideals of Gabriel Almond.

3. What are the gaps in Global Human Right Regimes? Is

(15 marks)

there a substantial dark side of Human Rights Politics? (15

3. Marshall McLuhan coined global village. He found that


people are beginning to share certain values, ideas and

Facebook Group: Indian Administrative Service ( Raz Kr)

Question 8
1. Explain relation between anarchy and sovereignty in the
realist construction of international relation. What is the post
modernist criticism of it?(20 marks)
2. Why did environmental issues appeared on international
agenda and what are important turning points? (15 marks)
3. What are the relative weights of normative and material
power in international relations in general and international
relations of Human Rights in particular? (15 marks)
------------The End-------------

Facebook Group: Indian Administrative Service ( Raz Kr)

advancing Indias national interest as well as expressions of its

Vajiram Ram & Ravi

Political Science
by Shubra Ranjan
[Mains Test Series 2015]

universal ideals. Elaborate. 15 marks

Q4. Answer following (20+15+15 marks)
1. Indias instinctive response to the unfolding tensions
between US and China is to reach for comforting blanket of
Non Alignment. But the fact is China is our neighbour with
which we have many outstanding issues, makes traditional non
alignment nearly impossible. Give your views on the above

Test 4: Paper 2, Section B : India and The World

statement. 20 marks


2. India envisions a new maritime security architecture by


drawing Indias island neighbours into a closer security net

Q1. Comment on the following in about 150 words each : 10

making Indian Ocean Indias ocean. Critically evaluate steps


taken by government to achieve its goal. 15 marks

1. India and LAC countries can together become a formidable

economic force.

3. India Africa represents one third of human kind. They know

each other since ages, as victim of colonial injustice and

2. Significance of LBA with Bangladesh.

exploitation. They are linked through common goals and

3. Japan India relations is crucial for stability in Asia-Pacific.


mutual empathy. However their relationship is marked by

awareness deficit and gaps that needed to be addressed.

4. India Israel relations has been sensitive and controversial

Suggest a way forward. 15 marks

in New Delhi diplomatic history. Comment.


5. India has begun to implement its act east policy.


Substantiate the argument with examples.

Q5. Comment on the following in about 150 words each : 10

Q2. Answer following (20+15+15 marks)


1. The changing situation in West Asia and increasing

1. Short Note: India EU future perspective.

capabilities of India makes it advisable to adopt much more

active forward policy in WANA region-Shiv Shankar Menon.
Comment. 20 marks

2. Enumerate Indias recent commitment towards Climate

3. Discuss Indias role in BRICS.

2. Pt. Nehru recognized that our armed forces has duty beyond

4. Enumerate salient Sustainable Development Goals.

the border as good global citizen. Today world looks at India as

5. Recent trends in India Myanmar Relations.

net security provider, Delhi needs to recast its peace keeping

strategy-C Raja Mohan. Elaborate. 15 marks

Q6. Answer following (20+15+15 marks)

1. PM Modi visit to CAR is about a region that has inspired a

3. Indias Nepal Policy needs caution not grandstanding-S D

lot of political romanticism in New Delhi but little concrete

Muni. Comment. 15 marks

actions. Suggest a long term strategy for overcoming

Q3. Answer following (20+15+15 marks)

constraint faced by India in the region. 20 marks

1. India UN always had complex political relations. Today India

2. India Afghanistan Relations seems Strained at present.

has bigger priority than burnishing its status at UN. Comment.

Discuss the changes in bilateral relations since change in

20 marks

government in Afghanistan. 15 marks

2. The margin for error in Indian diplomacy is rapidly

3. EU economic crisis has fueled the emergence of deep divide

shrinking.This demands big change in a way we think and act

between northern creditor countries and southern debtor

in neighbourhood-C Raja Mohan. Elaborate. 15 marks

countries. Now migrant crisis is dividing EU in countries who

3. Indias multilateralism has degenerated into moralistic

welcome and the countries who want to do little. This shows

commentary on world affairs Shashi Tharoor. India cannot

EU is less united and more divided. What is the possible future

treat multilateral diplomacy as boutique corner for the foreign

of EU? 15 marks

office dispensing moral platitudes. It must be a tool for

Facebook Group: Indian Administrative Service ( Raz Kr)

Q7. Answer following (20+15+15 marks)

1. In the wake of growing disorders like turmoil in West Asia,
EUs migrant crisis, China unilaterally enforcing its territorial
claims. Does UN have future? Should UN not be written off as
grounds for pessimism is undeniable? 20 marks
2. Since India lacks the resources it will be worthwhile to
participate in the component of OBOR. Do you agree? What
OROB means for India. Write your views. 15 marks
3. The deterrence effect of Nuclear Weapons has yet to be
matured in South Asia. South Asias nuclear contest is
complicated by presence of Non State actors Happymon
Jacob. Discuss the multiple nuclear dilemma faced by India. 15
Q8. Answer following (20+15+15 marks)
1. Investment in US India relationship is worthwhile in long
terms security and relative position of both India and US. Do
you agree? Substantiate your viewpoint. 20 marks
2. We may be entering into a period where tighter embrace of
US brings Russia closer to Pakistan and Russia bolstering its
ties with Pakistan push India closer to US. India needs to be
more diligent in dealing with Russia. Comment. 15 marks
3. Foreign Policy is about securing permanent interest which
may be judged in long term, given the priority to foreign policy
given by present government it would we advisable to make
interim assessment Srinath Raghavan. Discuss the
continuity, success, change and blind spots of present
government. 15 marks

Facebook Group: Indian Administrative Service ( Raz Kr)

2. Let the prince then look to the maintenance of the state that
means will always be deemed honourable - Machiavelli 15

Vajiram Ram & Ravi

Political Science
by Shubra Ranjan
[Mains Test Series 2015]

3. Compare Dharmashastra with Dandashastra. 15 marks
-----------------Q5. Comment on the following in about 150 words each: 10

Test 5: Paper 1 (Comprehensive)

1. Decline of parliament.

2. Rethinking judicial appointment: collegium vs. commision


3. Presidential Activism.

Q1. Comment on the following in about 150 words each :

10 marks x 5=50

4. Marxist perspective on Indian national movement.

5. Inter State council.

1. The fact that political theory is a thriving discipline makes it

more difficult to provide an inclusive definition of the discipline

Q6. Answer following (20+15+15 marks)

Collin Ferreley.

1. Indian courts are playing growing role in countrys political

2. The state of Nature dramatizes what Hobbes takes to be the

life. Defenders of judiciary focus on few success stories

fundamental dilemma of human existence - Minogue.

Pratap Bhanu Mehta. Critically evaluate the impact of rise of

3. One is not born woman but become woman Simone De

judicial of judicial sovereignty on Indian politics. 20 marks


2. Indias sixteenth general election were remarkable for

4. Non Violence is the greatest force at the disposal of

number of reason Ashutosh Varshney. What were the

mankind Mahatma Gandhi.

remarkable aspects of the elections? 15 marks

5. Every neighbouring state is an enemy and enemys enemy

is friend - Kautilya.

3. Discuss the entanglement of Inter State Water Dispute , with

more general Center-State conflicts and political issues.15

Q2. Answer following (20+15+15 marks)


1. In what sense radical feminism is revolutionary? Are

Q7. Answer following (20+15+15 marks)

differences between feminism is greater than similarities. 20


1. Critically evaluate the role of NHRC towards strengthening

of HR in the country with suitable examples. 20 marks

2. The object of all societies, should be, therefore, and must

become, as man grows conscious of his real being

2. Explain the linkages between Centre-State relations and the

nature of party system in India. 15 marks

Aurobindo Ghosh. Elaborate. 15 marks

3. Discuss the state of Municipal governance in India post 74th
3. Liberal triumphalism needs to be tampered by recognition of

CAA. 15 marks

new challenges and threats to liberalism. What are these

challenges? Enumerates with suitable examples. 15 marks

Q8. Answer following (20+15+15 marks)

1. What is identity politics? Why identity politics play important

Q3. Answer following (20+15+15 marks)

role in politics of India? 20 marks

1. Was fascism merely the product of historical circumstances
of inter war period? Discuss. 20 marks

2. Give economic and political argument in favour of Land

Reforms. 15 marks

2. Human rights continues to be contested politically, legally,

3. Discuss the controversies associated with the governor with

philosophically and theoretically. Discuss some of the different

suitable examples. 15 marks

questions / debates of HR theory. 15 marks

3. Discuss Marxist theory of the state. 15 marks
Q4. Answer following (20+15+15 marks)


1. What is the justification of multicultural perspective of

Rights? Is multiculturalism, the need of our time? 20 marks

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