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Oils, blends & products recommended:
Oils & Blends: Respiratory Blend, Clove, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Lavender,
Protective Blend, Peppermint, Rosemary Also consider: Basil, Cypress, Lemon,
Marjoram, Thyme

Respiratory Blend este Breathe, 15 ml, 18 euro

Clove cuisoare,15 ml, 12 euro
Eucalyptus 15 ml 12 euro
Frankincense tamaia, 15 ml, 60 euro
Lavender lavanda, 15 ml, 18 euro
Protective Blend On Guard, 15 ml 30 euro
Peppermint menta, 15 ml, 17,50 euro
Rosemary rozmarin, 15 ml, 12,50 euro
Basil busuioc, 15 ml, 17 euro
Cypress chiparos, 15 ml 13,50 euro
Lemon 15 ml 9 euro
Marjoram maghiran, 15 ml 16 euro
Thyme cimbru, 15 ml 30 euro

Suggested protocols:
Respiratory Blend topically to chest (supplement with Eucalyptus or Rosemary if
needed) for coughing symptoms. Protective Blend (supplement with Basil,
Frankincense or Lemon) topically on the throat area as an antibiotic. For more
severe bronchitis take Protective Blend (supplement with Lemon and Oregano) in
a capsule 2 to 4 time daily. Also diffuse Respiratory Blend (or Eucalyptus or
Rosemary) or use cup and inhale.

Breathe (amestec special pentru usurarea respiratiei) se aplica pe piept (daca e nevoie
se adauga Eucalipt si rozmarin) pentru tuse. On Guard (amestec pt anihilarea virusilor
si intarirea sistemului imunitar) la care se adauga busuioc, tamaie sau lamaie pus
pe zona gatului, cu rol de antibiotic. Pentru bronsite mai severe se ia On Guard
(impreuna cu lamaie si oregano) in capsula, de 2-4 ori pe zi. Se pulverizeaza (in
aparatul special pt pulverizat, diffuser) Breathe (sau eucalipt sau rozmarin) sau puneti
1-2 picaturi in palma, frecati palmele intre ele, apoi duceti-le la nas si gura sub forma
unei cupe si respirati adanc.
La experiente, marturii:

Sherri The other morning I woke up coughing from post nasal drip and had a
slight wheeze. I didnt want to get out of bed so I grabbed my bag of oils next to
me, the only thing that even remotely made sense to put on was Soothing Blend.
(Self made roller with 50% Soothing Blend and 50% FCO.) I rolled it on the
reflex spots for bronchial on the top of the foot where the toes meet and laid back
down. Within minutes everything was draining, my respiratory was full and FREE
, I could not believe how well it worked! I just wanted to update you on
something with my little find. I put a post on 2 of the doTERRA Facebook groups
I am a part of and I have received astounding remarks that this help with COPD,
Bronchitis and Asthma! The opening of the airways is really huge!

A submission directly to EverythingEssential Google Group. Our thanks to

Therese A couple of weeks ago my 17-year-old daughter was coming down
with what seemed to be bronchitis. She complained of a severe headache. I
performed the Massage Blend Technique on her before she went to bed and
gave her 8 ounces of water to drink. The next morning when she woke up for
school, her nose was clogged and had mild congestion. That evening after
dinner, I gave her another Massage Blend, gave her 8 ounces of water to drink
and sent her to bed. The following morning she woke up, the congestion was
gone, she had a small amount of drainage from her nose and her headache was
gone. By the time she came home from school that afternoon, she was
completely congestion free, no drainage and felt quite well. She slept well, didnt
miss school, I didnt have to take her to the doctor, and best of all she did not
have to take any prescriptions or over the counter medicines! The oils actually
destroyed any bacteria or virus that would have consumed her for weeks! ()
essential oils are pure and are so much better than any medications that would
have only masked her illness. I am and always will use them on my family before
I consider a doctor visit!!

Jennifer My mom has bronchitis and really doesnt want to take

antibiotics. Which oils would you recommend for this?
SusieQ - I get chronic bronchitis a lot. I hate going to the doctor and going on
antibiotics. Now I use Respiratory Blend on my chest and layer Protective Blend
over it. I cant believe how quickly I feel better. Respiratory Blend burns my skin
a little, so I dilute it with coconut oil. Sometimes when Im in a hurry I put a little

coconut oil in the palm of my hand and then add a couple drops of Respiratory
Blend and rub it in. She might need some oils internally, but somebody will have
to help you with those.
Leah - I had bronchitis a year ago, and because I was exclusively nursing my
son, I had to avoid products with Peppermint.
I was using Myrrh on the outside of my throat, Lemon on my neck, Eucalyptus on
my chest (in the place of Respiratory Blend) and made an antibiotic pill:

4 drops Protective Blend

4 drops Lemon

4 drops Oregano

in a capsule, take it 4 times a day.

For the first three days I didnt really notice any change, but on the fourth, I was
like wow! I feel so much better. After that, it was harder to keep up with the
antibiotic because I was feeling so good.
I will say that I did end up detoxing and had a pretty bad rash on my neck and
upper chest. I had hit the bronchitis pretty hard with oils, and other home
remedies like honey and apple cider vinegar. I was just super scared I would
need to go to the doctors and end up with conventional medicine.
Stephanie - I would also add Rosemary to that blend. Its great for respiratory
Julie - Basil and Rosemary on the sternum for the cough. Frankincense on the
throat area. Respiratory Blend on the sternum as needed as well. It worked
wonders for me last year. I get bronchitis easily and have for years. Respiratory
Blend is great with Protective Blend but the Basil and Rosemary worked fast on
stopping the cough.
Mandie - Thyme is a bronchial dialator. I use it and Lemon in a diffuser for

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