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10/15/15 11:21 AM

John the Baptist Prepares the Way

This is the beg inn ing of the good

news a
bout J
esus the Messia h, the
Son of God. 2Long ago Isaiah the proph
et wrote,
I will send my messenger ahead of
He will prepare your way.

3 A messenger is calling out in the
Prepare the way for the Lord.
Make straight paths for him.


4And so John the Baptist appeared in the

desert. He p
reached that people should
be baptized and turn away from their
sins. Then God would forgive them. 5All
the people from the countryside of Judea
went out to him. All the people from Jeru
salem went too. When they admitted they
had s inned, John baptized them in the Jor
dan River. 6John wore c lothes made out of
camels hair. He had a leather belt a
his waist. And he ate loc usts and wild
honey. 7Here is what John was preach
ing. After me, there is someone coming
who is more powerful than I am. Im not
good e
nough to bend down and untie his
sandals. 8I baptize you with water. But
he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Is Baptized and Tempted

9At that time Jesus came from Naz

areth in Galilee. John baptized J esus in
the Jordan River. 10Jesus was coming up
out of the water. Just then he saw heav
en being torn open. Jesus saw the Holy
Spirit coming down on him like a dove.
11A voice spoke to him from heaven. It
said, You are my Son, and I love you. I
am very pleased with you.
12At once the Holy Spirit sent Jesus
out into the desert. 13He was in the des
ert 40 days. T
here Satan tempted him.
The wild animals didnt harm J esus. An
gels took care of him.

Jesus Preaches the Good News

14After John was put in prison, J

went into Galilee. He preached the good
news of God. 15The time has come, he
said. The kingdom of God has come
near. Turn away from your sins and be
lieve the good news!

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Jesus Chooses His First Disciples

16One day J
esus was walking beside
the Sea of Galilee. T
here he saw Simon
and his brothe r And rew. They were
throwing a net into the lake. They were
fisher men. 17Come and follow me,
Jesus said. I will send you out to fish for
people. 18At once they left their nets and
followed him.
19Then Jesus walked a litt le fart her.
As he did, he saw James, the son of Zeb
edee, and his brother John. They were in
a boat preparing t heir nets. 20Right away
he called out to them. They left their fa
ther Zebedee in the boat with the hired
men. Then they followed J esus.

Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit

21Jesus and t hose with him went to

Cap er n au m. When the Sabb ath day
came, he went into the synagogue. T
he began to teach. 22The people were
a mazed at his teaching. T hats because
he taught them like one who had author
it y. He did not talk like the teachers of
the law. 23Just then a man in t heir syn
agogue cried out. He was controlled by
an evil spirit. He said, 24What do you
want with us, J
esus of Naza reth? Have
you come to destroy us? I know who you
are. You are the Holy One of God!
25Be quiet! said Jesus firmly. Come
out of him! 26The evil spirit s hook the
man wildly. Then it came out of him with
a scream.
27All the people were a mazed. So they
asked each other, What is this? A new
teaching! And with so much authorit y!
He even g
ives orders to evil spirits, and
they obey him. 28News about Jesus
spread quickly all over Galilee.

Jesus Heals Many People

29Jesus and t hose with him left the

synagogue. R
ight away they went with
James and John to the home of Simon
and And rew. 30Simons mother-in-law
was lying in bed with a fever. They told
Jesus about her right away. 31So he went
to her. He took her hand and helped her
up. The fever left her. Then she began to
serve them.
32That even ing after sunset, the peo
ple brought to Jesus all who were sick.
They also b
rought all who were con
trolled by dem ons. 33 All the people

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918 |Mark 1:34

in town gathered at the door. 34Jesus
healed many of them. They had all k
of sicknesses. He also d
rove out many
demons. But he would not let the demons
speak, because they knew who he was.

Jesus Prays in a Quiet Place

35It was very early in the morning and

s till dark. J esus got up and left the h
He went to a p
lace w
here he c
ould be
alone. There he p
rayed. 36Simon and his
f riends went to look for Jesus. 37When
they found him, they called out, Every
one is looking for you!
38Jesus replied, Lets go somewhere
else. I want to go to the nearby towns.
I must p
reach there also. That is why I
have come. 39So he traveled all around
Galil ee. He p reached in t heir syna
gogues. He also drove out demons.

Jesus Heals a Man Who Had a Skin


40A man who had a skin disease came

to Jesus. On his k nees he b
egged J esus.
He said, If you are willing to make me
clean, you can do it.
41Jesus bec ame an g ry. He r eached
out his hand and touched the man. I am
willing to do it, J esus said. Be clean!
42R ight away the disease left the man,
and he was clean.
43Jesus sent him away at once. He
gave the man a strong warning. 44Dont
tell this to anyone, he said. Go and
show yourself to the priest. Offer the
sacrifices that Moses commanded. It will
be a witness to the priest and the people
that you are clean. 45But the man went
out and started talking r ight away. He
spread the news to everyone. So J
could no longer enter a town openly. He
stayed outside in lonely places. But peo
ple still came to him from everywhere.

Jesus Forgives and Heals a Man Who

Could Not Walk

A few days later, Jesus entered Caper

naum again. The people heard that he
had come home. 2So many people gath
ered that t here was no room left. T here
was not even room outside the door. And
Jesus preached the word to them. 3Four
of those who came were carr ying a man
who could not walk. 4But they could not
get him c
lose to J
esus bec ause of the
crowd. So they made a hole by digg ing
through the roof above Jesus. Then they
lowered the man t hrough it on a mat.
5Jesus saw t heir f aith. So he said to the
man, Son, your sins are forgiven.
6Some teachers of the law were sit
ting t here. They were thinking, 7Why

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Mark 2:22 |918

is this fellow talking like that? Hes say
ing a very evil thing! Only God can for
give sins!
8R ight away Jesus knew what they
were thinking. So he said to them, Why
are you thinking these t hings? 9Is it eas
ier to say to this man, Your sins are for
given? Or to say, Get up, take your mat
and walk? 10But I want you to know that
the Son of Man has authorit y on earth
to forg ive sins. So J
esus s poke to the
man who c
ould not walk. 11I tell you,
he said, get up. Take your mat and go
home. 12The man got up and took his
mat. Then he w
alked away while ev
eryone watched. All the people were
amazed. They p
raised God and said, We
have never seen anything like this!

Jesus Chooses Levi and Eats With Sinners

13Once a gain J
esus went out beside
the Sea of Galilee. A l arge c
rowd came
to him. He began to teach them. 14As he
walked along he saw Levi, the son of Al
phaeus. Levi was sitting at the tax collec
tors booth. Follow me, Jesus told him.
Levi got up and followed him.
15Later Jesus was having dinner at
Lev is h
ouse. Many tax collectors and
sinners were eating with him and his dis
ciples. They were part of the l arge c rowd
following J esus. 16Some teachers of the
law who were Pharisees were there. They
saw Jesus eating with sinners and tax
collec tors. So they asked his disciples,
Why does he eat with tax collectors
and sinners?
17Jesus h
eard that. So he said to them,
Those who are healthy dont need a doc
tor. Sick people do. I have not come to get
those who think they are r ight with God
to follow me. I have come to get sinners
to follow me.

Jesus Is Asked About Fasting

18Johns disc iples and the Phar isees

were going without eating. Some people
came to J esus. They said to him, Johns
disciples are fasting. The disciples of the
Pharisees are also fasting. But your dis
ciples are not. Why arent they?
J esus ans wered, How can the
g uests of the g room go without eating
while he is with them? They will not fast
as long as he is with them. 20But the time
will come when the groom will be taken
away from them. On that day they will
go without eating.
21No one sews a patch of new cloth
on old clothes. Otherwise, the new piece
will pull away from the old. That will
make the tear worse. 22No one p
new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise,

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Zacchaeus the rich tax collector was thrilled when he heard the
newsJesus was coming to Jericho! When Jesus arrived,
Zacchaeus joined the crowd surrounding the teacher. Zacchaeus
was so short, he couldnt see or hear well. So he ran ahead of the
crowd and climbed a tree to get a better view.
As Jesus came near, he said, Zacchaeus, come down at once. I
must stay at your house today. Zacchaeus was shocked! He was a
tax collector, a sinner, and Jesus wanted to eat at his house?
Zacchaeus knew he hadnt been a good man, but now he was
going to change his ways. He said:
Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of what I own to those who
are poor. And if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay
it back. I will pay back four times the amount I took.
Just meeting Jesus made Zacchaeus want to be a better person.
Read the story in Luke 19:110 to see how Jesus responded.


Have your roots in him. Build yourselves up in him. Grow strong in what
you believe, just as you were taught. Be more thankful than ever before.

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10/15/15 1:44 PM

919 |Mark 2:23

the wine will burst the skins. Then the
wine and the wineskins will both be de
stroyed. No, people pour new wine into
new wineskins.

Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath Day

23One Sabbath day Jesus was walk

ing with his disciples through the grain
fields. The disciples began to break off
some heads of g rain. 24The Pharisees
said to Jesus, Look! It is against the Law
to do this on the Sabbath day. Why are
your disciples doing it?
25He an
s wered, H avent you ever
read a
bout what Dav id did? He and his
men were hungry. They needed food. 26It
was when Abiathar was high priest. Da
vid entered the house of God and ate the
holy bread. Only priests were allowed to
eat it. David also gave some to his men.
27Then Jesus said to them, The Sab
bath day was made for man. Man was not
made for the Sabbath day. 28So the Son
of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath day.

Jesus Heals on the Sabbath Day

Ano ther time J

esus went into the
synagogue. A man with a weak and
twisted hand was t here. 2Some Phar i
sees were trying to find fault with Jesus.
They w
atched him closely. They wanted
to see if he would heal the man on the
Sabbath day. 3Jesus s poke to the man
with the weak and twisted hand. Stand
up in f ront of everyone, he said.
4Then J
esus asked them, What does
the Law say we should do on the Sabbath
day? S
hould we do good? Or s hould we
do evil? Should we save life? Or should
we kill? But no one answered.
5Jesus l ooked a
round at them in anger.
He was very upset because their h
were stubborn. Then he said to the man,
Stretch out your hand. He stretched it
out, and his hand had become as good as
new. 6Then the Pharisees went out and
began to make p
lans with the Herodians.
They wanted to kill Jesus.

Crowds Follow Jesus

7Jesus went off to the Sea of Gali lee

with his disciples. A large c
rowd from
Galilee followed. 8People h
eard a
bout all
that Jesus was doi ng. And many came
to him. They came from Judea, Jer usa
lem and Idu mea. They came from the
lands east of the Jordan River. And they
came from the area around Tyre and Si
don. 9Because of the c
rowd, J
esus told
his disc iples to get a s mall boat ready
for him. This w
ould keep the people
from crowding him. 10Jesus had healed
many people. So t hose who were sick

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Mark 3:31 |919

were pushing forw ard to touch him.
11When people controlled by evil spirits
saw him, they fell down in front of him.
The spirits shouted, You are the Son of
God! 12But Jesus ordered them not to
tell people about him.

Jesus Appoints the Twelve Disciples

13Jesus went up on a mountainside.

He c
alled for certain people to come to
him, and they came. 14He appointed 12
of them so that they would be with him.
He would also send them out to preach.
15And he gave them aut horit y to d
out demons. 16So J esus appointed the 12
disciples. Simon was one of them. Jesus
gave him the name Peter. 17T here were
James, son of Zebedee, and his brother
John. J esus gave them the name Boaner
ges. Boan
erges means Sons of Thunder.
18T here were also Andrew, Philip, Bar
ew, Matthew, Thomas, and James,
son of Alphaeus. And there were Thad
daeus and Simon the Zealot. 19Judas Is
cariot was one of them too. He was the
one who was later goi ng to hand Jesus
over to his enemies.

Jesus Is Accused by Teachers of the Law

Jesus entered a house. A gain a
rowd gathered. It was so large that
Jesus and his disc iples were not even
able to eat. 21His family heard about this.
So they went to take charge of him. They
said, He is out of his mind.
22Some teachers of the law were there.
They had come down from Jer usalem.
They said, He is controlled by Beelze
bul! He is driving out demons by the pow
er of the prince of demons.
23So Jesus c
alled them over to him.
He began to s peak to them using stories.
He said, How can Satan d
rive out Sa
tan? 24If a kingdom fights against itself,
it cant stand. 25If a family is divided, it
cant s tand. 26And if Satan f ights a
himself, and his helpers are divided, he
cant s tand. That is the end of him. 27In
fact, none of you can enter a strong mans
house unless you tie him up f irst. Then
you can s teal things from his house.
28What Im a
bout to tell you is true. Every
ones sins and evil w
ords a
gainst God will
be forgiven. 29But whoever speaks evil
things against the Holy Spirit will never
be forgiven. Their g
uilt will last forever.
30Jesus said this because the teachers
of the law were saying, He has an evil

Jesus Mother and Brothers

31Jesus mother and brothers came

and stood outside. They sent someone in

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920 |Mark 3:32

to get him. 32A crowd was sitting around
Jesus. They told him, Your mother and
your brothers are outside. They are look
ing for you.
33Who is my mother? Who are my
brothers? he a
Jesus looked at the people
sitting in a circle a round him. He said,
Here is my mother! Here are my broth
ers! 35Anyone who does what God w
is my brother or sister or mother.

The Story of the Farmer

Again J esus began to t each by the Sea

of Galilee. The crowd that gathered
around him was very large. So he got into
a boat. He sat down in it out on the lake.
All the people were a long the s hore at
the waters edge. 2He taught them many
things using stor ies. In his teaching he
said, 3Listen! A farmer went out to p
his seed. 4He scattered the seed on the
ground. Some fell on a path. Birds came
and ate it up. 5Some seed fell on r ocky
place s, where t here w
asnt much soil.
The plants came up quickly, because the
soil wasnt deep. 6When the sun came
up, it burned the plants. They dried up
because they had no roots. 7Other seed
fell a mong thorns. The thorns grew up
and crowded out the p
lants. So the p
did not bear g
rain. 8Still other seed fell
on good soil. It grew up and produced a
crop 30, 60, or even 100 times more than
the farmer planted.
9Then J
esus said, Whoever has ears
s hould listen.
10Later Jesus was a lone. The 12 disci
ples a
sked him about the stor ies. So did
the others around him. 11He told them,
The secret of Gods kingdom has been
given to you. But to outsiders everything
is told using stor ies. 12In that way,
They will see but never know what
they are seeing.
They will hear but never
Otherwise they might turn and be
13Then Jesus said to them, Dont you
unders tand this stor y? Then how will
you understand any stor ies of this kind?
14The seed the farmer plants is G ods
message. 15What is seed scattered on
a path like? The mess age is plante d.
The people hear the message. Then Sa
tan comes. He takes away the message
that was planted in them. 16And what is
seed scattered on rocky places like? The
people hear the message. At once they
receive it with joy. 17But they have no
roots. So they last only a short time. They

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Mark 4:35 |920

quickly fall away from the f aith when
trouble or suffering comes because of the
message. 18And what is seed scattered
among thorns like? The people hear the
message. 19But then the worr ies of this
life come to them. Wealth c omes with its
false promises. The people also long for
other things. All of these are the kinds of
things that c rowd out the message. They
keep it from producing fruit. 20And what
is seed scattered on good soil like? The
people hear the message. They accept it.
They produce a good crop 30, 60, or even
100 t imes more than the farmer planted.

A Lamp on a Stand

21Jesus said to them, Do you b

in a lamp to put it under a large bowl
or a bed? Dont you put it on its s tand?
22What is hidden is meant to be seen.
And what is put out of sight is meant to
be brought out into the open. 23Whoever
has ears should listen.
24 T hink caref ul ly about what you
hear, he said. As you give, so you will
rec eive. In fact, you will rec eive even
more. 25Whoever has something will be
given more. Whoever has nothing, even
what they have will be taken away from

The Story of the Growing Seed

26Jesus also said, Here is what Gods

kingdom is like. A farmer scatters seed
on the ground. 27Night and day the seed
comes up and grows. It happens whether
the farmer sleeps or gets up. He doesnt
know how it happens. 28All by itself the
soil produces g
rain. F
irst the s talk c omes
up. Then the head appears. Finally, the
full grain appears in the head. 29Before
long the g
rain ripens. So the farmer cuts
it down, because the harvest is ready.

The Story of the Mustard Seed

30A gain J
esus said, What can we say
ods kingdom is like? What stor y can
we use to explain it? 31It is like a mustard
seed, which is the smallest of all s eeds on
earth. 32But when you plant the seed, it
g rows. It becomes the largest of all gar
den plants. Its branches are so big that
birds can rest in its shade.
33Using many stor ies like these, J
spoke the word to them. He told them as
much as they could understand. 34He did
not say anything to them without using
a stor y. But when he was alone with his
disciples, he explained everything.

Jesus Calms the Storm

35When even ing came, Jesus said to

his disciples, Lets go over to the other

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921 |Mark 4:36

side of the lake. 36They left the crowd
beh ind. And they took him a
long in a
boat, just as he was. T here were also
other b
oats with him. 37A wild s torm
came up. W
aves crashed over the boat.
It was about to sink. 38Jesus was in the
back, sleeping on a cushion. The disci
ples woke him up. They said, Teacher!
Dont you care if we drown?
39He got up and ordered the wind to
stop. He said to the waves, Quiet! Be
still! Then the wind died down. And it
was completely calm.
40He said to his disc iples, Why are
you so afraid? Dont you have any faith
at all yet?
41They were ter
r ified. They a
each other, Who is this? Even the wind
and the waves obey him!

Jesus Heals a Man Controlled by Demons

They went across the Sea of Galilee to

the area of the Gerasenes. 2Jesus got
out of the boat. A man controlled by an
evil spirit came from the tombs to meet
him. 3The man lived in the tombs. No
one c ould keep him tied up anymore. Not
even a c hain c ould hold him. 4His hands
and feet had often been chained. But
he tore the c
hains a
part. And he b
the iron cuffs on his ankles. No one was
strong enough to control him. 5Night and
day he screamed a
mong the t ombs and
in the hills. He cut himself with stones.
6When he saw Jesus a long way off, he
ran to him. He fell on his k
nees in front of
him. 7He shouted at the top of his v
Jesus, Son of the Most High God, what
do you want with me? Swear to God that
you w
ont hurt me! 8This was because
Jesus had said to him, Come out of this
man, you evil spirit!
9Then Jesus asked the demon, What
is your name?
My name is Leg ion, he replied.
There are many of us. 10And he b
Jesus again and again not to send them
out of the area.
11A large herd of pigs was feeding
on the nearby hillside. 12The demons
begged Jesus, Send us among the pigs.
Let us go into them. 13Jesus al lowed
it. The evil spirits came out of the man
and went into the pigs. T here were about
2,000 pigs in the herd. The whole herd
r ushed down the s teep bank. They ran
into the lake and drowned.
14T hose who were tending the pigs
ran off. They told the people in the town
and countryside what had happ ened.
The people went out to see for them
selves. 15Then they came to Jesus. They
saw the man who had been controlled by
many demons. He was sitting t here. He

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Mark 5:35 |921

was now d
ressed and thinking clearly.
All this made the people afraid. 16T hose
who had seen it told them what had hap
pened to the man. They told about the
pigs as well. 17Then the people began to
beg Jesus to l eave their area.
18Jesus was getting into the boat. The
man who had been controlled by demons
begged to go with him. 19Jesus did not
let him. He said, Go home to your own
people. Tell them how much the Lord has
done for you. Tell them how kind he has
been to you. 20So the man went away.
In the area k
nown as the Ten Cities, he
began to tell how much Jesus had done
for him. And all the people were a

Jesus Heals a Dead Girl and a Suffering


21Jesus went a
cross the Sea of Gali
lee in a boat. It landed at the other side.
T here a large c rowd gathered a round
him. 22Then a man named Jair us came.
He was a syna gogue leader. When he
saw J esus, he fell at his feet. 23He b
Jesus, Please come. My little daughter
is dying. P
lace your hands on her to heal
her. Then she will live. 24So J esus went
with him.
A large g
roup of people followed. They
crowded a round him. 25A woma n was
there who had a sickness that made her
bleed. It had lasted for 12 years. 26She
had suffered a g
reat deal, even though
she had gone to many doctors. She had
spent all the money she had. But she was
get t ing worse, not bet ter. 27Then she
heard about J esus. She came up behind
him in the crowd and touched his c lothes.
28She t hought, I just need to touch his
clothes. Then I will be healed. 29R ight
away her bleeding s topped. She felt in
her body that her suffering was over.
30At once Jesus knew that power had
gone out from him. He turned a
round in
the c rowd. He asked, Who touched my
31You see the people, his disc iples
answered. They are crowding a
you. And you s till ask, Who touched
32But Jesus kept looki ng a
round. He
wante d to see who had touched him.
33Then the woma n came and fell at his
feet. She knew what had happened to her.
She was shaking with fear. But she told
him the whole t ruth. 34He said to her,
Dear woma n, your faith has healed
you. Go in peace. You are free from your
35W hile Jesus was s till speak i ng,
some people came from the house of Ja
ir us. He was the synagogue leader. Your

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922 |Mark 5:36

daughter is dead, they said. Why both
er the teacher anymore?
36Jesus heard what they were saying.
He told the synagogue leader, Dont be
afraid. Just believe.
37He let only Peter, James, and John,
the brother of James, follow him. 38They
came to the home of the synagogue lead
er. T
here J
esus saw a lot of conf usion.
People were crying and sobbing loudly.
39He went inside. Then he said to them,
Why all this conf usion and sobbing?
The c hild is not dead. She is only sleep
ing. 40But they l aughed at him.
He made them all go outside. He took
only the c
hilds fat her and mother and
the disciples who were with him. And he
went in w
here the c
hild was. 41He took
her by the hand. Then he said to her,
Talitha koum! This m
eans, Little girl,
I say to you, get up! 42The girl was 12
years old. R ight away she stood up and
began to walk around. They were total
ly a mazed at this. 43Jesus gave s trict
orders not to let anyone know what had
happened. And he told them to give her
something to eat.

A Prophet Without Honor

Jesus left there and went to his home

town of Nazareth. His disciples went
with him. 2When the Sabbath day came,
he beg an to teach in the syna gogue.
Many who heard him were amazed.
W here did this man get t hese things?
they a
sked. W hats this wisdom that has
been given to him? What are t hese re
markable miracles he is doi ng? 3I snt
this the carpenter? Isnt this Marys son?
Isnt this the brother of J
ames, Joseph,
Judas and Simon? A rent his sisters here
with us? They were not p
leased with
him at all.
4Jesus said to them, A prophet is hon
ored everywhere except in his own town.
He doesnt receive any honor among his
relat ives or in his own home. 5Jesus
placed his hands on a few sick people
and h
ealed them. But he c ould not do any
other miracles there. 6He was a
because they had no faith.

Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Disciples

Jesus went around teaching from vil

lage to village. 7He called the 12 disciples
to him. Then he began to send them out
two by two. He gave them aut horit y to
drive out evil spirits.
8Here is what he told them to do. Take
only a walking s tick for your trip. Do not
take bread or a bag. Take no money in
your belts. 9Wear sandals. But do not
take ex tra clothes. 10When you are in

9780310744689_int_05_mat_act_nirv_backpack.indd 922

Mark 6:26 |922

vited into a h
ouse, stay t here until you
leave town. 11Some places may not wel
come you or listen to you. If they d
leave that p
lace and shake the dust off
your feet. That will be a witness a
the people living t here.
12They went out. And they preached
that people should turn away from their
sins. 13They d
rove out many demons.
They poured olive oil on many sick peo
ple and healed them.

John the Baptists Head Is Cut Off

14King Herod heard a

bout this. J esus
name had bec ome well k nown. Some
were saying, John the Baptist has been
raised from the dead! That is why he has
the power to do miracles.
15Others said, He is Elijah.
Still others c
laimed, He is a proph
et. He is like one of the prophets of long
16But when Herod h
eard this, he said,
I had Johns head cut off. And now he
has been raised from the dead!
17In fact, it was Hero d himself who
had given orders to arrest John. He had
him tied up and put in prison. He did this
because of Herod ias. She was the wife
of Herods brother Philip. But now Her
od was marr ied to her. 18John had been
saying to Herod, It is a
gainst the Law
for you to be marr ied to your brothers
wife. 19Herodias c ouldnt forg ive John
for saying that. She wanted to kill him.
But she could not, 20because Herod was
afraid of John. So he kept John safe. Her
od knew John was a holy man who did
what was right. When Herod heard him,
he was very puzzled. But he liked to lis
ten to John.
21Finally the r ight time came. Herod
gave a banquet on his birthday. He invit
ed his high officials and military leaders.
He also invited the most important men
in Galilee. 22Then the daughter of He
rodias came in and danced. She pleased
Herod and his dinner g uests.
The king said to the girl, Ask me for
anyt hing you want. Ill give it to you.
23And he gave her his promise. He said
to her, Anything you ask for I will give
you. Ill give you up to half my kingdom.
24She went out and said to her mother,
What s hould I ask for?
The head of John the Bapt ist, she
25At once the girl hurr ied to ask the
king. She said, I want you to give me the
head of John the Baptist on a big plate
right now.
26The king was very ups et. But he
thought about his promise and his din
ner g
uests. So he did not want to say no

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Jesus disciples were in a boat crossing the Sea of Galilee. Jesus
had gone up on a mountain by himself to pray, but now he was
ready to return to his friends.
So did he get in his own boat to join them? Nope. Did he walk
around the sea? Uh-uh. Did he build a bridge? No way. He
simply walked across the water to where his disciples were
floating. Now thats amazing! At first they were afraid because
they thought Jesus was a ghost, but then Peter asked if he could
come out to Jesus on the water. What happens? Read about it in
Matthew 14 or Mark 6 or John 6!


Jesus called out to them, Be brave! It is I. Dont be afraid.

Untitled-2 2

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923 |Mark 6:27

to the girl. 27He sent a man r ight away
to b
ring J
ohns head. The man went to
the prison and cut off Johns head. 28He
brought it back on a big plate. He gave it
to the girl, and she gave it to her mother.
29Johns disc iples heard about this. So
they came and took his body. Then they
placed it in a tomb.

Jesus Feeds Five Thousand

30The apostles gathered a

round Jesus.
They told him all they had done and
taught. But many people were com
ing and going. So they did not even have
a chance to eat. Then Jesus said to his
apostles, Come with me by yourselves to
a quiet p
lace. You need to get some rest.
32So they went away by themselves in
a boat to a quiet place. 33But many peo
ple who saw them leaving recogn ized
them. They ran from all the towns and
got there a
head of them. 34When J
came ashore, he saw a large crowd. He
felt deep concern for them. They were
like s heep without a shepherd. So he be
gan teaching them many things.
35By that time it was late in the day.
His disciples came to him. There is noth
ing here, they said. Its already very
late. 36Send the people away. Then they
can go to the nearby countryside and vil
lages to buy something to eat.
37But J
esus answered, You give them
something to eat.
They said to him, That w
ould take
more than half a y
ears pay! S
hould we
go and s pend that much on b
read? Are
we supposed to feed them?
38How many loaves do you have?
Jesus asked. Go and see.
When they found out, they said, Five
loaves and two fish.
39Then J
esus directed them to have
all the people sit down in g roups on
the g reen g rass. 40So they sat down in
groups of 100s and 50s. 41Jesus took the
five l oaves and the two fish. He l ooked up
to heaven and gave t hanks. He broke the
loaves into pieces. Then he gave them to
his disciples to pass a
round to the people.
He also divided the two fish among them
all. 42All of them ate and were satisfied.
43The disciples picked up 12 baskets of
broken pieces of b
read and fish. 44The
number of men who had eaten was 5,000.

Jesus Walks on the Water

45R ight

away Jesus made his disc i

ples get into the boat. He had them go on
ahead of him to Bethsaida. Then he sent
the crowd away. 46Af ter leav i ng them,
he went up on a mountainside to pray.
47Later that n ight, the boat was in the

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Mark 7:7 |923

middle of the Sea of Galilee. J
esus was
a lone on land. 48He saw the disc iples
pulling hard on the oars. The wind was
blow i ng a gainst them. Shortly before
dawn, he went out to them. He walked
on the lake. When he was a
bout to pass
by them, 49they saw him walking on the
lake. They t hought he was a g host, so
they c
ried out. 50They all saw him and
were terrified.
R ight away J
esus said to them, Be
brave! It is I. Dont be a
fraid. 51Then
he c limbed into the boat with them.
The wind died down. And they were
completely amazed. 52They had not un
ders tood about the loaves. They were
53They went a
cross the lake and land
ed at Gennesaret. T here they tied up the
boat. 54As soon as J esus and his disciples
got out, people recognized him. 55They
ran through that w
hole area to b
to him t hose who were sick. They car
ried them on mats to w
here they h
he was. 56He went into the villages, the
towns and the countryside. Everywhere
he went, the people brought the sick to
the market areas. T hose who were sick
begged him to let them touch just the
edge of his clothes. And all who touched
his clothes were healed.

What Makes People Unclean?

The Pharis ees gathered a

round Jesus.
So did some of the teachers of the law.
All of them had come from Jer usalem.
2They saw some of his disciples eati ng
food with unclean h
ands. That means
they were not w
ashed. 3The Pharisees
and all the Jews do not eat unless they
wash t heir hands to make them clean.
Thats what the elders t each. 4When they
come from the market, they do not eat
unless they wash. And they follow many
other teachings. For example, they wash
cups, pitchers, and kett les in a spec ial
5So the Pharis ees and the teachers
of the law questioned Jesus. Why dont
your disc iples live by what the elders
teach? they a
sked. Why do they eat
their food with unclean hands?
6He re
plied, Isaiah was r ight. He
prophesied a
bout you people who pre
tend to be good. He said,
These people honor me by what
they say.
But their hearts are far away from
7 Their worship doesnt mean
anything to me.
They teach nothing but human

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924 |Mark 7:8

8You have let go of G ods commands.
And you are holding on to teachings that
people have made up.
9J esus cont inu ed speak i ng, You
have a fine way of sett ing a
side G
commands! You do this so you can fol
low your own teachings. Moses said,
Honor your fat her and mother. (Exo
dus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16) He also
said, Anyone who asks for bad t hings
to happen to their father or mother must
be put to death. (Exod
us 21:17; Levitic us
20:9) 11But you allow people to say that
what might have been used to help their
parents is Corban. Corban m
eans A Gift
Set Apart for God. 12So you no longer
let them do anything for t heir parents.
13You make the word of God useless by
putting your own teachings in its p
And you do many things like this.
14A gain Jesus called the c
rowd to him.
He said, Listen to me, everyone. Under
stand this. 15-16Nothing outside of a per
son can make them unclean by goi ng
into them. It is what comes out of them
that makes them unclean.
17Then he left the c rowd and entered
the h ouse. His disc ip les a sked him
about this teach i ng. 18Dont you un
derstand? J esus a
sked. Dont you see?
Nothi ng that enters a person from the
outside can make them unclean. 19It
doesnt go into t heir h
eart. It goes into
t heir stomach. Then it goes out of the
body. In saying this, Jesus was calling
all foods clean.
20He went on to say, What c
omes out
of a person is what makes them unclean.
21Evil t houghts come from the inside,
from a persons heart. So do sexual sins,
stealing and murder. 22Adultery, greed,
hate and cheating come from a persons
heart too. So do desires that are not pure,
and wanting what belongs to others. And
so do telling lies about others and being
proud and being foolish. 23All these evil
t hings come from inside a person and
make them unclean.

Jesus Honors a Greek Womans Faith

24Jesus went from there to a p

near Tyre. He entered a h
ouse. He did
not want anyo ne to know w here he
was. But he could not keep it a sec ret.
25Soon a woma n heard a
bout him. An
evil spirit controlled her little daughter.
The woman came to Jesus and fell at his
feet. 26She was a Greek, born in Syrian
Phoenicia. She b
egged J esus to drive the
demon out of her daughter.
27First let the child ren eat all they
want, he told her. It is not r ight to take
the childrens bread and t hrow it to the

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Mark 8:8 |924

28Lord, she replied, even the dogs
under the table eat the childrens c rumbs.
29Then he told her, That was a good
reply. You may go. The demon has left
your daughter.
30So she went home and found her
child lyi ng on the bed. And the demon
was gone.

Jesus Heals a Man Who Could Not Hear

or Speak

Jesus left the area of Tyre
and went t hrough Sidon. He went down
to the Sea of Galilee and into the area
k nown as the Ten Cities. 32T here some
people brought a man to Jesus. The man
was deaf and could hardly s peak. They
begged J
esus to place his hand on the
33Jesus took the man to one side, away
from the crowd. He put his fingers into
the m
ans ears. Then he spit and touched
the mans tongue. 34Jesus looked up to
heaven. With a deep sigh, he said to the
man, Ephp hat ha! That m
eans Be
opened! 35The mans ears were opened.
His t ongue was f reed up, and he began
to speak clearly.
36Jesus ordered the people not to tell
anyone. But the more he did so, the more
they kept talking a
bout it. 37People were
really amazed. He has done everything
well, they said. He even m
akes deaf
people able to hear. And he makes t hose
who cant speak able to talk.

Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand

Dur i ng t hose days ano the r l arge

c rowd gathered. They had nothing to
eat. So J
esus c
alled for his disciples to
come to him. He said, 2I feel deep con
cern for t hese people. They have already
been with me three days. They dont have
anyt hing to eat. 3If I send them away
hung ry, they will become too weak on
their way home. Some of them have come
from far away.
4His disciples answered him. T here
is nothing here, they said. W here can
anyone get enough bread to feed them?
5How many loaves do you have?
Jesus asked.
Seven, they replied.
6He told the c
rowd to sit down on the
ground. He took the seven loaves and gave
thanks to God. Then he broke them and
gave them to his disciples. They passed
the pieces of bread a
round to the people.
7The disciples also had a few small fish.
Jesus gave thanks for them too. He told
the disciples to pass them a
round. 8The
people ate and were satisfied. After that,
the disciples p
icked up seven baskets of

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925 |Mark 8:9

leftover pieces. 9About 4,000 people were
there. After J
esus sent them away, 10he
got into a boat with his disciples. He went
to the area of Dalmanutha.
11The Pharisees came and began to
ask Jesus questions. They wanted to test
him. So they a
sked him for a sign from
heaven. 12He sighed deeply. He said,
Why do you people ask for a sign? What
Im about to tell you is true. No sign will
be given to you. 13Then he left them. He
got back into the boat and crossed to the
other side of the lake.

The Yeast of the Pharisees and Herod

14The disciples had forgotten to bring

read. They had only one loaf with them
in the boat. 15Be caref ul, Jesus warned
them. Watch out for the yeast of the
Pharisees. And watch out for the yeast
of Herod.
16They talked about this with each
other. They said, He must be saying this
because we d
ont have any bread.
17Jesus knew what they were saying.
So he asked them, Why are you talking
about having no bread? Why cant you
see or understand? Are you stubborn?
18Do you have eyes and still dont see?
Do you have ears and still dont hear?
And d ont you rem emb er? 19Earl ie r
I broke five loaves for the 5,000. How
many baskets of pieces did you pick up?
Twelve, they replied.
20Later I b
roke seven loaves for the
4,000. How many baskets of pieces did
you pick up?
Seven, they answered.
21He said to them, Cant you under
stand yet?

Jesus Heals a Blind Man at Bethsaida

22Jesus and his disciples came to Beth

saida. Some people brought a blind man
to him. They begged Jesus to touch him.
23He took the blind man by the hand.
Then he led him outside the village. He
spit on the m
ans eyes and p
laced his
hands on him. Do you see anything?
Jesus asked.
24The man looked up. He said, I see
people. They look like trees walking
25 Once more
Jesus put his h ands
on the m
ans eyes. Then his eyes were
opened so that he c ould see a
gain. He
saw everything clearly. 26Jesus sent him
home. He told him, Dont even go into
the village.

Peter Says That Jesus Is the Messiah

27Jesus and his disc iples went on to

the villages a round Caesa rea Phil ippi.

9780310744689_int_05_mat_act_nirv_backpack.indd 925

Mark 9:5 |925

On the way he asked them, Who do peo
ple say I am?
28They replied, Some say John the
Bapt ist. Others say Eli jah. Still others
say one of the prophets.
29But what a bout you? he a sked.
Who do you say I am?
t er a n
s wered, You a re t he
30Jesus warned them not to tell any
one about him.

Jesus Tells About His Coming Death

31Jesus then began to teach his disci

ples. He t aught them that the Son of Man
must suffer many t hings. He taught them
that the elders w
ould not accept him. The
chief p
riests and the teachers of the law
would not accept him either. He must be
k illed and after t hree days rise a
32He s
poke clearly about this. Peter took
Jesus to one side and began to s cold him.
33Jesus t urned and looked at his dis
ciples. He scolded Peter. Get behind me,
Satan! he said. You are not thinking
about the t hings God c
ares a
bout. In
stead, you are thinking only about the
things humans care a

You Must Pick Up Your Cross

34Jesus called the crowd to him a long

with his disc iples. He said, Whoev
er w
ants to be my disciple must say no
to themselves. They must pick up their
cross and follow me. 35Whoever wants
to save t heir life will lose it. But who
ever loses t heir life for me and for the
good news will save it. 36What good is
it if someone gains the whole w
orld but
loses their soul? 37Or what can anyone
trade for their soul? Suppose anyone
is ashamed of me and my words among
these adulterous and sinf ul people. Then
the Son of Man will be ashamed of them
when he c omes in his Fathers glor y with
the holy angels.
Jesus said to them, What Im about to
tell you is true. Some who are stand
ing here will not die before they see that
Gods kingdom has come with power.

Jesus Appearance Is Changed

2 Af
ter six days J
esus took Peter,
ames and John with him. He led them
up a high mountain. They were all a
T here in f ront of them his appeara nce
was changed. His clothes bec ame so
white they s hone. They were whiter than
anyone in the world c
ould bleach them.
4Elijah and Moses appeared in f ront of
Jesus and his disciples. The two of them
were talking with Jesus.
5Peter said to Jesus, Rabbi, it is good

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926 |Mark 9:6

for us to be here. Let us put up t hree shel
ters. One will be for you, one for Moses,
and one for Elijah. 6Peter d
idnt really
know what to say, because they were so
7Then a cloud appeared and covered
them. A v
oice came from the c loud. It
said, This is my Son, and I love him.
Listen to him!
8They l ooked a round. Suddenly they
no longer saw anyone with them except
9They came down the mountain. On
the way down, J esus ordered them not to
tell anyone what they had seen. He told
them to wait until the Son of Man had ris
en from the dead. 10So they kept the mat
ter to themselves. But they a
sked each
other what rising from the dead meant.
11Then they asked Jesus, Why do the
teachers of the law say that Elijah has to
come first?
12Jesus replied, T hats r ight. Eli jah
does come f irst. He m
akes all t hings new
again. So why is it written that the Son of
Man must suffer much and not be accept
ed? 13I tell you, Elijah has come. They
have done to him everything they want
ed to do. They did it just as it is written
about him.

Jesus Heals a Boy Who Is Controlled

by an Evil Spirit

14When J
esus and those who were
with him came to the other disc iples,
they saw a l arge crowd around them. The
teachers of the law were arg uing with
them. 15When all the people saw J esus,
they were f illed with wonder. And they
ran to greet him.
16What are you arg ui ng with them
about? Jesus asked.
17A man in the
c rowd ans wered.
Teacher, he said, I brought you my
son. He is controlled by an evil spir
it. Because of this, my son cant speak
any more. 18When the spirit takes hold
of him, it t hrows him to the g
round. He
foams at the mouth. He grinds his teeth.
And his body becomes s tiff. I a
sked your
disciples to drive out the spirit. But they
couldnt do it.
19You unbelieving people! J
esus re
plied. How long do I have to stay with
you? How long do I have to put up with
you? Bring the boy to me.
20So they b
rought him. As soon as
the spirit saw Jesus, it threw the boy
into a fit. He fell to the ground. He rolled
around and foamed at the mouth.
21Jesus a
sked the b
oys father, How
long has he been like this?
Since he was a c
hild, he answered.

9780310744689_int_05_mat_act_nirv_backpack.indd 926

Mark 9:38 |926

22The spirit has often t hrown him into
fire or water to kill him. But if you can do
anything, take pity on us. P
lease help us.
23 If you can? said
Jesus. Ev
erything is possible for the one who
24R ight away the boys fat her c ried
out, I do believe! Help me overcome my
25Jesus saw that a crowd was running
over to see what was happening. Then he
ordered the evil spirit to leave the boy.
You spirit that makes him unable to hear
and speak! he said. I command you,
come out of him. Never enter him a
26The spirit screamed. It s
hook the
boy wildly. Then it came out of him. The
boy looked so lifeless that many people
said, Hes dead. 27But Jesus took him
by the hand. He lifted the boy to his feet,
and the boy stood up.
28Jesus went indoors. Then his disci
ples a
sked him in private, Why couldnt
we d
rive out the evil spirit?
29He replied, This kind can come out
only by p

Jesus Speaks a Second Time About His

Coming Death

30 They left that

place and p assed
t hrough Galilee. Jesus did not want any
one to know where they were. 31That was
because he was teaching his disciples. He
said to them, The Son of Man is going
to be handed over to men. They will kill
him. After t hree days he will rise from
the dead. 32But they didnt understand
what he meant. And they were afraid to
ask him a
bout it.

Who Is the Most Important Person?

33Jesus and his disc iples came to a

house in Caper nau m. T here he a sked
them, What were you arg uing a
bout on
the road? 34But they kept quiet. On the
way, they had arg ued about which one
of them was the most important person.
35Jesus sat down and c
alled for the 12
disciples to come to him. Then he said,
Anyone who wants to be f irst must be
the very last. They must be the servant
of everyone.
36Jesus took a little c
hild and had the
child stand a mong them. Then he took
the c
hild in his arms. He said to them,
37Anyone who welcomes one of t hese
little children in my name welcomes me.
And anyone who welcomes me also wel
comes the one who sent me.

Anyone Who Is Not Against Us Is for Us

38Teacher, said John, we saw some

one driving out demons in your name.

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927 |Mark 9:39

Mark 10:27 |927

We told him to stop, because he was not

one of us.
39Do not stop him, J
esus said. For
no one who does a miracle in my name
can in the next moment say anything bad
about me. 40Anyone who is not against
us is for us. 41What Im about to tell you
is true. Suppose someone g
ives you a cup
of water in my name because you belong
to the Messiah. That person will certain
ly not go without a reward.

one. 9So no one s hould sepa rate what

God has j oined together.
10When they were in the h
ouse a
the disciples a
sked J esus about this. 11He
answered, What if a man divorces his
wife and gets marr ied to another wom
an? He comm its adultery a gainst her.
12And what if she divorces her husband
and gets marr ied to another man? She
commits adultery.

Leading People to Sin

13People were bringing little children

to Jesus. They wanted him to p
lace his
hands on them to bless them. But the dis
ciples told them to stop. 14When J
saw this, he was ang ry. He said to his
disciples, Let the little children come to
me. Dont keep them away. Gods king
dom belongs to people like them. 15What
Im about to tell you is true. Anyone who
will not receive G
ods kingdom like a lit
tle child will never enter it. 16Then he
took the children in his arms. He placed
his hands on them to bless them.

42What if someone leads one of these

litt le ones who believe in me to sin? If

they do, it would be better if a large mill
stone were hung around t heir neck and
they were t hrown into the sea. 43-44If
your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.
It w
ould be better for you to enter Gods
kingdom with only one hand than to go
into hell with two hands. In hell the fire
never goes out. 45-46If your foot causes
you to sin, cut it off. It would be better to
enter Gods kingdom with only one foot
than to have two feet and be thrown into
hell. 47If your eye causes you to sin, poke
it out. It would be better for you to enter
Gods kingdom with only one eye than
to have two eyes and be t hrown into hell.
48In hell,
The worms that eat them do not
The fire is not put out.

49Everyone will be salted with fire.
50Salt is good. But suppose it lose s

its saltiness. How can you make it s alty

again? Have salt a
mong yourselves. And
be at peace with each other.

Jesus Teaches About Divorce


Jesus left that place and went into

the area of Judea and across the
Jordan River. A gain c rowds of people
came to him. As usual, he taught them.
2Some Pharisees came to test Jesus.
They asked, Does the Law allow a man
to divorce his wife?
3What did Moses command you? he
4They said, Mos es allowed a man
to w rite a letter of divorce and send her
5You were stubborn. T
hats why Mo
ses w
rote you this law, Jesus replied.
6But at the beg inn ing of creation, God
made them male and female. (Genesis
1:27) 7T hats why a man will leave his
father and mother and be joined to his
wife. 8The two of them will become one.
(Genesis 2:24) They are no longer two, but

9780310744689_int_05_mat_act_nirv_backpack.indd 927

Little Children Are Brought to Jesus

Rich People and the Kingdom of God

17As J
esus started on his way, a man
ran up to him. He fell on his k nees be
fore J esus. Good teacher, he said, what
must I do to receive eternal life?
18Why do you call me good? J
answered. No one is good except God.
19You know what the commandments
say. Do not murd er. Do not comm it
adultery. Do not steal. Do not be a false
witness. Do not c heat. Honor your father
and mother. (Exod
us 20:1216; Deuter
onomy 5:1620)
20Teacher, he said, I have o
beyed all
those commandments since I was a boy.
21Jesus looked at him and loved him.
You are missing one thing, he said. Go
and sell everything you have. Give the
money to t hose who are poor. You will
have treasure in heaven. Then come and
follow me.
22The m
ans face fell. He went away
sad, because he was very rich.
23Jesus looked a round. He said to his
disciples, How hard it is for rich people
to enter G
ods kingdom!
24The disc iples were a mazed at his
words. But Jesus said again, Children,
how hard it is to enter Gods kingdom!
25Is it hard for a camel to go t hrough
the eye of a need le? It is even harder
for someone who is rich to enter Gods
26 The dis
c i
p les were even more
amazed. They said to each other, Then
who can be saved?
Jesus looked at them and said,

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The Last Supper was Jesus final meal with the disciples. Try to
recreate the image above. What do you think they talked about
that night? What would you have wanted to tell Jesus? This is
what the Bible says about that meal:
Jesus took bread. He gave thanks and broke it. He handed it to them
and said, This is my body. It is given for you. Every time you eat it,
do this in memory of me. In the same way, after the supper he took
the cup. He said, This cup is the new covenant in my blood. It is
poured out for you. LUKE 22:1920


God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who
believes in him will not die but will have eternal life. God did not send
his Son into the world to judge the world. He sent his Son to save the
world through him.
JOHN 3:1617

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928 |Mark 10:28

With people, this is impossible. But not
with God. All t hings are possible with
28Then Peter s
poke up, We have left
everything to follow you!
29What Im about to tell you is true,
Jesus replied. Has anyone left home
or family or f ields for me and the good
news? 30They will receive 100 times as
much in this w
orld. They will have h
and families and fields. But they will also
be treated badly by others. In the world to
come they will live forever. 31But many
who are f irst will be last. And the last
will be first.

Jesus Speaks a Third Time About His

Coming Death

32They were on t heir way up to Jer u

salem. Jesus was leadi ng the way. The
disciples were a mazed. T hose who fol
lowed were afraid. A gain J esus took the
12 disc iples to one side. He told them
what was going to happen to him. 33We
are going up to Jer usalem, he said. The
Son of Man will be handed over to the
chief priests and the teachers of the law.
They will sentence him to d
eath. Then
they will hand him over to the Gentiles.
34They will make fun of him and spit on
him. They will whip him and kill him.
T hree days later he will rise from the

James and John Ask Jesus for a Favor

James and John came to J
They were the sons of Zebedee. Teach
er, they said, we would like to ask you
for a favor.
36What do you want me to do for
you? he a
37They replied, Let one of us sit at
your r ight hand in your glor ious king
dom. Let the other one sit at your left
38You d
ont know what youre ask
ing for, J
esus said. Can you d
rink the
cup of suffering I drink? Or can you go
through the baptism of suffering I must
go through?
39We can, they answered.
Jesus said to them, You will drink the
cup I drink. And you will go through the
baptism I go through. 40But it is not for
me to say who will sit at my r ight or left
hand. T
hese places belong to those they
are prepared for.
41The other ten disciples heard a
it. They became angry at J ames and John.
42Jesus c
alled them together. He said,
You know about those who are rulers of
the Gentiles. They hold power over their
people. T
heir high off icials order them

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Mark 11:9 |928

round. 43Dont be like that. Instead, any
one who wants to be important a mong
you must be your servant. 44And anyone
who wants to be f irst must be the slave
of everyone. 45Even the Son of Man did
not come to be served. Instead, he came
to s erve others. He came to give his life
as the p
rice for setting many people free.

Blind Bartimaeus Receives His Sight

46Jesus and his disciples came to Jer

icho. They were leaving the city. A large
crowd was with them. A blind man was
sitting by the side of the road begg ing.
His name was Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus
means Son of Timaeus. 47He heard that
Jesus of Naza reth was passing by. So
he began to s hout, Jesus! Son of David!
Have mercy on me!
48Many people comm ande d him to
stop. They told him to be quiet. But he
shouted even louder, Son of David! Have
mercy on me!
49Jesus s
topped and said, Call for
So they c alled out to the blind man,
Cheer up! Get up on your feet! J esus is
calling for you. 50He t hrew his coat to
one side. Then he jumped to his feet and
came to Jesus.
51What do you want me to do for
you? J esus a
sked him.
The b
lind man said, Rabbi, I want to
be able to see.
52Go, said Jesus. Your faith has
healed you. R
ight away he c
ould see.
And he followed Jesus a
long the road.

Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King


As they all approached Jer usalem,

they came to Bethphage and Betha
ny at the Mount of Olives. Jesus sent out
two of his disciples. 2He said to them,
Go to the village a head of you. Just as
you enter it, you will find a donkeys colt
tied t here. No one has ever ridden it. Un
tie it and b
ring it here. 3Someone may
ask you, Why are you doing this? If so,
say, The Lord needs it. But he will send
it back here soon.
4So they left. They found a colt out
in the street. It was tied at a doorway.
They untied it. 5Some people stand
ing t here a
sked, What are you doing?
Why are you unt ying that colt? 6They
answered as Jesus had told them to. So
the people let them go. 7They brought
the colt to J esus. They threw their coats
over it. Then he sat on it. 8Many peo
ple s pread t heir c
oats on the road. Oth
ers spread branches they had cut in the
fields. 9T hose in front and those in back

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929 |Mark 11:10

Blessed is the one who comes
in the name of the Lord!

10 Blessed is the coming kingdom of
our father David!
Hosanna in the highest heaven!

entered Jer usa lem and went

into the temple courtyard. He looked
around at everything. But it was already
late. So he went out to Bethany with the
12 disciples.

Jesus Curses a Fig Tree and Clears Out

the Temple Courtyard

12The next day as Jesus and his dis

ciples were leaving Betha ny, they were
hungry. 13Not too far away, he saw a fig
tree. It was covered with l eaves. He went
to find out if it had any f ruit. When he
reached it, he found nothing but leaves.
It was not the season for figs. 14Then
Jesus said to the tree, May no one ever
eat fruit from you again! And his disci
ples heard him say it.
15When Jesus reached Jer usalem, he
entered the temple courtyard. He began to
drive out those who were buying and sell
ing t here. He t urned over the tables of the
people who were exchanging money. He
also t urned over the benches of t hose who
were selling doves. 16He w
ould not allow
anyone to carr y items for sale t hrough the
temple courtyard. 17Then he taught them.
He told them, It is written that the Lord
said, My house will be called a house
where people from all nations can pray.
(Isaiah 56:7) But you have made it a den
for robbers. (Jerem
iah 7:11)
18The c
hief priests and the teachers
of the law h
eard a
bout this. They began
looking for a way to kill J esus. They were
afraid of him, because the whole crowd
was amazed at his teaching.
19When even ing came, J
esus and his
disciples left the city.

The Dried-Up Fig Tree

20In the morn

i ng as Jesus and his
disciples walked a
long, they saw the fig
tree. It was dried up all the way down to
the r oots. 21Peter remembered. He said
to J
esus, Rabbi, look! The fig tree you
put a curse on has dried up!
22 Have
f aith in God, J
esus said.
23What Im about to tell you is true. Sup
pose someone says to this mountain, Go
and t hrow yourself into the sea. They
must not d
oubt in their h
eart. They must
believe that what they say will happen.
Then it will be done for them. 24So I tell

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Mark 12:8 |929

you, when you pray for something, be
lieve that you have already received it.
Then it will be yours. 25-26And when you
stand praying, forg ive anyone you have
anyt hing a
gainst. Then your Fat her in
heaven will forgive your sins.

The Authority of Jesus Is Questioned

esus and his disciples arrived a
in Jer usalem. He was walking in the
temple courtyard. Then the chief priests
came to him. The teachers of the law and
the elders came too. 28By what authorit y
are you doing these t hings? they asked.
Who gave you authority to do this?
29Jesus replied, I will ask you one
question. Ans wer me, and I will tell
you by what authorit y I am doing these
things. 30Was J ohns baptism from heav
en? Or did it come from human author
it y? Tell me!
31They talked to each other about it.
They said, If we say, From heaven, he
will ask, Then why d idnt you believe
him? 32But what if we say, From human
authority? They were afraid of the peo
ple. Everyone believed that John really
was a prophet.
33So they answered J
esus, We d
Jesus said, Then I wont tell you by
what authorit y I am doing these t hings

The Story of the Renters


Jesus began to s peak to the peo

ple using stor ies. He said, A man
planted a vineyard. He put a wall around
it. He dug a pit for a winepress. He also
built a lookout tower. He rented the vine
yard out to some farmers. Then he went
to another place. 2At harvest time he
sent a servant to the renters. He told the
servant to collect from them some of the
fruit of the vineyard. 3But they grabbed
the servant and beat him up. Then they
sent him away with nothing. 4So the man
sent another servant to the renters. They
hit this one on the head and treated him
badly. 5The man sent still another ser
vant. The renters k
illed him. The man
sent many others. The renters beat up
some of them. They killed the others.
6The man had one person left to send.
It was his son, and he loved him. He sent
him last of all. He said, They will respect
my son.
7But the renters said to each other,
This is the one who will receive all the
owners proper t y someday. Come, lets
kill him. Then everything will be ours.
8So they took him and k illed him. They
threw him out of the vineyard.

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930 |Mark 12:9

9What will the owner of the vineyard
do then? He will come and kill t hose rent
ers. He will give the vineyard to others.
H avent you read what this part of
Scripture says,

The stone the builders didnt accept

has become the most important
stone of all.
11 The Lord has done it.
It is wonderful in our eyes?

12Then the chief priests, the teachers
of the law and the elders l ooked for a way
to arrest Jesus. They knew he had told
the stor y a gainst them. But they were
afraid of the crowd. So they left him and
went away.

Is It Right to Pay the Royal Tax to Caesar?

13Later the relig ious leaders sent some

of the Pharisees and Herodians to J esus.
They wanted to trap him with his own
words. 14They came to him and said,
Teacher, we know that you are a man of
honor. You dont let other people tell you
what to do or say. You d
ont care how im
portant they are. But you teach the way
of God truthf ully. Is it r ight to pay the
royal tax to Caesar or not? 15Should we
pay or shouldnt we?
But J esus knew what they were trying
to do. So he asked, Why are you trying
to trap me? Bring me a silver coin. Let me
look at it. 16They b
rought the coin. He
asked them, W hose picture is this? And
whose w
Caesars, they replied.
17Then J
esus said to them, Give back
to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. And
give back to God what belongs to God.
They were amazed at him.

Marriage When the Dead Rise

18The Sadducees came to Jesus with

a question. They do not believe that peo
ple rise from the dead. 19Teacher, they
said, Moses w
rote for us a
bout a man
who died and didnt have any children.
But he did leave a wife beh ind. That
mans brother must get marr ied to the
widow. He must provide children to car
ry on his dead brothers name. 20T here
were seven brothers. The f irst one got
marr ied. He died without leaving any
children. 21The second one got marr ied
to the widow. He also died and left no
child. It was the same with the t hird one.
22In fact, none of the seven left any chil
dren. Last of all, the woma n died too.
23When the dead rise, whose wife will
she be? All seven of them were marr ied
to her.

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Mark 12:37 |930

24Jesus replied, You are mistaken be
cause you do not know the Script ures.
And you do not know the power of God.
25When the dead rise, they wont get
marr ied. And t heir parents w
ont give
them to be married. They will be like the
angels in heaven. What about the dead
rising? H
avent you read in the Book of
Moses the stor y of the burning bush?
God said to Moses, I am the God of Abra
ham. I am the God of Isaac. And I am
the God of Jacob. (Exodus 3:6) 27He is
not the God of the dead. He is the God of
the living. You have made a big mistake!

The Most Important Commandment

28One of the teachers of the law came

and heard the Sadducees arg ui ng. He
noticed that Jesus had given the Saddu
cees a good answer. So he a
sked him,
W hich is the most important of all the
29Jesus answered, Here is the most
important one. Moses said, Israel, listen
to me. The Lord is our God. The Lord is
one. 30Love the Lord your God with all
your h
eart and with all your soul. Love
him with all your mind and with all your
s trength. (Deuteronomy 6:4,5) 31And
here is the second one. Love your neigh
bor as you love yourself. (Levitic us 19:18)
T here is no commandment more impor
tant than these.
32You have spoken well, teacher, the
man replied. You are r ight in saying that
God is one. T
here is no other God but
him. 33To love God with all your h
and mind and s trength is very impor
tant. So is loving your neighbor as you
love yours elf. T hese things are more
impor tant than all burnt of fer ings and
Jesus saw that the man had an
swered wisely. He said to him, You are
not far from Gods kingdom. From then
on, no one d
ared to ask Jesus any more

Whose Son Is the Messiah?

35Jesus was teaching in the temple

courtyard. He a
sked, Why do the teach
ers of the law say that the Messiah is the
son of Dav id? 36The Holy Spirit s poke
through David himself. David said,

The Lord said to my Lord,

Sit at my right hand
until I put your enemies
under your control. (Psalm110:1)
37Dav id himself calls him Lord. So how
can he be Davids son?
The l arge crowd listened to J esus with

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931 |Mark 12:38

Warning Against the Teachers of the Law

he taught, he said, Watch out

for the teachers of the law. They like to
walk around in long robes. They like to
be greeted with respect in the market.
39They love to have the most important
seats in the synagogues. They also love
to have the places of honor at dinners.
40They take over the houses of widows.
They say long prayers to show off. God
will punish these men very much.

The Widows Offering

41Jesus sat down a

cross from the p
here people put their temple offerings.
He watched the c rowd putting t heir mon
ey into the offering boxe s. Many rich
people t hrew large a
mounts into them.
42But a poor widow came and put in
two very small copper coins. They were
worth only a few pennies.
43Jesus asked his disciples to come to
him. He said, What Im about to tell you
is true. That poor widow has put more
into the offering box than all the oth
ers. 44They all gave a lot because they
are rich. But she gave even t hough she
is poor. She put in everything she had.
That was all she had to live on.

When the Temple Will Be Destroyed and

the Signs of the End


Jesus was leaving the temple. One

of his disciples said to him, Look,
Teacher! What huge stones! What won
derf ul buildings!
2Do you see t hese huge buildi ngs?
Jesus asked. Not one stone here will be
left on top of another. Every stone will be
thrown down.
3Jesus was sitt ing on the Mount of
Olives, across from the temple. Peter,
James, John and And rew a
sked him a
question in private. 4Tell us, they said.
When will t hese t hings happen? And
what will be the sign that they are all
about to come true?
5Jesus said to them, Keep w
atch! Be
caref ul that no one fools you. 6Many will
come in my name. They will claim, I am
he. They will fool many people. 7You
will hear about wars. You will also hear
people talking about future wars. D
be a
larmed. T
hese t hings must happen.
But the end still isnt here. Nation will
fight against nation. Kingdom will f ight
a gainst kingdom. T here will be earth
quakes in many places. People will go
hung ry. All these t hings are the beg in
ning of birth p
9Watch out! You will be handed over
to the local c ourts. You will be whipped
in the synagogues. You will stand in f ront

9780310744689_int_05_mat_act_nirv_backpack.indd 931

Mark 13:30 |931

of governors and k
ings because of me. In
that way you will be witnesses to them.
10The good news has to be preached to
all nations before the end comes. 11You
will be arrested and brought to trial. But
dont worr y a head of time about what
you will say. Just say what God brings to
your mind at the time. It is not you speak
ing, but the Holy Spirit.
12Brothers will hand over brothers
to be killed. Fathers will hand over their
child ren. Child ren will rise up a gainst
their parents and have them put to death.
13Everyone will hate you because of me.
But the one who remains s trong in the
faith will be saved.
14You will see the hated t hing that
destroys. (Daniel 9:27; 11:31; 12:11) It will
stand w
here it does not belong. The read
er should understand this. Then t hose
who are in Judea s hould esc ape to the
mountains. 15No one on the roof should
go down into the house to take anything
out. 16No one in the field should go back
to get their coat. 17How awf ul it will be
in those days for pregnant women! How
awf ul for nursing mothers! 18Pray that
this will not happen in winter. 19T hose
days will be worse than any others from
the time God created the world until now.
And t here will never be any like them
20If the Lord had not cut the time
short, no one w
ould live. But because of
Gods chosen people, he has shortened it.
21At that time someone may say to you,
Look! Here is the Messia h! Or, Look!
T here he is! Do not believe it. 22F
messiahs and f alse prophets will appear.
They will do signs and miracles. They
will try to fool G
ods chosen people if
possible. 23Keep watch! I have told you
everything ahead of time.
24So in those days there will be terr i
ble suffering. After that, Scripture says,
The sun will be darkened.
The moon will not shine.
25 The stars will fall from the sky.
The heavenly bodies will be
shaken.  (Isaiah13:10; 34:4)
26At that time people will see the
Son of Man coming in clouds. He will
come with g reat power and glor y. 27He
will send his angels. He will gather his
chosen people from all four directions.
He will bring them from the ends of the
earth to the ends of the heavens.
28Learn a lesson from the fig tree. As
soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves
come out, you know that summer is near.
29In the same way, when you see t hese
things happening, you know that the end
is near. It is right at the door. 30What Im

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932 |Mark 13:31

bout to tell you is true. The people living
now will certainly not pass away until all
those things have happened. 31Heaven
and earth will pass away. But my words
will never pass away.

The Day and Hour Are Not Known

32But no one k
nows a
bout that day
or hour. Not even the angels in heav
en know. The Son does not know. Only
the Fat her k nows. 33Keep watch! Stay
awake! You do not know when that time
will come. 34Its like a man going away.
He l eaves his house and puts his servants
in charge. Each one is given a task to do.
He t ells the one at the door to keep w
35So keep w
atch! You do not know
when the owner of the h
ouse will come
back. It may be in the evening or at mid
night. It may be when the rooster crows
or at dawn. 36He may come suddenly. So
do not let him find you sleeping. 37What
I say to you, I say to everyone. Watch!

A Woman Pours Perfume on Jesus

at Bethany


The Passover and the Feast of Un

leavened Bread were only two days
away. The chief priests and the teachers
of the law were plotting to arrest J
secretly. They wanted to kill him. 2But
not during the feast, they said. The peo
ple may stir up trouble.
3Jesus was in Betha ny. He was at the
table in the home of Simon, who had a
skin disease. A woman came with a spe
cial s ealed jar. It contained very expen
sive perf ume made out of pure nard. She
broke the jar open and p
oured the per
fume on J esus head.
4Some of the peo
ple there bec ame
ang ry. They said to one another, Why
waste this perf ume? 5It could have been
sold for more than a years pay. The mon
ey c ould have been given to poor people.
So they found fault with the woman.
6Leave her a
lone, J esus said. Why
are you botheri ng her? She has done a
beautif ul thing to me. 7You will always
have poor people with you. You can help
them any time you want to. But you will
not always have me. 8She did what she
could. She p
oured perf ume on my body
to prepare me to be buried. 9What Im
about to tell you is true. What she has
done will be told anywhere the good
news is preached all over the world. It
will be told in memor y of her.
d as Isc ario t was one of the 12
disciples. He went to the chief priests to
hand Jesus over to them. 11They were
delighted to hear that he would do this.
They promised to give Judas money. So

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Mark 14:27 |932

he watched for the r ight time to hand
Jesus over to them.

The Last Supper

12It was the f irst day of the Feast of

Unleavened Bread. That was the time to
sacr if ice the Passover lamb. J
esus dis
ciples asked him, W here do you want
us to go and prepare for you to eat the
Passover meal?
13So he sent out two of his disc iples.
He told them, Go into the city. A man
carr ying a jar of water will meet you.
Follow him. 14He will enter a house. Say
to its owner, The Teacher asks, W here
is my g
uest room? W
here can I eat the
Passover meal with my disciples? 15He
will show you a large upstairs room. It
will have furn it ure and will be r eady.
Prepare for us to eat there.
16The disciples left and went into the
city. They found things just as J esus had
told them. So they prepared the Passover
17When even ing came, J
esus arr ived
with the 12 disciples. 18W hile they were
at the table eating, J esus said, What Im
about to tell you is true. One of you who
is eati ng with me will hand me over to
my enemies.
19The disc iples bec ame sad. One by
one they said to him, Surely you dont
mean me?
20It is one of you, Jesus replied. It
is the one who dips b
read into the bowl
with me. 21The Son of Man will go just as
it is written about him. But how terr ible
it will be for the one who hands over the
Son of Man! It would be better for him if
he had not been born.
22W hile they were eating, Jesus took
bread. He gave t hanks and b
roke it. He
handed it to his disciples and said, Take
it. This is my body.
23Then he took a cup. He gave thanks
and handed it to them. All of them d
from it.
24This is my blood of the covenant,
he said to them. It is p
oured out for
many. 25What Im about to tell you is
true. I w
ont d
rink wine with you again
until the day I d
rink it in G
ods kingdom.
26Then they sang a hymn and went
out to the Mount of Olives.

Jesus Says That the Disciples Will Turn


27You will all turn away, Jesus told

the disciples. It is written,

I will strike the shepherd down.

Then the sheep will be scattered.


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Because of Jesus death on the cross, the sins of all people who
believe in him were wiped away. But what does that really mean?
Find a whiteboard or a chalkboard and write down something not
so good that youve done lately. Then take the eraser and make the
words disappear. Thats what Jesus does for you. If you love him
and believe in him, he makes your sins disappear!


Dear children, Im writing to you because your sins have been forgiven.
They have been forgiven because of what Jesus has done.
1 JOHN 2:12

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933 |Mark 14:28

28But after I rise from the dead, I will go
ahead of you into Galilee.
29Peter said, All the others may turn
away. But I will not.
30What Im about to tell you is true,
Jesus answered. It will happen today,
in fact tonight. Before the rooster c rows
t wice, you yourself will say t hree times
that you dont know me.
31But Peter w
ould not give in. He said,
I may have to die with you. But I will
never say I dont know you. And all the
others said the same thing.

Jesus Prays in Gethsemane

32Jesus and his disc iples went to a

place called Gethsema ne. Jesus said to
them, Sit here w
hile I pray. 33He took
Peter, James and John a long with him.
He began to be very upset and troubled.
34My soul is very sad. I feel c lose to
death, he said to them. Stay here. Keep
35He went a little farther. Then he fell
to the g
round. He prayed that, if possi
ble, the hour m
ight pass by him. 36Abba,
Father he said, everything is possible
for you. Take this cup of suffering away
from me. But let what you want be done,
not what I want.
37Then he ret urned to his disc iples
and found them sleeping. Simon, he
said to Peter, are you a
sleep? C
you keep w
atch for one hour? 38Watch
and pray. Then you w
ont fall into sin
when you are tempted. The spirit is will
ing, but the body is weak.
39Once more J
esus went away and
prayed the same thing. 40Then he came
back. A gain he found them sleeping.
They couldnt keep their eyes open. They
did not know what to say to him.
41Jesus ret urned the t hird time. He
said to them, Are you still sleeping and
resting? E nough! The hour has come.
Look! The Son of Man is about to be
handed over to sinners. 42Get up! Let us
go! Here comes the one who is handing
me over to them!

Jesus Is Arrested

43Just as Jesus was speaki ng, Judas

appeared. He was one of the 12 disciples.
A crowd was with him. They were carr y
ing swords and c lubs. The c hief p
the teachers of the law, and the elders had
sent them.
44Judas, who was going to hand Jesus
over, had arranged a signal with them.
The one I kiss is the man, he said. Ar
rest him and have the g uards lead him
away. 45So Judas went to Jesus at once.
Judas said, Rabbi! And he kissed Jesus.

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Mark 14:65 |933

46The men g rabbed Jesus and arrested
him. 47Then one of those standing near
by p
ulled his sword out. He struck the
servant of the high priest and cut off his
48Am I leading a band of a rmed men
against you? asked J esus. Do you have
to come out with s words and c lubs to cap
ture me? 49Every day I was with you. I
taught in the temple courtyard, and you
didnt arrest me. But the Scriptures must
come true. 50Then everyone left him
and ran away.
51A young man was followi ng Jesus.
The man was wearing nothing but a
piece of linen cloth. When the c rowd
g rabbed him, 52he ran away naked. He
left his clothing behind.

Jesus Is Taken to the Sanhedrin

53The c
rowd took Jesus to the high
riest. All the chief p
riests, the elders,
and the teachers of the law came togeth
er. 54Not too far away, Peter followed
Jesus. He went r ight into the courtyard
of the high priest. T here he sat with the
g uards. He warmed himself at the fire.
55The chief p
riests and the whole San
hedrin were looking for something to use
a gainst J
esus. They wanted to put him
to death. But they did not find any proof.
56Many witnesse s lied about him. But
their stories did not agree.
57Then some of them stood up. Here
is what those false witnesses said about
him. 58We heard him say, I will destroy
this temple made by human hands. In
t hree days I will build another temple,
not made by human h
ands. 59But what
they said did not agree.
60Then the high p
riest s tood up in
f ront of them. He a
sked J
esus, A rent
you going to ans wer? What are these
charges these men are bringing against
you? 61But J
esus remained silent. He
gave no answer.
A gain the high priest asked him, Are
you the Messiah? Are you the Son of the
Blessed One?
62I am, said Jesus. And you will see
the Son of Man sitting at the r ight hand
of the Mighty One. You will see the Son
of Man coming on the c louds of heaven.
63The high p
riest tore his c
Why do we need any more witnesses?
he asked. You have heard him say a
very evil thing against God. What do you
They all found him g
uilty and said he
must die. 65Then some began to spit at
him. They blindfolded him. They hit him
with their f ists. They said, Prophesy!
And the g uards took him and beat him.

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934 |Mark 14:66

Peter Says He Does Not Know Jesus

was below in the courtyard.

One of the high priests female servants
came by. When she saw Peter warming
himself, she looked closely at him.
You also were with Jesus, that Naza
rene, she said.
68But Peter said he had not been with
him. I d
ont know or understand what
youre talking about, he said. He went
out to the entrance to the courtyard.
69The servant saw him t here. She said
a gain to t hose standing a round, This
fellow is one of them. 70A gain he said
he was not.
Af ter a lit t le while, t hose standi ng
nearby said to Peter, You must be one
of them. You are from Galilee.
71Then Peter began to c
urse. He said
to them, I dont know this man youre
talking about!
72R ight away the rooster crowed the
second time. Then Peter remembered
what Jesus had spoken to him. The
rooster will crow t wice, he had said.
Before it does, you will say three times
that you dont know me. Peter broke
down and cried.

Jesus Is Brought to Pilate


It was very early in the morning.

The chief priests, with the elders,
the teachers of the law, and the w
Sanhedrin, made their p
lans. So they tied
Jesus up and led him away. Then they
handed him over to Pilate.
2Are you the king of the Jews? asked
You have said so, Jesus replied.
3 The c
hief p riests b
rought many
charges a gainst him. 4So Pilate asked
him again, A rent you going to answer?
See how many t hings they c
harge you
5But Jesus s till did not reply. Pilate
was amazed.
6It was the usua l practice at the Pass
over F
east to let one prisoner go free. The
people could choose the one they wanted.
7A man named Barabbas was in prison.
He was t here with some other people who
had f ought a
gainst the countrys rulers.
They had committed murder while they
were fighting a gainst the rulers. 8The
c rowd came up and a sked Pilate to do
for them what he usually did.
9Do you want me to let the king of the
Jews go free? asked Pilate. 10He knew
that the chief p
riests had handed J
over to him because they wanted to get
t heir own way. 11But the chief priests
stirred up the crowd. So the crowd asked
Pilate to let Barabbas go free instead.

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Mark 15:32 |934

12Then what s
hould I do with the
one you call the king of the Jews? Pi
late asked them.
13Crucif y him! the c
rowd shouted.
14Why? What w rong has he done?
asked Pilate.
But they shouted even louder, Cruci
fy him!
15Pilate wanted to satisf y the c
So he let Barabbas go free. He ordered
that Jesus be whipped. Then he handed
him over to be nailed to a cross.

The Soldiers Make Fun of Jesus

16The sold iers led Jesus away into

the palace. It was called the Praetor ium.
They c alled together the whole company
of soldiers. 17The soldiers put a purple
robe on Jesus. Then they twisted t horns
together to make a crown. They placed it
on his head. 18They began to call out to
him, We honor you, king of the Jews!
19A gain and a
gain they hit him on the
head with a stick. They spit on him. They
fell on their k
nees and pretended to hon
or him. 20After they had made fun of
him, they took off the purple robe. They
put his own clothes back on him. Then
they led him out to nail him to a cross.

Jesus Is Nailed to a Cross

21A man n
amed Simon was passi ng
by. He was from Cyr ene. He was the
fat her of Alexa nder and Ruf us. Simon
was on his way in from the country. The
sold iers f orced him to carr y the c
22They brought J
esus to the p
lace called
Golgotha. The word Golgotha m
eans the
Place of the Skull. 23Then they gave him
wine m ixed with spices. But he did not
take it. 24They nailed him to the c
Then they div ided up his clothes. They
cast lots to see what each of them would
25It was nine o
clock in the morning
when they crucified him. 26They w rote
out the charge against him. It read,
the king of the jews.


crucified with him two reb

els against Rome. One was on his r ight
and one was on his left. 29T hose who
passed by shouted at J
esus and made
fun of him. They shook their heads and
said, So you are going to des troy the
temple and b
uild it a
gain in t hree days?
30Then come down from the cross! Save
yourself! In the same way the c hief
priests and the teachers of the law made
fun of him a
mong themselves. He s aved
others, they said. But he cant save him
self! 32Let this Messiah, this king of Isra
el, come down now from the cross! When

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935 |Mark 15:33

we see that, we will believe. T hose who
were being cruc ified with J
esus also
made fun of him.

Jesus Dies

33At noon, darkness covered the w

land. It lasted three hours. 34At t hree
oclock in the afternoon Jesus c
ried out
in a loud v
oice, Eloi, Eloi, lema sabach
thani? This means My God, my God,
why have you deserted me? (Psalm 22:1)
35 Some of
t hose standing nearby
heard Jesus cry out. They said, Listen!
Hes calling for Elijah.
36Someone ran and f illed a s ponge
with wine vinegar. He put it on a stick.
He offered it to Jesus to d
rink. Leave
him a
lone, he said. Lets see if Elijah
comes to take him down.
37With a loud cry, J
esus took his last
38The temple curtain was torn in two
from top to bottom. 39A Roman com
mander was standing t here in f ront of
Jesus. He saw how Jesus died. Then he
said, This man was surely the Son of
40 Not very far away, some wom
en were watching. Mary Magd alene
was a mong them. Mary, the mother of
the younger James and of Joseph, was
also there. So was Salome. 41In Galilee
these women had followed Jesus. They
had taken care of his needs. Many other
women were also t here. They had come
up with him to Jer usalem.

Jesus Is Buried

42It was the day before the Sabbath.

That day was c
alled Prepa rat ion Day.
As evening approached, 43Joseph went
boldly to Pilate and asked for J esus body.
Joseph was from the town of Arimathea.
He was a leading member of the Jewish
Council. He was waiting for Gods king
dom. 44Pilate was surprised to hear that
Jesus was already dead. So he called for
the Roman commander. He asked him if
Jesus had already died. 45The command
er said it was true. So Pilate gave the
body to Joseph. 46Then Joseph bought
some linen cloth. He took down the body
and w
rapped it in the linen. He put it in
a tomb cut out of rock. Then he rolled a
stone a
gainst the entrance to the tomb.
47Mary Magdalene and Mary the moth
er of Joseph saw w
here J esus body had
been placed.

Jesus Rises From the Dead


The Sabbath day ended. Mary Mag

dalene, Mary the mother of James,
and Salome bought spices. They were

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Mark 16:20 |935

going to use them for Jesus body. 2Very
early on the f irst day of the week, they
were on t heir way to the tomb. It was just
af ter sunr ise. 3They asked each other,
Who will roll the stone away from the
entrance to the tomb?
4Then they looked up and saw that
the s tone had been r olled away. The
stone was very large. 5They entered the
tomb. As they did, they saw a y
oung man
dressed in a white robe. He was sitting on
the right side. They were alarmed.
6D ont be a larmed, he said. You
are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who
was crucified. But he has risen! He is not
here! See the p
lace where they had put
him. 7Go! Tell his disc iples and Peter,
He is going a
head of you into Galilee.
T here you will see him. It will be just as
he told you.
8The women were shaki ng and con
fused. They went out and ran away from
the tomb. They said nothing to anyone,
because they were a
9Jesus rose from the dead early on the
first day of the week. He appeared f irst
to Mary Magdalene. He had driven seven
demons out of her. 10She went and told
those who had been with him. She found
them crying. They were very sad. 11They
heard that J
esus was a
live and that she
had seen him. But they did not believe it.
12After that, J
esus appeared in a dif
ferent form to two of them. This hap
pened while they were walking out in the
country. 13The two returned and told the
others a
bout it. But the others did not be
lieve them either.
14Later J
esus appeared to the 11 disci
ples as they were eating. He s poke firmly
to them because they had no faith. They
would not believe t hose who had seen
him after he rose from the dead.
15He said to them, Go into all the
world. Preach the good news to everyone.
16Anyone who bel ieves and is baptized
will be saved. But anyone who does not
believe will be punished. 17Here are the
miracul ous s igns that those who believe
will do. In my name they will d
rive out
demons. They will speak in lang uages
they had not k nown before. 18They will
pick up s nakes with t heir h
ands. And
when they d
rink deadly poison, it will
not hurt them at all. They will place their
hands on sick people. And the people will
get well.
19 When the Lord J
esus finished
speaking to them, he was taken up into
heaven. He sat down at the r ight hand of
God. 20Then the disciples went out and
preached everywhere. The Lord worked
with them. And he b
acked up his word by
the signs that went with it.

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