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1.Chest xray showing pleural effusion. Pleural fluid has low protein.Cause?

2.xray showing fracture of neck of femur of a trauma pt. Treatment?

3.Xray of a pt with osteoporosis.Mangmnt? a.vit d n ca, b.bisphosphonates.
4.wt/hight graph of a child. do it
5.Peripheral smear of sickle cells. diagnosis? Do it
6.scenario with a slide of vesicles. diagnosis? a.vericella,,b.molluscum
7.child with signs n symptoms of kawasaki. on duodenal atresia (xray showin double bubble)
9.child with projectile vominting (pyloric stenosis)
10.child with abdminal pain,vomiting,dilated loops of bowel.diagnosis?
11.child with jaundice (physiologic) revise week wise
12.ecg of a cardiac pt...a.vtach,,,b.torsa de point
13.ecg of a pt with chest pain,showing st elevation.(MI) do locations of artreries and areas involved
14.ecg of a stable pt showing a-fib,,next step? How to manage afib stable do it
15.ecg of a pt with a previous treated ischemia,,comes with pain again.diagnosis? on cushing step in diagnosis? undergone suregry for macroadenoma,has develpd panhypopituirism,,what shd be given 1st?
18.diabetic pt managemnt (insulin for type 1) how to dose adjust insulin
19.4 yr old pt having discharge frm vagina,cause? foreign body
20.young girl talks well at home but when she goes to school,keeps silence.diagnosis?

a.mutism,,b.selective mutism,c.learning disability is selective mutism an answer? Refer uworld on PTSD keeps coming of bipolar disorder
23.Case of ruptured diverticulitis
24.managmnt of ruptured peptic unlcer
25.mangemnt of ruptured ectopic preg. Do it how to manage diffrnt types of ectopic pregnancies
26.pap smear shows step?colposcopy and biopsy
27.pap smear showing CIN 111,next? colposcopy n biopsy
28.woman with foul smellin vaginal discharge 7 days postpartum,cause? Postpartum causes of
fever do them all
29.2 mnths old child with vomiting,investigation? usound. with chest pain n having long travel history,wut to do next? spiral CT/angiogram
31.young pt with signs n symp of otitis media,treatment? amoxicillin.
32.urinalysis in PSGN shows? RBC casts. Difrnt kinds of nephritics , do RTAS,
33.common cause of diarrhea in children? rotavirus. of reiter syndrome. Do it well
35.iron deficiency anemia diagnosis.
36.b-thalesemia scenario.
37.Pt having stroke,80% carotid artery stenosis,next step?carotid endarterectomy with 6.5 cm aortic aneurysm,next? emergent surgery. Learn whether to do emergent surgery
or urgent surgery.
39.scenarion on bacterial meningitis.(abundant neutrophils) learn diffrnt names of bacteria
causing meningitis in diffrnt age groups falls frm height on metallic rod n bleeds frm anus.on xray gas is seen in
41.slide of malar rash,serositis,low hb,,diagnosis? SLE
42.Signs n symp of SLE,,what wil u find on labs? Lab findings of s.l.e with bleeding ,normal physical findings,lab shows decreasd platelets.diagnosis?.ITP
44.pregnant female with complaint of absent fetal movements,lab shows increased PT n aPTT,d- step?FFP.
45.hypothyroidism in pregnancy,thyroxine given,still TSH level step? Increase the
dose. Good question suffers a road traffic accident,managed in hosp,cardiac arrest occurs n pt dies.what will b
cause of death? Ascertain cause of death
a.road traffic accident,b.cardiac arrest,,c.asphyxiation.
47.signs n sym of testicular torsion,next step?a.ultrasound,, if a person comes with
typical signs and symptoms of testicular torsion what shud we do? suspected with testicular trauma,next step? a.ultrasound,, testicular trauma on BPH. managemnt? Medical vs surgical on prostate cancer,managemnt? Do it with esophageal cancer,which is bad prognostic sign? hoarseness.
52.diagnosis of krukenberg tumor.
53.old pt with bloody diarhea,taking antibiotics,next? a.urine culture,b.CT abd. ,c.stool for assay
of clostridium diff. with cervical lymphadenopathy,chest xray shows mediastinal mass,peripheral smear shows
blast step?a.lymph node biopsy,,b.mediastinal mass biopsy,,bone marrow biopsy.
Blood cancers diagnosis and treatment with accident,brought in emergency,found tumor in ovary,teeth in pelvis.diagnosis?
56.managemnt of asthma pt.
57.fluid calculation in burn pt. very important question
58.glasgow score calculation. Very important question on rheumatic fever.
60.woman with 1st trimester pregn losses,most common cause? of bile duct stone. Diffrnt conditions on bile ducts do them all on primary biliary cirrhosis. on investigation in diagnosis of breast cancer. How to proceed with diagnosis

Diffrnt iron anemias on the basis of mcv,retics,


types of headache,
subdural,arachnoid,epidural hemotomas findings, treatment
do multiple sclerosis
and do findings of diffrnt strokes. Anterior posterior basilr etc
Parkinson disease

Diffrnt murmers in pediatric population

Do all hemotoy well, diag of cll,cml,leukemia,anemia g6pd,sickle cell diffrnt types how named? Ss
,scd,ssa. Thelsmias,
Write down strong diffrnciating points bw Kawasaki and scarlet fever
Cases on diabetes mellitus do expected.
Nerve injuries, cranial and peripherial upper limb specially ,also lower limb
Cholecystitis is very important and similar conditions indication for surgery at what centimeter
Diffrnciate bw kinds of thyroid ,including factitious,
Also same for insulin facitious n other conditions.
Management of diffrnt sizes of aaa and their mangment
Diffrnt casts in diffrnt diseases, also do disease markers.
Hemetemis ,hep b, lower gi bleed
Do sliped capital femoral, Osgood, avascular all these cases.
Infant of diabetic mother ,to give him iv fluid or to give him breastfeeding?
Follow up of ovarian cyst according to size,
Intussception scenario how to diagnose and treat
Lower gi bleed
Labour ,breech present,face first. Do all of those things. How to manage. Also learn stages of labour and
their management. Its vry important question.
At what size what treatment for prostate englargment. Finastride,a blockers. Surgery.
How to give fluid in a child?
Medial lateral, mensical injuries diagnosis and treatments.s
Burn patient, all of itdo it
Forcep vs vaccum delivery sideffects benefits.
Diarrhea organism do flash cards
Clostridium difficle
Diverticultis,peptic ulcer, appendicitis, rupertured ovarian cyst, ecoptics,
Asthma table
Rheumatic fever criteria
i.e criteria

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