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To whomever this may reach, Hello, greetings Martians and extraterrestrials.

is a planet far away from yours called Earth. Assuming the human races fantasy
that extraterrestials are light years beyond humans is even partially true, then you
may already know about us, about Earth and its inhabitants. However, there is this
clinging obscure idea in the back of my mind that you may actually be mentally
impaired like your lost cousin E.T. Which leads me to delve into bridging the gap of
mystery between the two races; humans and aliens. I am writing as a result of a
NASA project, requiring individuals like me to write a letter in the hopes that it may
reach your planet. This project sprung from humans interests to discover if there is
truly life outside the realms of Earth for science has proven only in Earth can
complex organism live. But science especially when conducted by humans, can be
at times refutable and subject to change. So, I am compelled to write and enlighten
you about humanitys most notable milestones in terms of advancement, in my
humble opinion of course and some information about humans that I feel you must
know. But first, we should debunk a conspiracy which had puzzled everyone; did you
help the Egyptians build the pyramid? What do you know about the pyramids? Now,
I should tell you about one of the most momentous milestones in human history, the
day a man, a legend in my books, James Naismith, singled handedly invented the
most revolutionizing thing ever to graze human view; basketball. Prior to this,
human were befuddled, lost, and without a purpose, pondering the question What
is life? It was until this man Naismith invented the basketball in 1891, forever
restoring purpose to humanity; Ball is life as the saying goes. Another such lifechanging milestone and pinnacle of human capacity was the invention of Google
and Wikipedia. It has helped countless of students to research information about
literally anything and who were otherwise too busy procrastinating. The two sites
has helped salvage whatever was left of a students dream because these red-pen
wielding individuals, the so called teachers, think they have complete power simply
because they have red pens. Also, I wish to impart upon you information about
NASA specifically what the establishment is and what it does. The NASA is The
National Aeronautics and Space Administration and in the words of Google, is the United
States government agency responsible for the civilian space program as well as aeronautics
and aerospace research. I think it is more of the United States way of showing off their ego and
it has had some sparse success like discovering there were holes in the moon. Also, the
Americans showed Russia who was the boss when Neil Armstrong landed there first. I must
admit however, that NASA has accomplished unprecedented achievements namely building a
space rocket that can explore and travel to outer space for long periods of time. This has
broadened our horizons about how the Earth works, particularly its orbital movements. The
invention of cheeseburgers, a simple yet an ingenious idea, has captivated the taste buds of
many Americans and is also responsible for a considerable amount of heart attacks and obesity.
What do your people eat? Also monumental is the invention of calculus by Isaac Newton. Using
calculus we have constructed towering objects, stronger houses and buildings, faster
programming among others. The Italians discovered the Fibonacci sequence which explains a
lot of the ratios in nature. This leads me to describe that the human race although 99% related
with each other, that one percent genetic anomaly makes humanity very diverse. Is your people
and race diverse? Or are you all just the E.T. phone home type of extraterrestials? One last
closing thought; humans have established this institution called school. It is day 10,231 for me
and I still dont know whats going on. There is this particular teacher by the name of Dr. C. and

she speaks about this subject physics as it is called. She says it makes sense but so far, like all
other subjects, it is all so foreign to me. Also, if you come here dont take Spanish class with
Elizabeth or Calculus class with Mitch for they will crush your dreams. Also, if you ever decide to
initiate an assault on Earth, we have a guy by the name of Arnold Schwarzenegger and trust me
he will be back.

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