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www.Whi tneyFreya.


Step 1 - Create awareness of the difference between your left &

right brain voices.

Big picture, mission, passion
Love Centered

Details, tasks, to-do list
Past and Future
Fear Driven

Step 2 - CREATE awareness of the language of

your right brain voice, your ARTIST WITHIN.
I feel like.
My gut instinct
It is no
Even though it
does not make
senseis destined
to happen.

What makes
What is
What can be
I am worried

It is all going to
work out

Step 3 - CREATE a vision of your ARTIST WITHIN or right brain voice.

While you r left brain speaks in words and
num bers, you r right brain spe aks in a
sym phony of color, sm ells, touch, intu itiv e
hunches, an d im agery.
We need both speak ing the ir
truth , but we first need to
v alidate and acknowledge
the v alue in the right brain
perspectiv e.

www.WhitneyFreya .com

Step 4 - CREATE opportunities for your right brain muscle to

work out so you can become Creatively Fit.
As well as balancing the spread sheet or
calculating your ROI, spend time
envisioning the result of your work. Envisi on
the whole of your work, who it will help,
what difference it will make, what the
results will be, what it will look like to the
people around you when it is done.
Paint the picture in your
mind. m

Step 5 - CREATE peace after a stressful situation.

Im agine a see-saw. If you ju st left a stressful
situation , what are you go in g to do to
balance it? Take a walk, read a poem ,
burn incense , m editate , doo dle.

Step 6 - CREATE a platform for your Artist Within.

Keep a journal. Fill it with words, images,
ideas, scraps of fabric. Let the images
inspire words and vice versa. Just by
creating the space, you will coax your
right brain voice out of its corner.

Step 7 - CREATE a right brain performance.

Think of something you would LOVE to do,
but just does not seem possible. A day all
to yourself (as a mother of 3 and two
businesses that seems out of this world), a
weekend trip, a lunch with a guru in your
field, a private tour of your favorite
place. Now tell your right brain that it is a
done deal.
Just as a test, take a step toward making
this impossibility a reality. Write it down.
Share your desire with a family member,
spouse, friend, or colleague. Then, follow
up on any suggestions they have. Make
the call.
You WILL end up doing this impossible
thing if you hold on to your right brain
perspective and follow its lead. Have fun! m

Your 7 Steps to Right Brain Awareness

Step 1 - CREATE awareness of the difference between your left &
right brain voices.
Step 2 - CREATE awareness of the language of your right brain
voice, your ARTIST WITHIN.
Step 3 - CREATE a vision of your ARTIST WITHIN or right brain voice.
Step 4 - CREATE opportunities for your right brain muscle to work
out so you can become Creatively Fit.
Step 5 - CREATE peace after a stressful situation.
Step 6 - CREATE a platform for your Artist Within.
Step 7 - CREATE a right brain performance. m

Creatively Fit is leading the shift to a new awareness of our

own CREATIVE potential.
Not aware of your creative potential?

We simply need to get your right brain muscle in shape. m



7 Day Whole
Makeover Videos

1st Day:
2nd Day:
3rd Day:
4th Day:
5th Day:
6th Day:
7th Day:



Let us help you get Creatively Fit at

Life is the canvas of your soul. ~Whitney Freya

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