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Alfabetul limbii engleze

Prepozitiile sunt in mod normal asezate in fata substantivelor sau pronumelor si dupa verbe. Ele pot de asemenea precede verbele
in -ING.
Exemplele de mai jos nu sunt exhaustive, ci sunt grupate dupa utilizarile lor cele mai frecvente pe 4 categorii:


A. Miscare
1. Miscare in sus / in jos:
* down:
Sam broke his arm when he fell down the slope. (o miscare in jos)
The Conservative Government went down at the last elections. (o scadere a respectului, statutului)

The cat always climbs up a tree to hide whenever it hears our dog bark. (o miscare in sus)
Bill has come up in the world since he won 10, 000, 000 $ on the lottery last spring. (a se deplasa in sus pe scara sociala, a dobandi

I had to move the books on(to) the top shelf so my child couldnt reach them. (o miscare spre o suprafat mai inalta)

When the cat saw a mouse running across the floor it jumped off the sofa to chase it. (o miscare catre o suprafata mai joasa)
NOTA: Utilizarea speciala a structurilor-tip, precum:
up / down the street
up to / down to the supermarket
on / off a bus, bicycle, plane, ship etc, DAR: into / out of a car
2. Deplasare printr-un spatiu.
* across:
It takes a long time to sail across the Atlantic. (o miscare dintr-o parte in cealalta, pe sau aproape de o suprfata)

If you walk along the Champs Elysees you will eventually reach the Eiffel Tower. (a parcurge lungimea a ceva)

If you pass by the shops today, will you get me a litre of milk? (a se misca de-a lungul sau in apropierea a ceva)

My colleague walked straight past me without even saying hello. (a se misca in trecere pe langa ceva / cineva)

The gateway was so narrow that the truck driver had problems getting through it. (a se misca printre lucruri)

Its quicker to fly over the Atlantic than to sail across it. (a se misca pe deasupra unei suprafete dintr-o parte in alta a ceva)
3. Directii:
* around:
I went all around the house to find an open window, but I couldnt. (miscari pe o traiectorie circulara)

He looked at me is if I were a criminal. (catre cineva sau ceva)

away from:
When I was a boy I ran away from school because I didnt like it. (a parasi, a pleca de la cineva sau ceva)
NOTA: Away from poate fi folosit si in sens abstract:
I cant wait to get away from it all. (= free from everything)

Sherlock Homes left for Glasgow as soon as he received the news of the murder.

The last when they saw (of) the explorer was when he went into the jungle to hunt for tigers.

The professor put his papers onto the books on the table, and began his lesson. (a aseza ceva peste altceva)

out of:
The prisoner was let out of prison after a ten year sentence.

Can you give me a lift to work tomorrow morning, please? (a se deplasa In directia unei anumite personae sau a unui lucru)

I think we should head towards the mountain; its much cooler there at this time of the year.
NOTA: at versus to:
The teacher got very angry and shouted at the pupil. (cand esti nervos)
I shouted to Michael from my garden. (cand vrei sa atrgi atentia)
I shouted Catch! and threw the keys to Louis. (cand vrei sa prinda ce arunci)
The opera singer sang so badly that someone in the audience threw an egg at him. (cand vrei sa lovesti pe cineva sau ceva)
4. Miscari comparative:
* after:
The shop-keeper ran after the boy who smashed his window. (a urma sau urmari)

ahead of/ in front of:

Ill go ahead of / in front of you and find a place to camp for the night. (a precede pe cineva sau ceva)

The old lady drove so close behind me that, when I hit the brakes, she crashed into me. (a urmari pe cineva sau ceva, a urma
B. Pozitie.
1. Pozitie pe verticala:
* above:
The kite flew above our heads. (mult mai sus decat altceva, chiar si la figurativ).

I feel a pain just below my shoulder. (ceva imediat inferior unui alt lucru, si la figurativ)

The film star was wearing an enormous diamond ring on her finger. (similar cu above, dar in contact cu ceva)

Jane was always second to top in her class at school. (estimari relative)

The tunnel under the English Channel was opened in the summer of 1994. (similar cu below, dar obiectul este mai aproape de

My little boy closed himself in the bathroom and couldnt get out. (un spatiu inchis)
2. Pozitii relative:
* against:
Dont lean against that post. Its just been painted. (in contact cu altcineva sau altceva)

He must be around here somewhere, I can see his footprints. (vecinatate)

I always see him at my local pub. (o pozitie precisa)

Bills very lucky; he has a summer house by the sea. (proximitate)

I live near my office, so I can walk to work. (aproape de cineva sau ceva)

next to:
I would hate to live next to a factory. (similar cu near, dar mai aproape)

3. Pozitii opuse:

Dont turn around, Jack. Theres a snake behind you. (asezat in spatele a ceva sau al cuiva)

Turn your seat facing me so I can see you properly. (privind in directia a ceva sau a cuiva)

They built a mall opposite my house. (similar cu facing)
C. Timp.
1. Timpul pe ceas:
* about:
I should be there about noon. (un timp aproximativ)

I should be there around noon. (similar cu about)

The film starts at 8 oclock. (timpul exact)
NOTA: at se foloseste si pentru a face referiri la perioada din preajma sarbatorilor:
I always go visit my relatives for a week at Christmas / Easter.

I like to swim in the morning. It doesnt rain much in Greece in summer. My daughter was born in 1988. (o parte a zilei, luni,
anotimpuri, ani)

The road works will start on Monday. I last saw him on July 4th. The Queens speech is broadcast on Christmas day. (cu zile ale
saptamanii, date, zile anumite)
2. Timpul de dinainte si de dupa

I cant see you until after lunch, so come at 2.00 oclock. (mai tarziu decat un timp sau un eveniment dat)

Before we start, Id just like to introduce myself. (inaintea unui timp sau eveniment dat)

Application must be submitted by June 5th. (ceva care se petrece inainte sau nu mai tarziu de un moment dat)

I tired. Its past my bed time. (similar cu after, dar mai colocvial, folosit si pentru a exprima ora)
3. Durata in timp:

The play will probably last about two and a half hours. (durata estimata)

The period between leaving school and going to university was a stressful one. (de la un punct dat in timp la altul)

I managed not to do any work during my holiday, though I should have. (o perioada stabilita in timp)

World War II went on for six years. (duraat unei perioade date de timp)

Im going shopping. Ill be back in an hour. (o anumita durata)

Italy has been a republic since 1945. (de la punctul de inceput din trecut pana in prezent)

Hong Kong belonged to England until 1997, when it went back to China. (durata pana la un punct dat in timp)
D. Diverse.

because of:
The UK is suffering because of economic crisis. (cauza, si separat: doar of, cu acelasi sens)

The martyr died for his belief. (similar cu because of, dar legat in general de credinte) A knife is used for cutting things. (scop)
NOTA: For, cand arata scopul, exprima UTILITATEA PRINCIPALA a subiectului. In implica faptul ca subiectul este doar O PARTE a
Flour is used for making bread.
Sand is used in the production of glass.

Susana cried with joy when she read her exam results. (un sentiment care determina o actiune) Hit the glass with a hammer, if you
wan to break it. (folosirea unui instrument)

John Lennon was killed by an assassins bullet. (prin actiunea cuiva / ceva) Hamlet was written by Shakespeare. (creatia cuiva)

My husband acts like a child when he cant get his own way. (un anumit comportament) Even though they are twins they dont look
like each other. (pentru a compara fiinte / lucruri)

She works as a nurse in the Emergency Room.

He took everything but the kitchen sink. (expresie; cu exceptia a ceva sau cineva)

My daughter, Emma, has always been good at drawing. (abilitati intr-o anume activitate)

My daughter, Emma, has always been interested in drawing. (similar cu at, dar nu se poate folosi cu good sau bad)

My family comes from Warrington in Cheshire. (originea) I learnt to cook from my friend Tom. (originea / sursa)

The little girl always goes to sleep with her cuddly teddy. (legatura, atasament)

I always drink coffee without sugar. (opusul lui with)

This grammar book is for foreign students of English. (ceva potrivit) Romeo and Juliet were made for each other, (cineva destinat,
Articolele A/AN si THE
A. Forma in engleza articolele au doua forme: nehotarat A sau AN si hotarat THE. Articolele sunt invariabile si nu au gen.
1. A se foloseste in fata cuvinteleor cu sunet consonantic, chiar daca prima litera e o vocala. AN se foloseste in fata cuvintelor care
incep cu vocalasau h mut. Ambele se pot folosi numai cu substantive numarabile (countable) la singular:
a dog
a computer
a woman
a university (sunet consonantic)
a house
an hour (h mut)
a building
a European (sunet consonantic)
an orange
an actor
an idea
an organization
2. THE se foloseste in fata oricarui substantiv numarabil (countable) sau nenumarabil (uncountable), atat la singular cat si la plural:
the dog
the dogs
the computer
the computers
the atmosphere the universities
the house
the oil
the eggs
the infomation
B. Utilizare A sau AN.
1. inaintea unui substantiv pentru a ne referi la ceva sau cineva pentru prima data:
Ive received a postcard from a friend of mine in the US.
After months of searching, my brother found a job.
The Jacksons live in a bungalow.
2. pentru a exprima ce este ceva sau cineva, inclusiv slujbe sau profesii:
My neighbour is a sociologist and his wife is an architect.
Jenny doesnt eat meat; shes a vegetarian.
There is a man at the door who says he is a detective.
That was a kind thing to say.
3. dupa verbul be sau alte verbele copulative, cand dupa ele urmeaza locutiuni prepozitionala sau propozitii relative care ofera mai
multa informatie despre cineva sau ceva:
I read an interesting article about pollution in yesterdays paper.
Jacks son is a talented artist.
He studied law at University and became a judge.
I bought a painting that reminded me of my childhood home.
John Smith wrote an interesting article on Education in the Times yesterday.
4. cu unele expresii numerice insemnand unu sau su expresii ale pretului, vitezei, raportului si cantitatii:
A hundred guests were invited.
Petrol costs 1.50 a litre in England.
Hes crazy driving at 190 kilometres an hour.
You must take this medicine four times a day if you want to get better.
There was a great deal of noise coming form the house next door.
5. cu substantive numarabile la singular pentru a da definitii, a face afirmatii generale, exclamatii sau cand ne exprimam dorinte:
A thesaurus is a dictionary of synonyms.
A house built of stone is stronger than a house built of wood.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (proverb)
Wow! What a pretty girl walked by just now.
Id like a nice cool glass of beer.
C. Utilizare THE.
1. inaintea unui substantiv singular numarabil sau nenumarabil sau a unui substantiv plural numarabil pentru a face o noua referire
la ceva ce a fost deja sau la care s-a facut deja aluzie:
He wanted to go to the bank to change some money, but all the banks were on strike.
Dave had a nasty accident when he was young. You can still see the scar.

Do you remember the fun we had when we were at school together?

2. pentru a face referire la cineva sau ceva anume:
The American economy is suffering at the moment.
The people I work with are very friendly.
I dont like the president of that company.
3. in fata unui substantiv reprezentand o anume persoana sau un lucru sau un grup de persoane sau lucruri:
I dont feel well. Can you call the doctor? (= medicul personal)
The kids arent at home. (= proprii tai copii)
Can you pass me the butter, please? (= untul de pe aceasta masa)
Shall I drive the car? (= aceasta masina)
Maria Callas sang so beautifully that the audience threw flowers onto the stage. (= publicul care o urmarea a aruncat flori pe scena
pe care canta ea)
4. cu referire la ceva unic in mod absolut:
The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
The weather at the North Pole is very cold.
The President of the United States visited the Pope last May.
5. in fata adjectivelor pentru a face referire la un anumit grup sau clasa de oameni. In acest caz NU este nevoie de substantiv:
Only the strong survive. (= oamenii puternici in general)
The question of the unemployed came up again.
Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor.
6. in fata unui substantiv la singular pentru a se referi la un anume grup de oameni, animale sau obiecte:
The Indian elephant is smaller than the African elephant.
The dolphin is said to be a very intelligent animal.
Henry Ford invented the automobile.
The customer is always right.
7. inaintea unor substantive proprii pentru a denumi zone geografice, nume de mari si rauri, lanturi muntoase, grupuri de insule,
nume la plural de tari si deserturi:
the Middle East, the North of England, the Ivory Coast
the Atlantic, the Mediterranean Sea, the English Channel, the River Thames, the Straits of Gibraltar
the Himalayas, the Alps, the Carpathians
the Hawaiian Islands, the Falklands
the United States of America, the Netherlands, the Philippines
the Arizona Desert, the Mojave Desert
NOTA: THE nu se foloseste cu nume de munti izolati.
Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Scotland.
THE nu se foloseste cu nume de lacuri.
Lake Superior, Lake Victoria, Lake Ontario
8. in fata numelor de instruente muzicale:
Rachmaninov began to play the piano when he was only 4 years old.
The guitar has always been my favourite instrument.
9. in fata unor adjective nationalitati cu referire la oameni dintr-o anumita tara. Aici se foloseste un verb la plural:
The Swiss have decided not to join the EU.
The Spanish are doing very well in this years Olympics.
NOTA: In anumite cazuri, se pot folosi numai substantive la plural.
The Germans were upset about losing the WW II.
The Americans hosted the 1994 World Football Championship.
10. inaintea adjectivelor superlative si a numeralelor ordinale:
Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.
Laura is the most beautiful in my class.
That is the silliest thing I have ever heard.
NOTA: Uneori numeralele oridinale pot fi folosite fara THE atunci cand se face referire la ordinea in care se petrec evenimentele.
Brendan came first ad Colin second at 100 meters.
We went to Manhattan first, then on to Brooklyn.
D. Utilizare NU se foloseste articolul.
1. in fata substantivelor nenumarabile sau numarabile la plural cand se face o afirmatie generala (adesea precedate de determinanti
ca: some, any, a piece of, a lot of etc.):
Water quenches thirst on a hot day.
Pollution in big cities is very worrying.
Dogs make good companions.
There is some luggage to be taken upstairs.
Is there any bread in the kitchen?
2. in fata substativelor abstracte cand sunt folosite in mod generic: beauty, happiness, fear, hope, knowledge, intelligence etc.; cu
exceptia cazurilor cand sunt folosite cu sens mai bine specificat:
Knowledge comes to us through our senses. DAR: She got the job because she has a knowledge of English.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. DAR: What a beauty!
3. in fata substantivelor proprii, nume de persoane si numele unei companii, cu exceptia situatiilor cand se vorbeste de familie ca un

He works for Microsoft.
Helen and George Parker are coming to dinner tonight. DAR: The Parkers are coming to dinner tonight.
4. pentru a vorbi despre sporturi, in fata numelor de echipe etc:
He loves football and supports Manchester Utd.
5. inaintea meselor zilei:
Where did you have breakfast / lunch / dinner?
6. inaintea cuvintelor home, church, university, prison, hospital, market etc. atunci cand ele reprezinta o institutie sau o idee
generala. THE se foloseste totusi atunci cand se face o referire speciala la locul respectiv:
Al Capone was arrested and put in prison for tax evasion. (ne referim nu la o anumita inchisoare, ci la institutie)
His mother went to the prison once a week to visit him. (aici ne referim la acea inchisoare unde se afla Al Capone)
My mother goes to church every Sunday. (biserica in sensul de institutie, serviciu religios)
She sometimes goes to the church near the Royal Palace. (acea biserica anume).
Our University is 150 years old. (institutia universitatii)
Emma and Ben often go to the university to talk to their professor. (la o universitate anume, in cladirea ei)
1. Completati cu a / an / the acolo unde este cazul:
___ woman
___ unit
___ United States of America
___ Johnsons
___ elephant
___ beauty
___ hour
___ Thames
2. Completati propozitiile din textul de mai jos cu a/an:
a) ___ old woman laughed at him.
b) ___ cat and ___ dog were in the kitchen.
c) I saw ___ elephant at the zoo.
d) It was ___ excellent movie.
e) She watched ___ TV show
3. Completati cu a / an / the acolo unde este cazul:
Daniel is ___ teacher. He likes ___ Physics very much. He teaches at ___ Theoretical Highschool from ___ Bucharest. ___pupils
like him very much. One day, he decided to take ___ children to see ___ laboratory from another highschool. There, they made ___
experiment. All ___ children considered ___ experiment ___ most interesting they have ever made.
1. Completati cu a / an / the acolo unde este cazul:
a woman
an unit
The United States of America
The Johnsons
an elephant
a beauty
an hour
The Thames
2. Completati propozitiile din textul de mai jos cu a/an:
a) An old woman laughed at him.
b) A cat and a dog were in the kitchen.
c) I saw an elephant at the zoo.
d) It was an excellent movie.
e) She watched a TV show
3. Completati cu a / an / the acolo unde este cazul:
Daniel is a teacher. He likes the Physics very much. He teaches at a Theoretical Highschool from the Bucharest. The pupils like him
very much. One day, he decided to take the children to see a laboratory from another highschool. There, they made an experiment.
All the children considered the experiment the most interesting they have ever made

Rezumat de gramatica
Timpul prezent (Indicativ)
Prezent Simplu

Prezent Continuu


I am (Im) playing tennis

You are (youre) playing tennis
He is (hes) plays tennnis
She is (shes) plays tennnis
We are play tennis
You are play tennis
They are play tennis

I play tennis
You play tennis
He plays tennnis
She plays tennnis
We play tennis
You play tennis
They play tennis

Interogativ Do I play tennis?

Do you play tennis?
Does he play tennis?
Does she play tennis?
Do we play tennis?
Do you play tennis?
Do they play tennis?

Am I playing tennis?
Are you playing tennis?
Is he playing tennis?
Is she playing tennis?
Are we play tennis?
Are you play tennis?
Are they play tennis?


I do not (dont) play tennis

You do not (dont) play tennis
He does not (doesnt) play tennis
She does not play tennis
We do not play tennis
You do not play tennis
They do not play tennis

I am not (Im not) playing tennis

You are not (arent) playing tennis
He is not (isnt) plays tennnis
She is not(isnt) plays tennnis
We are not play tennis
You are not play tennis
They are not play tennis

o actiune care se petrece in mod obisnuit

We play tennis every day.
exprima o stare, un fapt care ramane neschimbat o perioada
mai lunga de timp
She works in Canada.
exprima un adevar permanent
Water freezes at 0C.
- exprima actiuni care respecta un anumit program
The bus for Bucharestlives at 12.15 on Monday.
- situatii emotionale
I love my girlfriend very much.

exprima o actiune care se petrece in momentul vorbirii

Look! Its raining!
exprima o actiune care are loc pentru o perioada limitata in
What are you reading these days?
poate avea o valoare de viitor, exprimand o actiune ce va avea
loc comform unui program stabilit inainte
When is he coming?

Timpul Trecut
Trecut Simplu (Past Simple)

Trecut Continuu (Past Continuous)


I played tennis
You played tennis
He/she played tennis
We played tennis
You played tennis
They played tennis

I was playing tennis

You were playing tennis
He/she was playing tennis
We were playing tennis
You were playing tennis
They were playing tennis


Did I play tennis?

Did you play tennis?
Did he/she play tennis?
Did we play tennis?
Did you play tennis?
Did they play tennis?

Was I playing tennis?

Were you playing tennis?
Was he/she playing tennis?
Were we playing tennis?
Were you playing tennis?
Were they playing tennis?


I did not (didnt) play tennis.

You did not play tennis.
He/she did not play tennis.
You did not play tennis.
They did not play tennis.

I was not (wasnt) playing tennis.

You were not playing tennis.
He/she did not playing tennis.
We were not playing tennis.
You were not playing tennis.
They were not playing tennis.

o actiune care a avut loc la un moment dat in trecut iar

perioada detimp s-a incheiat

exprima o actiune care era in desfasurare intr-un moment in

I was reading at 5 yesterday.

ATENTIE: In engleza, toate propozitiile trebuie sa aiba subiect. Subiectul poate fi un substantiv sau un pronume.
A. Genul.
1. Cele mai multe substantive au aceeasi forma pentru toate genurile:
friend, child, doctor, cousin, baby, teenager, artist, cook, dancer, driver, teacher
Genul poate fi indicat de un pronume insotitor:
My friend sent her son a present. (friend este de genul feminin)
The doctor opened his bag. (doctor este un barbat)
Child si baby pot fi considerate neutre:
The baby closed its eyes and fell asleep.
Numele de tari sunt si ele considerate neutre:
Lately, Kenya has greatly improved its economy.
2. Multe substantive care denumesc oameni si animale au o forma feminina si una masculina:
son, daughter nephew, niece uncle, aunt
actor, actress waiter, waitress
gentleman, lady
father, mother
husband, wife man, woman
male, female bull, cow
hero, heroine
3. genul poate fi indicat combinand substantive fara gen cu: boy, girl, male, female, man, woman, he-, she-.
boyfriend, girlfriend
male pilot, female pilot
man dentist, woman dentist policeman, policewoman
NOTA: In incercarea de a elimina discriminarea de gen (gender discrimination) exista o tendinta de a inlocui terminatiile man si
woman cu person sau de a le elimina complet. In alte cazuri au fost create alte expresii sau alte cuvinte lipsite de gen.
salesman, saleswoman salesperson
chairman, chairwoman chairperson sau chair
steward, stewardess flight attendant
(he = el)
boy friend = prieten
brother - in - law = cumnat
bull = taur
cock = cocos
dog = caine
drake = ratoi
father - in - law = socru
fisherman = pescar
fox = vulpoi
gipsy/gypsy = tigan
grandson = nepot
horse = cal
host = gazda
lion = leu
lord = domn
man-servant = servitor
Mr. = domnul
negro = negru
ox = bou
peasant = taran
pirate = pirat
postman = postas
schoolboy = scolar
soldier = soldat
son - in - law = ginere
steward = stevard
tom cat = pisoi
turkey cock = curcan
usher = plasator
waiter = chelner

(she = ea)
girl friend = prietena
sister - in - law = cumnata
cow = vaca
hen = gaina
bitch = catea
duck = rata
mother - in - law = soacra
vixen = vulpe
gipsy/gypsy woman = tiganca
granddaughter = nepoata
mare = iapa
hostess = gazda
lioness = leoaica
lady = doamna
maid - servant = servitoare
Miss/Mrs. = domnisoara/doamna
negress = negresa
cow = vaca
peasant woman = taranca
schoolgirl = scolarita
daughter - in - law = nora
stewardess = stevardesa
pussy cat = pisica
turkey hen = curca
usherette = plasatoare
waitress = chelnerita

B. Numarul.
B.1. Substantivele numarabile se pot numara, adica au numar. Pot avea atat forme de singular cat si de plural. La plural avem
urmatoarele forme:

1. la majoritatea substativelor se adauga -s formei de singular:

book, books
day, days
house, houses
donkey, donkeys
handkerchief, handkerchiefs
2. substantivele in o, ch, sh, s sau x primesc -es:
potato, potatoes
church, churches
brush, brushes
bus, buses
box, boxes
kiss, kisses
3. substantivele terminate in consoana + y pierd pe y si primesc -ies:
baby, babies factory, factories
fly, flies
NOTA: Exista exceptii:
kilo, kilos
photo, photos piano, pianos
radio, radios
soprano, sopranos
4. unele substantive elimina -f/fe de la final si primesc -ves:
calf, calves
wife, wives
wolf, wolves
loaf, loaves
half, halves
leaf, leaves
life, lives
shelf, shelves
thief, thieves
knife, knives self, selves
5. unele substantive isi modifica vocalele:
foot, feet
tooth, teeth
goose, geese
man, men
woman, women
mouse, mice louse, lice
*child, children
person, people
6. unele substantive au aceeasi forma la singular si la plural:
sheep, trout, deer, aircraft, fish (RAR: fishes) trout, salmon, series, species, means, headquarters
7. unele substantive exista numai la forma de plural:
clothes, pants, pyjamas, scissors, eyeglasses, scales, stairs, savings, earnings, belongings, outskirts, wages, premises,
surroundings, archives, customs, police, the Middle Ages
8. unele substantive imprumutate pastreaza pluralul grecesc, italian sau latin:
crisis, crises
cactus, cacti
phenomenon, phenomena
datum, data
libretto, libretti
fungus, fungi
nucleus, nuclei
stimulus, stimuli
criterion, criteria
basis, bases
thesis, theses oasis, oases
axis, axes
medium, media
bacterium, bacteria
NOTA: Engleza moderna foloseste adesea data, media, bacteria cu sens plural, dar cu un verb la singular.
The latest data is highly encouraging.
9. numele de familie se pot folosi la plural pentru a indica intreaga familie. Numelui i se adauga un -s. Nu au loc schimbari de
The Kennedys are world-famous.
10. Substantivele colective se refera la un grup de oameni sau lucruri. Sunt in mod normal folosite la singular. In engleza britanica
(Br.E.) se pot folosi atat cu verbe la singular cat si la plural. In engleza americana (Am.E.) au intotdeauna un verb la singular. Iata o
lista de substantive colective uzuale:
family, aristocracy, nobility, government, enemy, proletariat, press, opposition, jury, community, army, audience, crew, staff, team,
committee, public
NOTA: Ocazional substantivele colective sunt folosite la plural si sunt numarabile.
Romeo and Juliet came from two feuding families.
The governments of Israel and Egypt agreed to sign the treaty.
Only two teams can get to the finals.
B.2. Substantivele nenumarabile NU pot fi numarate, adica nu au numar. De obicei au numai forma de singular. Se impart in
urmatoarele categorii:
1. substantive concrete:
coffee butter
2. substantive abstracte:
advice purity
information courage
NOTA: Work este nenumarabil, dar job este numarabil.
Harriet is looking for work. James has two jobs.
Works inseamna: fabrica, parte mecanica, productie literara, fapte sau acte.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta is known for her good works.
My father has the complete works of Victor Hugo in his library.
The steel works are down the road.
ATENTIE: Iata cateva substantive nenumarabile in engleza care in alte limbi se pot deseori numara:

advice, baggage, luggage, furniture, damage, hair, shopping, homework, information, knowledge, money, weather, research,
progress, business, spaghetti, news
3. substantive verbale (verbe in ING): camping, dancing, shopping, jogging, singing etc.
Smoking is bad for your health.
The town council does not permit parking on this street.
4. nume de limbi: German, English, Chinese, Italian, Spanish etc.
You speak excellent English.
5. unele nume de boli, stiinte si jocuri au forma de plural, dar in mod normal primesc un verb la singular. Sunt considerate
nenumarabile: measels, mumps, dominoes, physics, politics, ethics, acoustics, statistics, mathematics, news, eletronics etc.
Politics does not interest me.
The latest news is quite encouraging.
Mathematics is an important subject. DAR: His mathematics were all wrong. (NU stiinta, si calculele)
ATENTIE: Substativele nenumarabile nu sunt niciodata precedate de expresii de numar (a, an, one, two, three etc.). Iata cateva
expresii folosite pentru a indica numarul/cantitatea:
* a piece of information / furniture / advice / equipment / glass / paper / news
* a type of atmosphere / behaviour / violence
* an item of luggage / baggage / news
* a case of mumps / measels / flu
* a ray of hope / sunshine
* a lot of strength / security
C. Adjective folosite ca substantive se foloseste THE + adjectiv pentru:
1. grupuri de persoane cu aceleasi caracteristici. Urmeaza un verb la plural:
The injured were taken away by helicopter.
The rich are not always as happy as we imagine.
2. calitate impersonala. Urmeaza un verb la singular:
The impossible has strong attraction for some people.
3. nationalitate (daca nu exista un cuvant separat):
the French, the Chinese, the English, the Japanese, the Irish
DAR: the Poles, the Germans, the Romanians, the Finns
D. Substantive compuse. Ele pot fi:
1. scrise ca un singur cuvant, cuvinte separate sau cu cratima. Daca aveti indoieli, cel mai bine e sa consultati intotdeauna
can opener
one-way street
2. numarabile sau nenumarabile:
alarm clock
fast food
compact disk
human race
tooth brush
drinking water
waiting room
welfare state
yellow pages
pocket money
3. compuse din doua substantive. Primul substantiv este folosit ca adjectiv si este la singular:
chain factory (a factory for chains)
cotton skirt (a skirt made of cotton)
a ten-year-old girl (a girl who is ten years old)
car accident (an accident involving cars)
4. substantivele compuse numarabile formeaza pluralul aplicand regulile normale de plural ultimului substantiv:
mail boxes
sleeping bags t-shirts
NOTA: Uneori, dar rar, substantivele la plural pot fi folosite ca adjective:
sports car, customs department, clothes store, sales division, savings bank, news item
5. substantivele compuse formate din verbe complexe sau substantive legate cu of si in au plurale neregulate:
E. Posesia OF si genitivul sintetic.
1. in multe cazuri folosim of pentru a exprima posesia. Substantivele, folosite ca adjective, pot si ele uneori indica posesia:
door of the car
car door
frame of the picture
picture frame
headquarters of the company
company headquarters
the colour of the wall
the wall colour
NOTA: Adjectivele nu au numar. Substantivele care devin adjective sunt la singular:
the tops of the boxes the box tops
2. genitivul sintetic in cazul persoanelor si animalelor folosim genitivul sintetic pentru a exprima posesia:
- toate substantivele singulare
- substantivele plurale care NU se termina in-s
Nancys, Jamess
his mothers

-substantive plurale terminate in -s

the teachers
the Gallaghers

my childrens

his sisters

1.Formati pluralul urmatoarelor substantive:
cat, roof, steamer, table, man, pilot, dog, woman, lily, clock, toy, child
2. Inlocuiti substantivele urmatoare cu pronumele personal potrivit:
the girl --the dog --the actor --the schoolboy --the pencil --the grandmother --3. Alcatuiti cat mai multe substantive compuse cu ajutorul urmatoarelor cuvinte:
dining, bird, school, class, kinder, mate, room, boy, father, black, book, girl, board, living, garden, note, exercise, parents, grand.
4. Traduceti in limba engleza:
1. Am un frate.
2. Tu ai o sora.
3. Avem multe jucarii.
4. Copiii fac mult zgomot.
5. Ai un frate?
6. Avem cinci copii.
7. Ai multi copii?
8. Ei au trei baieti si doua fete.
9. Baiatul meu citeste o multime de carti.
1.Formati pluralul urmatoarelor substantive:
cats, roofs, ateamers, tables, man, pilots, dogs, women, lilies, clocks, toys, children
2. Inlocuiti substantivele urmatoare cu pronumele personal potrivit:
the girl --- she
the dog --- it
the actor --- he
the schoolboy --- he
the pencil --- it
the grandmother --- she
3. Alcatuiti cat mai multe substantive compuse cu ajutorul urmatoarelor cuvinte:
dining, bird, school, class, kinder, mate, room, boy, father, black, book, girl, board, living, garden, note, exercise, parents, grand.
dining-room; schoolgirl; classmate; kinder-garden; blackboard; grandfather; living-room; notebook; grandparents; schoolboy
4. Traduceti in limba engleza:
1. I have a brother.
You have a sister.
We have a lot of toys.
Children make a lot of noise.
Have you a brother?
We have five children.
Have you many children?

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