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World of


Selebriti Kimia - Hydrogen Peroxide (H 2 O2 )
Hydrogen and oxygen atoms combine to form

two different molecules: the very familiar water

molecule ( H2O) and the hydrogen peroxide
molecule ( H2 O 2). Because these molecules have
very similar compositions, you might think they
should behave in very similar ways. In fact, the
properties of water and hydrogen peroxide are
very different.
You are already very familiar with water. We drink
it, we swim in it, we cook vegetables in it, we
wash with it, and so on. Water is essential for life.
A few days without it and we die.
Hydrogen peroxide is very different from water.
This corrosive liquid would poison us if we were
foolish enough to drink it. It is most commonly
used as a bleaching agent. For example, hydrogen
peroxide bleaches hair by reacting with melanin,
the substance responsible for the color of brown
and black hair. Hydrogen peroxide changes the
composition of melanin in a way
that ca


Hidrogen dan oksigen atom bergabung membentuk

dua molekul yang berbeda: air sangat akrab
molekul (H2O) dan hidrogen peroksida
molekul (H2 O 2). Karena molekul-molekul ini memiliki
komposisi yang sangat mirip, Anda mungkin berpikir mereka
harus bersikap dengan cara yang sangat mirip. Bahkan,
sifat air dan hidrogen peroksida yang
sangat berbeda.
Anda sudah sangat akrab dengan air. Kami minum
itu, kita berenang di dalamnya, kita memasak sayuran di dalamnya, kita
mencuci dengan itu, dan sebagainya. Air sangat penting bagi kehidupan.
Beberapa hari tanpa itu dan kita mati.
Hidrogen peroksida sangat berbeda dari air.
Cairan korosif ini akan meracuni kami jika kami
cukup bodoh untuk meminumnya. Hal ini paling sering
digunakan sebagai agen pemutih. Sebagai contoh, hidrogen
peroksida pemutih rambut dengan bereaksi dengan melanin,
substansi yang bertanggung jawab untuk warna coklat
dan rambut hitam. Hidrogen peroksida perubahan
Komposisi melanin dengan cara
ca yang

Iron is a very important element that lies at the

very heart of the earth. In fact, molten iron is
thought to be the main component of the earths
core. Iron is also the fourth most abundant
element in the earths crust, found mainly in
compounds with oxygen.
The earliest evidence of human use of iron dates
back to about 4000 B.C. and takes the form of
iron beads that are thought to have come from
meteors striking the earth. The first humans to
obtain iron from the ores found in the earths crust
were the Hittite peoples of Asia Minor in the third
millennium B.C. The way in which the Hittites made
iron weapons was one of the great military secrets
of the ancient world. The process became widely
known only after the fall of the Hittites around
1200 B.C., leading to the Iron Age.
Of course, the major importance of iron in the
modern world relates to its presence in steel. Steel
is an alloy composed mainly of iron mixed with
carbon and other metals. The principal structural
material of our civilization, the annual production
of steel amounts to nearly a billion tons.
Although iron is extremely important as a construction
material, it is even more important to chemistry in
the human body. Without the iron compounds
in our systems, we would die immediately.
Iron compounds in the blood
absorb oxygen from the air
and transport it to the
tissues, where it is stored
by other iron compounds.
Still more iron compounds
assist oxygen in reacting
with the fuel from
our food to provide
us with the energy to
live, work, and play.
Iron is truly essential
to our lives.

Besi adalah unsur yang sangat penting yang terletak di

jantung bumi. Bahkan, besi cair adalah
dianggap sebagai komponen utama dari bumi
inti. Besi juga keempat paling melimpah
unsur dalam kerak bumi, ditemukan terutama di
senyawa dengan oksigen.
Bukti awal penggunaan manusia tanggal besi
kembali ke sekitar 4000 SM dan mengambil bentuk
manik-manik besi yang diduga berasal dari
meteor mencolok bumi. Manusia pertama ke
mendapatkan besi dari bijih yang ditemukan di kerak bumi
adalah orang-orang Het di Asia Kecil di ketiga
milenium SM Cara di mana orang Het membuat
senjata besi adalah salah satu rahasia militer besar
dari dunia kuno. Proses menjadi luas
hanya diketahui setelah jatuhnya orang Het sekitar
1200 SM, yang mengarah ke "Zaman Besi."
Tentu saja, pentingnya utama dari besi di
dunia modern berkaitan dengan kehadirannya dalam baja. Baja
merupakan paduan terutama terdiri dari besi dicampur dengan
karbon dan logam lainnya. Pokok struktural
bahan peradaban kita, produksi tahunan
baja sebesar hampir satu miliar ton.
Meskipun besi sangat penting sebagai konstruksi
material, bahkan lebih penting untuk kimia di
tubuh manusia. Tanpa senyawa besi
dalam sistem kami, kami akan mati segera.
Senyawa besi dalam darah
menyerap oksigen dari udara
dan mengangkutnya ke
jaringan, di mana disimpan
oleh senyawa besi lainnya.
Senyawa besi masih lebih
membantu oksigen dalam bereaksi
dengan bahan bakar dari
makanan kita untuk menyediakan
kita dengan energi untuk
hidup, bekerja, dan bermain.
Besi adalah benar-benar penting
untuk kehidupan kita.

Until recently nitric oxide (NO, more correctly

called nitrogen monoxide) was primarily viewed as
an air pollutant. In the last few years, however, NO
has been found to be a potent biological regulator.
It turns out that this compound is produced in the
body and regulates blood pressure by dilating
blood vessels. Studies in the 1990s indicated that
NO administered to patients with sickle cell anemia
may relieve serious symptoms of that disease. For
example, it seems to benefit patients with acute
chest syndromecharacterized by chest pain, fever,
and high blood pressure in the lungs due to
clogged blood vesselswhich is the most lifethreatening
complication of sickle cell disease,
especially for children.
Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disease that most
often strikes people of West African descent. It
causes the red blood cells to be misshapen (sickleshaped),
which in turn causes them to stick
together and block blood flow. NO is thought to
bind to a special site on the hemoglobin molecule
(the molecule that carries O2 from the lungs to the
tissues). It is released when blood flow is impaired,
causing dilation (expansion) of the blood vessels,
thus helping to improve blood flow.
Further tests are now under way
to try to discover exactly how
NO works to relieve sickle cell

Ammonia is a colorless gas with a strong odor

that can be liquified at _34 C. Ammonia
(dissolved in water) is found in many household
cleaning products.
Ammonia is manufactured by combining the
elements nitrogen and hydrogen:
3H2 (g) _ N2 (g) n 2N H3 (g)
The major use of ammonia is as a fertilizer to
furnish nitrogen atoms to growing plants.
Approximately 30 billion pounds of ammonia are
produced every year for this purpose. For use as a
fertilizer, the ammonia is liquified (at high
pressures) and stored in mobile tanks that
can be pulled through the fields
by a tractor. It is then injected
into the ground to serve
as an additional source
of nitrogen for the crop.
A cross section showing
how ammonia is injected
into the soil to act as a

Calcium carbonate, which contains the C a2_ and

C O 3 2_ ions, is very common in nature, occurring
in eggshells, limestone, marble, seashells, and
coral. The spectacular formations seen in limestone
caves are also composed of calcium carbonate.
Limestone caves form when underground limestone
deposits come in contact with water made
acidic by dissolved carbon dioxide. When rainwater
absorbs C O2 from the atmosphere, the following
reaction occurs:
CO2 (g) _ H2 O(l) n H_ (aq) _ HC O 3 _ (aq)
This reaction leads to the presence of H_ in the
groundwater. The acidic groundwater then causes
the limestone (which is made of CaC O3) to dissolve:
CaCO3 (s) _ H_ (aq) n C a2_ (aq) _ HC O 3 _ (aq)
Underground caverns then form. In the process of
dissolving the limestone and creating the cave, the
water containing the dissolved CaC O3 drips from
the ceiling of the cave. As the water forms drops,
it tends to lose some of the dissolved C O2, which
lowers the amount of H_ present (by the reversal
of the first reaction). This in turn leads to the
reversal of the second reaction, which then reforms
the solid CaC O3. This process causes stalactites to
grow from the ceiling of the cave. Water that
drips to the floor before losing its dissolved C O2
forms stalagmites that build up from the floor of
the cave.

For millennia people have been amazed at the ability

of Eastern mystics to walk across beds of glowing
coals without any apparent discomfort. Even in the
United States, thousands of people have performed
feats of firewalking as part of motivational seminars.
How can this be possible? Do firewalkers have
supernatural powers?
Actually, there are good scientific explanations of
why firewalking is possible. First, human tissue is
mainly composed of water, which has a relatively
large specific heat capacity. This means that a large
amount of energy must be transferred from the
coals to change significantly the temperature of the
feet. During the brief contact between feet and
coals involved in firewalking, there is relatively little
time for energy flow, so the feet do not reach a high
enough temperature to cause damage.
Also, although the surface of the coals has a very
high temperature, the red-hot layer is very thin.
Therefore, the quantity of energy available to
heat the feet is smaller than might be expected.
(Dont try this on your own!)

Methane is the main component of natural gas, a

valuable fossil fuel. It is such a good fuel because
the combustion of methane with oxygen
CH4 (g) _ 2 O2 (g) n C O2 (g) _ 2 H2 O(g)
produces 55 kJ of energy per gram of methane.
Natural gas, which is associated with petroleum
deposits and contains as much as 97% methane,
originated from the decomposition of plants in
ancient forests that became buried in natural
geological processes.
Although the methane in natural gas represents a
tremendous source of energy for our civilization, an
even more abundant source of methane lies in the
depths of the ocean. The U.S. Geological Survey
estimates that 320,000 trillion cubic feet of
methane is trapped in the deep ocean near the
United States. This amount is 200 times the
amount of methane contained in the natural gas
deposits in the United States. In the ocean, the
methane is trapped in cavities formed by water
molecules that are arranged very much like the
water molecules in ice. These structures are called
methane hydrates.
Although extraction of methane from the ocean
floor offers tremendous potential benefits, it also
carries risks. Methane is a greenhouse gasits
presence in the atmosphere helps to trap the heat
from the sun. As a result, any accidental release of
the methane from the ocean
could produce serious
warming of the earths
climate. As usual,
trade-offs accompany
human activities.
Flaming pieces

uses it to lose its colorit turns

brown hair blonde. In addition, hydrogen peroxide
is used to bleach fibers, such as silk, and to bleach
flour, producing the ultra-white powder that
consumers demand. Small amounts of hydrogen
peroxide are also added to some toothpastes as
whitening agents.
One of the most common uses of hydrogen
peroxide is to prevent infections in cuts. Sometime
in your life when you have cut or scraped yourself,
a parent or a nurse probably has applied a liquid
to the wound that foamed and burned. That
substance was hydrogen peroxidea powerful
antiseptic (killer of microorganisms).
Although it looks deceptively similar to water,
hydrogen peroxide behaves very differently from
water. A small change in the make-up of a
molecule can produce big changes in behavior.

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