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Use green screen, have one of us

standing in front of campus

Somebody talking about how traditions

at Notre Dame need to be taken
seriously or else there will be

Show God Quad. Talk about how you

are never ever supposed to walk on it.
Show people avoiding walking on it at
all costs

Shows the amount of people who

have passed theology after stepping
on God Quad

Close Up of volunteer/ friend

Cut back to one of us talking in front of

green screen

Testimonial about what happened to

them after they walked on God Quad
Talk about what happens if you walk
on the steps of the dome

Show the steps of the dome. Have

someone talk about the steps and
then walk on them. Cut to black

Close-up of the person who walked on

the steps

Testimonial of what happened to them


Back to one of us in front of a green


Talk about the beauty of Notre Dame

traditions and how you must follow
them. Or else

Fade to black

Tess: Notre Dame students, do you think that the beautiful traditions here at Notre Dame are
something to be taken lightly? Well, they arent. There are many traditions here at this storied
University, and every one of them must be followed. If you dont follow these traditions there will
be consequences.
Camera cuts to God Quad:
Tess: Since the University was established in 1842, the gorgeous quad in front of the Golden
Dome, often referred to as God Quad, has been considered sacred land. Because of this, the
following tradition has held true over the years: any Notre Dame student that places even a toe
on God Quad fails their theology class. In fact, even those who do not walk on God Quad still
might fail their theology exam simply from watching someone else walk on God Quad.

Show someone avoiding walking on God Quad

Tess: Research done by Notre Dame students shows that 110% of the people who have walked
on God Quad fail theology; a truly amazing statistic

Show Pie Chart

Megan: After I decided to take a stroll on God Quad, my life was never the same. Before the
incident, I had a 4.0 overall and an A+ in theology, but that all changed. After the accident, all of
my grades plummeted, and I failed out of not only theology, but also Notre Dame. I started
hanging out with the wrong crowd, and before I knew it, I had become a drug lord and was
incarcerated for possession of $100,000 worth of cocaine.
Tess: Let Megan serve as a warning for you all, Notre Dame traditions are no joke. Another
example of a glorious Notre Dame tradition, is the one regarding the steps of the Golden Dome.
Cut to a person giving a testimonial
Claire: I stepped on the stairs leading up to the Golden Dome the day before graduation.
Someone told me that day every person who steps foot on the steps of the Dome is unable to
graduate from Notre Dame. I didnt believe in Notre Dame traditions like this when he told me,
but then I didnt graduate and was evicted from my house the next day. I not only lost my home
under the dome, but also my actual home.
Tess: Now you can see that Notre Dame traditions arent something to be taken lightly. All of you
Notre Dame students better watch out and make sure to follow not only these two but all the
rest of Notre Dame traditions, or else.

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