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Short answer Questions
1.Explain about Time sharing computing system
2.Explain about distributed computing system
3.Explain flow chart
4.Explain Algorithm
6.Explain a)compiler b)interpreter c)loader d)linker
7.List various data types in c langage
8.what is ternary operator
9. Explain unconditional loops
10. Explain the difference between while and do while loop?
11. What is the difference between break and continue statement. Explain it with Example?
12 Briefly Explain goto statement with an Example.

13.Write a C Program to print all Perfect Numbers below 1000.

Long answer questions

1.Explain about various Computing Environments,
2.Explain Program Development steps
3. What is type conversion? Explain briefly about implicit and explicit conversions?
5.Explain various operators in c language in detail
6.Explain various data types in c language in detail
7.Explain recedence and Associativity of operators
8.Explain different control or decision making statements
9.Explain unconditional loops
10.Explain various loops
11. Write about Branching Control Statements with examples.
12. Explain with example switch and for statements.
13. Write a C Program to print prime numbers between 1 and 100.
14. Write a Program in C to read a set of n single digits and converts them into single
decimal integer. For example the program should convert the set of 5 digits
[1,2,3,4,5] to integer 12345.
15. Explain the bitwise operators with suitable examples.

Short answer Questions
1.Define function ?
2.What is the difference between extern and gobal variables.
3.Define recursion and what are the limitations of recursive functions
4. Explain different types of type qualifiers in C.
5.Explain static storage class
6. Explain register storage class
7. Is it better to use a macro or a function?

Long answer questions

1.Define function ?Explain different types of functions with sample program
2.Define different types of user defined functions
3.Explain recursion with a program and what are the limitations of recursive functions
4.What is a storage class? Explain different types with examples
5.What are various pre processor commands
6.What are various parameter passing techniques
7 . Write short notes on scope of variables?
8. What is function parameter? Explain different types of parameters in C functions.

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Short answer Questions
1.Define array? Explain how it is different from ordinary variable
2.Explain in brief about multidimensional array
3.write a short note on call by value
4.Define string? Explain the procedure to declare a string
5. Write a program to find length of a string using user defined function
6.what are various functions to compare strings
7. Why is it necessary to give the size of an array in an array declaration?

Long answer questions

1.What is an array ? Explain various types with an example for each type
2. Write a c program for multiplying two matrices.
3. Differentiate between call by value and call by reference with suitable examples?
4.Define string. Explain various input out function to handle strings
5.Explain various string handling or string manipulating functions
6. Write a program that would check whether the elements in a given array are
distinct or not.
7. What is an array? Explain the declaration and initialization of one and two
dimensional arrays with example.

Short answer Questions
1.What is a pointer?
2.Explain pointer to a functions
3.What is a void pointer?
4. What is the difference between an array and pointer?
5. . What is meant by dangling pointer?
6. Write any two dynamic memory allocation functions?
7. Define point to pointer?
8. Explain about pointer arithmetic?
9.Which memory allocation technique is to be employed for effective memory utlization

Long answer questions

1What is a pointer ? Explain Array and pointer
2.Explain about various pointer arithmetic and pointer to pointer
3.Explain about static and dynamic memory allocation.Explain about
a)malloc() b)calloc() c)realloc d)free
4.Explain various applications of pointers
5.Explain the following
a)Pointer to void b)pointer to function
6.Write and explain a program for pointer to multi dimensional arrays.
7. Write functions in C using pointers that would Get an input string and computes
its length?
8. Write a C Program that would accept a string of any number of characters.
Provide the function to count the number of vowels in the given string?
9. Write a C program to swap two numbers using call by pointers method.
10. Write a program which will read a string and rewrite it in the alphabetical order.
For example the word STRING should be written as GINRST?

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Short answer Questions
1.What is a file ? What are various types of files.
2.Distinguish between a text file and a binary file.
3.What is a union
4.What is the functionality of fopen()
5.Write a short note on fseek()
6.What are the advantages of structures over arrays
7.Whats is a command line argument
8.What is a structure? Give its advantage? Give an example of creating and accessing members of a
9.Write a short note on Type Definition
10.Explain Enumerated Data Types with an example
11.What is a bit field.
12.What are different file opening modes
13.What the function used to read and write date into a binary file
14. what is self referential structure
15.Whats is a nested structure
16.What are the areas of application of structures
17.Explain Enumerated Data Types with an example
18. Explain File Positioning Functions?
19 Write short notes on random access file functions.
20. Explain about typedef?
21. Write the difference between structure and union?

Long answer questions

1 Discuss the differences between a structure and union in c with an example ?
2.Develop a c program that reads two complex numbers calls a function for adding these two complex
numbers and displays the result. represent the complex number using a structure in C?
3. what is self referential structure ? how it differs from nested structures ?
4.Explain Nested structures with an example
5) Write a structure for the College data. College contains the following fields:
a. College code (2characters),
b. College Name,
c. year of establishment,
number of courses and courses.
A College can offer 1 to 50 courses. Each course is associated with course name (String),
duration, number of students. The number of students in the college is sum of number of students in all
the courses in the college.
6. What do you mean by bit fields? How bit fields are different from structures?
7.How many possible ways one can access the members of a structure using a structure variable and a
pointer to a structure variable? Illustrate with examples.
8 Differentiate between self referential and nested structures with suitable examples.
9.Explain command line arguments with s program
10. Explain different modes that can be provided as a parameter to the fopen() function.
11. what are the ways to set the file pointer randomly in a file ?
12 Write a c program to copy the contents of one file to another file.
13 List and explain the streams functions for binary files along with their prototypes.
14 List and explain the streams functions for text files along with their prototypes.
15 What are the different Input/output operations on Files ?
16 Elaborate file handling functions in C with the help of sample code?
17 Explain file error handling functions and file positioning functions

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18. Discuss about self referential structures.

19. What is a Structure? Define a structure called salary and another structure called allowance. Use the
structure variable allowance in salary structure and write program to read data into the structure variables
20. Write a recursive function that would scan the created structure array and print the complete date, day,
month and year information if the date is an even number?
21 Two files DATA 1 and DATA 2 contain sorted list of integers. Write a program to produce a third file
DATA which hold a single sorted, merged list of these two lists.

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