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Men: Recognizing a Malignant Narcissist Before

You Get Sucked Into a Relationship From Hell

Dating Tips for Men

The picture quote below is a perfect description of a woman with malignant

narcissistic personality disorder. Albeit brief, it is on point. A malignant narcissist
does not wear a sign, nor is this disorder readily apparent for quite some time. A
woman with this personality disorder is generally very social and loves to be the life
of the party. Outwardly, she will be all things a man is looking for in a woman. In
order to avoid doomed relationship and all the heartache that it entails, recognizing
the pathological behaviors of a woman with malignant narcissistic personality
disorder is critical. This womans greatest tool is manipulation, which by its very
nature is deceptive, secretive and practiced in a covert manner. Manipulative
techniques are not easy to spot even if you are looking, because what she allows
you to see of herself seems cute, crazy and harmless. It is her public self. She
laughs at all your jokes. She heaps compliments on you and sings your praises to
the worldin the beginning. All the while she is maneuvering and manipulating
others around you to make you feel as if you are the center of her world, and to
make you feel that she is the only woman in the world you can rely on to take care
of you. There are little warning signs that pop up as the relationship progresses, but
if you are not vigilant, youll find yourself making excuses and/or apologizing for her
behavior, selective memory and inability to respect the boundaries of others. This
picture quote is a perfect example of someone trying to downplay her behavior by
essentially blaming the man in her life for causing her to act the way she does. So,
with this in mind, look closely to see the hidden truths contained in this little minimanifesto.

First, and foremost, if you are dating someone who is not happy unless she is the
center of attention, then beware. A narcissistic woman must always be the center of
attention and more importantly, she demands the undivided attention and
adoration any man unfortunate enough to be in a relationship with her.

"Tripping" is slang and defined as a sudden outburst of anger, making a big deal out
of nothing. It does not mean she cares, it simply means you failed to do or say what
she wanted you to do or say. These outbursts are generally verbal attacks, threats
of harm and may include throwing and breaking things. This is a common trait
found in those with malignant narcissistic personality disorder. We undoubtedly
accept that everyone gets angry from time to time, but If your partner often blows
up over something no normal person would be angry over, has emotional outbursts
and displays rage unwarranted for the given situation, then you are being subjected
to the emotional abuse of a malignant narcissist.
Telling you that she believed in you, but you let her down, is a classic manipulative
example of using the guilt trip to shame you into submission, i.e. doing things her
way. A narcissist must always be in control of any relationship, and this control
demands she have her way. She will get extremely MAD at her partner if he does
something she does not approve of, or agree to, you doing whatever it is you were
doing. The guilt trip is an extremely effective manipulative tool of a narcissist - You
let her down, you don't love her enough, you are being selfish and you hurt her
feelings - all tactics that work well to make a man feel guilty for causing his woman
to think less of him. Interesting enough, if you try to convince her of her guilt in
something she said or did, you will find it doesn't work. This is because her
conscience is different from yours and other normal people. The malignant
narcissist's conscience is twisted and perverted on every level and feels no guilt
over anything she says or does that hurts those around her.
Telling you she is asking questions only for the sake of clarity is nonsense. This is
double-speak for I do not trust you, and something cute to say in justifying her
behavior. Putting you in the position of defending yourself is a manipulative tool
used to put you on the defense and put her in a position of superiority, much like a
parent-teenager exchange, in other words, you did something wrong and now must
explain or justify yourself to someone not happy with your decision. Asking
questions of your partner is a sign of insecurity and jealously. Narcissists do not
have the occasional bout of jealousy that afflicts us all at one time or another. They
take jealousy to a new level, resulting in pathological jealousy where irrational and
delusional behavior takes center stage, and in the context of a relationship, the
results can be devastating. Pathological jealousy shatters an otherwise loving
relationship piece by piece. Trust, intimacy and connection is destroyed. The most
frustrating part is that the narcissist CANNOT be appeased or reassured. They are
hyper-vigilant, always on the lookout for reasons to be jealous. Signs of pathological
jealousy can include:
1. accusations of looking at other women and/or infidelity;
2. accusations of giving attention to other women;
3. accusations of being uncaring or "acting single" if not given enough
attention and body contact in public;
4. constant questioning you about where you've been, who you've been
with, what you were doing, who all was there, who is texting you, etc;
5. reading your mail and going through your wallet and phone;
6. demanding reports of any female in your company;
7. lies to you by saying its not you they don't trust, its the women around
they don't trust;
8. blaming you for her jealousy;

9. insists on going everywhere with you, and subjects you to all of the above
if you go without her.
"When she's quiet" is also double-speak. A narcissist uses the silent treatment on
her partner for days, or even weeks, often with no explanation, as a way to control
and demoralize her man. Narcissists are fond of using the silent treatment, which is
cruel and unusual punishment. Men subjected to this treatment will tell you that
rarely does he even know why he is receiving the silent treatment, which only
serves to compound the mental torture, usually ending only after she has driven
him to begging and other humiliating acts of desperation in an effort to get her to
stop ignoring him. The silent treatment is a powerful narcissistic ploy/tactic used by
a woman to get her point across, thereby getting her partner to do what she wants
him to do.
The last sentence can only be true if your definition of a good woman is an
emotionally abusive, manipulative controlling narcissist.
Written primarily for single men, secondarily for the mothers of unmarried and/or
divorced men. We mothers need to know the warning signs just in case our sons are
temporarily blinded by the charms of a manipulative psychopath.

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