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Little Known Secrets to Kickass

Mind Blowing Health And Fitness For



June Matambura 2015

Chapter 1:
Anti Inflammatory Foods - How Important Are They in Our Life?

Page 3

Chapter 2:
Promoting Better Health Through Food

Page 5

Chapter 1 : -

Anti Inflammatory Foods

In the recent decade the importance of health and fitness has been increased to a greater
extent. In today's era physical health is of utmost importance. Reducing those extra kilos
helps you look better and the good news is you do not need to just rely on doctors or
medicines in order to get your desired looks. Here I would like to comment that gaining
the perfect health or in other words reducing weight is not an easy task. But once you
have done that you surely cherish as well as show off your physical health.

We can make out the importance of health and fitness with the
increase of spas, health clubs, fitness equipments, exercise programs, nutritional
supplements, etc in today's day to day life. These facilities provide fitness to not only
men's health but also to women's health. The demands of these facilities are increased as
everyone wants to be fit and participate actively in chosen day to day activities. Also
today's generation looks forward for an active lifestyle once they retire. Here I would like
to comment that good health is a result of constant efforts and it takes years to get that
desired health and fitness. It's really dumb if you try to repair the damage after it's done.

Also when it comes to health and fitness the most common question asked is how can
one tighten or tone muscles. Now the muscles can either be of hands or legs or stomach.
Here I would like to comment that in order to reduce some muscles one needs to tone
the muscles of entire body. You can never reduce or tone muscles of one specific body
part. One needs to do some cardiovascular activities in order to reduce or burn those extra
fats. Now the question is what is a cardiovascular activity? Jumping rope, jogging,
swimming, walking, step aerobics, etc. all these are cardiovascular activities. Always
remember never start a cardiovascular activity as a standalone as you also need some
strength training exercises. The strength training exercises helps you to tone as well as
build muscle mass for your concerned areas.

Also there is a common reason given by people when asked why they aren't working out.
And the reason is that they don't have enough time to do so. Here the only thing one
needs to understand is that the day you give health and fitness priority in your daily
schedule you will yourself find time for it. We need to understand that you will not have
to invest large time in order to get huge rewards for your health and fitness. You just need
to give several hours each week and you can see the results. You just need to find out an
effective as well as efficient work out plan. Any exercise that you think best suites your
schedule you can do that. Hope I inspire you to work out at least an hour a day (Millet ,

Chapter 2: -

Promoting Better Health Through Food

What are anti inflammatory foods? They are foods that reduce swelling in the body,
promote better health and many more things. They are far important that we can realize.
It is becoming increasingly clear that chronic inflammation in the body is the root cause
of many serious illnesses including heart disease, many cancers, and Alzheimers . We
all know inflammation on the surface of the body as local redness, heat, swelling and pain.
It is the cornerstone of the bodys healing response, bringing more nourishment and
more immune activity to a site of injury or infection. But when inflammation persists or
serves no purpose, it damages the body and causes illness. Stress, lack of exercise, genetic
predisposition, and exposure to toxins (like secondhand tobacco smoke) can all
contribute to such chronic inflammation, but dietary choices play a big role as well.
Learning how specific foods influence the inflammatory process is the best strategy for
containing it and reducing long-term disease risks.

Here are the 6 best vitamins that play important role in inflammation conditions:
Vitamin C

It is commonly known as the citrus vitamin owing to its large presence

in citrus fruits such as grapefruit, limes, oranges, and vegetables such as potatoes, green
peppers, tomatoes, and many others is consider one of the most beneficial ones.
Other foods with high vitamin C content include strawberries, broccoli, turnip greens and
other leafy greens, sweet and white potatoes, and cantaloupe.
Chemically, it is called ascorbic acid and it is water soluble, so we can take it into our
bodies easily in a drink. It is a prominent antioxidant of the body. It has been shown as
one of vitamins for inflammation by a variety of researches and studies.
It plays a major role in fighting inflammation that is the process that most commonly
leads to heart attack and stroke. It does so by decreasing the free radicals that produce

damage to the body structures. It also helps in decreasing the dangerous LDL Cholesterol
(Low Density Cholesterol) and decreases the chance of Hypertension.
It is also used for:





Back Pain

Disc Pain

Diabetes (


Preventing Cataracts

Preventing Dental Caries (Cavities)

Boosting the immune system

Hay Fever

Heat Stroke

Cystic Fibrosis


Collagen Disorders

Additional uses are to improve the stamina of the body and slowing the aging process. To
stay healthy, a recommended dose of 90 mg/day (males) and 75 mg/day (females) is
required. Most diet experts recommend getting it from a diet high in vegetables and fruits
rather than from supplements. Fresh-frozen concentrate and fresh-squeezed orange juice
is better than ready-to-drink one because it contains more active substance.
Drink fresh-frozen orange juice within one week after reconstituting it for the most
benefit. Have a lime juice and an orange shake once a while, goes a long way in protecting

Vitamin E
It is considered to be one of the most effective anti-oxidants in the body that eliminates
the free radicals, one of the propagators of inflammation. Dr Evan Shute as well as the
American College of Heart Diseases has reinstated its protective action against chronic
heart diseases.
It helps prevent or delay coronary heart disease by limiting the oxidation of LDLcholesterol.

Along with selenium, it is given to aid the treatment of various

inflammation conditions in our body like Crohns disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease
and many more.
In combination with zinc and other antioxidants, it has been used successfully to reduce
the risk of advanced macular degeneration (a condition affecting the retina in the eye
which maybe even cause blindness).
Tocotrienolsicon, a member of the vitamin E family, has demonstrated potential even to
reduce breast cancer incidence and inhibit the growth and division of existing breast
cancer cells.
It is fat-soluble, it is generally found in fat-rich foods. It is also commonly found in nuts
(hazelnuts, and almonds), seeds (sunflower seeds), vegetables oils (soybean, wheat germ,
corn, and sunflower oils), cereals and dark green leafy vegetables (broccoli and spinach).
Its deficiency is rare. The best vitamin E should contain all the eight members of its
family, namely tocopherols plus tocotrienols in their natural form.
Its natural form has been found to be definitely better than the synthetic form because
natural one has almost double the availability (the amount of vitamin absorbed and thus
used by the body) than synthetic one. So supplements have only a limited role.
Vitamin D
It is known as the Sunshine Vitamin and has been found to modulate the immune
system with beneficial effects against inflammatory disorders and diseases.
It is chemically Calcitriol which helps absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the
food we eat and prevent loss of calcium from the kidneys, thus maintaining calcium levels

to the optimum levels, which is in turn essential for the normal mineralization of bone
and teeth. Calcitriol also plays a key role in the maintenance of many organ systems.
According to a German trial, high dose supplementation with it is effective against pro
inflammatory disorders and cardiovascular diseases. Currently enough evidence has been
obtained indicating that vitamin D, one of the natural anti-inflammatory vitamins for
inflammation, protects conditions of the heart and blood vessels, including high blood
pressure and high cholesterol.
It is also used for:


Bronchitis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)


Obesity Disorders

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Multiple Sclerosis

Myopathy (Muscle Weakness)

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Moreover, its optimum amounts helps in improving the bodies muscle system, immunity
and helps prevent hyper tension, a forerunner of many diseases.
It has been found clinically that the role of the vitamin D helps maximize the recovery and
effect of drugs against inflammation conditions in our body. A dosage of 500 mg per day
has been used in various trials for osteoporosis and Psoriasis.
If your body cannot produce enough vitamin D because of insufficient sunlight exposure,
you will need to obtain it from foods and perhaps supplements. Someone with a high risk
(low sunlight exposure and inadequate dietary intake) of vitamin D deficiency needs to
consume 25 micro grams (1000 IU) each day to maintain its right level in the body.
Vitamin K
It is a vital nutrient for helping staunch an open wound to help the body prevent excess
loss of blood. The most prominent source of the nutrient is from dark-colour cruciferous
vegetables, which includes but are not limited to, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, Swiss
chard and mustard greens.

Cows milk is another rich source of the vitamin. Bacteria in the large gut also synthesize
menaquinones (vitamin K2), an active form of vitamin K. Vitamin K includes a class of
compounds called menaquinones.
Research has shown that women who had daily adequate intakes are less prone to
osteoporosis later on in life. It also has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antiaging properties, as it serves as a cell-signalling nutrient that may help prolong cell life.
Since it protects the nervous system, liver, lungs, heart, cartilage, stomach and kidneys, it
has also been popularized as an effective preventive measure against many degenerative
and fatal conditions, including Alzheimers disease and liver cancer. It is also used to
reduce risk of bleeding in long standing liver disease, jaundice, malabsorption, or
associated with long-term aspirin or antibiotic use.
The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) is 80 mg per day for adult males and 65 mg
per day for adult females. The natural forms found in foods are only about half as potent
compared to synthetic version. Therefore adequate amount can be obtained by
consuming leafy green vegetables on a regular basis or supplements. Men and women
between 18 and 44 years may benefit from supplement.
It was found to be a preventive and protective factor in the case of heart diseases and
osteoporosis both of which are characterized by inflammation.
A good level of Vitamin K will ensure protection from the dangers of cancers too by
reducing the free radicals. This is an anti -inflammatory vitamin that helps inflammation
to recede. High intake is contraindicated for individuals taking anticoagulant medications
such as Warfarin (coumarin).
Vitamin B
Vitamin B complex is a group of anti-inflammatory vitamins sharing the B status
commonly known as the Happy Vitamins. Of these Vitamins, B1, B6 and B12 have
notable anti-inflammatory properties. They have been used since old times for the cure
and prevention of many diseases including arthritis, heart disorders and back ache.
These natural anti-inflammatory vitamins are rich in fermented food products and in
organ meats of animal origin. The National Academies of Science (NAS) recommends

that adults over the age of 50 take B vitamin supplements, or eat foods enriched with
them to ensure a prosperous healthy aging.
B1 is Essential for normal function of heart, muscles, and nervous system and also in
protecting kidneys, retinas of the eyes and small blood vessels. Recommended daily
dosage is 10 to 50 mg.
B3 has the benefits of maintaining healthy lipid levels, preventing certain types of cancer
and helps proper brain function and nervous system health. Anti inflammation doses: 20
to 100 mg. RDI: 12 to 18 mg for adults
B5 helps in normal growth and a heart-healthy lipid balance, creates antibodies and thus
fights infections and also helps heal wounds. It has also shown to reduce the toxicity of
many antibiotics.
B6 that has an anti-swelling effect has been used to provide relief in gout and rheumatoid
arthritis. Protective action against Diabetes, which is an inflammation condition of the
pancreatic cells have been documented.
B12 shots are regularly given for a variety of conditions. It has been verified that they have
a role in soothing the nerves and are beneficial in neuralgia causing back ache, joint pain
and muscle pain.











hypercholesterolemia. They are a group of multi beneficial vitamins that can help in
aging, hair loss, migraine, acne, weight control.
Balanced consumption of vitamins of B complex leads to the boosting of immune system
and antibody production that fights against infections including fungus infections like
Having a healthy amount of B complex helps smoothen the digestion and absorption of
various important elements including iron.
Folic acid and iron supplements are recommended during pregnancy to ensure health of
the baby. B complex is the rare group of vitamins that do not produce any toxicity on
over consumption provided all the components of B complex are taken in a balanced

Vitamin A
Foods that contain vitamin A are dark green leafy vegetables, carrots, musk melon,
oranges, and sweet potatoes. It is a general dictum that any fruit of vegetable that has
many colours like orange and red colours are rich in this vitamin because colours in
natural foods contain Beta carotene, which is a precursor of this vitamin. It is chemically
retinol, retinoic acid and retinal, which is found in the retina of the eye. Vitamin A is a
major factor in the health of the skin everywhere in the body and also the health of eyes.
It prevents inflammation conditions of the skin and eyes like hyperkeratosis and
xerophthalmia. Deficiency may fire up inflammation and aggravate existing inflammatory
states. Supplementation with it could quench inflammation. The two main mechanisms
which appear to be involved in the prevention of disease are the positive effects of anti inflammatory vitamins A on the immune system and the effect on epithelial integrity.
It is also known to prevent night blindness, also effective against many infections and
inflammation. It has been used as an adjuvant against viral infections. It has also been
found to have supportive role in lung inflammation. Moreover it has strong anti-oxidant
effect and fights against inflammation at the root level.
Taking Full Advantage of Natural Anti-Inflammatory Vitamins for Inflammation
The right amount of these vitamins for inflammation helps us prevent many common
and dangerous conditions. Taking a proper diet produces the expected best effects only if
we maintain a healthy lifestyle along with it. Everything needed for our health is always
taken from the generous bounty of nature like anti-inflammatory vitamins. Our health as
we just came to know is not only ours, but also natures responsibility. So its important
that we team up with nature by adopting a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle with
proper activities to ensure our own best health (Suharsono,2010).


Allo, J (2015) 10 Facts About Healthy Weight Loss Foods That You'll Love
Millet, S (2010) Give Importance to Health and Fitness and Get Success in Life

Suharsono, D (2010) Anti Inflammatory Foods - How Important Are They in Our Life?
Tandon, U (2015) Motivational Tips For Staying Healthy

Uhlmann T.R (2015) Live A Longer Life By Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Additional - 23 Second Waist Shrinking Exercise - Get into shape - Diabetics - Diabetes


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