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Global Warming is the average increase in surface temperature experienced over the last 150

years. The net increase comes to a grand total of under 1 degree in over a century in a half. Despite the
best predictions of computer models, which are just that, predictions, it is remarkably clear that humans
have no idea what is truly causing this warming and much less how to stop it
In summary, much greater study and debate is needed on this important topic, and as a world
community, it needs to be carefully decided as to what issues money should be spent on and how to
control the dangerous alarmism which has arisen as a result of global warming. Through careful
deliberation, the world can successfully utilize the massive resources at our disposal not to "fight" such
vague and unproven threats as global warming, but real issues such as disease, hunger, and others.
Global Warming is the average increase in surface temperature experienced over the last
150 years. The net increase comes to a grand total of under 1 degree in over a century in a
half. Despite the best predictions of computer models, which are just that, predictions, it is
remarkably clear that humans have no idea what is truly causing this warming and much
less how to stop it. Computer models vary by over 400%, a clear indicator of their flawed
nature, and none have accurately predicted the warming which has occurred. The Earth's
climate has been rapidly changing since its formation, and the idea that we humans are the
main causes of the current step in this macroscope of change is somewhat confusing.
Apparently, the tiny amount CO2 gas which we are adding to the air is amplifying the
greenhouse effect and catastrophically changing the Earth's climate. What this ignores is
that natural sources release exponentially more CO2 and other, more potent greenhouse
gases, that the Earth came out of a little ice age about 200 years ago, and so many more
facts. Indeed, CO2 records do not match temperature records well at all. Between 1940 and
1970, CO2 levels steadily increased while temperatures decreased. Sunspot activity
matched the temperature record much better.
The truth is, humans know very little about the massive complexity of our climate, and to
declare "consensus" on such a topic as global warming is bordering ridiculous. There are
hundreds of scientists opposed to the alarmism being spread by the media and political
groups concerning global warming, including professors emeritus at prominent schools such
as MIT, for example.
Furthermore, attempts at balanced debate have been suppressed, and often the media is
heavily biased towards global warming. For example, you might not know that Antarctica
has been cooling and gaining ice for decades, or that the Sahara is shrinking, or that
temperatures have been falling for a decade. Indeed, studies have shown that global
warming might be a good thing anyway, resulting in lower energy use, fewer cold-related
deaths, and a longer growing season: just a few such benefits of global warming. Treaties
such as the Kyoto Protocol, intended to slow or halt global warming, are hugely wasteful and
ineffective. Had the U.S. signed, it would have cost us hundreds of billions annually and
would have decreased temperatures by 0.04 degrees over 100 years! Because of this, it was

unanimously rejected by the Senate (100-0).

In summary, much greater study and debate is needed on this important topic, and as a
world community, it needs to be carefully decided as to what issues money should be spent
on and how to contol the dangerous alarmism which has arisen as a result of global
warming. Through careful deliberation, the world can successfully utilize the massive
resources at our disposal not to "fight" such vague and unproven threats as global warming,
but real issues such as disease, hunger, and others

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