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Studying and Teaching: , , ,

1. Studying verbs: , ,
Russian has three different verbs that correspond to English study: , , and .
Note how these verbs are used.
The verb is used to indicate the subject one is taking at university, college or school. The subject
studied is the direct object of the verb . It must be in the accusative case and must always be
mentioned. The question asked is: (What). Listen and repeat.
1. - ?
- What do you study?
- . - I study English language and literature.
2. - ?
- What (course) Sergey is taking?
- Sergey is taking physics at university.
The verb is used to indicate that someone is a student, i.e. goes to school, university or college
somewhere. The question asked is: (Where).
It is also used to describe how well one is doing at school, university or college (what kind of student he or
she is). In that case, the question asked is: (How).
This verb never takes a direct object. Listen and repeat.
3. - ?
- Where do you study (go to school)?
- .
- I go to university.
4. - ?
- How do you do at university (school)?
- .
- I do well (I'm a good student).
The verb (to go to school) must not be confused with the verb (to learn, memorize).
These are two different verbs.
The verb is used to describe the process of studying (doing homework). This verb never takes
a direct object. The question asked is: (Where). Listen and repeat.
5. - ?
Where do you study (do your homework)?
- .
I often study (do my homework) in the library.
6. - ?
Where does your sister study (does her
- .
My sister studies (does her homework)at home.

Verbs with -
If a verb has the suffix -, this suffix remains in all the forms of that verb. The suffix - is spelled after the
ending and has two variants:
-c after a consonant
- after a vowel
is a regular first conjugation verb. is a regular second conjugation verb.
Study the complete conjugation of and . Note how two variants - and - are used.
Present tense





Past tense




The verb - to teach

- to teach is a first conjugation verb. Note that it's present tense stem is slightly different
from the infinitive stem. All present tense forms have no --. The stress falls on the ending in all present
tense forms. Past tense forms are formed from the infinitive stem and have the stressed -- element.
Study the complete conjugation of the verb .
Present tense

Past tense


Verbs for 'study', 'learn'

1. Russian has several verbs to express 'studying' and 'learning'.
2. The verbs - are usually used in the sense of learning a skill, or
in studying elementary courses. These verbs cannot be used without a direct
3. The perfective means 'to memorize'.
. The students are learning Russian words.
. She learned/memorized all of the words.
4. The verbs - are used for higher level courses, or when the
studying involves detailed examination of the subject. For example, if you are
studying a language so that you can speak it, you would use -.
If you are studying the structure of the language (something a linguist might
do) you would use -. Both sets of verbs must be used with a
direct object.

5. The verbs - can mean 'to learn how to do something', and

they are used with a verb in the infinitive form:
. I am learning how to play chess.
6. The imperfective can also be used to mean 'to be a student, to go to
school, to attend classes'.
. I study at Moscow University.
7. The verb means 'to be studying' (what you generally do in the
library or at home in the evening), or 'to be doing homework':
. In the evening I study at the library.
8. The verb is also used to indicate someone's profession. The
profession will be in the instrumental case:
9. The verb pair - is used to indicate that someone is teaching
someone else to do something. The person taught will be in the accusative.
The subject taught will be in the dative case.
. Natasha is teaching the students

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