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Tree Pruning In Dublin As An Important Preventive Measure

Tree pruning in Dublin is a completely necessary activity that proves to be beneficial for
young saplings and mature trees as well. Some of the basic guidelines to get the best
results are as follows.
Winter Pruning
The commonest pruning practice is during the dormancy stage. This initiates vigorous new
growth during springtime. You can undertake this if you are hoping for such results.
Professionals will advise you to begin this only after passage of the coldest winter months.
When sap starts flowing, some species like birches, maples, and walnuts may bleed post
tree pruning in Dublin. This is not something that you should worry about because once the
leafing starts, this will stop automatically.
Pruning During The Summers
This gives a directional growth to the plant, slows down the branching processes and dwarfs
the branch or tree development. For this, you will need to undertake pruning only after the
completion of the seasonal growth. Such slowing effects reduce the overall surface of the
leaf. This in turn reduces the manufactured food amounts. Thus, the roots also receive
lesser quantities slowing down the overall growth. One may also undertaketree pruning in
Dublin as a corrective measure. It is possible to view the defective limbs or those that hang
too far down below the leaf weight.
Enhanced Flowering Through Pruning
Another purpose of pruning is to increase the flowering yield of a plant. Many trees bloom
during spring. For them, you will need to undertake the process once the flowers fade
completely. Other shrubs and trees tend to blossom during late to mid summers. You need
to do this in early spring or winter.
Besides knowing about the best time and the reasons for trimming trees and shrubs, you
should also know when not to do this. During fall, the decaying fungi tend to spread out the
spores in a profuse quantity. Also, wound healing post the cuts slows down at this time. The
best course of action would be to leave aside your tools for tree pruning in Dublin inside the
storage during fall. In order to get the best results you should know how to do this right.
Any wrong moves and you are undermining the health and even the life of healthy trees.

initially undertake a visual inspection, start at the top and go downwards

in a single season do not remove more than one fourth of the tree crown

maintain side main branches one third smaller than trunk diameter

in case of broadleaved deciduous trees, tree pruning in Dublin from bottom should
not be more than the one third of total height of tree

encourage growth of side branches forming angles one third off the vertical leading
to 2 o'clock/10 o'clock angles to the trunk

All of this helps the trees grow faster, stronger and healthier. Thus, if you need assistance
with pruning or trimming, just call in the local professionals.

When Does Tree Removal In Dublin Becomes Necessary?

Many situations demand immediate or planned tree removal in Dublin. When this happen, instead of
wasting time with conjecture, call the professionals. They will know exactly how to deal with the
situation and offer help quickly and efficiently. Trees may develop problems from time to time and it
requires an expert eye to decide how grave the situation is. You do not need to remove the dying trees
provided they are not prone to falling. Many of these can turn into home for the woodpeckers or other
birds. Tree service in Dublin will undertake removal only when necessary.
Determination of Desirable Species
Some trees are not desirable in various locations. These are black locust, Mulberry, poplar, Siberian elm,
heaven tree, empress tree, mimosa, Willows, Bradford pear, and Norway maple. These contain weak
stem prone to breakage. Besides, they also have shallow roots and frequent shedding with loads of
debris. These may damage your pavements and lawns. Insect and disease infestation is also quite
common with these.
Determination of Tree Health
Elimination seems to be the best course of action if 50% or more of a particular tree have undergone
damage. Tree removal in Dublin will give you similar advice in such situations. Damaged trees may stay
there, rooted to the spot for years on end but without any growth and abnormal appearance. Herbicide
damage lead to presence of misshapen leaves but such conditions improve after some time.
Presence of Trunk Damage
Professionals can identify indication of internal decay with the presence of vertical cracks, dead stubs of
branch, seams, andlarge, old wounds. If there is severe damage to main trunk, tree service in Dublin
may suggest immediate removal. Where the area of the damage is below 25% of overall tree
circumference, wound will heal gradually by itself without permanent injuries.
Dealing With Hollow Trees
Supporting tissues of the plant remain on the outer side of the stem and as such even a hollow tree will
survive for years without problems. However, the strength of the tree trunk is compromised because of
the hollowness and as a result, it may pose a danger. A general pointer is that if one third of the interior
is hollow or rotten professionals will consider removal.
Presence of Dead Large Branches
Dead and large branches can fall off any time causing accidents to people and properties nearby. As
such, tree removal in Dublin will take measures to ensure the safety of everybody concerned. With 25%
or less damage, the tree has the chance to survive. It is important to remove the rubbing or cross
branches though. If you are unable to do it on your own, there are many services that would be abel to
extend the required help.

What Should You Know About Tree Trimming In Dublin?

Tree trimming in Dublin can enhance both the life and the look of your garden. In order to
get the best results however, you need to do this right or, it will do more harm than good.
One of the commonest maintenance procedures around, it helps to maintain the aesthetics
and the structural integrity. When you undertake something like this, you will have to
understand the biology of the tree first for getting this right. Improper pruning means
shortened tree life or lasting damage. The commonest reasons for tree trimming in Dublin

dead branch removal

form improvement
risk reductions

You can also do this to increase the air and light penetration to landscape below for the
crown of the tree as it may not happen with a thick canopy. It is mostly a preventive or
corrective measure, as undertaking this on a regular basis does not necessarily improve the
tree health. For routine pruning, you can choose any time of the year as this involves only
removal of dead, diseased, and weak limbs. It is possible to maximize wound closure and
growth if you undertake this during the growth flush of spring.
Here, you will need to remember that spreading of pathogens may also occur through tree
trimming in Dublin. One example of this is oak wilt disease. If it is susceptible, do not
undertake pruning during active periods of pathogen transmission. For maintaining the
attractive, safe, and healthy condition of mature trees, you need to undertake specific
pruning types. Some of these include,

Cleaning is removal of dying, dead, weakly attached, low vigor, and diseased
branches from tree crown.

You can remove tree lower branches through raising method. This provides clearance
related tovistas, buildings, vehicles, or pedestrians.

Training means selective removal of branches for improving tree structure and better
penetration of air and light through the crown. With such tree trimming in Dublin,
you can open up tree foliage and decrease the weight on the tree limbs. You can
achieve all this without distorting its natural shape.

Reduction means lowering the overall size of the tree. This is necessary for clearance
of the utility lines in most cases. For this, one should prune back the branch
terminals and leaders. Now, the secondary branches assume terminal roles.
Secondary branches are the ones that are one third of the overall cut stem diameter.

Establish good structures related to the primary stem with tree trimming in Dublin in young
plants. If you do this at the initial stages, it will require less corrections later. The primary
branches or the limbs are also known as the scaffold branches. These work as the

How To Get The Best Results With Tree Cutting In Dublin

Tree cutting in Dublin is an extremely professional job that involves loads of safety measures. Accidents
are quite common so one should leave it to the people that know what they are doing. Only when it is
something small and short should you try to tackle this yourself. First of course is the use of the right
gear to ensure the efficiency of the job as well as maintain personal safety. You will need wedges, an ax,
ladder, rope, chainsaw, protected gear, and kit for first aid. Felling trees leads to injuries most of the
times. Thus, during tree cutting in Dublin you need to have helmet-covering, hardhat, heavy-duty
goggles, boots with steel toes and gloves.
Once you are ready yourself, it is time to look at the object in question quite seriously. Examine the
following things regarding the tree.

what is the leaning direction

presence of broken, dead branches
presence of clear area for safe fall
interference from nearby tree branches

Also, it makes complete sense to keep a fast and safe gateway ready in case something untoward
happens. Even the best-laid plans sometimes store nasty surprises so having an expediency plan handy
is a good idea. According to tree cutting in Dublin professionals, one should run behind another sturdy
tree in case the falling tree does not go in the direction you expected. Once you have everything else
organized, it is time to get to the actual business. It involves a host of steps each one more crucial than
the other. This way you can increase both efficiency and the safety of your endeavor.

Consider the sounds emanating from the tree you wish to fell. To do this, you should knock your
ax against the trunk. Hollow sounds indicate a dying or dead tree. Solid sound means you are
dealing with a live tree and as such, it is going to be much more difficult to cut through it. Try
the tree cutting in Dublin at different heights and points. This way, it will be easier to find the
spot that will make it easier for you.

Your drop zone should be where the natural fall of the tree points towards. That spot needs to
be level otherwise the tree would bounce and roll leading to damage and injuries.

Horizontal cut is where you make this above your hip height and it should be only one third
inside the tree. Here the fall will be perpendicular to the cut you make. In wedge cut, tree
cutting in Dublin technique the cut appears like an orange slice. Back cut helps to determine the
strength of holding wood. This should be a thick cut, 1.5 inches at least over horizontal cut.

These are some of the tips to have with you when you are doing it on your own. However, if you cannot
do it, hire a tree cutting service.

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