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Proof of God

The Atheists Guide to the Truth

By Blake Kidney

Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE,

Copyright 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995
by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

I would like to thank the following people:
My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for giving me new life.
My wife Kristyn who has loved me even through difficulty.
Inskip Baptist Church for their encouragement and financial support.
Everyone who reads this book for their time and investment.


PART I Evidence for a God

- 56 -

PART II Evidence for a Personal God

- 95 -

I must give credit where credit is due. Though I have written this book, this is the work of Jesus Christ as
given to me. I have simply relayed what He has spoken in me by the Holy Spirit. I am sure many will
question this, and I expect it. However, it must be established that if anyone is to receive credit, all the
credit goes to Jesus Christ who is the one and true God. I am merely His servant. I do not have any degrees
in science, philosophy, or theology that would afford me credit for this book. I am not notable by any
measure, not even in writing. I have nothing to brag about and no reason to take any pride. I could not have
written this book on my own and neither could I have imagined anything within it. Whether you accept this
or not, it must be said: this is a work of God through me.
Initially I wrote this book for professed atheists who deny the existence of God, however, I have discovered
a great many people are seeking proof of God. While this book addresses atheists, I encourage anyone who
desires to know God in truth to read this book.
As the title suggests, this book is intended to be a guide to the truth. Many are asking, Is there a God or
not? In our postmodern era where information is shared globally, each person is left to investigate the
truth for him or herself. In times past, our scope of God was limited to our immediate culture. We were
given the truth. Today, we are imbued with a plethora of information from scientific to fantastic and are left
to answer questions with our own intellect. From this, we either search for the truth or settle upon our own
personal answer.
In this, I have immense respect for anyone seeking truth even if they proclaim atheism. You might find that
odd, a proclaimed Christian having respect for an atheist. How should someone who would die for their
God have any respect for someone who has no faith, you might ask. In my experience, I have found most
atheists dont have a firm belief in the absence of God for if they did such would suggest a whole new
religion. Rather, most atheists lack a belief in the existence of God because they have not discovered the
truth and are not sure if one exists. I respect this because they do not try to imagine something that is not,
but rather have accepted that there is no God, as they have not encountered one in truth.
I am not saying this is true for all atheists as there are some who are unyielding in their disbelief. Such as
these have initiated a trust in themselves over that of any higher power. They will say they do not engage in
any religion when in fact they have entered a religion that has yet to organize and establish doctrine. I say
such is a religion as there is no proof of the non-existence of God and to say boldly, there is no God
requires more faith in yourself than it does to say there is a God. In short, to proclaim there is no God
only leaves one other alternative, that you are your own God. To say there is no God means there is no
power higher than yourself and there is no truth apart from yourself. As such, you are your own religion
and you live in accord with your own desires. However, I am not concerned with believers such as these. If
a person undoubtedly disbelieves God, then they are left to their own fate. It would not matter what God or
any person said or did, the person will not believe. They have only to answer to themselves, and in the end,
they will only have themselves.
Most atheists, however, do not see themselves as the pinnacle of the universe. In humility, they accept that
life is larger than their own intellect. However, they also do not attempt to imagine God or create a figure
that fits their desire. Rather, they believe that if there were indeed a God, He must be all that God is
claimed to be. Since the atheist has yet to observe or find this God anywhere on earth, he or she comes to a
single conclusion: there is no God. As such, atheists such as this are merely saying, Based upon what I
have seen and heard, I see no evidence to believe any god or gods exist. Atheists of this sort are not
rejecting God, they are rejecting the known arguments and offerings of god made available. They are
rejecting what they have encountered in religion.
At the core, a person such as this needs proof. They are not willing to settle on fanciful stories or even put
their trust blindly into something that seems so absurd. They need something more than what has been

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


This book is not intended to provide the answer or even to be the proof necessary to believe. Anyone
seeking God should not expect to find Him in a book. If God does exist, then He is real; and we should
expect to find Him in reality. We should be able to identify God. However, when we acknowledge that God
has an identity, we also acknowledge that God cannot be everything. All beliefs do not lead to the same
God. If God is real, then there is only one way to God. The question becomes: What is the way to God?
Likewise, How should we know the way? This book is not the way to God; rather, it presents the way.
The path to God is something all humanity has the freedom to walk. If God were undeniable, then everyone
would know the truth. However, everyone has been given the freedom to accept or deny God. We may
choose to walk the path to truth or walk another path. If anyone wants proof of God, then he or she must be
willing to walk the path. When seeking truth, a person must be willing to accept the truth for what it is, and
not what he or she wants truth to be. This means the person is open to new ideas, and willing to reject
previously held teachings. A person must be willing to give and sacrifice. Hopefully, you have come
If you have opened this book, there is no doubt you want something more. You havent settled on what this
world has to offer. You are seeking something far greater. I hope to help you on this journey and point you
in a direction where you will find what you are seeking. My prayer for you, the very person reading this
book, is that God will reveal Himself to you in just the way you need Him. Only God can make Himself
known to you or anyone. Hopefully, this book will be a stepping-stone to take you in the direction where
God Himself can be the proof you need.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth

PART I Evidence for a God

Is there a God? How do I know? What is the basis for this conclusion? What evidence do we have? Is there
proof either way?
Have you ever found yourself pondering these questions? Where have you journeyed in these questions?
Have you been raised in a religion? Do you follow that religion? What do you really think of God? Do you
believe there is a God? Do you think God is imaginary? What are your reasons for these views? Do you
have evidence to support your view?
Many speak of having faith and believing in God, but what does that mean? Is faith blind? Do we just
believe in something because we want to believe? Or is there evidence for faith? Many speak of truth, but
what is truth? Is every religion true, or is truth something we only believe? Is there a basis for truth apart
from humanity?
I am sure you already have answers for these questions. In our lives, we are faced with the question of God
and need to develop answers. From our birth, our parents and society indoctrinate us with different ideas of
God. Many are born into a religion with an established set of beliefs that tell us what to believe. We accept
these doctrines as truth until they are challenged. When challenged, we begin to ask questions. Some seek
for answers while others settle upon what seems reasonable given their present knowledge. When we do
settle, we become opinionated. We have established our position and fight to maintain it. We dare not
question our stance until we receive a new epiphany. In that moment of revelation, we are humbled and
begin to question ourselves. Is what I believe true?
No matter what we believe, we should ask ourselves: Do I really want to know the truth? For anyone who
does, he or she must be open to challenges. They must be willing to continually test themselves and
question their answers. What do you think about God? Why do you think it? Is it possible that you are
wrong? Are you willing to admit youre wrong? These are important questions for anyone to ask, even for
the greatest of religious believers. If anyone is going to find the truth, they must be open to the truth. In this
quest, they must address their weaknesses and be open to new evidence. Is it possible there is a God? Is it
possible there is no God? Why not? What are your reasons?
When we do come upon a particular point of view, what is the basis for that view? Is it true? Or do we
believe it is true when it is not? When a person finds the truth, how will they know? Will a person who
knows the truth defend their position, or let truth defend itself?
At the heart of all these questions are knowledge, belief, and faith. What do we know? What do we believe
or disbelieve? In what do we place our trust? Faith, on the surface, seems irrational. For many, faith seems
blind. It seems that people with faith just believe in things without ever considering all it says or all it
means. I must admit that when I look upon the faith of other religions, I am left to wonder, Dont they see
the hypocrisy? Dont they see how absurd that is? Of course, it must be considered that all humans are
ignorant creatures, myself included. It is not possible for any one person to know all things, and thus, we
live in a continual state of ignorance. Our knowledge is incomplete. We know in part.
In truth, what can we possibly know? The only way to absolutely know something is to be all knowing
having observed all things. For instance, let us say you witness a murder. You see a man named Fred shoot
a gun directly at a woman and she falls down dead. You are sure this man committed murder. You sit on
the witness stand and testify to the events you saw. Later in the trial, however, it is brought to attention that
on the opposite of the woman was another man. Fred was not aiming for the woman; he was aiming for the
other man who was holding a gun. The bullet that shot the woman was not from Freds gun, but instead
from the other man. However, they have yet to find evidence of this other person except that the bullet does
not matches Freds gun. If you were sitting in the jury seat, how would you judge in this case? Do you

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


believe Fred or not? You are sure you saw Fred shoot the woman. However, how sure can you be? Would
you be willing to bet your own life on it?
Human beings are limited creatures. We live within the construct of time and self. We are born without any
knowledge and we learn as we go. We have to analyze and form theories about the world around us. We
are thrilled by mystery finding it fearful and exciting. We have to perform empirical tests in science for
discovery. We are confounded by exceptions and outliers. How is it that we come to know anything?
In our heavily intellectualized society, many view knowledge the same as objective information, much like
a computer stores information on a hard drive. We see knowledge as merely stored data. However, this
narrow view disregards human perception where we make judgments and personal investments in the
information we receive. This does not consider the relation of knowledge with belief, reason, and desires or
how these affect one another. This does not consider the nature of truth in regard to what we know, and
how we are personally affected by what is true or not. What do we know?
When a computer collects data from a sensor, the computer stores the data it receives. The computer does
not interpret the data or give it meaning applicable to use unless otherwise programmed to do so. When the
computer is programmed to interpret data, it does so according to a set of rules established by the
programmer. Humanity, however, not only collects information from our five senses, we interpret the data
on several levels. Initially, the data is analyzed and defined. Our brain relates the data to other information
to give definition and establish rhythm. We give definition to the sensory data as it relates to other data that
we receive. When we look at a room we dont see a bunch of dots produced by neurons firing; we see
lamps, tables, and chairs. Likewise, when we touch a chair we do not think of the neurons firing in our
finger, we define the sensory data as touching a chair. In this, we also notice when things appear to break
rhythm. If the chair is lying in a position inconsistent with the way we normally view a chair, our brain will
signal this inconsistency. We will think, The chair has fallen over.
In addition to this analysis, we make judgments concerning the information based upon the physical and
emotional responses they produce after having been analyzed and defined. In other words, we develop
thoughts and opinions concerning the data in relation to ourselves. If we see the chair has fallen over, we
think about the relevance this has to us. We may think, Did I knock the chair over? Why is the chair on its
side? Other thoughts come to mind depending upon our thought patterns established by our personal
rhythms or habits. Within this realm of judgment comes another key component essential for the
establishment of knowledge as it relates to our being. This is the acceptance or rejection of information as
being true or false based upon reasoning and evidence. In other words, do we believe it? Do we believe the
chair has fallen?
All human knowledge is subject to this thing of belief. We accept or reject something as being either true or
false whether it is actually true or false. The world is not affected by what we believe inwardly. No matter
what we believe about a chair, our simple belief will not affect that chair. We could believe it is fallen or it
is standing, but either way the chair will not move. Our beliefs are interpretations of the information we
receive. We may form beliefs about the world around us. We may believe that something is true when it is
true. We may believe something is true when it is false. We may believe something is false when it is true.
We may believe something is false when it is false. We have the freedom to believe in truth or lies. We
have the ability to be right or wrong.
This means that in our pursuit of truth, we must always consider our beliefs. What we believe may stand in
the way of finding the truth. Not only may we be presented with lies, but we also may believe that a lie is
the truth. We may be deceived. This is an immense consideration in human knowledge. What we know
may not be true. The information we have collected over the years of our life may be false. Our knowledge
may be right or wrong.
What do we know? We do not possess objective information. We do not have information that is untainted
by our own personal judgments. All information we have is influenced by what we believe. As you read
these very words, you are forming judgments about what they say. Do you believe what I am saying? Do
you believe this is true? Or do you reject it? What you establish as being true or false will influence your

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


knowledge. You will only know what you accept as true regardless to whether or not it is actually true.
Therefore, human knowledge is affected by our own personal investment in the knowledge we receive.
We have the freedom to give or withhold ourselves from the world. We have an inner being that may be
shared or reserved. We may speak our thoughts or keep them to ourselves. We may feel something
inwardly and hide this feeling outwardly. This freedom is made apparent in our beliefs. We may invest
ourselves in the information we receive by believing it is true or we may withhold by believing it is false.
We may accept or reject what we encounter. This means that what we know is not simply objective
information or data, what we know is a personal investment that impacts who we are.
What we believe shapes who we are. If we believe in the truth, then we are true. If we believe in a lie, then
we are a lie. This is made apparent by our response to truth and lies. When we discover that we have been
tricked or deceived, we are crushed. We were made a fool. When we discover that we were wrong in our
belief, we are devastated. If we are wrong about this, we could be wrong about so many other things. We
do not want to be wrong. We want to be right. We want our beliefs to be true so that we are right. When
someone uncovers truth, that person is glorified. When a person is deceived, they are looked down upon.
Because of this we will often hide what is false. We do not want to be proven false.
Some of us as children are told Santa Claus is real and we believe it. We sit at night looking to the night
sky hoping we can catch a glimpse of this mysterious figure. We write letters to this man in the red suit
hoping he will answer them. We leave out treats the night of his visit hoping to entice him. Then we
discover that he is not true. This means our letters are not true and will not be answered. Our hopes and
dreams of seeing him ride in on his sled were merely imaginations. All our actions, thoughts, and beliefs
were lies. We gave ourselves only to be made a fool.
Within this personal investment also comes faith. When presented with information, we must judge
whether or not it is true. This judgment is based upon what we conclude about the source. Do we trust the
source of the information? Do we trust what we see? Do we trust what this person is telling us? When we
invest our trust in a source, we believe in it. To believe something is true is entirely different than believing
in something. When we believe in something, we are investing ourselves in that thing and we accept that it
is true. As a child, our mother may tell us not to touch a hot pan or else we will burn ourselves. We may
believe in our mother and obey her. Or we may not believe in her, but do not touch the pan anyway because
we believe this statement is true based upon other reasoning.
All knowledge comes by way of faith. The basis for our beliefs is faith, and depending on where we invest
our faith will determine what we believe is true or not. Whatever we believe in will affect what we believe.
As children, we have tremendous faith in our parents. We will believe whatever they tell us even if it
contradicts because we trust them. When we discover that our trust is broken, then our faith diminishes. As
our faith weakens in our parents, then we begin to question their statements. We then place our faith in
other sources. Many place their faith in teachers and academics. As we grow, we believe what we hear in
the classroom. However, even this trust is eventually broken as we discover that our teachers were wrong
on occasion. Often, our faith falls inwardly on ourselves. As more and more sources break our trust, we are
left to trust in no one except ourselves. In this, we trust our own abilities over anything else. We become
completely dependent upon our own ability to logically conclude what is true.
However, is this a safe and reliable course of action? Can we really believe in ourselves? The greatest
problem we meet in the quest for truth is that we are limited to a brief moment in time and space. We
cannot be everywhere. Therefore, in the assimilation of our knowledge, we must rely on other sources. If
we cannot trust anyone, how can we trust anything? There is no way we can rely only on ourselves as sole
evidence. Even if our ability to reason is without error, we must consider the source of our knowledge.
Where did we obtain our facts? Are these sources reliable? How do we know they are reliable? How do we
know we can trust them? Have they ever been proven wrong?
Humanity has to rely on one another in our quest for truth. We are limited creatures. While we may be able
to reason intellectually, we must question the source of our facts for reasoning. The greatest threat to
reasoning is belief in a lie. Reasoning compares and contracts. If we believe something is true when it is

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


actually a lie, then all our reasoning will be tainted by this lie. If human knowledge is tainted by belief, how
should we ever reason what is true? We cannot simply reason what is true. Anyone who relies on their
ability to reason as the source of all truth has entered a dangerous arena where they may easily be
controlled by their own desires. They will never find the truth because everything they believe is based
upon their own knowledge that is hindered by having faith in no one but himself or herself.
Faith is given. We give trust willingly. We may give or withhold freely. Therefore, faith, belief, and
knowledge are also influenced by our inward desire. Before we will give ourselves, we must desire to do
so. We would not give trust to anyone if we had no desire to give. In addition, we may believe something is
true because we desire it to be true. This desire may be founded upon several reasons that seem reasonable
to us in our present condition. For instance, we may believe that tobacco should be legally distributed and
sold because we have a desire to smoke. Or we may believe that our children never do anything wrong
because we want them to be good. Our belief is influenced by our desire despite the evidence we encounter.
Though we may be shown and proven the negative effects of drinking alcohol in excess, we may still desire
to get drunk believing otherwise. We may ignore or refute the facts. As such, human reasoning may be
influenced by our inward desire.
Being human knowledge is subject to our person; our knowledge may be influenced by our inward desires.
We may reasonably justify any position if we so desired. A skillful lawyer is capable of justifying any case
whether it is actually true or not. Lawyers seek to justify their position, whether it is prosecution or defense,
regardless of the truth. Likewise, when a crime is committed, the motive is considered. Why did the
criminal commit the offense? What was his or her desire?
Being human reasoning can be tainted by our desire; we must consider our motives in our search for truth.
Why are we seeking truth? Are we seeking truth because we want to give ourselves to it and know it? Or
are we seeking truth so that we may debate it for our own benefit or advantage? Do we really want to know
the truth?
What do we know? When we consider everything we know, how can we know if any of it is true? How can
we be sure? As established above, many interpret knowledge as acquired information. However, human
knowledge is much greater. We come to know something in truth when we have invested ourselves and
believe in it. When this happens, knowledge becomes something far greater than mere data. Knowledge
becomes something we believe that in turn impacts our behavior. When we truly believe in something, we
give ourselves to this thing. Through this personal investment, we obey this thing and are controlled by it.
This means, we become what we believe. Our person is influenced by our beliefs. If we believe in a lie,
then we are a lie. If we believe in the truth, we are the truth. This is made evident in our behavior.
We may think we know something, but we dont really know it until it impacts what we do. We may
believe life is valuable and smoking is harmful to life, but do not know this because we still smoke. When a
person truly knows that life is valuable and smoking is harmful, it will produce an appropriate response.
The person would quit smoking because they truly know life is valuable and smoking is harmful. Likewise,
we may find other contradictions like these. Do we struggle with what we know, what we believe, and what
we desire? If we knew the truth, believed the truth, and desired the truth, would we not be at peace? Would
we not be free of contradiction?
When we know the truth, we are set free. We do not struggle inwardly with contradictions or confusion.
We have inner peace. Our faith is true. We believe in something that never breaks our trust. Our beliefs are
true. We believe what is true and therefore, we are true. Our motives are true. Our desire is only for truth.
When we know the truth, our search for the truth is answered with truth. We are made complete. Do you
know the truth? Do you feel at peace with yourself? What do you know?
Within all this comes the search for God. Humanity has impartial knowledge that requires faith and belief.
We cannot know something absolutely. We must test and be tested. We must invest ourselves in other
sources. We are influenced by belief and desires. We cannot simply make true whatever we believe is true.
We cannot say, I believe two plus two equals twenty-two and have it be so. We are subject to reality and
our own belief in that reality. We must come to terms, not only with reality, but also with ourselves. We are

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


not the source of all truth. If we are to discover the truth, we must step outside ourselves. We must be
willing to make an investment. We must be willing to accept that there is so much more than what we
In any search for truth, we must question ourselves: What do I know? Do I know the truth? How do I know
it? If we are to find the truth, we must realize our weaknesses. As human beings, what are our limitations?
In what ways can we be wrong? Are we willing to accept that we may be wrong? If truth does exist, then
we must search for evidence. We must expect that truth will prove to be true. This means that when we
make an investment in truth, it will produce true results. We will not find contradiction, error, or conflict.
Rather, the truth will set us free.
However, the question arises: Is there such a truth? Or have we created truth to give us false hope? Is truth
a personal manifestation? Or is it true?
Humanity is not the truth. We are shaped what we believe. If we believe in a lie, then we are a lie. If we
believe in the truth, then we are the truth. Because of this, belief is powerful in humans. Our faith is
important. It is crucial to our being. As such, it is important that we consider our faith and test our faith.
What is the source of my faith? In what do I believe? To what do I give myself? Is my faith true or not?
What evidence do I have? What is my proof?
At the heart of this question is God. Is there a God? Is there being in whom the truth exists and who is
worthy of my faith?

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Before we can begin a discussion on the evidence for God, we must characterize what God is, though I
believe the essential question is who is God and not what is God. However, for an atheist who says
there is no god, we must begin by providing evidence for a God before providing evidence for a personal
God. As such, this book has been divided into two sections. The first studies God objectively looking at His
characteristics through a lens of scrutiny. The second studies God subjectively as He relates to us
personally. The book takes a journey from talking about a God to my God.
When we ask the question What is God? there are many offerings present in the world. Nearly every god
imaginable has been imagined. A multitude of religions exist with many denominations and sects. On the
surface, it seems humanity has created gods in our image. Many of the recognized gods have humanlike
qualities with powers desired by humans, much like modern day superheroes. Quite obviously, all these
different portraits of God cannot be true. Some claim there is but one god and others a multitude of gods.
What then is the truth? Or is this all just human imagination at its best?
The human mind collects information through observation and analysis. The imagination is nothing more
than a resulting analysis of the given information. When a child is born, it is quite obvious their mind is a
blank slate apart from basic biological functions like a beating heart. A newborn must learn everything
including basic motor skills like walking, swimming, or grasping. As we grow, we learn. We learn through
observation, analysis, and judgment. As information passes through our five senses, we compare and
contrast it to information previously store in our memory. Because of this process, humans learn by
progression. Once we have learned the alphabet, we can start learning how to assemble letters into words.
Once we have learned different words, we can start assembling sentences.
Learning is a building process. Due to this, science and technology also progress. Before we could build
computers, we had to first discover electricity and understand its properties. Once we analyzed electricity,
we then could imagine different uses. As we tested and applied the properties of electricity to other known
resources, we then were able to expand our possibilities which eventually lead to more advanced
electronics. Because of this, we have also realized the significance of recording information and the
keeping of our observations for later generations. We record history and rely heavily on one another for our
advancement. Consequently, all human knowledge has originated from the surrounding world and
previously stored information.
Humans are not creative in the sense of true originality. We cannot imagine something beyond our own
scope of reality and knowledge. Everything we know, including our best lies, is based upon what we have
experienced and encountered. In order to create, we modify what already exists. We may cross an animal
with a plant to create a new imaginary creature. We may imagine silicon based life forms because we
observe life is carbon based. We may imagine superheroes that have power to control their environment.
As we learn more, our imaginations become far wilder. However, humans lack the ability to imagine
something above and beyond the scope of our own experience. Even the most creative artists find their
source of creativity from studying previously recognized artists or other cultural phenomenon.
Due to this limitation of observation and analysis, we cannot originate something that has not previously
been presented to us in some form or another. We may try to create a new form, but even when this is done
we end up with something abstract. In order for something to take shape or possess an identity, it must be
given shape and identity. We recognize a television because this form has been established. However, if we
were to show this box to someone 1000 years ago, they would find it abstract. They could not have
imagined such a thing as a television or all that it could do.
Accordingly, the concept and idea of god is not something humanity could have imagined. There is nothing
on earth that would provide a basis for imagining a higher power or spiritual beings, especially ones whose
authority needs to be appeased. Where on earth did we ever imagine such a far-fetched notion?
The idea or concept of a god is such that we could not have imagined it, and thus, must be based upon truth.
At some point in human history, long before recorded history, we must have had interaction with a real and

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


living God. For some reason, this connection has been severed. God is no longer actively involved with
humanity on earth. If there were no God, then humanity would have never imagined any god. How should
we come upon such a conclusion? Why would humanity have ever created such a being?
Let us imagine for a moment that there is no God. Let us rewind to the birth of human beings using
evolution as the process of development. At some point, human beings would have had to evolve a sense of
self. We would have had to cross over from the point of being an animal, unaware of our own autonomy, to
a realization of our self in conjunction with everything else. Before this point, we did not consider the
impact of our actions upon the earth. We had no thought whatsoever of the cause or reason for these things.
We merely acted upon our instinct. If we felt hungry, we did everything in our power to eat. We would
hunt, kill, and steal. However, the point at which humanity was birthed, we could act apart from this natural
instinct and also thoughtfully reason our actions before we made them. We could observe our hands control
the earth below and think, I did that. We could ask the question, Should I eat this? Should I kill? We
realized our influence on the world. We would hunt, kill, and steal and realize how these things impacted
the environment and ourselves.
At our birth, the moment we crossed over into self-awareness, we had a freedom previously unknown. We
had the freedom to weigh the consequences of our actions. We had obtained responsibility and authority.
We could influence the earth by our own choosing (authority), and as a result, could see the implications of
our choices (responsibility). We had evolved from animals that acted solely upon instinct, to beings that
have animal instincts, but also can choose to deny them.
This, however, leads to many questions: How is it that this sense of self came about? And why would it
have only developed in apes? Why would it not have sprouted like a tree with many branches in several
other species? In addition to this, at what point did we realize our ability to give or deny the self? Why
would we ever think to deny our self and our instincts being animals would have raised us? Conversely,
why would we choose to give when giving is not the nature of animals? And lastly, why would we imagine
an invisible power greater than us in whom we should trust? Of course, all of this is for you to ponder.
If God were imaginary, God would have been a creation of humanity. This would suggest that at our birth,
we would have not known God. Rather, we would have evolved a sense of self while being raised by
animals. At this point, we would have been ignorant to things like morality and love. These would have
developed later as a result of interaction. However, at first, with the development of self comes the
realization of our impact upon the earth. We could reason or consider the implications of the world around
us. This development would have immediately made us aware of things inside and outside of our control.
As we tested our own limits, we would have seen our own failures.
Some people claim that we created God due to our failures and weaknesses. As such, we created God to
explain why things have happened that we could not understand or control. In addition, because this God
could control these things, we could appease this God to gain control ourselves. However, even if this were
true, why would we have imagined such a thing? Even if we were to think another being existed with more
power than ourselves, why would we imagine this being lived outside our realm of existence?
I would imagine the day we realized our own power and influence over things; we would have embraced it.
We would have sought to expand our abilities. We would have sought to push ourselves to highest
mountains and jump off the highest cliffs. We would have tested the waters in all we could do. And then,
we would have realized our weaknesses. We would have realized our needs and started to account for them.
As such, science and invention would have been the earliest of human developments. Before the concept of
gods would have ever been imagined, we would have had to develop a system of writing and record
keeping. We would have pushed our capabilities to the limits before realizing our limits. However, is this
the story of human history?
Our earliest histories have been recorded with a firm belief in a god or gods. From the earliest artwork, we
have the crafting of gods. Nearly every society and culture in recorded history has been filled with the idea
of gods. In fact, it was the belief in gods that lead to the recording of history. Our earliest records of
cultures are due to the molding, shaping, and recording of gods.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


In modern times, there is an underlying assumption that humanity has progressed in intelligence. The
beliefs of these earlier societies are often regarded as foolish. When we observe the behavior of peoples
bowing down and worshipping a block of wood, we think such is absurd. We have realized our ability to
influence things such as wood. In fact, we have come to fear our own abilities realizing we are capable of
destroying the earth. As such, fully knowing we can shape a piece of wood into our own image, why would
we worship it? Looking back, we might think it irrational to bow down before a block of stone, however,
this was not so for people of earlier cultures. For them, it was completely reasonable, as they had developed
a sense of understanding based upon what they knew to be true. They knew God existed as this much had
passed down from previous generations. They trusted what was taught to them much like we trust in
academia today.
Early history is marked by a fervent belief in gods and supernatural worlds. In fact, this focus seems to
have consumed early cultures. They did not bother seeking to explore the earth, rather, they settled on their
beliefs. In the history of humankind, science and invention is rather new. If we sit back and look at all the
advancements we have made over the last 100 years, it is astounding. However, these early cultures did not
bother with earthly pursuits. They were consumed with their gods.
In modern times, we think this foolishness. Some say, Look at all we have done. We have the easy life.
And yet, has there ever been a time in history when the earth has been so close to destruction? We seek to
satisfy our animal urges by providing in excess, and yet, we also leave many hungry. We abuse our power
and authority by taking from others in conflict before giving to them in peace. We have built unnatural
dwellings across the face of the earth to separate us from the world outside. We have houses and buildings
that rise above the trees into the sky, and paved streets that leave a scar across the face of earth. Then we
say, We have evolved into intelligent beings. Have we really? Have we progressed or digressed?
These early cultures embraced a different reality. They did not strive for a temporary life on earth. They
sought for life after death. They had heard of eternal life, in a place greater than earth, and they sought for
it. They did not accept that death was natural. They believed there was something more. Why bother
engineering pleasure on earth when at once you will die? Why settle for earth, when there is life after
Those early beliefs in gods were also accompanied with a belief in realms apart from earth, much as they
are today. They often believed in existences beyond the borders of earth and even our universe. The gods
exist in a realm above earth. Quite obviously, this realm is something unimaginable. Humans had not
explored the ends of the earth, so where would this concept originate?
Some have said that we believe in life after death because it gives us a false sense of hope. However, we
only hope for things that we desire, and so, why do we desire life after death if death is natural? In other
words, if all we had ever known was death and this was natural, why would we desire eternal life? Would
not eternity be contradictory for a person who finds death natural?
Some might say we desire life because naturally speaking; animals and humans alike strive for life. This
struggle to live is the natural characteristic of life. Animals steal, hunt, and kill to eat and live. They do not
seek death. Of course, the question becomes why would we imagine life after death to be a different place
of existence than earth? If our desire were to live, would we not seek to continue life on earth rather than
some other place?
Looking at human history, it is easy to see a progression away from the concept of gods and the realm of
gods. We have come closer to earth and have forgotten our origins. We are left to wonder how it is we
began. Many are adopting a post-modern philosophy that says there is no truth. This philosophy says,
There is no meaning to life. There is no God. This is it. In this context, we strive to please ourselves. We
live by our own rules and morals. We do things our way. We live by our own intelligence. We are
independent and individual. We seek to be a god, rather than seek after a god.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


In modern times, many have accepted that there is nothing more than what we observe. Instead of searching
for God, we search for knowledge and power apart from God. We want to do more, know more, and have
more power. We explore the ends of the physical space and time because we crave information. We study
and test physics so we can learn how everything works. We want to make life easier with new inventions.
We want to save the earth, because it is our only home. Life on earth is treasured because many believe this
is it. Once life ends here, then there is no more. Of course, this makes murder the ultimate act of evil
because the murder could take end our short life. In addition, this makes pleasure the ultimate end. We only
live a short while, so enjoy it while we can. Of course, if we truly believed earthly life was it, then why do
we not accept death as natural? Why bother with gravestones? Why strive for immortality? Why seek to
make a permanent mark on society? Why worry about death? Why does death seem so unnatural?
Humanity would only think death was unnatural and seek life after death, if it were true. If we had only
known death in all our existence, then how could we imagine life after death? If death were all we have
known, we would think death is ordinary. We would have accepted death as final, and this would have
characterized the history of humankind. However, our history is marked by a pursuit of god and life after
death. Why is this? If God is merely a delusion, why is human history marked with belief in some sort of
God is not a delusion. Humanity did not originate the concept of a god. We did not one day come up with
the idea of a god, as there is no basis for this especially for a being far greater than what we observe on
earth. Rather, there must have been a time when human beings knew God in truth but one day was
separated from Him. In the beginning, humanity must have had interacted with God standing in His
presence much like we interact with our friends and family today. However, something happened that
caused this interaction to be severed. We were separated from God and left alone. Since we had once
known God actively, we continued to believe in the existence of God. However, since we no longer knew
God in truth, we created false Gods to substitute. Earlier cultures fervently believed in gods because they
had not encountered or imagined a world without one. Why would they? At our birth, we knew God and
knew He was the source of power and life. Though we no longer knew God in truth, this much was passed
on through the generations. For early humanity, it seemed rational to believe in gods and irrational
otherwise. If a person wanted anything, they should seek the gods who are the source of all power and life.
If we could appease the gods and gain their favor, then we could have anything including eternal life.
However, due to the absence of God and the loss of our origins, many modern day intellectuals have
concluded that a belief in the existence of any god or gods is irrational. Many claim there is no evidence to
support belief in the existence of any god, and doing so is completely unfounded. They make this claim,
however, based upon their own base of knowledge and not through observation of all the information
available. Their claim is based upon their personal disbelief due to a lack of evidence in their own life.
However, the absence of God in the life of any person is not evidence to support the nonexistence of God.
Just because a person has not experienced the presence of God in truth, does not mean God does not exist.
This only means that God is not active in the life of that person. Rather, we must consider all the sources of
such claims. Why do so many people believe in God if there is no reason or ground to believe? There are
notable scholars and intellectuals who have confessed a belief in the existence of God, and yet, are we to
consider these beliefs unfounded? And what are we to say about human history and human imagination?
How did the concept of God originate?
Is it irrational to believe in the existence of God, or is it irrational to believe in the nonexistence of God?
Who is deluded, the theist or the atheist? If the atheist has never encountered evidence for the existence of
God, then he or she is not delusional. The fact remains that the atheist does not have enough evidence to
support a claim in God. However, does this mean that the theist is delusion to believe in the existence of
God? If the theist claims that their belief is deprived of reason, then we could say their belief is irrational.
However, if they have reasons to support their claim, then their belief is not irrational. Rather, their belief
may be unfounded, and as such, it should be weighed before being rejected.
Before anyone can claim that any belief is unfounded, this person must weigh the claims of that belief. If
we are to assert that God does not exist, we must counter all claims to the existence of God. If anyone
claims there is no God without first having explored all the claims to the existence of God, then this

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


person is speaking in ignorance. They have not explored all the claims of God. Anyone who is not seeking
the truth cannot claim to have found the truth. In other words, if there is no absolute truth apart from
humanity, then the statement there is no absolute truth apart from humanity is false. Therefore, if there is
a true God then there is a true belief. However, without researching all the claims of God, how can anyone
say, There is no God? What evidence is there to support this claim?
Likewise, if we are to claim that God does exist we must provide evidence for this claim. Evidence is the
ground for belief. The ground for belief comes in the being of God. What is God? Where is God? Who is
God? Where did God originate? How is God unique? What evidence is there for this God on earth? Why
does God not show Himself?

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Have you ever created a work of art? Have you ever sought to express outwardly something within? An
artist expresses thoughts, emotions, and ideas from within making a mark outwardly. An artist moves a
paintbrush across a canvas directing the course of paint trying to achieve a particular end. At times, artists
have been known to come upon an idea accidentally. They may drop some paint and have an epiphany.
However, the artist is not known for this accident until she embraces it as her own. An artist must practice
her craft and fine-tune the process. The success of an artist comes when the intention and the final product
come together into a perfect expression. She may have wanted to draw a portrait of her family. When her
finished drawing communicates this, then she has succeeded in making a work of art.
The true mark of an artist comes with intention. Often times this intention is not entirely clear. An artist
may have to provide a statement educating the audience of her intention. Other times, a critic may study the
work in depth and provide insight into the message being communicated. Either way, the artist makes a
mark by influencing the material substance in accord with her own desire. The final product was not an
accident, but an intentional act, and as a result her intention makes it a work of art. When a painter paints a
house, she may drop paint all over a piece of canvas below. These drips are accidental. However, when the
great American painter Jackson Pollock dripped paint over a canvas intentionally, his was a work of art. It
is the intention of the artist that makes the final product her own.
The success of an artist comes when the craftsmanship and the intention unite to form a perfect expression.
When Pollock first started dripping paint on canvas, his painting was inconsistent and accidental. His marks
had not yet been refined. As he continued to make new paintings, his craft slowly perfected. His marks bore
his true intention. As a spectator, we can study his paintings and see development of his style. We can
clearly see how the marks became more consistent and identifiable. At first, his paintings may have seemed
like mere accidents. However, as he progressed, his marks became evidently more stylized. His paintings
became an expression bearing his own personality. They are deliberate and bear evidence of his existence.
When we come upon a work of art, we do not stop to ask if there was an artist or not. We automatically
assume an artist was involved in its creation. We may, however, ask ourselves if this work of art was
intentional or not? Did the artist do this on accident or was it planned? Upon finding the answer, we give
credit to the artist where we find intention.
When we look at the universe and all its hosts, we may be faced with a similar question. Is this grand
universe a work of art, or a mere accident? Was this created intentionally, or did it happen by chance?
I would argue, as many have in the past, that due to its complex nature and design the universe must have
been created. However, I am sure anyone who disagreed would quickly point out all the contradictions and
point to the evidence of random events. If there were indeed a God, much like the artist, the intention of
this God would be expressed in His work of art, the universe. However, the universe is filled with things
that contradict most of the presented deities known to man. If there were a God, there would have to be a
viable explanation for the things in existence that contradict God. For example, why would God create life
only to let it die?
I have heard it said by some that there is a God, however, this God is above and beyond all comprehension.
His greatness surpasses all the parochial thoughts and ways of humanity. God is not a he or she, or even an
it, God is a mystical power not to be understood. Of course, if this were true, then why bother with God?
What difference does it make to believe He exists or not? We might as well adopt an atheist viewpoint.
If God does exist, then He must have an identity that provides a basis for all things. Likewise, this identity
must be expressed in His work, or else the universe is not His work. In addition, there must be a viable
explanation for things that contradict God. How or why did they come into existence? Why does God allow
these contradictions?

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Before we can answer those questions, we need to speak about God Himself. What is God? What are the
characteristics and traits unique to God that give shape to His identity? If indeed this God exists, then the
works of God will bear evidence of His existence. Where is this evidence?
God posses many qualities and characteristics we could discuss, and the evidence for them is
overwhelming. If so desired, a new field of science could arise on this alone: the study of Gods qualities
and traits as expressed in the universe. For the course of this book, however, I will remain focused on those
whose importance most impact humanity as we relate to God.
Quite obviously, God does not exist on earth in the form of atoms and molecules at the current time, or at
least, He currently hasnt made Himself known in this form. If this were the case, then this book would
have been pointless because you could easily see His visible form. God exists in a realm undetected by our
five senses and immeasurable by our modern tools and conventions. For some, this proves that God does
not exist. They refuse to accept the possibility of anything apart from what they can see, hear, smell, taste,
or touch. Is there any reason to think something exists beyond our ability to sense and perceive?
Humanity is a product of the universe, meaning that we do not exist apart from it or above it. We live in the
universe and our substance is of the same substance. We are composed of atoms and molecules just as
every other form. We live in and under the same physical laws and forces as everything else. When a storm
arises, we are subject to its magnificent power bearing down upon our soft and weak flesh. We can bleed
and die. When we die, our body decays just as everything else decays.
In our current state, humanity has been limited in our possession of knowledge. We begin life with an
empty slate. In our youthful state, our senses are alive and alert. We crave information and absorb
everything like a sponge. The mind of a child is like a fresh piece of clay ready to be sculpted and shaped.
We learn by what we can sense and perceive. We listen and observe remembering what we take in. We
watch for patterns, analytically comparing and contrasting. We draw conclusions and decide what to
believe or discard. As such, human knowledge is limited by what we are given. We only know what we
experience, what we are told, and what we can deduce. The universe is not shaped by us; rather, we are
shaped by the universe.
The universe is not subject to our will. We cannot command the earth to stop rotating, or cause the winds to
carry our weight like a bird. Rather, the universe bears laws and logic that we must abide. We may find
ways of influencing these laws, creating machinery to act in ways we cannot. We may bend these laws for a
time to achieve our own end. We can make a machine to defy gravity sending a person into outer space.
However, we cannot change the laws themselves. We cannot make all of gravity push rather than pull.
Being this is true, why then would we assume that the universe is limited to our sensation and perception?
Why would we imagine the universe to be limited to our own ability to perceive it? If we were indeed a
product of the universe, would not the universe be far greater in depth than what we could ever imagine?
Science has reached a point in its explorations that in order to advance, we have to stretch the possibilities
beyond our senses. In such realms, we rely heavily on mathematics, logic, and reproducible testing. There
have been many new introductions of theories bearing little evidence to support them apart from welldeveloped arguments and seemingly wise speculations. Such is the case for string theory, dark matter and
energy, multi-verse theory, and others. The more we observe, the more questions arise. If there was nothing
more than what we have the ability to sense and influence, then we might have all the answers. However,
we are slowly realizing the universe is greater than we, and as such beyond the totality of what we can
discover within our own limitations. In other words, the universe is not limited to our senses and abilities,
but rather, we are limited by our senses and abilities in our understanding of the universe. We will never
know more than what our physical bodies will allow without help from an influence greater in ability than
our own.
Science, for the first time, has to embrace human limitations in space and time. The presence of dark matter
is an excellent example of this. Based upon mathematical equations and known theories, the universe is
lacking in matter. There is a large amount of matter unaccounted for that we cannot sense with any of our

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


best instruments. So to speak, there should be more matter than we actually find in the universe. As such, it
is quite apparent that something more exists. However, we do not know what this more is. We know the
universe is missing matter. As such, we call it dark matter, as we know something is missing. The word
dark implies unknown.
This occurrence of missing variables to a proven equation shows that more exists than what we can
perceive. As we continue to discover and learn more about the universe, the more we will realize our own
limitations. We are not powerful or knowledgeable beings. We are creatures. The universe and beyond is
not restricted to our sensation, perception, or belief. We are products of the universe, something created
without intention of our own. We are not in control of the universe. We are not God.
God is in control of the entire universe. God is the supreme law upon which all other laws are built. God is
the center of the universe. God is the being who gives matter and energy its properties. God is the power
behind everything that upholds everything and sustains everything.
Upon this proposition and this alone, God then could be described as merely a higher power, the supreme
power of the universe. If we were to leave it at that, then God could be anything. If a person says that the
universe is based upon the principle of randomness, then God is randomness. God would be a concept that
has no intelligence, but rather is entirely random. If God were intentional, much like an artist, then God
would be an intelligent designer who has purposed everything precisely.
Let us focus for a moment on this concept of randomness. Let us say that the entire universe is based upon
the principle of randomness, and that everything is entirely random. Is chance an entirely suitable
hypothesis for the explanation of the universe?
Random implies that the universe, in the course of its development and continued existence, is not
controlled or dictated by intelligence or intention. As such, the universe bears no creator and instead is
governed or controlled by the principle of chance. There is no reason why events happen, they merely
happen without any rationality governing them.
Randomness is not a thesis rather it is anti-thesis. Random is a classification that counters cause, rhyme,
and reason. When something is random, it happens without cause, rhyme, or reason. To say something is
random or that it happens by chance is to say it happened without influence or direction. As such,
randomness implies a lack of knowledge, a lack of order, and a lack of intention.
Let me ask, however, what is truly random? Have you ever encountered something truly random without
cause, rhyme, or reason? When something is random, there is no viable explanation for the outcome or
results. The end result or product was derived purely by chance. For instance, let us say we were rolling a
set of six dice and the numbers came up in sequence. We would classify this as a random event. The person
rolling the dice did not intentionally govern the outcome of the dice. As such, there is no viable explanation
for the dice appearing in sequence. We may have desired for this end result, however, we did not position
the dice in a way to influence this particular result.
When we roll dice, is this event truly random? From our perspective, the dice roll was random. Using our
mental powers and motor skills, we did not purposefully govern the outcome of the dice roll. We merely
threw the dice. Imagine, however, we had enough power and ability to anticipate exactly the outcome based
upon the amount force with which we rolled the dice, and the other forces the dice would encounter during
the throw. Would the event be random? If we had such ability, nothing would be random for us. However,
the dice roll is random due to our lack of governance. We did not control the dice roll, we merely applied a
force we did not measure. The dice roll is only random because of our own ignorance. Initially, however,
we had intended for the dice roll to be random.
Let me give another example. Lets say you are walking through the forest entirely alone. Suddenly, a tree
falls down in front of you and nearly kills you. Nothing you did caused this tree to fall. After study and
observation, you discover the tree fell because termites had eaten the bulk of the tree. At this moment, you
stop to ponder this incident. You could have nearly died. You look around and there seems to be no

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


connection between this falling tree and yourself. For you, this event was random. You did not govern the
falling of this tree, and there appears to be nothing intentionally governing its fall. And yet, this tree nearly
caused your death.
In this example, the falling tree was not random. In fact, the tree fell accordingly following all the laws of
nature. If the tree had hung in space for a few minutes before hitting the ground, discrediting the law of
gravity, then the event would have been truly random. Rather, the tree followed exactly the laws and
principles governing its actions. What made this event random was your own surprise. You did not expect
the tree to fall. This was due merely to ignorance.
Randomness, from the human perspective, occurs when we cannot find a reason or analytical association to
classify an event. We say an event is random, because there seems to be no rational explanation for the
event. A stranger may spontaneously hand you ten dollars and then walk away. You might think that event
random and irrational, however, the stranger may have had a good reason for it. Likewise, we may look at
the workings of the universe and in our ignorance say, There is no rational explanation for the existence of
the universe and so it is random. We may base this thesis on the fact that we seemingly are surrounded by
a myriad of unexplainable events, all of which seem to take place for no viable reason. As such, we
conclude the entire universe is based upon a premise of complete randomness.
Under this presupposition, we are saying the entire universe is irrational. There is no explanation for the
universe; it is completely and entirely irrational. In fact, to say the universe is irrational is to fully accept
that all of the human race is irrational, and so is science itself. There is no reason for anything.
However, science does not accept such a proposition. Science continually asks the question, How is that
possible? What is the reason behind that? If science were to accept randomness as a possibility, then all of
its theories would immediately become void. An apple would fall from a tree, and when asked why that
happened, the answer would be, It was random. Rather, science does not accept events as being random.
When an apple falls from a tree, science explores why it happened, and develops a theory based upon
observation and methodical testing. Once the theory has been proven, it is accepted as natural law. An
apple falls from a tree because of gravity, a natural force governing its fall.
Randomness implies a lack of order. Under such, we are saying the entire universe is based upon a
principle of disorder. When something is random, it does not follow a particular order or sequence. Rather,
the outcome is random. In randomness, when a particular order arises, this happens as an accident or stroke
of luck. There was no particular governing power or intelligence that influenced the outcome. Rather, the
outcome, if orderly, was purely a fluke. The nature of randomness is that it is entirely random, and anything
that is orderly or systematic conflicts with the nature of randomness, especially if it has a prolonged
When we have a working system, something that occurs randomly is an unexplained anomaly. This random
occurrence is upsetting to nature of the system. When such anomalies occur, it shows a fault in the system
that can eventually lead to failure. This is exemplified in computers. A computer is a system programmed
to follow a specific set of instructions. When a computer is working properly, everything flows smoothly
and peacefully. The computer continues to function and perform the necessary tasks. However, when a
glitch arises, the system begins to breakdown and fail. The computer faces a problem that causes it to either
stop or fail to perform the necessary task. When the glitch is fixed, the computer can continue to function.
Another great example of this is a music recorded on a CD player. The CD player reads the data from the
CD and plays music. Everything is fine, so long as the CD is in perfect condition. However, if there
happens to be a scratch, the CD player will skip and the music will become disordered.
The nature of randomness is opposite. If a song were based upon the principle of randomness, it would
have no order. Rather, it would be completely random. The sounds would not create a melody. It would
have no rhyme. Instead, it would sound like pots and pans falling down stairs.
Within a working system, anomalies and glitches may arise that give way to randomness. However, the
overall governing principle would be based upon a governing power. Within randomness, the overall

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


governing principle would be chaos, and as such, anything orderly would be an anomaly. Based upon this,
can we say the universe is random? Is the order that makes life possible merely a fluke?
Obviously, we observe events in the universe that appear to be random. However, the majority of the
universe operates like a system with rules and operations governing its actions. Science has spent a lengthy
time studying this grand system to discern those rules and operations. If the universe were truly based upon
a principle of randomness, then the universe would be random. We would not have the immense depth of
order as we encounter. Time itself is evidence of this truth. If time were based upon the principle of
randomness, then time itself would be random. If this were the case, we would instantly know, for time
would be sporadic and chaotic. We would experience life in disordered fragments often repeating life
scenarios. Life would not be melodious continuity; rather, it would be a broken record that could not be
Evolution is also a process that abides by a particular set of observable mechanisms. Evolution is not
merely a series of random events. The events as prescribed by evolution involve a process that offers an
explanation as to the production of life. To say that evolution is the process by which all life was produced
and then to say the world is based upon random events are two contradictory statements. If evolution is
indeed a process, it is not random. If the universe is governed by a principle of randomness, then the
process of evolution is an anomaly and at any minute, everything will instantly be changed to another
random outcome. To say evolution is a complex process that developed over billions of years and then to
say the universe is based upon randomness is completely contradictory statements. Either evolution is
random and it is not a process, or it is a process and isnt random.
If indeed evolution is a process, then any randomness that occurs in evolution is purely ignorance.
Evolution is based upon genetic mutations that are said to randomly arise. Obviously, if evolution is a
working process and system, then there is a viable cause for these mutations. The cause for the mutations
does not seem to be following a pattern or order presently, and thus, we say they are random. However, this
is not because they are truly random, rather we have not been able to sense or perceive the governing force
or principle behind the mutations. We have yet to hypothesize a viable explanation for the mutations. To
say these mutations are entirely random is irrational.
The universe bears a particular order that contradicts any notion for a basis of randomness. The universe
bears properties and characteristics that govern and control its actions. Because of these properties, science
has been able to develop theories that have helped us better understand the environment, and manipulate it
for our own use.
If science does not embrace or accept the possibility of God, then it will eventually fall upon itself and
become something entirely irrational. When we accept the hypothesis that the root of all processes
governing the universe is randomness, then there is no viable explanation for anything, and thus, science
itself is useless. To say there is a God is to say there is a rhyme and reason for everything. Thus, we have a
basis for drawing conclusions and performing research. There is an explanation for everything because God
had a reason. Upon this basis, science can observe a phenomenon and say, There is a reasonable
explanation for this, because the universe was created by a reasonable and intentional God.
Science has progressed to such a point as to provide evidence for the birth of the universe. The expanse of
the cosmos is something that has an origin or starting point. For both scientist and theologians alike, there
is no question about this. The universe is not infinite in existence; there was a point when this physical
realm did not exist. What happened before this?
Science is left to speculate how the universe originated. The current theory is that it spawned from a
singularity, a point at which the laws of physics break down. The idea is that before the big bang,
everything was in chaos. This point of chaos reached such a point of instability that it exploded and thus set
the universe into motion. Such a proposal boggles the mind, for when something is unstable; an explosion
leads to its resulting death, not birth. In addition, the question arises: why does something entirely chaotic
explode from chaos to order? Where did the laws of physics originate?

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


The true mark of an artist comes with intention. The laws of physics are like brush strokes in the canvas of
the universe. They speak to something intentional. A property or law such as this is not merely a random
event. Like the etching of a chisel, these were carved into the face of the universe giving it shape and form.
The universe is not merely a collection of random events. The universe has characteristics that make it
unique. In fact, everything in the universe shares this. Everything has particular properties that give shape
and identity. A tree has different properties from a bush. A planet has different properties than a moon. A
neutron has different properties than an electron. The entire universe is filled, not with purely random
things, but with uniquely identifiable and characteristic forms. This is not the work of a random event. This
is intentional. There is a message throughout all creation, an intentional expression. It is the expression of
Above and beyond our mere physical abilities of sensation and perception exists a God who in all His
power governs the universe and all its hosts. This God also has a shape and identity. His shape and identity
is expressed in all His work. The more we learn about God, the more we begin to see Him.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


What is the basis for all that is true? If we are to claim anything is true, then we must also conclude there is
a basis for its truth. What is the truth? Does this truth exist?
The truth is what gives everything shape, identity, and existence. The atomic elements each have unique
identifiable properties. Physical laws govern these properties. What is the basis for these laws? What makes
the universe what it is? What gives way to reality? Whatever this is, it is the truth. It is the basis for
existence. However, this does not prove that there is a basis for reality. The question arises: How do we
know anything exists?
We establish existence through identity. Anything that exists has an identity in relation to other things.
There are unique characteristics and properties that give existence uniqueness that differentiate it from
everything else. These properties are established by a particular system or order. For instance, we know the
earth exists because of its relation to the sun, stars, and moon. From the earth, we can look in the sky and
see the relationship between the earth and the sun, thus establishing a unique identity for each. We know
atomic elements exist because of the properties of each that make them unique. Hydrogen has a different
number of protons from every other element. We know that we exist in relation to our environment. When
we touch the petals of a flower and sense the delicacy of it, then our existence is made real.
Existence is established through identity and relation to other things. If this is true, then all things must
have a basis for the establishment of identity. There must be something that everything relates to providing
a basis for existence. For example, for the sun to have unique properties that distinguish it from the earth,
there must be something that establishes the properties of the sun and of the earth. What causes the sun to
be the sun, and tells the earth to be the earth? Currently, we call this physics. What is governing physics?
What makes physics true?
Whatever we say is the truth; we must acknowledge that we are not it. We do not create our own reality
rather we live within reality. A person has the ability to imagine a reality within their mind, however, what
is imagined does not occur within actually space and time. Our thoughts do not influence space and time
directly. If our thoughts are to become a reality, we must express them. As such, we manipulate existing
physical space in a particular design to produce an expression. For example, we might draw a picture in the
sand with our fingers. This communicates our internal thoughts. However, we cannot simply think
something and have it become true. We cannot control the sand with only our thoughts to produce a
Apart from humanity exists physical space and time that we must rely upon for existence. We must draw
energy from the environment around us for life. We must work, eat, and sleep under the confines of earth.
We cannot do anything or go anywhere. We depend upon plants and animals as a source of food. We
depend upon the atmosphere to provide oxygen so that we may breath. We are limited by the physical laws
of space and time. We are subject to reality and not above or outside it.
As such, we must acknowledge that truth exists apart from humanity. We did not create the universe. We
do not control the universe. We only have the power to manipulate what already exists. We do not establish
what is true and false. We can only believe whether or not something is true or false. We do not have the
power to change the universe into something other than what it is.
Being that we live within the universe, we can testify to the existence of the universe. We live in relation to
the universe, and as such, our existence testifies to the existence of truth. Because we exist, there must be a
basis for our existence. There must be a truth apart from humanity. However, if we say, there is no truth,
we are in essence saying that everything in existence is false. This means that we do not exist. Do you
exist? Or is your existence merely an imagination?
If truth does not exist, we would also have to say there is no cause for the universe. If we say there is no
cause, this means that the universe also has no explanation. If there is no cause, there is also no reason. This
would mean that any explanation we have for birth of the universe is false. If we provide any cause for the

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


existence of the universe, then that cause is false because we have established there is no cause. If we say
the universe happened by chance, then we have provided a cause for the universe and as such, it is false.
Such a statement is contradictory. If the universe happened by chance and had no cause, then saying the
universe happened by chance is also false. Anyone who says the universe happened by chance cannot argue
or reason any point because they have no ground or basis for which to argue. If the universe happened by
chance then it has no cause, and they have no basis to argue any claim whether religious or scientific.
We must acknowledge that truth exists otherwise we have accepted irrationality as the basis for all things.
We cannot establish anything reasonably without first establishing that reason exists in truth. In addition,
we must also acknowledge that truth exists apart from humanity. This means that something exists apart
from humanity that bears all truth. This is God. By establishing that we are not the basis for existence, we
have also established the existence of a being other than humanity that is the basis for existence, namely
We must acknowledge God or else we have no basis for making any claim. To say there is no God is
irrational for if this were true, then it would immediately be false or else we would be claiming to be God.
If we say, there is no God, we are either saying that there is no truth or we are the truth. If there is no
truth, then nothing is true. This means the statement there is no God is false. If there is truth and no God,
then we are saying that we are the truth.
Humanity is not the truth. We do not control physics or natural law. We may influence it, but we did not
establish it. We do not govern physics. We do not tell the universe to be what it is, or establish its identity.
If science has taught us anything, it is that we are explorers of the universe and not creators. We discover
what has already been established. We seek to find truth, but we are not the truth. There is something
separate from us that governs physics and establishes what is true and what is not true.
Under this basis, it is impossible to say, There is no God. There is something other than humanity
governing the course of the universe. Some may say this God is chance or randomness. They will say, The
universe happened by chance. I would like to point out, however, that whatever this God is, it must also
have existence in order for it to be true. Before randomness could be established as the basis of the
universe, it would first have to be established in truth. Randomness, however, is merely a human concept
developed to explain something that has no apparent cause due to a lack of recognized order. Therefore, the
universe cannot be governed by an idea or concept, because an idea is not real.
If the universe does exist, and we as humans do in fact exist, then we must also say that something is
governing existence. Something exists as the foundation of existence that makes everything true.
Otherwise, if we say the universe does not exist, then nothing is real or true. By this, there are no such
things as physical laws or properties. Nothing is real, nothing is imaginary, and there is no such thing as
ration or reason. Everything exists purely in the minds of humanity. We are a dream. We create our own
reality. We are the truth. Thus, we are God.
If we were God, then we could control our own reality. However, we know this proposition is false because
we cannot control our own reality. No matter what we think or believe, facts will still be facts. An orange
will still be orange. Trees will still be trees. Water will still be water. And we will still be victim to natural
forces. We cannot control our own reality. Something else is governing our reality. Something else is
governing what is true and what is false.
Something in existence is governing existence. This being is God, and He is the truth. He is the one who
establishes what is true and what is not true.
At this point, someone might say, We need empirical evidence that God exists. The empirical evidence
that God exists is existence itself. When we dig through the ground and find a stone that resembles the
human form with intricacy and beauty, we do not think this rock was formed by pure chance. Likewise, we
immediately assume archeological finds such as Stonehenge were built with human hands. The stones exist
within a particular manner in relation to the surrounding environment that gives the site a unique identity.
Through archeological finds such as this, we have established the existence of early human societies. The

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


evidence of their existence is found within the objects they have created. Likewise, existence itself is the
empirical evidence of God.
If science is ever to persist, it also must embrace this fact. Science cannot explain God, or who God is. We
cannot test God, as He exists outside of our plane of existence. However, science proves the existence of
God through every discovery that is proven true. Every time science establishes a fact and proves a theory,
it is also proving the existence of God on the basis that there is something in existence that made this truth
true. Our discoveries do not make something true, but rather, our discoveries only make known something
that has already been established as true by the truth, namely God.
If science does not except God, a being in existence apart from humanity, as the establishment of truth, then
science has to embrace the only other possibility: all the claims of science are false and science is false. If
there is no truth, then science has no basis for discovery or empirical testing. The spirit of science is the
pursuit of truth, and science seeks to prove that which is true. If nothing is true and there is no basis for
truth, then science is dead.
God, a being other than humanity, is the basis for all things true. Science needs not embrace anything more
than this. When science finally embraces this truth, then it can remain true as it continues to explore realms
beyond the limitations of humanity. Science seeks to provide evidence for what is true, and prove what is
true, through observation and testing. This is made possible because there is an established truth that
provides a basis for all things true and separates truth from untruth.
Where science stops, our own personal search begins. The goal of science is not to explore anything more
that what it can prove through testing. Science remains embedded in physics and thus, God is of no concern
to the scientist. Science studies the work of God, but not God Himself. A person who seeks more than what
science has to offer, must embark on a personal search for God. They must explore realms that exist
beyond what we manipulate and enter into the world of spirituality and religion.
Though humanity has the ability to manipulate the laws of physics, we are also subject to the universe
having been made a product of the universe. We do not govern the laws of physics. We are not the truth,
but are subject to the truth. In this sense, we are powerless to reality. If we fall off the edge of a high cliff,
we cannot stop gravity from pulling us down. We may create a parachute to ease our decent or even
manipulate another force to push against gravity, but we cannot make gravity cease. We cannot shoot bolts
of lightning from our hands by sure will.
Though we are powerless to reality, we do have the freedom to be shaped by our reality. We have the
power to shape our being in relation to the world around us by what we believe. When we encounter
reality, we may either accept it or reject it. We may freely form opinions and judgments concerning reality.
As such, we have the freedom to shape our own being by what we freely accept or reject. We may enter a
room with four white walls, and though this is reality, we may freely imagine a room filled with color.
Though we have been presented with truth, we rejected it and created our own truth.
We have within us the freedom to believe, and so truth becomes significant to us. We do not establish truth,
but are shaped by truth. We may accept or reject the truth as being true or false. This means that we may
freely accept or reject God as being true or false. We may believe that God exists and is true. We may
believe God exists and is false. Or we may disbelieve God exists, which also means that there is no such
thing as true or false. We have the freedom to accept or reject truth.
As established earlier, believing in the truth is not merely the acquiesce of information, or in other words,
the belief that something is true. Believing that something is true and believing in something are two
different things. Believing something is true is objective while believing in something is subjective. This
means that while we may think something is true, unless we believe in it, this truth will not be true for us.
For example, a person may believe it is safer to fly a plane than it is to drive a car. Statistically, more
people die in car accidents than in plane accidents. This person may say, I know this is true, but they may
still fear flying more than driving. The person claims to have knowledge, but this knowledge is objective
and not true for them. Another example is displayed when a person says, Yes, I believe in God, but when

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


their faith is tested it fails. When this person encounters persecution; they betray their God. People whose
faith is not true are not willing to make sacrifices for their God, especially when faced with death.
When we believe in something, we invest ourselves in what we believe. We dont merely believe it to be
true; we actually give ourselves to the thing that we believe. This is demonstrated in children. A child
believes in his parents and trusts in them. When the parents tell their child something, the child
immediately assumes it is true because the child has faith in the parents. The child does not question, but
has faith on the basis that the parents are true. However, all children become disillusioned by such faith in
his parents when he discovers that his parents are not true. While his parents helped bring about their
existence, the existence of the child is based upon another truth. The trust of the child is broken when the
child catches the parent lying.
When we believe in something, we invest ourselves in it. We give ourselves to whatever we believe in. We
become what we believe. If we believe in the truth, then we are true. If we believe in a lie, then we are a lie.
This established humanities dependency upon the truth and the severity of our beliefs. When a person
believes in something, they will fight and defend it with the utmost passion. They will uphold it against the
greatest struggle. A true believer will die for his or her belief.
Some people, however, do not want to believe in anything because they desire to be the truth. A person
such as this says, There is no God, because they dont want to be controlled by the truth. Instead, they
want to control the basis of their existence, and thus deny the truth so that they can establish their own
truth. By saying there is no God, the person is attempting to create illusionary freedom. Without truth, they
do not have to be accountable to the truth. They deny the existence of any basis for truth so that they can
maintain control over their being. This person is essentially saying, I am what I desire to be, rather than
asking, Am I what I was created to be?
For a person such as this, existence is based upon what they desire and defined by what they believe.
Anything apart from themselves that does not fit within their own sphere of reasoning and judgment is
considered irrational absurd despite the truth. A person who says, There is no truth, is trying to create a
truth based upon the self apart from reality. Truth, in this context, is relative to whatever the person
desires. This is accompanied with a strong disbelief in any God, and a strong belief in the self. This
perception produces comments such as Believe in yourself, or Trust no one but yourself. In this
context, the person does not want to give him or herself to anyone except him or herself. Because of this,
all conclusions or rational drawn by such a person centers upon the self as they cannot perceive anything
else. They only believe in the self and base all reasoning upon what benefits the self. Their entire existence
is based, not upon truth, but on themselves.
Such a belief is adopted to produce an illusionary freedom. Internally, the person wants to act upon his or
her desires but is restrained by the truth. As such, the person rejects the existence of the truth so as not to be
restrained. Instead, they say, there is no truth, making truth something we perceive. This gives the person
leverage over the truth by only being held accountable to what they accept as being true. This gives them
an illusionary freedom to act however they want. In this illusion, the universe has no meaning and so it
does not matter how they act, as there is nothing in universe to which they are held accountable. However,
because the person depends upon other human beings, the beliefs of others become problematic. Anyone
who says there is a truth apart from humanity becomes a threat to the person denying the existence of truth.
This means all religions are threatening to anyone who disbelieves the truth. State laws, however, are not
threatening because they can be changed and they help protect the preservation of self. State laws help to
protect the illusionary freedom of self-truth, while religion threatens self-truth because it claims there
is a God in who embodies truth.
This, however, is a dangerous illusion for any person to come under. This denies the existence of truth apart
from humanity. The person does not accept truth for what it is, but instead tries to establish truth for what
they want it to be. Humanity is not the truth. We are not the basis of existence and cannot be the basis for
our own existence. This means the person believes in a lie and is living in an illusion. The person is not
living within reality, but has created a version of his or her own reality. This means that when true reality,
which has power over us, meets with the false reality they have created, a war will rage destroying them

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


internally. The person will suffer spiritually with internal conflict, and eventually be crushed by truth.
Eventually, the person will face the truth in death. We cannot sustain our own existence. We must answer
to truth.
As shown above, humanity is not the basis for truth. We do not make reality what it is. No matter what we
think or believe, the universe will still be the same. We cannot change the laws of physics. However, we
are subject to what we believe. We need to believe in the truth so that we may be made true. If anyone truly
wants to know the truth, they must begin to search for it. We must take risks and step out willing to invest
ourselves. If we really want to know the truth we must be open to the truth. We must ask ourselves: Am I
willing to believe in the truth?

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


As children, we might have been inclined to lie back in the grass and watch the clouds pass by. As they
move, different forms take shape and some even catch our imaginations. As we sit there watching the
clouds continually changing, we often dont think about how we are changing just the same. As we grow,
we take on different shapes, forms, and identities. We pass through many different experiences and our
bodies age as they pass through time. On an even grander scale, we dont stop to think about how the sun
and stars are also changing. The sun experiences a cycle of change and one day will cease to give light. In
fact, everything in the universe will experience change. The universe is slowly expanding. Everything
around us is moving through the course of time.
And yet, everything around us bears properties and qualities that give shape and identity. The sun will
always be the sun. We do not expect one day that the sun should become like the earth, filled with water
and life. Rather, it will follow the natural lifecycle of a star. The clouds will always be clouds. We do not
expect to be lying in the grass and one-day see a cloud become a heavy stone. Even though everything
changes, each has a property and characteristic that makes it unique.
All things have identity or shape developed by governing principles. A stone has a particular order or
design that makes it a stone. Though we may perceive these properties and characteristics giving them
names, we have not governed the properties that fashion it. We have not fixed the atomic makeup of gold.
Likewise, we have not set the sun in the sky or told it to shine light upon the earth.
Behind every governing principle, there is a governing authority. Another way of saying this is that behind
every variable is a constant. In the sky, clouds change continually. As such, there are principles governing
it. Likewise, there also exists an authority governing these principles. A cloud continually changes. And
yet, a cloud is always a cloud. Something is governing the shape of that cloud. Something is telling it to be
a cloud.
The entire universe and everything in it is subject to change, and may incur change, however, God is. God
is constant and unchanging. Because of God, everything else has definition. We expect everything to
change. The universe is constantly changing. Time flows and nothing is ever the same. Though an event
may repeat itself, it happens as two different occurrences. A pin may drop twice, but it still happened at two
different moments in time. Everything experiences change.
Because everything changes, it needs a basis for existence. The entire universe is variable. A variable, as
we know, is representative of a constant. A variable has no identity. It constantly changes. As such, it needs
a constant to give it shape and identity. God is the constant of the universe. God is the one thing that never
changes allowing for everything else to have an existence.
This characteristic of God is expressed in mathematics. We have discovered in the universe certain
principles and laws at work which govern the behavior of all things. At the core of these is a language that
helps us understand these principles at work. We have come to see that when we take two objects and add
them with two other objects, we have four. Though numbers are mere symbols, this truth will never change.
Two plus two will never equal twenty-two, but will always equal four. From this humble beginning, math
and science have slowly uncovered a vast array of principles governing the universe.
Behind every governing principle, there needs to be a governing authority enforcing the principle. This is
best seen in modern governments. A leader or member of congress creates a law. The law may be
instituted, such as a speed limit. Signs may be posted on roads across the nation indicating or giving
direction to this instituted law. However, does that mean the law will be obeyed and everyone will drive the
speed limit? Without an executive branch of government enforcing the law, how will it be upheld?
Language is an excellent example of governing principles and authorities. In order to have language, we
need principles governing the language that make it possible. Language has a set of rules that govern it
making it possible to communicate. If those rules are not followed, communication will be hindered if not
possible. Language is governed by laws, but also impacted by change. American English is a broad mix of

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


many different cultures and languages. As the society changes, the language also changes. Even still, in
order for anyone to learn the language, the laws must be established and kept. American English is
governed by society, but unless society can agree on the language and institute a governing authority to
maintain it, communication will be hindered and eventually cease.
Computers embody another example. A computer can do nothing on its own. If we should enter our study,
find our computer awake and actively engaging in different processes after we had shut it down, we would
not expect that the computer did this on its own accord. We would immediately assume there was a
governing authority behind it. We would wonder if it has obtained a virus or is under control by a hacker.
Another illustration that comes to mind is a series of dominos stacked in a row. By this, a small system has
been established using the force of gravity as the governing principle. When the first domino is knocked
over, the second domino will then be knocked over continuing in succession until the last. Before any of
this could happen, the governing principle of gravity had to be established. Then the dominos needed to be
created and placed accordingly in a row. The system has then been established and all that needs to be done
is the knocking down of the first domino. As the first domino falls, the system begins to run and function
accordingly. All goes well so long as the dominos obey the governing principles and nothing interferes.
Eventually, the system will stop unless dominos are continually placed. The system needs a supplier to
keep the chain going, someone adding more dominos. In addition, the system will stop if something
interrupts the system. For instance, let us say one of the dominos gains the ability to think freely and act
independently. And let us say, this domino steps out of line causing a gap in the series. The whole system
would stop, unless a domino is added.
The universe as we know is a system continually running on a set of governing principles. Science is based
upon the discovery of these principles at work. Science does not expect at any time that random events will
occur, and when they do, science accounts for them attempting to find a reasonable explanation. Rather,
science depends on the governing principle of mathematics in order to prove theories and make new
discoveries. If at any moment, these governing principles were interrupted to a great extent, all of science
would become useless as the entire universe would suffer collapse and everything would be chaos.
Rather, the universe is a system governed by certain principles. These principles are monitored and
maintained by a constant governing authority. God is this authority. God never changes and is the force
instituting the governing principle upholding the enter universe making it capable of running. Without God,
the system would collapse upon itself especially since there exists an anomaly within the system, namely
Everything within the system that is the universe obeys the properties governing it. Gravity at no time
suddenly chooses to stop applying its force. Likewise, mathematics does not suddenly lose all application
and become useless. Even animals obey precisely the natural laws that apply to them. They follow the
natural urges built within their genetics that govern their behavior. We would never expect a dog to start
acting like a fish or otherwise. They follow exactly what has been written within their DNA. When a pet
dog leaps a fence and bites a child, the owners of the dog are held accountable. The dog was merely acting
according to its nature.
However, humanity does not obey natural laws, governing laws, or moral laws. Rather, we live in a state of
conflict. Biologically, we are just like any other mammal. We feel hunger and lust. We have natural urges
that govern our behavior. In addition to this, we also have a sense of greater responsibility. We have come
to realize a greater intelligence and the ability to deny our natural urges. Though we may be hungry, we can
choose whether or not to kill or steal from another. We are not governed solely by our impulses. Rather we
have awareness and choice that other mammals do not have.
Human governments have instituted laws over humanity in order to provide and uphold a working system
that allows for the betterment of human life. These laws often conflict with the biological urges we feel
inside. The law says that we are not to speed. And yet, when in a hurry our inner urge is to speed. When an
animal is hungry, it seeks after food allowing nothing to stop it. The animal does not consider whom the
food belongs to or what it is used for. It merely follows its natural instinct and eats. However, humans have
designated property and rights to property. We have established that it is wrong to eat something that does

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


not belong to us. We have established laws to govern possessions and to keep people from taking that
which is not theirs. In the animal Kingdom, a lion will pursue its prey. The lion does not consider the
wealth or health of its victim. It does not consider the age or ease of prey. Rather, the lion acts upon natural
instinct that tells it to kill even if the victim is a lame baby zebra. However, humans have laws instituted
that govern how and when prey may be killed. In addition, we have instituted severe laws against murder of
our own kind.
On the surface, one might presume that since we are of greater intellect than other mammals, we have a
responsibility to act accordingly. However, if this is true, then why do we not? Of everything in the
universe, humans live in the greatest conflict with one another and nature. We fight and battle with our own
natural urges, with nature itself, and with one another. We institute laws that say it is illegal to steal, and
then greedily withhold valuable resources from those in need. We institute laws that say it is illegal to
murder, and yet we wage wars. Within the universe that is running perfectly in accord with the principles of
math and other governing laws, humanity seeks to break laws and apply our own. We have developed
homes that separate us from nature. We have harnessed nuclear energy to produce forces beyond our
natural capabilities, for both creative and destructive purposes. We have brought harm, not merely to
ourselves, but to the earth and all life. Humanity is an anomaly within the system of the universe.
If we return to the illustration of the dominos, the dominos fell in succession so long as all the governing
principles were obeyed. As long as every domino fell in accord, the system ran smoothly. However, if one
domino did not fall properly, then the system suffers collapse. In the system of the universe, humanity is
not acting accordingly. Humanity breaks every known law, from its own governing laws to the laws of
nature. Because of this, the system of the universe is slowly collapsing and as a result, other anomalies will
arise slowly bringing about eventual chaos and end.
The effects of our irregularities are showing signs upon the earth. The earth is nearing destruction,
especially the life therein. We have interrupted the natural order of things on earth, and instead, invaded by
instituting our own way of thinking. Because of this, we have problems with global warming. The earth has
been left with scars due to atomic bombs and other forms of warfare. We are seeing upsets in natural
environments where life once flourished. If our irregular and random behavior in the grand scheme of the
universe is not stopped or changed, we will be seeing not only our own end but also the end of the entire
universe. Though we have caused a small rift on earth, this small upset in the grand system will eventually
lead to entire system shutdown.
Despite us, there is a governing authority greater than us behind the universe. Though the universe is a
system governed by principles, there is an authority behind those principles that persists. As we observe the
universe, we have come to see this eternal power working. The universe and everything in it will change.
However, we know that the authority governing it will not change. The universe will continue to function
just as it always has. It will not randomly become something else.
However, let us imagine for a moment that there is no God, no governing authority. The universe is
governed by a set of principles that are upheld by Gods governing authority. Let us say this does not exist.
Under this presupposition, the universe is not subject to any authority and there is no constant. The laws or
principles at work have no basis. This means, there are no laws or principles at work. Under such, the entire
universe is a set of random events that happen to be working together at the current time. However, it also
means that this could change at any moment. In the blink of an eye, the entire universe and time itself could
change. Any of these principles at work governing matter and energy could instantly change. Imagine if
this were true. The whole universe would be a freak accident. At any moment, the laws governing the
universe that make life possible could cease. Atoms could break apart with particles taking on new
properties. Time could reverse direction. The whole universe could fall apart. In fact, without a constant
behind the universe governing all the principalities at work, the universe would fall apart as it would have
no foundation to support it. The universe would become a place of complete chaos where nothing followed
any consistency or pattern or law. There would be no shape, form, or property behind anything. Everything
would become a big mess.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


If I told you that tomorrow, the universe would deconstruct would you believe me? If I told you that at any
moment, your body could explode into a jumble of particles with no laws of physics, would you believe
me? And yet, when we say there is no God, this is exactly what we are saying. If the universe truly does
have physical laws governing it, if indeed there is an order to things that we can explore and discover, then
there must also be a basis for these things. Everything changes. There must be a constant behind these
variables giving it shape and identity. This constant is God.
God is the governing authority of the universe that upholds it and enforces the principles therein. He
established the language of the universe and set it in motion. Physical laws and forces are instituted by
God, and are governed by God. He stands and watches over the falling dominos and sits at the end adding
new dominos accordingly. He is the foundation for all things.
However, the question often arises: If everything has been created by God, then who created God? In
other words, if God is reason for the existence, what is the reason for Gods existence? The answer is that
God is the reason for His own existence because Gods existence is complete. God is the great
unchangeable I AM. He is perfect and absolute.
Everything in the universe needs God for existence. Human life testifies to this truth. We have to satisfy
many needs just to survive. We need air, water, and food for our bodies to live. We have to work or else we
will die. We need to draw life from other life. We cannot simply be. If we were to sit in the same position
for just a month without eating or drinking, we would die. We have needs. God, however, needs nothing.
God sits in the same position for eternity and still is the same. God will not decay or die. God will never
The existence of God is based upon Himself. If God were to express this truth in His own words, He would
say, I am that I am. God was not created, rather God is. He is just what He is. God is the cause and effect
of His existence. In this way, God is not like anything else that exists. Everything else has needs. God
needs nothing. Everything else changes. God is constant. Everything else has a beginning. God has no
beginning. God is infinite.
We know God exists, because we exist. We exist within space and time, and yet we do not govern space
and time. We are subject to physical laws. We are not the basis for existence. Therefore, something apart
from us provides the basis for existence. Some other being governs the universe. This being is God. And
yet, we exist because God exists. If there is no God, there is no basis for existence. Without a basis for
existence then we do not really exist and everything we experience is an illusion. Therefore, every time we
experience reality in truth, we have encountered evidence for the existence of God. Every time we glide our
hands over the soft fur on a puppies back, we have evidence for the existence of God. Every time we smell
the aroma of a dinner cooking in our mothers kitchen, we have evidence for the existence of God. Every
time our bare foot dips into cold water, our eyes falls upon the starry night sky, our ears hear the thunder of
an electric storm, or our tongue delights in the sweetness of cherries; we have evidence for the existence of
God. We did not cause these things.
Something else exists apart from humanity that provides a basis for existence. This being has nothing to
gain, but everything to give. By the constancy and absolute perfection of this being, everything else has
being. This being is God and God is.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


If I were to ask, What is the greatest of all, how would you answer? Many would likely say the answer is
God. The very word God connotes greatness and power. We would never call anything less than us
God as God is something greater than us. When we apply the term god to anything, we are saying this
thing is greater than the rest. This being is greater than all the other beings and has power over them. To
call anything a god is to give it a position of power and high rank. In addition, to call anything God is
to give it a position of supreme rank. But how great is God? Is God truly above all things?
If God is greater than everything, then how can God be anything? How can God have an identity or an
existence? The minute we apply any attribute to God, we have limited God. For instance, if we say God is
good, then good would be greater than God. To say God is good implies that there is some form of
goodness greater than God to which we can apply to God. This would mean that good would be greater
than God, and thus, this would strip God of His supreme rank. If God is truly supreme and greater than all
things, this means that He gives definition to all things. And so, to say God is anything is to limit God to
that one thing. Calling God He or She is limiting. To give God a name is limiting. To say God is
good or God is love is limiting.
If God is truly all-powerful and supreme, then He cannot be limited in such ways. We cannot say that God
is X, Y, or Z. If we do, then X, Y, or Z is greater than God. For instance, we might say an orange is the
color orange. However, God established the property of oranges. An orange is the color orange because
God created it that way. However, if we were to say God is orange, then who made God orange? If we say
God is good, who made God good? If we say God is supreme, then who made God supreme?
In the last chapter, we established that God is. This sentence is complete. There is nothing else to be said.
God is the one who gives definition to all things. God is not defined by the universe or anything in it.
Rather, God gives definition to the universe and everything in it. God tells the sun to shine brightly. He
tells the earth to revolve around the sun. He tells the moon to revolve around the earth. God is the
governing authority of the universe.
However, it has been stated in previous chapters that God has an identity. When an artist creates, she paints
according to her own intention and desire. Because of this, her brush strokes express herself. Likewise,
when God created the universe according to His desire, the universe bore His brush strokes. It expressed
His person. However, how can have an existence if He is greater than existence?
Before anything was created, God had to first embody Himself. God is greater than all things, and so,
before anything could be defined or given existence, God first needed to identify Himself from all other
things. Who is God? What characteristics or properties will be echoed throughout creation? On what basis
will the universe be established? What will be the governing authority behind every governing principle?
What actually happened is beyond our comprehension. God exists in a realm beyond our wildest
imaginations. We cannot totally grasp what occurred in our feeble minds. We can, however, understand it
in metaphor or parable. There are several ways to describe what happened. One way we can think of this is
to say there was nothing but darkness. In the dark, nothing has shape or form. In the dark, an object like a
desk cannot be seen and thus has no shape or form. And so, in the beginning, God brought forth the light.
The light is the form of God. The light is the identity of God. This light, when it hits other things, gives
shape and identity to other things. God separated the light from the dark. This means God made know His
own person. God identified Himself. Just to clarify, however, this is merely a metaphor.
Another way to illustrate this event is to say that God brought forth His Word. God had one thought and
desire. In humans, thoughts and desires rest inside the mind. They do not exist in reality but only in our
minds. Internally, we can think anything we like or desire anything we want. In our imagination, nearly
anything is possible. Though this is true, thoughts and desires are not evident until they are expressed.
When our thoughts are desires are expressed in word and actions, they become reality. Likewise, in the
mind of God anything is possible. However, when God spoke, His one desire was expressed and became a
reality. The expression of this one desire is Gods Word. This came forth from His eternal being to create

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


what we experience as reality. When God expressed Himself, the greatness of God became reality. Gods
Word, which is constant and unchanging, came forth as the governing authority over all things. Again, this
is merely a metaphor for things beyond our grasp.
Another way to think of this is to say that God gave birth to a Son. God established His throne and
authority by bringing forth a Son. God did not create a Son. The metaphor here is that God gave birth to a
Son. This Son came from the bosom of the Father. This means the Son is the Father. They are one. In this
Son, God established all that He is. This Son represents the person of God. This Son embodies the fullness
of God. He represents the nature of God. This Son is God Himself. The Son is the established identity of
God through which all things could have identity. Again, this is merely a metaphor for things beyond our
In providing these metaphors, there is a misconception that we must be careful to avoid. In all this, it may
seem like God is two beings. He is not two beings, but one. If you recall, God is supreme. He is great
beyond all measure and comprehension. We cannot even begin to understand Him. God is not a being, like
you and I are beings. God was not created, like you or I. We are creatures that have been created. We exist
because God exists. However, God is. His existence is complete.
Humanity is subject to reality. We may accept or reject what we see or hear. However, we cannot govern
existence. On this basis, our belief may be true or false. However, God is the truth. This means that
whatever God believes becomes true. Whatever God thinks, happens. God has the freedom to be anyone or
do anything. This means that God chose His own being. He chose to be God. He chose what characteristics
and qualities He wanted to be. He chose His own nature and identity. He chose His being.
In the choosing of His being, God brought forth His Son. From eternity, God had one desire. This one
desire was His Son. In His Son, God embodied His person. God is not multiple beings. God is one. Gods
Son is the only one. There are not many Sons of God; there is only one. There are not many voices of God;
there is only one. There are not many authorities; there is one authority. There is one basis for the universe
and for all things. There is one truth upon which all other truths have been established. This one is Gods
Son. God is one.
As said above, God is. This means that God is above and beyond all things. God is unimaginable. God has
no limitations. God is greater than great. God is beyond supreme. Because of this, God cannot be
comprehended or known. However, God made known His person by giving birth to a Son. Through Gods
Son, we may know God. It is through Gods Son, in this being, that we can begin to understand God. This
Son is the embodiment of God. This Son is God.
This truth is exemplified in human beings. If you desired to know me, how would you do so? If you wanted
to know me, you would need to hear my words, see my actions, and experience my person. You could
never truly know my thoughts or hearts desires. My thoughts and desires are my own. You cannot see
inside me. No one can read my mind. However, you can experience my expressions. You could come and
talk with me. You could watch me. You could read my books and view my art. You could spend time with
me. The only way to know me is by what I express in my body.
The only way to know God is by His expression. God expressed Himself by His Son. If you want to know
God, or discover God, you can only do so through His Son. God is above and beyond all things. However,
God has expressed His person in His Son.
In addition, this truth is seen in the liberty of our mind. Inside, we have unparalleled freedom. The mind
lends to numerous possibilities. We can desire anything and possess anything in our thoughts. We may
think one thing and do another. We may stand apart from ourselves and observe our own behavior. We may
sit back and watch as we are crazily taken by anger, and then wonder, why did I do that? And yet, though
our mind may wander in a variety of directions, we have a self who is expressed in our body through words
and actions. We possess patterns of behavior that shape our person and identity. We have a self. We have a
being and a person. In addition, we have a consciousness greater than the self. We can evaluate ourselves
because we have a freedom apart from ourselves. We can look into the mirror and judge our own behavior.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


We can imagine things apart from ourselves. We have a consciousness governing the self that allows for
control over the self.
Inside, we may have many thoughts, but we are recognized by our actions. Our person comes forth in our
words and actions. Likewise, the person of God, the self of God, is His Son. We are greater than our words
and actions. We are allowed control over the self. Likewise, God has control over Himself. In this way,
God is greater than Himself.
It is in this truth that we can begin to understand the supremacy of God. He is not a God of limitations.
There is nothing beyond His grasp or control. God is above all things. With God, all things are possible.
However, though this is true, God chose limitation. God established Himself. God, who could do anything
or be anything, chose to be the person that He is. In this, God chose to be the sovereign, loving creator of
all things, who gives life to all things, and sustains all things by His power and pleasure. God chose His
own being, and this being is His Son. God has expressed Himself through His Son. The personality of God
is expressed perfectly in His Son. And the person of Gods Son is expressed in the entire universe. The Son
of God is the basis for all things. He upholds the entire universe. He is God.
From this point forward, it must be understood that anytime we apply a quality or characteristic to God, we
are speaking of His Son. The Son is the exact representation of God. The Son is the spoken Word of God.
The Son expresses God to the universe. If God is good, it is because God chose to be good and this
quality or characteristic is embodied in His Son.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


God is spirit.
Often when we talk about spirit, we think of a glowing mystical wisp or the essence of a thing. We may
imagine a supernatural being often depicted in movies or paintings. Or we may talk about the nature of
something as being the spirit of it, for instance the spirit of business is growth. Spirit also connotes life.
When we speak of something as having spirit, we are often saying it is full of life. We might say, The
spirit of our youth is alive and well. These all give indications of spirit, but in truth, what is spirit? What
evidence do we have it exists?
Many modern theologians define the spirit as the soul, using either interchangeably. However, this is not
true. The soul and spirit are two different. The soul is the being. The spirit gives life to the soul making it a
living being. A soul can die. Spirit is neither dead nor alive. Spirit does not have life; it is life.
Spirit is the substance of God. This is difficult to fully understand, as our being is not of such a substance.
We have been created and exist within a body made of matter and energy. Our being is flesh, so to speak.
As such, we are dependent for life. We have needs. We must eat to live. We must be sustained. However,
God needs nothing. His existence is complete. This means spirit is neither created nor destroyed. Spirit is a
substance that is. It has no measure or limit. It knows no boundaries. Rather, it is.
God has given of His substance to bring forth spiritual beings known as spirits. A spirit has a being of its
own apart from God though directly dependent upon God. These spirits are often called angels. These
spirits were not created, as we are, but exist as a part of God. These spirits depend on God completely and
entirely for every part of their being. God has given a portion of His spirit so that these beings may exist.
They do not know or have an existence apart from God. This means they cannot deny God, like you or I.
They cannot say, There is no God because God is always before them.
God is spirit and is also a spirit. God has given His own spirit in portion to bring forth other spirits. In
addition to this, God has reserved a portion of His spirit for Himself. He has designated a portion of spirit
as being sacred, set aside as only His. This is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit belongs only to God. The
other spirits may commit evil or act in ways that are displeasing to God. They are individual of God. They
are not the person of God. The Holy Spirit is presence of God. The other spirits are merely servants while
the Holy Spirit is God Himself.
Spirit exists outside of the realm of our authority and concrete observation. We have in ourselves the ability
to sense spirit and spiritual things, but not in a concrete manner as we do physical things. We are limited
beings with limited authority. We have been given authority over the earth and its hosts; however, we are
limited to this physical world and physical bodies. This means scientific testing of the spirit is nearly
impossible. We can test atoms and molecules because we have the ability to influence them. We can burst
apart an atom by imposing opposing forces, however, we cannot forcibly maneuver anything spiritual. We
cannot direct it or reproduce it. We cannot govern it. We cannot observe it.
Spirit is a substance humans are incapable of detecting by conventional means. We are not fully aware of
spirit, as we are atoms and molecules. Our bodily senses are triggered by the world around us as we interact
with it. We clearly see light and forms. We can taste and touch substances. We can smell and hear things as
they make waves in the air. However, spirit is a substance that we cannot so easily identify.
Being this is true; you might ask how we should even know that spirit exists. If we cannot sense it or
control it, then how should we have any evidence of its existence? Just as the wind blows and we cannot
see where it came from or where it is going, we can see how it effects the environment with which it
interacts. When the wind blows, we can see it in the swaying trees and hear it in the rustling leaves. So is it
with spirit. We can observe it coming and going. It is at work in us and around us.
< Spirit Empowers Life >

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


When life reproduces, it does so by giving a portion of itself to the creation of a new life. A cell divides in
order to produce two cells. Larger animals mate, each sharing a part of themselves that comes together to
form a new life. On earth, life begets life. We have yet to see or experience the production of life from
mere physics. Neither have we been able to create a life form from atoms and molecules.
Life does not suddenly appear by an act of randomness. We do not suddenly observe a pile of dirt become
an active life form. Neither would we ever expect anything apart from life to suddenly have life. Rather,
life comes in the form of a gift from another life. Life is transferred through reproduction. This process
provides evidence of God on many levels.
God is the giver and sustainer of life. As such, He shares Himself. This is a unique property of God seen
throughout all creation. God gives. We have life because God gives life. Because God is the giver of life,
this is echoed on earth. Life comes by a process of reproduction. In order for a child to be born, life from
both parents must come together to form a new life. It requires that both parents give something of
themselves in order that this new life might come into being. This is the way of God and this is evidence of
God. We do not see life coming into existence by any other process. Life reproduces. Life is given.
As was written above, spirit is the substance of God. In order that anything might have life or exist, God
gives of His substance. The very stuff of God is given in measure in order that something might live. In the
realm of earth, such living beings depend on two components in order to be a living being. A body
compromising atoms and molecules combines with the spirit of God to form a living creature. The two
combined form a life, and as such, depend on both to have life. When the spirit leaves the body, death
results. When the body dies, the spirit leaves and returns to God. Life, as we know it, depends on this
union. As a result of this union, we have life, or in other words, a soul.
The soul is the being. It is not a concrete thing such as a body, or even a definitive thing like a spirit. The
soul is our design based upon the coming together of the body and spirit. Humans and animals have a spirit,
but are not a spirit. (This is significant.) We are a life made of flesh. This means we cannot live without our
earthly body. We are not a spirit that lives on past the death of our body. When our body dies, we are dead.
The spirit returns to God and we are a dead soul.
When the spirit leaves a body, the body is like an empty shell. If we were to feed the body energy so that
the heart could continue to beat and the different processes could function, the body would appear to be
alive. We could send electrochemical impulses through the neurons at different points and cause the legs to
move. Doing this, the body acts just like a machine. A computer cannot act apart from its own instructions.
We command a computer to do what we want. At no time does a computer act on its own apart from those
commands. It may be commanded from several sources. A virus may be downloaded, or several users
might give it different commands. However, when the computer receives no instructions, it does nothing. In
order for a computer to compute, it must receive commands from a user. Likewise, the body is just a vessel.
It cannot do anything on its own. The body needs a spirit with proper authority to give it instructions and
< Spirit Grants Authority >
The spirit is the authority of the body. We might also say consciousness, although, the spirit does more than
what we may think. The spirit tells the heart to beat, the lungs to breath, and other such bodily functions.
The spirit is what controls the body. Through modern science, we have learned that the brain is the area
where all functions are processed and controlled. We have seen activity of the brain highlighted to the
different processes of the body. The body, as a machine, is controlled through the brain and neural passages
throughout the body. However, what causes activity in the brain? We have encountered people whose
brains have died, and yet their body lives. These were placed on a life support system where machines
continued bodily functions. As soon as the machine stopped, so did the body. In such a case, when the brain
ceased to show activity, it was a sign the spirit had left the body. Though the body may continue to
function, at no time do we ever see the body operate independently of consciousness. Once the spirit has
left, there is no longer an authority in control.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Authority is given by God and so is the level of authority. This comes in the spirit and by the spirit. Not all
life has the same authority. This truth is apparent when observing the difference between creatures such as
humans and other mammals. We have been given more authority or command over our bodies and the
world around us than other creatures. We alone are self-aware, which means we have the ability to respond
to our own actions. We have the ability to see how our actions impact ourselves and life around us. We can
steal food and see how it might cause harm. Other mammals, such as dogs, steal food from members of
their own pack. They are not concerned for the welfare of the other dogs. If a dog is hungry, it will do
anything to ensure it eats. The dog obeys bodily impulses. However, humans have the ability to deny our
bodily impulses. If we are hungry, we may choose to remain hungry and deny ourselves food. In addition to
this, humans have the ability to observe and analyze. The whole of science exists because we have the
ability to experiment. We have enough authority on earth to generate electricity and use it to power
computers. However, mammals such as apes do not have this authority. They cannot act apart from their
bodily impulses. They cannot influence the earth in accord with their own desires.
Through the spirit we have authority, however, we do not have authority over the spirit. As said above, we
are flesh. Through life given by the spirit, we have authority over the flesh. We can command our arms and
legs to move freely. However, we are not a spirit. We have no control over the spirit. We cannot command
our spirit to leave our body. We cannot interact with other spirits as we do other humans. We cannot live
past death. Our life is dependent on our body.
< Emotions Are the Voice of Our Spirit >
The greatest evidence for the spirit comes in the way of its voice. Both the body and spirit communicate to
us in ways that let us know of its condition and needs. This form of communication is commonly known as
feelings. The feelings of the body are easy to identify. We feel pain when the body is being harmed. We
feel hunger when the body needs refreshment. We feel sleepy when the body needs to rest. There are a
great many physical and natural urges we encounter to inform us of the bodies needs and desires.
Our spirit also communicates to us in the form of feelings otherwise known as emotions. Emotions are a
means of the spirit inside communicating to us its needs. One of the most evident and recognizable of these
is emotional pain or heartache. Internally, when our spirit has suffered loss, inside we feel hurt. Likewise,
when the spirit is hungry or thirsty, we feel a longing for something that is missing. When our spirit has
been wronged, we feel anger. When the spirit is oppressed, we feel depressed.
In addition, it is important to understand in all this that our complex emotions are a response of the spirit to
our beliefs, and not necessarily what actually happens. On the surface, it may seem like emotions are
responses to our experiences and environment. This is true of our bodily emotions. We may feel dizzy or
faint because of a lack of oxygen in the air. However, the spirit is connected to our thoughts and beliefs.
What we believe to be true impacts our emotions. For example, if we believe our spouse is cheating on us,
then we will feel hurt, even if it is not true. We may fear imaginary monsters because we believe they exist
even though they do not. If we believe something to be wrong, then we will feel guilt. If we commit a
crime such as theft, but do not believe it to be wrong, then we will not feel guilt.
As we look at other forms of life, it is evident that humans have complex emotions that other creatures do
not experience. One such of these emotions is guilt. This specific emotional response comes due to our
authority. As shown above, each spirit has been given an amount of authority. With authority comes
possibility. We can easily see the possibilities we have at our fingertips. We can create beautiful works of
art that speak to the condition of humanity. Or we can destroy, not only our own creations, but also the
earth and life itself.
Inwardly, humans have been designed with a conscience. When the spirit inside has been introduced to
something it believes to be wrong, it produces guilt. Often times, as with other emotions, once we have
experienced it for a long period of time, it becomes unrecognizable and changes form into something more
enslaving. At first, we may commit a crime and feel guilty. This guilt will last until resolved. Often times,
we stop feeling this guilt, not because it was resolved, but because we grow accustomed to it.
Consequently, when we commit the crime a second time, we dont feel the same measure of guilt. After a

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


time, we become so unified with the guilt that we become completely unaware of it. In fact, in many cases,
we find a way of justifying our case mentally. A person might steal from someone wealthy and justify this
crime by stating they are poor. Or, they might justify it through pride, by thinking they are deserving of it
in one way or another.
Emotions are products of the spirit and give us indication of its condition. In addition, we do not have any
authority over the spirit. Consequently, this means that we cannot directly control our emotions. We cannot
choose to make ourselves feel a particular way at any given time. We cannot command guilt to arise in us.
Likewise, when we are feeling remorse or despair, we cannot force it to leave. If we did have such ability
and control, then imagine what relief billions of people would have. Those who grieve the loss of a loved
one could turn off their sadness as easily as pressing a button. They would not have to suffer emotionally,
but rather, could just make it go away.
However, our emotions are a response of the spirit to our beliefs. Our beliefs are impacted by experiences.
We come to believe what we do because of what we experience. We have limited control over our
experiences and beliefs; because of this we do have some control over our emotions. We can control our
environment to a degree and thus, cause a particular response. We could commit a crime we believe to be
wrong and thus feel guilt. When suffering from a loss, we can draw close to other loved ones to help fill the
void inside. We also may control what we believe. We may freely accept or reject what we perceive.
Though we may have enough money to carry us through the month, we may not believe it, and thus worry
about how we will live.
While we cannot control our emotions directly, we can deny them and bury them. In our capacity, we have
the ability to ignore and deny. We can choose to ignore or deny a great many things. We may often choose
to ignore people as we walk through a huge crowd of strangers. We may choose to ignore natural urges, as
we look upon a person we find attractive. We may also ignore our emotions. We may feel a deep sense of
something larger than ourselves, but deny its presence.
We may deny our emotions by finding ways to bury our emotions behind ourselves. We may build up
logical or reasonable defenses that justify our cause. Or we may plainly ignore our emotions through a
strong will. For some, such a pursuit is easier than others. We all have a different measure of life upon us.
For some, we feel things deeper. The voice of our spirit is louder and difficult to deny. For others, their
emotions are subtler. They may find it easy to deny how they feel.
A person who is extremely logical and objective often times denies of all his or her emotions. They find
emotions contradictory to their rational. As such, they often deem emotional exhibitions as irrational
having resulted from a lack of reasoning. Such individuals rely heavily on their ability to reason everything
including their own emotions. As they age, continually denying any and all emotions, they slowly become
severed from their spirit. They appear outwardly to have no emotions at all, and may even claim that any
emotional experience is merely a figment of the imagination. These also struggle at forming strong
relationships with others, and instead, suffer from a deep loneliness inside. Additionally, they become
completely objective persons who live totally in terms of their own ability to reason. They fully understand
the depths of selfishness having adopted the self as the center of all behavior. They cannot fathom or reason
anything beyond that of the objective self. They only believe what they have surmised. They obey their
own perception as the ultimate revelation of the universe.
To deny our emotions is mere foolishness as they communicate the needs of our soul. If we deny our own
needs, then we are only bringing harm upon ourselves. If our aim is to die, then we should succeed rather
quickly. However, if we desire to live then we must embrace our spirituality. Something more exists that
sustains and gives life. If our aim is to live, the question we need to be asking ourselves is why do we die,
and what can we do to live?

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


How do I know that I exist? What is the nature of existence? Where did I come from? What is my purpose?
These are the questions of a creature, something that has been created. We ask such questions because we
did not choose our existence. Rather, we were given existence in a realm we did not choose. We did not
choose our parents, our biology, or our environment. We did not choose to be, where to be, or how to be.
Whether God exists or not, we cannot deny that we are creatures. We are not the creator.
How is it that everything came to be? Where did we come from? Philosophy and science have long sought
to answer these questions. Whether we openly admit the possibility of God or not, we must admit that
something else influenced the origin of the universe. Humanity did not create the universe. Something else
brought about the origin of the universe. This thing is the creator of the universe.
At the core of this, we have either two possibilities. Either all of existence came from something with an
eternal existence, or all of existence just came to be. The first implies that a supreme being created
everything. The second implies that everything happened by chance. In a previous chapter, we established
the universe could not have been created randomly as the universe is not based upon the principle of
randomness. To have a random universe, randomness would have to be the governing principle influencing
all things. However, we do not see this at work. Rather, we see the universe functioning under a set of
established principles such as math and order that conflict with the nature of randomness. This means that
the universe could only have originated from something whose nature aligns with such principles.
In another chapter, we established the unchanging nature of God. His existence is complete. All other
things draw their existence from an external source. Everything apart from God has needs. In order to live,
we must eat and drink. In order for the universe to function properly, it needs an authority to govern it.
However, God is complete. God needs nothing in order to exist. God never asks, Why do I exist? His
existence is complete in and of Himself. Consequently, God is. In His own words God would say, I AM.
Being this is true, God has within Himself the ability to provide existence. God never changes, and so, God
can be the foundation for anything else to have existence. He tells everything else what it is and what it
does; and His Word upholds it. God formed the universe with galaxies, stars, and planets. He set them in
motion following particular revolutions in space. He told the sun to send forth light that could be collected
by plants that in turn grow and produce food for animals. The animals bring delight to human beings who
in turn pray and give thanks to God. He established a carefully working system that depends on His Word
to function in harmony.
Because the universe does in fact exist, we also know that God desired to create. In the beginning, God
created the heavens and the earth. He did this intentionally and intelligently. By His desire all things have
been established. When God created, He created according to His own pleasure. When He was finished, He
stopped to gaze upon the majesty of His work and saw that it was pleasing. His creation fit His purpose and
plans. The sheer existence of the universe highlights the eminence of God. He is the creator.
The nature of a creator is to create for a specific purpose. The nature of a creature, however, is to fulfill that
purpose. This is seen in everyday life. When we create something, we expect it to do what it is supposed to
do. When we make a machine that washes dishes, we expect the machine to wash dishes. If the dishwasher
were to do anything else, we would scrap it and start over. When God created the earth and all life, He had
a particular purpose in mind. He wanted to create life, not destroy it. He sought to give existence to
something that previously had none. The core of His desire was to give. As such, the nature of the creature
is to accept this life and live.
We see this principle of survival at work in life on earth. The nature of all life is to survive. God desired to
give life in order that creatures may live. As such, the creatures of earth seek to live. This truth is apparent
in all forms of life, except one. Humans, though most seek to live, also harm and destroy themselves. We
smoke and drink. We commit suicide. We join in wars and take pleasure in violence. We strip the earth of
resources and hoard them from those in need.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


If I were to create a robot to answer the door, I should expect that robot to do just that. If I should come
home one day to find the robot doing anything else, I should think that something has gone wrong.
Obviously, we know that robots currently do not have the ability to act independently of their
programming. However, what if we were to design a robot that could choose deny its own programming
based upon its own desires? And what if this robot had decided to dismantle itself piece by piece? Or, on a
lighter note, what if the robot had merely decided to stop answering the door? If this had happened, I would
immediately shut down the robot and try to discover why this happened.
In the grand system of the universe where all life is connected and all things work together, if any creature
should decide to deny its creator, then a major problem arises the whole system is in danger of failure and
collapse. In addition, the creature, being subject to the creator, must answer to the creator. Why did the
creature deny the creator? Why did the creature fail to fulfill the purpose set upon it by the creator?
It seems to me that people often reject the possibility of a creator because it reduces the position of
humanity in the grand scheme of the things. If the universe originated from chance, then as far as we can
tell, humanity is the highest form of intelligence in awareness. This removes the possibility that we are
creatures, and elevates us to the status of gods. Under this, though we did not create the universe, some
would say we have the responsibility to ourselves to care for it. This would suggest that we are in total
control of ourselves, and the responsibility of morality falls upon the individual and society. When faced
with a question such as, What is my purpose, the answer would be Whatever you want. However, the
moment we accept the possibility of a creator, then we are lowered to a creature. We are not in total control
of ourselves. There is a God to whom we must answer and give account. We were created for a purpose
and there is a danger that we are not meeting or fulfilling that purpose. As such, people will often reject the
possibility of a creator because they will not accept the possibility of being a creature.
To anyone who says, There is no God, I pose this question: Who is your creator? What is the purpose of
your life? Why do you live? If the answer to this question is: I live for myself, then you have entered
into a conflict. Firstly, Do you fulfill all the purposes you have set upon yourself? Do you meet your own
expectations of yourself? And secondly, Do you give yourself existence? Can you give yourself life?
Quite obviously, the answer is no. One day you will die. You cannot stop this from happening. Your
existence will come to an end. If indeed you are the creator of your own life, if you are in charge of
yourself, then how come you cannot give yourself existence? How come you cannot live past death?
Humans are not creators, nor are we gods. We are creatures. We have been created. Whether we believe in
God or not, we cannot deny the fallibility of our humanity. We did not create the universe or ourselves.
Creatures are products of their creator. They posses qualities and characteristics instilled by their creator.
These characteristics are based upon the creators person. When artists paint a portrait, they evoke a
particular style unique to their person. When builder make a house, it bears the marks of their of
personality. Likewise, we as creatures bear the characteristics of our creator.
If indeed the universe originated by chance, then we were created by chance. We would be creatures of
chance. If this were true, we would not have desires or intentions. We would not develop plans or
procedures. We would not have thoughts or rational. We would be a product of chance, which means all of
humanity would be irrational beings whose behavior was completely random.
People who say the universe originated by chance enter a dangerous mode. They have stripped themselves
of all logic, reasoning, intelligence, and intention. If randomness is the creator of universe, and people are a
product of this creator, then to act with any sort of rational and intention is to deny the purpose of their
creature. This means that though they believe the universe happened by chance, they are at war with this
concept as they act in opposition to such a nature. In every instance where they intentionally compose
rational arguments, they are at odds with their own thesis. Anyone who says the universe happened by
chance is also saying his or her entire thoughts and arguments are random, and thus irrational. If their entire
presupposition is that all things are random, then how could we accept any claim they make in regards to
the existence of God? We cannot. We are not random creatures. We have intellect and intention. For this to
exist within us means that we were created by a being who has intellect and intention.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


We were created in the image of God. The intention of God is crafted into us. We have thoughts, desires,
intentions, and intelligence. We build and create. We possess many of Gods qualities. As a creature,
however, we are lesser. We possess them in portion. We are not God Himself; rather, we were created by
God. Our existence is not complete. We are dependent on external sources for our existence. God is
complete and because of this He never asks, Why do I exist? However, we need something to give us
purpose and reason. We need a reason to exist.
Because we are creatures, the purpose of our existence is especially significant to us. Why do I exist?
What is my purpose? These questions arise because we are creatures. A creature is created to fulfill the
desire of its creator. When we know our purpose and fulfill our purpose, then our existence is complete. In
this, the creator and creature come together in harmony. However, if we do not fulfill our purpose, then we
are at war with our creator.
As creatures, we should want to fulfill the purpose for which we were created. This is the nature of being a
creature. If we should find within ourselves a desire to know, What is the purpose of my life, then
immediately our aim should be to seek the creator. Who is the creator? Why was I created? These are
important questions toward the fulfillment of our existence. However, even if we knew the answer to these
questions, we would still not be complete. We will only be complete when have fulfilled our purpose. Our
existence is fulfilled when we are doing what we were created to do. The most important question we will
need to ask ourselves as creatures is this: Am I doing that which is pleasing to my creator? When the
desire of our creator is fulfilled in us, then we are at harmony with our creator and our existence is
If we are not fulfilling our purpose, then we will find within ourselves a large hole. We will yearn for
something more. We will feel like something is missing. Our existence will be incomplete. Our needs as a
creature will not be met because we are at war with our creator. When this happens, we have separated
ourselves from the being that gives us existence and life. When the separation from the creator is final,
death results. We cease to exist.
God is the creator. Existence depends on Him.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


There once was a woman who was wild and unrestrained. She did what she wanted and didnt have a care
in her life. She would go out with friends drinking until late in the night, and then rise early the next day to
work for her pay. She never wore a seatbelt even though she rushed madly around town. She often ventured
off into dangerous areas, doing whatever she pleased. She even slept around, so long as she got what she
wanted. She feared nothing, not even death. This continued until the day she became pregnant. She then
made a choice to love her child and keep him. Suddenly, her life was given a whole new meaning. This
little life inside of her depended on her. She gave up drinking and staying out late. She started wearing her
seatbelt and cautiously avoided dangerous situations. She respected her body, as the child inside needed
her. Her life became sacred as it supported the life of another in love.
When the life of someone we love becomes dependent upon ours, we realize the value of our own life. We
have given ourselves toward the betterment of another life, and as such, the other life cannot be better than
ourselves. When the mother in the story above chose to love her unborn baby, she then realized the value of
her own life. She wanted to give her child the best. This would mean that she would have to bring forth the
best within herself.
Similarly, God desired to give His best for the life and existence of all. When God created, He gave
Himself in love to bring forth all of creation. Like the mother in the story, God chose to love. In doing so,
God created everything including humanity. This was His desire.
God created the entire universe by His pleasure. This means the entire universe was created for His purpose
and will. When everything in the universe follows His will, then the whole universe flows in harmony like
a masterful piece of music. However, when just one thing falls out of place, then the whole of creation
suffers. Therefore, in order for peace and harmony to exist within the universe, all the creatures within it
must serve their purpose. They must do what He has intended. For creatures like humans, who have a will
of their own, we may desire something different. We may desire to do something other than what God
desires, and as a result we may disrupt peace and harmony. When such a thing happens, the song of life
cannot play. The music is stopped and broken. There needs to be one God who rules over everyone and
everything, and not many gods with many desires.
Due to the nature of God, He is Holy. God is the creator of the universe who sustains it by His will.
Humans, who have free will, must therefore recognize the significance of God. They must make God Holy
in their sight. To illustrate this, let us imagine there is a small village in a desert town. The one source of
water they have to drink from is a pond in the center of the village. The water must be kept pure as
everyone in town drinks of this water. If any person should defile the water, then the whole town will suffer
diseases and eventual death. If everyone in the town values the water, and keeps it Holy, then the water will
be kept pure. Clean water benefits all life. However, if one person should decide to spit in the water and
pollute it, then the whole town will suffer. Similarly, God is like the pond of water. God is the source of all
life. If one person should defile God in any way, then all of life will suffer. The Holiness of God is
important to all life.
Who can measure the value of God? He is greater than all things, sustains all things, governs all things, and
is the basis of all things. The worth of God is immeasurable. His being is significant. Because of this, God
is holy and deserving of reverence.
The holiness of God is significant, though, it does not benefit Himself. He gains no benefit from praise and
worship. He is complete and needs nothing. The holiness of God is for our benefit, as our lives depend
upon Him.
God is the constant in the universe that provides a basis for all of existence. Everything in the universe
varies. People age, the earth decays, and the universe expands. God, however, continually remains the
same. Despite the dynamic universe, objects within it have an identity. They bear different properties that
furnish form as made evident by observation in light. God is like light. When the light shines, it reveals
what is hidden. When light shines we are able to see the world around us. We can see shapes and forms,

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


like trees, lakes, houses, roads, animals, and people. When the light is gone, everything is dark. The entire
universe depends on God to give it shape and form. Without God, the universe would be nothing. Because
of this, God must be viewed as Holy. If God is mocked, then all of existence is mocked with it. If a creature
should struggle with God, then all of existence struggles. God must be revered and viewed as Holy, or else
there is no harmony or peace.
God is the governing authority of the universe. God tells the sun when to rise and set. God tells planets to
revolve around the sun. The entire universe functions on the basis of Gods authority. We do not expect
that the sun will stop shining before it is time. We do not expect that we will float of the earth into space.
We do not expect time to start flowing backwards. These properties do not change because God does not
change. Because of this, we can explore and discover. Because of God, math does not change and
experiments may be performed to prove theories. As such, science depends on God, or else science would
have no reason to expect any rational explanation. Science says, Everything has a reasonable explanation
and then seeks to find it. The scientist never settles for anything short of empirical evidence that is geared
and maintained by God. Since God does exist and the universe obeys His authority, we can measure it.
However, if God did not exist, then there would be no authority governing the universe. Without God, the
sun may suddenly stop burning. The earth may suddenly stop turning. Gravity may come to a halt. All the
laws of physics could break down and the entire universe could become completely random without any
reason or rational. However, these things will never happen because God does exist and will not change.
Because of this, God must be viewed with the utmost reverence. We must view God as holy.
When God is valued, everything under God is valued. When God is defiled, everything under God is
defiled. This means that if one person decides to defy God, He is not causing God any harm, but instead is
bringing harm to everyone and everything else including him or herself. Therefore, the holiness of God is
supremely important. God is not merely holy; He is Holy, Holy, Holy.
There are people who say, God does not exist and therefore, there is no meaning behind the universe.
However, humans are meaningful creatures. We find value in things. Museums are full of relics that we
have saved and preserved as they carry meaning. Most tell of our history, where we have come and how we
have developed. We place value in these things that help us to remember things of our past.
Every person has items of value. We often save trinkets and gifts given to us by loved ones who have long
since passed away. We save these items to preserve their memory. We loved them, and continue to love
them even past death. We do not want to forget them.
If indeed there is no God and we are merely creatures of chance created of nature, then why do we give
value to such things? Where did this trait come from? Why do we assign meaning to things? In most cases,
the greatest value we find of all is love and in love. When we have loved someone or they have loved us,
we value them. When they die, we want to remember them and so we assign value to objects associated to
them. So why do we do this?
Some would trace this to our basic need. We need other people and thus form communities. At the core of
this idea, however, is selfishness. We need someone, so we love him or her for the benefit they provide.
However, if this were the only reason for love and love were based upon a selfish need, then why do
commit acts of love that extend far beyond the self? For instance, the story of every mother is selflessness.
She chooses to love her child by keeping the child. She could easily have an abortion or abandon the child
somewhere. Instead, she decides to raise it. The child gives nothing in return, but yet the mother dearly
seeks to care for it. She endures nine months of torturous pregnancy. She suffers willingly to give birth. She
awakes late hours in the night to change a dirty diaper when she really needs sleep. She works hard to keep
the child clean and healthy. She watches over the child always keeping near. And of what benefit does the
mother receive? Why does she value the child so much to go so far as to extend and expend herself?
Some may argue that the mother makes this choice for the preservation of her genes. She wants to continue
her existence through reproduction. In this argument, it may be pointed out that the nurturing nature of a
mother exists equally within animals. There is a biological trait written within DNA that causes a mother to

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


give affection and attention to her young. However, are human mothers like animal mothers? Do we
reproduce solely for the purpose of preservation?
If this were true, then human mothers would exhibit the same consistency as animals when it comes to
nurturing their young. However, human mothers do not exhibit consistency. Some mothers choose to abort
their young. Some choose to offer their children up for adoption. Some choose adoption because they do
not want to raise their children, while others choose adoption because they find parents who can offer the
child a better life. Some mothers choose to raise their children only providing what is necessary. Some give
everything satisfying the childs every desire. Every human mother is different with different reasons for
loving their child. When a mother chooses to love, she does so from a desire to give.
Mothers are but one example. However, this selflessness is displayed in many other scenarios. There are
many instances of people giving away things they need. They deny any selfish gain to exhibit the quality of
true love where a sacrifice is made for the benefit of another. A person dies or suffers so that another might
live. This is illustrated in the story of a five-year-old boy whose sister needed a new kidney. The sister had
a rare blood type that she happened to share with her brother. The doctors asked the boy if he would be
willing to give one of his kidneys, and the boy agreed to undergo surgery. However, he did not know that
he possessed two kidneys. As the boy lay on the bed before surgery, he asked the doctor about death. The
boy thought he was going to die. He was willing to give his life so that his sister could live. In sacrifices
such as this, we see displayed the value of life. The boy valued the life of his sister greater than his own. He
was willing to give his own life so she could live.
We place immense value on human life and the preservation of human life. Most of our societal laws are
centered on the preservation of human life. Many people view murder as the ultimate act of evil. Who can
measure the value of a human life? What is the value of your life? We view life, especially that directly
linked to our own, valuable. Life is sacred. Quite obviously, though, humanity is flawed in this view as we
murder, steal, abuse, oppress, and war.
However, the question is not why do we steal or kill. These things seem natural. If we evolved, we would
only following the natural order of a random universe. We should steal and kill. We should fight for
survival. The real question is why do we not steal or kill? Why do we implement laws to stop it? Why do
we restrain others from acting upon the natural biology built within us? And more importantly, why is
humanity so conflicted in this? Why do some people value life, while others do not?
If the whole universe is meaningless and has no value, why doe anyone value it? If all of life is pointless,
why does anyone bother to live? On a more personal note, why do you live?
The reason anyone places value in life is because life has value. God values His creation. He did not create
everything just to destroy it. If that had been His aim, then we would be gone already. God created the
universe to give it life and existence. His intention and purpose was to give life abundantly. His desire was
to give, not take. Because God values the universe, it has meaning. God values life, and so life is valuable.
Because God values life, we also value life. This comes from God. In addition, since all life depends upon
God, it is important for us to value God. For the measure of our life is dependent upon the measure of God.
God is sacred. His value far exceeds that of anything else. God is Holy and must be revered. Without God,
we are nothing.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


What would you say is good? Would you say the apple pie is good? Would you say surgery is good?
Would you say trash is good? Would you say the world is good? Would you say you are good? What is
good? What do we mean when we say something is good?
The idea of good is rather complex and not easily defined. If we were to look it up in the dictionary, we
would find a rather large list of different explanations. However, let me offer a simplified definition that
brings the concept of good in plain view. Very simply, we say something is good when it is pleasing and
agreeable. We might say, apple pie is good, as it is pleasing to our taste buds and agreeable to our
stomach. We might say, Surgery is good, even though it is painful, as it is pleasing to survival and
agreeable to our desire to live. We might say, Trash is good, even though it is sometimes bad, if it is
pleasing to our wealth and agreeable to our goals. We might say, The world is good, if it pleasing in our
sight and agreeable with ideas. We might say, I am good, if we are pleasing to ourselves and agreeable to
those around us.
Upon this basis, we can see that good is relative to our beliefs and thoughts. What we might think or say
is good may disagree with someone else. We might find mushrooms to be good in our sight while someone
else might find them disgusting. A company that manufactures cleaning products might find pollution to be
good as it provides a means to earn money while we might find pollution to be bad as it causes harm to
needed resources.
Good is relative to our view, what we believe, think, and desire. What we deem as being good is that
which is pleasant or agreeable to our soul. When we eat a mushroom, if it agrees with us, then we deem this
as being good. If it does not agree with us, and instead, it produces a rather unpleasant taste, then we
would say that it is bad. Likewise, this is influenced by our beliefs. Though a mushroom may produce an
unpleasant taste, we may believe a mushroom is good because it sustain us. However, if we were to
discover that mushrooms have no nutritional value, then we may say that mushrooms are not good.
Additionally, our inner desires also influence this. A person may say that mushrooms are good simply
because they like them.
At first, this may seem like an over simplified view of what is good. When we think of good, we sense an
excellence we often cannot achieve. As children, we see other students and think, I am good, but not as
good as they. We might say, I was a good student, but not as good as the valedictorian. Even when we
have reached the height of excellence in one area, someone out does us in another. Even though she is the
valedictorian, she couldnt catch a football to save her life. In addition, we often find conflict within
ourselves. We know it is good to live, but so often we do things that lend themselves to death. We know
continually eating greasy foods is bad for our health, and yet so many do it anyway. We know drinking in
excess can lead to serious health problems, but so many do it anyway. In fact, the conflict within us may be
so great at times we become known as a hypocrite, we say one thing and do another.
We all have things in which we would like to improve about ourselves. We may say, I am a good person,
but this is relative to our thinking. As good as we think we are; we admit we could be better. There is
always a higher view of excellence that either we want to achieve, or have given up trying to achieve. Often
times, this comes from comparing ourselves to others. We think we are good, because in comparison to this
other person, we are. However, this also highlights the inverse. Though we think we are good, we are not as
good as this other person. And yet, why are we like this? Why do we exist in a constant state of conflict?
Why is it that we are not pleasant, even in our own sight?
Inside many of this, there is a sense of a greater good, something apart from us. On the surface, this is
construed as the greater good of all. Some might say we feel this because our lives are dependent upon our
fellow humans. We are not mere individuals, but societies. We feel a sense of connection to other human
beings due to our dependency upon one another. Humanity, though we are individuals, is also one. We
need one another. We recognize this need for unity. Human life has value. Murder is wrong. We need to
harmonize and come together. We need to work together. Survival depends upon this. And yet, are we
living in harmony?

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


If humanity is one entity, then are we good? If being good means that we are without conflict, entirely
pleasant and agreeable to one another, then humanity has failed. We wage wars and fight with one another.
We have no peace and harmony. We are not pleasing and agreeable to one another. We are not good. Why
is this? Do we not all want to live in peace and harmony? Do we not want to strive for the best and be the
Quite obviously, there is a problem with us. What we each find pleasant and agreeable is in conflict. One
person likes apples, while another likes oranges and the two cannot agree. One person says it is good to be
married, and another says it is not. One says that people should be able to own property, while another says
that all property should be shared. While we each have a sense of good, we all are different. Society
conflicts because each person has a different sense of what is pleasing and agreeable based upon their own
desires and beliefs.
In addition, on an individual level, conflicts arise within each person. A person may desire to live a long
life. Fully knowing this, they want to promote a happy and healthy society. And yet, they do things harmful
to society. They steal when no one is looking. They hurt others intentionally. They lack consideration
placing himself or herself first above everyone else. They smoke, drink, persecute, abuse, abandon, curse,
curse, covet, fight, steal, and war. If everyone truly wanted peace and harmony, why cannot anyone
produce this at least within?
The conflicts within the individual raise a larger problem. Society will never come together in harmony as
long as each individual exists in conflict with himself or herself. Each individual in society must resolve all
inner conflict before the society can achieve excellence.
Is there hope of this ever happening? When we look around the world we live in, do we see a person that
stands out? Is there one who has reached that state of good that we all strive? Is there one person, who is
not in conflict and who does represent all that is good in the world?
We sense there is a greater good because we recognize that we are not it. We are not the pinnacle of
goodness. We may think we are good, in comparison, but on a large scale we are not absolutely good.
We do not live up to even our own expectations. All of us have something or some area of our lives that
does not seem to measure up. There is that one thing, or many things, which we would like to change but
cannot. Who lives that bears no wrong? Who lives that we can say, he or she is absolutely good? Who
bears no conflict within that could possibly rule without?
Who is good? Only God is good. There is only one who is absolutely good and there can only be one who
is absolutely good. Only God bears no conflict within Himself. Only God lives in perfect peace and
harmony with Himself.
In previous chapters, we established that God is. His existence is complete. God needs nothing. In addition,
we established that God is supreme. He is the top of all things. He is not limited in anyway. He knows
everything and sees everything. In fact, God is so great that He is greater than Himself. This means that
God is greater than even good and evil. God is greater than all things. We can only say God is good
because God gave birth to His one and only Son. This Son embodies all that God is. God chose to be good,
and this is embodied in His Son.
By this, there is no conflict within God. He is supreme over all things including Himself. God needs
nothing. Therefore, no conflict arises within God. He is free to do whatever He desires, and in turn, He
obeys Himself precisely.
To illustrate this, I will show how this conflict arises within humans. Let us say I want to fly. I cannot fly
because I am limited. And so, an inside conflict develops. I am at war with myself. Let us say I want to
love all of humanity. However, I have needs. In front of me and two other people is the last piece of bread.
Do I let them have the bread, or do I eat it? I am at conflict with myself. I need the bread, as I am hungry.
But I also want to love the other two people who also need the bread. Let us say it feels pleasurable to

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


touch other people and so I want to touch other people. However, I also want to respect them just as I
would want to be respected. I want to touch, but I dont want to touch. A conflict arises within me. Before I
could ever be a good person, I would have to first have this conflict resolved. I would need to be in
complete harmony with myself.
God is without conflict. Inwardly, God has desires just as you and I. When He created the world, He
created it by His own desire. He did what He wanted. The desires of God do not conflict with one another
because God is not limited. When God expressed His inward desires, it came forth from Him in the form of
His Son, or otherwise His Word. The Word, then, is without conflict. In other words, we might say His
Word is wise or logical. The entire universe is based upon His Word that is filled with wisdom. It follows a
particular order and logic. The Word of God is the absolute goodness of the universe.
God is not limited to goodness. However, God has limited Himself, His Son, to goodness. Therefore, we
can say that God is good and only God is good. Only God is capable of existing without conflict.
This also becomes apparent when we think of the creator/creature model. God created the entire universe
by His desire. When God completed different portions, He saw that it was good. God was without
conflict, and so when He created the earth, it was exactly what He wanted. The earth pleased God. And so,
God saw that it was good. So long as the creature meets or fulfills the creators desire, then the creature is
good. However, if the creature does not meet the creators desire, not fulfilling its purpose, then the
creature is evil.
Within each human is the knowledge of good and evil. We have our own desire (or will as it is often called)
apart from God. Because of this, we all have a sense of good as defined above. We each have within us the
ability to be pleased like God is pleased. So long as our will matches the will of God, our creator, then we
as creatures are made complete. This means that so long as our desires are Gods desires, then we are a
complete being. We, as a creature, have met or fulfilled our purpose when we are united as one with God.
However, if our will does not agree with God, then we fallen into a state of evil.
As established above, to be good is to be agreeable. Society is good when it has reached a state of
harmony with itself. When we all agree and are agreeable, then we have reached a state of being good.
This is only partly true, however, because we are not the creators of ourselves. In order to achieve a state of
absolute goodness, we need to be in harmony not merely with each other, but with God Himself.
As creatures, we have a need of our creator. Our existence depends upon God. Because of this, any sense of
good that we establish apart from our creator is not good at all. As shown above, we have needs and
desires. We need to eat and drink. We dream and desire to do different things. If we are to become
creatures without conflict, completely and totally good, then we need to have our needs and desires met
first. God, being the creator, is the only being who can fully meet all our needs and desires. He created us.
And so, we need God to meet all our needs and desires so that we can achieve the ultimate level of
goodness. We need God to be perfect.
To further illustrate all of this, I would like to enter into a discussion on morality. In this discussion, I
would like to address the idea of absolute morality. Is morality absolute or relative?
Many theists would say morality is absolute, while many atheists would say morality is relative. However, I
believe morality is both absolute and relative. It is relative to God, but absolute only in that Gods Word
does not change.
If we say that morality is absolute, then it cannot change. This means it cannot change for anyone,
including God. Morality of this sort has no basis. Where did it originate? How can it be sustained? Such a
morality would be greater than everything including God. Such a morality is imaginary.
If we say morality is relative, then it is relative to whoever or whatever establishes it. If morality is relative
to God, then God establishes what is right and wrong, and everything under His authority must obey it.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


However, if morality is relative to humanity, then humanity decides what is right or wrong, and everything
under our authority must obey it.
If morality is relative to God, then God is free to do anything. In the beginning, God brought forth His
Word. He spoke and it was. When this happened, morality was birthed. Gods desires (His Will) were made
manifest in His Word. God exists in the realm outside of time. And so, when God spoke, His Word came
forth from eternity. This means that God did not speak many words over time. God spoke one Word. This
one Word is unchanging throughout all of time because it came forth from everlasting. Infinity is inclusive
in that you cannot have multiple infinities overlapping, unless those infinities are infinite. And so, when
God spoke from infinity, His Word came forth complete. He had one, perfect, and complete Word that is
the basis for everything. By this, and only this, is morality absolute.
This one Word of God bears no conflict. This means that whatever is true at the beginning of time is true
now. Gods Word never changes. Gods Word is the same always. However, with every word comes
interpretation. How should we interpret the Word of God? The interpretation of morality is the law.
In order to obey Gods Word, it must be obeyed. There are three ways in which this may be obeyed. First,
we may obey Gods Word because we have interpreted it through an established law. Secondly, we may
obey it because we have interpreted Gods Word through our own logic. Or thirdly, we may obey it
because we are united as one with it.
In the first condition, we obey because we have a law. The law provides consequences in order to restrain
or influence our behavior. For example, lets say the law says do not eat meat on Fridays. If you eat meat on
Fridays, you will be judged and sentenced to confinement. If you do not eat meat on Fridays, you will keep
your freedom. This is a form of restraint. Often times, the law works in keeping a person from acting a
certain way by holding them accountable, however, it does so through fear and rewards. The person who
does not eat meat on Friday does so, not because He wanted to obey, but only because He was forced by
restraint. This means the person is not morally upright at all, but rather is a potential criminal who does not
commit a crime because he or she is afraid of being caught. In addition, when we have an external law, we
may also use it for our own selfish gain. For instance, the law says, Do not steal. We could greedily
hoard resources and keep others from gaining access by stating, The law says do not steal. While it is true
the law says do not steal, in this case, the law was used for the advantage of justifying greed.
In the second condition, we may obey Gods Word through the use of our own logic. In each situation, we
will logically attempt to deduce what is the appropriate course of action. However, this becomes dependent
upon our own knowledge. Being we cannot see all things, we do not know of the universal impact our
actions are creating. In addition, we may logically justify any position, even against Gods Word. God may
have intended for marriage to be a sacred institution to be upheld and honored. However, we may logically
deduce that God does not want us to be unhappy, so He does not mind if we engage in divorce. Lastly, in
this condition, morality is external. We may logically conclude something correctly, but that does not mean
we want to obey it. We may find in ourselves a conflict between what we think is right and what we want
to do.
In the third condition, we obey Gods Word because we are united as one with it. This means that whether
there is a law or not, we will obey Gods Word because it will be our desire. In this scenario, our desire
becomes the same as Gods desire. As such, we obey Gods Word naturally, without struggle or conflict,
because it is our desire. This condition is better known as submission. This is where we submit ourselves
willingly unto God so that He can change us. God can change our desire to match His desire. As such, we
are united as one with Gods Word and obey it precisely because it is our nature.
It is indeed true that God is the measure of all goodness and compared to God we are evil. However, it is
also true that all humans have knowledge of good and evil. This means that a form of morality can exist
apart from God. Just because we do not have God, doesnt mean we will go around killing everyone and
destroying everything. A person may ration through what is good using logic and create a form of
morality based upon themselves rather than God. We can logically deduce what is good because Gods
Word, which is filled with wisdom, has established it. God Himself is the basis for all that is good and He

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


is without conflict meaning Gods Word does not change. Because of this, we may logically deduce many
things. In addition, within every human being is a will independent of God. We may desire something God
does not desire. Or we may desire what God does desires. We have free will. Because of this, we can derive
an individual morality apart from God. We can create our own morality.
When we create our own morality, it then becomes strictly a human affair. This means we do not
acknowledge or consider God in the creation of our morality. Our morality then, is based upon the premise
of whatever we find pleasing as an individual. However, this presents a huge dilemma. Which person
should be the one to establish the morality?
When morality becomes strictly a human affair, it becomes relative to the individual and dependent upon
harmony among the individuals in a society. For instance, let us say there is a society named "X." In this
society are four groups of people struggling over an issue of marriage. All groups agree that marriage is an
institution for governing reproduction, in order to produce a healthy society. This means that sex can only
occur within a marriage, so that reproduction best allows for the nurture of the individual. Group A says
marriage should be between one man and one woman. Group B says marriage should be between one
person and one person. Group C says that marriage should be between one man and multiple women.
Group D says that marriage should not be permitted. In this situation, how does X determine what is right
or wrong? In this scenario, there is no harmony in the society.
In order for harmony to exist, there needs to be a premise or basis that governs what is right and wrong.
Under the theory of evolution, this precept is survival. We are alive because anything that is living strives
to live. If anything pursues death, it will die, and ceases to exist. However, anything that seeks life will live
because it will produce traits and qualities that promote survival. These traits will then be passed onto the
offspring. Therefore, under the construct of evolution, morality develops as a cause or result of the
motivation to survive and is based upon the premise of survival. As humans evolved, it could be said, they
would have seen a need for one another in the effort to survive and as a result developed a sense of
On the surface, this seems logical. However, it bears a hole. It means that sacrificial love does not exist and
that all of humanity is heading toward a state of complete selfishness. Sacrificial love is when a person
sacrifices himself or herself for the good of another. Under evolution-based morality, survival is first above
all things. A person does not steal from another person, as it will hinder their ability to survive. They need
the other members of the group. Additionally, when faced with a situation of competition, the goal is to
always win. If three people are deserted on an island with only enough food left for one person, they will
fight over the food in order to survive. In this scenario, there is no room for sacrificial love. Every person is
acting upon the need to sustain the self. However, are humans like this? Or do we exhibit sacrificial love?
In many instances, people will fight over the food. However, there are also people who will make a
sacrifice in love. I will give up my life to save yours. Because sacrificial love does exist, the evolutionbased model of morality fails or else humanity is slowly evolving into a pack of wild pigs.
As we established, in order for morality to exist in a society where every member has a different concept of
what is right or wrong, there needs to be an established authority or leader that governs morality. When a
group or society comes together, there needs to be a government that establishes what is right or wrong for
the society, and then institutes a means for sustaining it. When morality becomes strictly a human affair, so
does government. The question in this becomes, how do we decide what is right or wrong for everyone in
the society? And how do we get everyone to follow it?
In nature, this is reconciled by whoever is the strongest. The strongest member of the pack assumes the
position of leader and the others follow. The leader maintains authority over the pack by forcing them into
submission. If anyone in the pack should desire, they may choose to challenge the leader. Whoever wins
assumes leadership. In this way, the strongest member always governs leadership.
In democratic American society, however, such a notion is absurd. We have established that all humans are
equal despite their abilities. We all have a right to our own life (the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness).
This means that no one person is greater than another. The democratic society is based upon popular vote.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


It doesn't matter what the individual thinks; it depends on the majority. However, American society has
proved this model fails. There are a great number of minority groups that are screaming about their
personal rights. The nation is struggling to meet the desires of all the members. If all humanity is equal,
then who could possibly lead? Is it possible for humanity to govern itself?
At this point, it must be noted that any morality that we create or develop apart from God may be free of
most conflict but can never be perfect as only God is perfect. Our individual morality, the right and wrong
we establish for ourselves, will always be incomplete as we are incomplete. It will always be based upon
our logic deductions, which will always be incomplete.
Our logical deductions will always be incomplete on the basis of ignorance. We are ignorant creatures and
this needs to be acknowledged. If we do not acknowledge our own ignorance and limitations, we are but a
fool living in a fools paradise. Human beings are limited in countless ways. We are limited by space and
time. We can only exist within one point in space and time. We cannot see all things or know all things.
When make logical deductions and conclusions, we can only do so impartially. As an individual, we live
short lives. We can only know what we sense and experience. In this, we are extremely ignorant. We
cannot see what is happening just outside our house, let alone the other side of earth, and the other side of
the universe. I may sit in my study, while a mouse is running around in my bedroom. How should I ever
know? As a group, all of humanity is capable of greater knowledge. Even so, we are limited by ability to
record information accurately and by our short existence. We are also limited by our perception and our
ability to interpret data correctly. We make mistakes. This must always be accounted for. Additionally, we
have people who intentionally provide false data for advantage. Though this is a crime, it cannot be
stopped. We do not know if a person has provided accurate data unless the results have been reproduced
from multiple sources. Lastly, we are limited to earth. We do not have the ability to move beyond the
capacity of our own galaxy. We have left the planet earth, but we have not gone farther than our own moon.
We are extremely ignorant creatures. And yet, we have become extremely dependent on our own ability to
reason through everything.
Who could possibly lead us? We cannot govern ourselves. This is where God comes in. We need God, a
higher power, a being greater than we are, to be our leader. God can see all things, knows all things, and is
the only being who could possibly judge any person for their actions fairly. He is the only one who knows
how an action will affect the entire human race, and not merely one group. He is the only one who has the
power to bring humanity into harmony and restore peace. However, He cannot, unless we are willing.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Justice demands retribution. If a man should steal a womans automobile, justice would insist the man pay
a penalty for his crime. Justice says, life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.
When a crime has been committed, the criminal should receive a fair punishment equal to the offense.
Justice allows for no pity. Justice must be served.
Of all the qualities we have yet discussed, justice most stands out in humanity. When we have been
wronged, we demand justice. We want vengeance. Children, as well, exhibit a sense of justice. Children
will often say, but thats not fair. Children demand everything to be equal. If one sibling has been granted
permission to stay up past bedtime, then the other sibling demands that she too stay up. If two children have
engaged in the same crime and one child is given a lighter punishment, the first child will declare, but
thats not fair. Within us, we expect to be treated equal. In justice, we expect a penalty will result. We
rarely overlook offenses. We fight to see the law upheld when we are the victims.
This sense of justice is found nowhere else in nature. When a lion attacks a straggling young zebra, the
zebras do not demand justice. Even among the same species, we do not see the demand for fairness. In a
pack of dogs, if one is injured or even killed by another, the dog does not expect justice. The mother of the
murdered dog does not seek vengeance for the crime committed. In physical beings, justice is only found in
humans. Unlike other animals, we demand fairness.
And yet, though this is true, life seems to carry a sense of justice. We often hear sayings like, What goes
around comes around. If we should deceive someone, we will also be deceived. If we should steal, we will
be stolen from. If we should murder someone, we will also be murdered. We expect that if a person
commits a crime, though they may succeed, their life will be burdened with tragedy and guilt. They will
receive their due portion. We see this theme constantly played out in movies and in peoples lives. Where
does this sense of justice come from?
Evolutionists would propose that this arose due to genetic mutation. This trait or quality evolved within
humanity and those who survived carried it. However, does justice aid survival? Would not those who seek
justice have a greater chance to die off? If a person seeks vengeance, they will only receive it by attending
to conflict. If a man steals from me, I would then have to pursue him and fight. This would either lead to
my death or the death of the other man, or in some cases, both. However, there is a greater chance of
survival if I had not sought vengeance or justice, but instead, tried to find ways of preventing theft again.
Justice does not promote survival. And yet, who does not seek it? Who does not want to see retribution?
Humans expect justice to be served. When a person commits a crime, because of justice, this person will
also earn a debt. The person who has been victimized has suffered a loss. It is only fair then that their loss
be paid back. Justice attempts to pay this debt by serving a punishment equivalent to the crime committed.
A person who steals a candy bar is not sentenced to the same punishment as a person who steals a
television. When we commit a criminal act, we are deserving of punishment. If a person steals a car, they
are sentenced to prison because they have earned it. They deserve to be punished for their crime. A person
may come before a judge and apologize profusely, however, this does not eliminate their debt. They must
be pay back what they owe.
Because humans are not alone, the incident of a crime far exceeds humanity. When a person commits a
crime against another person, they not only have travailed another human, but God and all of creation as
well. God, who is the creator of the universe, has set forth His Word to reign over all things. God created
with intention and this intention is implicated in Gods Word. As established in previous chapters, the
creature is designed by the creators desire. God created the universe intending for it to come together in
harmony, without conflict. God is good, and the universe should reflect this goodness. When a crime is
committed whereby conflict arises, not only has the criminal wronged another person, but God as well.
They have defied Gods Word. Thus, they must answer not only for the crime committed against the other
person, but God as well.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Obviously, God is supreme. What does it matter if a person disobeys God or not? Is not God all-powerful?
What loss could God possibly have received? On the surface, these questions imply that disobedience to
God deserves no punishment because God is so great. However, in another chapter we concluded that God
is Holy. Whatever is done unto God, it is done unto all. God has created everything, sustains everything,
upholds everything, and gives everything existence. Any crime committed against God is committed
against everything. Not to mention, God is an eternal being. To commit a crime against God is to commit
an eternal offense. This is no small matter. If anyone or anything should defy Gods Word, the implications
of this are immense. God upholds everything by His Word. If His Word should be defied in even the
smallest portion, then everything He has created is at risk.
To illustrate this, imagine a perfectly transparent piece of glass that is intended to protect a beautiful work
of art. The glass has no marks, indents, or imperfections of any kind. Because of this, the glass is entirely
transparent. It serves well to protect from wind and dust while also allowing light to come through. Because
of its perfection, the glass is unobtrusive. It does not interfere but serves its purpose perfectly. The art
behind the glass can be viewed as though the glass were not even present. Spectators can enjoy the artwork
without a thought or notice of the glass. However, a child happens to scratch the glass in one corner. The
glass is no longer perfect. Instead, the glass becomes apparent. The glass was intended for transparency, but
now the glass became visible. When viewers come to enjoy the work of art, they will become aware of the
glass and their ability to enjoy the art will be hindered.
In this scenario, several things are affected by this crime. Firstly, the glass itself is the victim of the crime.
The glass was once perfect, but now is spoiled. Next, the artwork itself is hindered by this crime. The
artwork cannot be displayed properly. Next, the gallery in which the artwork is hanging is hindered as it
depended on the artwork for visitors. Next, the artist is hindered by this crime. Her artwork cannot be seen
as she intended it. Lastly, the audience is hindered by this crime. They cannot view the artwork as the artist
had intended.
When God created the universe, He had a specific purpose in mind. This purpose was established in His
Word. If one creature should defy that word, then the whole purpose is hindered. This in turn affects
everything else. To defy the Word of God is a most serious offense. To defy the Word of God is an offense
to God Himself and all of creation. Therefore, a person who defies the Word of God incurs an immense
debt. God is an eternal being. A crime of this magnitude has eternal proportions. This debt is infinite in
size, and this debt must be paid or else justice cannot be served.
In order for justice to be served, justice needs a judge. When a crime has been committed, the criminal
must be judged for the offense and the appropriate punishment is sentenced. Without a judge, there is no
justice. When a person commits a crime, the person must stand before a judge who then determines the
appropriate punishment and brings justice to the victim. When two are in conflict, a mediator is needed to
resolve the conflict and bring justice.
In order for anyone to judge, they must be a person who is not a criminal and has not committed a crime.
Or else, the judgment may be in question. If a person is sent to prison for theft, and it turns out the judge is
a thief himself, how then can justice be served? Is the judge trustworthy?
On earth, we have many judges who uphold the law. These have been placed in a position of leadership.
However, these judges must also rely on witnesses as a source of their judgment. Humans are limited
creatures. We cannot see all things. We cannot see the heart of a person. We cannot judge fairly. A human
judge must rely on several witnesses and other evidence in order to make an appropriate judgment.
However, there is no way any human could ever be qualified to judge fairly. It is impossible. No human has
the ability to see all things and know all things. Our judgment will always be impartial. It will always be
based upon what we know and believe.
Quite obviously, only God is capable of being a fair and righteous judge. He is the only being who can see
the true intentions of a person, and see everything a person has done. Only God can fairly judge the weight
of the crime and give an appropriate punishment. Only God is in a position to be fair.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


God is just. He has and will always bring justice.

Our death alone accounts for the justice of God. We die due to the travail of Gods Word. We have earned
a debt and this debt is death. We do not enjoy death, like death, or want death. We mourn the death of
loved ones. We fear death when it comes knocking on our door. We do not find death to be a natural thing.
We know that we will one day die, but no matter how prepared we think we may be, death strikes fear into
us. Death is not something we accept, even when we try. If we did accept death, the next logical step would
be to kill ourselves, for to accept death is to say we should die.
If there is one immense contradiction to the theory of evolution, it is death. Why do we die? Why does
anything die? Evolution cannot provide an answer. Evolution is entirely based upon the premise of
survival, not death. Rather, evolution contradicts death. The basis of evolution is that we exist because of
the will to live. A species strives for survival, and because of this, the qualities and traits that make survival
possible prevail. The will to survive is included in this. However, the question is this, why do we age and
die? What is the cause of aging? If aging were genetic, then why did it ever come about? Evolution states
that any genetic mutation that leads to death is siphoned out of the genetic pool. If all of life were based
upon this theory, then aging would have been siphoned out of the gene pool rather quickly. After all these
years of evolution aging still exists, not in just one species but in all species. How can this be?
In addition to this, why does the age of a species follow a particular pattern? Humans do not live much past
100 years, and no more than 120 years. Who has ever lived longer? Why does this happen? If evolution
were indeed a process of random mutations, why do we not see more variations in age? We should at the
very least encounter a few outliers. There should be one person who has lived to be a thousand years old.
These are questions are for you to ponder.
If God did not exist, then death, being it is present everywhere would be natural. As such, humanity would
not have imagined anything other than death. We would have always assumed death to be natural and
accepted it as natural. We would not struggle with it. We would not declare suicide a criminal offense.
If society were truly based upon the premise of survival, then we would not allow any person to live who
does not support or uphold the survival of all. However, we do not exhibit those qualities. We fight to
protect and help even the weak. If a child is born with an ailing disease, we try to help. Our lives are not
based upon survival of the species, it is based upon a much greater premise: love. We live to love; and love
is not limited by death, love surpasses it.
We seek justice because of love. If there is any reason or cause for justice, it is love. We may overlook the
offense of a stolen pencil, but we will not overlook the offense of a murdered child. We may overlook a
hunter shooting a deer in the woods. We would prosecute any person who shot our pet in the backyard.
Justice is a result of our capacity to give and receive love. However, just as justice is a result of love, so is
forgiveness an act of love.
<Forgiveness and Repentance>
We cannot engage in conversation about justice without speaking about forgiveness and repentance. Both
are equally important and must be understood in terms of justice. We cannot forgive anyone who hasnt
committed a crime against us. However, if justice does stand, how can anyone offer forgiveness? Do not
the two seem to conflict?
Forgiveness is offered on one basis alone: repentance. However, what is true repentance? How does it
Repentance is not merely acknowledgement and apology for a crime, but is the turning away from the
criminal offense. To repent means that the person turns away from the crime. To illustrate, let us say that a
man stole a horse. He went before a court and was sentenced two years in prison. After the two years were
up, the man stole another horse. He went before a court again, and was sentenced this time three years in
prison. Again, after the man was released, he stole a horse again. What should we do? No matter how many

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


times the punishment is given, the man will not stop stealing. Obviously, the man does not think he is
committing a crime. If the man could see his crime, he would repent. He would stop stealing horses.
Now, it must be noted at this point that restraint is not repentance. If a man steal a horse, enters into prison,
and never steals again for fear of prison, then the man is still a criminal. The man does not steal for fear of
prison. The man is restraining himself. However, internally, the man wants to steal and would if he thought
he could get away with it.
True repentance begins with the acknowledgement of wrongdoing. The criminal says, Yes, I have
committed a crime. What I did was wrong. This, of course, is an internal dialogue. A criminal may say
this outwardly, but inwardly think, I have done nothing wrong. I only got caught. The criminal must
inwardly admit wrongdoing. After this comes remorse. The criminal must not only acknowledge
wrongdoing, but also feel guilt and remorse. A man may steal a horse, but feel justified because the person
had stolen his horse. Or, the man may feel justified for wrong beliefs. The man may feel justified because
the person who owns the horse was of a different skin color and the man does not view those of a different
skin color to be equal. Therefore, the man may not feel remorse for his wrongdoing. A criminal who feels
no guilt for a crime will not stop committing the crime because even though it was wrong, the criminal
feels he or she is right. Lastly, repentance is followed with a turning away from the crime. A criminal who
is truly repentant will indeed stop committing the crime. If the criminal is indeed sorry for his or her
actions, then he or she will stop. If a person hit you, and said they were sorry, and then continued to hit you
again and again, would you believe he or she was sorry? Only when the person stops, will you believe they
were actually sorry? As long as a criminal is committing a crime, they are not repentant.
It would be foolish to forgive anyone who was not repentant. To do such a thing is to allow them to
continue committing a crime freely. In this, the crime prevails and the criminal will keep committing the
crime until everything, including him or herself has been destroyed. Only when repentance has been
achieved may forgiveness be given.
It must also be understood that while justice exists, forgiveness is not free, or else the two contradict.
Justice demands retribution. When a crime has been committed, the victim has encountered a loss. This loss
must be accounted for. When a victim forgives a criminal, the victim must be willing to account for their
loss. This loss would then change into charity. If someone steals a thousand dollar from you, to forgive
them means you are willing to give them the thousand dollars.
On a micro scale, this is easily resolved so long as the person is willing to show compassion. If a person
repents, then the crime is resolved if forgiven. If a boy should trip me as I walk down a store aisle, and then
ask for forgiveness, I may forgive the crime if the boy seemed sincere. However, if the boy did not seem
sincere, I may ask for proof of his apology. Did he really repent? What is he willing to give in order to
prove it? The boy may offer to pay for my groceries in order to show how sorry he is for hurting me. In this
case, justice would have been served in full as the boy made amends.
When we defy the Word of God, however, we have committed a most serious offense. This incurs more
debt than we could possibly pay. We have criminalized everything and everyone. We have sinned against
God. What could we possibly do to pay such a debt?
At first, we may be inclined to repent and ask for forgiveness. Certainly, a good God would forgive a
person of their sins. God would forgive the debt we owe Him if we repented, but what about everyone and
everything else? When we sin against God, the debt is much larger in scope. We sin against everything and
everyone. Justice must be served for all. All of creation screams for justice. Many have suffered immense
loss and want to see retribution. Would it be fair if God said, I forgave them. Is it right for God to speak
for everything else? This would not be fair at all. Instead, there needs to be some sort of compensation or
atonement. God would have to provide a payment for all the loss that was occurred. Only then could
amends be made. Only then could forgiveness be given for a crime of such magnitude.
If we return to the story of the man stealing the horse, he served his first sentence and was set free.
However, when he was set free, he committed the crime again and returned. At every turn, the man

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


committed the crime again and again. It did not matter how many times this man was sentenced to prison,
he was not going to change. This man did not repent of his crime. He did not turn away from wrongdoing.
This man is a criminal, and will always be a criminal. Being that is the case, the man will never be released
from prison.
Our death is the result of one sin. This is the first sin committed by the first persons. Being that we are
offspring of these persons, we have inherited their debt. Death is our first punishment. This is our first
sentence to prison. We are brought out of life and locked away, just as a criminal is removed from society
and locked away. However, on earth we have been given a short time to live and repent. During the span of
our life, do we ever make it without sinning? Have we defied Gods Word at least once? What about all our
sins that we incur over the span of life?
The criminal that repented and turned away from his crimes was no longer a criminal. The criminal was set
free back into society. However, the criminal that did not repent commits the crime repeatedly. If we live a
life of perfection without committing a single sin, then we have not incurred any new debt. We only have
the debt of our first parents. However, if we should commit any sin, any amount of sin, then we have
incurred new debt. We are a sinner. If we do not seek forgiveness and repent of our sins, then we face a
huge dilemma. We will have to answer for all our sins. There is only one punishment suitable to satisfy
such an immense crime. If God is truly a just God, then He will send us away to a place of eternal
A person who does not repent cannot be forgiven. Any criminal act that is not forgiven owes a huge debt.
This person must pay the penalty of justice. If a person has defied the Word of God, thus travailing God
and all of creation, they must pay an eternal debt as the debt is of eternal proportions.
To defy the Word of God is to commit an eternal crime that owes an eternal debt. This truth is utterly
important and something we must realize. This debt cannot be paid merely with our own life. To die is not
enough. This is an eternal debt. Unless this eternal debt is paid, we will suffer an eternal punishment. This
place of punishment is better known as Hell; and Hell is a place where justice is served. This is both good
news and frightening news. It is good new because when we think of all the bad things that have happened
in our life, we will see justice. Vengeance will be served on our behalf. For any of us that grieve, we can
rest in knowing God will bring us justice. However, this is also frightening news for those of us who have
sinned. We are in danger of going to this place. We would be a fool living in a fools paradise if we didnt
ask ourselves this question: have I sinned? Have I defied Gods Word? Have I committed a crime of eternal
proportions? If anyone has, then he or she should seek out God to repent and make amends, or else they are
in danger of being sentenced to Hell.
However if anyone is to be forgiven, then God must provide a payment in equal measure. As established,
there must be compensation. An eternal crime requires an eternal payment. Is there such a thing? Is there
anything in the entire universe that has come forth from eternity that could possibly be given to make such
a payment? Everything has been created, except for one thing. Only one being has come forth from
eternity. Only one has been born from eternity. Only this one thing could serve as payment. Only Gods
Son, which is also known as Gods Word, could possibly pay this debt. Only this being has come forth
from eternity, and only this being could possibly be the atonement for our sins.
However, is God willing to do this? Is God willing to sacrifice His Son for us?

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Who is your master? Who is in control of you? Why do you do what you do? What do you live for?
Have you ever found yourself pondering these questions? Have you ever thought about how you relate to
everything else, what is in your control and what is not? We ask these questions because there are many
things in our lives that are not in our control, including our identity. We did not choose our parents. We did
not choose the color of our skin, the shape of our smile, or the way that we are prone to anger. We grow,
age, and experience many changes throughout our lives. We are not complete and absolute beings, but
dynamic characters who have varying bodies and beliefs.
God, however, never asks these questions. God is complete and does not change. His person has been
defined from the beginning. Before anything was created, at the beginning of Gods way, His Son was
brought forth from eternity. In infinity, God could have done anything, been anything, or said anything. He
was not limited. He is infinite. From eternity God had but one desire, and this desire came forth as His
perfect expression. God spoke and it was so. He chose His own person. The person of God is God and God
The person of God, His very self, was by chosen by God. This means God is exactly what He desires to be.
There is no conflict within Him. He does not fight with Himself as we often do. He does not sit and think
about Himself or ponder His existence. His existence is complete and perfect. He is not missing anything
and does not need anything. His desire is completely free from the self, not based upon a need or
impartiality. He desires freely whatever He wishes without any cause or reason other than Himself. God
needs not a cause or reason, as He is cause or reason enough. God is the cause and reason of all things
including Himself. He is complete.
At this point some may ask, If God is complete, why would He have a desire to create? Is not perfection
absolute and inclusive? Indeed, perfection is absolute and inclusive. The cause and reason for the universe
is God Himself. His desire to create came from the desire for Himself, and thus, the inclusive circle of
infinity is complete.
The infinite God is limitless by all measure. He is beyond all comprehension and understanding. From this
infinity, He had a single desire. From infinity, which is inclusive, only one thing could come forth. This one
thing is the person of God. The God of infinity brought forth Himself, a person with shape and form. The
infinite God brought forth His finite being. He chose His own nature and personality. This was a single
desire manifested in a single being. God is one. There are not many Gods, as there cannot be multiple
infinities. There is one God who came forth from eternity. This one God became the basis for all things.
Creation, initially, was the perfect expression of the person of God. God was all in all. Therefore, creation
was a result of Gods one desire for Himself. A simple way to explain this in terms that we might
understand better is to say this: God gave birth to a Son whom He loves dearly, and God created the entire
universe for Him.
There are many other ways in which we speak of this truth. Thus far in the book, I have spoken of this
mainly using one of two illustrations: Gods Word and Gods Son. In this chapter, we will discuss this in
terms of God and himself. However, in order to fully understand this in terms of God, let us first consider
how this has been reflected in us.
Each human that lives has an established person, or self, uniquely different than everyone else. We are not
a collective consciousness. We are individuals, each with a single conscious. We have individual thoughts
and feelings. We have a spirit manifested in a personality. We have a physical body that is uniquely our
own. Every person is unique with an established identity that gives shape to who we are.
We have a self. The self is I or me. It is you and all of you, including your words and actions. The self
is the identity and shape that uniquely distinguishes you from everything else. You have a being that exists
within a particular space in time. You may sit on a park bench, but no one else can be exactly where you
are. The space you occupy is uniquely yours. No other physical being can fill that physical space except for

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


you. This space in time is your body. This body is yours. No one else controls your body except you. When
you command your arm to swing, it obeys you. Your own body is your kingdom where you have complete
reign. As such, you are held accountable for your own actions.
God also has a unique self, though He currently does not exist in the form of a physical body. God is spirit
as established in a previous chapter. His being, or self, is spirit. The identity of God, His self, was
brought forth in the beginning. We could say God is light, and in the beginning, God separated the light
from the dark. This made His person known.
Unlike God, however, you and I were created. We did not choose our shape and identity. We did not
choose ourselves. When we were born, our physical bodies were given an arrangement of genetic material
as directed by the system of reproduction. Our spirit, or light, was formed by God and given to us in the
womb at conception. These two have come together to make us a soul or being. We were thus born an
independent person with a unique personality.
In addition to this, we were given what many theologians call free will. We were given the awareness of
our independence from other things (in other words self awareness) and we were given the freedom over
self to give or hold it in whatever measure we desire. We can choose to reserve or give of ourselves. This
comes in the way of belief, trust, and desire. We have the capacity for obedience or rebellion. We have the
ability to choose whom we trust, and what we give of ourselves. We can choose to share ourselves with
whomever we desire, or resist and keep to ourselves in equal measure. This freedom is epitomized by faith.
Faith is the basis for belief. By faith we have the ability to give or withhold ourselves. We may do so freely
based upon our own desire. We are not forced to trust anyone or invest our faith in them. We may accept
what a person says as being true and the basis for this acceptance is our choice. A teacher may tell you,
George Washington was the first president of the United States. You may believe this simply because
you trust your teacher. Or you may believe this because you have read it in a book you trust. Or you may
believe this because you have heard this verified by other sources. Or you may believe this because it
seems reasonable based upon the evidence you have encountered. The basis for your belief may be based
upon faith in the teacher or faith in something else. As such, we all have the freedom to invest our faith in
whomever or whatever we desire.
When information is presented to us, we must judge as whether this information is true or false. As such,
we establish a belief about the information. This judgment is made on the basis of faith. Do we trust the
source of information? For example, a teacher may have told you, Columbus discovered America. First,
you must resolve whether or not you believe this to be true. Before you can draw such a conclusion,
however, you must have evidence. You must have a reason to believe that it is true. On what basis do we
have to believe this is true? This is where our faith becomes the basis for our judgment. We may place our
faith into the teacher and believe Columbus discovered America, on the basis of trust in the teacher. This
is a completely logical conclusion if the teacher has not been untrustworthy. However, if the teacher
appears untrustworthy, we may require other evidence or we may continue to trust irrationally based upon
our own desire. We may give or withhold our faith freely.
Depending where we place our trust, everything we believe and know is affected. If we decide that we
cannot trust anyone except ourselves, then our faith will be placed inwardly. We will come to rely heavily
on our own ability to reason. In such a case, our entire judgment will based upon ourselves, as we do not
trust anyone except ourselves. All our beliefs will be based upon the self. For anyone who has faith only in
themselves, they will conclude that everything centers on the self. For example, if a man has faith only in
himself, he will not believe a teacher that says, An atom is the smallest particle of a chemical element that
retains its chemical properties, unless he can verify this as being true by his own reasoning. The man will
search for other evidence that satisfies his mind. The man will not believe this is true until he is convinced
in his own mind it is true. He will base his conclusion on his own knowledge and understanding. He may
decide it is true simply because he cannot find any contradiction. Or he may decide it is true based upon
perceived evidence. Even so, being that all knowledge is limited by belief, the man is relying on himself to
establish truth. In such a case, the man becomes his own basis for truth. Everything, therefore, becomes
dependent upon what the man thinks and desires. As such, everything the man knows and believes is

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


influenced by his faith in himself and he will not believe anything that does not coincide with his own
No one can force us to believe anything. Our belief is controlled by our desire. Even this statement,
whether true or not, is one that a person may accept or reject. You may freely believe in what is being said,
or you may reject it. The same is true of anything. We may be presented evidence that seems undeniable,
but even if the evidence is stacked against us, we may still believe otherwise. For instance, you might
believe that Hitler never existed. You could be shown his grave, his writings, and photographs, and still say
this is all a lie. Though there is evidence to believe, you may still believe otherwise.
Due to our limitations, we can be deceived and believe in lies. We can be manipulated or tricked. We
cannot see all things, and do not know all things. How should we ever know if anything is true? What is the
basis for truth? Even if something appears to be factual, it may later prove to be false. We know what is
true by one measure: truth never changes. It is always true. Thus, we often hold onto this. However, does
that mean it is true? How should we know?
God chose what is true by His own desire. This means that whatever God desires is true. Whatever God
believes is true. God cannot be deceived because He embodied truth in Himself. However, we are
creatures. We have been created by something else. We did not establish our person. As such, we are
influenced by our beliefs. Our self is uniquely bound in what we believe and where we place our faith. This
has immense implications to what or who we are. This means that though we have the ability to control
ourselves, we can also be controlled. Our actions are shaped by what we believe. If we believe it is good to
eat, then we will eat. However, if we believe that eating is bad, then we will starve ourselves. Many suffer
from anorexia because they believe eating is bad.
Because we are ignorant and limited creatures, we can be deceived and fooled. In this, we may be
manipulated and controlled. Someone may have us convinced that eating watermelon seeds will cause a
watermelon to grow in our stomach so we dont eat watermelon seeds. Or someone else may convince us
that people of a different skin color are inferior so that we may help enslave them. We may even be
convinced that life is meaningless and it is pointless to live, thus leading to suicidal thoughts. However, this
all depends on where we place our faith. If we do not have faith in the source, we will not be convinced. If
we do not believe in a person, we will not believe anything they say.
Our faith impacts our person. Faith gives reason to what we believe which in turn impacts how we behave.
If we believe in the president, we will believe what he says. As such, his words will impact our knowledge
and our actions. We will be controlled or manipulated by our belief. This is illustrated in children. When
we are children, we have immense faith in our parents and most everyone. We are at the mercy of our
parents. How many children stay awake at night looking for Santa Claus because their parents have told
them he exists? How many children place teeth under their pillow because the tooth fairy will exchange it
for money? How many hunt for eggs planted by the Easter bunny?
Our beliefs impact our actions. Our faith give reason to what we do. Whatever we accept as truth becomes
true for us. If we believe in lies, the lies become our truth, and thus, we become a lie. This means that while
we possess a certain amount of self-control in that we may freely believe in whatever we desire, we also are
not God. We do not control the world by what we believe; rather we are controlled by what we believe. We
must invest faith in things for the establishment of our being. We must trust in something for the founding
of self. This truth is both a blessing and a danger.
We have a unique advantage of extending ourselves to others. We may believe in someone and offer this
person control over us. This provides a unique opportunity to share and connect. In this, we can love others.
However, this also can be dangerous depending on whom we share with. If the person is seeking our best,
then we need not worry as the person will love us and give us their best in return. However, if the person is
seeking our destruction, then we are in danger as the person will destroy us. If the person is seeking him or
herself, then we are also in danger as they will drain us of all we have to selfishly benefit themselves.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


At the core of this is a question: Whom do I believe in? Where do I place my faith? Another way of
stating this is to say: Who controls me? And yet, another way to say this is: Who is my God?
This is a choice we are all free to make: What is the basis for all we believe? What do we believe in? This
person, being, idea, concept, or system becomes our God. This thing controls who we are. It dictates all that
we do. This may be anything. We may place our faith in a book, a system, a society, a religion, a person,
ourselves, an imaginary figure, an object, or the true God. Indeed, we are in control of our actions,
however, what is the basis for our actions? What do we believe in? What have we allowed to be our
The answer to this question differs from culture to culture. We are all born believing in our parents. We
revere them as Gods. We trust our parents. We believe whatever they tell us. We do whatever they tell us.
However, this is short lived as we find that we are deceived. The first time we encounter a lie, we start to
take back our trust. By the time we are teenagers, most of us dont trust our parents any longer. We trust
them to a degree, but question what they say. We start to develop independently of them.
Depending on our culture and experiences, we place our belief in another God. This varies immensely.
There are a plethora of religions that attempt to provide a solution to this question. Others forgo religion
and place their faith in a concept, others in a person, and others yet in themselves. At the heart of this,
however, are only two possibilities: truth or lies. We either believe in the truth or we believe in a lie. If we
believe in the truth, then our God is true, and by this, we are true. This means our existence is made
complete. The creator and creature have been united as one. However, if we believe in lies, our existence is
false, and we are a lie.
The truth sets us free. When we believe in the truth, we are complete. Lies enslave us. The purpose of a lie
is to hinder the truth. When we believe in a lie, we become a slave. This can be illustrated in the variety of
religions that exist propagating false god(s) for power or control. However, this book was intended for the
atheist who claims no belief in God. Everyone must believe in something, and if it is not a being apart from
the self a higher power then there is one conclusion: the self. And thus, since we are not God, anyone
who believes in himself or herself is slave to the self.
The temptation of our modern era is to trust in no one but ourselves. When faced with the question: Who
is in control of you? The answer is, I control me. Of course, science has not proven the existence of a
being of greater intelligence than ourselves, but even if it did, this would not suggest that any person would
adopt that being as their personal God. In order for any being to become our god or higher power, we
have to place our faith in them. We could easily choose a person who is currently alive to be our God. We
could easily give anyone complete control over us, accepting everything that person says as true. The
tendency, however, in our modern era is to trust no one other than ourselves. You will see this propagated
on billboards that say, Believe in yourself.
Under such presupposition, there is no higher power or being greater than the self. We are in charge of
ourselves and in control of ourselves. We are also accountable to ourselves. On the surface, this seems like
a great independence as it allows for us to choose our own being and become whatever we want. And yet,
though this is true, we also seem to struggle with this. Can we be our own God? Can we be in control of
In answering this question, we must consider this truth: Whatever is our master, to this we become a slave.
This means that if we are the master of our self, then we are also the slave of our self.
For God, there is no contradiction here. He is a complete being without needs. He is both the master and
slave of Himself. As established previously, God chose His person. As such, God is the master of His
person. Likewise, the person of God obeys God precisely. The person of God is everything that God
desires. God is complete and perfect self-control.
The Father and Son metaphor illustrate this even better. The Father has chosen His Son and loves Him by
giving Him everything. The Son loves the Father and obeys the Father exactly. The Son does everything

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


the Father says. The Father is master over His Son, and the Son is slave to His Father. In this way, God is
the God of Himself. He maintains complete and perfect self-control.
However, can we achieve the same? Can we have such self-control?
Humans are incomplete creatures. We have needs, both spiritually and physically. Our physical needs are
obvious. We need food, water, shelter, air, and affection. Our life is directly connected to physical space.
Our bodies need energy and sustenance. Our spiritual needs are not so well prevalent, however, present. It
is not good for us to be alone. We need one another and God. We need to be loved and to give love. We
need to be a part of a community where we can share our life with others. We also need God to give us life
and purpose.
If we attempt to be the master of ourselves, then we must be accountable for our own needs. Since we are
not complete creatures when separated from God, we cannot maintain any self-control. Rather, we are at
war with ourselves. Inside, we have desires of who we want to be. However, we cannot control the
limitations of ourselves. We may dream of being an eagle that can soar through the air with immense
speed, however, we cannot change ourselves into a bird. We may desire to do nothing, to be lazy and sit
around. However, we must work to eat. We may want to be completely independent of everyone,
completely content with ourselves. However, when we are alone, we find a deep need for human
interaction. We feel lonely. In the process of seeking to be our own master, we find that we become a slave
as well. As a slave, we are bound and shackled to our own desires. As masters, we fight against the person
who is striving for independence. Thus, the war between master and slave rages within us.
This war becomes most apparent in our addictions. The person who desires to life a long and happy life,
also finds it difficult to stop smoking cigarettes. There once was a time when the person had mastery over
smoking. They were born smoke free. However, somewhere the person lost control. Smoking went from
being a pleasure to an addiction, and now the person fights for control. The person who was once the
master is now the slave. The smoker is a slave to himself and his own addiction.
Smoking is but one example, but there are many addictions plaguing people. Addictions with drugs,
alcohol, sex, lust, greed, gluttony, coveting, profanity, pornography, gambling, envy, selfishness, and much
more have arisen. Control over food intake is one of the growing struggles people in wealthy societies face.
Dieting is a struggle and trend that people cannot overcome. They desire idealized beauty, but struggle with
the desire to eat or not eat. Moral perfection is another obvious struggle. People adopt or create set of moral
principles and then struggle to meet their demands. In this battle, many overlook small defeats. Others try
to find a balance between the good and the bad. Despite success or failure, battle ensues.
Internally, a war is raging between the master and slave of self. A person tries to maintain self-control
while also trying to establish self, finding the war leaves a deep emptiness. Inside, there is no peace. Some
would say the solution to this problem is to give up all desire. If the self were eliminated, then there would
be no war. Inner peace would come by succumbing to death and becoming one with nature. However, if
this were true, then why should we ever have been given desire? Why would we have the self?
As created beings, our ultimate goal is to fulfill the purpose of which we were created. Once we fulfill the
creators desire, then we are complete. We face this internal struggle with the self because we are not
aligned with God. Our desire and Gods desire conflicts. If the two were aligned, and God were the one in
control of our self, then we would be at perfect peace. We would be complete as God is complete.
However, as incomplete beings who have needs, we cannot sustain ourselves. W e cannot be the masters of
self. Even if we were to reach a level of false inner peace where the master has overcome the slave, the
problem still exists of our ailing life. We will still age and die. We cannot be the master or authority of our
own life. We cannot forcefully or willfully live. We need God.
At this point, some might argue, Yes, but we can accept death as natural and embrace it. To this, I reply,
They why do we live at all? Why are you alive now? And why do you mourn death? Our desire is not
death or else we would be dead. No matter how natural death may seem, it is not our desire to die. For

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


those of us who seek death, they want internal peace, and think death is the answer. However, is it? Is death
the answer?
God, who is the giver of all life, does not desire death for anyone. However, this is our choice. The choice
we face is not Do we want to live or die? Rather, the decision we must make is Do we want the true
God to be our God or not? When we have met the true God, and accept Him as our God, then and only
then can we be made complete. When we believe in truth, we are true. When we believe in the God who
gives everything existence and life, then we have existence and life. However, if we do not believe in the
true God, then we believe in a lie and so we are a lie. When the true God is our God, then we are filled with
life. When a false God is our God, then we will die. Therefore, our existence depends on God.
As beings who been given a self independent of God, we have been given a unique opportunity. We can
choose to believe in God or not. When we believe in God, we have the opportunity to share with God. He
becomes master over us. When God is our master, we are truly free. All our needs are met. We do not
hunger or thirst. We do not work to survive. Instead, we have reached a state of true nirvana and perfect
peace. We are made complete. In this, our desires align with Gods desires, and we become all that God is.
We are never bored, but always fulfilled. We experience all that God has to offer including self-control.
Lastly, and most importantly, when God becomes our master, we are free to love as God loves. We do not
have to worry or be concerned about ourselves. We do not think about ourselves. Instead, are free from the
war over control of self and are able to give ourselves freely.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


If there is but one quality of God that truly expresses all that He is and encapsulates the entire essence of
His being; it is love. God is love. Our human love is but a snapshot of the love of God. His love is perfect
and true. Our love is partial and corrupted. Because of this, we need to spend a moment discussing what
love truly is. How should we understand it being we have not fully achieved it?
The imagery of love is hearts, flowers, and kisses. Our most prominent thought of love is the unique feeling
that arises. We classify it as something warm, soft, tender, and alluring. Elements of love include affection,
passion, and desire. And yet, there is so much more. What is love?
If we were to ask children between the ages of four to eight, we might get answers like these: "Love is
when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of
theirs." "Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday." "Love is like a little old
woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well." "When someone
loves you, the way they say your name is different. You know that your name is safe in their mouth."
While these definitions are not scientific, they provide excellent imagery of love in truth. Love is much
more than a feeling, though it includes a feeling. Love involves activity, but is not limited to activity. Love
offers comfort and safety, while also making sacrifices. Love considers others first before the self, and yet
acknowledges the self in relation to the other. Love is willful, and yet unstoppable. Love is giving while
never seeking its own.
Many scientists would have us believe that love is merely a biological response, much like other emotions.
They would have us deny the human spirit, and embrace only the human body stating that all emotions are
merely biological responses to the surrounding environment. However, such leaves out one key factor that
must be considered.
In the previous chapters, we discussed this in part. We addressed the freedom we possess versus that of
other creatures. Humans are self-aware, but not only self aware, we have the ability to give ourselves
freely. This comes with faith. We may believe whatever we desire, and thus, we may invest ourselves into
whatever we wish. As children, we lay our lives in the hands of our parents, allowing them to care for our
needs as we grow. We trust them and obey them. We give them our love freely. As we grow, we start to
become more independent. We take back ourselves, and seek to find our place among society.
The key component in all this is our freedom to give ourselves. We may give ourselves freely, or withhold
ourselves. We may keep our self from ourselves. We have the possibility to be completely and entirely
selfish without ever taking in consideration another human being. Or we may sacrifice our own life to save
another without ever thinking of ourselves. We may put ourselves first, or we may put others first. This is
our freedom.
Therefore, to say that love is merely a biological response strips humanity of this freedom. Love is more
than a biological response; it is a personal response. Love is our willful choice. We are not forced into love.
We might meet someone whom we find attractive. As we spend time with them, feelings arise. We feel
drawn toward them. However despite these feelings, we still hold the right of self. We may choose to share
ourselves with this person and act in love. Or we may hold back and deny our love. Despite the biological
responses that arise, we have the ability to give or retain.
This truth especially becomes apparent when we consider the inverse of love, namely hate. If hate were
merely a biological response to the environment, then how could any society incriminate an individual for
hate crimes? How could we hold anyone accountable for hate? The person would have merely acted upon
their natural biological response without the ability to choose. However, we know that love and hate are not
mere biological responses. We incriminate people for hate because the person chooses to act, and we
celebrate acts of love because the person chooses to give.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Therefore, if we were to give love a definition, it would be simply this: the giving of oneself for the benefit
of others. Of course, love begins internally. Inside, a person makes a willful choice. This may have
originated with a feeling, or the feeling may have originated with the choice. Despite the feeling, the person
chose to give him or herself toward another. Love then becomes manifested in an action. The person
displays this internal choice through actions. The person may give the other person a kiss or hug as an
expression of this love. The person may provide help or assistance. Or, the person may display the greatest
act of love, the sacrifice of ones own life so that the other might live.
Quite obviously, this definition is an over simplified explanation of love, but it does provide a simple basis.
When we consider love in depth, we find it is much more.
Love is motivated by the person it loves. When we truly love someone, our motivation is not based upon
how we will benefit. Rather, our motivation is based upon how the other person will benefit. This
characterizes every act of true love. When a friend listens to the problems and difficulties of the another
person, the friend is motivated by the love for that person. The friend is expending herself and entering into
the hardships and difficulties of the other person. When a wife rises early to start her husbands car on a
cold wintry morning, the wife is motivated by the love for her husband. She endures the cold so that her
husband may later benefit from a warm drive.
Love is relational. Love denies the self, but does not deny the existence of self. The benefit or gain of
self is forgotten in love. The person does not think or even consider how he or she may benefit by giving
love. In this, the self is denied. However, the person does realize the relation of self to the other person.
This is seen in parenting. A parent who once never wore a seatbelt may begin to wear one after a child is
born. The parent realizes the relation of his or her own life to the life of the child. Likewise, a person who
loves and is loved realizes the significance him or her self to the other person. A husband who realizes
his wifes love will also realize his importance in her eyes. He will not belittle himself or treat himself
poorly, because he knows such things hurt his wife who loves him.
Love is eternal and never changes. When a person loves another person, they give themselves to that other
person. However, if that person should ever take himself or herself back, then love has ended. Love that
ends was not true. Love, when it is true, never takes back what it has given. Love never seeks its own. If a
person out of the love of his heart gives a thousand dollars to a poor and starving man, and then later tries
to take the money back, then he has not given in love. His motivation was not for the benefit of the other
man, but for some other reason. Love, then, is only true when it is eternal. And though, human love is most
often faulty in this area, love is expected to last. Children convey this when they write friends forever on
their notebooks. Marriages convey this when they say, until death do us part. And our hearts convey this
when we lay near our loved one and think, I want this to last forever.
Love is one. Love is made complete when it is shared. Love seeks to give oneself for the benefit of the
other. When love is given and returned, then love is complete and a union is formed. Two people when
they love each other come together to form one. When a group of individuals come together in love, a
community forms. Love unites people and bonds them together. When love is true and a community comes
together in love, no person is strong or weak. Rather, the community becomes a group whereby the weakest
person is as strong as the strongest, and the strongest is as weak as the weakest. Love seeks to give, and in
turn, everyone benefits from a union of love. The group is united as one and upheld as one. In this, love is
made complete, and the individuals involved are made one.
Love is holy. Love is sacred. The sacredness of love is seen in death. When a loved one dies, we find ways
to etch their memory on the earth. We save trinkets and photographs of them. We engage in different
ceremonial acts intended to preserve their memory. Grave markers are often embedded in the earth to
remember them by. These items and objects are held sacred. We dare not defile the grave of a loved one.
Even the funniest comedian is not considered funny any longer if he or she dares to defile the grave of
someone that is loved. Likewise, when we love someone we honor that person. If we were standing in a
crowd of strangers and suddenly a person started to joke about our spouse or our love, we would
immediately become offended. Though some of us may make lewd comments about our parents, if
someone else were to make such comments, we would be deeply angered. In addition to this, adultery is a

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


testimony to the sacredness love. We consider adultery a most vile offense when it happens to us. We may
have committed adultery ourselves not realizing the harm, but when we become the victim of such an
affair, we realize the holiness of love. We become angered that our love could so easily be defiled. How
could he or she do this to us? Did they not know our love?
Love is sovereign. Love endures all. Love overcomes all. Love transcends death. Many of us have never
encountered such a love, however, we hear about it. We hear people sing of such a love. We watch movies
that display such a love. We dream of such a love. There is a deep sense in us that love is supposed to be a
great and powerful force, and yet, so often human love fails. Some of us have given up hope. However,
why would we ever imagine love to be so great, unless some people have found such a love?
Love is supremely good. Loves seeks the benefit of the other person without considering the benefit of
oneself. Love, when it is true, far exceeds pleasure or happiness. Love seeks the absolute best for the other
person. When a parent commands a child to eat his vegetables even though it displeases the child, the
parent is not concerned about what is pleasurable; the parent is concerned about what is best for the child.
When a friend tells us the truth even when it is something we dont want to hear, the friend is concerned
about what is best for us. When a spouse yells at us for engaging in harmful acts, the spouse is concerned
about what is best for us. Love does not seek to always be nice, pleasurable, or fun. Often times, we know
we are loved most when love is harsh. When a parent disciplines a child, she feels loved. When a child is
given whatever she wants, she becomes spoiled. A child who knows hardship knows love. Pleasure does
not speak to the deepest love. Suffering speaks to the greatest love. When a person suffers or endures
suffering as a result of the ultimate good, then we know love.
Of all the characteristic of love we just described, we have once again outlined the nature of God. God is
motivated by His love for His creation. God is relational, having been brought forth from eternity that is
all-inclusive. God is eternal and never changes. God is one. God is holy. God is sovereign. God is
supremely good. God is love, and only God is love.
God is the only being capable of true love. God needs nothing. He is a complete being. Because of this, He
cannot benefit from anything. When God gave Himself in love to bring forth His Son and create everything
in existence, He had nothing to gain. The love of God is pure. He was motivated by His love, and nothing
else. God is the reason for Himself. He needs not any other reason than Himself to love. God loves for the
sake of love, for His sake. When God created, it was for His desire. God loved, and thus, creation was born.
The motivation of God to create was out of love, and nothing else. God gave Himself for the benefit of
everything else. God loved the world so much that He gave His Son so that everything else might have life.
In case this is yet a bit confusing, let me say it again. The definition of love is the giving of oneself for the
benefit of others. At the beginning of creation, God brought forth Himself. He then gave this self to all of
creation as an act of love so that all of creation could have existence and life. We have life because God
gave Himself. This is love. God is love.
As creatures created by God who is love, we dream of true love. We imagine it as children. We say things
like, I will love you forever. Where does such sayings come from if humanity has only ever know death?
Why would a child ever imagine forever if death were our nature? We were not created for death. We
were created for love. A child is born with this sense because we have been created from God who is love.
When God created humanity, we were created in love. This means we relate to our creator. We were not
created as foreign beings wholly different from the creator. We were created to resemble the creator. We
have the brush strokes of our creator implanted on our being. The most significant of these is love. We
were created for love. This should be obvious as we observe the totality of humanity. Our good is to love
one another. We need one another. We need to be united as one, just as God is one. When we love one
another, then the fullness of life is made complete.
To illustrate, let us take a group of five people. If person one gives to person two who gives to person three
who gives to person four who gives to person five who gives to person one, the group is made complete.
All the people in the group receive what they need. However, if one person acts selfishly and greedily, then

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


the circle is incomplete. If person five does not give to person one, the one will not receive what is needed.
Eventually, person one will die. Then death will come to all persons in the group.
If we imagine this on a global scale, death results when just one person withholds love. If one person does
not give love, then the whole of humanity is affected. Therefore, it is utterly important that everyone gives
in love.
However, is it our nature to love? It should be. God, who is love, created us. However, something is wrong.
While we exhibit love on earth, we do so only in part. Instead, we are infected with something else. We are
infected with death. We are also infected with selfishness, and sometimes hatred.
Hatred is the inverse of love. Love is the giving of oneself for the benefit of others. Hate is the giving of
oneself for the destruction of others. Hatred bears as much motivation and passion as love. However, the
ultimate aim is completely opposite. Hatred seeks to destroy and cause an end. Unlike love, hatred has an
ulterior motive. Love is motivated by love. Hatred is motivated by the attack on love. Hatred seeks to bring
an end to someone in order to gain power over them. Often it is motivated by fear and jealously, but even
more so, it is motivated by a deep desire to subdue. Hate does not want to give oneself. However, hate feels
forced to give. And so, hatred ensues. Since hate is forced to give, it seeks the destruction of the being to
whom it must give.
Hatred has been seen in human history through the genocide of different people groups. During World War
II, the Nazis sought to destroy Jews and other religious groups. The Jews lived among the Nazis and had
gained esteem. The Nazis felt threatened by them, but did not want to give themselves to this people. They
did not want to share resources or their lives with them. However, they felt forced to do so. Because of this,
hatred ensued. They attempted to remove the Jews from society. Their hatred grew until they sought the
end or destruction of the Jews.
Hatred like this has also arisen in White Americans for African Americans. During the time of slavery,
White Americans maintained control over the African Americans. However, when the law deemed slavery
illegal, some White Americans felt forced to give and share resources with the African Americans. They
did not want to give themselves to these people. Therefore, hatred developed. Clans like the KKK formed
out of this hatred whose only goal is to seek the destruction of African Americans.
Because of the immediacy of hatred, it is considered a horror. Hatred leads to immediate attacks of violence
and other such vile acts. We can easily see a person acting out hatred and see the immediate effects of
hatred. And while hatred is a problem humanity has incurred, it is not our greatest problem. Hatred is rather
rare in humanity. The majority of humanity is not filled with hatred and do not act upon hatred. For the
most part, we do not want to see the destruction of anyone. We would rather people live, because we
recognize our need for other people.
Rather, the greatest problem and threat to humanity is a disease that plagues us slowly. We do not see the
effects this curse immediately. The largest problem facing most of humanity is selfishness. We have within
us a selfish gene, as it were.
Love is the giving of oneself for the benefit of others. Selfishness is simply giving oneself for the benefit of
self, or otherwise ignoring others. We do not seek the good or bad of another person. Rather, we just dont
care. We dont care what anyone else does or why he or she does it. Rather, we simply want to do our thing
and enjoy our own life. It is this disease that plagues the majority of humanity, though we dont always see
it in ourselves.
Selfishness is our number one problem and threat. We were created for love. We need to give and receive
love. We need one another. And yet, though we may identify this, we are entirely selfish. Why is this?
What happened?
As noted in previous chapters, there must have been a point that humanity was separated from God. If God
is truly all the things as described in this book, then God is not with humanity. If God were over humanity,

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


as our leader, then God would be evil as humanity is evil. What good is in us? We wage war, deny one
another love, abuse the earth, withhold resources from those in need, cheat, steal, fight, divorce, and so
much more. If God were the authority over earth, what are we to say of disease and disasters? Rather, to
many atheists, these bad things seem to prove the nonexistence of God. If God did exist, how can He let
these things happen?
However, these things do not prove the nonexistence of God, rather, they only prove the absence of God.
For some reason, we were separated from God along with the rest of the earth. God is not an active
participant in the life of the earth. Why not? Why is God leaving us to fend for ourselves?
If God is truly good and loving, then the fault of this separation must be ours. God, being perfectly good
and loving, could not have made a mistake. Careful observation of human history and the human condition
should reveal the fault lies with us. We are not a complete and perfect entity. Rather, we are individuals,
each who struggle with one another and with ourselves. We have problems. We all have problems. This
should make it plainly obvious that God has left us alone due to a fault of our own.
As creatures, we are dependent on our creator to give us life and existence. We need God. Without God, we
face a huge crisis. We have three major problems, if not more: 1) We cannot give ourselves life. Without
God we die. When separated from God, death entered. Life on earth, being separated from God, is now
faced with death. We age and die. 2) We are left to fend for ourselves. We must rule ourselves and care for
ourselves. Our existence is incomplete. We have needs that cannot be met. 3) We have been corrupted. In
order to be separated from God, we would have had to rebel against Him. We would have had to act
separately from God. In doing this, we sought our own way. We did not want to do things Gods way, we
did things our way. We acted selfishly. Because this, we became selfish. Before, we had the nature of God
in us. After, we had our own nature in us. We became an entirely different creature than what God had
initially created.
In turn, this new nature of self has afflicted all the earth. Humans and animals alike care not for one another
as they should. They only seek life in spite of other life. Within all life formed a selfish gene that does
not mutate. Though we may exhibit love, or give love, our love is faulty. Our love fails. We cannot love
eternally. We cannot be trusted. Even couples married for 60 years face problems and difficulties. They
remain united, but struggle achieving perfect love. Who on earth knows a perfect love that never dies? Who
on earth would be willing to love into death? To always give despite the situation and consequences?
Our love is challenged by difficulty. Often times, we do not love unless we are loved. If a person steals our
car, we do not turn around offer him our other car. If a beggar asks for money but smells like alcohol, we
withhold. What would people say if we helped support an alcoholic? If a person is our enemy, we certainly
do not extend a hand of kindness. That would be absurd. Our enemy seeks to bring our end. We would be a
fool to give ourselves to someone who is only going to kill us?
Rather, the ever-abounding evils of humanity have perpetuated an even deeper selfishness. We cannot trust
anyone. We will be taken, if possible. We will be hurt if we love. We must be on the guard. We must lock
our houses at night. We must keep our money in a bank. We must have insurance to protect us against
lawyers. We must have laws against the invasion of privacy. We must be careful at all times and in all
instances, or else we will be used and abused.
Without God, we face the problem of self. In the last chapter, we discussed this in part. Humanity cannot
exhibit self-control because have been made master and slave to self. Inside, we face in internal war and
struggle as the self attempts to be both slave and master. We want to be master of ourselves. However, in
order to do so we must work to eat and drink. We have to take care of ourselves. This means that in the
process of being our own master, we also become a slave. We are slaves to our self constantly trying to
please ourselves. We continually seek whatever will make us happy or ease this internal conflict. Because
of this deficiency, we have become selfish.
We have needs and desires. In our rebellion with God, we sought to be independent. We wanted to do
things our way. We wanted to be the master of self, but instead we became a slave to our needs and desires.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


We now serve the self. We try to appease the God of self. We are forced to meet our own needs and
desires, but we cannot. Because of this, we have become ravenous creatures who can never have enough,
eat enough, or get enough. We are never satisfied. We want more beauty, more money, more love, more
notoriety, more and more and more. But nothing is ever enough.
The problem of the self is that we cannot satisfy ourselves. We are incomplete beings. Only God, who is
complete, can satisfy our being. And because of this, because we are incomplete, we lust and crave
completeness. We are trying to reach this state of completeness apart from God, our creator. However, we
never reach this state because only God can fill it. He is the one who created us. And so, we have become
our own slaves along with all of creation.
Within all life is the desire to live. We were created to live and thus we strive for life. We would not be
alive otherwise. If our desire were to die, we would commit suicide. We live because we want to live. All
life strives for survival. However, in order to live we must care for ourselves against all odds. While the
earth supplies many of our needs, it does so harshly. We must fight for life. This is especially seen in
animals. They fight against the forces of nature struggling for life. Many young die in the process. Only a
select few live. At the core of this fight is the self. Each is trying to live independently. The animal
kingdom does not seek to work together to provide life for all species. Rather, each organism that bears a
self fights with other organisms in order to survive. Hawks do not stop to consider a mouse. The hawk
hunts, kills, and eats. The self is placed first in the struggle for survival. This is the nature of our biological
being. Within us is this struggle to live against everything else.
We are not friends with nature. We are an enemy to nature. The nature of life on earth is to eat or be eaten,
kill or be killed. The grizzly bear, no matter how nice we may be, does not care who we are. If the bear is
hungry, we are dinner. The bear will even eat other bears in desperation. Likewise, the stingray does not
care who we are. If the stingray finds us threatening, it will shoot.
This same biological nature exists within humanity. We are not free of this selfish tendency. Indeed, we
exhibit acts of love, but what is our motivation? Do we love one another solely for survival? Do we love
someone because we will receive his or her love? Are we nice to other because we are afraid of conflict?
Do we obey the law because we believe it will benefit us in the end? Do we do good things because we
believe we will benefit later? Do we believe we get what we deserve? Do we give to charities because we
want glory and honor? What is our true motivation?
When selfishness becomes our motivation, then we do not care for others. The selfish person says, I dont
care what you do or what happens to you, as long as you dont hinder me. In addition, the selfish person
befriends others only when it becomes beneficial. Such a person will show kindness for others because they
believe some day this kindness will be returned. They help others, because they believe someday, they will
receive something in return. They obey laws, not because they care about others, but because they do not
want to be hindered. Such people will leave us stranded in the desert to die, if it will help save their own
The selfish mind sees the root of everything being based upon self. Everything humanity does is based
upon this premise of self where we act in order to benefit or preserve the self. Such a mentality says that
all good deeds are done to help the self in the long term. As such, we do not steal because we know it
will harm the whole of society, and in turn ourselves. Everything is seen in terms of how it impacts or
affects the self.
However, this contradicts love. Humanity recognizes the value of love and honors it. We believe that we
should love one another. No one would say otherwise. As indicated by the above illustration, true
community forms when everyone is giving unselfishly. When we all love one another, we come together in
harmony. However, this notion conflicts with our own natural tendency toward selfishness. Even more
puzzling is the fact that while humanity does have this selfish nature, we also display acts of love. As a
species, we are a huge contradiction. We desire love, and yet, we fight with the self. We are at war, not
merely with the nature outside, but with our own nature inside. We are at war with ourselves.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


This inward problem reflects itself on a macro scale. The struggle humanity has in coming together in
harmony is a direct result of this inward conflict. If we could be at peace with ourselves, we would also be
at peace with everyone else. But how can we win such a war? How can we be set free from this terrible

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth

PART II Evidence for a Personal God

In the first part of the book, we established what God is through various discussions concerning His
being. In this second part of the book, we will address an even more important question: Who is God?
In this question, we address the significance of God in relation to humanity.
To simply believe God exists does not impact our life or being. If God does exist, why should we care?
Why is it our concern? We live in physical space, and obviously, God does not. Believing that God exists is
not going to change anything, unless we should seek to know whom God is. If God truly does exist and I
dont really want to know Him, my belief in His existence is not going to change anything. God will still
seem like an imaginary figure whether I believe in His existence or not because I dont know Him
personally. For example, I could tell you about a man named Gobal who lives in India. I could share
intimate details of his life and his impact on the world. From this, you may believe he exists, but what does
it concern you? You dont know this man.
This is significant for anyone who desires evidence for God. The true evidence of God comes in knowing
Him personally. To illustrate, imagine a friend of yours has found a new lover. You have never met this
man, but she talks about him all the time. You know where he works, the color of his eyes, the clothing he
wears, and even how he scratches his nose with his pinky finger. After a month or so, you have never met
this man. You begin to wonder if he really exists or if she is lying to hide her insecurities. You begin to
question her, asking for proof. She tells you more and more about him, but this does not seem to help. You
question her contradictions. Finally, she invites him over and you meet him in person. Now you have
evidence that he exists because you have met him in person. You have interacted with him and stood in his
During your investigation, your friend may have tried to supply empirical evidence apart from her lover.
She may have shown you his footprints in the mud next to hers. She may have called him and spoken to
him with you nearby. She may have showed you different things he has built and created. She may have
shared intimate details about their relationship. However, this evidence did not prove his existence. Proof
came from experiencing him in person.
The same is true of God. If we want proof of God, we need to know God in truth. We need to feel His
presence and interact with Him. We need to have a relationship with God. This requires an exchange of
trust and love. However, before we embark on such a quest we should question our motives. If the lover in
the previous illustration felt threatened by you, would he have agreed to meet you? Likewise, if God knew
your motives were evil, would God reveal Himself? As such, we should ask ourselves: do we really want
evidence so that we may know God and love Him? Or do we have another motive?
The difficulty many atheists claim to have for a belief in God is the lack of evidence. Many atheists do not
want to believe in God blindly. Who could blame anyone for this? Dont we all want evidence? In a world
where we cannot trust anyone, why would we simply believe God exists? At the same time, we should
question the true motives of this quest for evidence. Is this motive pure?
At the heart of this is another issue that often arises in subtle ways. The existence of God only becomes an
issue for anyone because of how God relates to humanity. What is God? For humanity, God is a higher
power who is in control. This is where God becomes a problem. At the core of this comes a question that
everyone must face when believing in the existence of God: am I willing to give up control? Without God,
I am in control of myself. However, if a power exists in the universe that is greater than I, then I must
acknowledge this power. Who is this power? Am I willing to worship this God?
Some people will not relinquish control. They want to be in control of themselves, and will not accept any
plausibility of a being that would frustrate such control. For people such as these, God and religion

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


threatens their freedom to do what they want. For others, if they are going to worship a God, this God must
be worthy of such worship. Before they will worship any God, they must know this God is truly good and
great beyond all measure. And yet for others, they fear what people have done in the name of their God.
They fear the imposition of beliefs upon their way of life.
It is true that religion has been used as a tool to leverage control over people throughout history. However,
the behavior of humans does not prove or disprove the existence of God. If anything, our behavior proves a
need for a true God. If there were a powerful being who could maintain equality and justice for all
humanity, there would be hope for humanity. Our history has proven that we cannot govern ourselves and
certainly cannot treat everyone fairly. For anyone to be wealthy, someone else must be poor. For anyone to
live a life of pleasure, someone else must labor to provide that pleasure. There will always be inequality so
long as there is capital gain for selfish humans. In addition, humanity lives in continual conflict, despite a
belief in God or not, warring over resources and power. We fight for control and freedom.
But what is freedom? For many, freedom is the right to do whatever they want whenever they want. For
others, freedom is simply being able to eat three times a day. Is it possible for humanity to have complete
and entire freedom? Can we govern ourselves and be completely free?
American democracy has made an attempt to establish freedom and equality for everyone, however it is
failing as opinions of various measures flare. What three people agree perfectly and stand united? How can
we be united as one when everyone wants different things? Division echoes throughout American society
as different groups lobby government for personal agendas. Our greatest problem lies in diversity that
refuses to submit or compromise. Each American has a different opinion on how things should be governed
and everyone wants control. We proclaim America is the land of the free and yet we complain about
what we can or cannot do. What American is satisfied with their country? What American feels truly free?
Control is our greatest internal struggle. In this, humanity deals with this question: what should we believe?
What is right or wrong? What should dictate our actions? How should we establish control for everyone?
For instance, let us say there is a society named "X." In this society are four groups of people struggling
over an issue of marriage. All groups agree that marriage is an institution for governing reproduction, in
order to produce a healthy society. This suggests that sex should only occur within a marriage, so that
reproduction best allows for the nurture of the individual. Group A says marriage should be between one
man and one woman. Group B says marriage should be between one person and one person. Group C says
that marriage should be between one man and multiple women. Group D says that marriage should not be
permitted, as society should be responsible as a whole for the nurture of children. Which group is right? On
what basis should we determine what laws should govern?
In order to have complete freedom, each group should be allowed to have their own way. However, this
would cause a separation. Four different societies would emerge allowing for this freedom. And though this
may seem reasonable, this is only one issue. If this were applied to all issues, eventually, every society
would contain one inclusive person. What society could exist that allows every person complete freedom to
do whatever the individual wants? Is it possible for a society to exist that allows murders to murder, thieves
to steal, and rebels to rebel?
In order for any community to exist, compromises must be made. The community of a married couple is an
excellent example. So long as every disagreement ends in a compromise, the marriage lasts. However, if
one conflict ends with each person demanding what they want without compromise, then the marriage
breaks in divorce. The world is divided because people cannot compromise. If the whole of humanity could
agree on what is right for everyone, then the whole world could be united. So the question is: what is right
and what is wrong? What is the standard?
If we say that all humanity is equal, then no person can dictate what is right or wrong for another person.
Everyone would be equal, and no one would be greater than another. Who then could possibly lead or
govern another person? Who among humanity is free of corruption that could lead society justly? Even if

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


such a person does exist, will everyone obey this person? Will everyone listen accordingly? We may force
beliefs upon others by imposing laws, but does that mean everyone will agree?
Because humanity needs one another, no person is capable of leading without tyranny. Who exists that can
give freely without receiving anything beneficial in return? Humanity cannot govern itself. And since we
cannot, should we go around telling anyone else what to think or believe? If not, how then can we create or
implement laws? How do we determine what is right or wrong? Many would agree that we should
encourage harmony and love in society. However, even though most will agree on this, who is capable of
governing us? Who could judge rightly? Without a proper judge, should we say everything is acceptable
and nothing is lawful?
The law is in place for our own good and protection. We create laws to protect us from others and
ourselves. If we lived in anarchy, then those who are more powerful would enslave us. This truth is
demonstrated throughout society. What leader gives everything without asking for anything in return? Who
does not abuse their position of power? What employer earns less money then the employee? What
politician has less wealth than poorest under their rule? What parents give their children the largest room in
the house? The way of humanity is to save much and give little. If we have power, we abuse it. The law has
been set into place to prevent this abuse. We have laws and government to protect us from a much deeper
Laws demonstrate a crisis within humanity. If everyone on earth were inherently good, then we wouldnt
need laws. We would be united as a harmonious society. We would love one another. We would not need
any form of government because we would naturally do the right thing. We would naturally live in
harmony. But we are not like this. We need laws to maintain harmony and peace. We need laws that
establish what is right and wrong for everyone. We need laws to protect us from others and ourselves.
Why? Why are we like this? What happened?
The heart of this problem lies in the purpose for which we were created. We were created to have a
relationship with God, to be united as one with God. We were created to be a child of God, a friend of God,
and a lover of God. We were created for love. This truth should be blatantly apparent.
Every person on earth will admit a desire and need for love. We want to be loved and to give love. This is
so deeply ingrained in our being that we cannot live alone. A life of solitude leads to death. We need one
another, not just physically, but spiritually. We need to connect to people on a deep spiritual level. We need
to form close intimate relationships where we become united in love with other people. We have a deep
need for communication and the sharing of our thoughts and desires. We have a deep need for affection and
feeling the tender touch of another person. We have a deep need for intimacy and feeling connected. As
humans, we are individuals, but not inclusive beings. When we have been isolated, we are filled with a
deep loneliness that cannot be cured. No matter how we might ignore it, we cannot deny it. When we do
find those small moments when love is made true in our life, we find joy. We come alive with smiles and
laughter as friends unite over intimate moments and share their inner most parts. Who can deny this?
We realize and recognize this need for unity and love. We know that the human race needs to come
together as one. We are not merely humans; we are humanity. There is a deep sense of this. And yet, we
find this is the greatest struggle of humanity. We may succeed in all things, but fail at love. Why is love so
difficult? Why do we sing about it, talk about it, fight for it, and yet, fail at it? Why do we steal, murder, lie,
cheat, war, fight, argue, and so much more? What has gone wrong?
Humanity was created for love. We were created to love God first and foremost, and then in turn, love
everyone and everything else. We were created for relationships where we give ourselves for the benefit
and good of others. However, something has desperately gone wrong in this. God is not actively involved
in our lives like a friend or lover. Humanity is failing desperately at loving one another. We have fallen
from our original purpose. We exhibit love, but only in part. We bear this image of love, but the image is
distorted. Why?

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


At the very beginning, God had one desire. This one desire was brought forth from eternity and manifested
in a being. This being is the person of God, the Word of God, and the Son of God. This being is the
foundation of all creation; and it is through this Word all creation was established. This is the light that has
been separated from the darkness. This is the authority of God that rules with love, as God is love.
In the beginning, God created everything just as He desired. When He finished creating the earth, He
looked upon it with great pleasure. The earth was perfect, expressing His Word precisely. He was greatly
pleased with His work, and so He said, It is good. Everything God created was pleasing in His eyes
except for His last work. The last thing God created was humanity. This last creature was not yet complete.
Humanity was created with a different purpose. His Word was expressed perfectly in everything except
humanity. His Word would be made complete in humanity, when humanity loved God in return. When
humanity worshipped God in love, then God would be all in all.
God created humanity for love. The depth and meaning of this is great. God wanted to have a relationship
with humanity so that we could share in everything God is and does. The person of God is love. The person
of God would be made complete when God could enter into a loving union with another person who loved
Him in return. If God truly is love, then He should have friends to prove it. If God truly is love, then He
should share everything with another and give His person toward the good of another. If God truly is love,
then this should be represented in everything. Therefore, the purpose of humanity was to be like God and
reflect His person.
Humanity was created in the image of God. We were not created to be the image of God. Rather, we
created to be a reflection of God much like the moon reflects the sun. When the light from the sun hits the
moon, the moon is illuminated in the night sky. However, without the light of the sun, the moon is just a
big ball of dust. Likewise, God created us to be a reflection of Him. We were never supposed to be God,
equal with God, or independent of God. Rather, we were created for God, to love Him.
When two people love each other, they enter a union of love otherwise known as marriage. The two
individuals give one another to each other, and two become one. However, love cannot be forced. It is
something given freely. If humanity were to love God, we would have to be able to choose freely.
However, there came a great dilemma. Humanity was created by God and needed God. Like a baby who
needs a mother, humanity was not yet free to make this choice. Thus, God had a plan.
God created the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, in the utmost love and placed them in a beautiful
garden. They had complete freedom to enjoy whatever they wanted. They were given authority to rule over
the entire earth in love, just as God ruled them in love. God supplied their every need and want so that they
could be free to love the earth and care for it. They had no worries, not even death, and life was pleasing.
In the garden, God placed two trees. One was called the tree of knowledge and the other the tree of life.
God gave them only one rule. He said, From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.
They were free to eat from the tree of life, however; they were not to eat from the tree of knowledge.
They were not told of the advantages between the two trees. They were not explained anything further.
They were merely warned concerning the tree of knowledge. This tree would bring death.
God gave them one command and it came with a consequence. They did not know anything more than this.
They were ignorant creatures whose knowledge thus far was filled with paradise. God did not tell them
anything more, because they did not need to know anything more. They were created to love God and trust
Him. If they truly trusted God, they would obey Him. They would not eat from the tree because they
believed in Gods Word. If they loved God, then they would listen to Him.
However, they did not listen to God. They did not have faith in God. They listened to another voice in the
wilderness. This voice came from a serpent that was controlled by our enemy, Satan the Devil.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Satan was an angel of immense prestige. He was more beautiful and powerful than many of the other
angels. However, he grew jealous of humanity. Though we are much weaker and powerless in comparison,
Satan was angered by how God loved us. God had given us the freedom to choose. We were given
dominion over the earth. We could love freely. Satan, however, could not deny God. Satan was
commanded to serve humanity, just as he serves God. Through his jealousy, Satan grew immense hatred for
humanity and Gods Word. He sought to subdue humanity, control us, and destroy us.
In the garden, Adam and Eve lived in paradise. Every need and want was met. They did not have to work
as God provided for them. They were truly free and ignorant. They had only known pleasure and goodness.
They did not know pain or suffering. They did not know death. So, when Satan lied to them, they were
easily deceived. Satan told them they would not die. He said to them, you will be like God knowing good
and evil.2
The temptation Satan presented was power and independence. They would not have to be under Gods
control any longer. They would not have to trust in God or have faith, but instead would have their own
sense of good and evil. They would have knowledge apart from God. They could be free to do whatever
they wanted without God as their rule or authority. They could rule over earth without giving love. They
could rule in force taking whatever they wanted without any responsibility to God. They would be free to
rule themselves and govern themselves. They would be separated from God.
Being ignorant and curious, they gave in to this temptation. They ate from the tree of knowledge and
instantly were transformed. Before, they were under the authority and parenting of God. After, they had
entered into a new freedom. They had rebelled against God. Before, they were glorious and beautiful
beyond measure. After, their beauty had faded. They were fallen creatures that no longer knew their
creator. They had become a different being than what God had created. God called out, Where are you? 3
He no longer recognized humanity as the creature He created.
In the moment they ate from the tree, they had sinned. This thing called sin is more than merely an act of
wrongdoing. Sin is like a disease that immediately entered into Adam and Eve. Sin infected them. They
entered a new state of being. As such, their physical bodies became corrupted, and so did all the earth. All
the animals they loved and cared for had been filled with this terrible disease. All of life on earth was
separated from God, the source of life. Because of this, death came to all physical life. The physical had
been separated from the spiritual. We were independent from God. We were left to fend for ourselves and
rule ourselves.
Sin and death had entered into humanity, and we were no longer the same. Sin produced many different
symptoms within humanity. Some of these you may recognize in yourself:

There is death. Will you die? Are you afraid of losing your life? Do you fear death?

Another is emptiness. Do you have a deep longing for something that nothing can satisfy? Do you
feel like something is missing, but can never figure out what it is?

Another is disobedience. Do you have difficulty following laws, especially Gods law? Do you
fight inside over doing good deeds? Do you struggle with being gentle, kind, and loving? Do you
obey the speed limit, or do you drive as fast as you think you can get away with?

Another is rebellion. Do you find within yourself a desire to rebel and disagree? Does mischievous
acts seem appealing to you? Do you have a desire to do something illegal just to see if you can get
away with it?

Another is anxiety. Do you have difficulty sleeping at night? Do you feel like you have to
maintain control? Do you worry about people hurting you or stealing from you? Do you worry
about life falling apart on you?

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Another is wicked thoughts. Do you have evil thoughts that seem to be inert desires? Do you feel a
deep desire to cheat on your wife and start to plot it out? Do you ever sit and think about how to
kill someone? Do you ever think about how to commit crimes or how to get away with them?

Another is pride. Do you feel like you are better than others? Do you feel like you are less than
others? Do you often hide your true person from people? Do you value your own thoughts and
opinions over others?

Another is selfishness. Do you find it difficult to give others things that you need yourself? Do
you put yourself first, and give others your extra? Are you willing to die for another person?

Another is guilt. Do you feel a heavy weight on your shoulders like the whole world is your
responsibility? Do you feel like you owe a huge debt that you could never repay?

Last, is wrongdoing. Have you ever done anything wrong? Are you free from sin and without

After reviewing this list, you might notice a few of these symptoms within yourself and overlook the
others. Even after a careful examination, you might be tempted to say, Yes, but I am a good person.
Good, however, is a relative term. What is good? What is the measure of goodness? As creatures created by
God, the true measure of our goodness is whether or not we are pleasing in the eyes of our creator. Do we
fulfill the purpose for which we were created? Does God say we are good? Whether we think we are good
or others think we are good, we must ask ourselves, how does God see me? Does God think I am good?
The absence of God on earth and in the majority of human lives should indicate to us, not the unreality of
God, but that God has problem with us. We are not the being He intended us to be. We have been
transformed by our choice, and have become something entirely different. We are fallen creatures.
Once we fully appreciate the truth of our fall, then and only then can we appropriately seek God. If we truly
crave evidence of a loving and good God, then we must fully recognize the problem that has incurred
within us. We have travailed the creator of the universe. We have hurt the one who loves us most. God is
absent from us because we at war with him.
God loves us so much that He is willing to endure this time of hardship with patience. We messed up. We
stabbed our best friend in the back. We have committed adultery against God by giving our love to another.
We did not love God. We did not trust God. We did not believe in God. We still do not. We seek our own
way. We seek a God we can control by imagining one, or we just deny there is one. We have become our
own slave. We live to please ourselves, and die trying. This is not what God wanted for us. However,
because He loves us so much, He honors our choices.
In the garden, God placed two trees. One tree represented God Himself. This was the tree of life. If we
would have loved God from the beginning and ate from the tree of life, we would have lived forever in
love with God. However, we did not choose God. We chose ourselves. We chose to eat from the tree of
knowledge. We sought knowledge of God, of good and evil, apart from God. We did not want to submit
unto God and let Him rule over us. Instead, we sought a version of morality we could control. We wanted
an objective morality that we did not truly have to trust or follow. We want to be lawyers who could
manipulate the law to serve our selfish desires. We wanted to do things, my way.
Why did we make this choice? Simply because we are not God. Only God, who is entirely good and loving
could have made the right choice. Though we were created in the image of God with His personality and
traits carved in us, we still chose to be independent. We are not God. The temptation is that we could be
God. We could rule ourselves. We could be all-powerful and in complete control. However, we are not. We
cannot be God and we will never be God. We can never be perfect love apart from God. And so, we chose
knowledge over love. We rebelled.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


God knew this would happen from eternity. God did not have to let this happen. God could have easily
removed the tree of knowledge from the garden. We could have lived forever in ignorance and bliss.
However, would that have been true love, for God or us? If God had never given us this choice, we could
have never given ourselves freely to God. If we were to love God in truth, we had to be given the freedom
to choose God willingly.
In the garden, we were given a choice. Would we trust in God and heed His warning? Or would we trust in
our own understanding and eat from the tree of knowledge? In this, we were tempted by independence.
Eating from the tree of knowledge meant we could rely on our ability to ration and reason without trusting
in God. We could develop our own morality separate from the person of God. We could live to please
ourselves rather than live to please God. We could be our own God. The fruit on this tree was desirable and
pleasing to our eyes. Because of this lust, we chose to be separated from God.
However, can we achieve such independence? Can we be our own God?

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Our relationship with God has ended in divorce. We have been kicked out of the garden and now live on
the streets. We do not know God. We have come so far from God that we dont even know what it was like
to know God. We are lost and confused amid a world filled with horror and evil trying to survive against all
odds. We embrace what feels good, and chase our dreams like a dog chases its tail. Is there hope for
Many religions offer hope while the people in them seem hopeless. Many hide behind a fake curtain, and
every once in awhile; they pop out offering a glimpse of what they really believe. These religions provide
teachings that are intended to make us a better person. All we have to do is obey. When we engage on this
quest, we are caught in a net of good deeds based upon an imaginary god who is trying to teach us
goodness according to an absolute morality. Internally, we struggle to obey the commands while thinking
we earn the reward of righteousness through our anguish. In these religions, acting the right way proves we
are good. We have pleased God by laboring through obedience.
In this world of teachings and laws, we earn punishments and rewards. For every bad deed we commit, we
must balance it out with a good deed. The ultimate goal in this system is to earn enough good deeds to buy
a ticket to Heaven. However, if we have not, then we will have earned a ticket to Hell.
On the surface, this system seems balanced. However, internally we struggle with obedience. We do not
obey the teachings naturally. Our nature is to break the commands. A teaching may tell us to avoid drinking
alcohol in excess, and yet we may enjoy getting drunk. Another teaching may tell us to abstain from
fornication, and yet we may take pleasure in sleeping around. Another teaching may tell us to avoid taking
risks, and yet we may long for the thrill and excitement of gambling. Another teaching may tell us to not
eat meat, and yet we crave meat. Our inward nature does not coincide with these rigid teachings as
instituted by religion. We labor to meet their demands. Many in these religions display a quality public
show. We see them enter into service and solitude. They conquer their own inhibitions and deny any sense
of self. At the same time, people such as these seem absolutely miserable. Their eyes have a glint of misery.
They are suffering while they struggle to meet the demands of a highly controlling religion. Is this what
God had intended? Are we supposed to labor over what is good?
Internally, we have been plagued with a disease called sin. We toil to produce good deeds because it is our
nature to sin. We suffer obeying commands and teachings, because it is not our nature to obey. As
established in the last chapter, when our first parents sinned our nature changed. We became a different
creature than what God had intended. This means that good deeds will not change our nature. Doing good
things will not make us into an inherently good person. We will not take pleasure in doing what is right. As
a fallen creature, our joy comes only in pleasing ourselves.
At the same time, we were created for God. Our design is geared toward a relationship with God. We need
God. Throughout every chapter, we have discussed this need for God. Without God, our needs cannot be
met. Because of this, we have entered into slavery. Many do not recognize this slavery and do not
understand it. This slavery is manifested in several forms. These are: slavery to self, slavery to laws, and
slavery to deception.
<Slavery to Self>
We discussed the slavery of self in a previous chapter. When humanity sinned against God, we put
ourselves first before God. We sought to leave the rule of God, and instead rule ourselves. We sought
independence. However, in seeking to be our own master, we also became our own slave. Humans are not
perfect beings whose existence is complete. We have needs. We have both physical and spiritual needs that
need to be met so that we might live. If God is no longer our ruler, then He is no longer our sponsor. He
does not care for our needs. Instead, we must supply these needs ourselves.
When humanity fell, we became a slave to ourselves. We must fight for survival. We must labor for food
and shelter. We struggle with the earth and one another. Who does not have to attend work? We all must

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


arise each day and work for our own welfare. We labor for pay and earn wages. We make our own bed and
sleep in it.
Many people, if not all, dream of having immense wealth. We imagine the freedom of not having to work.
If we were wealthy, we could pay someone else to meet our needs. We could have servants who care for us.
We would not be forced to arise each day and work hard at making a living. We could enjoy the pleasures
of earth. We could buy what we wanted and do what we wanted. We dream of such freedom, so much so,
that some take great risks to obtain it. Some steal for it, others gamble for it, and others greed for it.
No matter how we may dream of this freedom, however, even those with great wealth admit they are not
satisfied. No matter how much wealth we obtain, we want more. When our needs are met, we struggle with
lust. We fight to please ourselves only to find happiness in brief moments. The desire for more and more
overcomes us. We are slaves to personal satisfaction. Because of this slavery, we become selfish.
This selfishness is demonstrated all around us. Store parking lots are always filled from front to back. In a
loving society, where people put others first, the parking lot would be filled back to front. A person would
drive onto the lot and think, I should park in the last spot so that people who come after me may take the
first spots. There would be no need for handicap signs, for those who are handicap would always have the
first spots available.
Selfishness is demonstrated in wealth. If people were loving creatures, we would always give to those who
have less than us. Those who have wealth would give it to those who are poor. They would only live with
just enough, and give everything else away. This would be greatly demonstrated in societal leaders such as
bosses. In workplaces, the executives would have the smallest paychecks. They would care about their
employees and seek to place them first. They would consider their needs and ask, how can I help?
Instead, many employees are viewed as equity. Chairs and desks are often given greater value and shown
better care. The employees are treated as a means to wealth. They are hired to serve and not to be served.
Selfishness is often exhibited in kindness. People will often be kind to our face, even offer gestures of
kindness, only to avoid conflict. A selfish person puts himself or herself first. In this, they do not want to
engage in any activity that may bring harm to the self. They frequently wear a fake smile so as to avoid
conflict, while inwardly criticizing others. Additionally, the selfish person will not tell someone else if an
activity is harmful unless it provides personal gain. They do not hold other people accountable for their
actions. Why would they? They dont care what anyone else does, so long as it doesnt directly influence
themselves. If you can offer benefits, then you are a friend. However, if you cannot provide them with what
they want, they will leave.
Selfishness abounds in humanity, though we try to ignore and disguise it. We like to think humanity is
inherently good. Believing this makes it easier to depend on others. At the same time, we dare not trust
anyone. We lock our doors at night to prevent theft. We hide our valuables, because we fear losing our
possessions. We build savings because we cannot trust others to help us. Many times, we dont want help.
We strive for independence. We want to rule ourselves. We do not want to allow others to love us because
doing so may bring us harm.
This is greatly demonstrated among people in the United States. We do not want help from others. If we are
carrying a heavy washing machine by ourselves up a flight of stairs and the neighbor offers help, we
decline. We do not want to admit we are weak. We do not want to extend trust. This is our slavery. We are
slaves to the self.
<Slavery to Laws>
If everyone on earth were loving and good, why would we need laws? We would naturally do what is good
for others and always put others first. However, every society establishes laws to restrain people from
doing what is harmful and force them to love one another. Internally, we struggle with the self and the
natural inclination toward crime and mischievousness. We do not obey laws because we want to obey, but
because we are faced with consequences. If we break the law, we will suffer consequences. This fact

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


proves the existence of sin in humanity. If we were perfect and complete, we would not struggle. We would
have no need for laws, as we would be at peace. However, we dwell in conflict. We fight with ourselves
and any form of law or government over us. Are we supposed to be selfish or loving?
When humanity fell from God, we rebelled against God. God gave us one command: we were not to eat off
the tree of knowledge. However, we disobeyed. When we disobeyed, the nature of sin entered into us; and
the nature of sin is rebellion. Our natural inclination is toward rebellion. We struggle with obedience of any
kind. We cannot naturally obey. Rather, we need laws to restrain us and keep us in line. We require a
system of rewards and punishments so we will behave as we should.
This is demonstrated on a smaller scale in our personal relationships. We do not steal from a friend because
we recognize the benefits the friend brings us. If we harm the friend, we also harm ourselves because we
may lose our friend. At the same time, we conceive of mischievous actions that will harm our friend. For
instance, we may find it funny to call our friend a bad name. This abuse is funny in our minds; however, it
is hurtful to our friend. When we discover that it has caused harm, we will apologize. Later, when this
thought enters again, we restrain ourselves. However, if there were no consequences, we would not hold
back. If our friend said, that doesnt bother me, then we would continue. The question is, however, why
did we have the thought of such things in the first place? Our thoughts are evil because we are afflicted
with sin. We fight with natural urges to hurt, destroy, and damage. We do not exhibit these behaviors
because we live in restraint due to fear. However, if we had no fear, we would go around hurting people
without any care.
We create laws to keep people from acting in wicked ways. The laws have been established as a means of
protection from ourselves and one another. However, these laws are only necessary because there exists a
deeper problem inside. If the restraint were lifted, would we still obey? Why would we?
God attempted to demonstrate this with the Israelites. Through Moses, God established the moral law for
their society. He gave them the Ten Commandments, along with another 600 or so laws. These laws were
not given by God to control the people or establish absolute rule. Rather, the apostle Paul would later
establish that these laws were given to demonstrate the problem of sin. If all people were good, then there
would be no need for any laws. We would naturally be good and the law would be useless. The problem is
that humanity is not good. We are filled with sin. We are fallen creatures. The fact that we disobey the law
proves that we sinful. The law shows this problem of sin.
The moral law established by God, the Ten Commandments, shows the problem of sin. If our nature were
that of love then we would not steal, we would not lie, we would not commit adultery, and we would not
covet. We would love God and honor our parents. However, we do not do this. Our nature is sinful. We
disobey Gods commands, and we struggle with the laws of our society. Because we are filled with sin, we
have become a slave to laws.
Laws govern our actions. We do not steal because we are afraid of being caught and suffering punishment.
Internally, we do not always want to obey the law. We only obey due to restraint. We do not wish to be
harmed by the consequences. The law says do not speed while driving or else you will be fined. How many
people do you know that never speed? Everyone is seen speeding on the expressways until a police officer
appears on the scene. Then everyone slows down. The natural tendency of humanity is not to obey laws,
but to break laws. We do not want to obey.
How many people are caught breaking laws that thought they could get away? How many employees are
fired for looking at pornography or downloading music while they should be working? How many people
commit adultery and cheat on spouses? How many people are caught lying on their taxes? How many
children and teenagers struggle with the laws of their parents? How many people fight with the government
trying to establish their own laws?
When it comes to laws, we are slaves. We do not want to listen or obey. We struggle in nearly every area of
restraint. Inside, we are rebellious. This is most demonstrated when we are told not to do something. The
minute someone says, Do not, we wonder why? One radio station uses this to leverage their

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


advertising. They have billboards that simply say, Do not listen to 106.7. When people read this,
immediately they are tempted to listen. Inside we have inherited a rebellious spirit. We do not want to obey
laws. We want to do things our way. We want to rebel. We are not free to act as we wish, but we are
restrained by fear. And thus, we are slaves to laws.
<Slavery to Deception>
Within every human being is the freedom to give or withhold him or herself, and accept or reject others.
We are free to believe or not to believe. We are free to give trust or withhold it. This is the freedom of love.
We are free to love or not to love. The choice is ours. God who has made us creatures capable of love
grants this freedom to us.
In addition to this, we are also constrained by ignorance. We dont know everything. We cant see
everything. We cant be everywhere. We are extremely limited in our knowledge. Rather, our knowledge is
influenced by our belief. We only know what we believe based upon the evidence we receive. We cannot
know anything absolutely in truth as we are always subject to what we believe. We may see a chair, and
think it is a chair, but until we believe it is a chair, we will never know. Our knowledge is directly
connected to our beliefs. We must believe something before it becomes true to us.
In addition to this, we also cannot control our reality. We are not the creator of the universe. Whatever God
believes instantly becomes true, because God is in control of all things. If God believes the earth is square,
then instantly, the earth will be square. God established truth, and therefore, whatever God believes is true.
However, we are not God. When we believe the earth is square, the earth still remains round. Our belief
does not impact the world around us, rather, our belief impacts who we are.
Because we have the freedom to believe while also being ignorant and limited, we have the capability of
being deceived. We may live in a place where there are no mirrors, and a person may tell us our hair is blue
when it is actually brown, and we may believe it. As children, when our ignorance is great, we may be told
Santa Claus exists, and we may believe it. As believers, we may be told a particular god exists, and we may
believe it. We have this freedom to believe and the possibility of being tricked.
With trickery comes great harm and eventual death. When we believe in a lie, we are at risk of causing
harm to others or ourselves. If I believed that I could fly and tried to jump off the roof of my house, then I
would fall and break a few bones. If I believed that I was an expert in medicine, though I was not, I may
prescribe a harmful medication. If I believed that the world was going to end tomorrow, and it didnt, then I
would be made a fool.
In a previous chapter we discussed the nature of belief to our person. We are what we believe. As
established, our belief does not impact the physical world. We cannot become taller just by believing it.
However, what we believe affects who we are in relation to reality. If we believe in the truth, then we are
true. If we believe in a lie, then we are a lie. Because of this fact, we despise dishonesty. We want to
believe in the truth, because the truth gives us freedom. Deception, on the other hand, leads to slavery.
The purpose of deception is to gain power and control over another. We tell lies to have control over a
person. Parents will often deceive their children to control their behavior. The lie of Santa Claus is
propagated to make children obey their parents. Santa Claus only gives presents to the good girls and
boys. Those who are bad do not receive presents. This is echoed in many false religions. Reincarnation has
been invented to keep the lower class from retaliation. When a person dies, in their next life they will be
born a wealthy King if they have been good in their first life. False versions of Christianity use Heaven
and Hell as reward systems to control people. They say the Ten Commandments are absolute truth. If you
keep the Ten Commandments, you earn a pleasurable paradise. If you break them, you earn eternal torture.
Because deception seeks to gain power over another, it also enslaves its victim. The person who believes in
the lie becomes a slave to the person giving the lie. The person who believes in a lie becomes oppressed
and often abused. However, the person who believes in the truth is set free. They are not controlled by a lie.
Instead, they are controlled by the truth and need not fear lies.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Truth keeps a person from slavery, because with truth comes loves. When we believe in truth, we have
invested ourselves into something that is not seeking advantage over us. Rather, a person who tells us the
truth is more concerned about us than him or herself. When a friend tells us the truth, we know that friend
is being honest and is keeping us from harm. We know this friend loves us, because they want us to know
the truth and to live in reality.
As established in a previous chapter, God is the truth. When humanity fell away from God, we fell away
from truth. In this, we became truly ignorant. We no longer have God to guide us in truth and tell us the
truth. Instead, we are easily deceived. When faced with difficult questions as to what we should or should
not believe, we must rely on ourselves. We are dependent upon our own rational. We attempt to seek truth
objectively, however, we are still limited. We can never know the entire truth unless we again have God in
our life revealing the truth to us.
As such, when humanity fell away from God, we entered into slavery. We are subject to lies. We are
victims to lie. We can easily be deceived and lead astray. This is often made most apparent in jokes. I think
of how many people fall prey to the joke that says, Did you know the word gullible is not in the
dictionary? Though we may have not fallen for this deception, I am sure we all can think of other lies we
have believed.
Because we have fallen from God, we have become slaves. If we are again to have freedom where we can
truly exist in a complete and perfect state, God must deliver us. We need God. We need to be saved by God
from this slavery. We need to be reconciled with God. However, before this can happen, we must sincerely
search for truth. We must realize that we are not the truth and genuinely seek out the God of truth. What is
the truth? Who is the true God? How will we know if He is true? How can we be reconciled to Him?

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


From before time, God knew all that would happen. God knew that humanity would fall away from Him
and become an entirely different creature than what He had intended. Because He knew this, He had
planned for our redemption. From the beginning, He had honored humanity with the choice of eternal
separation from Himself or eternal unity with Himself. We chose to be separated. He knew this choice was
made in ignorance, and so He also made a way that we could repent and seek to be restored. This was made
possible through the coming of His Son. God would send His only Son, His Word, down from Heaven to
be born as a human being. Jesus Christ is both God and man.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who came forth from everlasting before anything was created. He was not
created, but rather through him all things were created. He is the basis for all existence. He is the light that
gives shape and identity to everything that exists. He is the image of God. He is the Word of God. He is
God Himself.
Jesus Christ is the Son of Man, born to a virgin woman and conceived by the Holy Spirit. He is a
descendent of Adam, and of Abraham, and of King David. He was born, just as we are born, in the flesh
with blood and bones. He is not a spirit who took on the appearance of a man, rather, He is a man. His
mother was human and His father was God.
Jesus Christ is the unification of God and humanity, the perfect human being. He is greater than all
humanity because He is God. He is less than His Father, because He is born of God. He obeys God
precisely without error. And yet, He has complete power over everything on earth and in heaven. Jesus
Christ is the Lord, our God. He is the supreme authority over all things.
There are many who say Jesus was merely a good teacher or a moral man. Some say that God created Jesus
to rule as the top of all creation. Yet others say that Jesus is one of many gods. There are many theories
surrounding His life. However, let us review the historical record of His ministry. What did Christ say
concerning Himself? What were His claims and teachings?
Jesus said, No one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended from heaven: the Son of Man. 4
Jesus established that He was from heaven, and not one of many, but the only one from heaven. It is
important to note that heaven is the place of God, where God exists and dwells. By this statement, Jesus is
establishing that He has come forth from eternity. He is the only one to have come and gone from eternity.
At the time He said this, the statement was received with difficulty, as Jesus is the son of man. His parents
were known to be from Nazareth. How could a poor man without any claim to fame or notoriety, without
an objective substance or proof of His claim, ever say that He was from Heaven? And yet, Jesus claimed
He was the only one from heaven.
Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; No one comes to the Father except through me. 5
Jesus is the Word of God as described in previous chapters. He is the basis for all of existence. He is the
perfect revelation of God. Jesus is the way of God. He is the one who governs the universe and provides
existence. He establishes the order of all things. He tells the sun to give forth light on the earth, and by what
measure. Jesus is the truth. He is the truth that makes existence and reality possible. He is not merely true,
but He is the truth, the foundation for all that is true. He is the life. He is the unity of man with God. He is
the tree of life that existed in the garden with Adam and Eve. He is the one who gives life. He is the author
of life.
Jesus said, All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 6
Jesus is the governing authority over the universe. He established the laws of physics and their use. We
cannot change the physical laws of space and time. However, Jesus has authority to change them and
wisdom to understand them. As the authority over all things, He founded the purpose behind physical laws.
As such, when Christ walked the earth, He performed miracles that defied the laws of physics. Having

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


authority over the laws, He could defy them. Additionally, because He established their purpose, He defied
the laws of physics without breaking them.
Physical laws were created for a purpose as established by Christ under His authority. When Christ
performed miracles, He used the laws of physics to fulfill their purpose. The laws were created to serve
humanity, not to rule humanity. When Christ commanded the stormy seas to calm and remain quiet, this
miracle served a greater purpose. The miracle demonstrated Christs rule of love. The disciples benefited
by growing in faith and trust. By this, they knew Christ had authority and He would use this authority to
love His people, not abuse them.
Jesus said, For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.

Though Jesus could do whatever He pleased, His only desire was to do His Fathers will. He did not come
to seek His own way, His own pleasure, or selfishness. He came to give Himself in love. He did not even
have the desire to act independently of this purpose. He desired to serve His Father and do the will of His
Father. When tempted by the Devil to act independently, Jesus remained faithful. Unlike Adam and Eve,
Jesus did not yield to the Devils temptations. Instead, He rebuked the Devil and continued to keep His
trust in His Father.
Jesus is the perfect Word of God who came forth from everlasting as established in previous chapters. He is
the self of God who remains in complete control by God through willing submission. There is no conflict
within Him. There is only one desire, and it remains the same. Humanity who is filled with sin struggles
with the self. We have multiple desires that conflict, collide, and fight. However, God is perfect and there is
no conflict within Him. Jesus seeks to do the will of the one who sent Him. He has come forth from
everlasting and fulfills what has been set forth from everlasting.
Jesus said, Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to
fulfill. 8
Jesus, who has authority over the moral Law of God as given through Moses to the Israelites, did not come
to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it. Jesus came to do what we could not. We could not satisfy the
requirements of the Law. Within humanity, the disease of sin has entered. We have been infected with this
disease making it impossible to complete the law.
The first and greatest command says to love God with all your heart, mind, body, and soul. However,
humanity was separated from God. How could we ever accomplish this? Sin has made us a slave. Because
of this, we are slaves to Gods Law. The internal disease of sin makes it impossible to love God. We do not
have a desire to love God; we have a desire to serve ourselves. How can we love God, especially if it has
been commanded? Can love be commanded? If we love God because of forced obedience, then we do not
love God in truth. We only love God because we fear punishment. Because of our selfish nature, the minute
we obey the law to love God we have instantly failed. We are forced to love God because of slavery to the
law, not because of our willful desire. We cannot love God by command; we must choose to love God
without restraint. This presents a huge problem for humanity. We could never complete the law.
So, Jesus came to do what we could not. He was born united as one with God. He did not have the disease
of sin, as He was not separated from God. Rather, Jesus is God. Therefore, Jesus could keep all the laws
and He did. Jesus never once sinned, never broke a Law of God, and never displeased God. Jesus governed
the law and upheld the law. He obeyed the very laws He established. God obeyed His own laws.
Though Jesus obeyed, He was questioned. The Ten Commandments say that no one shall work on the
Sabbath as it is set aside as a Holy day of rest. However, Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath. The lawyers
and judges of the day accused Jesus of breaking the Law.
Jesus said, The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.. So the Son of Man is Lord even
of the Sabbath. 9

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Humanity was created for God. We were created to love God. Therefore, our greatest sin is to deny God
our love. The purpose of the law was for our benefit. We were not meant to be controlled by the Law or to
love the Law. The Law was made for man. However, the sin in us made the Law our Lord and Master. As
established in the last chapter, we became a slave to the Law because of sin. Our nature is toward rebellion.
The Law binds us into slavery by forcing us to act against our sinful nature. The Law, however, is absolute
and not relative. The Law requires interpretation. When humanity who is sinful at the core attempts to
interpret the Law, we rationalize our sinful desires in the Law. As such, the lawyers of the day were using
the Sabbath to accuse Jesus of wrongdoing. However, Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath. He is God. He is the
supreme authority over all things. Jesus established the Law to benefit humanity. The entire Law is based
upon love. Therefore, healing a man on the Sabbath does not constitute a breach of the Law rather it fulfills
it. Jesus showed love and compassion for a man who was in need.
Simultaneously, by this statement Jesus established His authority. He is the Lord of even the Sabbath. He is
God. Humanity was created for Him. Because humanity was created for Him, and the Law for humanity,
then Jesus is Lord of the Law.
Jesus said, Which one of you convicts Me of sin? If I speak truth, why do you not believe Me? 10
Jesus was sinless. He proved this with His life. He lived what He commanded. His teachings were not
separate from Him. Parents will often say to their children, Do what I say, not what I do. However, Jesus
modeled His own teachings perfectly. What teacher or prophet in all history could say such a thing? Who
has ever spoken without contradiction? Even the most virtuous people do not obey all they teach. Jesus,
however, was no hypocrite. He was true to His Word.
Jesus said, For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. 11
Jesus identified the fall of humanity. We have fallen from God and have been lost by Him. In the
beginning, we were Gods people. We belonged to God. We were His creation. When we fell away from
God, we became another being. We were separated from God and were no longer His. God came to earth to
save His people. He came to seek what was lost.
Jesus said, But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and those defile the man.
For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders. 12
Jesus identified the problem of sin. We were created to love God. However, we have given ourselves to
other things. Our heart is unclean and our desire is distorted. Because of this, our words and actions are
tainted. From our unclean hearts come various evils including evil thoughts. Though the laws of society
restrain us and keep us from committing many of these acts, our heart is still unclean and our thoughts are
corrupt. This is symptomatic of sin. Humanity has been defiled by the corruption of our heart, which
manifests itself in our actions.
Jesus said, You are from below, I am from above; you are of this world, I am not of this world. 13
Jesus was not a part of this world filled with sin and evil. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, their
being changed. They had become something entirely different than what God had intended. As such, God is
not the author of sin. He did not create evil, only the negative consequences to evil.
God created pain and suffering to let us know when we have done something wrong. Children learn not to
touch a hot pan when their finger is burned. Likewise, when children are hurt, they run to their parents for
help. God created the consequences of sin for our benefit. We learn from pain and suffering. However, this
was not the world God had intended. We are at fault for our own evils. We have sinned. We suffer for our
own actions.
Jesus said, For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned. 14

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Often times, when faced with condemnation, we are tempted to think God is at fault for punishing us. We
say to ourselves, If God is all powerful and in control, then my sin is His fault. He is the one who allowed
it. However, we must realize the fault of our own actions. When someone in society commits a crime, they
must stand before a judge. The judge may send the criminal to prison, but the judge did not commit the
crime. The criminal might ask, You are the judge. You could just let me go. However, this would not
change the criminal or the offense. Therefore, we are responsible for our actions.
Jesus established that we would be judged by our words and deeds. Though God is the judge, He is not the
one condemning humanity. We are condemned for our words. Therefore, the fault lies with us. We will be
held accountable for all we do and say while we have lived.
Jesus said, It is not those who are well who need a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to
call the righteous but sinners to repentance. 15
If we think we are healthy, then how can we be cured? First, we have to admit we have a problem before
we will accept help. A doctor cannot treat a patient that does not want to be treated. Once we come to the
realization that we are a sinner who needs help, then Jesus can make us righteous. Jesus is offering help for
anyone who is seeking help.
Jesus said, Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin. The slave does not
remain in the house forever; the son does remain forever. So if the Son makes you free, you will be free
indeed. 16
Jesus concludes the slavery of sin and establishes where freedom may be found. Jesus was born united as
one with God, the very Son of God. He had no sin. As a perfect specimen, He was the cure for sin. Jesus
came to set people free from the slavery of sin so they may love God freely. If anyone willingly chooses to
make Jesus their master, then sin is no longer their master. They are set free.
Since Jesus was without sin, He could provide a means for change. Through this change, Christ could offer
true freedom. If Jesus sets anyone free from sin, they are indeed free.
Jesus said, Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. 17
Jesus knew the problem of sin is far beyond the control of humanity. If a person is to be saved from this
condition, they will need to be changed. They will need to experience a new spiritual birth where an
entirely new life is produced. Humanity is born separated from God with the disease of sin and the
corruption of flesh. Internally, a person is born with unclean heart. If this condition is going to be healed,
the heart must be cleansed. The spirit within must die and be reborn. Of course, we cannot see this happen.
The spirit is unseen and it is impossible to measure this occurrence. When it does happen, however, there
are signs of this change. If a person has been born again, then their behavior and demeanor will change.
This change will be displayed outwardly, though it has happened inwardly.
A person cannot become Godly by doing good deeds. A person cannot change him or herself. If we are
truly infected with a disease, we need help from someone who has been infected. We need to be
transformed by someone with the power to transform us.
Jesus said, I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies. 18
The disease of sin brought death. Humanity was separated from God who is the giver of life. The cure for
this, Jesus claimed, is Himself. Anyone who believes in Jesus may be transformed and given new life.
Though our body may still die, through Jesus we have the hope of resurrection. Jesus has the power to
transform us spiritually and physically. He can change us throughout. Anyone who is willing to believe in
Him may receive the cure of sin and be given the hope of a new future. Through Him, we may enter an
eternal union with the true God.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Jesus said, If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will
have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me. 19
If we want to be perfect and complete, then we must be willing to give up everything for Jesus. Though this
wealthy man had claimed to have never broken a law, this was not enough. Jesus asked that this man follow
Him. Good deeds were not enough. Jesus insisted on being His Lord.
Jesus said, I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for
apart from Me you can do nothing. 20
In the world, we often define the success of our deeds based upon their consequences. Something is
considered good when we identify beneficial results. For example, we may say it is good to give money
to the poor because it benefits their life. However, Jesus established a different basis for the success of our
deeds. What is considered good depends upon the source of where it came.
In other statements, Jesus made it clear that what comes out of us, comes from within. If inside we have
evil thoughts and desires, then our words and deeds will also be filled with evil. However, if on the inside
we are good, then our words and deeds will also be good.
When people are transformed by Jesus, His spirit enters into them. He becomes the vine while they become
the branch growing off the vine. When people draw the source of their being from Jesus, like a branch
draws sustenance from the vine, then the person produces good deeds. Internally, when a person remains in
Christ, God becomes the source of all their actions.
Jesus took this to such an extreme to say that apart from me we can do nothing. No word or deed is good
unless it comes from Him. If anyone is to produce good deeds, they must remain in Christ. If a man donates
his entire life savings to charity, this counts for nothing unless he remained in Jesus. Apart from Jesus,
humanity can produce nothing of value.
You call Me Teacher and Lord; and you are right, for so I am. 21
Jesus was the teacher of His disciples, but not only. He was also Lord. Jesus ruled over them. He was their
master, and they were His servants. By having Christ as their Lord, they were given true freedom. Jesus
ruled them in love. His disciples elected Jesus willingly to be their Lord and teacher. He did not force
Himself upon them. By submitting unto Jesus in love, He could love and care for them. By this, they had
true freedom. Some of us experience this for a time as young children under the care of loving parents.
Their parents provide for every need so the child may enjoy life. Likewise, Jesus desired to set His people
free so that they may also have abundant life by loving others.
Some of His people, however, rejected His Kingship. They did not want Him to rule over them. At the
heart of this issue was a struggle with power and control. They did not want Jesus to control them. In their
position of power, they could be in control of themselves and others. Because God is powerful, He is a
threat to anyone who desires power and control. If a person does not want to submit unto God, then God
becomes a problem to their desire to have power. He becomes an enemy to anyone who does not want to
submit. This is especially true of anyone in a position of power. If a man or a woman has immense power
in the world either by wealth or position, then God is a threat to that power. God could strip this person of
their power. Likewise, though Jesus only helped people, spoke of love, and did good things, the men in
power during His day felt threatened by His power.
If Jesus were truly God, then anyone who claimed to be a servant of God would have to worship Him. So,
those who were religious felt especially threatened by Him. They wanted to prove Jesus wrong. They did
not want to believe in Him. They sought to remove His power, but they encountered a problem. How could
they accuse Him? Jesus was a perfect man. He did nothing wrong. In fact, people loved Him for His
healings and miracles.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


In their disbelief, they could accuse Him. Jesus claimed to be God. If Jesus were not God, then He was
committing blasphemy, which was punishable by death. Only God was master of the Sabbath. Only God
could forgive sins. Only God was worthy of worship. Only God could be called Lord. However, Jesus
had allowed and done these things. Jesus proclaimed to be Son of God, which meant that He was heir to
Gods throne. This meant Jesus came down from Heaven and was brought forth from everlasting. By this,
Jesus proclaimed to be God. But, was it true? How could they prove it?
But He kept silent and did not answer. Again the high priest was questioning Him, and saying to Him, "Are
You the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?" And Jesus said, "I am; and you shall see the son of Man
sitting at the right hand of power, and coming with the clouds of heaven. Tearing his clothes, the high
priest said, "What further need do we have of witnesses? "You have heard the blasphemy; how does it seem
to you?" 22.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Mary, the mother of Jesus, became pregnant as a virgin before her marriage to Joseph. An angel came to
Joseph in a dream and told him not to fear her pregnancy because what was conceived in her was from the
Holy Spirit. The angel also said, She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save
His people from their sins. 23
Jesus came to earth to save His people from their sin. Jesus did not come to save them from Gods wrath;
He came to save them from their sin. Though we are born in a state of separation from God, our sins are
our own. We are not victims of sin; we are sinners. We have sinned. When we steal, murder, cheat, lie,
divorce, hate, curse, or commit any other act of evil; we incur debt. Our debt is our own. God is good and
just. He did not make us sin or give us sin. He may be the judge, but we are at fault.
Jesus did not come to save all people. He came only to save His people. Who are His people? Jesus said,
If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me. 24
Jesus made it clear that the door is open to anyone. It does not matter who we are or what we have done;
the door is open to follow Jesus. He is calling all people. All that Jesus asked is this: Believe in me. By
this, He was asking for our love.
God created humanity for the purpose of love. We were created to love God first, then everything else.
Since God is love, the only way that we are capable of true love is through Him and by Him. We may
display temporal portraits of love on earth, but this love is nothing in comparison to the love of God. We
are fallen creatures who bear a vague resemblance of our original purpose in a distorted form. Human love
fails. God, however, is perfect love. As an ultimate act of love, He gave Himself to humanity. Love as
defined in a previous chapter is the giving of oneself for the benefit of another. God gave Himself for our
benefit. He came down from Heaven, was born as a man, and submitted unto us. Jesus had all the power of
the universe. He could have made Himself a vast empire, inquired immense wealth, overthrew every
government, and forced all humankind into slavery. He could have indulged in every pleasure known to
man. Instead, He lived as a poor man without a place to lay His head. He never acted selfishly or sought
His own gain. He gave to those who asked. He healed people of their illnesses and used His power for
good. He expended Himself for our benefit, even unto death.
God gave Himself in love to humanity. By doing this, He placed His life in our hands. When arrested by
the temple guards, Jesus did not flee or fight them. His disciple Peter withdrew His sword ready to fight for
power and rule. He thought Jesus would overthrow the Roman government and become King. However,
this is the way of sin. Jesus did not want to take anyone by force. He wanted to give in love. Jesus told
Peter, Put your sword back into its place; for all those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword. Or
do you think that I cannot appeal to My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve
legions of angels? 25 Jesus could have stopped the crowd instantly. He did not need any weapons. He even
inquired about the weapons they carried. He said, Have you come out with swords and clubs to arrest Me
as you would against a robber? Every day I used to sit in the temple teaching and you did not seize Me. 26
Jesus had done nothing to incite fear that they should carry weapons. He had always acted in love. He even
went with the soldiers willingly allowing himself to be arrested.
Jesus stood before the temple court as they convicted Him of blasphemy. He did not deny their accusations.
Neither did He defend Himself. They were judging Him because of their disbelief. Jesus knew who He
was. He knew they would not believe in Him despite His love for them. At any moment, He could have
judged them for their sin. He could have instantly turn the tables and had them stand before Gods high
court, but He did not. He gave Himself freely as an act of love. He placed His life into their hands.
Jesus was taken before the Roman government to be crucified. The Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, didnt
want any part of this power struggle. He feared losing his own position of power. As governor, if he could
not maintain control over the people placed under him, then he could be stripped of command and possibly
face the loss of his life. At the same time, he did not want the blood of an innocent man on his conscience.
He made several attempts to find a way out of the situation. First, he sent them to the province of a different
governor, Herod, who returned Jesus to Pilate. Then Pilate questioned Jesus in order to find guilt, but Jesus

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


did not admit any guilt. Instead He said, My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this
world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My
kingdom is not of this realm. 27
The kingdom of Jesus is not like any kingdom on earth. Earthly kingdoms are taken by force. Humanity
gains power through force and other evil tactics. Our kingdoms have been established by war where the
servants fight and the Kings benefit. The kingdom of Christ, however, comes in the way of love. Jesus, the
Lord, willingly gave Himself. The servants of Jesus did not suffer war and conflict for Jesus. Instead, Jesus
gave Himself in love for their benefit, not His own.
Pilate could find no guilt with Jesus, but could not convince the religious leaders to change their mind. He
even offered to trade the life of Jesus for the death of vile murderer, but they still sought the death of Jesus
setting the murder free. Hoping to satisfy their thirst for blood, Pilate ordered the torture of Jesus. This,
however, was not enough. They still wanted Jesus crucified. So, Pilate again questioned Jesus. This time
Jesus remained silent. In response, Pilate said, You do not speak to me? Do You not know that I have
authority to release You, and I have authority to crucify You? Jesus replied, You would have no authority
over Me, unless it had been given you from above. 28 Jesus made it clear that Pilate had no more authority
than what was allowed. Jesus, with all the authority of Heaven and earth, could have turned the situation
against Pilate. Jesus could have called down legions of angels to His aid. Instead, Jesus gave His life freely.
He submitted in love.
Jesus gave Himself in love, and humanity killed Him. He laid His life into our hands, and we took that life.
While Jesus hung on the cross, the religious leaders called out to Him, Save Yourself, and come down
from the cross! 29 They also said, He saved others; let Him save Himself if this is the Christ of God, His
Chosen One. 30 They did not believe Him. In fact, no one came to His aid. Even His disciples fled in
confusion. His closest friend Peter denied Jesus three times during his trial. No one came to his defense. All
of humanity was infected with sin that prevented us from being able to defend true love. We did not know
God. We needed to be saved from our own sins. God did not need to be saved. He needed no defense. He
was true. His accusers were false. And yet, Jesus died because of our sin.
On the cross, he bore the burden of sin. He was a perfect being who had come down from Heaven. He was
birthed from everlasting. His life was eternal. And yet, we extinguished this life. We did not want to follow
Jesus. We did not want to worship God. We wanted to do things our way. Because of this, we sought to
strip God of His power. He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the
punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.
Moments before His death, Jesus said, It is finished. 31 He had given His life unto death for the sins of
humanity. On the cross, He suffered the iniquity of all His people.
In the beginning and throughout our lives, we have sinned against God who is an eternal being. Justice
demands an eye for an eye. Because of our sin, we incurred an eternal debt. We deserve an eternal
punishment. However, Jesus came with eternal life. He gave His life in exchange for ours. His eternal life
is enough pay our eternal debt. Christ made the ultimate sacrifice. Jesus died so that we may live.
When Jesus died, His life had been given. His eternal life balanced our eternal debt. Because of this, death
could not hold Jesus. Death and Hell had no power over the Son of Man. As a result, Jesus was raised from
the dead and given a new life three days later. He was resurrected a new glorious being.
The empty tomb of Jesus was discovered three days later by several of His disciples. An angel had
appeared before Mary, and told her that Jesus had been raised. They left to share the good news with other
disciples proclaiming Jesus had been raised. One named Thomas found this news difficult to believe.
Thomas said he would not believe it until he had placed his finger through the hole in Jesus hands and
side. When Jesus met with His disciples eight days later, He said to Thomas, Reach here with your finger,
and see My hands; and reach here your hand and put it into My side; and do not be unbelieving, but
believing." Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God! 32 Upon the resurrection of Jesus,
the once dead man had come back to life and established His authority as God. In all of human history, who

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


has ever died and raised Himself from the dead? When Thomas had witnessed this in truth, He not only
cried out My Lord, but also My God. In that moment, Jesus had truly become the God of Thomas.
After His resurrection, Jesus went to many of His disciples to explain the scriptures and all that had
happened. On the night of His death, they had scattered, like sheep without a shepherd, lost and confused.
However, as He opened their eyes they began to understand the purpose for this great event. By the death
and resurrection of Jesus, humankind had hope of redemption.
Through the cross and resurrection, Jesus made an offering in love. He said, Come and follow me. He
asked, Believe in me. Since that day, Jesus has been offering His abundant life in exchange for our sinful
life. This offer is available to anyone who will believe in Him. To trade our life with Jesus, we must be
willing to let Him work in His way. We must let Him be our God. If we should choose to call upon Jesus
for salvation, He can trade His life for ours. If we are willing to give up all our sins and place them into the
hands of Jesus, He can take them to the cross. When Jesus carries our sins onto the cross, they die with
Him. Through this sacrifice, we are set free from the slavery of sin.
Because of sin, humanity became slaves to the Moral Law of God. Inwardly, we obey the law because of
the consequences it brings. We obey for the benefit of obedience, and for fear of punishment. We are
good in behavior, not because we are good inwardly, but because we driven by rewards and
punishment. Inwardly, however, our nature is sinful and our desire is rebellious. As such, we are slaves
motivated by the consequences of our actions.
However, the Moral Law of God only has authority over people while they live. For example, marriage
states, until death do we part. When a man dies, his wife is free to remarry without committing adultery.
Therefore, anyone who dies has been released from the Law. While alive, Jesus was under the Law. He had
fulfilled the Law, even unto death. However, by dying, He had been set free from the law. Likewise, when
we trade places with Jesus and die on the cross, we also die to the authority of the Law. We are no longer
judged by the law or enslaved by the Law. We are no longer under the power of the Law. Instead, we give
ourselves to Jesus and are taken under His power. He becomes our master.
The greatest challenge to accepting Jesus is allowing Him to take control of every area of our life and
become our Lord. Jesus said, If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his
cross daily and follow Me. On the cross, Jesus denied Himself and gave His life. Jesus is asking the same
of us. If we would give our life to Jesus, then He could rule over us. However, from the beginning we have
struggled with this. In the Garden of Eden, we rebelled against God. We did not want God to control us.
We wanted to be like God, to have control over ourselves. We did not want to bow down and worship. We
wanted to independent. This same rebelliousness afflicts us today. We want to be in control of our lives.
The moral Law affords us this control. When we obey the moral Law, or any Law, we have obeyed by our
own power and control. We did not submit unto God himself. Rather, we obeyed the Law by our own
doing. In this, we take pride in our good deeds. We gloat, Look what I did. Look how good I am. We
seek the glory of others by flaunting our good deeds. If we give away money, we want other people to
know. We desire exultation and bask in glory. We have been built up by the honor of our actions. We have
achieved success by the works of our own hands, and have earned the wealth and power we deserve. The
man who builds a mighty kingdom and gains victory through force says, I have earned this. Look at the
kingdom I have built. He takes pride in His work.
God seeks to destroy such pride. This is the anti-thesis of love. God has never stood over anyone and said,
Look how great I am! Instead, He is humble. Jesus came to earth in humility taking on the form of a
servant. He never proclaimed, I am God! You must bow before me or suffer! He used parables and spoke
indirectly. He always asked people to come through invitation. Even when He spoke of judgment, He did
not threaten anyone with condemnation. He said plainly that He did not come to condemn anyone. He
merely warned of judgment, like a loving friend who warns of the dangers of alcohol.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Jesus offered by invitation. He said, If anyone wishes to come after Me This applies to anyone,
including you. Do you want Jesus to be your master and Lord? Do you want Him to take control of your
life? Do you want Him to help you and heal you? This is what Jesus is asking. God wants to be your God.
If the answer is yes, then we must take up our cross as Jesus did. We must be willing to lay our life down
into the hands of God. We must be willing to give up everything, including our sins. We must ask Jesus to
cleanse our hearts so that we might be transformed. Once we give ourselves to Christ, He can raise us to
new life just as He was raised.
Jesus said no one could enter the Kingdom of God unless he or she is born again. When Adam and Eve
sinned in the garden, they were transformed by sin. They have become an entirely different being than what
God had intended. This curse has branched down through every descendant. The disease of sin plagues us.
We find within ourselves the desire to sin. When sin reigns inside of us, we enjoy sin. We naturally do
things displeasing to God, seeking to please ourselves. We have become slaves. Everyone has his or her
own addiction toward sin. For some this addiction is murder. For others it is cheating and lying. For others
it is drugs and alcohol. For others it is sex and pornography. For others it is gambling and thrills. For others
it is selfishness. And yet for others it is simple self-destruction and self-deprecation. In addition to this
comes the difficulty with morality and law. We struggle to be good people while laws restrain us. We
fight for our honor as our enemies accuse us. This is our condition and our illness. This will not go away
until we have been renewed. We need to be born again.
When our lives are traded with Jesus, we share in His death and resurrection. Our spirit dies on the cross
just as Jesus died on the cross. Our spirit is raised, just as Jesus was raised. Through this, we are
transformed and given a new life. This is true baptism where a person experiences an actual rebirth in the
spirit. Through this conversion we are given new desires. Before, we struggled with God. We did not want
to love God or serve Him. The thought seems absurd when we think of it: Who would ever commit
themselves to voluntary slavery? After Jesus transforms us we love God. As a new creation, we cannot
imagine not loving Jesus. Our inward desire becomes the desire for God as we become united as one with
When our spirit is born again, we experience a metamorphosis. Our life is marked by change. We leave
behind our old ways, and take on a new life. This happens, not because we are trying to earn anything by
our own effort, but because our person has truly changed. We are not the same person anymore. Our nature
is different. Our behavior is different. We are filled with the love of God. We come to know joy, peace, and
perfection on a spiritual level. We exist in flesh and even struggle with flesh, but inwardly we have found
peace. The creature has finally served its purpose by loving the creator.
Jesus came to save what was lost. He came to save His people from their sins. When we have truly given
ourselves to Jesus, He removes our sins. He will set us free from the bondage of slavery and adopt us into
His family. He will love us and care for us. He will provide for all our needs. He will bless us with peace
and joy. He will interact with us on a spiritual level. We will know Him, and He will know us. We will
have an established relationship with God built upon love. This is the power of Jesus Christ, who died on
the cross and was raised three days later. He came to restore the lost love of humanity for God.
After Jesus revealed everything that happened to His disciples, He breathed His Holy Spirit into them. By
this, they have communion with God. It is through this Holy Spirit that any of us may connect with God.
This is the Spirit of Jesus that enters into us so that the prophecy is completely fulfilled: Emmanuel, God
with us. When the Spirit of Jesus unites as one with our spirit, then we have been transformed and this is
the guarantee of Gods promise. We know God loves us and God is with us through the indwelling of His
Holy Spirit. Once we receive this Spirit, we are like a branch connected to the true vine that supplies
everything we need to produce fruit. Only by this connection, can we begin to perform deeds pleasing to
After finishing His work on earth, Jesus ascended into Heaven. His disciples watched as Jesus floated into
the clouds. He went to prepare a place in Heaven for all who would hear and believe.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Before leaving, He assigned them a great commission to continue His work on earth. This is the final mark
of love by God in Christ. Not only did Jesus come to save us, He also shared this work with us. The very
nature of love is to give so that a union may be formed. When we give ourselves to someone, we do so that
we might be united with them and share ourselves. God shares Himself with humanity to such a degree that
we are privileged to share in His work. Through His disciples in every generation, He spreads His message
of love. Even today, Jesus continues to work in this way. When a person is saved and transformed, they are
called to witness. By this, they are asked to share with others the work Jesus has done in their life. As
disciples of Christ, they have been commanded to love one another, and love their enemies.
Christians are called to complete surrender so that Christ may love the world through them. By God
working through them, He may work across the whole earth bringing salvation to all people. Jesus will use
anyone who is willing to deny him or herself, and sacrifice his or her life for Gods purpose. For anyone on
the outside, such a statement seems outlandish and frightening. However, there is no greater joy for a
creature than to fulfill the purpose for which it was created. Humanity was created to love. When Jesus
controls us, we are able to love others with the love of God. Through this working, we are blessed beyond
all measure. We are filled with a peace and joy that will overcome any sorrow and suffering. We have been
made with one with God, and know what it means to be whole.
Through Jesus Christ, anyone may be saved. Jesus has overcome sin and death, and is offering Himself to
anyone who will believe in Him. He is not merely a man who lived years ago. He is not a fanciful story.
Jesus Christ is alive! He sits in Heaven with complete authority. He has the power and the desire to give us
new life. However, He will not help anyone unless that person is willing. The choice is ours. We come
through the invitation made possible by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Will you accept this
offer? Will you come? Will you call out to Jesus Christ in prayer, and ask Him to save you? Are willing to
come under His authority, and make Him your Lord and God?

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


If Jesus Christ, the man born of a virgin who died on a cross and was raised three days later, is indeed the
one and true God; then people in our day and age would be experiencing life altering transformations as
preached in the gospel by His people. If Jesus Christ lives, then His people living today would be saved
from their sins as promised by the very meaning of His name. Of all the evidence ever presented, there is
no greater evidence of God than the salvation of His people from their sin. If God is true, then we should
see people being saved. The lives of those saved by Christ should be marked by His work. We should see
the presence of God in their lives. We should see the God of love working in and through His people.
People all over the world are being transformed by Jesus Christ. A great example is seen in the country of
China where Christ is raising a great crowd of people to new life. In a land where Christians are often
arrested and persecuted, millions of people are giving their lives to Jesus Christ. Only the power of God
could cause people in a country whose government observes atheism to willingly risk their lives for Jesus.
And this is only one country. There are many testimonies of people in countries all over the world of
people who seek to give up everything and are even willing to die for Jesus. These are Gods people. They
do not wish to murder or seek power over anyone. They do not resist or fight when abused or enslaved.
They give in love just as Jesus loved. This is the mark of a true Christian: someone who gives his or her life
unto Christ just as Jesus gave His life unto us. These testify to Jesus Christ in word and deed.
As a servant of Christ, I also wish to testify. Jesus has given me new life. Once lost, confused, and empty, I
have since been made a new creation. I wish to tell you how Jesus changed my being and made me entirely
new. Please listen, as I share with you my story in love. This is the evidence of Jesus in my life. He truly is
a savior, my personal savior.
When I was born, I had no knowledge of God, religion, or much of anything. At age three, my mother who
had been actively seeking the truth was introduced to some of the Jehovahs Witnesses. She was drawn by
their teachings and began to meet with them regularly. As time passed, we become vigorously involved in
their religion, and both my parents made a decision to be baptized. At the time, I was too young for baptism
as they discouraged anyone in their youth from making what they deemed was a commitment of utmost
importance. Once a person has devoted their life to the God of Jehovah, they must obey Him. Even so, I
was raised believing in the God of Jehovah, praying to him every night.
This religion, like many others, is based upon the works of a person. They believe heaven is reserved for a
small elect, and everyone else works diligently to earn a place on the new earth that will be made a
paradise after working with God for 1000 years. The religion is inclusive meaning that only baptized
Jehovahs Witnesses who have lived a good life will live in this new world. All other religions are false.
They seem to especially focus on Christianity, specifically attacking holidays, the cross, and the deity of
Christ. As such, I was raised believing that Churches were houses of the Devil, and I grew fearful of
entering them. During those years as Witnesses, we developed a false sense of peace simply because we
were continually occupied with the religion and enjoyed the social atmosphere. Everyone worked hard at
being good, especially toward the growth of the congregation. We worked together, played together, and
had little time for anything outside the inclusive circle. Our peace, however, only lasted so long as
friendships soured and relationships fell apart. In my mid-teens, my mother was disfellowshipped from the
congregation having been judged by the elders for allegations she denied. My father was also kicked out for
fellowshipping with excommunicated members. As such, my family left the religion and sort of became
We started celebrating holidays again around my 18th birthday. I can remember celebrating Christmas for
the first time that year and thinking, whats the big deal? Holidays seemed like a big buzz for nothing. I
felt more pressured and stressed out from the occasion than joyful.
During those years, my family was facing many struggles. All five children became involved in unhealthy
activities. I began exploring with drugs and alcohol. Skipping school was a regular activity, though I was
never caught. Our whole family became terribly depressed and angry. We were not joyful. In utter despair,
I had decided suicide was the only way out. Life was miserable, and I did not want to live. So, I downed 4

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


bottles of heavy medication and went driving off into the countryside. After feeling like the world had
stopped probably from the heavy anti-anxiety pills, I thought of my family crying over my dead body.
How could I do this to them? I felt it was too late. I cried to God and asked Him to spare me. This He did,
but I still did not know Him in truth. Instead, I learned to live with my misery and take control of my life. If
I had to live, I thought, then I might as well make the best of it.
A year later, I would seek change in my life. The life I had known was filled with irresponsibility and fine
art. I had devoted most of my life to art having started classes at age five. Art was my escape from the
weight of the world bearing down on me. In this world of creativity, I was free to express myself and
connect with the world on my terms. The demons inside me could escape and provide temporary relief.
This pursuit, however, never satisfied me. I dreamed of stability and security. Architecture seemed
promising. So, at the age of 21, I left my hometown for the University of Cincinnati in hope of a better life.
During the next 4 years, my life was filled with immense chaos. Every year was a new adventure with
many twists and turns. People would come and go. I learned how to fend for myself in a harsh world where
the dark side of people surfaced in friends and strangers alike. I suffered many trials in an endless quest to
find myself in the world. During this time, I had created my own version of God. I believed in the God of
Jehovah, but his portrait had been recreated by my own choosing. God was created in my image and life
was devoted to my personal pursuit of happiness. In this quest to find myself, I searched for answers
inwardly and expressed them outwardly in the form of art. Though I never knew it, I was really looking for
meaning in my life.
Those years were also marked by apparent sin. Outwardly, most anyone would have said I was a good
person. I had stayed away from most criminal offenses. I did not hurt anyone unless they hurt me. Who
cares what anyone else does, so long as no one bothers me. At least, that was my mentality. The sins that
marked my life were not things I had recognized at that time as being wrong. I had indulged in alcohol,
pornography, profanity, blasphemy, fornication, and smoking. These sins do not directly affect any one
individual, so my mentality was that they were not wrong. What does it bother anyone if I go around
cussing? If two consensual adults agree to sexual relations, then what is the harm? For the most part, I was
a good person or so I had thought. At least, I prayed every night and asked forgiveness for the things God
seemed to disagree with. And of course, my imaginary God forgave me.
Earlier, when I had moved to Cincinnati, my father remarried. His new wife was an active Christian. At the
time, my two youngest siblings were a mess. They were skipping school, active in drugs and theft, and
many other negative things for twelve year olds. As such, my father brought them to live in Dayton, Ohio
where my stepmother offered a more structured and rigorous life. Both enforced strict rules and she
demanded they attend Church for a time. This proved beneficial as my younger brother would come to
know Jesus who changed His life completely around. He gave up drugs, alcohol, and theft. His grades went
from low to high. His whole life changed, and our family was extremely proud of him. We said, Way to
go! You are actually making something of yourself. Little did we realize that God was at work in his life.
Those changes were made by Jesus. My brother knew this. He began praying for everyone in our family,
especially me. After experiencing such a wonderful and joyous thing as meeting the creator of the universe,
my brother desired that I should be saved as well. A few years later, my family in Dayton moved to a small
town in Georgia. There my brother continued to pray asking God to bring me to Georgia so that I might be
After I graduated from the University of Cincinnati, I had difficulty finding a job. My worst fear at the time
was being forced to move in with my parents. At the age of 26, this would mean my entire pursuit for a
new life had failed. That summer I struggle with little money or food just to survive on my own. I was
eating one meal a day while working two part-time jobs. I could not make ends meet. Finally, I called my
father asking to move. He gladly accepted and offered me a room. I packed whatever I could in my little
Geo Metro and headed to Georgia on three cylinders feeling like the biggest failure on earth.
From the time I arrived, my brother began speaking to me about Jesus. Our main disagreement came in His
deity. I held that Jesus was the Son of God, but was nothing more. He had come to serve a purpose, but
there was another God who we worshipped. My brother argued continually with me stating that Jesus was

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


God. For six months, we argued nearly every night leaving my brother in utter frustration. I didnt really
want to argue, and didnt care feeling the discussion was pointless. Even still, my brother continued to pray.
At the same time, I started attending Church out of respect for my stepmother. She insisted that I did not
have to go, but the whole family went so I felt that I should go. After all, the atmosphere at Church was
positive. They stressed morality and promoted love, even if they didnt live it. Attending Church was still
difficult for me. I still felt like the Devil was there. I was constantly on my guard and didnt let anyone too
Inwardly, I felt miserable. I tried my best to work life for my benefit. At age 26, I felt as though I should
have a stable job with an apartment somewhere, possibly even a wife and children. Instead, I was stuck in a
small town with hardly any possessions and no friends. I had nothing. Drinking and smoking was my best
escape, though these didnt satisfy me.
After some time, I found a job as a Marketing Director for a small to medium size company. I also began
actively pursuing women. I wanted to be a good person and so I made the effort to avoid fornication so as
to please God. Through the Internet, I met a woman who caught my attention and we met. I told her from
nearly the first letter that I wanted to wait until marriage before we became intimate. After our first meeting
however, I could not resist the temptation. After having failed, I also lost her respect. Once again, so it
seemed, I needed to beg God for forgiveness and start all over.
This time, however, I didnt ask for forgiveness. Instead I became angry with God. I yelled, I cant do this
anymore. I cant live up to your stupid laws. I like sinning and I want to sin. You are so powerful, if you
dont want me to do these things then you are going to have come down and stop me. I was so frustrated
and confused, the prayer continued. I had even called to Jesus asking Him to take my prayers to God. At
this point, I was finished with obedience to God. I was going to live my life how I wanted.
In addition, thoughts of my brother had stirred within me. How was he able to turn his life around so
easily, and yet I could not? What struck me most were his answered prayers. Why was God answering his
prayers, but seemed to avoid me? My brother had been blessed and yet, I seemed to struggle. Something
was obviously wrong on my end. If there were indeed a God, something wasnt right with me. I couldnt
answer these questions, so I just let it go. What could I do? I certainly couldnt force God to do anything.
So, I gave up trying.
A few weeks later, the youth pastor from my parents Church came to help us with some yard work. After
telling him my difficulty with adapting to a small town, he invited me to a youth gathering. This seemed
like an opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. This group met every Friday night for some
casual fun. So I agreed to come with him the following Friday, and didnt think anything more of it until he
called me that Friday night.
When Friday came I had forgotten about his invitation, so his call came as a surprise. I had planned on
watching some movies and drinking a six-pack of beer. I really didnt want to go and nearly declined
except that I value my word. If I say I am going to do something, I do it. This nagged at the back of my
mind, so I agreed and he gave me directions to a local Church. The week before, He said nothing about a
Church and when I arrived, I also discovered this was more like a bible study than a youth gathering. They
wanted to talk about God, not have fun. From the start, I was a little upset feeling as though I had been
deceived. So, I sat there on the defensive ready for the worst.
The group had fallen into silence. On that night, no one had anything to talk about. I quickly become bored
and wanted to leave. I had decided to stir things up and ask a question. My brother had spoke about
something that puzzled me, and so I asked, What does it mean to be saved? Instantly, everyone lit up like
light bulbs and everyone had an answer. I listened intently as they talked about Jesus, Heaven, Hell, Sin,
Forgiveness, and the Cross. The main thing that was stressed was the topic of Hell and how being saved
meant that we were saved from Hell. I was not afraid of Hell, especially since I didnt believe it existed at
the time, so this didnt help me. However, they persistently kept asking me, Do you want to go to Hell?
Instead, in the frustration of all this, I said, I am not afraid of Hell. I know I am going to Hell. What I cant

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


figure out is why all you people think your going to Heaven! Immediately, someone said, No, no, you
have it all wrong. This led the conversation in other directions.
As I listened, a strange power came over me. I started sweating and shaking like never before in my life.
Inside, it felt like a great war was waging. I remember sitting there thinking, What is the matter with me?
Why do I feel like this? I really began to think about what was wrong in my relationship with God. They
told me about how Jesus died on the cross for our sins. I knew this. The Jehovahs Witnesses believed this.
I knew Jesus had died to bring forgiveness, but I didnt feel forgiven. Why not? The only conclusion I
could draw at the time was that God had forgiven me, but I hadnt forgiven myself. Even this, however,
didnt seem entirely correct. How could I forgive myself? I knew something wasnt right, but we were not
making any progress. Nothing they said made any sense and my heart felt as though it would blow through
my chest.
Finally, the pastor asked me, Do you want to be saved? I thought, Sure why not, it seems like a good
thing. So I said, Yes, what do I have to do? They again started talking about Jesus and how I needed to
accept Him as Lord and Savior. They said I needed to believe in Jesus. This all seemed so foreign and
abstract to me. I could not understand anything they were saying, so I asked again, No, what do I have to
do? Do I have to stand up, sit down, what? So, the pastor looked at me and asked, Would you like to
come pray at the altar? This was a start, so I agreed.
I bowed down at the altar while the forty or so other young people all bowed down around me. Everyone
started praying and you could hear the many voices jumbled in the crowd. I began pouring my heart out to
God. I said, God, I dont know what I am doing here. This all seems crazy. These people are crazy. I feel
like I am on some television show. Please get me out of here. I dont want to be here. This conversation
continued until finally I broke down and cried out to Jesus for help. I asked Jesus to save me.
In that moment, something changed. I was apologizing profusely for everything I had done. I kept saying
over and over, I am sorry. Jesus had heard my prayer and answered. I can remember seeing a vision of
Him towering over me. I was lying at His feet as tears rolled down into my hands. His presence was
comforting and gentle. He accepted my cries in mercy. My fists that were clenched tightly opened flat, and
an overwhelming peace came over me.
As I cried, the pastor sensed something. In what seemed perfect timing, we stood up. Through all the tears,
I could barely see the crowd of people around me. He asked me, Do you have something to say? This
confounded me. What could I say? Suddenly, it came to me. I have been saved. Immediately, person
after person came to give me a hug. Everyone had tear-stained faces. In my entire life, I had never felt so
much love and it had come through 40 strangers whom I had never met before. This was truly the greatest
moment of my life.
Afterward, everyone started singing praises to God with unfamiliar songs. Being I have a small bladder, I
receded to the bathroom. As I walked to the back of the Church, it felt as though someone was following
me. I looked around and saw no one. This feeling persisted even in the bathroom. I called out, Is anyone in
here? and no one answered. Even while walking back to the group, it felt like someone was following me
and I couldnt shake the feeling. Finally, it occurred to me what that was. God was with me and I could feel
His presence. Though I do not notice it as strongly, this feeling has never left me. I know and feel the
presence of Jesus. God is with me.
On that night, my life had changed. The once emptiness I felt was filled and satisfied. I now had a new
sense of peace and joy. Before that night, I felt so utterly depressed that I wanted to die. Now, I felt so
happy that I wanted to live. Once I lived for rewards, benefits, and gain. Now, I lived for love. I felt loved
and wanted to give. After that night, I went around telling everyone what happened. I wanted to share my
joy with everyone and let him or her know that there is a true God who loves us. Jesus Christ had saved me.
He is awesome!
Afterwards, many things in my life changed due to the change inside me. My language changed. Not only
did I stop using profanity, but also hearing it began to bother me. I had no desire to drink alcohol anymore.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Before, I drank to escape life. Now, I enjoyed life. Alcohol would only ruin my newfound joy. Lusting after
things had ceased. My only desire became Jesus Himself. He was my joy. All I wanted was to be with Him,
and I was happy to do anything He asked.
This became evident in my cigarette smoking. After being saved, my brother told me I would have to quit.
This puzzled me. I had asked Jesus for help because I could not do it myself. Why would I be so foolish to
try and stop sinning on my own? So, I prayed and said, Lord, I really like smoking. I have tried many
times to quit and I couldnt. I am not going to try now. If you want me to stop smoking, you know I love
you and I will. But you will have to do it for me. After this prayer, I left it with God and didnt think about
it anymore. About two weeks later, I was standing on my front porch when I felt the Spirit inside of me
telling me to quit smoking. It was an inner voice that I could not deny. Okay, I said, give me until
midnight and I will stop. At midnight that night, I smoked my last cigarette. The next week or so, I
suffered through withdraw, but it wasnt unmanageable like so many times before. God really helped me.
Jesus delivered me from sin, and I have no desire to smoke.
After my salvation, I also started reading the bible. So many times in the past, I had tried to read the bible
without success. I would read a few pages and put it down in confusion. The book seemed like scrambled
code, a poem without a purpose. This too had changed. Reading the bible had become simple and plain. I
read through the book of job first just as if I were reading a newspaper. After finding such great ease
understanding the message, I started reading the bible constantly and went through the whole thing in about
three months. I have since learned that the truth in the bible is only revealed by God. No one can
understand the truth in the bible unless God gives him or her the ability to understand. No amount of
intelligence or knowledge can aid in this, only Jesus.
What I have shared with you is only the beginning of my walk with Jesus. He has been active in my life as
my personal Lord since that day, and I could write a book on all that He has done in me, through me, and
for me. My life is marked with His work. This book too is a testimony to the work of Jesus Christ. He has
given me every part of this book to share with you. I could not have imagined all this book contains. I have
no experience in science or religion. I know not philosophy or theology. I am not well educated on these
matters. Rather, all I know is Jesus Christ and what He has told me through His Spirit.
This is the work of Jesus. He chooses to work in and through humanity to share Himself in love. The
evidence of His work is seeing peoples lives changed for the better. He is a good and Holy God, who loves
everyone, and wants to see everyone saved. He does not want to force anyone, but desires willing
worshippers. If you are willing to let Jesus take control, He can give you an abundant life filled with love.
All you have to do is ask.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


In the book thus far, evidence for existence and belief in God has been provided. However, if you have
chosen to read this book you are seeking proof, something far more substantial than this books
presentation. Proof is not established by symbols that represent reality; rather, proof is established by
reproducible results. Anything proven is done so on the basis of experimentation. We cannot test something
simply by writing about it. In addition, undeniable proof comes by personal experience because it doesnt
rely on any other source than reality itself. I could write a book on the life of my mother, but the only way
to really prove she exists is for you to meet her in person. Likewise, though I have presented evidence for
the existence and belief in God, the only way for anyone to really have proof is by meeting God Himself.
God must be revealed to us in truth by the one brought forth from eternity. There is no other way to the
Father except through His Son. The fullness of God dwells in Him. He is the exact representation of God.
The only reliable proof of God is a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. If you want proof of God, then
seek out the Son of God who lives in Heaven at the right hand of His Father.
Many will point out, however, that Jesus ascended to Heaven. All we have is a few historical documents
left by a group of haphazard historians. In their day, these writers held no creditability as historians, and in
our day they have only gained creditability by faith. We only have copies of the original documents, and
currently have no other source to authenticate their replication. As such, the bible does not prove Jesus is
the one and true God governing all creation. Proof demands something tested and real. A book
documenting history, no matter how accurate, is not sufficient evidence to stand as proof. We cannot test
the bibles claims without having a time machine. We cannot experience God in truth by reading letters on
a page.
If you truly want to know God, then He asks for one thing: believe in Jesus Christ. We must have faith in
Him. God is not going to reveal Himself to anyone who asks. This simply will not happen. God desires
love, and with love comes trust. If God is going to reveal Himself to anyone, they must first take a step of
faith. Once we have given ourselves to Jesus and taken a chance to place our trust in Him, then He will
reveal Himself. However, if a person is not willing, then God will remain absent. He will not force Himself
on anyone. He desires our love and will not settle for anything less. We must first have faith, and then God
will answer. Once God answers, then we will have proof. Our faith in God will be proven true, and faith
will be our proof.
You might wonder how faith can prove anything. In our modern era, faith is often something of our own
invention. For many, faith in God is a placebo where God is an imaginary friend who offers support in our
time of need. A false God affords an illusionary hope in a harsh world so people may have reason to
persist. Their faith offers a false sense of security while internally these people struggle with peace. Faith,
however, may be true or false. When a woman buys a lottery ticket believing that her God will bless her
with winnings, and she loses, her faith is proven false. Her God either does not exist or does not want her to
win. When a man believes that his God will save him from drugs and he has victory over his addiction,
then his faith is proven true. His God was faithful. When a person prays and God does not answer, his or
her faith is proven false; however, every time God does answer, his or her faith is proven true.
When our faith is proven, we are proven. When we give faith, we make an investment of ourselves in the
object of our faith. From the return on our investment, we become glorious or foolish. If our faith is true,
we are glorious. If our faith is false, we are foolish. For example, when we sit on a chair, we invest faith in
the chair. We believe the chair will hold our weight. Let us imagine for a moment that we are entering an
important meeting with five significant people all about the same weight. Everyone sits down successfully
except for the man at the head of the table whose chair breaks under his weight. The rest chuckle as they
watch him fall. The man had faith in the chair; however because the chair broke, he was made to look
foolish. Shortly after, three more chairs break and only you are left sitting. Because your faith was true, you
were made glorious. Later, everyone congratulates you on choosing the sturdy chair. Your investment
provided a worthy return.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Humanity relies heavily on faith for the substance of our being. We are not all powerful and all knowing.
We have to rely on things apart from ourselves to provide a basis for existence. We must have faith in
things or else our mental stability crumbles. In our daily lives, we live by faith. We believe that tomorrow
we will awake alive and breathing. We have faith that our house will not crumble over our head. We have
faith that our loved ones will not kill us in the night. We have faith that our boss will pay us for the work
we do. We invest ourselves continually into other things so that we may exist within reality. We live in
Faith is greatly demonstrated in children. They exist entirely dependent upon their parents for the source of
life. When children are loved, they are willing to believe whatever they are told without question. When
parents tell wild stories of tooth fairies coming in the night to trade teeth for cash, many children believe
and leave their fallen teeth under their pillow. Children do not question until their parents have broken their
love and trust. When they learn Santa Claus is not real, then why would tooth fairies be real, or Easter
bunnies, or God?
When people lose faith, they often withdraw inwardly. They trust only in themselves and empirical
evidence. When people lose faith in everything except themselves, they do not believe anything unless they
can sense it, measure it, and test it. While this may seem like a logical course, there is so much that exists
beyond our five senses. We cannot touch love or hope. When a person loses faith, they lose sight of these.
For instance, if I lost all faith in my wife, marriage would be immense struggle. How could I ever trust her?
She says that she loves me, but how do I know that she loves me? I may attempt to draw conclusions based
upon objective reasons. She tells me she loves me. She rises in the morning to make me breakfast. She
kisses me. She desires to be by my side. But how do I really know? I cannot see inside her heart. I must
have faith in her or else I would quickly become fearful and seek a divorce.
In my own history, my faith in different people has been proven false. As a child, I had a friend whom I
loved dearly. I had faith in him as a friend that he would honor me and care for me. One day while visiting,
soda spilled on my shirt. So, he let me borrow one of his. Later we went to the arcade. While there, people
kept following me around trying to kick me from behind. This seemed puzzling until someone told me
about the large letters that read Kick Me on my back. This was humorous for my friend, but I could no
longer trust him. From that day forward, I was on guard making sure I would not again be tricked.
During college, I had fallen in love with a young girl whom I later asked to marry me. We were madly in
love. I shared everything with her even the deepest part of my heart. We moved in together and meshed our
lives as one. We had begun planning our wedding and dreaming of our future. To my surprise, she came
home from visiting with a friend one day and gave me the engagement ring back. Why would she do this?
Didnt she love me? I believe that she loved me. However, she had fallen for another man and was
confused. I gave her time to consider her love for me, and instead I had caught her in various lies. I had
taken a step of faith investing myself in her only to have her stab me in the back. My faith was proven
false. I was crushed.
These same occurrences happen to people with false Gods. They invest their lives in a religion placing faith
in a false God, only to discover they are wretched and miserable. They pray, and their prayers are never
heard. Even still, they continue to have faith because they are not concerned about truth, only about
themselves. Their faith is theirs. It doesnt matter whether it is true or not. Their faith is based upon their
desire to have what they want.
However, true faith has a faithful response. If we place our faith in truth, it is answered with faithfulness.
This is how faith is proven. Marriage is an excellent example of this. When a man and woman unite in
marriage, they take a step of faith. They offer themselves to the other person and make willing commitment
of love in faith. As they remain faithful in the marriage, their faith is proven true. Throughout their
marriage, they will face many tests and trials. If they overcome these trials and remain committed, their
faith will grow and strengthen. After 50 years of a successful unity, their faith will proven by having
overcome various tests.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


Likewise, if we truly want proof of God, we must first place our faith in Him. We must be willing to take a
step of faith, and invest ourselves in Him. God desires our love. However, there are so many people who
seek to know God, not because they want to love Him, but simply because they want His wealth and
power. God is not the great vending machine; He is love. God will not answer to anyone whose motives are
impure. Our faith must be sincere. We must seek to give ourselves in love so that He might reign over us as
God. We must realize our need to repent of all the things we have done wrong and seek His help for
renewal. Before anyone can receive proof of God; they must be willing to submit themselves unto Gods
control so that He can shape their being to fit His desire.
Ask yourself: Why do you want proof of God? What are your motives?
If anyone is not sincere in his or her search, then God will not reveal Himself. There is no other proof apart
from faith in Jesus Christ. God has not allowed any empirical evidence of His existence that would force a
person to believe in Him apart from faith in His Son. God is seeking lovers, not machines. He is not going
to force anyone to believe in Him. We should not bother seeking evidence for God apart from love. Science
has no way of establishing the existence of God through objective empirical testing. Such tests are foolish.
If God is truly a God of love, we cannot expect God will give us such evidence. If God is love, then He will
only reveal Himself in love, through a persons willing choice. If we truly willing to accept God for who
He is, as embodied in Jesus Christ, then God will reveal Himself. Otherwise, we will be left alone.
When we place our faith in God, and God is faithful; then God is proven. When we call out and ask Jesus
to save us from our sins so that we may love God, and Jesus comes down and transforms us into a new
person who loves God; then God is proven. In the personal revelation of God, we are assured of His being.
It cannot come any other way. The real proof of God is faith in Jesus Christ.
Faith is the proof of God and prayer is the greatest measure of our faith. If our faith is true, then God will
answer our prayers. If our prayers are like letters blowing in the wind, this indicates a problem in our
relationship with God. Are we praying to the true God? Are we seeking God in love, or for a selfish end?
These two questions are significant. If we are praying to a false god, then our prayers will not be answered.
An imaginary god cannot answer our prayers. Unanswered prayers should prove instantly our god is false,
especially if it has occurred over a long period of time. Likewise, if our motives are wrong, why should
God answer? Are we seeking Gods will or our own? Do we want to give ourselves to God, or are we
trying to tell God what to do?
Our ultimate goal in prayer is to be united as one with God so that we ask what He desires. The purpose of
this is that we may love God and have faith in Him. Gods desire is perfect, good, holy, and loving. When
we ask what God desires, we are asking that love be fulfilled on a level beyond our comprehension. We can
only know what God desires through union with Him. If we are not united with God as one, our prayers
will not be answered. As such, unanswered prayers are the first indication of a sour relationship with God.
Something is wrong in us. Whenever this happens, we need Jesus to cleanse us. We need Him to rule over
us so that He may change us.
Therefore, if you truly want to love God but find you cannot, if you truly want proof of God because you
sincerely want to know God, and if you honestly are seeking the one and true God and are willing to accept
Him for who He is; this is what you must do: call out to Jesus Christ for help and make Him your Lord.
This means you surrender complete control to Jesus Christ, the man who died on the cross for your sins and
was raised three days later, so that He may transform you into a new creation and bring you into a new
relationship with Himself. Believe in Jesus. Offer yourself to Him.
If you do this and Jesus does not answer your prayer, do not be dismayed. There are several reasons why
Christ does not answer. Firstly, do not expect that you will feel the presence of God. For many, this feeling
comes softly and is unrecognized. Only be aware of the peace in your heart. If you have no peace, then
persist in prayer. Secondly, question your motives? Are you sincere? Are you seeking Jesus for proof, or
are you seeking Jesus for love? If you only want proof, then your prayer will not be answered. Your search
must be in love. Thirdly, if Jesus still does not answer, then you need the prayers of His people. Jesus has
chosen to work through His people. All work comes by and through His people. If Jesus does answer, ask

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth


anyone you believe to be a true follower of Jesus to pray for you. People need to pray for you and over you.
Your prayers will not be heard unless some intercedes on your behalf. Everyone who is saved has had at
least one person praying for him or her. Lastly, have you repented of your sins? Are you willing to give up
everything for Jesus? When you repent, you give up. You stop trying to control yourself. You let Jesus take
control of your life and make Him your Lord. Are you willing to do this? Are you willing to let go?
When Jesus comes down from Heaven and answers your plea, you will know. It may not happen like
lightning. You may still have doubts, but you will also have confidence. In addition, the longer you follow
Jesus, the better you will recognize Him. As you grow in your relationship with Christ, your faith will be
tested. Through these tests and trials God will be proven faithful and your faith will grow. It is only through
testing that Jesus will be proven in your life. If you suffer no tests, then your faith will be weak. If you truly
want proof of God, be prepared for hardship. Through hardship and suffering do we truly come to know
God in truth, for in these times, Jesus has the opportunity to love us most.
My prayer for you dear reader is that God may be proven in your life so that you may be blessed with His
glorious love. May you know Jesus in truth.

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth

1. Genesis 2:16-17
2. Genesis 3:5
3. Genesis 3:9
4. John 3:13
5. John 14:6
6. Matthew 28:18
7. John 6:38
8. Matthew 5:17
9. Mark 2:27-28
10. John 8:46
11. Luke 19:10
12. Matthew 15:18-19
13. John 8:23
14. Matthew 12:37
15. Luke 5:31-32
16. John 8:34-36
17. John 3:3
18. John 11:25
19. Matthew 19:21
20. John 15:5
21. John 13:13
22. Mark 14:61-64
23. Matthew 1:21
24. Luke 9:23
25. Matthew 26:52-53
26. Matthew 26:55
27. John 18:36
28. John 19:10-11
29. Mark 15:30
30. Luke 23:35
31. John 19:30
32. John 20:26-28

Proof of God: A Guide to the Truth

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